Weather Fair, somewhat warmer today; tomorrow fair and warmer. L C- Lt iga i VOL. XLIX. No. 26 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, OCT. 25, 1938 hungary Sends Czechs A New Compromise Imredi Threatens Action If 'Really Conciliatory Proposals' Are Rejected Demand Answer Within 48 Hours BUDAPEST, Oct. 24--I)-Premier Bela Imredi tonight declared that should "our really conciliatory pro- posals be rejected" by Czechoslovakia the Hungarian government has de- cided "to enforce its justice by all means available to the nation." The declaration was made in a press statement shortly after a gov- ernment communique announced a new compromise proposal had been submitted to Prague by which Hun- gary shaved her demands for terri- torial cessions by about 30 per cent. New Demands Are Milder The compromise suggestion was of- fered after Hungary had stood fdst for weeks in her demands for return of large areas inhabited by Magyars in Czechoslovakia, demands whicn Czechoslovakia has insisted were ex- cessive. In his press statement Premier Im- redi stressed that Hungary hoped for a peaceful settlement, an attitude that earlier had been emphasized by a government communique. This followed preparation of an army of almost 500,000 men along the Czechoslovak frontier for any emergency and reports in well-in-I formed circles that it would march oni Wednesday if Czechoslovakia had not by then acceded to previous Hun-1 garian demands. Hungary's ew stand was under-i stood in diplomatic circles to have1 been taken only after Germany, Italy1 and Poland strongly advised her not to continue pushing demands which would be unacceptable to any Czecho- slovak government and which would endanger p~ae. Hungary's Offer Is 'Final' Hungary's offer, described as "fin- al," and with an answer demanded within 48 hours, contains the follow-' ing four proposals: 1. That undisputed areas of Czecho- slovakia claimed by Hungary be occu- pied by Hungarian troops without further delay.. 2. That plebiscites be held in dis- puted districts not later than Nov. 30, 3. That in the event Czechoslovakia should reject these demands, a Ger- man, Polish and Italian joint jury should arbitrate the dispute. 4. That the right of "self-determin- ation" be given to Ruthenians, Slo- vaks, and other nationalities. Brit . Toops Rile Palestine Army Seeks To Curtail Population Moves Murphy Condemns Reactionary Forces -Daily Photo by Freedman Pictured above is Gov. Frank Murphy absorbed in a lengthy discussion of current politics with Daily reporter Stan Swinton in the Union Tap- room late yesterday afternoon. Although voice-weary after a long tour, the Governor granted a detailed interview and discussed Michigan state politics. Governor Attacks Dies Probe; Pledges State Reorganization By STAN M. SWINTON, Stigmatizing the Dies Committee asE a tool of political opponents, Gov. Frank Murphy, in a speech before a capacity audience at the Masonic Temple yesterday pledged himself to fight for non-partisan administration, of relief, re-organization of state: government and expansion of public health facilities if he secured re-elec- tion. His voice weak from the strain of his campaign tour of the state, the Governor warned the audience that the people of the United States must, before many years pass, "decide whe- ther they want a democracy." "When emotion rules us instead of intelligence, suppression of liberties results. We turn back the clock of civilization. Luckily, so far this has not been the ca rt democracy not yield to the age- old trend toward despotism." "I was taught at the University here that government stands for in- tegrity, not for profit or spoils," he declared. Terming the merit system "government for all;," he promised to continue to support it and told of the BloodthirstyFrosh issute Warnings To Lowly Sophs Threatening to make Black Friday,I Oct. 28th, the "bloodiest" in the school's history, the class of '42 last night distributed violent handbills about camupus. In huge black letters, the Freahmen, not only stated their independence but also laid down regulations for the Sophomores. In pompous terms '41 was forbidden to sit on the campus benches, warned to retire by sundown, and what may have been a touch of possibility of adding a retirement system to its present scope. Speaking of Prof. Joseph Hayden's investigation of Michigan's govern- ment, he said: "We have the greatest reforms in mind. Professor Hayden is at work on one now which will make government effective and economical. It will give it character and quality. It will put democracy to work." Comparing the Lansing labor holi- day last year with the Star Theatre riot which took place in Ann Arbor when he was a student, Governor Murphy explained, "Then thousands of students gathered at the theatre. (Continued on Page 2) Asks For Tolerance To Save Democracy By NORMAN ABBOTT SCHORR Gov. Frank Murphy, '14, openly struck out yesterday afternoon against reactionary forces in the State that have opposed his method of dealing with the sit-down strikes, and would have preferred "civil war to concilia- tion." He called for an intelligent, steadfast trust in reason, tolerance and the defense of human rights, which he said characterized democ- racy. President Ruthven introduced the Governor and presided at the meeting in the North Lounge of the Union, which was sponsored by the Student Senate. Dr. Ruthven was presented by Thomas Adams, '40, president. Other men on the speakers' platform were Prof. Joseph A. Hayden of the political science department, head of the State government reform com- mission, Lieut.-Gov. Leo Nowicki, State Treasurer Theodore I Fry and Mayor Walter C. Sadler of the engi- neering school. Addressing an audience of more than 500, the Governor declared that in his refusal to abuse the power vested in him by "spilling blood and taking lives" he has always been guided by the principles of tolerance and sanity that he learned while a student here at the University. "Whenever I come to Ann Arbor," Governor Murphy said, "I can't help thinking of the debt I owe here-this place of inspiration and all that it did for me." Earlier in the day, he called the State appropriations for the Uni- versity "the soundest investment pos- sible." Spending money here on build- ings and dormitories is for the good (Continued on Page 2) Eastern Grads IPromise Band Financial sAid, Taken with the sterling perform- ance of marching and playing pre- sented by the University of Michigan Band at the Yale Bowl Saturday, the Eastern Alumni Association has prom- ised to grant the Band financial assistance in order to insure a yearly appearance in the East, Prof. William D. Revelli, Director of the University Bands, announced yesterday. The form the aid will take and the amount have as yet been undeter- mined, but it is expected to'reach a figure substantial enough to reduce the strain on the Band members inci- dent to their yearly drive for traveling funds. A. W. Kohler, president of the Eastern Alumni, claimed that the Band's appearance was the most fin- ished and professional showing that has been seen in the east by College Bands in the past few years Ted Husing, star sports broadcaster, has called the Michigan Band the "cream of all college bands-" Press Forum I OpensOct 271 Noted News Interpreters Will Gather Here Bringing to Ann Arbor the out- standing foreign news correspond- ents of the leading press associations' and broadcasting companies, the Uni- versity Press Club will feature its! twentieth annual convention Thurs- day, Friday and Saturday with a European News Forum. James H. Furay, vice president and general foreign news manager of the United Press, will participate in the forum Thursday afternoon. Begin- ning his newspaper career on the Omaha Daily News in 1899, Furay became in 1918 the first foreign news editor of United Press, and in 1926 was elected to the board of directors' of United Press. Edward R. Murrow, director of European staff of the Columbia Broadcasting Company, will discuss foreign news coverage from the radio newscaster's angle. Mr. Murrow was in charge of H. V. Kaltenbourn's broadcasts during the recent Czech crisis arranging the material and broadcasting set-up. mcert Series T Galens Choose INew Membc 14 Juniors Are Adini To Honor Society, Fourteen juniors were elect JERUSALEM, Oct. 24 - )- All froshI traffic communications in Palestine beauti will be taken over by British military authorities Nov. 1 in a move believed Tj] preliminary .to a plan of the British' army to limit movements of the popu- lace to urban areas- This would keep civilians out of the way of troops moving about to fight Law the Arab revolt against British rule termed : phenor and Jewish immigration in the Holy 60tha Land. Maj. Gen. Robert H. Haining, series humor, to leave the Freshman es strictly alone. ersL tted ed to rhett on*, commander of British forces in Pales- tine, issued warnings throughout the country requiring all travellers to ; secure special military passes. In Jerusalem itself, the Btitish con- tinued to withdraw soldiers from the old city, although they kept strategic machine-gun nests mounted on the quarter's ancient walls. The Cold- stream Guards left today, and British police took the places of the North- umberland Fusiliers, who retired yes- terday. ?iehigan Jitter bugs Swing It In Hoosegow Four Michigan students spent last Saturday night in jail because of their love for swing. Returning via the thumb line from Audito Adva accord presid largest of the to An tainab mentin Sink s "Ifv artists who r spectiv previo couldx ing ar Mr. not o. staget radio, of Eu was a critics #fJt- v W r r v ~ N.JLA 7 .r aa t' t' a w ,J, v' a. at' . ThursdayIn Hill Auditorium, rence Tibbett, who has been symphonic conductors until, at the d. "the most amazing musical present time, he is rated with Tos- rienon of our time," opens the canini and Koussevitsky as one of the annual Choral Union concert world's greatest. at 8 3& pa. T.hursday in Hill On Nuv. 22, Jose Iturbi returns to )rium- the local concert stage for the third ance ticket sale fore the series, time, Iturbi, who was teaching and' ling to Dr. Charles A. Sink, giving piano concerts at seven, has' ent of the Music School, is the won the plaudits of critics,"from coast t of any year in the long history to coast. recitals, which have 'brought Kirsten Flagstad, Wagnerian sopra- n Arbor audiences the best ob- no and star of the Metropolitan Opera le on the concert stage. In com- Company continues her triumphal ng on this year's program, Dr. concert tour here on Nov. 30. The says: Boston Symphony Orchestra and its we were able to pick 10 concert distinguished conductor, Serge Kous- for the Choral Union program, sevitsky, will present the fifth concert represent the best in their re- on Dec. 7. ve fields, regardless of price of The sixth concert, on Jan. 10, stars usly scheduled engagements, we Josef Hofmann. Hofmann last year not have secured a more impos- celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of ray of talent." his American debut. The Budapest Tibbett, who has gained fame University Chorus under the direction nly on the concert and opera of Viktor Vaszy are scheduled to make but also in moving pictures and their initial local appearance on Jan. has just returned from a tour 25. Yehudi Menuhin, the child won- rope and Australia, where he der of 10 years back, returns from a cclaimed. Royalty, officialdom, two-year retirement in the eighth and the general nublie con- onncert of the series on Feb. 15. membership in Galens, honorary med- ical society, it was announced last night.1 The new members are: Horace E- Allen, Arby Lee Bailey, John C. Ben- son, H. Francis Forsythe, Jack K. { Hodgson, Thomas D. Johnson, Paul LeGolvan, Allen MacDonald, Harry E. Merritt. George K. Muehlig, Charles W. Newton Jr., Robert T. Plumb, Phil- ip R. Turner, and Loren E Wanless, all '40M, Dr. A. C. Kerlikowski M.D., and Dr. H. A- Towsley, M.D., were made honorary members. New officers elected by Galens for the coming year are: Herbert Nigg, president; James Miller, vice-presi- dent; John P. Berger, secretary; and Charles B. Hensley, treasurer- Insurgents Surprise Loyalists At Madrid HENDAYE, France (At the Spanish Frontier) Oct. 24--A)--General Fran- co's Insurgent armies staged a sur- prise offensive on the Madrid front today and claimed to have pushed