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October 22, 1938 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1938-10-22

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W eathfw
Fair and slightly wanner. i a

The British Lion
At Bay In China .

Student Senate Poll
Soars To New Mark
As 2093 Cast Votes

With voting increased by 19 per ceni
over last year and with support scat-
tered widely among the 60 candidates
in the race, balloting in the seconc
Student Senate elections yesterday
drew 2,093 students to the polls in the
selection of 16 new Student Senators
Incomplete results after the 30th
transfer of votes, as announced by
Edward Magdol, '39, director of elec-
tions, follow: John R. Hulbert, '40,
112 votes; Robert Perlman, '39, Lib-
eral Coalition, 106; James E. Tobin,
'41, Non-Partisan, 94; Harry Stutz,
'39, Liberal Coalition, 90; Alberta
Wood, '40, Liberal. 88: John P.
Goodell, '40, Conservative, 79; Don-
ald Counihan, '41, 77.
Frankel Gets 73
James Frankel, -41, 73 votes; Ed-
ward J. Hutchins, '40, Progressive
Coalition, 69; William F. Grier, '39,
'Progressive Coalition, 66; Clay
Brockman, '39L, Liberal Coalition,
64; Leon A. Kupeck, '39, Indepen-
dent, 64; Harry Sonneborn, '40, Pro-
gressive Coalition, 63; Robert Kahn,
'39, Liberal Coalition, 61; Jack Ses-
sions, '40, Socialist, 60.
According to the Hare system of
proportional representation, w i t h
2,093 valid votes cast, it was necessary
to secure one-sixteenth of this num-
ber, or 130, for election, since there
were 16 vacancies. Perlman, the
highest number of first choice votes,
Hulbert, was secord; Stutz, third;
Frankel, Tobin were tied for fourth;
Counihan and Goodell were tied for
sixth place.
13 Ballots Invalid
Only six-tenths of one per cent,
13, of the entire number of ballots
cast were declared invalid by the
Election Board for improper mark-
ings. This proportion is much lower
than has been recorded in many of
the municipal elections in which pro-
portional representation has been
used, Magdol said. Last year 1714
students voted and five of them had
their ballots nullified.
Twenty-nine candidates have al-
ready been eliminated, Magdol said.
The Election Board was composed
of Magdol, chairman; Richard M.
Scammon, a graduate student here
last year, adviser; Raoul Weisman,
'39E; Sam Weisberg, '39; Betty
Shaw, '41; Murray Silverman, '40;
Stuart Knox, '40; Harold Kandiner,
Grad.; Daniel Rosenkoff, '40; Rob-
ert P. Bretland, '39. Perlman and
Walter Stebens. '40, were judges at
the counting.
Lehman Loses
La Guardia Aid,
Must Endorse New Deal
Before Getting Svport
HYDE PARK, N. Y., Oct. 21-fA)--
Mayor F. H, Lauaria of New York
made it emphatically clear today
that Gov. Herbert H. Lehman could
expect no support from him in his
campaign for reelection unless he
came out anew for the New Deal.
Emerging from a conference on
politics and housing with President
Roosevelt, the scrappy little Mayor
and leader in the American Labor
Party, said "support of the Federal
administration" was a principal fac-
tor in the New York campaign and
an issue throughout the country.
He did not disclose Mr. Roosevelt's
attitude. but he criticized Lehman,
Democratic and Labor Party candi-
date for a fourth term as Governor,
for declining to reply directly to re-
porters' questions Tuesday, following
a talk with the President, whether
he would endorse the New Deal in his
Negative Debaters
Meet Michigan State

Michigan's negative debating team
will oppose an affirmative squad from
Michigan State on the question "Re-
solved, That the United States should

Await Sion
Czechoslovakia Is Warned
By Confident Magyars
In Territorial Dispute
Prague Considers
Break With Russia
(On the Czechoslovak Border)-Oct.
21-(I)-Nearly half a million Hun-
garian troops facing Czechoslovakia
along this frontier eagerly awaited
orders today while their officers ex-
pressed confidence of the outcome
should the territorial dispute with
the Czechs flare into conflict.
In a tour of the border arranged
by the War Ministry to demonstrate
Hungarian fearlessness of any neces-
sary war, this correspondent was given
the impression that in some sections
Hungarian officers are hard put to
restrain their men from crossing the
line "to free Hungarian brothers and
sisters from the Czech terror."
The Hungarians voiced pride in an
army they said was stamped out from
the earth "overnight," with excellent
anti-aircraft equipment, although un-
til three months ago their country
was not permitted to have more than
35,000 troops, and was allowed no air-
force, heavy artillery, or tanks.
Hungarian villages in a zone as
much as 50 miles deep along the bor-
der were thronged with troops. Tanks
with huge skulls painted on =either
side crawled along border roads.
Conceding Czechoslovak superior-
ity in numbers of planes and tanks,
Hungarian officers commented:
"The territory in which we may
have to fight is not especially suitable
for tanks. Our anti-aircraft equipment
has reached a degree of perfection
that probably no other country can

Without Fight
Small Jap Column Enters
Key Center; Kai- Shek
Is Fleeing To Hankow
Invaders Sidestep
Defending Forces
CANTON, Oct. 22-(Saturday)-
() - Foreign military observers
watching Japan's expeditionary force
methodically consolidate its almost
bloodless conquest of Canton today
predicted the fallen city would be
turned into a base from which to
(smash Chinese resistance inland.
Swarms of demoralized Cantonese
-soldiers and civilians alike-choked
the city's exits in frantic flight before
the mechanized Japanese units roll-
ing slowly through the sprawling
Captured Yesterday
The South China metropolis was
captured yesterday afternoon after
one of the most astounding cam-
paigns of modern warfare-a victory
in which a comparatively small but
highly mobile and formidably equip-
ped column sidestepped hundreds of
thousands of Chinese soldiers.
Pointed by corps of tanks, their
turreted guns inactive, the column
swung into the virtually deserted city
shortly after noon. Behind the tanks
rolled a train of; trucks loaded withI
There was little or no disorder
among the 50,000 civilians who re-
mained in the once-teeming metropo-
lis. The Chinese stared impassively at
the newcomers. The Japanese, with
fixed bayonets, stared back and Can-
ton was a fallen city.
Amazes Observers,
As the occupation of Canton pro-
ceeded today, amazed miultary obser-
vers sought to evaluate the 10-day-
old South China invasion as it related
to the 15-month-old Chinese Japanes
war and particularly the months-long
encroachment on Hankow, Chinese
military capital some 500 miles to the

Michigan Visitors Royall

35,000 Crowd Is Expected
As Wolverines Revive
Rivalry; With Bulldogs

Blase New York Forget

-Daily Photo by Freedman
Robert Perlman, '39, points with
pride to "Lucky 91," the number of
votes that enabled him to lead a
field of 60 candidates at the end
of the first count for the Student

Rum rih Says
He Became Spy
To Clear Name
Chief Witness In German
Espionage Trial Calls'
Self 'Patriotic Traitor'
NEW YORK, Oct. 21.-(IP)-Guen.
ther Gustav Rumrich, 32, army de-
sorter turned Nazi spy, said under
cross-examination in Federal Court
today that "sometimes" he felt pa-
triotic about America and was
"haunted at night" by the idea of
clearing the blemish on his record
as a soldier.
The confessed traitor, testifying as
one of the Government's key wit-
nesses against three alleged co-con-
spirators, said he originally entered
the German espionage service to
clear his record by turning over for-.
eign spies to the U.S. Government.
"I thought that by giving the
Government of the United States in-
formation about foreign spies said to
infest the United States I could
clear my record," he said.
As Rumrich spoke, Fraulein Jo-
hanna Hofmann, 26, pretty red-
haired alleged "payoff" agent of the
spy ring, sat with bowed head. She
had regained her composure since a
burst of weeping yesterday.;
Glaser and the third defendant,
Otto Hermann Voss, 36, accused of
stealing U. S. Army pursuit planer
plans, glared at Rumrich.1

NEW HAVEN, Conn., Oct. 21.-
(Special to The Daily)- Michigan
renews a football rivalry dormant for
over half' a century tomorrow when
the Wolverines invade Yale Bowl in
an intersectional battle with the sons
of old Eli.
Not since 1883 have the two teams
met on the gridiron and in those
embryonic football days, the Bull-
dog emerged victorious 46 to 0. In
1881, the only other meeting, Yale
also defeated the Wolverine, this
time by a score of 17 to 0.
This staid town was surprisingly
quiet tonight on the eve of a big
game but a large influx of visiting
fans and alumni is expected to ar-
rive here tomorrow. With New York
but two hours away, large groups of
I Michigan and Yale alumni are cer-
tain to be in the stands cheering
their favorites.
Upwards of 35,000 fans are expect-
ed to file into the Bowl tomorrow to
see the game.
The Wolverines were quartered to-
i night at Cheshire School, formerly
'the Roxbury School, outside of town.
The Yale crew was also encamped
at some hinterland hangout.
There was little betting, and you
could almost name your price on a
Yale wager. Michigan remained the
prohibitive favorite, but there was a
subtle "if" among all competent ob-
servers who appraised the two con-
The conjecture arises from the
poignant question: "Can Michigan
stop a potent aerial attack?" To
date they have proven incapale of
doing just that, and in Yale they will
face one of the strongest passing
teams in the nation.
Throwing them for Eli will be Gil-
bert "Bud" Humphrey, 168 pound
quarterback who has compiled a re-
markable record on the pitching
rubber this season and will be Yale's
big gun tomorrow.
The Blue has met with mediocre
success in three previous games to
date, scoring but 23 points to their
opponents' 55. They lost their open-
er to Columbia, 27 to 14, and were
(Continued on Page 3)
NBC Will Broadcast 1,
ichigan- Yale Game

PRAGUE, Czechoslovakia, Oct. 21 north.
--P)-Foreign Minister Frantisek Foreign observers always havej
Chvalkovsky was reported tonight to maintained that Japan must take
have told the Soviet Minister Sergei both Canton and Hankow to achieve
Alexandrovski, that Czechoslovakia is real victory. With the capture of Can-j
"no longer interested" in its alliance ton the task perhaps was half done.
with Russia. Canton not only had been the prin-
Czechoslovak sources emphasized cipal gateway into China for military
that the alliance-a purported mutual supplies used against the Japanese,
assistance pact of which France was but was the only major port left to
a signatory-had not been terminat- other Chinese commerce.
The Foreign Minister's statement ,
was regarded as further evidence of 800 SeePeri
.the swing toward Nazi Germany, and
Czechs are trying to reshape from Dr.
the constricted domain left to them
by the Munich Pact. On River Trip
Sphinx Social Today ; Turbulent rapids, gigantic waves,
Meeting Day Changed racing water and gorgeous scenery
were some of the spectacles seen by
Sphinx, junior men's honorary the 800 people who attended the
society, will hold an afternoon social moving pictures and lecture of Dr.
at 3 p.m. today in Hagen's Tavern, Elzada U. Clover of the botany de-
Dennis Flanagan. '40, announced yes- partment yesterday in the Rackham
terday. Members will be allowed to Building auditorium.
bring dates. Supplementing her lecture with
colored movies, Dr. Clover. who at-
tained fame last summer as a mem-
a Be Sound ber of the Nevills Expedition down
lay the Colorado River. vividly described
Economist Says he party's adventures.
T She told of how Norman Nevills,
leader of the expedition, just missed
such as roads, dams and bridges which a "mushroom" while tackling the
yield no revenue but do increase the rapids in Gypsum Creek. A "mush-
national income, and investments room" is a spot where two waves
which may be expected to be self- hit together and' the spray is forced
liquidating in the relatively near over, engulfing anything in its way.
future. The latter should comprise The second boat was caught in
a fairly large proportion of the total the "mushroom" and two fellows
in the. interests of liquidity, Professor were thrown overboard. "I felt as
Smithies believes if I'd been going up and down in an
Armaments and such projects asI elevator," exclaimed one of them af-
Armaent andsuc proect aster he had been rescued.
parks and playgrounds which do not "Anyone who has been down the
fall in the above categories should jriver," remarked Dr. Clover, "always
be met out of taxation, if possible, speaks in a whisper when he says
Professor Smithies declared, althoughsakstinanwhieryhen ue say
national emergency such as war oraHi resp cs implimentary about it
depression may justify loan expendi- H e c . No on who oe
tures in these fields. out alive can have any feeling of
Direitingsches thatr egotism after being rushed about in
Discrediting charges that recent its rapids. It is impossible to be on
United States deficits have involvedthr It dsipoutben -
a policy of inflation in the past four trer 6ys wity" b
.~,. .... pressed, by its personality."



Federal Deficit IM
Economic Polic)

Michigan fans can follow the foot- VV*~* 1 1'AAVLl
Mchiganefas cnfolow the foot-s nthe appearance, announced yesterday.
ball fortunes of the Wolverines in Lieut.-Gov. Leo J. Nowicki will
Yale Bowl today, make only a brief speech before the
Bill Slater will give a play-by-play Governor talks, Adams said.
description of the game over the At the speaker's platform along
entire Red Network oftheNBDCinwithPresident Ruthvmn, Governor
cluding WWJ and WXYZ in Detroit. Murphy, Lieut.-Gov. Nowicki and
Harry Wismer and Harry Kipke will Adams will be Prof. Joseph Hayden
also broadcast the game for WJR of the political .cience department,
listeners. who is heading a committee to plan,
Game time has been announced reorganization of Michigan's state
as 2 p.m. (EST) with both broad- government, and Mayor Walter Sad-
casts coming- on the air at 1:45 p.m. ler of the engineering college.
Speech Clinic's New Inventions

Despite predictions that rearma-
ment and increased government
spending will necessitate another
heavily unbalanced federal budget, a
government deficit, calculated by
American methods, does not neces-
sarily indicate unsound economicj
policy, according to Prof. A. Smithies
of the economics department, who re-
cently returned from Australia where
he was economist for the Common-
wealth Treasury.
A deficit balanced by income pro-
ducing assets, Professor Smithies feels.
reflects no lack of soundness in
government finance. On the contrary,
it may constitute a necessary founda-
tion for industrial prosperity.
"In Australia, the 'normal deficit'
calculated by the American method
amounts to about $64,000,000," Profes-
sor Smithies said. "Bearing in mind
that the Australian population is little
more than 15 percent of the Ameri-
can, this deficit is equivalent at least
to more than $1,000,000,000, and con-
sidering the need for capital develop-
ment of the country is, I think, a
conservative policy."
Americans are apt to overlook this
point, Professor Smithies warned,
since in England and Australia capital


years, Professor Smithies said thatj
government loans have been raised by
public issues taken up by commercial
banks in the orthodox way and have
involved no appreciable inflationary
increase of the credit base.
"Even in the best of times a con-,
tinued program of government invest-
ment has probably now become an
economic necessity in the United
States in order to keep the resources
and the people of the country fully
employed," Professor Smithies pointed
out. "In times of depression the gov-

University Faculty I
Men Get State Jobs
Ann Arbor was represented yester-
day in a group of citizens appointed
by Governor Murphy to serve on two
Prof. Lewis M. Gram of the Engin-
eering school and George Burke, Ann
Arbor attorney, are on the personnel
of an All-Michigan Committee to

(Editor's Note: This is the third in a
series of articles on the work of var-
ouis sociological research groups at the
Rehabilitation of young and old
who suffer from congenital or ac-
quired defects in speech and hearing
is the daily work of the Speech Clinic
I of the Institute forHuman Adjust-
I ment.
Calling upon psychology, medicine,
biology and psychiatry to help in its
herculean task, the Speech Clinic
daily aids people who suffer from
disorders caused by cleft palate and
other defects. Among these is Hare
lip, which is an extreme form of a
cleft palate. The work of the Clinic
returns people from a life of a cripple
to that of a normal being.
An afternoon spent watching the
treatment of cases that come to the
Clinic illustrates vividly the vital im-
nrtanc of nf its rn.r Sam- ofe

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