Weather Fair and warmer today; fair and warmer tonarrow, Cloudy both tiues. Ll r e Lit igaz aIutj It's Up To You Armaments And Recovery ... VOL. XLIX. No. 23 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCT. 21, 1938 Nazis Object New York Awaits Onslaught Of On To Yale' Celebration Absentee Voters Get Information At Union To Accompany Murphy Campus To PRICE, FIVE CE Vote To Hungarian Par etion Czech Border, Indicate Further Division Decisions Will Be Placed With Germany And Italy Prague Police Ban Communist Party BERLIN, Oct. 20.-(P)-The Hitler government - raised the stop sign against Hungary today in a friendly. but unmistakable objection to any hasty partition of what is left of the Republic of Czechoslovakia. Hungary, remnant of the pre-war Austro-Hungarian Empire, is anxious to obtain some sizeable portions of Slovakia in the wake of Germany's acquisition of Sudetenland. Poland, created out of Western Russia by post-war treaty, is report- ed to want a division of another por- tion of Czechoslovakia-Ruthenia- among herself, Rumania and Hun- gary. Rumors Of Big Parade Led By Dewey spread; Banquet Is Tomorrow More than 1,000 students gathered last night at the Michigan Central station to cheer the football team, the Varsity Band, and 65 of their fellow students off to New Haven for the Yale-Michigan game Satur- day. Rumors last night had it that the band and students would march through the heart of Manhattan to the Lincoln Hotel, their headquarters; that a motorcycle escort would lead the parade; that the parade would be led by Thomas E. Dewey, candidate for governor of New York and a Michigan alumnus; and that Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia would deliver a welcoming address. A telephone call to the New York police department last night brought the information that no one had made any arrangements with the de- partment for any kind of parade whatsoever. It was known, however, that Prof. William D. Revelli had given marching instructions to the members of the band. Two railroad cars were occupied by Colorado Tipp Subject Of Talk Germany Replies To all the rumors of imminent trades which wouli remake the map of Eastern Europe, Germany has re- plied unofficially that the remain- ing minorities questions will be reached in good time. ' Moreover, informed Nazis have in- dicated that when that time comes, the decision will rest with Germany and Italy, and will be guided strictly by a determination of predominant nationalities. While reports of border troubles issued from Hungarian-Slovakian as well as from Sudeten-Bohemian borders, the Czechoslovak govern- ment took action which was regard- ed as an added index of a turn toward the political right. Police Outlaw Reds In Prague the police outlawed the Communist Party and suspended its newspapers in Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia. Previously Slovakia had out- ~ wed the-,Communists. That left them integral as a party only in Ru- thenia, the easternmost tip of the Republic, and in that area they were considered distinctly weak. Prague also rounded up an unesti- mated number of Jews in an effort to meet the vexing refugee problem. Former residents of Sudetenland by the thousands, fleeing sectors into which the German military marched after the "Peace of Munich," have streamed into Bohemia. Though the Czech general staff and DNB, the official German news agency, said a half dozen persons had been killed in disorders on the Su- deten-Bohemian border, the German administration in the newly-acquired areas prepared to take control fromi the hands of the military and give it to the civil authorities. Need For Revision Of Drama History Seen By Mueschke Prof. Paul Mueschke of the English1 department stated last night that existing histories of the drama will need thorough revision as a result of the careful scholarly study now going' on in order to make them accurate. In his address before the English Journal Club in the Rackham School he declared "erroneous" the prevail- ing attitude that 17th Century drama has been fully and accurately inter- preted. To substantiate his statement he pointed to the failure of many contemporary scholarly articles and works to deal with the important problems of the period. They are not, he added, representative of the real trend. Indicative of the new trend in a sound interpretation of the Renais- sance in 17th century drama, he said, are Granville-Barker's "Shakespear- ian Prefaces" and the existing opera- tive venture at Huntington Library in San Marino, Cal., in which sTchol- ars of the Renaissance are devoting themselves to a careful study of the culture of the time and its relation to the drama. 10,000 Italians Home From Spain NAPLES, Oct. 20---W-Wth 10,000 Dr. Clover To Show Films Taken On Expedition "Adventures of the Nevills Colo- rado River Expedition .A 1938" will be the subject of a lecture given by Dr. Elzada U. Clover of the botany de- partment at 4:15 p.m. today in the Rackham building auditorium. Dr. Clover attracted nation-wide atten- tion as a member of the expedition last summer. The colored movies used to illus- trate the review of the 666 mile river trip include views of shooting the rapids, of plant and animal life and geologic formations in the canyon. Pictures of the boats which were especially designed for the trip by Norman D. Nevills, leader of the ex- pedition. are also included. "The expedition was started when I was collecting cacti in Mexican Hat, Utah,, remarked Dr. Clover. While there I ran into Mr. Nevills and it took about 30 minutes to decide on it, one year to plan, and 53 days to take." Med Student Gets Bids For Political Services Several letters asking for speaking engagements about the country and requesting important political infor- mation were received by Warren R. Austin, '40M of Seattle, Wash., this summer. Only recently Mr. Austin received a letter from a prominent Senator containing an invitation to visit him in his Vermont home. The solution: Senator Warren R. Austin (R-Vt.) visited Seattle for three days during the summer and his mail was erroneously placed in the medical student's box. Bag, Baggage, B the football squad and coaches, the 125 band members had three coaches, and the 65 students making the trip occupied two more. A diner and bag- gage car were included. Two pullman cars, with 50 Michi- gan rooters, were added to the train in Detroit. Two special trains. will carry New York residents to the game tomorrow morning, returning to the city shortly after the game. Members of the band will be guests of the University of Michigan Club of 'New Yorkat a banquet to be given tonight at the Hotel Commodore.. From five to six hundred persons are expected to attend the banquet. The trip is sponsored by the Union and managed by Max Hodge, '39, and William E. Miller, '40. Dies Witness Says Reds Run Labor Unions Membership Dropping Off According To Detroit Police Superintendent WASHINGTON, Oct. 20-0P)-Fred W. Frahm, Detroit's Superintendent of Police, told the House Committee on- unamerican activities today that unless Communist influences are re- moved from that city's labor unions an "awful clash" is coming and "a lot of people are going to get hurt." With indignant emphasis, he testi- fied that Communists "instigated" 75 per cent of the numerous strikes which have occurred in the Detroit area in recent years. Evidence is plentiful, he added, that "Communists dictate" the policies of the unions. As a result, he continued, many union members have grown "dissatis- fied," are "dropping out" or stopping their dues payments. "So that," Chairman Dies (D-Tex.) interposed, "the Communists are actually destroying the unions?" "There is no question about that." "Membership is falling off? Men are quitting in droves? Is that right?" "Yes, sir." Another witness, John P. McGillis, Secretary of the Detroit Council of the Knights of Columbus, testified that Communist organizations had collected "thousandsand nthousands of dod s in Detroit," for which no accounting had ever been given. British Imprison Rebellious Arabs JERUSALEM, Oct. 20--UP)-Small; groups of Arab prisoners, rounded up and disarmed in the British occupa- tion of the Old City section of Jerusa- lem, were herded today in to a con- centration camp on the site of Herod's palace. The concentration camp is on Frank Mountain, between Jerusalem and Bethlehem to the south, where the crusaders offered their last pro- longed resistance to the Moslems. The Holy Land lapsed into an omi- nous uneasy peace while the Cold- stream Guards regiment continued poking into the dark recesses of the Old City to clean out the last vestiges of rebel rule. Information on absentee voting for the state elections will be given out at a booth in the Union lobby from 3 to 3:30 p.m. today, Paul Brickley, '39, announced yesterday. Today is the last day absentee voters may register for the November elections, Brickley said. China Fortifies Canton As Japs NearKey City Invaders Within 20 Miles Of Metropolis Rapidly Advancing, Report Says HONGKONG, Oct. 20.-(P)-The defenders of Canton tonight were hastily digging trenches and throwing up barricades in the streets, appar- ently in anticipation of a last-ditch struggle with the Japanese within the South China metropolis. The 100,000 persons remaining in Canton after the exodus of hundreds of thousands of non-combatants were showing no sign of panic-even with semi-official Japanese reports plac- ing one fast-moving column of in- vaders within 20 miles of the city. French forces defending the insular foreign settlement, Shameen, were rushing their own barricades to com- pletion. Canton authorities canceled plans to leave the city. The Japanese reports indicated the advanced column was risking defeat at the hands of the numerically su- perior Kwangtung provincial troops by its rapid "back door" campaign against the metropolis. These advices said the column had side-stepped Chinese forces arrayed near Tsungfa, 30 miles northeast of Canton, and was expecting to strike a lightning blow at the primary de- fenses of the city by a drive down the Tsungfa highway. Chinese military authorities denied the Japanese claims of rapid strides toward Canton, insisting that Tseng- shin, which the Japanese said was taken yesterday, and Sheklung, which the Japanese said they had entered on the same day, were still in Chinese hands. University Receives $600 In Donations The University has received gifts totalling about $600, it was an- nounced yesterday. Largest of these was the $380. contributed by the Chrysler Corporation, Detroit, to pay the tuition of six students in the en- gineering school. The students are to be chosen by the Chrysler Institute of Engineering. Dr. George J. Curry, Flint, donat-1 ed $50 to establish the Sally Curry scholarship in medicine, and an- nounced his intention of contributing a like amount annually. Harvard Professor Speaks At Chem Meet Prof. Grinnell Jones of Harvard University spoke yesterday on "The Solutions of the Electrolytes," at a meeting of the University's section of the American Chemical Society. n 11 LIEUT.-GOV. LEO NOWICKI .- * * L eo N.owieki Also To Speak Here Monday, Lieut.-Governor Will Talk On Murphy's Program In Union North Lounge Lieut.-Gov. Leo J.vNowicki, '25E, will accompany Governor Murphy, '14L, when'he appears before a stu- dent audience at 3 p.m. Monday in the North Lounge of the Union, it was announced yesterday. Both'will talk on "Youth and Government." Their appearance is under the sponsorship of the Student Senate. The speaker who will introduce the two Democratic candidates will be named today. Because the Governor and his party are scheduled to appear at 4:30 p.m. in. Albion and at 6 p.m. in Jackson there will be no discussion or forum after the addresses, according to Benjamin C. Stanczyk, '39L, who is in charge of arrangements. If possible Frank D. Fitzgerald, Re- publican candidate for the guberna- torial post, will appear here at a later date, Senate officials said. Nahum Barnett, the Socialist Party candi- date already has accepted an invita- tion to speak although no date has yet been set.1 Governor Murphy will arrive in Ann Arbor early Monday morning. He plans to confer with several fac- ulty members while here and will probably go to the University Hos- pital for the customary monthly check-up on his physical condition. Four Debaters SpeakOnAir To Discuss Pros, Cons Of EnglishAlliance Four members of the University men's debating team will broadcast their belief "that the United Statesi Should Establish an Alliance with Great Britain" at 3 p.m. today over radio station WJR. The four men are Louis L. Popling- er, '39, Jack Zuideveld, '40, Colvin Gibson, '40, and Sydney Davidson, '40, who will speak in the second of a series of programs arranged for the High School Forensic Association on the national debate question for lschools in 1938-39. Under the direction of Mr. Arthur Secord of the speech department, men's debate coach, the four men will discuss the technique of the af- firmative side of the question, mak- ing a brief of the question, establish- ing major contentions and supporting arguments.' Class Of '41 Plans Annihilation Of All 'Cocky Freshmen' Voicing an open threat of annihila- tion of all freshmen, members of the sophomore class decided last night to perpetuate the name of the Class of '41 as the one that won Frosh- Soph class games two years running. Sophomores voted last/ night to hold another meeting at 1 p.m. to- morrow in Natural Science Audi- torium to make further plans for a complete triumph over "the cocky freshmen." Class games will begin informally with Black Friday, Oct. 28, _and con- tinue with five organized games at 11:30 a.m. Saturday at South Ferry Field. The program this year will include a cane spree, hogtying, a flag rush and a pillow fight on saw horses. Field Of Sixty Candid Is Entered In Elect Hare System Is I Identification.Car Necessary To V More than 2500 students are e:S ed to go to the polls today and by the Hare system of propori representation 16 Student Ser from a field of 60 candidates. Student Senate, an all-campus r sentative body, was organized her year. Senators elected today, tog with 16 who won their seats March, will hold their first me Tuesday. Distribution of handbills and < lars, fervent telephone converse and other pre-election campaig all week have indicated that the tion battle today will be bitterly tested, Edward Magdol, '39, dir of elections, declared. Polling places will be open fr aah -to 6:30 p.m. today in the U and League, from 9 a.m. to 5:30 in Angell Hall, the General Lib and the Engineering Arch, and f12:30 p.m.' to 2 p.m. in the LawC Identification cards will be necea in order to secure ballots. A sample ballot and a deser tion of counting in the Hare tem of proportional represent tion appear on page six of toda Daily. Nazi Fraulein Reveals Duties With Spy Ring Weeps As Her Confession Is Read Before Court; Implicates Two More, NEW YORK, Oct. 20.-(P)-A frightened-eyed German girl, Frau- tein Johanna ("Jenni") Hofmann, 26,; alleged "payoff" agent of a 'German spy ring, wept today as a statement was read in Federal Court quoting he' as saying she helped steal American military secrets because "I believed I was doing my duty to my father- land." If convicted, the red-haired frau- lein and two co-defendants face a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison. The statement, described by As- sistant U. S. Attorney Lester C. Duni- gan as a "confession," quoted Miss Hofmann as admitting she acted as a courier of purloined U. S. Army and Navy secrets to her superiors in Germany. As the alleged confession was read, the smiling German girl lost her poise for the first time and dabbed nervously at her lips with a handker- chief, Her eyes brimmed with tears when the phrase "duty to my father- land" was read. The statement, introduced over the shouted protests of Miss Hofmann's attorney, George C. Dix, who asserted his client was an "innocent tool" and the victim of a "frameup," quoted the Dresden-born fraulein as admit- ting she knew the inner workings of the spy plot. Sphinx Will Meet Sunday Evenings Sphinx, junior men's honorary so- ciety, will alter its weekly banquets from *ednesday noon to Sunday eve- ning, it was announced yesterday by Dennis Flanagan, '40, president. The Sunday meetings would em- brace a buffet supper at 6 p.m., Flan- agan said. In addition it was announced that the society would hold an afternoon social at 3 p.m. tomorrow at Hagen's Tavern. Today For Sixteei Student Senato: Instructions for marking ballots, as issued by Magdol, follow: "Put the number 1 in the square before the name of the candidate who is your first choice for Student Sen- ate. "Put the number 2 before your second choice, the number 3 before your third choice and so on, marking as many as you wish. "Mark your choices wjth numbers only. Do not use an X-mark or your ballot will not be counted." Counting will start at 7 p.m. today in Room 304 in the Union, and all persons interested in observing the election count will be admitted, Mag- dol said. Because of the difficulty in tallying and transferring votes, final results are expected, but cannot be insured, to be ready in time for to- morrow's Daily. In the field of 60 candidates, there are nine Conservatives, seven running on the Liberal Coalition, five on the Progressive Coalition, two on the Non- Partisan ticket, one Socialist, one en- dorsed by the Ann Arbor Independ- ents and one by the International Council. - An attempt to give members of the Band and other students who left for New Haven yesterday an opportunity to vote did not succeed since the bal- lots did not arrive from the printers in time. Students confined to the Health Service will be allowed to vote by special arrangement. Candidates' platforms appeared in the Daily Wednesday. Students are invited to consult files of the plat- forms in the Student Publications Building any time today. ,t Wallace Lands Frank_ Murphy Asks Michigan Farmers To Elect Democrats ADRIAN, Mich., Oct. 20-P)-Sec- retary of Agriculture Henry A. Wal- lace came to Michigan tonight with a plea for the reelection of Gov. Frank Murphy and a promise that the prest ent administration would continue its national crop control program. Such men as Governor Murphy, he said, are "altogether too rare in public life." "When they appear, and when they demonstrate their usefulness as Gov. Murphy has done," he said, "they should be asked to carry on. I hope that you will make sure that Governor Murphy will carry on for you." He asked Michigan farm men and women to send Michigan Democrats to Congress in the next election be- cause "the Democratic members of Congress have come to the aid of the farm cause with their votes." and And The Boys - Of f For Yale Flint Guidance Bureau Aiding In Personality Adjustments (Editor's note: This is the second in a series of articles explaining the work being carried on by various sociological groups at the University.) By MORTON CARL JAMPEL Playing a vital part in shaping young lives for a place in society is the work in behavior and personality judgment carried on by the Flint Guidance Bureau of the Institute for Human Adjustment. The work and methods in this divi- sion are more general and call upon psychology more than the work in vocational guidance. The social his- tory of the child with information to discover the bases of the child's' present attitude and his emotional make-up, in order to be of any service to him. Where deep-rooted and in- tangible psychological troubles pre- sent themselves further psychiatric interviews take place. A conference of the people who have dealt with the1 child evaluates the findings and de- termines a program which will restore him to a normal life in his home, school and community. The Bureau offers three types of services. Where there is a lack of trained personnel or proper facilities in the arenrv thait refer-,the enac +to '+!