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October 22, 1938 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-10-22

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Dictators And Music


Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
M'ember of the Associated Press.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc
College Publisbers Re resesgtave
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938-39

naging Editor
torial Director
y Editor
ociate Editor
ociate Editor
ociate Editor
ociate Editor
ociate Editor
ciate Editor
k Editor
men's Editor
)rts Editor.

Board of Editors
. . . Robert D. Mitchell.
r. Albert P. Mayjo
Horace W. Gilmore
. . . . Robert .LFitzhenry
* . . . Si R. Kliman.
. . . Robert Perlman
. . . Earl Gilman
" William Elvin
. .Joseph Freedman
Joseph Gies
Dorothea Staebler
" . Bud Benjamin

Business Department
dness Manager . . . . Ph
dit Manager . . . . Leonar
rertising Manager. . Wiill
men's Business Manager He
nen's Service Manager . Ma

ilip W. Buchen
d P. Siegelman
am L. Newnan
len Jean Dean
nran A. Baxter

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
The British Lion
At Bay In China.. ..
T HE CONDITIONS from which the
Munich Pact evolved have proved a
stimulus to Japan's imperialistic designs on
China. Britain's frantic maneuvers during the
Czech crisis showed that she will make virtually
any sacrifice to avert war. Japanese nilitarists,
therefore, have become bolder in their offense
against China. They have launched a new drive
within a stone's throw of the British island of
IHong Kong. They have dared to sever all com-
munications between Hong Kong and the Chinese
city of Canton. Japan is convinced that a mere
show of force will quiet the British Lion.
Emphasis was given this militaristic attitude
by the resignation of Japanese Foreign. Minister
General Kazushge Ugaki. The army leaders have
long been gunning for the liberal general be-
cause of his disagreement with their policy of
dealirg with the conquered areas of China direct-
ly instead of through the Foreign Office. The
General's resignation allows the war lords greater
latitude than ever in pusiing their campaign in
China as actively as they please.
Submission to Japan's conquest of China must
ultimately prove a sharp blow to British com-
merce. British investments in South China alone
exceed twenty-three million dollars, and in the'
whole of China they are well over a billion. Trade
between China and the Empire amounted to one
hundred and fifty milion dollars in 1936 and has
probably increased since then. And more than
thirteen thousand British subjects earn their
,liying in China.
Britain naturally does not wish to acquiesce in
the destruction of these interests, and yet will
not intervene forcefully. Perhaps the British
merchants see an outlet in the belief that Japan's
needs for great loans to exploit China will keep
the "open door" policy alive. But Manchukuo
11as been almost completely closed to British
trade, and the largest loans for developing Man-
chukuo have come from Germany. These trends
should warn Britain of the losses she and other
nations are facing in the East,
Japan now has two immediate objectives in her
conquest of China. Nipponese troops are steadily
converging on Hankow in the Yangtze campaign,
and the Southern forces have marched to within
sixty miles of Canton before meeting serious re-
sistance. The fall of either city may force Chiang
Kai-Shek to look for much greater financial
assistance, from Great Britain than mere relief
-Hervie Haufler
Pension Scheme
Ridicule is a potent weapon, and the numerous
crackpot pension schemes now going the rounds
particularly invite its use. Two bright lads, stu-
dents of the University of California at Los
Angeles, have seized the moment to bring forth
their own annuity plan, which is fully explained
by the slogan, "$50 every Friday for folks under
50." They urge plausible reasons for supporting it,
Younger people (0 to 50) have occasion to
spend more money than older people.

To those of us who are inclined to think all-
seriously of the art of music, it comes as a grim
remonstrance that when war fear grips the minds
of people, and tearfully silent farewells are send-
ing men out to fight they know not whom nor
why, the cultured strains of flutes and violins are
all but silenced bythe treacherous clamor of
bugles and drums. In London last month there
was formulataed a Ministry of Propaganda which
in case of war would have permitted music on
the British air waves, usually redolent with the
finest in tone, only as a decoy for news bulletins
and patriotic propaganda.
And even while London was "digging in" in
fatalistic desperation, musical and other artistic
activities were practically at a standstill. Shows
scheduled to open did not open; John Barbirolli,
having returned to "peaceful England" to plan
his coming year's work with the New York
Philharmonic, was resigned to giving up the baton
for the sabre and his captaincy in the British
army. Even fabulous Hollywood felt the closeness
of war, with several of its leading foreign stars
ready to drop production work and hasten back
on amoment's notice to fight for their respective
But the war clouds were dispersed, however
wisely and thoroughly. London's shows had be-
lated openings; Hollywood kept its Boyers and
Nivens; and Barbirolli returned on schedule to
open his second season as conductor of the Phil-
harmonic last Thursday evening. And another
evidence of an at least parially restored world
equilibrium is the fact that our friends the dic-
tators can now leave their armies long enough to
put in a couple of below-the-belt punches on
the artistic front.
Punch No. 1 came nearly three weeks ago when
that mighty little atom of music, Arturo Tos-
canini, was detained from leaving Italy by Signor
Mussolini's agents, and given a little figurative
roughing up before being allowed to slip out with
his passport. The reason for this lies in the fact
that Toscanini's interests and ideas, like his
music, are cosmopolitan and uiversal, and that
he has, a habit of talking to pompous dictators
just as he would. to a recalcitrant horn player-
and that means plenty of. talk. But Toscanim
got to New York just the same, and from the
amount and tone of the press comments from all
over, the episode has not raised Il Duce's stock
on the world market a quarter of a point.
Punch No. 2 came from the other dictatorial
fist, and was aimed a little less violently and
directly, though still more pompously. Although
musical as well as other forms of artistic criticism
were supposedy banished from Germany som
time ago in favor of "objective reporting," state-
ments looking suspiciously like criticism were to
be found in all the Nazi cultural journals last
week. The occason was the first presentation, by
the Dresden State Opera, of Daphne, the latest
opera of veteran composer Richard Strauss.
Two years ago Strauss got into trouble when
he was so indelicate as to select a Jew, one
Stephan Zweig, as the librettist for his opera
The Silent Woman, and as a result was forced to
resign the presidency of the Nazi Chamber of
Music. This time Herr Strauss put his foot in it
by writing an opera which, although it "shows
the right maturity of style in a great master of
music who has retained the elasticity of youth"
and is "an enrichment of German music," still
"fails to serve certain purposes proclaimed by
the National Socialist cultural policy." Art,
merely as such, has no place in Germany today;
it must also appeal to the masses with a preach-
ment of Aryan superiority. "An opera of our era
depends just as much on the choice and shaping
of subject matter as it does upon the artistic
powers of the composer"
In view of the last sentence it is easy to
understand why nothing of musical worth has
come out of Germany these five years. As for
Strauss-according to American reviewers who
Were on the scene, Daphne is a well-wrought
piece of operatic stage, though something of a
super modern return to the austerity of Greek
,tragedy, with a musical descent from the "re-
form" opera of Gluck, and therefore not strongly
or widely appealing-certainly not an "enrich-
ment of German music." At best, it must be only
another work from a great mind long written out,
which composes as long as life lasts, not from
the goadings of unexpressed beauty but simply
because it knows no other business. But, effete as
Daphne may be, it at least has the virtue of being
effete art, not ridiculous propaganda; and if it is

Richard the Second's last work, as well it may
be, it is a fitting conclusion in principle if not n
substance to the long series which began in the
-William J. Lichtenwanger
The Italian F ront
Italy has chosen this moment of realignments
and increasing Fascist power in Europe to take
several significant steps.
Mussolini at last fulfills his long-projected
plan to abolish the Chamber of Deputies and re-
place it with his own creation, the Chamber of
Fasces and Guilds. The Deputies had long ago
become mere echoes of the Duce, and the new
chamber will play the same role. The change is
important only in the overthrow of a constitu-
tional form and its replacement by a dicta-
torially imposed body.
The new anti-Semitic orders, issued by the
Fascist, Grand Council, do not fulfill Mussolini's
prediction that "the world perhaps will be
more astounded by our. generosity than by our
rigor." Instead, the measures prove to be more
drastic in some respects than the Nazi code,
which set the pattern, One "concession," for
example, is offer of a haven for Jews in Ethiopia

-by David Lawrence-
WASHINGTON, Oct. 21-Negotiations between
Great Britain and the United States with respect
to a new trade agreement have gone along for
so many months now that, as time wears on, the
differences of opinion between the two govern-
ments tend to produce varying degrees of hope
as to the ultimate outcome.
It is manifestly of such far-reaching import-
ance when the United Kingdom and the United
States revise their own import duties. that it
was foreseen why a considerable time would
elapse before an agreement on all items could
possibly be reached. Take the matter of motor
cars, for example, which is only one of a number
of subjects under discussion. In England today,
there is an import duty of about 33 per cent on
the incoming cars. All countries are on the same
basis. America would like to see the duty material-
ly lowered. But England says, of course, this
would mean the admission of German cars in
larger quantity.
The way out, to be sure. if England desires to
do it, is to create import duties based on horse-
power classifications, because the American cars
are in the higher horsepower group. This method
of classification is permissible under the trade
agreement act passed by our Congress.
British Opinion Split
This is but one of many items on which there is
a disagreement. Naturally, the division of opinion
inside the British government reflects differing
views among British industrialists, some of whom
think the treaty would be helful and some of
whom think it would be disadvantageous.
In the Department of State here, on the other
hand, there is an insistence on certain concessions
which it is felt are necessary if the trade agree-
ment is to receive the approval of American
public opinion.
The importance of consummating a trade
agreement cannot be exaggerated at this tme.
For the moment, the United Kingdom, and the
United States agree, there will have to be
subsequent agreements governing the relations of
the London government with the various Domin-
ion governments. It will be recalled that, when
the Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act was passed in 1930,
there was immediately convened what was known
as the Ottawa Conference, at which preference,
inside the British Empire were established by
the English government.
America started the high tariff game, and, as
the duties were put higher and higher, the other
countries of the world imposed reprisals. Many
American companies found it necessary to aban-
don their export trade from the United States
and to establish factories and branches in foreign
lands to manufacture or assemble their products.
In some instances, these companies found nation-
alistic spirit so intense on the tariff question
that American ownership had to be reduced to
the minimum and American management had
to be supplanted entirely'by citizens of the other
So, while American firms in some instances
derive revenue from foreign plants, it is very
small compared to what it used to be in the days
when export trade direct from the United States
was at is height. Likewise, American employment
has been severely cut down as a consequence of
the building of American plants abroad and thei
taking over of the export policies of such plants
by foreign governments.
Hill's Trade Agreements
The program of Secretary Hull has been a
constant effort to reverse the tide and bring back
the employment to the United States. This can be
done, he thinks, by gradually increasing the
volume of American exports. Reciprocity itself
is in the nature of a trade, but it is not what is
often called barter or two-way agreement. The

United States does not, for instance, agree to
give certain low duties to Great Britain and not
to the rest of the world in exchange for low duties
for American products. Quite the contrary, if
the, British give the United States a low rate,
the same rate applies to all other countries from
which British citizens may wish to buy.
By this method, Secretary Hull hopes to bring
about a gradual reduction everywhere of tariff
barriers, so that, when impediments to the ex-
change of goods are removed, the total volume
of goods bought and sold across international,
boundaries and oceans will be materially in-
There are advocates of the so-called "barter"
or two-way plan who insist that direct bargain-
ing is the better method. But the United States
government, under the Roosevelt Administration,
has stuck to the universal application of tariff
duties and to what is known as the favored
nation principle, something which most of the
governments of the world now recognize as the
cornerstone of success in future trade relations,
especially if economic nationalism-which fos-
ters barter, as used by Germany for instance--is
to be supplanted by a sane internationalism.
of Franco's forces, Mussolini certainly has not
given up hope for Fascist victory in Spain. Never-
theless, any reduction in the foreign, armies which
have prolonged the Spanish war is to be wel-
The three developments take their proper place
in Mussolini's scheme of things. To the outside
world, they prove again : that Fascism means
destruction of popular representation; that it
means religious intolerance and oppression; that
it means aggression, betrayal and war.
-St. Louis Post-Dispatch

[ 1DRAMA .
It has been a commonplace in past
reviews of the Children's Theatre to
judge the merits of their productions
on a pro rata basis of the shrieks,
howls and laughs of anticipation
and fulfillment on the part of the
kiddies witnessing, the performance.
If "Rumpelstiltskin," presented yes-
terday afternoon at the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre follows in tradition-
al line, then it may well be rated,
for the sake of the records, a rousing
Out of a few pages of the Brothers
Grimm, Richard McKelvey has, be-
sides directing the production, adapt-
ed the story especially for the Chil-
dren's Theatre. And he has done it
with a free hand and a broad imagi-
nation. Where Grimm begins is not
where McKelvey begins, for the latter
uses the simple technique of the flash-
back to get his play going and cleverly
concludes with a combination of the
flashback and bringing the characters
in the flashback in earthly contact
with the characters in the play proper.
But listen to what my inevitable
twelve-year old neighbor had to say,
my neighbor who was a conniseur of
fairy tales: "It's pretty good for a
play but it just ain't the book!" For
the kiddies wondered what happened1
to Grimms' story. For me, at any
rate, here was a new fairy tale, with
little left of the original core. Al-
though McKelvey's King Prosper wasi
changed from Grimms' miserly,i
greedy monarch to a frankly happy'-7
go-lucky opportunist, and although
Rumpelstiltskin himself metamor-
phosed from a helpful dwarf to a
full-statured, half-odious sort of
anthropomorphic being, I cannot help
but feel that Mr. McKelvey made
the best of a children's show that
was only a sketchy tale in the begin-
He was helped considerably by a;
corking good extravaganza piece of
acting by Karl Klauser as the King.
Here was judicious high-jinx coupled
with intelligent tom-foolery. Mr.
Klauser's posturing and pantomine
were ludricously delightful. The best
compliment tat can be paid Bernard
Benoway, who took the name role,
is that he probably scares half the
kiddies todeath. Jim Rob Stephenson
seems destined to play the Jester for
the rest of his high school days. He
did not appear to best advantage
here, primarily because the direction
did not capitalize on all the possibili-
ties the role afforded. As Hilda, she'
who is to spin gold cloth from straw
for the king, (another deviation from
the original story), Ruth Menefee
was pragmatically satisfying.
The Editor'
Gets Told..
Letters published in this column
should not be construed as expressing
the editorial opinion of the Daily.
Anonymous contributions will be dis i
regairded The names of communicants
will, however, be regarded as confi-
dential upon request. Contributors are
asked to be brief, the editorsreserving
the right to condense all letters of more
than 300 words and to accept or reject
lettersaupon the criteria of general
editorial importance and interest to the
Hearst Criticized

SATURDAY, OCT. 22, 1938
VOL. XLIX. No. 24

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

Senate Reception: Since no indi-
vidual invitations are being sent,
this is a cordial invitation to all mem-
bers of the teaching staff and their
wives to be present at the Senate Re-
ception to new members of the facul-
ties on Wednesday evening, Oct. 26,
in the ballroom of the Michigan
Union at 8:30 p.m. The reception
will take place from 8:30 to 10 o'clock,
after which there will be dancing
from 10 to 12. It is especially hoped
that new teaching fellows and in-
structors may be present and the
chairmen of departments are asked
to be of assistance in bringing this
Graduate Students in Education
who plan to take the preliminary ex-
aminations for the Ph.D., to be held
on Nov. 3, 4 and 5, should leave their
names in Room 4000 University High
School immediately.
Clifford Woody, Chairman
of Committee on Graduate
Study in Education.
Rackham Building: Open every day
except Sunday from 8 a.m. until 10
p.m. for the use of graduate students
and graduate organizations.
Students who were promised books
from the Textbook Lending Library
should call at the Angell Hall Study
Hall this week. Most of the books
which were ordered have arrived.
E. A. Walter.
Academic Notices
Actuarial Review Classes. Will meet
on Tuesday at 1 o'clock and on
Thursday at 3 o'clock in Room 3011
Angell Hall, beginning Tuesday, Oct.
Economics 71: Room assignmentsl
for examination Monday, Oct. 24, at 1
A-E, inclusive, N.S. Aud.
F-L, inclusive, 348 W. Eng.
M-R, inclusive, 25 A.H.
S-Z, inclusive, 1025 A.H.
Choral Union Concerts: Lawrence
Tibbett, baritone, with Stewart Wille
at the piano, will provide the follow-
ing program: Handel's "Where 'er
you Walk and Hear Me," "Ye Winds
and Waves," "Nacht und: Traume" by
Schubert; "Meine Liebe ist grun" by
Brahms; 4Allerseeen" by Strauss;
"Ewig" by, Erich Wolff; "Cortigiani,
vil razza dannata" from "Rigoletto"
by Verdi; "Pilgrim's Song" by Tsch-
aikowsky; "In the Silent Night" by
Rachmaninoff," "Death, the Com-
mander" by Moussorgsky; "Moan" by
Edward Harris; "Betsy's Boy" by
Jacques Wolfe; "Hangman, Slack
on de Line" (Negro folksong) adaptr
ed by Harvey Enders.
Concertgoers are requested to come
sufficiently early as to -be seated on
time. Holders of season tickets will
please detach coupon No. 1 before
leaving home and present for admis-
sion. Those leaving the Auditorium
at intermission time will be given
door-checks which must be presented
in order to re-enter the Auditorum,
Doors will be closed during num-
bers. The sympathetic cooperation
of concertgoers is respectfully re-
quested in all respects, to the end
that the artistic effectiveness of the
program may not be marred.
An Exhibition of Early Chinese
Pottery: Originally held in conjunc-
tion with the Summer Institute of

Chinese Pottery" by Mr. J. M. Plum-
er and Mr. John A. Foster-In con-
nection with the meeting of the Art
Division (Michigan and Northwes-
tern Ohio), American Ceramic So-
ciety. Architecture Building Audi-
torium. Open to students of Far Eas-
tern Art and to the general public.
Events Today
Graduate Outing Club will have an
over-night outing at Camp Tacoma
on Clear Lake on Oct. 22-23. The
group will leave the northwest en-
trance of the Rackham Building at
2:30 p.m. Saturday and will return
Sunday afternoon after dinner. Each
person is requested to bring his own
blankets. Call 4598 for reservations.
The Michigan Outdoor Club will
meet at Lane Hall at 3 p.m. today for
a bicycle hike. Any students interest-
ed are invited to attend.
Sphinx: There will be an afternoon
social for Sphinx members this af-
ternoon at 3 p.m. Members will be
allowed to bring dates.
Coming Events
Physics Colloquium: Professor O.
S. Duffendack will speak on "Varia-
tion with Pressure of the Intensity of
Lines in the Mercury Spectrum" at
the Physics Colloquium on Monday,
'Oct. 24, at 4:15 p.m. in Room 1041
E. Physics Bldg.
Biological Chemistry Seminar:
Monday, Oct. 24, 7-9 p.m., Room. 313
West Medical Bldg.
"The Biological Role of Nicotinic
Acid-Nicotinic Acid in Pellagra' will
be discussed. All interested are in-
Chemcal Engineers: There will be
a district A.I.Ch.E. meeting in Fern-
dale, Wednesday, Nov. 2, during the
afternoon and evening. Program in-
cludes a plant 'trip, illustrated talk,
and banquet. Dinner will be $1. and
transportation $1.25. Group will
leave at 2:30 ,and return at 11:00.
Will all those interested in attend-
ing please sign the list on the bulletin
board opposite the East Engeering
Library before Monday morning.
Cercle Francais: There will be a
meeting, Monday, Oct. 24 at 8:15, in
Room 408, Romance Language Bldg.,-
to receive the new members. There
will be a special program with songs
and refreshments, and Mr. Koella will'
welcome the new members. If you
cannot come, please call Mary Allison
at 2-3225.
German Table for Faculty Members.
The regular luncheon meeting will be
held Monday at 12:10 p.m. in the
Founders' Room of the Michigan
All faculty members interested in
speaking German are cordially in-
vited. Professor Otto Laporte, re-
cently returned from a trip around
the world will give a brief informal
"Steel, Man's Friend," or "The
Making of Steel," a technicolor sound
film lasting 35 minutes will be shown
in the Lecture Room on the first floor
of the Rackham Building on Monday,
October 24, at 12:50 p.m. Engineer-
ing students particularly are urged to
see this fine picture of industrial de-
velopment. The showing will be under
the auspices of the Ann Arbor Lions
Club and is open to the public.
Student Senate: There will be a
meeting Tuesday, Oct. 25, 7:30 p.m.,
at the Michigan League. The room
will be posted on the bulletin board.
The public is cordially invited.
Sphinx: The customary weekly ban-
quets of Sphirx society will be
changed from Wednesday noon to 6
p.m. Sunday evening. The banquets

will be in the form of a buffet supper
and will be held in the Founders'
room of the Union.
Freshman Round Table: Kenneth
Morgan will speak on "Boy and Girl
Relationships." at Lane Hall, Sunday,
4 p.m.
Alpha Phi Alpha: There will be a
call meeting in the Michigan Union,
Monday night, Oct. 24. The, room
number will be posted on the Union
bulletin. All members are urged to
be present at 7:30 p.m.
Sphinx Club of Alpha Phi Alpha
will hold its first meeting of the term
Tuesday night at nine o'clock, Oct.
25, at the Michigan Union. The
room number will be posted on the
Union bulletin.
The Nu Chapter of Kappa Phi, a
nationaltorganization for Methodist
women at college, will hold their~ an-#-
nual tea for the new Methodist wom-
en on the campus at the home of Mrs.
A. G. Ruthven on Sunday, Oct. 23,
from three to five.
Hillel Foundation: All those inter-
ested in debating report to the Foun-
dation Sunday, 9:30 a.m. If unable

To the Editor:
Just how long do we, members of
the University of Michigan, have to
tolerate Mr. Hearst and those disgust-
ing banner headlines which have been
appearing in his Detroit Times of
late. First, it's the Dies Committee1
and Mr. Hearst's Detroit stooges see
fit to splatter his front page with
yesterday they decide that we're all
dope addicts, so "TWO ARRESTED
IN U.M. DOPE RING." It's getting so
that some of us have to stalk up to the
news stand after our two o'clock
class, fearing the worst and wonder-
ing what sort of a jam nasty old
U.M. has been in this time.
It's not a matter of whether you're'
in favor of having "REDS" on the
faculty, or not. If there are any com-
munists on campus, who, in this era
of Hearstian intolerance, have the
guts to stand on a speakers platform,
we should be thankful for having the
opportunity of listening to their views.
It's simply a question of having one
man and his organization discredit
incessantly our institution in the
eyes. of the citizens of this state.
In the words of that eminent 19th
century utilitarian, John Stuart Mill,
we have the right to censor a person
who "though doing no wrong to any
one, may so act as to compel us to
judge him as a fool or a being of
inferior order" in several ways. First,
we "are not bound to seek his society,'
and then again, "we have a right
and it may be our. duty, to caution
others against him, if we think his
example or conversation likely tc
have a pernicious effect on those with
whom he associates."


( Farr Eastern Studies, now re-opened
by special request with alterations
and additions. Oct. 12-Nov. 5. At
the College of Architecture. Daily
(excepting Sundays) 9 to 5.
Ann Arbor Artists' Exhibitior.: 16th
Annual Ann Arbor Artists' Exhibi-
tion, held under the auspices of the
Ann Arbor Art Association, in the
Galleries of Alumni Memorial Hall.
Daily 2-5 p.m., through Oct. 26.
University Lectures: Dr. Albert
Charles Chibnall, Professor of Bio-
chemistry at Imperial College of Sci-
ence and Technology, University of
London, will give the following lec-
tures: under the auspices of the De-
partment of Biochemistry:
Nov. 4, 4:15 p.m., Amphitheatre,,
Horace H. Rackham School of Grad-
uate Studies, ,The Preparation and
Chemistry of the Proteins of Leaves."
Nov. 4, 8:15 p.m., Room 303 Chem-
istry Building, "The Application of
X-rays to the Study of the Long
Chain Components of Waxes."
Nov. 5, 11 a.m., Room 303, Chem-
istry Building, "Criticism of Methods
of Amino Acid Analysis in Proteins.
This lecture is especially designed for
those interested in the analytical
schemistry of proteins.
University Lecture: Dr. Marvin R.
Thompson, Director of Warner In-
stitute for Therapeutic Research

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