TH MICHIGAN DAILY N DAILY '. , Ii A; 21 LIeME RDwan urSD1fN mGBanIn EIAAIS , ted and managed by students of the University of igan under the authority of the Board in Control of ent Publications. blished every morning except Monday during the ersity year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press e Associated' Press is exclusively entitled to the for republication of all news dispatches credited to r not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All is of republication of all other matters herein also ved. tered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as ndR class mail matter. bscriptions during regular school year by carrier, by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTEDF OR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Pubishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CHIICAGO BOSTON . LOS ANGELES * SAN FRANCISCO mber, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938-39 Board of Editors aging Editor . . . Rober rial Director . Editor . . . . . Hora elate Editor . . . . Rober elate Editor . . . elate Editor . . . . . oiate Editor . . . elate Editor ., elate Editor . . . . Jos Editor . . . . en's Editor . . . Dor ts Editor Business Department ness Manager . . . . Phi it Manager . . . Leonar rtising Manager . . . W111 en's Business Manager . . He] fen's Service Manager . . Ma st D. Mitchell. lbert P. Mayi1 ce W. Gilmore rt I. Fitzhenry S. R. Kleiman, Robert Perlman Earl Gilman William Elvin seph Freedman Joseph Gies othea Staebler Bud Benjamin ilip W. Buchen d P. Siegelinan am L. Newnan len Jean Dean rtan A. Baxter NIGHT EDITOR: STAN M. SWINTON The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers .only. What! Liberal Republicans? ... M R. DAVID Lawrence, new Daily columnist, shed some crocodile tears the other day over Presiaent Roosevelt's apparent failure to carry out his pledge to support liberal Republicans who are running for office this fall against conservative Democrats. Instead of con- sistently aiding liberal candidates regardless of party affiliation, Mr. Lawrence remarked regret- fully, the President has not only given no indica- tion of doing anything of the sort but has even indorsed Mr. Parley's announced project for November of supporting all Democrats running for office, conservative and liberal alike. Even Mr. Lawrence could hardly expect Mr. Parley to support Republican candidates in his capacity as Democratic campaign manager, al- though he seems to regard the Farley intentions as a sort of breach of Presidential faith, inasmuch as Mr. Parley is acting under Mr. Roosevelt's orders. What Mr. Lawrence wants to know, how- ever, is what about placing the White House personal stamp of approval on liberal G.O.P. candidates? "The problem that Mr. Roosevelt faces," the columnist asserts, "is one of continu- ing challenge as to political sincerity ... Now that the primaries are over, some of these same (Democratic) conservatives who have won the party nominations are running for election. Silence now by the President is - bound to be construed as meaning that perhaps Mr. Roose- ,elt really didn't have any principle at all in his 'purge' campaign." Mr. Lawrence overlooks the one flaw in this sort of argument, i.e., that it is predicated upon the thesis that there is such a thing as a liberal republican, and further that there are some of them, or even one of them, running for office somewhere. To avoid quibbling about terms, let it be understood that we use the word "liberal" in Mr. Roosevelt's sense; that is, a New Dealer. This seems perfectly fair in the present argument, since Mr. Roosevelt's sincerity, not his definition, Is at question. We recall a liberal Republican, George Norris, who supported Roosevelt in 1932, consequently found himself persona no longer grata in G.O.P. circles, and is now listed as Inde- pendent, Neb., by the wire services and Radical, Seb., by the Chicago Tribune. We recollect an- other liberal Republican who cropped up here in Michigan in the 1936 campaign. His name was James Couzens, he was a U.S. Senator of many years' service to his party and his country and la philanthropist whose benefactions are scattered throughout the state. But he committed the crime, fatal in a Republican office-seeker, of supporting the New Deal. The enraged astonish- ment of Republican leaders in Michigan was voiced in the most eloquent language; one of them in particular spoke of "the spectacle of a candi- date for office on the Republican ticket openly supporting the New Deal." He was quite right; It was a spectacle indeed, and a rare one. Senator Couzens waged a strong battle in the primary, but was unable to cope with the strength of t party machine, losing the nomination to f rmer Governor Brucker, a man who could be coted on by the G.O.P. leadership to stay in the reac- tionary camp while breath remained in his body. Lest anyone suppose Brucker was the people's choice in any way, let it be recalled he and the boys wouldn't have let stch a thing slip by. They couldn't look the Chamber of Com- merce in the face if they had. Joseph Ges Mr. Mooney's 'Inalienable Rights' ... THERE REMAINS little unsaid in be- half of Tom Mooney. Others have countless times engraved in deep furrows the wretched fate of this man on the conscience of America. Others have wet more agile pens in Mooney's tears of despair and poured forth the unmitigated wrong in pelting phrases far above our power to add or detract. Twenty-two years the vast injustice has en- dured, thrusting its ugly shadows into the eyes of America. Twenty-two years of lawyers, judges, governors, courts, trials, appeals and petitions. Never were more contrivances of law employed. Never has more immobility resulted. And now the Supreme Tribunal, the full- throated protests of the land notwithstanding, chooses to turn away its face. Tom Mooney con- tinues his vigil in San Quentin-an innocent victim bereft of his constitutional guarantees. Tested evidence of perjured testimony, unfair trials and prejudiced juries count for nought. The Supreme Court will not be dissuaded, or better the Supreme Court, with the exception of Justices Black and Reed will not be dissuaded. "The Supreme Court-preserver of the Consti- tution-guardian of our liberties-greatest of all tribunals-" are the stirring memorial words en- graved over an arch on the northwest corner of, the Law Quadrangle. Empty phrases these, after a decision such as the majority seven delivered in the Mooney appeal. So again we leave Tom Mooney in the grim vale of Sacco and Vanzetti and Angelo Hern- don and Eugene Debs and Haywood Patterson with countless other ghosts of innocent men. -Robert I. Ftzhenry "T'he ]Editor Gets Told Blames Capitalists For Hitler To the Editor: With so much discussion about war and the threat of Hitler, it might be well to re-examine some of our opinions on the subject. The first thing to realize is that Hitler's glands are not the cause of any possible war. All societies have pathological people. Societies that are econom- ically sound put their pathological specimens in institutions, or let the ones who talk more con- vincingly about the "spirits" join the clergy. Only a social system that has reached the point where it can no longer provide work for th millions of unemployed and fears that the un- employed will rise up and take over the factories is willing to support a madman like Hitler. Two internal forces are compelling Hitler to expand Germany: (1) German capitalists give the workers so little in return for what they pro- duce that the workers cannot buy back what the capitalist 'employers offer for sale. Hence new, markets must be sought-in Austria, in Cgecho- slovakia, or in "colonies." But such expansion is no solution of the problem which faces German capitalists: in order for the peoples in the newly acquired lands to buy the products of Germany proper, Germany proper must buy back products from these newly acquired regions; but, of course, tpe German people have not the purchasing power to buy what is produced in Germany, let alone what is produced outside Germany. When the new markets don't bring expected returns, German capitalism under the guise of Hitler's fascism madly grabs still more new territory hoping unreasonably to force the impossible. (2) The standard of living of the German workers is steadily going down under fascism. From Hitler's point of view it is absolutely neces- sary to keep the people dazzled and blinded by a brilliant foreign policy - "Deutschland uber alles." So long as Hitler continues to add terri- tory to Germany the people may continue to submit to seeing their living standards pushe down so that the war machine may be built up to guarantee profits for German capitalists. The question arises: just what can we in America do to stop this expanding fascism? We must stop the two forces operating within Germany: (1) We must weaken the German capitalist for whose sole benefit Hitler is forcing expansion. (2) We must weaken the belief among the German people that fascism is the salvation of Germany. How are these two things to be accomplished? Boycott German goods through legislation such as the O'Connell bill, thus weakening German capitalism, and as a corollary, weakening theF fascist government. Weakening the government will result in a further lowering of the standard of living, until a point is reached where the "German people no longer feel anything but dis- gust for fascism, and will refuse to fight its wars and support its capitalists. --Y L. The Last Straw To the Editor: It's tough enough, isn't it boys, to have to sit back quietly while useless things like points-after- touchdowns and a Congressman from Texas are raising hell; but when you glance at the Associat- ed Press football poll of a Monday- And see Michigan not rated in THE FIRST TEN-- Well, sir, I can only say, My goodness me. -'Guy M. Whipple, Jr., '35-'36-Ex. WASHINGTON, Oct. 19-Issues of far-reach- ing importance to labor relations have just been settled by the Illinois Supreme Court and as a consequence 37 persons who particpated in a "sit- down" strike must pay the penalty in jail and with fines of varying sums. What makes the case of national interest is that the state of Illinois has just done what the state of Michigan neglected to do two years ago-it has enforced its penalties against those who defied court orders. Likewise the state of Illinois by the action of its highest court has maintained juris- diction over "sit down" strikers in contradiction of the National Labor Relations Board. For, it will be recalled, the Labor Board ordered reinstated these very "sit down" strikers. The employer-the Fansteel Metalurgical Corporation of Chicago-insisted that the men could not be reinstated because they had destroyed private property and that their union activities as such had nothing to do with the matter. The Circuit Court of Appeals of the Seventh Circuit has up- held the employer's contention but 'the Labor Board in the next few days will petition the Supreme Court of the United States for a review of the reinstatement issue. The case in the federal courts however has nothing to do really with the problem of prevent- ing the strikers from going to jail under- Illinois law. The latter would have to ask the Supreme Court on their own behalf now to stay the sen- tence of the Illinois courts but the chances of such a stay being granted might be considered remote because the legal questions involved are well settled, that is the right of the state to police the behavior of its citizens is widely recognized. State Police Power Invoked The Labor Board incidentally in seeking with- out success the reinstatement of the strikers told the circuit court of appeals that the state courts had ample power to deal with police questions and that employers had their remedies available to them in state courts. Now such remedies have been availed of and the Fansteel Company can- not very well reinstate men who have been ordered to serve terms in jail. The Labor Board might argue that after they came out of jail they should be given their old jobs back but such an ordr could be enforced only if the Supreme Court of the United States should reverse the Circuit Court of Appeals. Here again the legal question has been pretty well settled in the past, that is the right of discharge has been upheld in several cases by the Supreme Court of the United States. In this instance the company contends that it lost upwards of $60,000 through destruc- tion of property and cancellation of certain orders for goods. Indeed, the way now has been opened for the fining of treble damage suits by the Fansteel Company against the unions on the ground that the Sherman Anti Trust Laws have been violated and also for diamage suits against individual members of the unions and the union officers. This procedure doubtless will be followed out in order to prevent the further use of the "sit down" strike in America. Too many union men unfortunately have been given the impression that a "sit down" strike is lawful and that they can somehow get the matter before the Labor Board and escape penalty. The Fansteel Company's contention has been that the "sit down" strikers were guilty of tres- pass and by violating the laws of Illinois had no standing before the Labor Board. Thelatter, on the other hand, has argued that the federal juris- diction of the Wagner Act superseded all other considerations where a company engages in inter- state commerce. The Circuit Court of Appeals disagreed with the Labor Board. Up To Supreme Court If the Supreme Court now denies the petition to review, then the matter will rest on the Circuit Court of Appeal decision but if the case comes up for review and the Labor Board is upheld then the federal power of policing industrial disputes will have been recognized as absolute. In that event there would be much more point than here- tofore to the contentions of organizations like the National Association of Manufacturers that the Wagner Act can and should be amended to pro- hibit "coercion from any source" and to ban "sit down" strikes on the ground that state laws are inadequate. The whole episode' which has just come to a climax began in February, 1937, when strikers seized the Fansteel Plant. The local judge ordered the men to vacate the property. They refused. The case was transferred to another section of the state on the application of the workers but the judge gain ruled against the "sit down" strikers who lost in the Appellate Court and now the Illinois Supreme Court has upheld the judgment of the lower courts. The 39 defend- ants who have been out on bail pending appeals will now have to serve jail sentences, running from four months to a year and in some instances pay fines unless by some technical ruling not now foreseen the Supreme Court of the United States agrees to look into the case. vehemence, for we strive to be as liberal to others as we wish others to be in their relations with us. I think it was Voltaire, writing in the Eigh- teenth century, who said: "I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." That is our tolerant attitude toward "a good little Boy Scout." We do not agree with what he says, of course we don't; but it was his privilege to say it. We would, however, like to say to "Boy Scout" that we are a bit hurt that there should be at our Alma Mater such a benighted and in-, fantile mind. The idea of tolerance is a product of the Eighteenth Century; the scientific view- TODAY in WASHINGTON -by David Lawrence- 4'. The FLYING TRAPEZE - By Roy Heath AMATEUR TOUGH GUY I I sure wish it was time for Christ- mas vacation. I want to go home justr to be able to walk down the streets and have people cringe back against the wall when they see me coming. I can just see it now. Old friends will look1 at me in awed silence while the more respectable element of the town will duck into doors when they sight me swaggering or slinking down the street, it just depends on how I happen to feel that day. If I strain my ears a bit I will be able to hear one of my townsmen say to another, after they think I am out of ear shot, "That's Heath, he's from Michigan . . . used to be a harmless sort too." They will speak in the same tone of voice they used when Billy The Kid, Wild Bill Hickock and sundry other characters walked the streets. "Michigan," what a term that will be to conjure with. Communists, dope fiends, sex classes, the toughest foot- ball team in the country, and by Christmas there ought to be severa'l other items hit the nation's papers that will add considerably to the notoriety of my old alma mater. A man is associated, in the minds of other people, with the place he comes from and if the folks out home can still read the newspapers, I should be a very hard character by the time I step off the train in Kansas. Well, I can play the part. I will go down and spit on the sidewalk in front of the Farmer's National Bank, just to show what I think of the purse proud bourgeois, who hide their mortgages and Liberty bonds inside, and when little, hero worshipping lads sidle up to me and say, "Hiyuh, Roy," I'll shift my reefer over to the other side of my narrow lips, jerk my hat down a notch lower and toss them a snarling, "Heluh, Punk." TO YALE FOR FOUR BITS In case it looks like you are going to be stuck in Ann Arbor over the week end, while everyone else is junketing to New Haven to watch Michigan clean Yale and then let New York City clean them, here is a suggestion which, although it may be a long shot, likewise may get you to Yale for the small sum of fifty cents, the half part of a 'buck. Over at the Alpha Delt and Pi Lambdi Phi tongs, the boys are get- ting together and throwing fifty cents apiece into a kitty. Everyone receives a number and a duplicate is placed in the old well known hat. A number will be drawn by some party, preferably disinterested, and the winner takes the pot, packs his tooth brush and other shirt and sets out to have a time. GIRL OF THE WEEK With street broadcasters, inquiring reporters andother nosey characters getting to be as thick as candid cameramen, it is a pleasure to hear of at least one person who still feels that her opinions are her own business. She was pounding down State the other afternoon, the picture of indig- nation over something. Anyone with half an eye could tell by her length- ened stride and narrowed eyes that she was in no mood to answer any such intelligent queries as "Who wrote that early 20th century masterpiece 'The Rover Boys In Mosher-Jordan'?" or "What do you do down on the Old Ox Road?" Undaunted by the storm signals, an unprepossessing gentleman attempted to button-hole her. "Madam," he started, "do you mind if I ask you a few questions?" All the pent up wrath in her being was in the look she leveled at the startled dolt. "Your damn right I mind," she spit out and without more fuss, she furled her coat a little tighter about her and stomped down State, feeling much better. * * * INADEQUATE SWEARING Because I hope that someday they will produce "Golden Boy" in a movie so I can light a cigarette and reply to people who ask how I liked it, "Oh, it was fair . . . but not as good as the play," I went in to see the play at the Cass last Saturday. I sat through it in such good grace as I could muster and I can not make any real criticism of the acting, that be- ing about the second stage produc- tion I have ever witnessed. But I do feel eminently qualified to comment on the swearing. I say it wasn't so hot. It did not have the feeling, those little nuances, so necessary to really bigtime blasphemy. Francis Farmer was the only one of the cast that looked like she had any real talent. She put real character into "My fath- er's a drunk old so and so." Junior Math Club To Hear Dr. Thrall "Elementary Group Theory and Its Applications" will be the subject of a talk by Dr. Robert Thrall of the mathematics department at the first DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. (Continued from Page 3) Regents are requested to present t them at least eight days before thet next ensuing meeting at the office of Miss Edith J. Smith, Budget As- sistant to the President, 1006 Angell Hall. Fifteen copies of each com- munication should be prepared and! left with Miss Smith. (Please note that one more copy is requested than1 in previous years). A uniform type of paper is used for communications to the Board of Regents, a supply of which may be procured at the Office of the Vice-President and Secretary. Students who were promised books from the Textbook Lending Library should call at the Angell Hall Study Hall this week. Most of the books which were ordered have arrived. E. A. Walter. Rackham Building: Open every day except Sunday from 8 a.m. until 10 p.m. for the use of graduate students and g'raduate organizations. The following men report at Hill Auditorium today for Stage assign- ments. 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. Munson, Richard Pendorf, William M. Rosa, Robert , Stone, Edward A. The Following men report at Hill! Auditorium today, 4:30 to 5:30 for second balcony assignments. Anikell, Alex M. Basler, Franklin Batley, Bruce H.l Brandt, Roland Britton, Harold E. Buck, Charles L. Cotton, Sumner Davison, James R. DeVries, George Dober, Bernard Edwards, James R. Erke, Herman Fager, John H. Flaherty, Wade J. Fox, Howard P. Galton, Herbert B. Gibson, Chas. J. Gregg, Robert A. Higgins, Richard Holtzman, Nathaniel Howard, Guy Ideson, Howard Jackson, James F. Jurist, Edward Koltnauer, Frank Kratzman, E. A. Lamberts, Austin E. Lewis, James S. Litteer, Don Marshall, Kenneth Martin, Robert Wade Mathews, Kenneth Massa, Michael Mayer, Richard W. Milner, Sam Motley, Harry E. Most, W. L. Nahatoff, Robert A. Osborn, Wm. F. Ossepow, Harold Ranchle, Arthur $ Sargent, John A. Schmiege, Lester C. Snyder, Robert H. Stoddard, Kinney Strasser, William C. Terry, Foss B. Thompson, John R. Waterman, Richard T. Weinstein, Howard H. Wood, William B. Yorks, William Zurhorst, Ted M. Michigan Wolverine: There is an opening in the personnel competition for a student who intends to be in school for at least this year and next, to act as Assistant Treasurer in the present year, and succeed to the of- fice of Treasurer in the school year 1939-1940. Compensation as Assistant Treas- urer will be Board and $3.00 per week; as Treasurer it will be Board and $7.00 per week. Only highly quali- fied men need apply. Applicants please call at .the office of the Wol- verine, before Saturday evening of this week. Academic Notices English 47, Section 1, will not meet today, Allan Seager. Political Science 2. Make-up exam- ination. Thursday, Oct. 30, 3 o'clock. Room 2037 Angell Hall. Psychology 34 Makeup Examination will be held on Saturday, October 22, at 9:30 A. M. in Room 2125 Natural Science Building. Psychology 42 Makeup Examination will be held on Saturday, October 22, at 9:30 A. M. in Room 2125 Natural Science Building. Mentor Reports: Reports on stand- ings of all Engineering freshmen will be expected from faculty members, during the 6th and again during the 11th weeks of the semester. These two reports will be due about Nov. 4 and Dec. 9. Report blanks will be furnished by campus mail. Please refer routine questions to Jane Roll- by special request with alterations and additions. Oct. 12-Nov. 5. At the College of Architecture. Daily , (excepting Sundays) 9 to 5. Ann Arbor Artists' ExhiPitior.: 16th Annual Ann Arbor Artists' Exhibi- tion, held under the auspices of the Ann Arbor Art Association, in the Galleries of Alumni Memorial Hall. Daily 2-5 p.m., through Oct. 26. Lectures Public Lecture: Dr. Elzada U. Clov- er will give an illustrated lecture, in color, on "The Nevills Colorado River Expedition," at 4:15 p.m., Friday, Oct. 21, in the Lecture Room of the Rackham Bldg., under the auspices of the Department of Botany and the Botanical Gardens. Events ioday Forestry Assembly: There will be an assembly of the School of Forestry and Conservation at 11 a.m. to- day in the Chemistry Building Auditorium, at which Dr. Roland D. Craig, in charge of the division of Economics, Dominion of Canada For- est Service, will speak on "Forestry in Canada." All students in the School of Forestry, and Conservation are expected to attend, and all others interested are cordially invited to do so. German Journal Club will meet 'hursday, Oct. 20 in Room 302 Michi- gan Union at 4:10 p.m. Professor Nor- 'ian L. Willey will read 'a paper on, "Sealsfield, the Louisiana Planter." Psychological Journal Club. There will be a meeting in the West Con- ference Room of the Rackham Grad- uate School on Thursday, October 20th, at 8:00 p.m. Professors W. B. Pillsbury, Heinz Werner, and N. R. F. Maier will discuss the Criteria of Ab- straction. Graduate students, majors in psychology, and other interested persons are invited to take part in the discussion and to meet members of the staff both before and after the program. Varsity Glee Club: Regular re- hearsal tonight at 7:30. Bring your music. Reserves, Varsity Glee Club: hearsal at 4:30 this afternoon. Re- Botanical Seminar will meet today at 4:30 p.m., Room 1139 N.S. Bldg. Paper by Dr. Eileen E. Manfarlane "A Free-lance Biologist, In India." Iota. Alpha meets tonight at 7:30 in the Assembly Room of the Rackham Building. Allrgraduate students in engineering are cordially invited to attend. The speaker for the evening will be Mr. W. L. Badger of the Dow Chemical Company. It is hoped that any members who cannot attend will send their present Ann Arbor address to the President, Mr. Alan S. Foust, 2028 East En- gineering Building. University Girls' Glee Club: There will be a meeting this evening at 7:15 p.m. in the Game Room of. the League. All members are requested to be present. Anyone interested in joining the Glee Club attend the meeting, as try-outs will be held im- mediately after the rehearsal. Freshman Girls' Glee Club: Try- outs will be held today from 4 un- 19 and Thursday, Oct. 20, from 4 un- til 5 p.m. in the League. All fresh- man women are eligible for member- ship this semester. Members are automatically transferred into the University Glee Club at the begin- ning of next semester. C. Stacey Woods, general secretary of the Inter-Varsity Christian Fel- lowship of Canada, will be the guest speaker at the dinner-meeting of the Christian Students' Prayer Group at 5:45 this evening at the Michigan League. Interested students are invited to join the members. Just carry your cafeteria tray to the table reserved in the alcove, or consult the bulle- tin board for the place of the meet- ing to follow the dinner. Scabbard and Blade: Company Order No. 3: F-4, Scabbard and Blade is ordered to assemble at R.O.T.C. headquarters, today, for drill. Time: 5-5:30 p.m. No uniforms. Alpha Lambda Delta: Honor Sor- ority meeting today at 5 p.m. in the League. Room will be posted on the bulletin board. Tea at the -International Center: The tea at the International Center today is planned especially to honor the Presbyterian Young People's Guild which last year entertained the International Sunday-evening group at supper. All Presbyterian young people in the University are cordially invited to come in at 4 o'clock and meet our foreign students in a very informal way. Women Students: Individual skill / S