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October 14, 1938 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-10-14

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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the $oard in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Board of Editors

Managing Editor
Editorial Director
City Editor . .
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate. Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Book Editor
Women's Editor
Sports Editor

Robert D. Mitchell
.Albert P. Mayo
' ' . . Horace W. Gilmore
. . . . Robert I. Fitzhenry
.S. R.:Kleiman
.Robert Perlman
. . . William Elvin
. . . . Joseph Freedman
. . . . . . Earl Gilman
. . . . Joseph Gies
. . . Dorothea Staebler
. .. Bud Benjamin

Business Department
Business Manager . . . . Philip W. Buchen
Credit Manager . . . Leonard P. Siegelman
Advertising Manager . . William L. Newnan
Women's Business Manager . . Helen Jean Dean
Women's Service Manager . . Marian A. Baxter
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
New Physiognomy
Demanded -
THE RECENT MOVE of the English
Air Raid Precautions authorities to
equip all civilians with gas masks has had some
rather startling and unexpected results.
First, it seems that bearded Englishmen will
soon be a thing of the past,'since hoary growths
have proved very cumbersome in attaching the
gas mask. For the new masks give the enmeshed
chins just about an inch and a half in which
to move about freely, which practically means
a merciless razor to any home-loving beard.
This is because the snout of the civilian respir-
ator is a three-inch-deep container through
which gas is filtered. After that there remains
only one and one half inches between the point
of the chin and the top of the container. All of
which should make arborescence for the male
very difficult.
Then there is the matter of the female coif-
feur. Loud and vehement protest has been voiced
by Jenny Atkins who no longer can wear her
hair in a bun or in the new Edwardian fashion,
with curls piled high on the head.
And so the special "Gas Mask Wave" should
soon be very popular. Newspapers will probably
run such ads as:
If its peace we want today,
Then we must all lend a hand;
Fix our hair the "gas mask way"
And be a pride to all the land.
Eyelashes, too, will have to be restrained a bit,
lest they interfere with the new head coverings.
Wearing horn-rimmed 'spectacles will be vir-
tual suicide and a mustahe just about treason.
After that, British geneticists will probably
devise a new scheme whereby special "gas-mask-
shaped" heads may be propagated to insure long
life for posterity.
-Norman Schorr
TlFesn AF
W t Unity?* *
T HE PRESENT convention of the
American Federation of Labor has
achieved a new high point inreactionary conduct
by the leaders of that organization. The climax
was reached Wednesday when the resolutions
committee, dominated by Matthew Woll, long
notorious for his die-hard attitude toward the
C.I.o,, returned a report attacking the New
Deal and terming governm ent activities in the
sphere of labor "socialism." Previous reports call-
ing for the revision of the Wagner Act and the
wage-hour law had been approved during the
week, but this frontal attack on the Roosevelt
Administration was too much for the convention
to swallow, and the report was rejected.
The A.F.L. remains on record, however, as
condemning the National Labor Relations Board
as a tool of the CI.O., although the survey of
the Board's record by Fortune Magazine which
appeared almost coincidentally with the A.F.L.
attack made the Federation look a little silly.
Fortune. which certainly has no reason to lend
-- r..ii it- . inml11(Ys. demnstatedta

worn-out excuse that the divided labor move-
merit could never be rewelded until his personal
nemesis, John L. Lewis, was removed from the
picture. Lewis promptly called Green's bluff by
offering to resign if Green would do the same,
whereupon the A.F.L. chief backed down, claim-
ing Lewis was insincere in his offer, was making
a play to the gallery, would continue to direct
the C.I.O. from behind the scenes, etc. Anyway
Green wasn't going to resign even if Lewis did.
Last year when Lewis offered, from the C.I.O.
convention at Atlantic City, to march the C.I.O.
into the A.F.L. "horse, foot and dragoon," Green
hedged, demanding that the C.I.O. unions come
back to the Federation a few at a time, giving
the senior organization time t digest them.
What Green is obviously afraid of is that if
the two great labor bodies settled their differ-
ences and united, his day and the day of his
clique as a dominant factor in American labor
would be over. The A.F.L. today numbers 5,000,000
members, according to its own figures, exceeding
by a considerable margin the strength of the
C.I.0. In spite of this numerical superiority,
Green is justified in regarding with decided
qualms a convention embracing both labor
factions, for there is undoubtedly a strong ele-
ment within the A.F.L. which would be likely
to back a move for more progressive leadership.
The interests of Green and his lieutenants are
not all that are keeping the A.F.L. and C.I.O.
apart. The question of craft versus industrial
unionism undoubtedly divides the rank and file;
yet this problem, technically difficult though it
may be, is by no means insoluble. Neither Green
nor Lewis pretends for an instant that it is. The
real trouble lies in the personality of the leader-
ship, and as Green himself has said, it is likely
that unity will be impossible until the leader-
ship itself is changed. But in hunting candidates
for the job of resigning offices to help the cause
of labor, Green can look nearer home.
-Joseph Gies
Youth, And
The Vassar Pact
INCE THE UNITED Peace Committee
3J has decided to consider the Vassar
Peace Pact as a possible working program, thus,
bringing the pact to attention on campus, it
might be a good idea for us all to have a look
into it.
Especially notable, and perhaps most impor-
tant, is the first Article: "We swear to develop
a spirit of fraternity and collaboration between
the youth of all nations, to help unite the
youth of our own nations and to work for unity
with young people of all other countries without
distinction of race, creed or opinion."
Today's youth is tomorrow's voter in peace
time, gun fodder in war time. The adolescent
minds of today will be the ruling minds of to-
morrow. If today's youth will accept toleration
of race, creed and opinion as the best policy, the
same will be the world's policy tomorrow.
This can only be brought about through organ-
ization. At the World Youth Conference at
Vassar, representatives of the youth of 53 nations
met in an attempt for world youth organization,
with the Peace Pact as one of the more important
material results of the meeting.
It is to be hoped that the young men and
women who drew up this pact will not, in
future years, change their minds as to the
value of the pledges they made at Vassar. It
is to be hoped that, through discussion of the
Pact throughout the world, as the United States
Peace Committee intends to do, the principle of
tolerance will be spread beyond the World Youth
-Harry M. Kelsey
The Editor
Gets Told
Medical Neglect
To the Editor:
Health Service! Health did I say? Morgue. I

mean. Service did I say?-Health Service where
you can get medical neglect free!
A student suddenly stricken Sunday with acute
pain in his back, was delivered at Health Service
on a stretcher.
SUNDAY-An exact examination of his tempera-
ture revealed fever; decided to raise

H-eywood -Broun
It is a little startling to read that the freshman
class at Princeton voted for Neville Chamberlain
as "the greatest living person." And, to make it
worse, the news report adds
that Hitler lost by a nose,
trailing the statesman with
the umbrella by but a single
It is possible, of course,
that no accolade of admira-
tion went with the laurels.
Indeed, almost half' the
members of the Tiger elec-
torate expressed some doubt as to the mental ad-
justment of the German chief. And, even so, one
cannot escape the impression that the sad young
men of New Jersey are deeply mired in defeatism
at the moment.
According to scouts who have visited other
members of the Ivy League, despair is also preva-
lent in Cambridge and New Haven. The frosty
fingers of Fascism have touched the scions of the
ruling classes along the Atlantic seaboard. This
is hardly a healthy sign, but it need not be
stressed too hard, for that tired feeling of nega-
tion may well be transitory. Other generations of
college men have said, "There is no hope," and
lived to shake off this pessimism along with
mumps and measles.
A * *
The Scare Might Explain It
Perhaps the whole thing is a symptom of
nothing more than the waning year and the
color of the football season along the yards and
campuses of the universities which once com-
posed what were known as "The Big Three." It
might be pertinent to point out that a com-
posite score drawn from the games of last Satur-
day would read:-Yale, Harvard and Princeton,
0; opponents, 63.
I doubt that any single afternoon on the grid-
iron within the memory of living man has been
so poisonous to the Ivy Trio. Later on these teams
will meet each other, and on those occasions it
will be impossible for each to lose simultaneous-
ly. The stimulus of a few touchdowns, even if
scored merely against the Elis, may bring the
roses back to the cheeks of the Princeton gradu-
Life must be better than a succession of mourn-
ful Munichs, and the sad young men will not
forever bow down in the House of Hitler. Yet
there is no getting away from the fact that
democracy stands in need of new dedication. I
doubt that it will come from any of the spokes-
men on the extreme right.
* * *
Apologists For The Nazi Creed
The very men who have been most passionate
in announcing their devotion to "free institu-
tions" have in many cases become apologists for
the Nazi creed. Some who have asserted that
their opposition to Roosevelt was engendered by
their fear that he was dictatorially minded open-
ly express admiration for both Mussolini and the
Fuehrer. Apparently it all depends upon whose
trains are made to run on time.
Surely our institutions of higher learning
should educate their students in precise and
accurate definition of "great" and "greatness."
Obviously historians of a future day will give
full space to the phenomenon which is symbol-
ized by the name of Hitler.
But when the accounts are checked up he will
not be numbered- among those whose memory is
revered by mankind. It will go ill with us if our
young men cease to see visions and dream dreams.
The universities of the world by brave tradition
have been the citadels which kept alive the fires
of aspiration in all the darkest days of civiliza-
Our own American colleges qre a heritage
from ancestors who did not take the rights of
free men lightly. They did not quit when foe-
men of reaction pressed them closely. Now is the
time to hear from the Bowl to Soldiers' Field and

ancient slogans.
"Mold 'em, Yale!" and "Hold 'em Harvard!"
also, what's the matter with the swift return
from the judgment of Tiger cubs to the faith
and the tradition of a more primitive Princeton?
What's the matter with going back to Nassau
Good News?
To the Editor:
A joyous morsel of news has just been called to
my atention. And I am just busting to spread this
ravishing report from the Carillon tower to the
court house dome and back.
At long last Utopia has been achieved! Two
brand new paradises have been created in Ann
Arbor ! The German-American restaurant on
Williams street and the Subway Lunch Counter
on North University Avenue have instituted a
clever little policy which is expected to double
or even triple an already prosperous trtde. These
two bits of drooling heaven do not cater to
Negroes anymore! Now you and any of your
friends may sit down in a seventh "heaven and
enjoy a delicious meal to your heart's content
without seeing one-no, not even one Negro
unless, of course you happen to look out the win-
dow and accidently see one of the creatures shuf-
fling along the street.
Many complaints were made to the respective
managements, about their abominable and care-
less practice in serving Negroes. Hence, the
managements have informed very politely any
hapless Negroes that their dusky faces are np
longer desired around anymore. So, guide your
dainty steps to where you may eat in a complete.
ly unpolluted atmosphere-unless of course you

YouofT M
By Sec Terry
SCENE: A hall in Munich, through
whose windows can be seen a flock
of white doves, grinning impishly
(as only white doves can) at the
grotesque gathering within.A
Characters: Skinny, Spanky, Spiker
and Butch.l
nAs the curtain rises, the four lads
are enaged in checkers on a map of
Central Europe. Skinny, gaunt and
grim, his winged collar wilted by theC
autumn heat, paces nervously about
the room. He seems particularly sad-c
eyed when he sees lying on the floorl
a torn scrap of paper, on which can l
be seen the end of some word, ".
sailles." Spike strokes hisclosely(
cropped mustache, eyes the king row
with covetous eyes, then speaks) s
Spike-Sit down, Skinny. You an-
noy me. (Skinny, preoccupied in rev-
erie, looks querulously at a picture
of Bismarck on the wall, but sayst
Spike (obviously irritated by Skin-
ny's inattention, barks)-Sit down,
Spanky (sympathetic and himself
scared)-Ah, Spike, leave im be.
Spike-Shut up, Spanky!I
Butch-Yeh, shut up, Spanky! Sit
down, Skinny!
(Whereupon, Spike furtively moves1
one of Skinny's men, then proceeds to)
double jump into the king row. Butch,1
watching from the corner of his eye,
sees Spike's underhanded maneuver).
Skinny (rising as though to leave)
-Gentlemen, I must beg of you my
Spanky (imploringly)-Ah, don't
go yet, Skinny.
Butch (suddenly authoritative, his
chin jutting suggestively)-Yeh, you'd
better go now. And take Spanky a-
long. Me and Spike wanna play some
real checkers, eh Spike? (And Butch'
doesn't smile, either).
(At this juncture, Skinny and Span-
ky leave, and the doves flutter into
the dusk).
* * *
THE OTHER night we encountered
again that rare bit of whimsical
nonsense, which reads:
Yesterday upon the stair,
I saw a man who wasn't there;
He wasn't there again today,
My God, I wish he'd go away,
It recalled to mind the story of
the slightly inebriated motorist and
his equally plastered companion. They
were driving along when the driver
dozed off and ran into a curb. No
damage was done, but the jolt aroused
the companion, who inquired as to
their whereabouts. "I don't know,"
the driver replied feebly, "but if you're
sleepy, I'll drive."
the other night that Michigan
would beat Minnesota, 20 to 0. Nor-
mally skeptical of such intangible por-
tents as a dream, the professor
visioned the game so clearly that he
was sorely tempted to lay a wager
perhaps. He saw Norm Purucker in-
tercept a Gopher pass to score a
touchdown; he watched the Wolverine
line repulse a Viking charge within
the shadows of the goal. But when,
late in the fourth quarter, he saw one
of his colleagues in the German de-
partment, an elderly gent with hardly
a bent for strenuous athletics, inter-
cept a pass and run 50 yards for an-
other score, he was immediately in-
clinedto forget the dream ever hap-
AND NOW we join the hegira north-
ward, to the land of 10,000 (count
'em) lakes, the haven of the Olsens

and Johnsons-God's country in the
old days, Floyd Olsen cashier. Minne-
sota! We spent several summers in
the Bunyanesque lake land, in Brain-
erd, Bemidji. Duluth, south to Albert'
.ea, west to Minnesota-but always
back to THE CITIES, St. Paul and
Minneapolis, and we shan't make the
tactless error of . suggesting to a
Washington street loafer that Michi-
gan might win. Not yet do we want
to experience a Czechoslovakian dis-
memberment. If possible, we hope to
see Falstaff again, Falstaff of the
sports pages, twirling his mustache
in the lobby of the Nicollet Hotel,
ranting effusively about Gopher pow-
er but unwilling as ever to back his
claims with negotiable paper.
Maybe we can see Mattke, the man
who "died" in 1935, when he took
the cure. A temperate imbiber, Mattke
was one of life's little noblemen, gay,
impetuous, bright. But after taking
the Keeley treatment, he became a
hopeless babbitt, viewing the future
with a beautiful optimism. Now he
munches fiercely on peanuts "to keep
tfrom drinking."
Sue us!
Omega Psi Phi Fraternity
To Hold Union Smoker
Omega Psi Phi, Negro fraternity
will conduct a smoker from 7 p.m. to
r 9 p.m. today in the Union for al
independent Negro men, Robert Gill.
Grad., chairman for the evening an

J. A. Bursley, Chairman s
Committee on Student Loans.
To The Members of the University<
Senate: There will be a meeting of the
University Senate on Monday, Oct.1
17, at 4:15 p.m. in Room C, Haven
To Deans, Director, Department
Heads and Others Responsible for
Payrolls: Kindly call at the Business1
Office to approve payrolls for Oc-
tober. This should be done not later 1
than Oct. 18. .
Edna G. Miller
Payroll Clerk.
Women, Students Attending the
Yale Game: Women students wish-l
ing to attend the Yale-Michigan
football game are required to regis-
ter in the Office of the Dean of Wom-
en. A letter of permission from par-
ents must be received in this office
not later than Wednesday, Oct. 19.
If the student does not go by train,
special permission for another mode
of travel must be included in the
parent's letter. Graduate women
are invited to register in the office.
Sorority Social Chairmen: Approval
of the Dean of Women is necessary
for all entertainments and social
eveits at which both men and women
are to be present. (1) Turn in at the
Office of the Dean of Women written
acceptances from two couples on the
approved chaperon list for the year.
together with a written statement'o
approval from the financial adviser.
(2) A card is then filled out, ap-
proved by the Dean of Women and
taken to the Office of the Dean of Stu-
dents. The card must be in the Office
of the Dean of Students by the Mon-
day preceding the event if permis-
sion is to be received.
Attention of Student Chairmen and
Managers is called particularly to
Section II of Rules Governing Par-
ticipation in Public Activities.
Rules Governing Participation in
Public Activities.
Participation in Public Activities:
Participation in a public activity is
defined as service of any kind on a
committee or a publication, in a public
performance or a rehearsal, or in
holding office or being a candidate
for office ina class or other student
organization. This list is not intended
to be exhaustive, but merely is indica-
tive of the character and scope of the
activities included.
Certificate of Eligibility. At the be-
ginning of each semester and summer
session every student shall be con-
clusively presumed to be ineligible for
any public activity until his eligibility
is affirmatively established (a) by
obtaining from the Chairman of the
Committee on Student Affairs, in the
Office of the Dean of Students, a writ-
ten Certificate of Eligibility. Partici-
pation before the opening of the first
semester must be approved as at any
other time.
Before permitting ay students to
participate in a public activity (see
definition of Participation above),
the chairman or manager of such
activity shall (a) require each appli-
cant to present a certificate of eligibil-
ity, (b) sign his initials on the back
of such certificate and (c) file with
the Chairman of the Committee on
Student Affairs the names of all those
who have presented certificates of
eligibility and a signed statement to
exclude all others from participation
Certificates of Eligibility for the
first semester shall be effective until
March 1. III.
Probation and Warning. Student
on probation or the warned list are
forbidden to participate in any public
Eligibility, First Year. No freshman
in his first semester of residence ma
be granted a Certificate of Eligibility

A freshman, during his second se-
'f mester of residence, may be granted a
Certificate of Eligibility provided he
1 has complete 15 hours or more of work
with (1) at least one mark of A orE
and with no mark of less than C, or

PuLWication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
vaiverstty. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the Presides
nti 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.
FRIDAY, OCT. 14, 1938 ceive a Certificate of Eligibility a stu-
VOL. XLIX. No. 14 dent must have earned at least 11;
hours of academie credit in the pre-
Notices ceding semester, or 6 hours of aca-
Communications to the Regents: demic credit in the preceding summer
Coehitiostopresgents:m-session, with an average of at least
Those who wish to present com- C, and have at least a C average for
munications for consideration by the hisanireaadea Cer.
Regents are requested to present his entire academic career.
them at least eight daystbefore the Unreported grades and grades of
next ensuing meeting at the office X and I are to be interpreted as E un-
of Miss Edith J. Smith, Budget As- til removed in accordance with
sistant to the President, 1006 Angell University regulations.
Hall. Fifteen copies of each com- If in the opinion of the Committee
munication should be prepared and1 on Student Affairs the X or I cannot
left with Miss Smith. (Please note be removed promptly, the paren-
that one more copy is requested than I thetically reported grade may be used
in previous years). A uniform type!in place of the X or I in computing
of paper is used for communications Steera otherwise eligible, (1.)
to the Board of Regents, a supply of.ise et1.)
which may be procured at the Office who in the preceding semester or
osummersession received less than a
of the Vice-President and Secretary. C average, but with no grade of E, or
Student Loans. Stuaents who have grade interpreted as E in the preced-
not paid or renewed loans which were ing paragraph, or (2.) who carried
due on September 24 should see me less than the required hours specified
at once. Students owing past due in the first paragraph of section V,
accounts are not eligible to remain in may appeal to the Committee on
college. Student Affairs for special permis-


are prohibited /from participating in
any public activity except by special
permission of the Committee on Stu-
dent Affairs.
Extramural Activities. Students who
are ineligible to participate in publio
activities within the University are
prohibited from taking part in other
activities of A similar nature, except
by special permission of the Commit-
tee on Student Affairs.
Physical Disability. Students ex-
cused from gymnasium work on ac-
count of physical incapacity are for-
bidden to take part in any public
activity, except by special permission
of the Committee on Student Affairs.
In order to obtain such permission, a
student may in any case be required
to present a written recommendation
from .the University Health Service.
General. Whenever in the opinion of
the Committee on Student Affairs, or
in the opinion of the Dean of the
school or college in which the student
is enrolled, participation in a public
activity may be detrimental to his
college work, the committee may de-
cline to grant a student the privilege
of participation in such activity.
Special Permission. The special per-
mission to participate in public activi-
ties in exception of Rules V, VI, VII,
VIII will be granted by the Commit-
tee on Student Affairs only upon the
positive recommendation of the Dean
of the School or College to which the
student belongs.

Special Students. Special students

Discipline. Cases
these rules will be
proper disciplinary
action. m

of violation of
reported to the
authority for


MONDAY-Exact examination of temperature
revealed temperature had climbed;
decided to lower feet.
TUESDAY-Still higher temperature; greater
agony; heat pad applied to back;
elimination neglected.
WEDNESDAY-Pain excruiating; unable to re-
tain food. Conclusion-Expert
Staff decide maybe something's
wrong! One-man genius decides
to begin diagnosis of case. X-ray
taken. Discovery! Spinal abscess
The situation is serious. The student entered
the Health Service in good faith four days ago;
his future life and health are at stake. As yet
nothing has been done to alleviate his pain or
remedy his condition. Why has not Health Ser-
vice the ability to meet a critical situation?
Health Service, where you get medical neglect
We may be next:
Janet Reinheld
Lucille Kauer
Mary Richardson
Maxim Litvinoff warns the British and French
governments: "You're avoiding a problematical

Unidentifiable mail is being held in
Room 1, University- Hall, for the fol-
lowing addressees:
Ackerley, Jr. John H.
Allers, Dr. S. H.
Allison, Margie L.
Anderson, Hilbert
Avery, C. R.
Bagwell, Paul
Barowski, Marjorie
Beachum, C.
Bertman, Lloyd M.
Brooks, Nat
Bowman, Mary Helen
Bronzonis, Helen
Burdick, W. Harry Jones
Childs, Mrs. Wallce E.
Condra, Lt. E.M.
Corwell, Bernice
Culver, Dee
Czapowski, Edward
Davis, Al
Fawler, H. A.
Foth, Joseph & Ethel
Friedman, D.
Grass, Truna
Gusoweicz, Edmund
Hammer, 'Preston
Hammond,, Joyce Jo
Harrison, R. L.
Highberger, Robert
Hill, Claire Reed
Hill, Prof. Guy H.
Hollon, Harriett
Holmlund, Walter
Hubinger, Herman
Isreal, Paul
Johnson, Annl
Johnson, Scipio S. Jr.
Kappapat, Harris
Kilander, Dr. Holger F.
Kuhl, Arnold
Lammert, Jane
Lange, Mary Jane
Lavery, Tom, Jr.
Lumpkin, Henry
Lute, William R. (Rev.)
Macal, Edward
Mann, Jean
Mardock, Don A.
MacKenzie, John
McQuaid, John Grant
Mercer, John F.
Mertz, Judith Ann
Morales, Alfredo T.
Nakao, Asao
Naples, Dr. Maria
Neunsinger, Hazel
O'Connor, Ethel
Oleksak, W.m
Oppenheimer. Dorot h#.a


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