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October 26, 1938 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1938-10-26

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NBC Concerts
Resumed Here
BDr. Maddy
To the tune of a march written by
imself, Dr. Joseph E. Maddy, pro-
essor of radio music instruction,
pened the first of the weekly Music1
Makers programs of the fall seasonI
esterday over the Red Network of1
he National Broadcasting Company.
By means of an orchestra made up
f NYA students, Dr. Maddy gave in
novel way over the axr, instructions
n all musical instruments for or-
bestra and band as well as for piano,
he guitars, banjo, mandolin, ukelele
,nd accordian.
Students Vary In Age
In the outer studio of Morris Hall
rere students from five Ann Arbor
chools, ranging from eight to six-
een years old. These followed Dr.
/addy's instructions and enabled him
> tell if his lessons were getting over.
The idea of teaching music by air
ras conceived by Dr. Maddy in the
pring of 1931. After receiving permis-
on from Prof. Waldo M. Abbot,
irector of the University Broadcast-
ig Service, he began teaching band
istruments by means of voluntary
ands in the studio. This became so
opular that the NBC became inter-
sted and put it on a national hook-
p in 1936.
First Continual Program
This year, in permitting the pro-
ram to be given from Ann Arbor,
he NBC is allowing for the first
me in its history a continual pro-
ram to originate from a university.
hat these programs have received
ide acclaim is evidenced by the let-
ers of commendation received from
ngland, Scotland, Ireland, Egypt,
yria, South Africa and New Zealand.
Separate instruction books for each
istrument entitled "Fun in Music"
ave been written by Dr. Maddy to en-
ble the beginner to obtain maximum
enefit from the broadcasts and are
vailable at the Broadcasting Service
or a small sum.

Student Senate
SBy Ex-Director)

... __W ,._.. _ .... ..._.... ____w

PuL <ivation in the Bulletin s costructive notice to il members of th.
Waiversety. Copy received at the ome of the Assistant to the President
unti 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.


(Continued from Page 4)

(Continued fromF
third floor, Rackham

Page 4)- p.m. at the Michigan Union. The
B~~~n~~~'..~Fprincipal speaker will be Mr. Arthur
Building. All Stace, Editor of the Ann Arbor Daily
lly invited to News. His topic will be "Making the
Most of Michigan." All old and new
members are urged to attend. Please

meet at 4:15 p.m. Thursday after-*
noon, Oct. 27, in the Observatory
lecture room. Mr. Herbert R. J.
Grosch will speak on "Recent The-
ories of the Constitution of Eclips-
ing Binaries." Tea will be served
at 4 p.m.
Foreign News Forum: The Univer-
sity public is invited to attend a for-
um discussion of the handling of
European news by radio and press
associations. The speakers will be
the executive directors of the Na-
tional and the Columbia Broadcast-
ing Company, New York City, and
the directors of the Associated and
the United Press Association, New
York. Union Ballroom, at 2 p.m.,
Friday, Oct. 2F;.

still in the race had achieved the interested are cordia
quota of 130, they would become attend.
Student Senators as being the only
ones left. Events T
The forty-first count brought the La Sociedad Hispani
elimination of Robert Kahn, and be a meeting at the
most of his 69 ballots went to other evening at 7:30 P
candidates of the Liberal Coalition Chalmers Herman, of
of which he was a member, Harry ment of Romance La
Stutz gaining 19, Clay Brockman six, present an illustrated
Jeffreys nine, and Perlman seven, trip through Costa Rica
enough to' give him the quota of 130 Music, poems and gam
and make him at 3:23 Saturday included in the progra
morning, the first officially elected are urged to be prese
member of the Student Senate. In interested are invited.
addition to the Liberal Coalition can-____
didates, Kramer gained nineCballots heitrv Colloaiu

a regular meeting at 7:15 in the
League for all regular members.
All Ann Arbor Yntiependent Women
living in private homes should come
to the rehearsal and short social
meeting Thursday, Oct. 27 in the
Michigan League. If you expect to
come to the tea, it is especially im-
portant that you attend this meeting.
Omega Upsilon: There will be an
important meeting Thursday eve-
ning at 7:15 at the League. All mem-
bers must be present.
The Graduate Outing Club will
have a Hallowe'en party at 8:30 p.m.
Saturday, Oct. 29, in the Graduate
Outing Club Room in the Rackham
Building. There will be games and
refreshments. The girls will wear
sweaters and skirts.

oday I
ca: There will
League this
p.m. Mr. J.
the Depart-
anguages, will
talk on his
a and Panama.
es will also be
am. Members
nt; all others

Desk in person or by telephone be-
fore noon on Thursday.
The weekly Hillel Tea will be held
at the Foundation on Thursday at
3:30 p.m. All are welcome.


bring your banquet fee.

from the Kahn transfer, leaving Hut- this afternoon at 4 p.m. in Room
chens, with seventy votes, low man 300 Chemistry Building. Dr. L. C. An-
and next to be eliminated. Thirteen derson will speak on "Diazo-type
of his ballots went to Miss Wood, 34 Papers."
were non-effective, and the remain-
der were scattered through the other Chemical and Metallurgical En-
continuing candidates. Leon Kupeck, 'gineering Seminar will meet today at
with 73. votes, was eliminated after 4 o'clock in Room 3201 E. Eng. Bldg.
Hutchens, and his ballots also showed Mr. R. H. Rodrian will speak on
a noticeable lack of concentration, "Roasting of Copper Sulfide."
with 31 becoming non-effective, one
of Kupeck's votes went to Hulbert, A.S.C.E. The annual fall initiation
electing him with a full quota at aque Tle hel tonitati6:1
3:34 a.m. banquet will be held tonight at 6:15
With Kupeck out of the race theret
remaned18 anddate fo th 16to Jeffreys, leaving 16 candidates, all
remained 18 candidates for the 16 of whom were elected as the other 44
seats to be filled and those close to had already been eliminated. Though
the bottom and likely to be eliminated it could not affect the final result,


were: marin u wrks u aotes,
Brockman, 80; and Jeffreys, 81. The
44th count shifted the ballots of
James Frankel, who obtained 68 first
choice votes, tying for fourth amongj
the sixty candidates, but whose failure
to pick up more than ten transfers
from defeated candidates meant that'
his 78 ballots were split up, 21 going
to Kramer and 36 being non-effective.
Five of Frankel's votes went to Dwor-
kis, giving him 85, and one went to
Brockman, tying him with Jeffreys at
81 for sixteenth place. Since Jeffreys
had received his 81st vote before
Brockman obtained his, the place went

Classified Directory

OR RENT-Suite of two
men students, comforta
ished, warm; continuousY
garage available. 309 N
Phgne 8876.
IOLA STEIN-Experienc
Reasonable rates, 706
Phone 6327.
AUNDRY -- 2-1044. Sox
Careful wofk at low price
OST--Deitzgen drawing

ments worn black case, Wed. Oct.
19th in 419 W. Eng. More personal
rooms for value than intrinsic. Reward. No
%bly furn- questions. Call Bernie at 7472.
hot water;
. Division. FOR SALE
92 FOR SALE-Tuxedo, like new, size
NG 37. Very reasonable. 508 S. Divi-
-~Sion. 160
sed typist. .
WASHED SAND and Gravel, Drive-
way gravel, washed pebbles. Killins
Gravel Company, Phone 7112. 17
xc darned.-__________ ____
es. 9 WANTED-Room-mate to share nice
clean modern suite, oil heat. Form-
D er room-mate called back to work.
Also garage. 814 Church. Phone
i n s t r u- 5003. 159

the 81 votes of Brockman were trans-
ferred and showed remarkable cohe-
sion within the Liberal Coalition of
which he was a candidate; Stutz re-
ceived thirteen, enough to give him- a
total of 130 and elect him with a full
quota, Jeffreys' pulled 35, raising his
final total to 116, eleven were scat-
tered among remaining 'candidates,
and 22 were non-effective.
The final results of the second
Michigan P.R. experience showed the
advantages of the Hare system of
choice -voting.
The very small number of invalid
votes shows that Michigan knows
one fundamental of P.R.-the use of
numbers rather than crosses in the
indication of choices on the ballot-
but there must be further education
to cut down the rather large number
of non-effective ballots. While only
eight of Kahn's 69 transferred votes
were without sufficient choices to be
counted, 34 of Hutchen's 70 became
Alumni Dine At Union;
Board To Plan Activities
The Board of Directors of the Na-
tional Alumni Association will as-
semble tomorrow evening at the Union
for dinner previous to attending the
business meeting in Alumni.Memorial
The board; consisting of 23 men
and women from all parts of the
United States, meets twice yearly to
review all types of alumni activity.

Assembly Banquet Ticket Com-
mittee: There will be a meeting of
the Ticket Committee at 4 p.m. today
in the League. The room will be
posted on the bulletin board.
Association Fireside: Prof. A. D.
Moore of the Engineering School will
lead the informal discussion at Lane
Hall tonight at 8 p.m.
The Inter-Guild Morning Watch
will be held at the League Chapel,
17:30 a.m. today.
The Hiawatha Club will hold a
smoker at the Union tonight at
8 p.m. Important business matters
will also be discussed. All Upper Mich-
igan men who are interested in the
club are urged to attend.
Sailing Club: Important meeting
at 7:30 tonight at Union. All in-
terested persons are urged to attend.
See bulletin board in lobby for room
Freshman Girls' Glee Club: First
regular meeting will be held tonight
at 7:15 in the League. Will all per-'
sons who are interested in joining
the Glee Club and have not as yet
tried out, please report at this time,
as try-outs will be held immediately
after the rehearsal. Attendance is
compulsory for all persons who have
received cards notifying them of
their acceptance into the Glee Club.
Murphy Meeting sponsored by the
Progressive Club will be held this
evening at the Michigan League. A
student, a member of the faculty and
a labor leader from Detroit will speak
for the reelection of Governor
Murphy, preceded by a short busi-
ness meeting at which officers for
the year will be elected. All mem-
bers must be present at 7:30 sharp
to vote. The meeting proper will
start at 8 p.m.
An important meeting of the cen-
tral committee for the Assembly
Banquet will be held Wednesday,
Oct. 26, in the Council Room of the
Undergraduate Office at 3 p.m.
Congress District Presidents will
meet today in Room 306 "of the
Union at ,8 p.m. Executive Council
members are also requested to be
Freshman Black Friday meeting at
5 p.m. in Natural Science Audito-
Coming Events
The Observatory Journal Club will
a regular meeting at 7:15 in the

The work of 11 private social ser-
vice agencies in Ann Arbor was ex-
plained yesterday in a panel discus-
sion of directors of Community Fund
agencies, under the chairmanship of
J. Wentworth Parker, chairman of
the budget committee of the Com-
munity Fund.
The Dunbar Community Center,
which does community organization-
al work among Negroes was described
by Mrs. Douglas Williams, wife of
the director. The Center is opened
to people of all ages, she said, who
are provided with recreational and
cultural facilities. 'Among the groups
which have been organized are a Com-
munity chorus, dramatic and art
clubs, working girls organizations,
a story hour for small children and
mother study groups.
About 700 boys are interested in
Boy Scout Work in Ann Arbor, said
Walter MacPeek, director of the
Council of Boy Scouts for Washtenaw
County. In addition to regular scout
work, this organization has estab-
lished a summer camp which is open
all winter for week-end trips. With the
allotment the scouts receive from the
Community Fund, said Mr. MacPeek,
additional organizational and exten-
sion work can be done.
The Maternal Health League, estab-
lished 1 years ago, has been of great
aid in adjusting sexual problems in
the community, according to Dr. Inez
An effort to provide a normal home
environment is made by the Michi-
gan Children's Aid, a non-sectarian
organization which has been estab-
lished in Ann Arbor for 20 years, ex-
plained Jean Ruigh, director. A care-
ful check on children placed in
Get The Habit!
"The Best in Food, Wine & Beer"
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homes is made at least once a month.
Pubic health nursing, the Old
Ladies Home, the Salvation Army, the
Social Service Exchange and the
Young Men's and Young Women's
Christian Associations were among
the other organipations discussed.
Different .. try a
I Original ilk

University Girls Glee Club: Last - w a ***u* as*ua
tryouts for all persons who are in- The Seconac League duplicate
terested in joining the Glee Club bridge tournament will be held in
and have not as yet tried out will be the Ethel Fountain Hussey Room at
held on Thursday, Oct. 27, from 4 7:15, Thursday, Oct. 27. Reserva-
until 5 in the League. There will be tions must be made at the League
Functions Of 11 Social Agencies
ExplainedInu Panel Discussion



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