And Sigma Chi
Are Victorious
Dobson And Erwin Lead
Their Teams To Easy
Wins On Wet Field
Yesterday, d e s p i t e inclement
weather, two speedball games were
played at South Ferry Field. Phi
Kappa Psi defeated Alpha Kappa
Lambda 8-4, and Sigma Chi defeated
Delta Tau Delta 9-2.
The star performer for the Phi
Kappa Psis was Jack Dobson who
scored seven of the eight points with
two dropkicks and one field goal. Jim
Gunn scored the other point, while
for Alpha Kappa Lambda one point
each was scored by Roemer, Weesner,
Beebe and Prubst.
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To Face Yale Bulldog
EDITOR'S NOTE: I arranged an exchange column with George Chittenden, sports
editor of the Yale News, today, and here's what he has to say about the Bulldog and
their football fortunes.
Speaking Of Eli .,..
THE 1938 EDITION of the Yale football team brings a new problem to th
Blue coaches. For the past four years or so men like Larry Kelley and
Clint Frank have graced the .Yale gridiron with their All-American tactic
and propensities toward winning games single handed. This year Head
Coach Ducky Pond has no such paragons around whom to build his team.
His line material is stronger than last year's, but the backfield material i
limited, and there are no outstanding stars.
The first part of the schedule was disastrous. The team was prematurely
routed out of its training quarters at Gales Ferry by the hurricane that
Sswept New England. Having lost a few days of precious practice after
making a late start anyway, the Blue went in against Columbia totally un-
prepared for what was in store for them. Columbia's Sid Luckman ran and
passed circles around the green Elis, to build up a score of 27-14 against
them. The Yale end and tackles were consistently being pushed out of the
plays, and the backs could not shake loose. Yale's scores came on a blocked
kick which Bill Jchn picked up and carried over. Bud Humphrey passed tt
fast Al Wilson for the other. Al covered some fifty yards for the score.
Against Penn the following Saturday Yale was still comparatively
impotent. The Quakers took it at a walk for a 21-0 victory. Yale had but
ene real chance to score and muffed that. Peiins Frank Reagan was the
outstanding star of the game, szoring one and paving the way for the
other. Yale was improved slightly, but still could not put together an
effective offense.
Against Navy last Saturday, the first half had all the earmarks of
another futile day for Yale. Navy did everything better, with the exception
of Johnny Miller's great kicking for Yale. But the Bulldogs came back
after the half with a new spark and one of the fanciest passing attacks seen
in the Bowl for many years. Bud Humphrey proved to be the unisputed
hero of the day when his passing to Buck Dyess and Johnny Miller brought
the ball to within scoring distance again and again. His short pass to Bill
Snavely gave Yale their first score, but when the etra point effort..failed'
the score was still 7-6 against them. Another field length drive left Humphrey
seven yards out and right in front of the goal posts. With Al Wilson holding
the ball he kicked for the three points that were enough to win the ball
game. A mere summary of the scoring is hardly enough to picture the
indomnitable spirit that carried the Elis above repeated disheartening
breaks and won the game for them.
The spirit that Yale finally got halfway through their tird game
is essentially the same thing that has won many a game for them in
the past when they seemed to be the underdog in every way. It also makes
them nobody's pushover for the rest of the season. Michigan comes to
New Haven with more weight and power and consequently the favored
team. But there will be fireworks before that afternoon is over.
The Yale lineup as it faced Navy last week, and as it will probably be
against Michigan, had nine Seniors, one Junior and one Soph'omore. Bill
Starbuck and Cape Burnam, tackle and guard respectively, were the two
lower classmen. Buck Dyes and Bill Moody are the Senior ends. Neither is'
particularly tall, but they make up for that with their pass-catching abilities.
Big Bill John, 220-pounder, pairs up with Starbuck at tackle. He has not
made many mistakes during his three year career with the Blue. Charlie
Miller is the veteran left guard. The fact that he has played a good part
of every game for the past three years is evidence of his steady ability.
Captain Bill Platt plays either tackle or center, and both capably. He will
probably start at center this week as he did against Navy.
The backfield features four more Seniors. Bud Humphrey, as
quarterback and passer, comes as near being a star as any one on the
team. His signal calling has been
beyond reproach, and according
to the ends, who should know
what they are talking about, he
throws more accurately than
i elry 5 Clint Frank. Anyway he Is prob
bly the major threat that the
Yale team has to offer. Al Wilson
F. BAY is his running mate. He is the
most versatile man on the squad
a High Grade and the fastest runner. Johnny
W Hignd Ger Miller does the kicking and a
Watch and Jewelry good deal of blocking and pass
Repairing - Engraving catching. He got off a 75-yarder
and a 69-yarder against Navy,
___Bill Snavely is the fullback, and
though small in stature, is an
able all around back.
Heikkinen, Harmon, And Kodros Buckeyes Work In Rain
COLUMBUS-WP)-Coach Franc
Enter Into All-American P cturelSchmidt seized upon rainy weathe
and a soft field Wednesday to pu
his Ohio State football squad throug]
a serics of offensive plays under at
As By TOM IPIIARESl In the south, the best sophomore
As King Football reaches his mid- back according to reams of newspaper verse conditions. Co-Captain M
season glory, the annual hunt for copy, is Sweet Lalanne, North Caro- Kabealo and a force of seven othe
All-Americans is already under way. lina's quarterback, while Steve Mo- backs performed well despite unsur
From Pittsburgh to Slippery Rock, ronic, tackle, and Paul Severin, end, footing and a slippery ball.
the observers are busy noting the out- are two other Tar Heels to bo reck- --
standing players on each team as the I oned with when it comes team pick-
Saturdays go by and indulging in in' time. Duke's husky center, Dan
unmitigated cenjecture as to a pos- Hill, has been another outstanding
sible All-American personel. performer to date.
In the east, Columbia's Sid Luck- In the east, backfield prospects
man has heaved himself into the predominate while the line candi-
spotlight by virtue of those bullet dates are relatively scarce. Pennsyl-
passes, and Pitsiourgh's Marshall vania's comeback is being laid at the
Goldberg is again on the march, buit doorstep of quarterback Francis Rea- EWE LRY
at this stage of the game it's the gen who is hailed as one of the most
new luminaries who are being dangerous runners in the country. j
watched*with an eagle eye in hopes Brown's Irving Hall is another ball
that there will rise All-American ma- carried; to be watched.
terial from tWe raniis of the rela- Joe La Manna rates high at N.Y.U. Burry
tively unknown. and HalLube of Colgate is already
Harmon And Heikkinen being named as the man to take
utaMnn ,ikrMre .Luckman's forward pass throne next
Out at Minnesota, Wilbur Moore is
Dave Strong, who completed five
out of eight passes in the closing
minutes of the Minnesota game,
may see plenty of service in the
coming Yale game. The Helena,
Montana boy can also tote that
football for yardage when called
State To Abandon
Its 'T' Formation I
EAST LANSING, Oct. 1.-(Pm)-
Coach Charley Bachman today con-
firmed the suspicions of observers
that the Michigan State Colege foot-1
ball team has abandoned, at least
temporarily, the Notre Dame back-
field shift.
Insted of lining up in the usual "T"
formation and then skipping to af
"Z" lineup in the backfield, the play-
ers will now take up the latter position
immediately and put the ball in play.
"It worked against West Virginia,"
Bachman said, "and I can't see any
reason why it won't do for the rest
of the season."
Bachman indicated the original
purpose , of the shift: to keep the
opponent guessing where the weight
of the attack was to be thrown and
the rhythm obtained in the lock-step
skip no longer was necessary.
Preparing rapidly to meet Syra-
cuse's mighty array here Saturday,
the coaching staff found its greatest
problem that of plugging the hole
left by Gene Ciolek's injury. In recent
drills, Art Harris, of Walled Lake,
and Casey Klewicki of Hamtramck,
have been getting the most attention.
Jerry Drake, a rising young pass and
punt artist, is still nursing an injured
arm received against West Virginia.
being hailed as the halfback to carry
on the tradition of Lund and Al-
phonse. Alhough a senior, Moore had
to wait until this year to get the
ballyhoo. Andy Uram stole the show
Michigan's Tom Harmon is already
getting the headlines for his brilliant
running although only a sophomore
and guard Ralph Heikkinen, Wolver-
ine veteran who for two years was ob-
scured in the shadows of a losing
team, is finally being mentioned in
All-American circles, as is the bril-
liant Archie Kodros at center.
Go West, Young Man
All of these boys will get their big
chance next week when they will show
their wares before eastern observers
while the nation listens in over a na-
tional radio hook-up. One of Har-
mon's 50 yard runs then will be worth
three in any other game as far as
personal publicity is concerned.
Going west, we find that Wadde
Young, Oklahoma end, who stopped
Ernie Lain, Rice backfield ace, is the
man of the season in the Big Six.
Oregon's two halfbacks, Jimmy Nich-
olson and Jay Graybeal, are reported
to be the classiest combination on the
Pacific Coast and contenders for All-
American mention.
Zuppke Stresses Defense
CHAMPAIGN-(P)-His line may
be all right to meet Northwestern's
veteran forwards, but Coach Bob
Zuppke expressed concern Wednesday
about the defensive abilities of the
Illinois secondary.
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to slip into as a condition
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on your foot as an old slipper
The second team is almost as strong
as the first and has Fred Burr, quar-
ter, Eddie Collins, Jr., and Jim Mc-
Clelland, halfbacks, andl Harold
Whiteman fullback already to fill in.
Yale's coaching staff is studded With
Michigan captains and heroes. Bill
Renner is kicking and junior varsity
coach. Ivy Williamson shows the end,
squad how he used to do it for his
Alma Mater, and.Jerry Ford, is head
junior varsity coach.. Ford saw Mich-
igan lose that heartbreaker to Minne-
sota last Saturday. For these three it
will be a day of split loyalties.
Iowa Takes To Air
IOWA CITY-(,P)-Passing and
pass defense were the watchwords of
the football piactice at the University
of Iowa Wednesday night as Coach
Irl Tubbs sent his charges through
a snappy drill in weather that kept
everyone on the jump.
Purdue Exhibits Spirit
LAFAYETTE-(A--Coach Mal El
ward's Purdue football squad raced
hrough a spirited scrimmage here
Wednesday as lower temperatures hit
the practice field. The Varsity smoth-
ered a freshmen crew using Wisconsin
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