Farm Speech'
By GOP Head
Address By John Hamilton
Draws Mixed Reaction
In Senate And House
Borah Takes Issuek
WASHINGTON, Oct. 18 -(p)- A
statement by John D. M. Hamilton,
Republican national chairman, that
the administration's farm program
had collapsed, produced a mixed re-
action today.
Several Democratic members of
Congress dissented sharply; some oth-
er legislators said the crop control
program had failed to accomplish its
purpose and that other m'eans of
assisting the farmer would have to
be found.
Hamilton told a farm belt audience
at Montpelier, that declines in prices
of wheat, cotton, corn and other pro-
ducts during the past year showed
,hat the administration program had
broken down. Democratic senators re-
plied that Hamilton should compare
resent farm income with thht of the
Hoover Administration.
"If Chairman Hamilton has a clean
ut solution for the farm problem, let
him bring it out in the open," said
Senator Pepper (D-Fla.), ardent New
Candidates In The Student Senate1
Elections Friday Present Platforms
Sixty students have submitted pe-
ttions, applying for the 16 vacancies
in the Student Senate. The elections
this Friday will be conducted accord-
ing to the Hare system of proportion-
al representation with the single
transferable vote. Platforms have
been submitted by 32 candidates and
are printed in the order in which
their names appear on the ballot.
sex education in this university; (b)
Improve student working conditions;
(c) Promote better rooming condi-
(4) I believe that definite action
should be taken on the proposal to
formulate a Student Co-operative
Book Exchange.
Donald Counihan
Liberal Coalition'
We favor:
1. A greater measure of student
government on this campus and the
curtailment of faculty and adminis-
tration control over student extra-
that seek to destroy or curtail them.
2. We support the anti-lynching
3. We condemn the vicious and mis-
leading attacks of the Dies Commit-
tee and the reactionary press on in-
dividuals and organizations active in
humanitarian causes.
1. The support of progressive state
and national candidates who repre-
sent the interests of the farmers, pro-
fessionals, small business men and
wage-earners. We favor the elec-
tion of liberal adherents to the New
Deal and endorse the reelection of
Governor Murphy as an outstanding
>Iamilton, in his appeal to farmers,
said the New Deal was in an "in-
congruous situation." He said Secre-
tary Wallace and the Agriculture De-
partment were forcing farmers to re-
luce acreage and marketings while
Secretary Hull and the State Depart-
Went, through reciprocal trade pacts,
were lowering tariffs and inviting for-
eigners to send grain and meat here.
The Republican leader said this was
an "economy of scarcity for the
American farmer" while trade pacts
offered this country "as a free market
for the world."
Senator Borah (R-Idaho), Dean of
he small band of Republican Sena-
ors, said he agreed that the Adminis-
ration's farm program had collapsed,
but took issue with Hamilton's criti-
ism of Secretary Wallace's proposal
o subsidize consumption by low-in-
bome persons in the United States.
Hamilton had said this proposal by
Wallace was an "idea to end all New
teal ideas" and would fail to aid the
farmer while costing more than
$1,000,000,000 annually.
Chaperon Selected
For Student Train
Chaperon for students leaving, on
he "On to Yale" special train which
eaves tomorrow for New Haven will
e Miss Marie Hartwig, instructor in
physical education, according to an
announcement made last night by
Mtrs. Beryl Fox Bacher, assistant dean
f women. Miss Hartwig's ex~enses
will be prorated among the women
>tudents who make the trip, Mrs.
Bacher said.
More than 50 students have already
purchased tickets for the trip, ac-
:ording to Max Hodge, '39, co-man-
iger. Those who have ordered tickets
and have not received them may ob-
;ain theirs at the Union bus desk to-
lay from 3 to 5 p.m., Hodge said.
The train will include 16 cars. Five
>ullmans will be added in Detroit. A
end off will be staged at the station,
and the program will be broadcast,
Eodge said.?
Guidance Project
Is Aid To Youth
(Continued from Page 1)
d with the Guidance Project and will
e -one of the most important parts
f this service, since the proof of
he pudding will be in finding jobs
or the youth who have been aided.
A follow-up service, which is an
mportant item from the point of view
f checking methods in guiding young
leople, and in improving these tech-
iiques, is the last step in helping
'outh solve its problems in a world
f economic insecurity.
Throughout this guidance activity
he services of the many other groups
onnected directly with the Bureau
r doing the same type of work, are
elied upon. A special Child Guid-
mce division, the YMCA and the
YWCA, school staffs, social service
xchanges, the Mott Foundation for
ecreation services, research groups,
gid innumerable other such organi-
ations, co-operate in aiding young
eople, which requires individual and
xpert treatment in order to be of
,ny value. Mr. Guckert is being assist-
d in this co-ordinating program,
me of the most significant aspects
f the project, by Mrs. Frances H.
The Bureau also carries on a com-
lete program for behavior and per-
onality adjustment. Vocational guid-
nce is but one of many activities,
ind since this personality adjust-
nent program is as large and complex
t will be discussed in a separate
In all- these activities an added
alue, other than the service rendered
,o the youngsters of southern Michi-
Independent Liberal
Guided by "the belief that govern-
ment should exist in the interests of
the economic and social well-being of
the majority" I support the follow-
ing program:
In view of the failure of competi-
tion as a regulator of our economic
life, I favor the extension of effective
government regulation and public
planning in so far as they prove fea-
sible, necessary, and beneficial.
In the field of education, which is
of special interest to students, I favor
the broadening and increasing of ed-
ucational opportunities for all.
Mindful of the repressive moves
that have occurred with alarming fre-
quency to crush political and civil
liberties, I pledge support of the de-
fense of democratic rights in all
I favor a popular political party
which represents the interests of
farmers, professiohals, small business
men, and wage earners.
Recognizing that wars are never
fought in the interests of the people
who pay the terrible price which must
be paid, I favor domestic and inter-
national policies such as will bring
peace and security to the war-
harassed generation of today; these
policies to be based upon 'collective
action of the workers and students
throughout the world.
Martin B. Dworkis
Liberal Progressive,
The Student Senate serves as an
active, forceful medium to affect the
wish of the student body; it is the
only campus-wide body of concen-
trated student opinion. I am running
for reelection to this body on simple
principles. It would be narrowmind-
ed for me to propose one definite
platform; my liberalism consists in
being thoroughly judicious to alll
problems. I am not overly sentimental
to the status quo, yet I openly pro-
pose no definite innovations of ad-
justments; my progressiveness con-+
sists in evincing a pliable disposition+
to better and advancing ideas. If I
am re-elected I'll do as I see fit, guid-l
ed by my limited acumen.
The Senate is a growing power onI
campus interested in the students'I
welfare; it is a student body. It needs
everyone's support-show yours by
voting next Friday.
John P. O'Hara
Independent Progressivej
I shall endeavor to concentrate
upon the immediate problems that
confront the student body on cam-
pus. Included in my aims shall be
the furthering of the establishment
of more adequate lighting facilities
in the libraries; a cooperative book
store similar to that at M.I.T. or
Yale. And for the refreshment of the
mind-Heywood Broun for . every
, t gJb .~ ~
curricular affairs. INTVNAT ONAL
2. he ooeraio ofth Unvesit tINTERNATIONAL
2. The cooperation of the University 1. We recognize the terrible price
administration with such representa- which war exacts of a people and of
tive student bodies and organizations the world. But we see in the leaders
as the Senate in matters where stu- of fascist nations the source of war
dent interests are concerned. in the world today. We deplore the
3. Equal rights and opportunities selfish betrayal of small democracies
for Negro students in the academic and of the principles of democracy
and social life of the University and by the present reactionary govern-
in the restaurants of Ann Arbor. ments of England and France.
4. A program of study and action We favor cooperativerdiplomatic
on discrimination against racial and and economic action by the demoera-
religious minorities on the campus. cies both to halt the march of fascism
5. Increased federal aid to college and to bring about a cessation of
and high school students in need, present fascist aggressions in Spain,j
specifically an extension of the Na- China and Central Europe.
tional Youth Administration and Clay Brockman
passage of the American Youth Act. Harry Stutz
6. Unqualified defense of academic Jack Laro
Bernard Dober
freedom, which we interpret to mean Bert Daler
complete personal liberty for students Robert Kahn
and faculty members to ally them- Richard Jeffreys
selves with any political or social Robert Perlman
groups they desire. -t
7. Low cost dormitories. Socialist
ECONOMICS, Only a socialist society will be able
'The Student Senate is an organiza-
tion dedicated to the ideals of free
discussion and unprejudiced action. If
I am elected, I will do my best to per-
petuate those ideals in myself and in
my fellow workers.
James E. Tobin
Progressive Coalition
We, candidates of the Progressive
Coalition, in the interests of pro-
gressive self-government, stand for
the following program:
1. Centralization of class govern-
ment through the council plan, now
being tried in the engineering college.
2. Progressive education as exem-
plified by an introductory course in
marriage preparation.
3. More and stronger organizations
among racial minorities.
4. Establishment of more student
5. Establishment of a more tho-
rough orientation program.
6. Establishment of a dating bu-
reau, similar to those at other pro-
gressive colleges, to facilitate social
7. Promotion and encouragement of
student-faculty relations through
such projects as the Union Coffee
Hours and the Spring Parley.
Bill Grier
Jean C. Maxted
Ethel Q. Norberg
Harry L. Sonneborn
Jack C. Sullivan
With the world today ruled by
emotionalism in the form' of hate,
prejudice, and hysterical seeking to
escape from reality by espousing any
scheme that promises a Utopia,
American Youth, though its head be
in the clouds must keep its feet firm-
ly on tested ground.
To this end we pledge ourselves to
defend the status quo when attacked
by agitators whose emotions over-
rule their intellects; to amend it, in
turn, when, scientific investigation
and analysis point the way to a bet-
ter scheme of things.
We shall take no preconceived at-
titude on any proposal. Rather we
shall examine each new measure as it1
arises, subject it to sane analysis, and
compare it with the status quo. If the
status quo, whether campus, nation-
al, or international suffers by com-
parison, we shall bend all our talents
;o espousing a change.
Believing in representative govern-
ment, we shall consider ourselves ser-
vants of the student body. As such
we shall aways stand ready to intro-
duce measures submitted by our con-
stituents, if we consider the measure
a worthy one.
John Canavan
Ben Munn
Michigan Liberal
I believe in:
1. More liberal action concerning
out-moded school conventions, such
as one day Thanksgiving vacations.;
2. Stimulating greater friendship
between fraternities, sororities, dor-
mitories, and independents not in
dorms. I
3. Promoting more social gather-
ings, at nominal prices, where stu-i
Senate, to maintain an open and un-
biased policy on the topics of the day.-
I shall defend labor and democracy
against exploitation and oppression,
but if the time comes when I believe
their policies to be unwise, I shall
uphold what I believe to be the great-
est good for the largest number of
Robert W. Prasil
Independent Liberal
As I stated I am an Independent
Liberal. Independent stands for no
affiliation with any party. Liberal
stands for my entire outlook on every
subject or at least what I attempt
to be. I do agree with many of the
views of the different parties but I
disagree with some of the others. I
shall attempt to study every idea
from the Independent Liberal view-
point and not with any affiliated pre-
judice. I wish to be elected as a man
not as a party cog.
Abraham J. Goodman
I favor the retention of Class Of-'
ficers, but firmly believe that certain
reforms are needed1 in the present
Also, since many students are from
homes in the near vicinity of Ann
Arbor, and since sentiment was very
strong in this direction last fall, I
support the abolition of Friday and
Saturday classes following Thanks-
John M. Mulkey;
What this campus needs more thana
a good five-cent cigar, less conges-
tion at the movie theaters or reduced
prices at the Union and League dances
are a sound, practical course in Mar-
riage, and a three-day Thanksgiving
At the earliest possible date, a
course in Marriage should be added,
to the curriculum of the University.
Such courses are offered in colleges
and universities throughout the coun-
try. Michigan must take her place
among the front-ranking, progressive
universities of the nation. "Bull ses-
sions" have lost their efficacy in aid-
ing students in finding a way of
living. Many thought-provoking ques-
tions are left unanswered.. A course
in Marriage would answer those ques-
A sore spot among the student body
for many a day has been the lack of a
three-day Thanksgiving vacation.
That sore spot must be healed. Classes
are cut regardless of the ruling. Such
regimentation does not have its de-
sired effect upon the students. The
Student Senate should strive to con-
vince the authorities that a course
in Marriage and a three-day Thanks-
giving vacation should and must be-
dents of bothsexes. can become ac-
4. Peace and better understanding
between nations.
5. Cooperating to make our coun-
try a better, finer, more pleasant
place to live in.
I Alexis M. Anikeeff
I intend, if elected to the Studentc
1. An increased measure of public
ownership and control of the coun-
try's basic economic resources.
2. Long range planning of public
housing and slum clearance as well as
other constructive public works.
3. The firm establishment of the
principle of collective bargaining, as
guaranteed by the Wagner Act, and
extension of the principle of wage-
hour regulation.
4. Government action to curb those
monopolies which are enabled by their
economic control to operate in op-
position to the interest of the wage-
earner and the consumer.
5. Increased credit to farmers and
a federal farm bill to insure the farm-
ers adequate prices, a fair standard
of living and ownership of their land.
6. Improved and enlarged unem-
ployment insurance plans, as well as
old age pensions, health and acci-
dent insurance, and full and adequate
relief for the unemployed.
7. Ratification of the Child Labor
8. Consumers' and producers' co-
1. We affirm the basic rights of
freedom of speech, assembly and the
press and condemn local officials, pri-
vate corporations and other agencies
come a part of the university curricu-
Leon A. Kupeek
I uphold one of the almost forgot-
ten institutions of government and
student activity-Progress. It is nec-
essary to remember that throughout
history the maintenance of the status
quo has led to great suffering and
inefficiency. Only in Progress can we
hope to develop. Therefore, I pledge
myself to uphold, both in national and
campus questions, measures which
will keep us moving forward.
Rola'nd Rhead
If I am elected to the Student
Senate the fololwing four cardinal
points shall be the basis of my ac-
tions; 1. a Progressive government
along Constitutional lines, 2. a more
equitable capital-labor policy to re-
sult from a revision of the Wagner
Act, 3. a strong stand by the United
States for world peace, 4. a complete
civil service system for our Federal
Government unimpeded by politics.
Jim Frankel
to solve the basic problems of war,
poverty, and exploitation. Until then
I propose the following program of
immediate steps in that direction:
1. Keep America out of war, and
fight the plans of those who are mak-
ing ready for war.
2. Use the military appropriations
instead for socially useful public
3. Build a new party for labor, in-
dependent of the reactionary Repub-
lican and Democratic parties.
4. On campus I support low cost
dorms, racial equality, extension of
campu co-ops, union standards for
student workers, and academic free-
Jack Sessionsf
I am a sincere advocate of democ-
racy, democracy in the literal sense
of the word and not as illustrated by
the Dies Committee. The fate of
America rests upon its young people.
Our lives depend upon whether this
responsibility is assumed by an in-
telligently progressive youth move-
ment or whether it is assumed by a
band of goose-stepping automatons
pressed into action by the ambitions
of a "Boss."
Irving K. Fox
I feel that dormitory facilities
should be further extended, that ill-
feeling and discrimination against
racial minorities on campus and in
Ann Arbor be discountenanced, and
also that student organizations on
;he campus, including fraternal, poli-
tical, and athletic, should enjoy Uni-
versity encouragement;. in the light
of which, it is my sincere hope that
the sharp division between academic
and athletic scholarship may cease to
exist. Peter Carter
27 Senate Candidates
Fail To Submit Petitions
Other candidates who have not
submitted platforms are:
Cecile Franking, Ann Arbor Inde-
pendents; Anand M. Kelkar, Inter-
national Council; Larry Gubow;
Danil Bernstein, Progressive Inde-
pendent; Frederick Pearce; Barbara
Bradfield; Alberta Wood, Liberal;
Edward J. Hutchins; Waldo Abbott,
Jr., Conservative Liberal; Carl D.
Wheeler, Ted Grace, Jr., James W.
.xrace, John G. Goodell, Paul A. John-
son, James MacDonald, Conserva-
tives; Hugh H. Estes; Frank W. Bus-
sard; William M. Kramer, Liberal;
Betty Sorenson, Liberal; Philip Clark;
Phil Whittemore; Morris Lichten-
stein, Coop; John R. Hulbert; Robert
O. Bush; William Gram, Equity;
Jack Cooper; Edward Macal, Fra-
ternity Liberal.
Law Students Hold
Annual Election
Charles E. Thomas, '39 , -was
chosen president of the senior law
class for the ensuing year at an elec-
tion held yesterday in Hutchins Hall.
Chosen to assist Thomas were:
Frances M. Wistert, vice-president;
Fred C. Newman, secretary; and
James W. Staudt, treasurer, all senior
law students.
Charles T. Piecewicz
Non-Partisan Party
The platform of the Non-Partisan
Party takes full cognizance of present
day, vital campus problems. The Non-
Partisanites advocate a great reduc-
tion in housing rates and an increase
in housing facilities. They aim to
secure the establishment of a coopera-
Live book exchange as well as the
installment of courses in marriage
education. One of their main objec-
tives is an all-campus dating bureau.
In general they emphasize greater
concern in the welfare of the entire
student body.
Arthur H. Bikoff -
Erwin Edward Benzier
(1) I advocate for the United States
a strict policy of non-intervention in
world affairs.
(2) I oppose the entrance of the
U.S.A. armed forces into any war ex-
cept in defense of continental U.S.A.
(3) I endorse the present move-
ments of the Senate to: (a) Further
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