THE MIC1HIGAN DAILY 9:45 a.m., a class on the Bible for subiect of Dr Parr's sermon will be Williams Guild, student organization, church, Hill and Tappan Streets, church se F ICIAL BULLETINstudents will be led by Dr. W P. "Putting a pedometer on Your Rel- will have as speaker for the evening where transportation will be provid- each Sun DAILYLemon. gion." The scloist this week will be program Prof. Carl Dahlstrom, of ed to Fritz Park west of the city. The League C Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the 10:45 a.m., "The Virtuous Circle" is Mrs. Hardin Van Deursen, who will the English Department of the Col- program will include a picnic, supper, terested a University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President he subject of Dr. Lemon's sermon g "Come Now, Let Us Reason To- lege of Engineering, whose subject progamellinlug an supper. terd t until 3.30 11:00 aam. on Saturday. tesbesifD.Lmo' em nggrougaesnigndatlghtnd hs at the Morning Worship Service. The gether." by Stebbins. Miss Mary will be "The Magnetism of Jesus." vesper service.nif the weatheriisun.hthe e.e studnt hoi diectd b PamerPorter, organist, will play "Vision" A happy social hour follows when vsrabservice.prfgthe wi eathe sdn ath R ev.s (Continued from Page 4 George ox. bar>_one. The music is Ctin cir diected by Palmer and "Scherzo-Finale" by Rheinber- refreshments are served. the church. -. -. - d C~~~~~~sdnthristian will take part in the service.!gr n h hrscorudrteHle :30 in the League. Very Im- ndor th. direction of Achilles Talia- The musical numbers will include: diecnd of r DonChowilndg ihtoHillel >ortant! a rro. choral diretor and organist Organ Prelude, "A Mighty Fortress irection ofM Dnn Chown ill sing Unitarian Church, Sunday mornig, Trinity Lutheran Church: The topic Sunday, O Stalker Hall. Student class at 9:45 is Our God" by Hanff; Anthem, 11 a.m. Mr. Marley will speak on of Rev. H.' Yoder's sermon will be ing. "Lord, Thou hat been our dwelling-Johann Sebastian Bac"Two Men of Mexico." "The Spiritual Society." Services are 3:30 H Frst Methodist Chur':i. Morning a.m. Prof. W. Carl Rufus will con- "LrdCTouhat3e0:or weHig forship at 10:40' o'clock. Dr. C. W. tinue the discussion of "Religions of place" by Rogers; Organ Fostlude, 6 p. n., Student Fellow nip S :pper' 7:30 p.m. Liberal Students' Union. at 10:30 a.m. Sunday. side Mann Irashares will preach on -"Kingdom Mankind" with a consideration of "Fugue in E flat" by Bach. After supper, Dr.aulx M. Cubnnon iFirst of Youth Adventure Series, Rev. E. C. Stellhorn conducts Eng- by Sam G f Earth." The choir is singing the "ShrineS." 5:30 p.m., The We tminster Guild tawil lpeakon the issues of the na- Youth Adventures in Politics: Mar lish services at 10:30 a.m. Sunday at I 6rtet "God Be In My Head""byWesleyan Guild meeting at 6 pm. supper and fellowship hour will be e a tin Dworkis, World Youth Congress Zion Lutheran Church. German serv a Valford Davies, a choral arrangement Mr. Kenneth Morgan will speak on followed by the meeting at 6:30 p.m. ~i^- -at Vassar. Charles Buck, L.I.D. in ices are at 9:30 a.m. at Zion church:1$8 p.m., f the Crusader's hymn by Christian- "The Power of Persuasion " Fellow- Dr. Lemon will speak on the topic First Baptist Church and Roger New York City. ,discusses n (Beautiful Savior), and the Luth- ship Hour and supper will follow thei "The A B C of Christianity." All Williams Guild. Sunday, 9:45 a.m. - Reformed and Christian Reformed Kenneth1 n "The Lord Bless You and Keep Imeetino. r Presbyterian students and their Univer.sity Students Class at Guild Church of Jesus Christ of Latter 'on." Incidental solos in the Cru-jfriends are invited. House. A series of discussions on Day' Saints. Sunday school and dis- ader's hymn will be sung by Miss First Presbyterian Church, 1432! 8 p.m., The Sunday Night Club "How the Biblical Writings Originat- cussion group. Sunday, 9 a.m. Chapel can Westerman, contralto\ and Mr. Washtenaw Ave... . for graduate students will review the e n aeit h rsn om"li h oe' egeHue n play "Our Town" by Thornton Wild- The class is led by Dr. Howard Chap- L u s eri a man, University pastor. I Disciples Guild (Church of Christ).NhQ (ryr u" - " " ,y r .y i10:45 a.m. Morning worship at the' 10:45 a.m., Morning worship, Rev. vi "" . 1 .l i_-f , l T -. " /. 'S5Nnl mt [ Dn, DM... Al.... ..1_. T1.... Ll_,._..: ,L:_:rMA .N V tU, r r SUNDAY, OCT. 16, i938 rvices are again being held day at 10:30 in the Women's hapel. All students in- re cordially invited to at- se services. This Sunday A. Van Dyken of Grand at conduct the service. Foundation: Program for )ct. 16: 10:30, Council meet. illel Players present "Bed- ier," a one act play directed Jrant. Open to the public. Cost supper. Open Forum, "A Christian Jewish Youth Problems" by Morgan. Sl AIR4R IE~U~,~E U E~"UU FQR RENT - RENT-Suite of two rooms for en students, comfortably furn- hed, warm; continuous; hot water; arage available. 309 N. Division. hone; 8876. 92. R RENT - Rooms, single and >ube. Private shower, new inner ring mattresses, automatic heat. eals if desired. $3.00 double; $3.75 ngle. Phone 2-1196, 1022 Forest. 106 WANTED -- TYPING LA STEIN-Experienced typist.' easonable rates, 706 Oakland. ione 6327. 10 LOST and FOUND T-Thursday night, small red ather snap key case containing keys. Reward. Phone 6375. 132 T-Black Zipper keytainer, near unpus. Call V. K. Leonard, 2-2418. eward offered. 133 T-Will the person who took my tebook from the Natural Sciene gilding keep the cover and return e notes to the Zoology Office. 136 T-Toy Boston Bull. Rabias iden- fication tag. Missing since last- Sunday. Phone 5848. Alpha Kappa Kappa, 800 Oxford Road. 135 LOST in West Engineering Bldg. Phi Eta Sigma key. Phone 3664. Jack Shuler. 138 NOTICES "M" BLANKETS, penants and crew hats with class numerals. Lowest prices. Call 6785 after.6:00 p.m. 139 MISCELLANEOUS ANYONE wishing to go to Yale game get in touch with R. Rose. Phone 7595. 137 WANTED-Three passengers tb go to Yale game. Call 2-1084 evenings. 128 WASHED SAND and Gravel, Drive- way gravel, washed pebbles. Killins Gravel Company, Phone 7112. 17 MEN-Hair cutting and scalp treat- ment by Don Rogers. For appoint- ment 4818. Groomwell, 1205 South Uraversity. 11151 WANTED-Part time soda fountain clerk for Miller Dairy Store at 620 E. Liberty. 134 St. Andrew's Episcopal Church. c Services of worship Sunday are: 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion; 9:30 a.m. Junior. Church; 11 a.m. Kindergar-t ten; 11 a.m Morning Prayer and Ser- mon by the Rev. Henry Lewis., Episcopal Student Group: The speaker Sunday evening at the stu- dent meeting at Harris Hall will be Mr. James Pott of Shanghai, China. Mr. Pott has spent many years in China as a teacher at St. John's University,' Shanghai, and is working at the University this semester. All students and their friends are cor- dially invited. Mr. Pott will speak at seven o'clock. St. Paul's Lutheran Church. Can A.' Brauer, minister. Rev. C. Strasen of Plymouth will take the minister's place in the pulpit at the morning worship, beginning at 10:45. At 3 o'clock the student club will gather at the church, prepared for a hike into the country and a roast! somewhere. In case of rain, supper and 'meeting will, be held at the church at 6 o'clock. All Lutheran students and friends are invited. First Congregational Church, Corn- er of State and William. Minister, Rev. ,eonard A. Parr, D.D., Litt. D. 10:45 a.m. Service of worship. The church.The Rev. Robert Allen Selby, Frederick Cowin, Minster. Ph.D., Baptist minister at Penn State 12 noon, Students' Bible Class. H. College, will preach. ' Topic, "Loving L. Pickerill, leader. the Unlovely." 6 p.m. The Roger 5 p.m., The Guild will meet at the YO URK"GU I DE to GOOD READIN G 0 0 0 FOLLETT'S BEST SELLERS. LISTEN! THE WIND - Lindberg HORSE AND BUGGY DOCTOR - Hertzler WITH MALICE TOWARD SOME - Halsey SCIENCE FOR THE CITIZEN - Hogben FANNY KEMBLE - Armstrong AND TELL OF TIME - Krey LONG VALLEY - Steinbeck MY SON, MY SON! - Spring REBECCA - du Maurier MY SISTER EILEEN - McKenney Scarlet a ndBlack. by STENDHAL translated from the French by C. K. SCOTT-MONCRIEFF (In two volumes) "One of the great, absorbing novels of the world," Scarlet and Black is a brilliant story of success and excess. 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CITADEL - Cronin * MAN, THE UNKNOWN - Carrel * MY COUNTRY AND MY PEOPLE -- Yutang "BOOKSELLERS TO THE UNIVERSITY COMMUNITY" FOILuL ET T'S,, LAUNi6RTES On Sale at Your College Bookstore or direct from EVERYMAN'S LlIBRARY 300 Fourth Avenue, New York, N. Y. i LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox Careful work at low prices. darned. , 9 I 0 I .1= w 1938-39 LECTURE SERIES 1. Oct. 25 -Alexander Woollcott 5. Jan. 26 -R. H. Bruce Lockhart "An Englishinan Looks at the World." 2. Nov. 15-Paul van Zeeland "The W'orld Econominic Problem." 6. ;,1' Feb. 16 -Lord Strabolgi "The Pacific Situation" 1' 3 Nov. 29 -Col. W. Stewart-Roddi ~European Mosaic." 7. Feb. 28 -Capt C. W. R. Knight The LeoPard of the Air" (Motion Pictures) t- 4. Jan, 12-Capt. Warwick Tompkins PWest around Cape Horn" (Motion Pictures) 8. Mar. 8 Harrison Forman "Tibet - the Forbidden Land" (Motion Pictures) I!'l A"' vi Il- I e -Il Vt/ of season and single admission tickets will begin ,,I MONDAY 11 MORNING, OCT I17th at Hill Auditorium - Box office hours 10-12 and 1:30 to 4 I Season Tickets, $3.50 - t .00 - 2.75 Single Admiission Tiekets, 75c and 50c Woollcott and Van Zeeland Lectures $1.00 and 75c 1rno\ am f 991f . .. !R fffU I / ' 5 -i n f 1 O l --=1 r Y f 1 r E r -,. . * % ® -- -- 7r F - E- f° w -& r