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October 23, 1938 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-10-23

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National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
er, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938-39

S In ternational
TENSENESS all along the European front eased
off this week. John Bull took one eye off
Germany and lent attention to the Arab riots in
Palestine. Der Fuehrer, meanwhile, gorged with
Czechoslovakian lands, looked over adjoining
territories with a lackadaisical eye and contented
himself with conversations on a possible Polish
annexation of Memel, Lithuanian seaport. Simul-
taneous attacks on little Lithuania by Nazi and
Polish newspapers suggest in addition to the'
lopping off of Memel the cessation of the Danzig
Corridor to Germany.
Hungarian designs on what is left of the
Republic of Czechoslovakia got the stop sign from
the Munich Brown House Friday and central
European powers were gently reminded that
any further map-making in the center of the
continent would be under the personal super-
vision of Dictators Hitler and Mussolini who, it
was asserted in informed circles, would render
decisions entirely on the basis of predominant
British troops Wednesday concluded the 28th
capture of Jerusalem since David's historic ex-
ploit. The lightning attack and precise prepara-
tions of the English precluded Arab resistance
and after desultory sniping and grenade-throw-
ing the Rebels were completely routed by 1,000
British Coldstream Guards and the Holy City
came under British military law within two
MOST OPTIMISTIC note of the week in busi-
ness circles was sounded by the General
Motors Corporation which will re-employ 35,000
workers during the next two weeks and rescind
pay cuts of 10 to 20 percent handed out last
February. Yearly pay rolls for GM, it was esti-
mated, will be revised upwards by $55,000,000 with
the possibility that payrolls in 38 cities and 14
states would benefit by as much as $115,000,000,
including changes from part to full-time employ-
ment. Enthusiastic public support of new models
was called directly responsible for the phenom-
enal activity by Wilfred .P, $lcan, Jr.,, chairman
of the Board. Sloan's announcement threw Wall
Street into a furor of buying with GM reaching
a new high for the year.

.g Editor
e Editor
e Editor
e Editor
e Editor
e Editor }
e Editor
s Editor

of Editors
Robert D. Mitchell.
Albert P. May1o
Horace W. Gilmore
Robert I. Fitzhenry
S. R. Kleiman
Robert Perlman
Earl Gilnian
William Elvin'
Joseph Freedman
Joseph Gies
Dorothea Staebler
Bud Benjamin

The current Ann Arbor Artists Exhibition at
the Alumni Memorial Hall features the work of
many of the lesser known of Ann Arbor's aspir-
ing artists as well as 'the "regulars" who exhibit
every year. Most of these are hung on the north
wall of the South Gallery, a few in the West
This year the faculty of the Decorative Design
department of the School of Architecture is
exceptionally well represented. Professor Valerio
has a group of watercolors with his characteris-
tic rhythmic weaving together of form to make
splendid composition./ His two landscapes are
done with seeming abandon, yet there can be
no doubt that every stroke is put on deliberately.
The New Orleans scene, Lazy Afternoon, is done
in a different mood. All the brilliant white spaces,
which are so familiar to his watercolors, are
washed over to create the atmosphere of a dusky
waterfront. There is a sureness in the wy he
handles his figures which in no way discredits
his reputation as a master in the art of figure
drawing in the etching medium.m
Jean Paul Slusser exhibits in both watercolor
and oil. His oil composition entitled Summer
School proves to be a painful disappointment.
Neither the color, which is decidedly drab, nor
the relationship of his cut-off figures are appro-
priate. His Mexican Landscape appears quite
different from most of his watercolors. It is very
effective, deep, pure color with a unique manner
of applying it. Slusser's Brown Study is definitely
one of the good things in the show. Perspective,
interesting line, handsome space arrangement,
choice of color combinations, go to make up a
grand composition.
In the show, there is an excellent group of
watercolors by Donald Gooch. His strong blues
and greens in contrast with warm tans and yel-
lows, and a generous amount of white space, re-.
sult in very pleasant harmony. Mr. Gooch also
proves himself quite capable in handling the dry
Fred H. Aldrich and Ernest H. Barnesare
represented by works reminiscent' of their two
man show last year. Sunset in oil and Autumn
Sketch in pastel by Aldrich provide a wealth of
very brilliant color to the show. Church at -Noetk
by Barnes reflects a quiet spirit in the tranquility
of a country landscape.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Myron B. Chapin have a
large volume of oils and watercolors. Tle water-
colors are especially well done. Also represented
on the Decorative Design faculty are Emil Wed-
dige and Howard Whalen, exhibiting in oils ahd
ceramics respectively.
Outstanding are the oils of Susanne Trible,
who shows' decidedly the influence of Umberto
Romano, one of the exhibitors here last year.
The results of an extremely well-handled mediun
combined with a low and quite neutral key, ac-
cented here and there by fuzzy highlights, are
very good. A charming style of watercolor paint-
ing is employed by Margaret Bradfield. There is
harmony in her use of rich color.
Flowers For Sale, an oil by Mina Winslow, is
another of the good things in the exhibit. The
color is attractive and the composition of the
single figure distinctly well considered. The
watercolors of Barbara Dorr show great promise.
There is a feeling of sureness in her handling, and
a respect for rich color. John Clarkson has two
experiments that belong to a school which is
rapidly being shoved into the background. Wil-
fred Shaw presents some very finished looking
examples of illustration.
In the group of sculpture the Lady of the Lyre
by Angell and the two heads by Janet Shafixth
are outstanding. Alice Prayer exhibits Parsifal
a figure with a nice sense of movement. Avard
Fairbanks has two pieces in the show, both in
his usual broad manner.
-K. Conrad August

Business Department
usine~s Manager .... Philip W. Buchen
reit Manager Leonard P. Siegelman
dvertislng Manager . . William L. Newnan
tomen's Business Manager Helen Jean Dean
romen's Service Manager Marian A. Baxter
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
merica For
he Americans.
Department for distinguished service
n slamming the immigration doors shut just
n time to lock out that COMMUNIST, BOLSHE-
~aird anathema to SANE GOVERNMENT dis-
uised as John Strachey.
The United' States government will not stand
>y idly and watch the CREMATION of sacred
LMERICAN institutions in the CAULDRONS OF
,OMMUNISM. The United States government
Xill not stand by idly while bitter-mouthed
!OREIGN RADICALS, loose their acrimony, pro-
ane our fair soil and assail the AMERICAN
VAY of living with undisguised INSTRUMENTS
)F MOSCOW. We have only the Almighty to
hank for the vigilance of our immigration
uthorities. And VIGILANCE we know is the
ternal price of LIBERTY.'
Guardians of our freedom, these staunch,
lear-eyed sons of America form an impenetrable
4ttempting to penetrate our peace and sunshine
ith crack-pot HORRORMONGERING and
iLOODY REVOLUTION. Abominations of dis-
ased brains, we know, are the stock-in-trade of
he6e agents of insanity. AMERICA WILL HAVE
Let not sneering intellectuals sound their snob-
ish horns against CURTAILMENT OF LB-
RTIESI0berties are for AMERICANS, not for
oreigners or RADICALS. The United States of
Lnerica is the freest country in the world. And
ree it will remain. Free for our wives and chil-
N' AMERICANISM that have brought the'
bundant life to this country.
Wholesome, unadulterated AMERICANISM is,
fter all, the only ism for AMERICANS.
With such men as Mayor Hague of Jersey
ity single-handedly beating down the LUNA-
IC FOREIGN FRINGES already in this coun-
y and upright, God-fearing, clean-living immi-
ration authorities patrolling our borders against
aiveling foreign PLAGUE BEARERS, the purity
f the United States of America remains in safe
-Robert I. Fitzhenry
And Europe
It might do some good if those Europeans
ho are seeing in the words released by President
,oosevelt and Secretary Hull a "minatory tone"
o the dictators (the words of the Manchester
Puardian) were to read our newspapers more
osely, or, better yet, fly over here and have a

S *


Tom Girdler went down swinging before the
National :Labor Relations Board Wednesday'
when Republic was ordered to rehire 5,000 em-'
ployes who wetit out on strike in six Ohio plants
in May, 1937. The Board further ordered a hands-
off policy with regard to the Steel Wrkers
Organizing Committee which is to be guaranteed
freedom of enrollment in Republic.
The decision specifically instructed the cor-
poration to do these things. (1) Pay remedial
wages to any striker who is not given a job, or
placed upon preferential rehiring list,) within
five days after he applies for re-employment
(the company was ordered to dismiss employes
hired after the strike if necessary to make place
for reinstated workers.) (2) Reinstate 12 em-
ployes with back pay and award wages to 14
others. (3) Pay employes for earning lost as a
result of what the Board called "lockouts" at
the Canton Tin Plate Mill and Massillon Works
May 5-20, 1937 and May 20-23, 1937. (4) Dis-
establish as . collective bargaining agencies the
employe representation plans in the plants at
Massillon, Canton, Youngstown, Warren and
.* * *,
Fantastic spy stories and bungling small-time
secret agents stalked through New York City
courts last week, as the Federal Government
pried the lid off a country-wide spy search. No
vast plots to dynamite the capitol have as yet
been unearthed as spy nets have limited' them-
selves to petty German activities directed by
Nazi emissaries disguised in menial tasks on
trans-Atlante liners. Federal agents were at a.
loss to discover who was fooling who as U. S.
foreign-born citizens working on German pay-
rolls told of deceiving Nazi agents with incorrect
information and forged papers.
* * *
Charges of scandal and corruption in Brook-
lyn flared into the open Tuesday with the dis-
covery of the theft of 7,200 police records from
the Bergen Street Station. It was known that
the burglary was an inside job and Police Com-
missioner Valentine promised an exhaustive
investigation that would reach every member of
the Department. Governor Lehman, meanwhile.
had named John Harlen Amen, ace Federal
Government racket-buster, to supersede District
Attorney William F. X. Geoghan in investigating
Brooklyn corruption.
Here And There
Dr. Eduard Benes, former president of Czecho-
slovakia, accepted Robert Maynard Hutchins'
offer to become a visiting professor at the Uni-
versity of Chicago. Czechoslovakia is ;forging a
tradition at the midway school, the late Dr.
Tomas Carrigue Masaryk, first Czech president,
having been a professional lecturer there from
1901 to 1903.
The King and Queen of England will visit
America's No. 1 citizen at the White House for
three days at the close of the British Monarch's
Canadian tour next spring.
The last-minute rush of New Yorkers to the
registration polls was interpreted as optomistic
for Prosecutor Dewey, the totals being nearly
half a million higher than registration for the

1t Seems To Me
America must rearm. Nobody who
believes in liberal democracy is likely
to rejoice over this necessity, and yet
I do not see how it can be blinked.
There is no denying the fact that
an armament race is in itself a kindt
of warfare, and that sums spent for
guns and shells represent a fearful
waste and drain on human energy,
And yet, paradoxically enough, thee
only apparent way in which interna-
tional disarmament or limitation can
be brought about is for America to
arm. Before we can effectively cry
out to the world, "Drop your weaph
ons," we must ourselves stand forth
fully equipped.
This is not a program which should
prevail in a well-ordered world. But
the time is out of joint. After all,
when a mad man with a loaded gun
is loose in a small room there is no
opportunity to psychoanalyze him.
The moat which surrounds Ameri-
ca is neither as wide nor as deep as
we once believed. And even those
who can still find consolation by say-
ing, "Thank God for the Atlantic
Ocean," should realize' that even
though the sea were broad as they be-
lieve, there is the attendant fact that
the coast line of the continent is a
long one.
There is nothing hysterical in the
belief that the validity of the Mon-
roe Doctrine will be boldly challenged
in our lifetime. Indeed, I think that
Hitler was hinting very broadly when
he gave the dubious pledge that Fas-
cist imperiajism wanted no additional
"European territory." Nazi negotia-
tions and Nazi manipulation are al-
ready under way in several of the
South American countries. We must
arm unless we are willing to see Reich
colonies established on this side of the
At that point I am quite ready to
admit the possibility of debate, but I
insist that we must either arm or
drop all pretense that we are dedi-
cated to the duty of protecting all the
nations to the north and south of us
from foreign aggressors.
And there rises also the pertinent
problem as to whether we can keep
out European imperialism only by
establishing American imperialism.
That danger is real. We will lose in-
stead of gain if we attempt to fight
Fascism with Fascism. People who
believe in democratic prcesses have
every right to fear the creation of an
officer class in the United States. In-
deed, that difficulty is already with
us. The recent blast by General Mose-
ley should open our eyes to the fact
that even our current brass hats are
easy prey for reactionaries here at
Accordingly, in enlarging our fight-
ing forces we must use every available
method to democratize them. We
must broaden, the base of our naval
and military forces. To put it blunt-
ly, we should already look to the
loyalties of those in high command,
and weed out officers who palpably
are not in sympathy with our tradi-
tional institutions.
Of course, this does not mean a
Democratic army. As a matter of
fact, we already have allowed politics
to play too great a part in national
defense. West Point and Annapolis
are national academies. Appointment
should be made only by straight com-
petitive examination throughout.
Moreover, present opportunities by
which enlisted men in the army or
the navy can prepare themselves for

positions of command should be vast-
ly amplified and extended.
Dictator' s
I I Ines
Now that the news can no longer
be officially withheld-though his
condition has long been a matter of
common knowledge-a Government
bulletin announces that Dictator
Kamal Ataturk of Turkey is gravely
Last summer, when the newspaper
Tan of Istanbul innocently published
as a matter of routine news the fact
that Kamal had summoned a physi-
cian, it was forced to suspend publi-
cation and its owner, who had spent
his life building up the paper, was
Unfortunately for Kamal, the dis-
ease germs that are racking his body
do not yield to official censorship.
--St. Louis Post-Dispatch
ques Wolfe, Harris, Inders. 8:.30 p.m.,
Hill Auditorium.
WOR Sinfonietta, Alfred Wallen-
stien conductor. 8:30-9, WOR.
Eastman Symphony Orchestra,
Howard Hanson conductor. 8:30-9:30,
San Francisco Civic Opera Co. In
Verdi's Force of Destiny, with Reth-
berg and Pinza. Last act only. 12 mid-
night-12:30, WJZ.

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30. 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

(Continued from Page 3) pit. His subject will be, "Christ at
the Center of Life."
torium. Open to students of Far Eas- 9:45 a.m. at Guild House. Univer-
tern Art and to the general public. sity students will meet as a study
group. "The origin and development
The International Center: Special of Biblical literature" is the topic for
attention is called to the fact that, discussion.
tonight Sunday evening) the stu- 6:30 p.m. In the church parlors.
dents at the International Center are The Roger Williams Guild will be
to be the guests of the Hillel Foun- guests of the church, together with
dation. They will meet at the Center new friends of the congregation and
promptly at 6 o'clock and go over to members of the choir. The Guild
Hillel together for supper. Following will present as special speaker Prof.
the social hour they will take part in 0. S. Duffendack, of the Department
the Forum at 8 o'clock, which will be of Physics in the University. Profes-
led by Dr. Abraham Cronbach, the sor Duffendack will speak on, "When
:istingushed professor of Jewish stu- you smash an atom, do you smash
dies at the Hebrew Union College. All your faith?" The ladies of the church
foreign students are urged to avail will be in charge of the social hour
themselves of this opportunity to see which follows the program and will
the Hillel Foundation and to hear serve refreshments.



Dr. Cronbach.
Freshman Round Table: Kenneth
Morgan will speak on "Boy and Girl
Relationships." At Lane Hall today
at 4 p.m.
Varsity Glee Club: Rehearsal to-
day at 4:30. Tryouts for "Trial by
Jury" to be held.
The Christian Student Prayer
Group Will hold its regular meeting
at five o'clock today in the Michigan
League. Please consult the bulletin
board for the room. The group wel-
comes visitors.
Coming Events
German Table for Faculty Members.
The regular luncheon meeting will be
held Monday at 12:10 p.m. in the
Founders' Room of the Michigan
All faculty members interested in
speaking German are cordially in-
vited. Professor Otto Laporte, re-
cently returned from a trip around
the world will give a brief informal
Deutscher Verein: The Verein will
have an informal get-together Tues-
'day evening at 8 p.m. in the Michigan
League. Informal discussions, folk-
songs and refreshments are on the
program. Everybody interested is in-
vited to attend.
Biological Chemistry Seminar:
Monday, Oct. 24, 7-9 p.m., Room 313
West Medical Bldg.
"The Biological Role of Nicotinic
Acid-Nicotinic Acid in Pellagra" will
tbe discussed. All interested are in-
Physics Colloquium: Professor O.
S. Duffendack will speak on "Varia-
tion with Pressure of the Intensity of
Lines in the Mercury Spectrum" at
the Physics Colloquium on Monday,
Oct. 24, at 4:15 p.m. in Room 1041
E. Physics Bldg.
Cercle Francais: There will he a
meeting, Monday, Oct. 24 at 8:5,in
'Room 408, Romance Language Bldg.,
to receive the new members. There
will be a special program with songs
and refreshments, and Mr. Koella will
welcome the new members. If you
cannot come, please call Mary Allison
at 2-3225.
Economics Club. First meeting is
fVMonday evening, Oct. 24, at 7:45 in
the Amphitheatre of the Rackham
Building. Professor Arthur Smithies
will speak on "Monetary Aspects of
tthe Australian Economy" All mem-
bers of the teaching staffs of the De-
partment of Economics and the
School of 'Business Administration,
and students in these fields enrolled
in the Graduate School, are invited.
Senior Society: There will be a
regular meeting Monday at 7:15 in
the League.
Interdormitory Dance: Interview-
ing for chairmanship of the com-
mittees will be held Monday and
Tuesday in the League from 4 to 6.
Sailing Club: Important meeting
at 7;30 Wednesday, at Union. All in-
terested persons are urged to attend.
See bulletin board in lobby for room
Association Fireside: Prof. A. D.
Moore of the Engineering School will
lead the informal discussion at Lane
Hall, Wednesday, 8 p.m.
Association Book Group: Bertrand
Russel's "Power" will be reviewed by
Mr. Joseph Kitchen at Lane Hall,
Tuesday, 4:15 p.m.
Extension Course in Golf for Wom-
en: This course will begin on Mon-
day, Oct. 24, and will meet each Mon-
day and Wednesday evening at 5 at

the Women's Athletic Building. Mrs.
Hanley, Instructor. Price: $6 for 16
"Steel, Man's Friend," or "The
Making of Steel," a technicolor sound
film lasting 35 minutes will be shown
in the Lecture Room on the first floor
of the Rackham Building on Monday,
October 24, at 12:50 p.m. Engineer-
ing students particularly are urged to
see this fine picture of industrial de-

. First Presbyterian Church, 1432
Washtenaw Ave.
9:45 a.m., a class for students on
the Bible will be led by Dr. W. y'
10:45 a.m., "How Can We Know
God?" is the subject of Dr. Lemon's
sermon at the Morning Worship Serv-
ice. The student choir directed by
Palmer Christian will take part in the
5:30 p.m., The Westminster. Guild,
student group, supper and fellowship
hour to be followed by the meeting at
6:45, which will be the beginning of a
series of group discussions on "What
Is Christianity?" Dr. Charles Bra-
shares of thenMethodisthEpiscopal
Church will introduce the subject.
All Presbyterian students and their
friends are invited.
8 p.m., The.Sunday Night Club will
meet in the Russel Parlor. Dr. Lem-
on will speak on the topic "The Issue
of Czechoslovakia."
Stalker Hall: Student Class at 9:45
,a.m. Prof. W. Carl Rufus will lead
the discussion on "Buddhism."
Wesleyan Guild meeting at 6 p.m.
This is the first meeting in our cele-
bration of the 25th anniversary of
the founding of the Wesley Founda-
tion Movement. Our speakers will be
Dr. E. W. Blakeman and Mrs. Mar-
garet Whitesell. Fellowship hour and
supper following the meeting.
First Methodist Church: Morning
worship at 10:40 o'clock. Dr.' C. W.
Brashares will preach on "Scared?"
The music is under the direction of
Achilles Taliaferro, organist and
choir director.
First Congregational Church, corner
of State and E William. Minister,
The Rev. Leonard A. Parr, D.D.
10:45 a.m. Morning worship. The
subject of Dr. Parr's sermon will be
"The Man Who Is Miles Ahead." The
choir will be under the direction of
Mr. John Secrist this Sunday, in the
absence of the regular choir director,
Mr. Donn Chown.
6 p.m. Student Fellowship Supper
meeting. The speaker for the eve-
ning will be Dr. Z. C. Dickinson who
will talk to the group on the sub-
ject of "Consumers Cooperatives."
Disciples Guild (Church of Christ)
10:45 a.m Morning Worship, Rev)
Frederick Cowin, minister.
12 noon, Students' Bible Class, H.
L. Pickerill, leader.
5:30 p.m., Members of the Guild
and their friends will meet at the
Guild House, 438 Maynard St., for a
social hour and tea.
6:30 p.m., Mrs., Mary C. Van Tuyl
will speak to the Guild on "The De-;
velopment of Personality." This will
be he first of a series of discussions
on personality. A forum will follow
the address.
Episcopal Student Group: Proiessor
James K. Pollock of the Political Sci-
ence Department of the University of
Michigan will be the speaker Sun-
day night at the student meeting in
Harris Hall at seven o'clock. All
Episcopal students and their friends
are cordially invited.
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church:
Services of worship Sunday are: 8
a.m. Holy Communion, 9:30 a.m.
Junior Church, 11 a.m Kindergarten;
11 a.m. Morning Prayer and Sermon
by the Rev. Henry Lewis.
Unitarian Church: 11 a.m. H. P
Marley will speak on "Twiddle-Dies
and Tweedle-Dumb"-an analysis of
a modern Alice in Blunderland.
7:30-Second of Youth Adventure
Series of Liberal Student's Union:
Czechoslovakia - Morris Lichten-
stein. U.S.S.R., Frieda Oberle. Mex-
ico, Lucile Poor. 9:00, coffee hour.
The Lutheran Student Club will
meet for Social hour and dinner at
5:30 p.m. Sunday at Zion Church.

Rev. Mentor of Detroit will speak at
the Forum at 6:45. Lutheran stu-
dents and their friends are invited.
The Ann Arbor Friends (Quakers).
will meet at 5 p.m. Sunday at the
Michigan League.s Fllowing a meet-
ing for worship, several students will
tell of their experiences last summer
in American Friends Service Commit-


Madrigal Singers, Yella Pessl director. 1adri-
gals and harpsichord music. 11:30-12 a.m. WLW.
Radio City Music Hall in tabloid version of
Bizet's Carmen. Hertha Glantz (Carmen), Viola
Philo (Micaela), Jan Peerce (Don Jose); Robert
Weede (Escamillo). 12-1, KDKA, WOWO.
New York Philharmonic Orchestra, John Bar-
birolli conductor. Overture to Der Friescnuetz
(Weber). Swan of Tuonela and Return of Lem,
minkainen (Sibelius), Fire Bird Suite (Stravin-
sky), Adagio and Fugue for strings (Mozart),
3-5, CBS (get it where you can; low-brow Detroit
won't carry it).
New Friends of Music Orchestra, Fritz Stiedry
conductor. Bach's Brandenburg Concertos, 1, 2
and 3. 6-7, WJZ.
Bach Cantata Series, Alfred Wallenstein con-
ductor. Cantata No. 25, "Whither shall I flee?"
8-8:30, CKLW.
Ford Sunday Evening Hour, Lawrence Tibbett,
baritone, Jose Iturbi conductor, Overture to
The Barber of Seville (Rossini), The Sorcerer's
Apprentice (Dukas), "Carillon" from Bizet's
music to L'Arlesienne, songs and arias. 9-10, WJR.
Curtis Institute of Music, William Horne
(tenor), Lynne Wainwright (harpist), Burnett
Atkinson (flutist), Nathan Stutch (Cellist).
3-3:30 WADC.
Rochester Civic Orchestra, Eileen Malone harp-
ist, Guy Fraser, Choral Variation for Harp and
Orchestra (Widor) Petite Suite (DeBussy), Blue
Danube Waltz (Strauss). 3-3:45, WXYZ.
WOR Symphony Orchestra, Joseph Coleman
violinist, Alfred Wallenstein conductor. 9:15-9:45,



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