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October 15, 1938 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-10-15

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Decidedly Insalubrious






Three Billions
Worth Of Junk

VOL. XLIX. No. 18




I I r

Hungary Calls
Out050,000 To
Press Czechs
To Surrender
Hitler And Duce Hear Plea
By Budapest To Step In
After Conference Fails
Reich Asks Prague
To Show It Loyalty
BUDAPEST, Oct. 14 -( )- The
Hungarian government tonight or-
dered mobilization of five army
classes totalling approximately 50,000
men after failure to obtain from
Czechoslovakia satisfaction of Hun-
gary's territorial claims.
It was understood the mobilization,
to be decreed formally by the War
Minister tomorrow, would bring to
200,000 the number of Hungarian
troops under arms in the border crisis
intensified bythe breakdown of direct
negotiations between the two nations.
Reinforcements of troops massed in
border regions was ordered.s
After yesterday's failure to come to'
terms with Czechoslovakia at the
Komarom conference, the Hungarian
government today sent delegations to
Munich and Rome to impress upon
the Fuehrer and Il Duce the necessity
of their immediate intervention to
prevent a serious conflict.
German dispatches said Hitler was
able to assure a Hungarian mission
headed by Koloman Daranyi that he
had talked plainly to Czechoslovakia
and tat Hungary might rest content
her legitimate demands would be met.
It was believed, however, one major
difference existed between Hitler and
Mussolini regarding the Hungarian
claims. This was said to be Hungary's
demand for a common border with
Poland, which presumably would
mean a cession of at least a strip f
Ruthenia, Czechoslovkis eastern-
most section.
H ler May Mediate
MUNICH, Oct. 14-(a-The possi-
bility that Hungary and Czechoslo-
vakia would settle their territorial dis-
pute aided only by the mediation of
Adolf Hit e; was seen tonight after
representatives of the two nations had
presented their causes to the Reichs-
At the same time Field Marshal
Herman Wilhelm Goering's newspaper
called on Czechoslovakia for quick,
concrete evidence that she would fol-
low up a pledge conveyed to Hitler
today that she would assume "a loyal
attitude toward Germany."
On the Hungarian-Czechoslovak
:g minority dispute, Nazi circles said
Geruany considered herself so cpse
and friendly to Hungary and so well
linked up today with Czechoslovakia
that Hitler's mediation was regarded
as sufficient.
Wheeler Fights.
Rail Wage Cut
Waste Is Million A Day
, Federal Board Told
WASHINGTON, Oct. 14.- (A') -
President Roosevelt's fact finding
board heard testimony today that the
railroads could save a millon dollars
a day by eliminating "indefensible

Senator Wheeler, (Dem., Mont.),
chairman of a Senate Committee in-
vestigating l'ailroad financing, con-
tended that in view of such losses the
roads were not justified in asking
railroad labor to accept a 15 per cent
wage reduction. He said this would
amount to two-thirds of a million
dollars a day.
Basing his assertions upon evi-
dence gathered by his committee,
Wheeler charged the roads had suf-
fered losses through fraud, improper
purchases, waste in receiverships, im-
proper dividends, purchases of equip-
ment at monopoly prices, banker
domination, waste by "paying tribute
which should not be paid," and losses
in the stock market.
Lutherans To Hear
Prof. Pollock Speak'
Prof. James K. Pollock of the politi-
cal science department will discuss
"The Present European Crisis" before
the Lutheran Student Association at

Federal Officials Are Planning
For GreatlyEnlarged Defense
Complete Modernization Program Is Being Given
Consideration After War Scare

WASHINGTON, Oct. 14-(P)-High
officials of the Federal government,
with Europe's recent crisis fresh in
their minds, worked tonight on a
tremendous, four-fold program to
strengthen and modernize nation.
defense methods.
President Roosevelt informed his
press conference today that iefenses
were being completely re-examined in
the light of world conditions. Later
his aides made known that they were
discussing these four points:
1. Larger appropriations for the
2. Larger appropriations for 'the
3.vNew techniques, especially mass
production of airplanes, now proceed-
ing on a large scale abroad.
4. Methods of stimulating a billion
dollars worth of construction work
by pivate utilities, for the purpose
of assuring power to vital manufac-
turing centers in war-time, and for
spurring economic recovery immedi-
If the items in the vast program
receive final presidential approval,
they will go before Congress early
next year, it was indicated. Meantime,
the President is delaying his budget
estimates for the coming fiscal year
to see how much the drastically re-
vamped defense program will cost.
The primary aim of the utility con-
struction would be to link power lines
together so that, if the power in one
city proved insufficient, electricity
from another could be "imported" to
Reading Moves
To Investigate
Dies Charg esl
Will Inquire Into Claims
That City Paid For
Recruit Examinations
DETROIT, Oct. 14.-(OP)-Mayor
Richard Reading moved on -two fronts
today to push investigations of
charges made before the Dies House
Committee that certain city workers
were Communists or had Communis-
tic sympathies.
The Mayor ordered a meeting of
the Board of Health for Monday to
inquire into allegations that the city
has been paying for physical examin-
ations for recruits in the Spanish
Loyalist forces.
The Rev. J. H. Bollens, chairman
of an organization named in the in-
vestigation as having communistic
leanings, replied to the charges today.
"In addition to the 'Red' squad,"
whose antagonism to liberalism, the
Rev. Bollens said was known "the
Dies Committee has given ear o such
witnesses as Bill Guernay, exposed
Iby the LaFol"etteCivil Liberties Com-
mittee as an operator employed by
Corporations Auxiliary to spy on the
employes of the Chrysler Corp. and
Jacob Spolansky, notorious in Detroit
for his anti-labor activities as chief
of the Chrysler industrial secret po-
"To what extent unprincipled poli-
ticians will go in their effort to mis-
lead the public is shown by the fact
that allthough the Dies Committee
was in Detroit before, when it was
known that Governor Murphy was
to be unopposed in the primary elec-
tion, it postponed its scheduled hear-
ing until now, just before the final
elections," he concluded.
AFL Gives Charter
To Seamen's Union

HOUSTON, Texas, Oct. 14.-()-
The Executive Council of the Ameri-
can Federation of Labor today issued
an International charter to the Sea-
farers International Union of North
America, which will replace the dis-
rupted International Seamen's Union.'
The charter was handed to Harry
Lundeberg of San Francisco, by
President William Green after the
council had met in executive session.
Lundeberg's Sailors Union of the Pa-
cific will serve as a nucleus around
which the AFL hopes to build its new
seamen's organization.

keep munitions plants and other vital
industries going.
Attention is centering on 15 prin-
cipal manufacturing centers in the
East, South and Middle West. If the
program goes through, a plant within
'a center would be able to get emer-
gency power either from somewhere
within the center or from a nearby
Economically, the program is de-
signed to stimulate employment in\
the heavy industries, which have
lagged behind recovery of other busi-
ness elements.
President Roosevelt already is con-~
sidering Army and Navy proposals to
step up military expenditures some
25 per cent beyond the approximately
$1,150,000,000 made available for the
12 months beginning July 1, 1938.
The Navy wants two more battle-
ships, a score of lesser warships,
funds to modernize five battleships,
and two aircraft carriers, and to de-
velop more shore bases.
Nazis Declare
Church Fight
German Spokesmen Say
Austrian Cardinal hlit
By Buerckel's Speech
VIENNA, Oct. 14-(-)--Govern-
ment officials said tonight Nazi dif-
ferences with the Catholic Church in
Austria "probably are over for some
time to come."
They said the party considered that
Theodore Cardinal Innitzer, Arch-
bishop of Vienna, had been "morally
executed" by the speech last night of'
Austrian Nazi Commissioner Joseph
Buerckel and by a rising tide of what
they called "public indignation over
a clergy that dabbles in politics."
"Innitzer will not dare to strike back
now," an authorized spokesman de-
This spokesman predicted a "new
refo ation" In Autria which he said
would take thousands from the Catho-
lic Church.
Buerckel in his speech last night
declared: "Politics is our exclusive'
right. Theirs (the Clergy's) is exclu-
sively religion."
VATICAN CITY, Oct. 14 -(A)- A
vigorous editorial of denunciation ap-
pearing in L'Osservatore Romano,
Vatican newspaper, today reflected
Catholic indignation over the riot in
Vienna last Saturday in which Theo-
dore Cardinal Innitzer was injured.)
L'Osservatore Romano asserted
German authorities had added to
"brutal aggression the lying denunci-
ation of its victims" by blaming Cath-
olics themselves for the violence which
U"ion To Post Quarterly
Game Scores In Lobby
Scores of the Michigan-Minnesota
football game, as well as those of
other major college games through-
out the country, will be posted after
each quarter and as soon as results
come in on blackboards in the Union
lobby and billiard room, Don L. Nix-
on, '40, Union publicity chairman, an-
nounced yesterday.

241 Pledges
Are Taken By
17 Sororities
Total Under Last Year's;
Ceremonies Will Take
Place This Afternoon
Cli Omega Leads
With 30 Women
Seventeen sororities pledged 241
freshman and upperclass women last
night as the formal rushing seasont
ended. The pledgeclass this year is
period 'ended at 9 p. m. last night for
the pledges, and will end at 9 p. m.
tomorrow morning for all other in-r
dependent women.
Pledging ceremonies will take place
at 2 p. m. today
Chi Omega heads the list with a
pledge class of 30, and Pi Beta Phi is
second with 22. The list is as follows:
Alpha Chi Omega: Elise Clark, '42;
Linda Gale George, '42; Louise Inks,i
'42; Mary Knoblauck, '40; Rosemary
Smith, '42; Betty Barney, '42; Doris1
Allen, '42; Florence Gates, '42; ClaireI
Knight, '42; Claire Ford, '40; Maryi
Kathryn Heald, '41L; Nancy Gos-t
sard, '41; Marjorie Ann Higgins, '42;t
Jean Johnson, '42; and Dorothea]
Rouse, '42.
Alpha Delta 'Pi: Elizabeth Benson,
'42; Elizabeth Clift, '40; Alice Cros-
by, '42; Lois Gish, '42; Hazel Halpin,r
'40; Phyllis Hoffmeyer, '41; Charlene;
Ihnen, '41; Pattie Main, '41; Bettyt
Phelps, '42; Joanne Taylor, '42.-
Alpha Epsilon Phi: Frances Aaron-f
son, '42; Dorothy Abramson, '42;e
Harriet Bolser, '42; Doris Bladen, '42;t
Paula Copeland, '42; Joan Ferguson,t
'42; Elaine Fisher, '42; Eunice Fulde-
ner, '42; Elaine Goldstein, '40; Fayt
Hootkins, '42; Janet Jacobson, '42;
Irenen Magidsohn, '42; Rose Louisel
Ollesheimer, '41; Ina Mae Robino-r
vitch, '42; Beartice Rottner, 41; Hope
Robison, '42; Louise Rirdner, '42;
Dorothy Sampson, '41; Lorraine
Schwab, '42;Irma Schlow, '42; Shirley
Silver, '42; Shirley Toubus, '42.
Alpha Omicron Pi: Blanche Ander-'
son, '41; Lois Baxter, '42; Margarett
Bidlock. '41;'Barbara Carle, '41; Mary
Ann Mcl Ie.;41; I t icl e, 42;
Jeanne Prentice, '41; and Bessie Law-
ton, '42.
Alpha Phi: Martha Bedford, 42;
Polly Donnelly, '40; Jean Crump, '42;
Joan Davidson, '42; Patty Hadley,]
'42; Mary Hayden, '42; Peggy May,
'42; Jean Noyes, '42; Jane Skiles, '41;
Kathryn Caughn, '41; Janet Burns,1
'41; Margaret Schiller, '41.
Alpha Xi Delta: Bernice Hvisten-
dahl, '42; Mary Katherine Burns, '40;
Ruth Barry, '41; Joanne Holland, '42;
Norma Erlewine, '41.
Chi Omega: Helen Ackles, '41;
Elaine Baird '41; Margaret Bancroft,
'42; Frances Besancon, '42; Dorothy
Bogart, '42; Joanne Bouchard, '42;
Virginia Brereton, '41; Janet Cotrell,
'42; Mildred DeLee, '42; Jean Dunlap,
'40A; Betty Durocher, '42; Virginia
Frey, '42; Roberta Gnerich, '40; Cath-
erine Goetz, '42; Ruth Greiner, '40;
Helen Hoogesteger, '42; Marilyn Jen-
nings, '40; Elsie Jensen, '42; Ruth
Kinsey, '40; Bettie Lillie, '40; Anne
Minckler, '41; Shirley Ann Roberts,
'41; Betty Stadelman, '40; Betty
Simmers, '40; Jessie Tome, '42; Doris
Van' Veck, '41; Dorothy Wiedman,
'42; Anna Jean Williams, '42; Mary
Call, '39.
Collegiate Sorosis: Joan Anderson,
'40; Mary Anderson, '42; Margaret
' (Continued on Page I)

PWA Grants
ToHelp Build
Health Center
Structure Will Harmonize
With Campus Buildings;
Work ToBegin Jan. 1
Ruthven Terms It
A Fitting Reward
'The University will boast a new'
Health Service Center as a result of
the Board of Regent's sanction of a.
$213,000 PWA grant for that pur-
pose, President Alexander G. Ruthven
announced last night. The announce-
ment climaxed a banquet commem-
orating the silver anniversary of the'
Health Service.
Described by President Ruthven as
"a beautiful structure in harmony
with other beautiful buildings on the
campus, and fully equipped with the
most modern improvements," the
new Health Service Center will be
located at the junction of 12th and
Washington Avenues. Construction'
will begin Jan. 1, 1939. The present
center will probably be used for ad-
ditional hospitalization, according to
Dr. Warren E. Forsythe, Health
Service head.
Termed A Reward
Terming the new building a fitting
reward for 25 years of service to the
University, President Ruthven urged
that the Health Service take two more
forward strides when the new center
is completed. The first step suggest-
ed by the President was extension of
the compulsory physical examination
of entering students to include like
yearly examinations of all students in
the University. "We will never have
proper service until that is accom-
plished," he declared. Secondly, he
urged that space be set aside in the
new quarters for extending the priv-
ileges of the Health Service to mem-
bers of the academic staff.
Banquet In League1
The anniversary banquet, held in
the Michigan League, was the scene
of much reminiscence as Dr. For-
sythe, acting as toastmaster, dwelled
on the earWy struggles of the Health
Service, founded in 1913, and intro-
duced former and present associates
who in turn recalled old memories.
Due to a change in plans, the new
Health Service Center will not re-
semble the architect's sketch in the
booklet released yesterday in celebra-
tion of the anniversary, President
Ruthven warned.
British Object
To U.S. Action
In Palestine
American Jews In Holy
Land Ask Aid Against
Rules OnImmigration
JERUSALEM, Oct. 14.-(P)--Brit-
ons here unofficially epressed concern
today at the prospect of intervention

Hopes In Balanc<
In Gopher Conies



Today Final Date
To Drop Courses
In Literary College
Today is the final day on which
students of the College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts may drop a I
course without receiving the grade
of E, Assistant Dean Erich A. Walter
of the literary college called to the
attention of the student body yester-t
day. This applies only to studentsY
above the rank of freshmen, however,k
he emphasized.
Freshmen, meaning those studentst
with less than 24 hours of credit,.
may drop courses until midsemesters,t
the eighth week of school, Dean Wal-
ter said.t
Two additional changes in the rules.
relate to absences. Students who are
absent from any course for three
weeks will be required to drop the
course unless they are given the spe-
cial permission of the Administrative
Board of the College. Students absent
from all of their courses will be re-t
quired to withdraw from the Uni-
versity unless given permission of
this board.
Student Senate
Petto11ns Clse
At Noon Today1
56 Candidates Registered,
More Expected Today;
Three Parties In Race
Fifty-six candidates for the Stu-
dent Senate, 37 of whom registered
yesterday, are already in the race for
the 16 vacant seats to be filled in the
election Friday, Oct. 21, according to
Director of Elections Edward Magdol,'
'39, who said last night that latecom-
ers may file petitions between 10 p.m.
and 12 noon today at Lane Hall.
Three parties have already been
organized. They are: the United Lib-
eral Coalition with seven candidates,
the Conservative Party with six and
the Progressive Coalition with four
An enlarged election board will be
composed of: Magdol, Robert Perl-
man, '39, Walter Stebens, '39, and
Joseph Freedman, '39.
The election will be conducted ac-
cording to the Hare system of pro-
portional representation with the
single transferable vote. All students
interested in working as election
counters are asked to contact Magdol
at Lane Hall.
Platforms must be submitted not
later than Monday to be published in
the Daily on a special "Senate Battle

Minnesotans Are Confident
On Eve Of Game With
Rejuvenated Wolverines
Line Play Factor
To Decide Clas
MINNEAPOLIS, Oct. 14. (Special
to The Daily)-Hopes high and the
road to greatness clearly envisioned
before them, Michigan's 1938 come-
back eleven awaited their supreme
test today.
Tomorrow, before"-the hbtly par-
tisan eyes of more than 60,000 rabid
Minnesota homecoming spectators,
the Wolverines renew the blue ribbon
classic of the brown jug, emblematic
of supremacy inn the toughest football
rivalry in the nation.
No ordinary meeting is this year's
encounter, and as the Wolverines
rest in their St. Paul hotel, they
realize to a man the importance that
tomorrow's battle will have.
New Era Approaches
Seeking a "new era" four years in
the offing, Coach Fritz Crisler's squad
of 36 is prepai'ed for its toughest as-
signment of the season. As opposi-
tion, notwithstanding the lament of
amateur prognosticators who insist
that the Gopher is weakened, they
will have a typically rugged, fast, and
powerful Minnesota eleven.
Optimism and noisy pre-game ex-
uberance waxed freely in this Jammed
town tonight with everyone predict
ing a victory for the Gophers. Book-
makers offered as high as 5 to 2, and
there were few takers.
Yet in the eyes of competent ob-
servers a close battle tomorrow seems
inevitable with one of football's un-
predictable breaks paving the way to
a victory for either team.
It will be a battle of two great
lines with backfield dynamite in abun-
dance on both squads. Michigan
has its Tom Harmon, Norm Puruck-.
er, Paul Kromer, and Fred Trosko,
anyone of whom can supply the
treasured victory punch. Minnesota's
backfield lasts will be fired by the
highly touted Wilbur Moore, Marty
Christiansen, and Larry Buhler.
Lines To Be Decisive
Still when you unravel the intri-
cate maze that surrounds any foot-
ball game, the clear issue becomes ap-
parent. , Tomorrow's battle will be
won and lost in the line, and the
team that shakes its high powered
backs into the clear most frequently
will carry home the jug.
Michigan's forward wall boasts of
an amazing record this season. In
two games, only 40 scant yards have
been advanced by rushing through
it. Yet, the Wolverines have not met
a team with a line of Minnesota's
undeniable ability. Tomorrow will
test the real Wolverine strength here,
Minnesota's line averages an even
200 pounds from end to end, some
three pounds more than does the
Hichigan forward wall. The Gopher
backs average 197 pounds, nine
pounds more than the Wolverines'.
That makes Minnesota's team av-
erage 199 and Michigan's 193 pounds.
Probable Michigan lineup will find
Dan Smick and John Nicholson at
ends; Capt. Fred Janke and Joe Sa-
villa at tackles; Ralph Heikkinen and
Jack Brennan at guards; Arch Ko-
dros at center; and Forest Evashev-
ski, Tom Harmon, Norm Purucker,
and Ed Phillips in the backfield.
Possible alternates are Vince Valek,
y (Continued on Page 3)

Diehl Praises Health Movement

At Health;


25th Year,

With a tribute to the student health '
movement, which he cited as respon-
sible for improving the mental and
physical health of students, Dean!
Harold S. Diehl of the University of!
Minnesota Medical School, yesterday
helped the University Health Service
celebrate its 25th anniversary.
Tracing the growth of the health'
movement, Dean Diehl pointed out
that such organizations as the Health
Service were unknown 25 years ago.
Sick students were either cared for by
friends or sent home, perhaps to
spread their disease among members
of theirJfamilies. The lack of ade-
quate treatment quite often led to
serious epidemics, he said.
It is through the unceasing efforts
of early college physicians, said Dean
Diehl, that the present health pro-
gram has been developed. Both large
state universities with their huge

service supervises. corrective gymnas-
tics, sees that the students accomo-
dations are sanitary, offers courses in

at this time by the United States in
the three-cornered Palestine prob-
Between 8,000 and 9,000 Jews in
Palestine who are citizens of the
United States laid plans for a, con-
ference of all Jewish-Americah in-
vestors in the Holy Land to indicate
to the British and United States gov-
ernments their objection to any re-
strictions against Jewish immigra-
tion in Palestine.
At the same time Zionist leaders
here were greatly heartened by a
flood of telegrams from all parts of
the United States to Jewish leaders
in Washington imploring the United
States government to intervene with
the British government against
threatened curtailment of Jewish
The United States State Depart-'
ment in Washington Friday said it
would "take all necessary measures
for the protection of American rights
and interests in Palestine."
Two Students Hurt
In Football Game
A touch football game between the
Theta Chi and Sigma Alpha Epsilon
fraternities yesterday afternoon re-
sulted in minor injuries to Lou
Hague, '42, Theta Chi, and Tom Hol-
comb, '39, of S.A.E.


' NEW YORK, Oct. 14-(/P)-An un-
expected plea of guilty by a former
United States Army Sergeant accused
of espionage provided the Federal
government with a new and impor-
tant witness today as it opened its
trial of two other men and a woman
charged with selling military secrete
to a foreign power.
Two minutes after Federal Judge
John C. Knox mounted the bench tc
direct selection of a jury, Guenther
Gustav Rumrich, 32, Chicago-born
son of Austrian parents, announced
through his attorney, Paul G. Reilly,
that he wished to change his previous
plea of innocent to guilty.
Reilly said Rumrich, whose blun-
dering attempt to obtain passport
blanks originally led to discovery o
the spy ring, woulddtestify for the
government. Each defendant face.
a possible maximum penalty of 2(
years in prison.

Guilty As Spy,
To Be Witness

Man Will Assist
War On Ring


Japs Advance
In South China
Kwangtung Areas Laid
Waste Behind Invaders
HONGKONG, Oct. 14.-(/P)-A sec-
ond large-scale landing of Japanese
troops on the South China coast ap-
peared imminent tonight while mucl
of Kwangtung Province was engulfed
in a maelstrom of misery.
Japan's "model" army of invasior
stabbed deeper into the province
Hundreds of thousands of civilian
were in flight. Japanese air squad.
rons delivered the heaviest', aerial
punishment ever seen by the Kwang-
tune Chinese

Bulgarian Police
State For Plot


staffs of doctors, nurses and assis- I
tants, and small colleges with no
more than a nurse and a part time.
physician, now try to improve the: DEAN HAROLD S. DIEHL _

Michigan Vs. Minnesota
On Station WJR at 2:45
Local fans can follow Michigan's
4---1-1 - 4 R W4 - - ,.I-

SFIF-A.Bulgaria, Oct. M4-(A'-

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