MICHIGAN DAILY '.1 A'' fT Uu LRn FH~ RD OH orJIM a Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in ontrol of Student Publications. Publishea every morning except Monday during the University year and summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptionsaduring regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38 REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY National Advertising Service, Inc., College Publisbers Represenztative 420 MADoON AvE. Nw YORK, N.Y. CHICAGO ' OOSTON * Los ANGELES - SAN FRANCISCO Board of Editors anaging Editor 'litorial Director ity Editor ssociate Editor ssociate Editor ssociate Editor ssociate Editor ssociate Editor ssociate Editor ook Editor [omen's Editor ports Editor . . . Robert D. Mitchell .. ....Albert P. Mayio . . .Horace W. Gilmore . . . . Robert I. Fitzhenry . . . . S. R. Kleiman . . . . Robert Perlman . . . . . William Elvin Joseph Freedman . . Earl Gilman . Joseph Gies . . .Dorothea Staebler . . . . . . Bud Benjamin Business Department Business Manager . . . . Philip W. Buchen Credit Manager . . . Leonard P. Siegelman Advertising Manager . William L. Newnan Women's Business Manager . . Helen Jean Dean Women's Service Manager . . Marian A. Baxter NIGHT EDITOR: DENNIS FLANAGAN The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. - Three Billions Worth Of Junk ... A RECENT ORDER of the Navy's high command has created a new Atlantic squadron composed of 14 ships taken from the Pacific squadron. This order has aroused great opposition among navy men who have always been taught that the cardinal error of naval strategy is dividing the fleet. Instead of this division, they are now seeking the construction of a new fleet at a total cost of $3,000,000,00. The transfer of these ships is generally favored by civilian observers for two reasons. It would prevent attack from the south or east with the Navy all in the Pacific and the Panama Canal possibly disabled..It also relieves tension in the Pacific ocean where every movement of our fleet tended toward strained relations with Japan. There is also the possibility that we may need boats in the Atlantic to evacuate our citizens in case of a change in the situation in Europe. 8ut to return to the three billion dollar new fleet. Ken magazine reports that Admiral Bristol of the General Board of the Navy appered before a Senate committee with figures advocating construction of a one and a half billion dollar navy to fight a possible war that would cost about 24 billion dollars to preserve 500 million dollars worth of trade. "Nor did he seem to understand that the first result of his projected 24 million dollar war would have been the inevitable loss of the very trade his war was supposed to safe- guard." And again the Navy is trying to put through a new plan for another big fleet of battleships. Fo over forty year's we have been building bigger and better battleships with more guns, greater speeds and finer engines. In that time, we have entered one war. Shortly after our entrance into the World War we sent to Europe a few of our big dogs of the sea, and of these not one ever fired a single shot. This means that we have so far wasted several billions of dollars building boats to show on the movie newsreel screens to inspire the populace with the greatness of the sea power of the United States, boats which have never been in one battle and which were obsolete in eight or ten years. When, finally, the naval "intelligence" realized that we didn't need these battleships, they turned to building the sub- marines, destroyers and submarine chasers neces- sary to protect our convoy ships. And if we heed the cry of the naval "experts" to build more of the big battle wagons which they love so much, we may again be caught with our clothing out of order when the next and in- evitable fray comes. Now is the time to begin the construction of the few destroyers, submarines and small ships necessary to protect our coasts and forget about the $3,000,00,000 worth of junk. Remember the "folly of 1915" and forget the "buffoons of the big battlewagons." -Malcolm Long The University of New Mexico has a special lightning research project. There are eight naval reserve officers' train- ing units in U.S. colleges and universities. T heEditor Gets Told.. Red Plot Exposed! To the Editor: I am in possession of the following information, which, for a sufficient sum of money (payable in U. S. Gold bonds), I am willing to communicate to the Dies Committee: At three o'clck on the dark, starless morning of April 22, 1938, a strange pealing of bells was heard from the Carillon tower. Several local resi- dents suffering from insomnia were awakened, and the mysterious tolling, sorrowful as an Irish wake, continued for several moments, All who heard the sounds were uneasy, and for a number of nights after this they awoke in cold sweats, remembering those queer noises, bothered by premonitions of the operation of the blind forces of evil. I am in possession of the true facts: the bells were actually sounding out a tonal code (per- fected in Moscow for just such a purpose), sum- moning the members of the Professors' Society of Red Front Fighters to their underground meet- ing. And it is also true that some minutes after- ward a small, wizened man appeared at the base of the tower, his feet muffled in gunny sacks to dampen the noise. One could easily see that he boded no good to the good citizens of Ann Arbor -he was a lean chap, wearing no Phi Beta Kappa key. This man was in reality John Smith, (alias Vldaimir Shultz), Associate Professor in the Uni- versity of Michigan. Stopping every few feet to watch if he were being observed, Smith gradually approached the Graduate Building. Other shadowy figures could be discerned about the steps, and soon short whistles were ringing out, identifying other mem- bers of the band. There was a whispered consulta- tion upon the steps, and one of the figures pro- duced a glittering key, with which he opened the side door. These men waited a moment, were joined by several others, and finally made their way to the waiting-room of the luxurious lava- tory. Here the meeting opened, and the proceedings were as follows: A. Smith called the meeting to order. An An- archist Professor replied that he desired no order. The Anarchist, however, was silenced with threats of purging, and the call was issued for old busi- ness. B. Col. Jones (alias Vladimir Raskolnikov) told' of his progress in the ROTC. He had ordered a whole shipment of shoes guaranteed to produce bunions; this wold soon reduce enrollment. His biggest project, as yet unfinished, was to substi- tute pop-guns for rifles. C. An unidentified prof. (alias Vladimir Oblo- mov) reported that he had distributed cracker crumbs in the beds of all opponents. Meeting in- terrupted with loud "Huzzas" and chorus of the "Yellow and Blue." D. A lean, distinguished-looking gentleman announced that he had plugged up all holes in, the University golf course. F. Prof. Gibber (alias Vladimir Petrovich) ex- plained that he had mailed anonymous letters to prominent men accusing them of youthful dis- cretitions. (I've got some red-hot info on this and am thinking of putting out a brochure to sell for one buck). G. A rather seedy-looking gent announced that he had spent every evening for the last week trampling on all well-kept lawns. Numerous other reports were given, and befor the meeting adjourned a motion was unanimously passed advocating joint action by the Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Internationals. I am willing to swear that the above informa- tion is the absolute truth (or anyway, just as much so as the other reports to the Dies Com- mittee), and for a reasonable sum I will divulge all-and when I say all I mean all. (I also know another fellow who has been doing a bit of Peep- ing-Tom work, and he can furnish some very interesting tid-bits: what he doesn't know isn't worth knowing. Trusting that you will- forward this to Rep. Dies, I remain your devoted servant, Vladimir Reynolds TODAY in WASH INGTON . -by Daid Lawrence- WASHINGTON, Oct. 13-Liberal Republicans -those who believe there is something worth- while in the idea of espousing a liberal instead of a conservative point of view-have reason today to be deeply disappointed at President Roosevelt for deserting them in their hour of political need. Mr. Roosevelt has allowed it to be known that he thinks it's all right for James A. Farley, Post- master General and chairman of the Democratic National Committee, to ignore the liberals if they happen to be Republicans and to concentrate his energies on electing all Democrats irrespec- tive of whether they are liberals or conservatives. The President has told the newspaper corres- pondents that, if he were national chairman, he would do as Mr. Farley has been doing. There has been, as a consequence, a good deal of puzzle- ment as to why the President, or the "head of the Democratic party," cannot have any influence nowadays with the national chairman. Usually, a national chairman of the party in power takes orders from the man in the White House. Presidential Privilege' In this instance, however, there isn't the slight- est suggestion that Mr. Farley is disobeying orders, but that he is acting with the full ap- proval of the President. In other words, it's all right for the Democratic national chairman, who operates the party machinery, to support all Democrats but the President could, if he liked, pick and choose and even support liberal Republi- cans. Now, however, not a word of help has come from the President in behalf of liberal Republi- cans, and the fear exists that Mr. Roosevelt will not really offer them any aid despite his promise to the press that he feels about liberalism so deeply that, if a liberal Republican championed right principles, he would as quickly bestow upon him the blessing of the White House as it was 'given to liberal Democrats in the late lamented era of the "purge." There are only four weeks left to the congres- sional campaign and it may be that the Adminis- tration will find a liberal Republican somewhere to support as proof of its consistency. But "liberal Republicans" of the Rooseveltian type are rather rare, and besides it seems incredible that the President would favor the election of some liberal Republican for a seat in the House or the Senate when chairinan Farley has already endorsed the Democratic nominee. It is quite possible, of course, that the remark about supporting a "liberal Republican" was just one of those impromptu observations which the President makes in press conferences and then regrets afterward. If he believes in liberalism as a greater force in American politics than party loyalty, then he has an opportunity in Wisconsin, for example, to line up with the Progressive forces as opposed to his own party candidates. Mr. Roosevelt deserted the regular Democratic nomi- nees in Minnesota and Nebraska in 1936, and there are really plenty of opportunities for him to run away from the party selections on liberal grounds if he cares to look for them. Challenge To Sincerity The problem that Mr. Roosevelt faces is one of continuing challenge as to political sincerity, if, indeed, there is such a phrase nowadays. Mr. Roosevelt worked himself into a considerable passion, politically speaking, about conservatives in the Democratic party and called for their "purge" as a national necessity. Now that the primaries are over, some of these same conserva- tives who have won the party nominations are running for election. Silence now by the Presi- dent is bound to be construed as meaning that perhaps Mr. Roosevelt really didn't have any principle at all in his "purge" campaign, but merely became involved in personal and faction- al quarrels inside the party. It apparently isn't so easy, after all, to look into a man's heart and soul, as the President suggested in a speech in Georgia, and find out very much about him in a political sense. If it were an easy matter, the President might be importuned to classify Chair- man Farley when he readily supports anybody for office with the Democratic label irrespective of the record or of the candidate's heart-beats on the subject of liberalism. the modern dictator acquired an unprecedented power or genius to rule unchallenged and even bequeath the throne to his successor? Why, the Second Empire of the pallid, pinchbeck Napoleon III covered a longer span than the glory of l'Em- pereur. The dictator, now as always, occupies a pre- carious pedestal. -St. Louis Post-Dispatch We Sing The Experts Yes, the National League has been swept with fire and sown with salt, and Col. Jake Ruppert of the Yankees may sip beer as contentedly in his New York palace as Scipio chattered philo- sophy in his tent on the last red twilight of Car- thage. Goodness, is it as terrible as that? On the testi- mony of the sports pages-its dirges and statis- tics-the latest world series is a smashing repeti- tion of the Second Punic War. Still before taking leave forever Qf the rout and ruin of the Chicago Cubs let a word be said for the experts. They have been guessing wrong with a courage and consistency worthy, indeed, of a better cause, but this time they rang the bell, and in no uncertain tones. As October bowed and fluttered in, wreathed and veiled like bridal June. the experts scanned the stars and foretold what was going to happen, and happen it did. --St. Louis Post-Dispatch Undismayed by the recent Dies (Continued from Page 2) Committee investigation in Detroit in which allersons with communistic day, Oct. 19, at 8 p.m., in the Amphi- in eisnstheatre of the Rackham Building. Dr. 'notions, humane or otherwise, we Robert Gesell will speak on "The attacked, Sam Harris, producer of Story of Respiration." Election of "You Can't Take It With You," has officers. The Council will meet at decided that now that his play has 17:15 p.m. in the West Conference grossed nearly $3,000,000 he isgoing Room. to let the proletariat have it at bar-' ____ gain prices all next week at the Cass Freshman Roundtable: C. A. Mead- Theatre, instead of restricting it to er will discuss "Our Relations to the bourgeois. Other People" at Lane Hall, Sunday, And Sam and his associates will 4 p.m. hurry to tell you that "this will not _ mean a cheapening of either castor Biological Chemistry Seminar, Mon- day, Oct. 17, 7-9 p.m., Room 313 West company will be composed of the (Medical Bldg better players who appeared in the Meca l ldg.. "'t "The Relation of Phosphoric Acid several casts in the various "You Can't to the Metabolism of Carbohydrate. Take It With You" companies last Phosphorylation in the Lvn r season. The publicity folder says noth- Popoyaini h iigO- ing about the best players, however. ganism" will be discussed. All in- terested are invited.+ Despite the gusty vacuities of the Ietd__me. publicity releases, you can't take away Cercle Francais: Students interest- from "You Can't Take It With You" ed in becoming members, please see the fact that it is one of the cleverest Mr. Koella, Room 200, Romance Lan- and funniest plays to find its way ino guage Building, Monday, Tuesday, or a Broadway theatre. Play-goers will Wednesday from 4 to 5:15. Only stu- find themselves confronted with the dents with at least five University mad and merry antics of the Syca- Semesters of F'ench, including one1 more family, one of the goofiest ag-i semester in Oral French, or the gregations ever seen either on or off equivalent, will be considered. the stage. They are so eccentric in the blissful pursuit of their various brain- storms that their various nutty fads The Graduate Outing Club will make them appear intensely human 1 meet at the northwest corner of theI and lovable. Rackham Building on Sunday, Oct. j You will be a willing witness to mother Sycamore's writing he r "steenth" play and explaining to the colored maid that she has her heroine in a monastery where she will have to remain for seven years as she is unable to get her out. And Sam Har- ris says that that is only a sample of what's to come. THEATRE By NORMAN KIELL You Can Take It. . . Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the UViverstty. Copy received at the offiee of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. DAILY OFFICIAL BUL iN 1i 16, at 3 p.m. The group will leave immediately for the Saline Valley Farms where there will be hiking, games and supper. In case of rain, the group will meet in the Graduate Outing Club Room for an indoor program.I Geology, Surveying Field Station sen (Beautiful Savior), and the Luth- in "The Lord Bless You and Keep You." Incidental solos in the Cru- sader's hymn will be sung by Miss Jean Westerman, contralto, and Mr. George Cox, baritone. The music is under the directionof Achilles Talia- ferro, choral director and organist. Stalker Hall. Student class at 9:45 a.m. Prof. W. Carl Rufus will con- tinue the discussion of "Religions of Mankind" with a consideration of "Shrines. Wesleyan Guild meeting at 6 p.m. Mr. Kenneth Morgan will speak on "The Power of Persuasion." Fellow- -ship Hour and supper will follow the meeting. First Presbyterian Church, 1432 Washtenaw Ave. 9:45 a.m., a class on the Bible for students will be led by Dr. W. P. Lemon. 10:45 a.m., "The Virtuous Circle" is the subject of Dr. Lemon's sermon at the Morning Worship Service. The student choir directed by Palmer Christian will take part in the service. The musical numbers will include: Organ Prelude, "A Mighty Fortress is Our God" by Hanff; Anthem, "Lord, Thou hast been our dwelling- place" by Rogers; Organ Postlude, "Fugue in E flat" by Bach. 5:30 p.m., The Westminster Guild supper and fellowship hour will be followed by the meeting at 6:30 p.m. Dr. Lemon will speak on the topic "The A B C of Christianity." All Presbyterian students and their friends are invited. 8 p.m., The Sunday Night Club for graduate students will review the play "Our Town" by Thornton Wild- er. St. Andrew's Episcopal Church. Services of worship Sunday are: 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion; 9:30 a.m. Junior Church; 11 a.m. Kindergar- ten; 11 a.m Morning Prayer and Ser- mon by the Rev. Henry Lewis. Episcopal Student Group: The speaker Sunday evening at the stu- dent meeting at Harris Hall will be Mr. James Pott of Shanghai, China. Mr. Pott has spent many years in China as a teacher at St. John's University, Shanghai, and is working at the University this semester. All students and their friends are cor- dially invited. Mr. Pott will speak at seven o'clock. St. Paul's Lutheran Church. Carl A. Brauer, minister. Rev. C. Strasen of Plymouth will take the minister's place in the pulpit at the morning worship, beginning at 10:45. At 3 o'clock the student club will gather at the church, prepared for a hike into the country and a roast somewhere. In case of rain, supper and meeting will be held at the church at 6 o'clock. All Lutheran students and friends are invited. 11 Bureau Of NV ew Plays * . Reunion: Students attending the field rstations at State Bridg, Colo., and From New York, Theresa Helburn Camp Davis, Wyo., in 1938 and pre- of the Bureau of New Plays announces vious years will meet at the Saline that a group of ten young playwrights, Valley Farms at 6 p.m., Wednesday, has been selected from more than a Oct. 19. Group will leave Natural hundred candidates for the advanced Science Building at 5:30 p.m. Picnic practical course in playwriting of- supper (small charge), movies and fered by the Bureau two months ago, dancing. Please bring photographs Included in the group is a sole Michi- taken in camp areas. Geology stu- gan alumnus, Robert Wetzel, who won dents, planning to attend should a five hundred dollar prize in the notify Miss Calwellt2051 Natural Sci- Bureau's first play competition. Wet- ence Building. Surveying students zes drama, Fool's Hill," was to have been produced by the Theatre Guild, but a try-out of the play this summer decided the Guild against it. Be that as it may, the course of- fered has been organized with a view to providing those who show promise in the playwrighting field the oppor- tunity for practical experience as well as active contacts in the theatre. Various New York producers, authors and directors have extended to the group the privilege of attending re- hearsals to observe at first hand the process of professional production. The group meets twice a week to dis- cuss their plays in Work, analysis of current productions and playwriting in general, with Lee Strasberg, John Gassner. Cheryl Crawford and guestE speakers from various branches of the theatre. The FLYING TRAPEZE By Roy Heath r. , r. 1, I is ' r. ja C c ( I C ft f f r, s d 4 1 notify Professor Bouchard, 267 West Engineering. Student Senate: There will be a meeting, Tuesday, Oct. 18, at the Michigan League. The room will be listed on the bulletin board. The public is cordially invited. All Students interested in conteibut- ing to Perspectives, student literary magazine, should hand in their man-" scripts by the beginning of next week. Off ice hours are from 4 to 5:30 p.m. Student Publications Bldg. Acolytes, Philosophical Society of the University of Michigan meeting on Monday, Oct. 17, at 7:45 p.m. in the west conference room on the third floor of the Rackham Building. Pro- fessor DeWitt Parker will talk on 'The Arguments Tor a Realm of Sub- sistence." Anyone interested is in- vited to attend. The Christian Students' Prayer Group will hold its regular meeting at 5 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 16, in the Michi- gan League. Please consult the bulle- tin board there for the room. Attention of this group and of other interested students is called to special services being held at the Masonic Temple, 327 South Fourth Avenue, from Monday to Saturday. Messages f particular interest to students are to be given by Dr. Zoller of Detroit and by Dr. Pease of Jackson. Dictators Tumble, Too Adolf Hitler was well pleased with himself in his Saarbuecken speech. He had reason to be. Ap- plying the cynical mathematics of the formula which Voltaire prepared for Frederick in the enterprise of taking Silesia away from Maria Theresa, the Fuehrer had 10,000,000 reasons for viewing, satisfiedly these recent "great days and great occurrences." With Austria and the Sudeten lands now embodied in the Reich, he has, by 10,000,000, increased Germany's population. And all this is under the auspices of peace. There is nothing comparable to it in the annals of Europe's chancelleries. But beyond the borders of his vastly expanded empire, affairs are not wholly to Herr Hitler's liking. England was cited as an example of the undependability of democracies, from the totali- tarian viewpoint. Tenure of office is uncertain. Were Prime Minister Chamberlain to be suc- ceeded by a Duff Cooper, or an Anthony Eden, or a Winston Churchill, the present happy rela- tions between Berlin and London might be abruptly terminated. All this is sound enough reckoning, too. In democracies where the people choose their gover- nors, Prime Ministers, Premiers, Presidents come and go, and the old order periodically gives way to the new. But there is no forever, either, in the history of dictatorships or dynasties. Like ordin- ary mortals, Kings are as grass in the fields; the wind passeth over them and they are gone. The "Hoch der Kaiser" of Germany's yesterday shares the dusty death of imperial Rome's "Hail SOMETHING OUGHTA BE DONE While fumbling through the mail drawer yesterday, carefully avoiding' bills and poison pen letters, in searcht of my weekly bulletin from the Lonelyt Hearts Club, I found a letter from a correspondent at the Pi Phi house which made me wonder what things are coming to around here anyway.' I read it over carefully, then I read it over again just to be sure I had not made a mistake. Then I noticed I was trying to read it upside down so I turned it over and started again. It was still practically the same since= the scrawl was all but undecipherable. But if what I was able to make out is true, then someone has been taking off his shoes and maybe his socks in Ec class. Now I often take off my shoes lately because I am breaking in a new pair but it seems that this person does it to startle his classmates by poking his nude dogs up into the air in a spirit of bravado when the prof's back is turned. This flabbergasts everyone more than somewhat and embarrasses the Pi Phi because he is given to waving his feet over her head which is disconcerting to say the least. I suppose when the teacher turns around, the funny boy plays "This Little Pig Went To Market" with his toes. I don't know how to explain the phenomenon unless it is the late spring we are having. SENIORS . . . CLASS OF '39! WATCH FOR THE GREATEST. POLITICAL PARTY EVER TO HIT MICHIGAN . . . ASTOUNDING, LOVELY, GLAMOROUS. SHADES OF CHICK SALE Anti-New Deal sentiment flared in the Delta Gain house a couple of mornings ago. The ill feeling towards Mr. Roosevelt and his W.P.A. was engendered by an old Halloween gag, in the Union. All upper Michigan men are cordially invited. , All wives of students and internes of the University are invited to at- tend an informal tea sponsored by the Michigan Dames Oct. 18, from 3:30r to 5:30 at the home of Mrs. Alexan- der G. Ruthven, 815 S. University Ave. Special effort is being made to contact all newcomers and they are requested to call Mrs. Raskin, 6388, in the evening. 'The first regular meeting will be held Thursday, Oct. 20 at 8 p.m. Please note the change from the regu- lar meeting time. Lutheran Student Club will meet at 5:30 p.m. Sunday for social hour and supper. Prof. James K. Pollock will speak at the discussion hour at 6:45 on the "Present Crisis in Europe." All Lutheran students and their friends are invited. Churches First Methodist Church. Morning worship at 10:40 o'clock. Dr. C. W. Brashares will preach on "Kingdom of Earth." The choir is singing the motet "God Be In My Head" by Walford Davies, a choral arrangement of the Crusader's hymn by Christian- to discourage rushees by implying that the Delta Gams do not have all the modern facilities. Later in the day when workmen came, demanding The Hiawatha Club will smoker at 8 o'clock Monday hold a evening First Congregational Church' Corn- er of State and William. Minister, Rev. Leonard A. Parr, D.D., Litt. D. 10:45 a.m. Service of worship. The subject of Dr Parr's sermon will be 'Putting a Pedometer on Your Reli- gion." The soloist this week will be Mrs. Hardin Van Deursen, who will sing,, "Come Now, Let Us Reason To- gether," by Stebbins. Miss Mary Porter, organist, will play "Vision" and "Scherzo-Finale" by Rheinber- ger, and the chorus choir under the direction of Mr. Donn Chown will sing "Jesu, Joy of , Man's Desiring," by Johann Sebastian Bach. 6 p.m., Student Fellowship Supper. After supper, Dr. Paul M. Cuncannon will speak on the issues of the na- tional election. First Baptist Church and Roger Williams Guild, Sunday, 9:45 a.m. University Students Class at Guild House. A series of discussions on "How theABiblical Writings Originat- ed and Came into the Present Form." The class is led by Dr. Howard Chap- man, University pastor. z10:45 a.m. Morning Worship at the church. The Rev. Robert Allen Selby, Ph.D., Baptist minister at Penn State College, will preach. Topic, "Loving the Unlovely." _6 p.m. The Roger Williams Fuild, student organization, will have as speaker for the evening program Prof. Carl Dahlstrom,.mof the English Department of the Col- lege of Engineering, whose subject will be "The Magnetism of Jesus." A happy social hour follows when refreshments are served Unitarian Church, Sunday morning, 11 a.m. Mr. Marley will speak on "Two Men of Mexico." 7:30 p.m. Liberal Students' Union. First of Youth Adventure Series, Youth Adventures in Politics: Mar- tin Dworkis, World Youth Congress at -Vassar. Charles Buck, L.I.D. in New York City. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Sunday school and dis- cusson group. Sunday, 9 a.m. Chapel in the Women's League House. Disciples Guild (Church of Christ). 10:45 a.m., Morning worship, Rev. Frederick Cowin, Minister.