Union Formal. Will Carry Out Autiun Theme Yellow And Blue Tapers, Bittersweet And Flowers To Decorate Ballroom Decorations carry-iig out a fall theme will be used at the annual Union formal which will be held from 9 to 1 a.m. tomorrow in the ballroom of the League, Don Nixon, '40, pub- licity chairman announced. Blue and yellow tapers will be placed on the tables throughout the ballroom and the Michigan Union Seal will be hung over the fireplace. The tables will be decorated with bittersweet and oak brown, and the chaperons' table will have cut flow- ers on them in addition to the motif carried out on the rest of thy: tables. Supper will be served the guests at 11 p.m. and rrservatiorts are being taken so that groups may sit to- gether, Nixon said. There are a limited number of tickets left for the dance and reservations may still be made, he added. Following the supper a three-act floor show will be presented featur- ing Spec and Spot, famous unicly- cists from vaudeville circuits. The second act will star Chaz Chase, pan- tomine artist, who is a former Earl Carroll Vanities star and has also lately co-starred with Jimmy Durante in a Hollywood production. The concluding act on the program will be a girl tap dancer from New York, who will complete the three- act program, Hadley Smith, '40, chairman of the program committee said. The formal is the first one among social events of the school year and 275 couples are expected to attend, Nixon stated. Band To Play Here Ppe S! Conunil-tee 1s~jj Sweysr To Swing P FdYaleFHitter-Bugs Plea For Handlebar Moustache A evHvnHl By MAYA GRUHZIT Carrots . . . ? They've got them. Ermine . . . ? they've got that too. But a spinning wheel . . . ? Just a plain old fashioned spinning wheel, one of those things which looks like a few pieces of wood that got together to have some fun Hasn't anybody one of those things which they could unearth? If such an object could be found, it certainly would cause dramatic circles to relax, the properties com- mittee for "Rumpelstiltskin" in par- ticular. The play is being produced by the Childrens' Theatre this Fri- day and Saturday for the benefit of Ann Arbor children, and it manages to include not only the oddest but the most unattainable articles on. its 'prop' list. Fiddle Player Wanted And whoever saw a king without t yg slixet Doubles Matches fanfare? That's why the prop com-ISaturdays football game is merely mittee is getting gray hair. Mothers, the first of three Yale - Michigan Wil .Be This Week-End if you want Johnny who can play the battles on schedule. The second will bugle or a trumpet so distinctively, be between the two university bands, With the semi-finals and finals of aged three to thirty, to crash the and the third between a Yale and a the largest mixed doubles tourna- gates of fame, here's his start, and Icment ever held on campus scheduled if anyone else wants to exercise his Michigan dance orchestra. talent in such directions, go right Bill Sawyers Michigan and will for Saturday and Sunday afternoons, up to Richard McElvy, Grad., direc- oppose Newt Perry's Yale Collegians local tennis enthusiasts are expecting tor of "Rumpelstiltskin" and an- in an after game swing session to be to see some of the best matches of ORIN TUCKER Who, in Ann Arbor, wears a * handlebar moustache? Well, if you Committeemen can play a fiddle, you have a job as an actor. However, if you do play Are Announced 1the fiddle but haven't attained the distinction of a handlebar moustache, don't be discouraged. Come around Physical Education School and check off the committee's second item. You don't know how easy it is Plans Picnic On Island to play with a card board moustache drooping down on your shoulder. There wil be a picnic for all physi- cal education majors, minors, faculty members, and graduate students,1 Tuesday, Oct. 25, at 7 p.m. at the' Island, Mary Katherine Burns, '39, publicity chairman, announced today.' Co-chairmen for the picnic, which is being sponsoed by the Physical Education F8 class, are Harold Nich- ols, '39, and Sally Orr, '40. Tickets to I be sold at 25 cents may be obtainedj from any members of the class. Philip Balyeat, '39Ed, is chairman of the Tickets Committee, and is assisted by John Brennan, '39, Russell Dobson, '40, Mary May Scoville, '40, and Elaine Bergers, '40. The program committee is headed by Mary Ellen Spurgeon, '40, and cqnsists of Jerome Zubon, '39, Sol Sobsey, '39, and Edward Christy, '39. Pauline Vihtilic, '40, is chairman of the food committee, and is assisted by Mary Richardson, '40, Frances Anderson, '40, Marian Weiss, '40, Larry Luoto, '40, William Bucking- ham, '39, John Barrie, '40, and Leslie Bereleson. Golf Winners Determined In Mixed Doubles Sunday The winners of the mixed doubles golf tournament which was held at 2 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 16 at the Univer- sity Golf course were Midge Everett, '41, and Robert Ferries, '40, with a ow score of 82 for the 18 holes. Kenneth McCarren, '41, and Mar- jorie Kern, '41, took second place with a score of 84. Dormitory Board To Give Martha Cook Fall Dance Pumpkins and cornstalks will dec- orate the blue room of the Martha Cook building at their first fall dance Saturday, which will be given by the Board of Governors of the dormitory. Jimmy Fisher's orchestra will fur- nish the music. for the4 UNION FORMAL For the first formal of the year look your' _most attractive. Let our operators arrange your hair in one of the most becoming new styles. With our world's fastest dryers, no long hours under a dryer. RUDOLPH'S BEAUTY SHOP 611 East Liberty Phone 3083 Irv TRUST "Pen-it" Ink is always stocked ,at W AH R'S 316 South State Street Interfraternity Ball Tickets Sold Today Ticket sales for the annual Inter- fraternity Ball, to be held from 9i p.m. to 1, p.m. Friday, Nov. 4, in the Intramural Building, begin today, Thomas Adams, Jr., '40, publicity chairman for the dance annouced. Tickets are priced at three dollars, and can be obtained from 3 to 6 p.m., today at the Union desk. Their sale will be limited to 800. Orin Tucker, and Jack Denny will furnish the' music for the dance. Tucker organized his orchestra three years ago, and played at the Spanish Gardens in Chicago during the World's Fair. Since then he has played at the Palmer House in Chi- cago, the Netherland.Plaza in Cin- cinnati, and most recently at the Edgewater Beach Hotel in Chicago. Your Curves TO A CARTER! Don't Trust to Nature To Smooth Them o ut. Girdles 1.00 to 5.00 Sizes 24 to 32 Be smooth in your line . .. fig- uratively speaking ... but never your curves to a arter andknow once and for all that you're sleek curve contro er ypleasant to take. i Sanford's PEN-IT INK Sold at 0. D. MORRILL 314 South State . II QUESTION:Why Do You Like Perit WHERE~ASKED: Almost Any Campus ANSWERS: OLIVER PUNDIT, PhIafe: FLORA VAN DAUB, Ar/Major: PENITY FREE FIOW& P1IT I/AS SU A Tl/PI TY F/A51M ME BEE-YEW-TIF1TU TO EXPRESS MY MOST B d1/St6RENCOIOR FUITI E RFLECTOL$ AND / ADORE W/TN UTTER ABA/DON TLE 80T12 l)E f/6!N JOE PLUNGER, Tno/e Threa Man: OR.STERLING SAYANTAPn.Prof: CAN1 KICK AGA/IN;T MYANASESPROYE PENIT iTY TRO 1Bit- PEA'/T'PF Ef FROM PROOF PA5S M PN-CI O6'///66 P1N/IT FOR ANEASY /N6RED/ENT.IT / WR'T/rN TOC/1DN CAL/ 164API//CALLY JUNE JITTERBUG. $w,-6 addi: PEEC PMNIT' R1'R/ITIN PETE, Cavpwgar C THE6WROOYE WhEN ' P1NIT?O//.St/R f ITXdES TO E//PIl IT WAS A Cl/NCf AT TI/ PO//NTOFA PN \l FOR THE YANKS! That makes it just about unan- imous! Try Penit. You'l like it! 2 oz. bottle, 15c; 4 oz. bottle with chamois penwiper, 25c. At your college supply store. 1 C Completes A1 Sizes 32 to 38''I. .50 to .50 I rr r ff- .. I . 1