Partly cloudy, somewhat cooler;
tomorrow, cloudy and warmer.
What! Liberal
Republicans? . . .
Mr. Mooney's
Inalienable Rights' .
VOL. XLIX .No. 22
Council Plan
Gets Approval
Of 14 Societies
Proposal To Do Away With
Class Officers Will Go
Before Students In Poll
Consider Removal
Of Incompetents
With a vote of approval from each
of the 14 societies represented on the
Engineering Council reported last
night, the proposed amendment to
the Engineering Council Constitution,
which will abolish class officers and
revise student government in the
engineering school, will go before the
students next Thursday for a final
referendum vote.
The amendment, introduced two
weeks ago by Wes Warren, '39E,
president, and ratified by the Coun-
cil, provides for the election of two
students every year from each class
who will be known as Engineering
Council Representatives and will act
as sole representatives of the sev-
eral classes in the student govern-
ment of the engineering school. Dele-
gates to the four class dance com-
mittees each year will be chosen from
this number, and keeping the num-
ber of elective class positions to a
A suggestion by Sigma Rho Tau
that more concrete provision be made
for the removal of men who proved
unsatisfactory will be taken under
consideration and possibly incor-
porated into the amendment, the
Council decided.
A program to enlighten students in
the engineering school concerning the
salient features of the amendment
under consideration will be conducted,
by the Council all this week.
"Under this new plan," Warren
explained, "every man, fraternity or
independent, will have the oppor-
tunicy to apply for office and stand
a chance at the polls. It will no
longer be necessary for a man to be
a part of an organized political ma-
enie to get his name on the ballot.
"Class committees," Warren said,
"will no longer be composed of men
who have been awarded consolaton
prises as a result of political logrll-
ing, but rather men who've won their
psositions at the polls."
The societies who voted approval
of the amendment during the past'
two weeks and announced results last
night aie: Tau Beta Pi, American II-
stitute of Electrical Engineers, Eta
Kappa Nu, Glider Club, American So-
ciety of Civil Engineers, Transporta-
tion Club, Vulcans, Sigma Rho Tau,
Technic, Institute of Aeronautical
Sciences, American Society of Me-
chanical Engineers, Quarterdeck, Tri-
angles, American Institute of Chem-
ical Engineers.
Research Club
P icks Sharfman
New President Is Elected
At Meeting Last Night
Prof. L L. Sharfman of the econom-
ics department was elected president
of the Research Club at a meeting
held last night in the Amphitheatre of
the Rackham building. The honor is
considered a high one in faculty,
Dr. Robert Gesell spoke on "The
Story of Respiration."
Other officers elected include Prof.
A. F. Shull of the zoology department,
vice-president; Prof. W. L. Ayres of
the mathematics department, secre-
tary; Prof. S. D. Dodge of the geogra-
phy department, treasurer. Prof. J. M.
Cork, of the physics department, and
Prof. H. T. Price, of the English de-
partment, were elected members of
the Council, to serve with Prof. H. H.
Bartlett, ex officio member.
A meting of the club's executive
council was held in the Rackham
Building prior to the election.
Jewish Professor
To Speak At Union
Spy Witness De
To Forge.Pres
U.S. Army Deserter Tells
Scheme For The Stealing
Of Navy Ship Blueprints
NEW YORK, Oct. 19.-(JP)-
Bungled machinations of Germana
spies in this country were described
in Federal court today by Guenthera
Gustav Rumrich, 32, U.S. Army de-'
serter who testified that Nazi agents
once plotted to forge President
Roosevelt's signature on bogus White'
House stationery..
Moodily reciting his role as a con-
fessed $40-a-week "mail order" spy'
Rumrich said the ring's headquar-
ters in Hamburg, Germany pressed
him for information about the U.S.
Navy aircraft carriers Enterprise and
The order, he said, came from Karl
Schlueter, the ring's "contact" man.
"I told him the ships were being
constructed in either of the two At-
lantic navy yards," Rumrich testified.
"He said the German navy was plan-~
ning to build airplane carriers and
that the plans of the United States
vessels would be of great help."'
With Schlueter, he said, he evolved
a scheme of getting some fake "White
House" letter paper and forging the
President's signature to a message
ordering the Navy department to de-
liver the plans of the two huge U.S.
Navy craft.
In his third day as the govern-
ment's key witness against three de-
NLRB Orders
Girdler To Hire
5,0 00_Strikers
Responsibility For Labor's
1937 Strikes Laid At
Door OfRepublic Steel
WASHINGTON, Oct. 19-(P)-The
National Labor Relations Board laid
responsibility for the 1937 strike in
Republic Steel Corp. plants on the
company's "unfair labor practices" to-
day and ordered it to offer reemploy-
ment to 5,000 strikers.
There was no immediate word from
the Company as to whether it would
appeal to the courts, but ir. Cleve-
land, steel circles the opinion was
that this was a foregone conclusion.
The board's decision followed in
the main, its order of last April which
Republic appealed to the U. S. Circuit
Court. Subsequently, the Labor Board
withdrew this order when the
Supreme Court condemned the pro-
cedure the government had followed
in the Kansas City stockyards rul-
ing made by the Agriculture Depart-
Tom Girdler, chairman of the Board
of Republic, denounced the original
Gabor Board order, asserting it reflect-
ed the "one-sided character" of the
Wagner Act. He blamed the "arro-
gance" of C.I.O. leaders for the strike.
In hearings before the Labor Board,
the Steel Company contended that
the strikers had disqualified them-
selves for re-employment. Its attor-
(neys argued that acts of violence by
individual strikers made reinstate-
ment inequitable.
The Board excepted only 11 men,
however, in its sweeping order for
reinstatement of the strikers. Those
excluded, the Board said, were men
who had pleaded guilty to possessing,
and using explosives
scribes Plan
ident's Signature
fendants, Rumrich said members of
the ring rifled mail bags on German-
owned transatlantic liners, tried to
enlist "susceptible" U.S. Army and
Navy officers in espionage for Ger-
many, stole the secret "Z code" of the
air force, and engaged his younger
brother as a spy in Prague in antici-
pation of Germany's march on
The witness, chewing gum and
speaking a little wearily as if tired
of the whole business-he said he
once considered spying the epitome
of glamor-testified that he himself
once threatened a U.S. naval ensign
with "dire consequences" if the of-.
ficer refused to aid the ring.
The witness, who got his spy job
by writing to a German newspaper,
said the plot to forge President
Roosevelt's signature was timed for
early last March and was frustrated
by his arrest late in February.
Gov. Murphy
Plans Speech
F or Students
'Youth And Government'
Will Be Subject Of Talk
To Be Given At Union
Gov. Frank Murphy will address
University students on "Youth and
Government" at 2 p.m. Monday, in
the North Lounge of the Union at a
special meeting arranged by the Stu-
dent Senate.
The Governor willalso speak earlier
in the day at a luncheon and at 1:30
p.m. in the Masonic Temple
Accompanying him will be the five
men who are running with him for
reelection on the Democratic ticket:
Lieut.-Gov. Leo J. Nowici, Auditor
General George T. Gundry, State
Treasurer Theodore I. Fry, Attorney
general Raymond W. Starr and Secre-
tary of State Leon D. Case.
The meeting at the Union is the
first in a series which is being planned
by the Student Senate, in an effort
to stimulate student interest in gov-
ernment and politics, Tom Adams,
'40, president, explained.
The Senate political forum com-
mitte which includes Harold Osse-
pow, '39, chairman, Wallo Abbott, Jr.,
'39, and Jack Sessions,. '40, has an-
nounced that invitations to address
the Michigan campus have also been
extended to Frank Fitzgerald and
Nahum Burnett, Republican and
Socialist candidates for Governor,
Student, members of the faculty
and townspeople are cordially invited
to attend the meeting Monday.
Minnesota Regents
Elect Dr. Guy Ford
MINNEAPOLIS, Oct. 19-)-Dr.
Guy Stanton Ford, Dean of the Grad-
uate School, was elected President of
the University of Minnesota tonight
by a 7 to 4 vote of the Board of
Regents, succeeding former Presi-
dent Lotus D. Coffman, who died
Sept. 22.
Dr. Ford came to the University of
Minnesota in 1913 from the University
of Illinois.
British Troops
Subdue Arabs
In Jerusalem
1,000 Soldiers Embroiled
In Battle To Establishf
Order In Ancient City
City Curfew Raised
And Food Given Out
JERUSALEM, Oct. 1 - -Ap-
proximately 1,000 British Coldstreamt
Guards marched into the old city of7
Jerusalem at dawn today and de-t
livered the district from the hands
of Arab rebels who had held it for
four days. z
Wearing rubber.soled shoes for
sure footing on the ancient cobbled'
streets, the British troops entered
the old city through historic Da-
mascus gate and almost immediatelyt
were met by a strong fullisade of rebelc
Within a few hours the troops hadI
subdued the Arabs without loss of a
British life. At least nine Arabs were
killed, and 40 were taken prisoner.
Two British constables were wound-I
The British established complete
law and order in the old city, tot
which they had laid siege without at-
tempting, until today, to enter. A
deathlike silence hung over the quar-
ter as the crack guards patrolled the
The Christian and Jewish popula-
tion showed intense relief as the
troops marched through the narrow
deserted streets to the Mosque of
Omar area, which they immediately
cordoned off.
Troops and police then began a
methodical house-to-house search of'
the district between the Mosque and
the old city walls. As each section
was cleared the inhabitants were al-
lowed to circulate in the streets of the,
old city, but were not permitted to
leave its precincts.
A curfew previously imposed was1
lifted immediately. Local authori-
ties distributed bread to beleaguered,E
half-starved residents.t
Soldiers placed stout barbed wire1
barriers at all strategic pointsl
throughout the city.
Coffee Hours
Begin Tuesday
Vocational Speech Series
Will Be Held In Union
Regular Union Coffee Hours will
begin Tuesday, Oct. 25, and last from
4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. daily, it was
announced yesterday.
The first 'of a series of 15 vocation-
al guidance lectures will be given in
the small ballroom of the Union at
4:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 27, by Dean
Henry M. Bates of the law school, ac-
cording to Don Treadwell, '40, Union
orientation chairman.
Other speakers during the year will
include Dean R. W. Bunting of the
dentistry school; Prof. H. B. Lewis
of the pharmacy school; Dr. W. W.
Bishop of the library science depart-
ment; Dean A. C. Furstenburg of the
Medical School; Dean Wells I. Bennett
of the architecture school; Dean Hen-
ry C. Anderson of the engineering
college; Prof. Earl V. Moore of the
music school; Dean C. S. Yoakum of
the graduate school; Dean James B.
Edmonson of the education school;
Prof. J. K. Pollock of the political
science department; Miss Marian
Durell of the nursing school; Dean
C. E. Griffin of the business adminis-
tration school; Prof. Jos ph R. Hay-
I den of the political scietce depart-
ment; and Dean S. T. Dana of the
forestry and conservation school. ,
135 Bandmen
Leave Tonight
For Yale Bowl
One hundred thirty-five strong,
Michigan's Varsity Band will leave
Ann Arbor at 6:30 p.m. today en route
for New Haven where they will cheer
the football squad on in its encounter
with Yale.
Expected to arrive in New York
City at 8:30 a.m. tomorrow the band
will march from the Grand Central
Station to the Lincoln Hotel, its New
York stopping place. A police escort
has been arranged and the city
authorities, including Mayor LaGuar-
dia, are expected to received the band
members, Prof. William D. Revelli,
director of the Bands said yesterday.
The greater part of the funds to
finance the trip to Yale have been
raised by the Annual Michigan Band
Varsity Night which was presentedI
Tuesday evening before a capacity
audience in Hill Auditorium.
Tomorrow evening the band will be1
tie guest of the eastern alumni at a
dinner to be given at 1:30 p.m. by
the University of Michigan Club of
New York City.
Secret drill of formations to be pre-
sented at the football game in the
afternoon will be held Saturday
morning in the Yale Bowl.
Yesterday it was announced that
students may obtain their tickets for
the Yale excursion train by calling
at the main desk of the Union from
10:00 to 12:00 a.m. or from 1:00 to
3:00 p.m. today.
Student Senate
Election Spirit
Reaches Peak
Predict Wide-Open Fight;
Record - Breaking Vo t e
Is Seen For Tomorrow
Indications of a wide open fight for
the 16 vacancies in the Student Sen-'
ate were evident on the campus yes-
terday as independent candidates,
coalitions and parties distributed
handbills and circulars in eleventh-
hour electioneering to win support
for the all-student Senate poll tomor-
Sixty candidates are in the race and
a turnout double that of last year's
1700 is predicted by Edward Magdol,
'39, director of elections.
Polls will be open from 9 a.m. to
6:30 p.m. tomorrow in the Union and
League, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. in Angell
Hall, the General Library,' an the
Engineering Arch. and from 12:30
pan. to 2 p.m. in the Law Club. Mag-
dol reminds all students that identifi-
cation cards will be needed to cast
Sample ballots will be available for
al candidates and students at 5 p.m.
today in the Student Senate offices
in Lane Hall, Magdol said. Those in-
terested in serving as election clerks
in the election tomorrow are asked
to contact Magdol.
Richard M. Scammon, who was
student director of elections last
March, has just arrived here by plane
from Minneapolis to be present at
the proportional representation vot-
ing tomorrow. The fame of the Stu-
dent Senate elections have traveled
considerably, Scammon reports, as
evidenced by the account of the voting
here last year by George H. Hallett,
Jr., famous authority on PR, in the
' "National Municipal Review."
Parley With Franc
Original Michigan
Quarterback Dead
Dr. Oshea S. Brigham of Toledo,
who played quarterback on the first
Michigan football team in 1870, died
Tuesday night in Toledo after a 10-
day illness.
Dr. Brigham was one of the eleven
men who went to Cornell to play a
scheduled game the first year. The
game was cancelled, however, because
some sophomores on the team "got
into some trouble" and were sent
home by the university president.
'World's Largest'
Gargoyle'A ppears
On Campus Today
The shortest route to the Arboretum
and other important places on campusj
are offered on the cover of Gargoyle,
campus humor magazine, which goes
on sale today.
This issue, which is the largest in
the history of the magazine, will be
one sale on campus and at all book-
stores for 25 cents. -
Barechested masculine pulchritude
will be displayed along with a picture
of Robert Taylor to prove that hairy
chested men, including Daily report-
ers, are sissies. Along with these will
be evidence that the four out of five
theory is incorrect with pictures of°
16 new beauties who arrived at the
University this fall.
In addition to pictorial sections are
humorous short stories, features, jokes
and a new type of satirical cartoon.
Craig To Talk
At Convocation
Economist Is To Address
Forestry Conclave Here
Roland D. Craig, chief of the divi-
sion of econbmics of the Canadian
Forest Service, will give an illustrated
University lecture on "The Use of Air-
craft in Forestry" at 4:15 p.m. today
in the Graduate School Auditorium.
It will be the second of three talks
he will deliver here in conjunction
with a meeting of the Central States
Section of the Society of American
Foresters which is expected to draw
100 delegates from five states.
Craig will speak at 11 a.m. today
in the Chemistry Building auditorium
at a forestry school convocation on
"Forestry in Canada." He will also
speak on "Aerial Forest Surveys" at
a session of the central state for-
ester's group at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow
in the Graduate School.
The meeting will start with a busi-
ness meeting tonight in the Union.
Other activities of the meeting
will include a banquet tomorrow
night in the Union at which Prof.
Robert B. Hall of the geography de-
partment will be the principal speak-
Feuhrer's Price: Coloni(
Big Air Force, Freedo
In East, No Soviet Pa
Hungary May Face
New Czech Claii
PARIS, Oct. 19.-(AP-Chancel
Hitler's reported price for a guari
ty of Franco-German peace appea
too high to France today.
In preliminary conversations G
many was said in well-inforn
quarters to have offered to guaran
French frontiers against attack
France would return Togo and
Cameroons, pre-war German Color
in West Africa; if France would r
ognize that Germany should have r
merical superiority in war planes 2
if France would assure German3
free hand in Central and Eastern I
rope and renounce the Franco-R
sian mutual assistance pact.
Possibility Remains
The possibility remained, howev
that sufficient common desire exis
so that some kind of an agreem
might be reached. English lead
have been described as urging t
French to seek something parallel
the Anglo-German friendship p
initialled at Munich.
In the willingness of both Fra
and Germany to explore possibili1
of a non-aggression pact some Pa
observers professed to see a di:
matic game aimed at Italy-a wa
ing by France that Italy should cc
fine itself to the Mediterranean a
a hint by Germany that unlessIt
abandoned its support for Hungar
claims Germany could find a pow
ful friend in France.
Von Welezeck Confers
Count Johannes Von Welcze
German Ambassador to Frar
talked to Georges Bonnet, Fore
Minister. Andre Francois-Pon
French Ambassador at Berlin, f
to Hitler's Bavarian home, Bercht
gaden. The visit to Bonnet tot
followed a talk Von Welczeck 1
with Premier Edouard Daladier
returning from Berlin.
Daladier's friends hoped an agr
ment with Germany would impr
his domestic position. He lid c
versations with the Soviet Amb
sador, Jacob Surits, presumably as
what effect a Franco-Qerman agi
ment would have on Franco-Sot
In a drive against spies the Frei
Government forbade foreigners
settle in the Paris region without s
cial authorization.
German Demand
PRAGUE, Oct.19.-(IP)-An app
ent stiffening of Czechoslovakia's
titude toward Hungarian territa
demands was indicated tonight w
the Czech general staff hinted t
the nation might counter with
claim for certain Slovak areas aroi
At Hungary's capital city, ne
tiators continued their efforts
thresh out the problem, while rer
sentatives of the new Slovak
Ruthenian autonomous states ,
pared to present their side to Gerr
diplomats at Munich.
Katharine Dunbar Says Women.
Need Technical Training Today
Calderwood Explains Hungary's
Claims Against Czechoslovakia
"Today there is a need for a com-
bination of general education and
background plus technical training
for college women in business," Mrs.
Katharine Dunbar, guest speaker for
the last Orientation lecture, told 400
University women at the League yes-
Before the depression business of-
fices employed women for two dis-
tinct types of work, Mrs. Dunbar ex-
plained. Women were employed eith-
er to do straight secretarial work or
to meet clients, transact non-clerical
business and act as assistants to her
employers. Following the depression,
the two positions have been com-
bined with the result that business
training must now be two-fold.
In discussing the topic, "College
Women in Business," Mrs. Dunbar
outlined the criticisms that employers
sometimes make of the college wom-
an. The old prejudice that the college
woman knows too much, that she is
too sure of herself still exists, she
Yale's 'Lonely Hearts' 1
Waiting Breathlessly.
Miss Michigan Coed's fame hasj
spread far and wide, even unto the
, ivied cloisters of far-off New Haven.
Witness this telegram, received last
"Yale very anxious to meet up with
\ g famous Michigan coeds to find out
"" the secret of their success. How
about some dates with the gals? We
will be at the station on your arrival
to take charge. Signed, Lonely
For some inexplicable reason, the
telegram was addressed to the Gar-
--Other telegrams arrived throughout
learn and an ability to teach are the evening. Five local sororities also
H u n g a r y undoubtedly has a
stronger claim substantiating its ter-
ritorial demands upon Czechoslovakia
than Germany had to the Sudeten
area, Prof. Howard B. Calderwood of
the political science department, said
He pointed out that Hungary, previ-
ous to the World War, owned the land
through which runs the southern
boundary of Czechoslovakia. Approxi-
mately 750,000 Magyars now reside in
that territory. The grant to Czecho-
slovakia was mad'e at the time in order
to provide the Czech bumper state
with a railroad which originally be-
longed to Hungary.
Apparently the Hungarian demands
are not based on a desire for posses-
sion of mineral wealth in that region,
he added, but on nationality.
Bratislava, the largest city in the
disputed area, is largely inhabited by
Magyars. It was the partitioning of
Hungary which yielded that city and
its surrounding territory in which
Quoting from Lord Bryce's book
"International Relations," Professor
Calderwood explained that even at
the time of the World War an im-
partial party saw Hungary's plight.
"The Ruthenians were separated from
Hungary without being given an op-
portunity to determine for themselves
whether they desired to be free of
Magyar rule. In addition, the Tran-
sylvanian area, approximately one
third Magyar in population, was
severed from Hungary and given to
Roumania, although desiring to re-
main under the rule of that nation."
Hitler, although he will probably,
not take any active part in the present
territorial altercations, can be ex-
pected to throw every bit of his in-
fluence indirectly in Hungary's favor.
Professor Calderwood feels that Hun-
gary's chances to achieve a greater
part of the present territorial demand
are very good. However, he does not
expect that the terms will be met in
Hungary, if successful, may lay
covetous eves upon its minorities in
Vulcans Hammer
Eight Initiates
In Sea Of Mu
Vulcans, senior honorary enginee
ing society, in collaboration with
large mud puddle, initiated eight mi
into the mysteries of mud and ha
labor yesterday afternoon on t
lawn of the West Engineering ann
The men initiated were Dick Ta
bell, Bob Hartwell, Charley Ket]
Bob Reid, Jack Stevens, Steve Wo
sey, Hugh Downer, and Pete Ipsen
Smeared with machine oil in
which lamp black had been rubb
the eight novitiates circled for t
hours about a large anvil set in I
center of a sea of mud. From time
time this activity was varied for t
peldges by active who allowed th
to dive head first into the pud
or requested them gently with padd
to stand on their heads in the m
Dr. Abraham Cronbach, professor
of Jewish studies at the Hebrew Union
College, will speak on "Judaism and
World Peace" at a luncheon meeting
tomorrow at the Union under the
joint sponsorship of the Student Re-