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October 19, 1938 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-10-19

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>perative Dormitories Solve Low
Cost Housing Problem At Wisconsin

of more and more PWA grants, most
of whose allotments are for dormitories, it begins
to look as though th perennial housing ques-
tion is well on the way to a satisfactory solution.
But before we begin to feel that our housing
worries are over, it would be well, perhaps, to
raise a warning note concerning the whole dormi-
tory program for the future. The essential need
on this campus, as it is on most others, is not
just adequate housing but low cost with the stress
marks over low cost. It will not be enough if the
dormitories to be built in the future are tomain-
tain existing or higher rentals, nor will it be
enough if these dormitories charge low rentals
wich will be more than compensated for by
compulsory rules to the effect that meals must be
taken in the dormitory dining halls at high
rates. Low cost housing means more than a cheap
room; it means a cheap living cost.
With the exception of Fletcher Hall, we believe
that existing rentals, in the broad sense, in Uni-
versity dormitories are too high; that is, too
high to provide any adequate answer to the needs
of the great numbers of students on campus who
are earning their way through school in part or
in full. We appreciate the fact that the existing
rental rates are not by the ouija board-but on.
economic facts of initial costs, upkeep and re-
turns to bond-holders, which is as it should be.
But in saying that, we have not said enough.
Somehow these costs against which rentals are set
must be reduced. If present dormitory buildings
cost too much in their construction and upkeep,
then we must build cheaper units, and not ata
sacrifice of durability but of ornamentation, dis-
pensing with all but strictly utilitarian and func-
Stioal features.
The University of Wisconsin shows that low-
cost housing is feasible for university towns as
well as model communities such as the Greenbelt
town near Maryland. Under Wisconsin's /expan-.
sion plans, three dormitory units dedicated t9
the principle of low-cost housing have already
been opened this semester.
The buildings are compact and with the excep-
tion of the parlors are entirely given over to
double rooms. The essential feature of the opera-
tion of these units is the application of the co-
operative principle in differing degrees, with the
aim in mind to ascertain just how muh service
the University management should provide and
how much of the actual management should be
carried out by the students themselves to attain
the most satisfactory balance of good manage-
'ment,iadequate and comfortable housing and
low living costs.
Thus, Unit A of the Wisconsin plan is the old-
type dormitory -with linen, blankets and daily
maid and janitor service provided. Even under
the old-type dormitory plan rents, with the ex-'
ception of ten corner rooms at 106 dollars, are
set at 96 dollars per year.
Dormitory Unit B allows for students sharing
in some measure with the university the main-
tenance of the dormitories, but with the major
part of the services such as linen, curtains, and
janitor service once a week furnished by the
university. Rentals here are $75 for all rooms
except the corner rooms which rent at $85 a
Year. Students under this plan do the work
through committees.
Unit C embodies the cooperative principle
fully with the University supplying only linen
anid curtains. All the work of maintenance is
done by student committees. Rates here are ten-
tatively set at $70 a year, but these rates will vary
according to the actual costs of upkeep.

A House Fellow is appointed by the University
Dormitory committee, and he heads Unit A, but
in the other two units presidents are elected by
the residents. Residents of Units A and B eat
in the University dining hall at a cost of $245
a year, but those of Unit C may eat where they
Wisconsin's example should be the more force-
ful to our planners here, because of the fact that
is a state University with about the same size
student body and with the same problem that is
vexing us at present. Certainly Michigan should
take the cue from a sister state University and
embody in its dormitory expansion plans the
principles of cooperative housing and student self
government which Wisconsin is really taking
the opportunity and time to test. Michigan can
not afford to do less.
-Albert Mayio
Liquor, Rats
And History ...
T HE NEW YORK TIMES reports that
the American Association For The
Advancement of Science has appointed a Ret
search Council to study the "Problems of Alco-
hol." It is a noteworthy, yet not altogether sur-
prising, fact that so eminent a body should con-
sider the matter of the social usage of intoxicat-.
ing beverages as worthy of its time and talents.
The much-discussed question of when and how
to drink has been one of the most bewildering
f'actors in American social life for a number of
Since earliest timesmen have wrestled with the
liquor problem and attempted to evolve customs
and regulations for controlling the usage of alco-
holic drinks. During the last few centuries, how-
ever, several causes have combined to shift in-
toxication from the class of -an incidental and
somewhat amusing matter for discussion, to a
serious, much less humorous menace to other,
more valued, social institutions.
First, there is the wide usage of distilled spirits.
Until the 13th century; when simple methods of
distilling were invented, fermented liquors were
the rule. Gradually these "quicker," more potent
drinks'became more popular with the peoples
who lived in the damp and bitter cold of northern
Second, hard liquor, did not become really
cheap and accessible until the early 18th century,
when the home-made manufacture of gin was
encouraged. It was only then that English bars
could boast, "Drunk for a penny, dead drunk
for 2d, witha straw thrown in !"-Further com-
plications arise in our, modern American society,
whose god is efficiency; there is increasingly little
patience with "hangovers."
The Tesearch Council states, "If we are to find
a way out (from the abuses of alcohol), it can
be only through the development of a factual
basis on which can be built some effective plan
of action." No one questions the Council's ability
to arrive eventually at a "factual basis;" whether
it can achieve some "effective plan of action" and
successfully carry it through is more doubtful.
Neither moral suasion nor health fetishes have
so far shown more than a transitory influence
on American drinking habits. The insipid por-
traiture of the drunkard's woebegone orphans
and the pseudo-scientific pictures of degenerate
rats, alike, have engendered an extreme distaste
for reform in a sated public. However, one must
admiresthe heroic proportions of the attempt;
doubtless it is what might be termed "a noble
experiment." Certainly it deserves our interested
-Jane Higbee
At The Michigan
The owl show at the Michigan was really some-j
thing to see.
The Michigan management certainly deserves
our thanks for bringing back Winterset. Until
the last five minutes (Hollywood movies always
go blooey in the last five minutes) Winterset is

just as good as any picture they have ever made.
It is of course a romanticized version of the
Sacco-Vanzetti case. The photography is superb,
the direction is good, the acting is consistently
splendid: John Carradine as Sacco-Vanzetti, the
dreamy radical, attains nobility in the court scene
when he is condemned to death, Burgess Mere-
dith is young and sincere as Mio, the son of the
unjustly condemned man, Margo is completely
right as Miriamne, the girl who falls in love with
Mio, Paul Guilfoyle is magnificent as her brother
Garth, who could clear Mio's father, Maurice
Moscovitch is good as the broken father of Mri-
amne and Garth, of course Eduardo Cianelli is
swell as the dying gangster who has committed
the crime of which Romagna was convicted, and
Edward Ellis is convincing as the crazed judge
who sentenced Romagana to the chair. Too many
adjectives there, but the performances deserve
them all.
The dialogue in Winterset is like nothing that
ever came out of Hollywood; it is free verse, and
I have changed my mind about it since I first
heard it a couple of years ago. At that time I was
convinced that verse is a bad medium of expres-
sion for the films: the feature which distinguishes
the cinema from the stage is after all fluidity of
motion, rapidity of action.
I still believe this, but now I think that free
verse has its place in the movies, when it har-
monizes with the tempo of the camera, when
it takes the place of realistic conversation: but

ife ems toe
Heywood Broun
I think that all visiting British lecturers should
get in or none at all. The second system would
be simpler, and it would be far more fair than
the present helter-skelter
method of picking and choos-
ing the favorites. Indeed, it
seems so aimless that I sus-
pect the State Dep'artment
does it with a hatpin. At
any rate, it has a habit of
picking the wrong horses.
There was a discussion of
this very thing in the tap-
room of the Nelson House in Poughkeepsie only
the other day. It centered around the name and
fame of young Randolph Churchill. A group of
White House correspondents, who weren't cor-
responding at the moment, recalled the night
young Churchill nearly got his ears knocked back
in the city of Worcester, Mass.
I might explain that Randolph Churchill has
attained his majority, but that there is some-
thing about him which makes it inevitable that
he will be called Young Churchill until his dying
day. And this he has done all by himself without
trading too much on his famous father.
That Man On The Platform

You ofM
By Sec Terry
W HEN Richard Michael (Falstaff)
Scammon ushered his big frame
into the Minnesota Union last Satur-
day, wearing a button for Benson,
we knew then that America was still
safe for youthful liberalism, whatever
that might be. Bulging with prosper-
ity. Mike reported that he is employed
as a .statistician, but almost before
pleasantries were exchanged, he had
edged into the conversation suchC
phrases as "repudiated Republican,"
"stuffed mogul," and "one of the
boys." We knew then that Scammon's
perspective hadn't been altered by a
steady job.
Mike, who did graduate work here
last semester, belonged to a fraterni-
ty of Voltaires, which would gather
in corners of the Publications Build-
ing and dress down the tyrants. When
he showed us the basement offices of
the Minnesota Daily, which calls it-
self "the largest college paper ing the
world," there was a distinctly nostal-
gic tone in his voice. But he was back
on firm earth again when he told of
efforts to fill the vacant chair of the
University presidency with "one of
the boys." The striking quality about
Scammon is that his tenets aren't
bathed in a static intellectualism. If
convicted, he's militant.
Scammon dropped out of an
autumn sky in Detroit yesterday, hav-
ing flown from Minneapolis to watch!
from the sidelines the Student Senate'
elections 'here Friday. One of the
Senate's originators, he takes a pater-
nal interest in it, and wants to ob-
serve the trend of a second election.
Also, he probably wants to return the
dollar we lost as a result of a 2-1
wager on the outcome of the Michi-
gan-Minnesota game. Remembering
his dubious reputation as the Falstaff
of a sports column called "Aside
Lines" last year, we thought the Wol-
verines a cinch when he offered to
support the Gophers. We failed, how-
ever, to reckon with the miraculous
healing qualities of a kidney belong-t
ing to a gent called by Minneapolis
papers, "Harold Van Everything."
* * *

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all mnemiers o fthe
Umverstty. Copy received at the office o the Assistant to the Preside
til 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

(Continued from Page 2)

i . - --

His contact with the American press occurred
in a diner on the Presidential train. Mr. Roose-
velt was making a last-minute election swing
through New England, and on the evening in
question he had just completed his eleventh
speech. It was very tough on the reporters. In-
deed, one of them complained, "I wonder what
that man thinks we're made of."
And so a little group of weary men were seek-
ing to revive themselves and eschew all talk of
politics. As nearly as I can remember, the topics
were, in their respective order, sex and college
football. Everybody was against Yale.
At this point who should bound in but Young
Randolph Churchill, full of energy and ideas?
He was representing one of the big English
papers, and he had been in America precisely
three days. Naturally, he knew all about the
election. In fact, he showed us the cables which
he had sent to his proprietor assuring him that
Landon couldn't lose.
But Young Churchill dwelt only for a little
while on prognostication and began to talk about
democracy in general, and "your so-called Ameri-
can democracy" in particular. It all seemed to
him very silly. "All this bally free press rot!" he
explained. "Why should your American news-
papers be so frightfully fair to Mr. Roosevelt
when they know perfectly well that he's ruining
your country?"
The first impulse of the little group of serious
thinkers was to ignore the gentleman from across
the big pond. "Now, take Harvard," said a man
from one of the wire service. "Don't tell me that
Dick Harlowe won't have a good passing attack
by the end of the season."
*I * *
A Truly Serious Thinker
Young Randolph had not dropped in to talk
about American football, and in a masterful
voice he said, "Gentlemen, I have asked a ques-
tion. Don't you think that the American news-
papers are being much too fair to your President,
Mr. Roosevelt."
He addressea his query to a correspondent
working for a bitterly anti-New Deal publication.
"J don't think so," said the reporter, but another
from the far side of the table was rising to give
an even more emphatic answer.
It may not generally be known, but I am a
man of peace. "Don't take a poke at Young
Churchill," I said. "I have known him for five
years. In fact, ever since he was a baby. Do we
believe in free speech or don't we?"
By a strict party vote free speech won, and
we all sneaked off into a drawing room where
we could be alone without young Randolph. It's
still. the better system. Until such time as the
State Department can learn to pick a winner it
will be much wiser for it to proceed upon the
theory of "Come one, come all."
And while it may not affect the general prin-
ciple of the thing at all, it so happen that John
Strachey is a nice fellow.
Salute To Toscanin i
A great artist and a great man comes back to
his friends tonight, when Arturo Toscanini, "the
first musician of the world," opens his new series
of symphonic broadcasts. His eminence as a con-
ductor grows from passionate devotion to music,
inexorable will for perfection in its performance,
the rare illumination he brings to its interpreta-
tion. They are qualities akin to those which raise
him to lofty stature as a world citizen.
Radio has made music the most democratic of-
all the arts. Where once only a few hundred per-
sons gathered in a hall could share the beauty
evoked by Toscanini, millions are his audience
tonight. It is fitting that the central figure in
this collective hour of respite from the world's
turmoil should be an apostle of democracy, and
at sacrificial cost to himself. Toscanini gave up
the cherished music festival at Bayreuth, then at
Salzburg, when tyranny marched in. His refusal
to bend the knee in his native land is known to all.
His journeys to far-off Palestine to direct a
struggling orchestra, without fee, in that
harassed community of exiles demonstrate his
stalwart principle.
The inspiration Toscanini's music brings is
magnified by his devotion to the eternal verities
of human freedom.
-St. Louis Post-Dispatch





AH, THE MYSTERY unfolds itself,"
and now the 'University pedantry,
which may have had due reason for
feeling offended at the sluggishness
and general torpor of its clientele,
can breathe a sigh of general relief.
The Detroit Times unraveled the clue
yesterday with blazoned headlines,
A W. C. T. U. celebration was rum-
ored to have followed the Daily!
headline, "241 PLEDGES ARE TAK-
should be a sufficient quantity to
assure the regenerative carrie na-
tions that all is not yet lost.
DEAR Sec :
D Please accept the following
paragraph for a "You of M" manual
of style.
SLesson I. And/or -
"John and-solidus-or James" is un-
pronounceable. "John vel' James" is
correct but pedantic. The -equivalent
"John or James or both" is good Eng-
lish and consequently not offensive
to the ear, the eye, or the tongue. Let
us return "and/or" to the lawyers
and/or logicians. Or, better yet, send
the solidus back to England where it
can get an honest job separating shill-
ings from pence. On these shores it
is non-quota immigrant.
G. Watt Bliss
Anything you say, Dr. Bliss.
* * w
IN THE MAIL: From Tuure Tenan-
der, Goathland, Yorks, England:.. .
"the war scare was plenty serious here.
Three days ago things looked pretty
black. I was supposed to sail on the
Aquitania on Oct. 5th but the sailing
was cancelled by governmental order
and the Aquitania was forced into
governmental service. Of course,
everything is peaceful and quiet now,
and it seems hard to believe that war
was just around the corner a few days
ago. However, I am still without pas-
sage and so I'm not certain just when
I'll get back . . . Eureka! I just saw
the Paris edition of the Herald Tri-
bune and learned that Michigan took
,over State 14-0. Boy, I bet Ann Arbor
was a wild town that night. . . I wish
you'd say hello for me to Heikkinen,
Brennan and Janke."
From Bob Cummins, Barcelona,
Spain: " . . . We just came out of
two months in action. And in action
you don't feel much like writing, nor
do you for a few days afterwards, so
I've fallen behind. I suppose you've
read about Negrin's speech at Geneva,
and so I'll be coming home. That gives
me a good excuse to write short let-
ters .
Michigan Student Freed
After Capture In Spain
A former Michigan student who
volunteered for service with the Loy-
alist forces in Spain, was captured by
Insurgents and then released through
the intervention of Ambassador
Claude Bowers arrived in America

at 9:30 A. M. in Room 2125 Natural
Science Building.
An Exhibition of Early Chinese
Pottery: Originally held in conjunc-
tion with the Summer Institute of
Far Eastern Studies, now re-opened
by special request with alterations'
and additions. Oct. 12-Nov. 5. At'
the College of Architecture. Daily
(excepting Sundays) 9 to 5.
Ann Arbor Artists' Exhibition: 16th
Annual Ann Arbor Artists' Exhibi-
tion, held under the auspices of the
Ann Arbor Art Association, in the
Dalyries of Alumni Memorial2Hall.
Diy2-5 p.m., through Oct. 26.
University Lecture: Mr. Roland D.
Craig, Chief of the Division of Econ-
omics, Department of Mines and Re-
sources, Lands, Parks, and Forest
Branch, Ottawa, Canada, will give
an illustrated lecture on "The Use of
Air Craft in Forestry" on Thursday,
Oct. 20, at 4:15 p.m., in Rackham
Auditorium, under the auspices of the
School of Forestry and Conservation.
The public is cordially invited.
American Chemical Society Lec-
ture. Professor Grinnell Jones of Har-
vard University, will speak on "Solu-
tions of Electrolytes with Special Re-
ference to Viscosity and Surface Ten-
tion" at 4:15 P. M., Thursday, Octo-
ber 20, in Room 303 Chemistry Build-
Events Today
Research Club: Will meet tonight
at 8 p.m., in the Amphitheatre of
the Rackham Building. Dr. Robert
Gessell will speak on "The Story of
Respiration." Election of officers.
The Council will meet at 7:15 p.m. in
the West Conference Room.,
Seminar in Physical Chemistry will
meet in Room 122 Chemistry Build-
ing at 4:15 p.m. today. Dr. R. H.
Gillette will speak on "Some appli-
cations of statistical mechanics to
chemistry." All interested are in-
The Inter-Guild Morning Watch
will be held at the League Chapel,
7:30 a.m. today.
Association Fireside: Professor Al-
bert Hyma will speak on "Puritan-
ism and Capitalism" at Lane Hall,
tonight at eight o'clock.
Chemical and Metallurgical En-
gineering Seminar. Mr. Allen S. Smith
will be the speaker at the Seminar
for graduate students in Chemical
and Metallurgical Engineering today
at 4 o'clock in Room 3201 E. Eng.
Bldg. His subject will be "The Vis-
cosity Function."
Phi Lambda Upsilon important
business meeting tonight at 7:30.
Conference Room No. 1 in the Rack-
ham Building. Refreshments. All
members urged to attend. Members
from otherchaptersdnew on the cam-
pus cordially invited.
Pi Lambda Theta: There will be a
meeting in the University Elementary
School at 5 p.m. today. All members
are urged to attend as several officers
will be elected.
Scandinavian Club: Meeting to-
night at Lane Hall at 8. A social
open-house for new members and all
Scandinavian students are invited.
Anyone wishing further information
should call Mary Domokos at Jordan
Phi Sigma: Business meeting to be
held today in the Graduate Outing
Club room in the Rackham Build-
ing. All members ,active and in-
active, are invited to be present.
All Mechanical Engineers are in-

vited to join the student branch of
the American Society of Mechanical
Engineers. The next meeting is to-
night at 7:30 o'clock in the Michigan
Union. Dr. B. Curtis of the physics
department wlil give an illustrated
lecture on "The Cyclotron."
Registration at the Michigan Union
tonight from 7 to 8 o'clock. This will
make it possible for those who have
afternoon classes to register.
The Transportation Club will hold
its first regular meeting of the school
year tonight in the Union.
After a short business meeting, the.
club will have the unusual opportuni-
ty of hearing Mr. A. H. Wait of Chi-
cago, Regional Airport Engineer of
the U. S. Civil Aeronautics Authority,
who will speak on "Airport and Air-
way Traffic Control." Old and new
Transportation Club members and
their friends are invited to attend.
Intermediate Dance Class will hold
its first meeting this evening at
7:30 p.m. in the League Ballroom. A
series of eight lessons will be given
for $3. Both men and women are
cordially invited to these classes in

p.m. today in the Undergraduate
Office of the Michigan League.
Congress District Presidents: The
first meeting of the new Congress
District Council will be held today at
8 p.m. in Room 306 of the Union.
(Not 7:30 as previously announced).
There will be a tea at the Hillel
Foundation this afternoon at 3:30
Sp.m.All students are cordially in-
The Hillel Players will hold an open
meeting at the Foundation tonight
at 7:30 p.m. A scene from Mary of
Scotland will be presented and plans
for the coming year will be discussed.
. Coming Events
Forestry Assembly: There will be
n assembly of the School of Forestry
and Conservation at 11 a.m., Thurs-
day, Oct. 20, in the Chemistry build-
ing auditorium, at which Dr. Roland
D. Craig, in charge of the division of
conomics, Dominion of Canada For-
est Service, will speak on "Forestry
n Canada." All students in the
School of Forestry and Conservation
re expected to attend, and all others
5iterested are cordially invited to do
German Journal Club will meet
Thursday, Oct. 20 in Room 302 Michi-
gan Union at 4:10 p.m. Professor Nor-
man L. Willey will read a paper on,
Sealsfield, the Louisiana Planter."
."Psychological Journal Club. There
will be a meeting in the West Con-
ference Room of the Rackham Grad-
uate School on Thursday, October
20th, at 8:00 p.m. Professors W. B.
Pillsbury, Heinz Werner, and N. R. F.
Maier will discuss the Criteria of Ab-
straction. Graduate students, mfajors
in psychology, and other interested
persons are invited to take part in
he discussion and to meet members
f the staff both before and after the
Luncheon Discussion: Dr. Abraham
Cronbach, Professor of Jewish Studies
at Hebrew Union College, and noted
as a pacifist and social reformer, will
speak on "Judaism and World Peace"
at the Union, Friday, 12:15 p.m.
Reservations for the 35c luncheon
may be made at Lane Hall. Those who
do not wish to attend the luncheon
are welcome for the talk at 12:45.
Iota Alpha will hold its first meet-
ing of the 1938-39 season on Thurs-
day night, Oct. 20, at 7:30 p.m. in
the Assembly Room of the Rackham
Building. All graduate students, in
engineering are cordially invited to
attend. The speaker for the evening
will be Mr. W. L. Badger of the Dow
Chemical Company.
It is hoped that any members who
cannot attend will send their present
Ann Arbor address to the President,
Mr. Alan S. Foust, 2028 East En-
gineering Building.
Uiyersity -Girls' Glee Club: There
will be a meeting on Thursday, Oct.
20 at 7:15 in the Game Room of the
League. All members are requested to
be present. Anyone interested in
joining the Glee Club attend the
meeting, as try-outs will be held im-
mediately after the rehearsal.
Freshman Girls' Glee Club: Try-
outs will be held on Wednesday, Oct.
19 and Thursday, Oct. 20, from 4 un-
til 5 p.m. in the League. All fresh- A
man women are eligible for member-
ship this semester. Members are
automatically transferred into the
University Glee Club at the begin-
ning of next semester.
Week-end Outing for Foreign Stu-
dents: Foreign students wishing to
join the week-end outing at Patter-
son Lake, Friday and Saturday, .Oct.
21 and 22, must sign up on the bulle-
tin board or in the office at the in-

ternational Center before Thursday
at 4 o'clock. Details of arrange-
ments may be found on the bulletin
Alpha Lambda Delta: Honor Soror-
ty meeting Thursday, Oct. 20, at 5
p.m. in the League. Room will be
posted on the bulletin board.
Graduate Outing Club will have an
over-night outing at Camp Tacoma
on Clear Lake on Oct. 22-23. The,
group will leave the northwest en-
trance of the Rackham Building
at 2:30 p.m. Saturday and will re-
turn Sunday afternoon after dinner.
Each person is requested to bring his
own blankets. The approximate
charge will be $1.25 per person. Res-
ervations should be made by Wednes-
day night if possible. Call 4598.
A Hayride will be given by the Stu-
dent Fellowship of the Congregational
Church on Friday evening at 8 o'clock.
There will be refreshments and danc-
ing afterwards. Price 40 cents. Make
reservations before Friday noon at
Pilgrim Hall, or call 2-1679 between
1:30 and 5:30 p.m.
Girls' Outdoor Club wienie roast
has been postponed because of con-
flirt with frr- - Ed l, .,- y..41

-§u M m - - - ~....--.-
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
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Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of 'the Associated Press
'Thle Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
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Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
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Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
420 MAoIsoN AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y.
Mcmbcr, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938-39

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Credit Manager.
Advertising Manager .
Women's Business Manger
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Phlip VW. Buchen
Leonard P. Siegelman
William L. Newnan
Helen Jean Dean


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