Rain, and cooler.
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VOL. XLIX. No. 21
As Dope Ring
Climax Nears
Reports That Morphine
Supplied To Students
Asserted To Be Absurd
Suspected Doctor
AdmitsDrug Sale
Federal, state and local authorities
climaxed a two-month investigation
yesterday with three arrests which it
is believed will smash a dope ring
operating in Ann Arbor, Jackson and
other Michigan cities.
However, reports which appeared in
a Detroit newspaper to the effect that
the ring had been supplying mor-
phine to University students were
termed "vicious and absurd" yester-
"There is absolutely no connection
between the sale of dope and the
University of Michigan or students
of the University," Prosecutor Albert
J. Rapp declared. "The story is a
fabrication and an insult to the in-
"We know nothing about students
using dope," Dr. Warren G. Forsythe
of the Health Service said. "Several
years ago there were rumors that a
man in one of the orchestras was sell-
ing marijuana cigarettes but we could
never trace it down. We haven't h1nard
of or treated any drug cases here."
Man Arrested ,
In the third arrest of the round-
up, police late yesterday seized Roy
Duede, 33 year old Ypsilanti die setter.
Held in county jail, he was charged
with violation of the narcotics act.
The two persons first apprehended
after the expose were Mrs. Katherine.
Underwood, alias Parks, 29 years old,
and her sister, Mrs. Pearl Bowzer, 42
yearsold, both of Jackson. Warants
were out for several other persons.
An Ann Arbor physician, whom
police declare supplied the drug, has
not yet been formally charged pend-
ing determination whether he should
be taken into state or federal court.
FVirst hints that the ringwas oper-
ating In Ann,;Arbor came almost two
months ago whel Prosecutor Rapp
received information that a known
dope addict was being regularly sup-
plied with the drug. State and federal
narcotics officers were notified'and a
watch was kept on the suspected
physician's office.
Police Suspicious
Becoming suspicious at the daily
calls from the Jackson women, police
had their homes watched.
The denouement came when Rapp,
Grier Ivory of the Michigan State
Board of Pharmacy, and a U. S.
Treasury Department officer con-
fronted the physician. Under the
pressure of questioning he admitted
selling morphine and turned a list of
his sales over to police.
According to Prosecutor Rapp, the
records showed sales of about 100 one-
quarter grain morphine tablets had
been made daily to the two women
during the past month. One person
named in an unserved warrant had
purchased 22,000 tablets in the last
nine months. Another had been sold
11,143 tablets since May.
Value of the tablets is between 6
and 10 cents, Rapp declared, while
addicts will pay up to $1 for them.
One source estimated the value of
the dope which the gang handled at
Agents are at present checking the
means by which the physician pro-
cured such large quantities of dope.
The charge brought against the
Jackson women carries a maximum
sentence of four years in prison or a
$2,000 fine or both.
60 To Compete
For Senate Seats
16 Vacancies To Be Filled
By Contestants
Polling in the Student Senate elec-
tions Friday will be conducted from
9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. in the League,
Union, General Library, Engineering
Arch, Angell hall and from 12:30 p.m.
to 2 p.m. in the Law Club, Edward
Magdol, '39, director of elections, an-
nounced yesterday.
Sixty students remain in the race
for the 16 vacancies in the Senate
since Irving Gerson, Bud Gerson,
Elliott Maraniss and Robert Emerine
have withdrawn their candidacies.
The election will be by the Hare
system of proportional representation
with the single transferable vote.
Magdol described the system briefly
u n . "A , ,i,, .h.r fihi
New Czechoslovakian Regime
Assuming Fascist Characteristics
Uncensored Report Relates
Army Staff Dominates
Prague'sOfficial Policy
PARTS, Oct. 18-The increasingly
stern military control of Czechoslo-
vakia under the Soldier-Premier Jan
Syrovy has assumed some authoritar-
ian characteristics of the German and
Italian regimes, an uncensored ac-
count received by messenger from a
reliable and independent source in
Prague said today.
Domination of all official activities
by the army general staff is considered
necessary by sources close to the
government during the transition
period .when the country is trying to
adjust itself to trying conditions, this
account said.
Among changes necessary are a
reorganization of the government and
revision of the constitution.
Nevertheless, the necessarily dicta-
torial methods are leading to some
dissension among ordinary govern-
ment functionaries whose roles are
being taken over by military authori-
(Dispatches from Prague have re-
peatedly reflected the official view
that strict discipline by the population
was necessary in order to avoid dis-
orders and clashes with Germans,
Poles and Hungarians which might
make the country's position more dif-
The army general staff, now situa-
ted in what is known as the "new
war ministry," is directing all activi-
All official orders must now be
submitted for approval beforepubli-
cation or announcement, to the gen-
eral staff.
Many of these, orders are vetoed
"in the interest of the public welfare,"
while others are changed radically.
The general staff has even organ-
ized a separate propaganda section
known as the "division of military
education," which has assumed higher
rank than the newly organized pro-
paganda ministry.
Government censors desiring infor-
mation are now instructed to tele-
phone the general staff department
rather than the foreign affairs or
propaganda ministries.
The only certain way to leave
Czechoslovakia is by airplane.
Military authorities say frankly to
travelers trying to cross the borders
by train, "It (the train) does not go
all the way to the frontier. You may
have to carry your baggage several
kilometers (a kilometer is about five-
eighths of a mile.)"
The official explanation is that the
Czechoslovaks are afraid the Ger-
rnan) or Poles may confiscate the rail-
road train, as has happened in several
instances, according to reports re-
ceived in Prague. The trains there-
fore are halted before they reach the
British Troops
Rule Holyland
After Uprising
Martial Law Is Declared
As Army Begins Repair
And Punitive Activities
Soldiers To Clear
Old City Of Arabs
JERUSALEM, Oct. 18-(N)-A form
of martial law to help 20,000 British
soldiers crush the uprising of an esti-
mated 10,000 Arabs was proclaimed
throughout the Holy Land tonight by
Sir Harold MacMichael, commander-
in-chief for Palestine.
Control of the entire country was
placed in the hands of an army backed
up by planes, tanks and artillery while
rebels clung to the Moslem section of
Jerusalem's Old City after four days
of siege.
It was officially announced that
British troops would enter the Old
City tomorrow to clear it of armed
The Palestine Police Force was
placed under the British military com-
mand by the order for martial law.
Inspector General of Police Alan
Saunders was placed under the direct
orders of Maj.-Gen. Robert Haining,
general officer commanding British
Sir Harold authorized appointment
of military commanders to take over
the offices of district commissioners.
Major General O'Conno, com-
manding the seventh division, was ap-
pointed military governor of Jerusa-
The sweeping measures were taken
to quell an already widespread guer-
rilla war which has threatened the
peace of all the Near East.
These were the immediate British
1. Repair, occupation and control
of widely sabotaged railways.
2. Restoration and maintenance of
telegraph and telephone communica-
3. Reestablishment of security on
all highways.
4. Occupation of the more active
Rebel centers and further punitive
measures against Arab villages.
County Set-up
Topic Of Talk
By Bromage
Second Public Affairs Talk
To Deal With Changes
In Local Government
Prof. Arthur Bromage of the po-
litical science department will speak
on "Impending Changes in County
Organization" at 4:15 p.m. today in
the lecture hall of the Rackham
building, in the second of a 'public
affairs lecture series sponsored by the
Craig To Talk
On Aircraft
Of Use,
Forester To Tell
In Conservation
Roland D. Craig, chief of the Divi-
sion of Forest Economics in the Do-
minion Forest Service of Canada
will give an illustrated lecture at 4:15w
p.m. tomorrow in the Graduate
School Auditorium on The Use of
Aircraft in Forestry." His lecture will
be sponsored by the Department of
Forestry and Conservation.
Mr. Craig is a pioneer in the use of
aircraft in forestry. In 1921 he made
the first aerial survey of forest areas
at Lake Timagami in northern On-
tario. The following year he used
aerial photographs in connection with
forest surveys at Quetico Park, Ont.,
and since then has been in charge of
aerial work 'of the Dominion Forest
Service which has surveyed more
than 114,000 square miles of timber.
Mr. Craig is a graduate of the On-
tario Agricultural College at Toronto
University and of the New York
State College of Forestry at Cornell
University. He was with the United
States Forest Service in 1903 when he
was in charge of reproduction studies
in California.
Since 1904 he has been connected
with Canadian forestry both in the
Forest Service and with private lum-
bering concerns. He was made chief
of the Division of Forest Economics
in 1933 following ten years of service
as Forest Resource Specialist.
Saint Christopher
And Rowboat Dock
Monster Steamship
NEW YORK, Oct. 18-0P)-With
the help of a rowboat and, her skip-1
per believes, St. Christopher, the
huge liner Queen Mary docked suc-
cessfully today when unable to obtain
the assistance of tugboats due to a
Ordinarily it takes 12 of the power-
ful little craft, worrying the 83,000-1
ton liner like ants around a big cater-
pillar, to bring the Queen Mary to
her berth. But with an estimated 2000
tugboat sailors on strike, these craft'
were not available..
Commodore Robert B. Irving there-
fore sailed the Queen Mary up the
Hudson and lodged her gently against
the Cunard-White Star line pier un-
der her own power.
When officials of the line congratu-
lated him, Commodore Irving pulled
out of his pocket a tiny gold medal
of the patron saint of travellers.
"I looked at my St. Christopher's
medal," he said, "and asked if I could
make it. And he told me to go to it,
and I did."
Aboard the liner were 1,609 pass-
engers and $25,000,000 in gold.
Pollock In Washington
Prof. James K. Pollock, of the po-
litical science department, who was'
chairman of the state civil service
study commission appointed to draft
the Michigan civil service bill, is at-
tending the Civil Service Assembly
of the United States and Canada at
Education Course
In Curriculum, Say ,Students
Raised at the Spring Parley last
year and now up for consideration be-
fore the Student Senate is the ques-
tion of the feasibility and appropriat-
eness of including in the University
curriculum a course in marriage re-
lationship. As a part of the regular
Daily question feature, this subject
was presented to the campus-at-
large for consideration yesterday.
THE QUESTION: Do you think
that sex and marriage education are
a fitting subject for a course in the
THE PLACE: Main Library steps.
THE ANSWERS: Manuel Slavin,
Grad.: "One might
th in k th at if a stu - d n i ' k o a
dent didn't know a -;
sufficient amount
about ';these sub-
jects before he
came to college, it
would be about
time he learned a
few facts. I believe, .
however, that a
course like this would not be viewed
in the proper light by the students. It
might very easily develop into a
clinic for wisecracks."
- , - , .. Lou Carpenter,
sented in a purely factual light, wouldj
do much toward improving marital
Margaret Cram, '39: "Yes, I do. Sex
and marriage edu-
cation should be
course - in every
university. T A e s e
two factors form a
great part of our
life not only at
this age but' also
later, and most of
us have no really .
scientific knowledge on the subject.
Furthermore, I know that the
courses have been given on other
campuses and their results have been
favorable and profitable."
Jay Schafrann, '40: "One of the
salient objectives of a university is to
provide the student with the instru-
mentalities requisite for enabling him
,6 - to meet the prob-
lems of life, and
any subject ger-
mane to the suc-
cessful attainment
- of this goal would
indeed be a subject
American Association of University
Professor Bromage will deal with
recent and impending problems of
countygovernment and administra-
tion in Michigan, and will supplement
his discussion with comparative ma-
terial and illustrations from other
states. A report concerned with
County Government in Michigan that
he, in collaboration with Thomas H.
Reed, compiled for the Michigan
Commission of Inquiry in 1933 will
serve as a general background to his
Professor Bromage was recently
elected Secretary of the Michigan
Commission on Reform and Modern-
ization of Government at a meeting of
the committee in Lansing, Oct. 13.
The Commission, as appointed last
August by Governor Murphy, is con-
cerned with making a preliminary
survey of problems on modernized
governmental reforms in Michigan B
Prof. James K. Pollock will speak By MORTON CARL JAlMPEL.
o Jme se K.ion Poloc , will speak -The dramatic work of planning
on "The Selection of Judges," Nov. 1, human lives is the work that daily
the original date scheduled for Pro- goes on unheralded and unnoticed
fessor Bromage's address. I by few people other than those for-
tunate enough to receive the services
and benefits of the Institute for
Insurgent Ranks Human Adjustment, a complex, un-
obtrusive organization that has been
rngt ed recently given the opportunity for an
enlarged program by a donation from
HENDAYE, France (at the Spanish Rackham Fund.
Frontier) Oct. 18.-(I)-To bolster The Institute was originally estab-
Spanish insurgent ranks weakened lished in 1936 when Mrs. Mary A.
by the withdrawal of thousands of Rackham donated $1,000,000 for the
Italian Legionnaires, the Burgos Gov- purpose of pioneer research in human
ernment has lowered its standard for adjustment. A gift of $500,000 last
recruits, Insurgent dispatches reach- August made possible the co-ordina-
ing the frontier said tonight, tion of the many organizations in
-1lnt into a ,idance Prnie,. 4it