ew Captains
Of Community
Fund Named
aculty Division Members
Will Begin Solicitations
On Campus Thursday
Captains for the University division'
F the Ann Arbor Community Fund
ere announced yesterday by Prof.
rthur W. Bromage of the political
Aience department, chairman of the
ivision, and Prof. John P. Dawson
F the Law School, vice-chairman.
Captains will have charge of the
)liciting of faculty and staff mem-
ers of the various departments of
he University. They will begin work
ith the opening of the Ann Arbor
ommunity Fund campaign Thurs-
The captains are: Alumni Associa-
on: ;T. H. Tapping; College of En-
ineering: Prof. Russell A. Dodge of
4e engineering mechanics depart-
*ent; Literary College: Prof. Albert
M. arckwardt of the English de-
artment, Prof. Arthur J.Van Duren
f the German department, Prof. Roy
. McAlpine of the chemistry de-
artment, and Prof. Harlow J. Hene-
ian of the political science depart-
College of Pharmacy: Prof. Justin
. Powers; dormitories and league
ouses: Mrs. Ellen Stanley, business
anager of University dormitories;
ibraries: Miss Gertrude Maginn, as-'
stant to the Librarian; League:
harles W. Gray, League accountant;
nion: William Kesl; Military Sci-
rice and Tactics, Maj. I. A. Crump
f the military science department.
School of Education:' Prof. Calvin
.Davis, secretary of the School of
ducation; School of Forestry and
onservation: Prof. Dow V. Baxter.
Administration Offices: Gordon
riffith of the business office; Ar-
hitectural School: Prof. George B.
righam; Coaching Staff: Andrew .
aker, secretary of the Board in
ontrol of Physical Education; Den-
1 School: Dr. John W. Kemper;
ealth Seryice: Dr. William M.
race; Law School: Prof. Russell A.
mith; Medical School: Dr. H. M.
'ollard, secretary of the Medical
chool; Museums: Prof. Norman E.
[artwig of the zoological depart-
ent; Physical Education (Women):
r. Margaret E. Bell, chairman of
he department of physical education
or women; Physical Education
Men): Elmer D. Mitchell, director of
#tramural sports; Public Health: Dr.
loyd R. Gates of the Health Service;
chool of Business Administration:
rof. Herbert F. Taggart; School of
Music: Prof. Arthur Hackett.
EAST LANSING, Oct. 21.-(A)-
he State Board of Agriculture vot-
d today to name a new $250,000
ospital being built on the Michigan
tate College campus "The Olin
Memorial Health Center."
Speaks At Union
Speech Clinic
Voice Cripples
Publication in the Bulletln is constructive notice to all members of the University.
Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30 11:00 a.m. Sat ,reay.
er, a
A r
to sh
a no
to g
mbination Of Sciences
lelps People Suffering
From Speech Ailments
(Continued from Page 1)
ins a room set up like a radio
io. A thick sound-proof glass
'ates the patient from his teach-
nd he practices "seeing" what his
her says.I
special process of palatography
been developed at the Clinic to
h the deaf to speak :;,roperly.
emovable powdered metal disc,
erly fitted to the palate, is used
how the patient how his conso-
tal valvings differ from those of
rmal person. This elaborate pro-
of taking mouth casts in order
get an exact-fitting palate disc
in preventing speech deteriora-
in the deaf.
(Continued from Page 4) Lion Movement. Our speakers will be
-------- -- Dr. E. W. Blakeman and Mrs. Mar-
pit. His subject will be. "Christ at garet Whitesell. Fellowship hour and
the Center of Life." supper following the meeting.
9:45 a.m. at Guild House. Univer-_
, ,. 1',
Dr. Cronbach
Traces Jews'
Peace Policy
Hebrew Union Professor
Declares That Pacifism
Betters Jewish Position
The Bible was wise in drawing no
distinction between aggressive and de-
fensive wars, Dr. Abraham Cronbach,
professor of Jewish studies at the
Hebrew Union College,. said in a
speech at the Union yesterday.
Current events have shown that
any country wishing to wage war
always claims that it is on the defen-
sive, he declared.
Throughout history two trends have
been manifested-the combative and
the conciliatory, he explained. Trac-
ing Jewish literature through the
ages, he pointed out that these two
tendencies were exhibited in the Bible,
the Talmud and the Torah,
In the Old Testament, he said,
militaristic heroes and men of the
battle field were glorified, and at the
same time many peaceful'sentiments
were expressed which assumed great-
er vividness when contrasted, with the
bellicose philosophy. These two con-
flicting viewpoints, he added, have
been perpetuated.
Many people glorify Jews who have
fought in wars in hopes that anti-
Semitism will be lessened on this
score, he said. The example of Ger-
man Jews, however, disproves this
Jews today should be uncompromis-
ing pacifists in accordance with the
highest concept of their religion, he
concluded. This stand more than
any other will better their relations
with the rest of the world.
Dr. Cronbach spoke on "The Social
Outlook of Jewish Tradition" at the
regular services at the Hillel Founda-
tion last night.
For people who suffer from cleft
palate, a defect more frequent than
is commonly supposed, a special treat-3
ment series has also been evolved.
Correction is possible inesevere cases
only after an operation has been per-
formed to close the cleft, thus pre-
venting the passage of air into the
nasal canals, which causes an un-
pleasant humming sound in speech.
The use of an occlusiometer (nasal
emission indicator) which was in-
vented several years ago by Gordon
Fisher, '421', (see cut) illustrates
tangibly to the patient the progress
he is making. It is of especial value
for working with children, who prac-
tice with the apparatus until they
have perfected their speech. The flame
indicator in the center tube wavers
at the slightest passage of air through
the nose and allows the patient to
"see" his incorrect speech.
These techniques are but few of
the numerous methods in use at the
Clinic. Description of the other work
being done, including the rehabilita-
tion of abnormal children through
speech and reading instruction, will
be discussed in detail in following
sity students will meet as a study
group. "The origin and development
of Biblical literature" is the topic for
6:30 p.m. In the church parlors.
The Roger Williams Guild will be
gueses of the church, together with
new friends of the congregation and
members of the choir. The Guild
will present as special speaker Prof.
0. S. Duffendack. of the Department
of Paysics in the University. Profes-
sor Duffendack will speak on, "When
you smash' an atom, do you smash
your faith?" The ladies of the church
will be in charge of the social hour
which follows the program and will
serve refreshments.
First Presbyterian Church, 1432
Washtenaw Ave.
9:45 a.m., a class for students on
the Bible will be led by Dr. W. 1,
10:45 a.m., "How Can We Know
God?" is the subject of Dr. Lemon's
sermon at the Morning Worship Serv-
ice. The student choir directed by
Palmer Christian will take part in the
5:30 p.m., The Westminster Guild,
student group, supper and fellowship
hour to be followed by the meeting at
6:45, which Will be the beginning of a
series of group discussions on "What
Is Christianity?" Dr. Charles Bra-
shares of the Methodist Episcopal
Church will introduce the subject.
All Presbyterian students and their
friends are invited.
8 p.m., The Sunday Night Club will
meet in the Russel Parlor. Dr.. Lem-
on will speak on the topic "The issue
of Czechoslovakia."
First Methodist Church: Morning
worship at 10:40 o'clock. Dr. C. W.
Brashares will preach on "Scared?"
The music is under the direction 'of
Achilles Taliaferro, organist and
choir director.
First Congregational Church, corner
of State and E. William. Minister,
The Rev. Leonard A. Parr, D.D.
10:45 a.m. Morning worship. The
subject of Dr Parr's sermon will be
"The Man Who Is Miles Ahead." The
choir will be under the direction of
Mr. John Secrist this Sunday, in the
absence of the regular choir director,
Mr. Donn Chown.;
6 p.m. Student Fellowship Supper
meeting. The speaker for the eve-
ning will be Dr. Z. C. Dickinson who
will talk to the group on the sub-
ject of "Consumers Cooperatives."
Disciples Guild (Church of Christ)
10:45 a.m., Morning Worship, Rev.
Frederick Cowin, minister.
12 noon, Students' Bible Class, H.
L. Pickerill, leader.
5:30 p.m., Members of the Guild
and their friends will meet at the
Guild House, 438 Maynard St., for a
social hour and tea.
6:30 p.m., Mrs. Mary C. Van Tuyl
will speak to the Guild on "The De-
velopment of Personality." This will
be the first of a series of discussions
on personality. A forum will follow
the address.
Episcopal Student Group: Professor
James K. Pollock of the Political Sci-
ence Department of the University of
Michigap will be the speaker Sun-
day night at the student meeting in
Harris Hall at seven o'clock. All
Episcopal students and their friends
are cordially invited.
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church:
1Services of worship Sunday are: 8
a.m. Holy dommunion, 9:30 a.m.
Junior Church, 11 a.m. Kindergarten;
11 a.m. Morning Prayer and Sermon
by the Rev. Henry Lewis.
Unitarian Church: 11 a.m. H. P.
Marley will speak on "Twiddle-Dies
and Tweedle-Dumb"-an analysis of
a modern Alice in Blunderland.
7:30-Second of Youth Adventure
Series of Liberal Student's Union:
Czechoslovakia - Morris Lichten-
stein. U.S.S.R., Frieda Oberle. Mex-
ico, Lucile Poor. 9:00, coffee hour.
The Lutheran Student Club will
meet for Social hour and dinner at
5:30 p.m. Sunday at Zion Church.
Rev. Mentor of Detroit will speak at
the Forum at 6:45. Lutheran stu-
dents and their friends are invited.
The Ann Arbor Friends (Quakers)'
will meet at 5 p.m. Sunday at the
Michigan League. Following a meet-
ing for worship, several students will
tell of their experiences last summer
in American Friends Service Commit-
tee Work Camps. All who are in-
terested are welcome.
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter
Day Saints: Sunday School and Dis-
cussion group. Sunday, 9 a.m. in the
Chapel in the Women's League.
Hillel Foundation: The Program-
for Sunday: 6 p.m., Cost supper. 8
p.m., Forum. Dr. Abraham Cronbach
"The Spiritual Side of Judaism."
County Supervisors
Raise Budget Total
Bureau 1 oConauct
Periodical Studies
of Student Opinion
The Bureau of Student Opinion, or-
ganized by a group of students with
the cooperation of' the Student Re-
ligious Association, has the two-fold
object of accurately measuring stu-
dent attitudes and behavior, and de-
veloping suitable polling techniques,
according to James Vicary, '40, direc-
Monthly polls will be conducted by
the Bureau to study student attitudes
toward racial problems, politics, eco-
nomics, war and peace, and to de-
termine their habits of reading,
studying, "dating" and churchgoing.
Questions will be formulated by in-
vestigating committees composed of
students and faculty members. Ap-
1 proximately 10 questions will be used
in each poll.
The technique of "representative'
sampling," popularized by Dr. Gallup
in his nation-wide polls, is to be used.
Approximately five per cent of the
student body is to be polled. School,
residence, religion and sex will be
used as controls to insure tlat the
group chosen is typical of the campus
as a whole.
A poll on miscellaneous subjects is
being conducted this week to check on
the statistical methods being used..
Results of all polls are to be checked
by a statistician.
The Bureau is an aid to both the
administration and the student body.
Vicary said, in determining scien-
tifically what students think. It is
hoped that the results of polls can be
a guide in planning lecture series and
extra-curricular activities.
The Board of Supervisors of Wash-
tenaw County yesterday approved
a budget of $321,266 for 1938-39,
marking an increase of $4,415 over
that of last year. There is a further
possibility that the budget may be
raised to $333,978 to allow more funds
for county road building.
Last year's appropriations -were cut
in 12 cases and increased in 20. In
general, the cuts were made where
surpluses, were reported from last
year and the increases allowed where
expenditures had greatly exceeded,
the allotments of last year's budget.
Geddes Section
V acre up. $700, $800, $1000,
$1200. Also farms and subur-
ban acreage for sale.
Stalker Hall: Student Class at 9:45'
a.m. Prof. W. Carl Rufus will lead
the discussion on "Buddhism."
Wesleyan Guild meeting at 6 p.m.
This 'is the first meeting in our cele-
bration of the 25th anniversary of
the founding of the Wesley Founda-I
928 Forest.
Phone 2-2839
./ '.
'hysiotherapy Department Uses
Swimming Pool For Paralytics
(Editor's Note: This is the first of
two aticles on the physiotherapy'de-
partmnent of the University Hospital.),
Man's constant struggle to mas-
ter the art of healing is represented
by the well-equipped physiotherapy
department in the University Hos-
pital, Miss Mary Castle, chief tech-
nician, said yesterday. Apparatus
for treatment by means of water,
eletricity, ultra-violet rays and cor-
rective exercise are all available for
use, she declared.
Hydrotherapy has won the most
attention from the press, she recalled,
because of a 25 by 15 foot swimming
pool donated by the Rackham Fund
in 1936 in order to facilitate the treat-
ment of infantile paralysis,
Swimming pools are extremely val-
uable for infantile paralysis treat-
ment because water eliminates the
friction of bedclothes, lessens the
force of gravity and largely does
away with the weight of the leg it-
self. Anticipation of a workout in
the pool. many authorities believe, is
effective in maintaining a patient's
morale because looking forward to
some exercise-even a little splash-
ing about-gives immeasurable satis-
faction and combats despondency.
An overhead trolley, Miss Castle
explained, is used to carry the patient
to the pool after he has been show-
ered and to lower him -into the water,
the temperature of whichPis the same!
as that of the room. Patients are
then able to slide off and float or
stand erect. Buoyancy in many cases
is enhanced by the use of inflated
rubber tubes, she added.
Supervision never ceases during
this process, M iss Castle pointed out,
and when the patient slides off the
carrier, a technician is already in the
water to assist him.
Once walking is mastered in the
pool, the patient's activ.ities are
transferred to a corrective gymna-
sium in which he is able to use the
"walker," an instrument with a sep-
arate set of rails for adults and chil-,
dren. Attending his success in this,
Miss Castle said, is graduation to an
individual walker set up on rollers.
Next comes walking with the aid of a
cane alone.
OCT. 27
1 1N
8:30 P.M.
imited number of good seats still available
Arur Rod inski, conducting
Followed by.
JOSE ITURBI, pianist
JOSEF HOFMANNpianist. . .
November 30
December 7
January 10
. . January 25
February 15
st . February 27
. March 9
FOR RENT-Suite of two rooms for
men students, comfortably furn-
ished, warm; continuous hot water;
garage available. 309 N. Division.
Phone 8876. 92
FOR RENT-Attractive rooms, single
or double to graduate women, busi-
ness women or instructors Continu-
ous hot water. Call 6152. 149
FOR RENT-Beautifully furnished
suite for three. Also newly decorated
double. Garage available. Phone
8544. 422 E. Washington. 152
m.0S.-smalnl dn1 nlova watch at
way gravel, washed pebbles. Killins
Gravel Company, Phone '7112. 17
WANTED - Engineering Material
Book by White. Call 5575. Ask for
Arnold. If anyone finds original
copy please return. Reward. 154
at League cafeteria Oct. 20 can ob-
tain his own better hat by calling
at 24 Ridgeway. Tel. 4328. 158
ALLERGIC, ULCER and other special
diets prepared and served by gradu-
ate dietitians in private home nea
ca~'mpus. Phone 6905. 981
"Over the counter sale" of both season and individual
concert tickets at
LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darner
! E