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October 14, 1938 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-10-14

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Speaks About
Ref orm Plans
Chairman Of State Group
Announces Four - Fold
Aims OfInvestigation
Gov. Murphy Speaks
(By Associaed Press)
A special commission appointed by
Governor Murphy heard its chairman,
Prof. Joseph R. Hayden, head of the
Department of politcal Science, out-
line a "master plan" for governmen-
tal reorganization as its objective, in
Lansing yesterday.
,,Hayden, vice Governor of the Phil-
ippines under Murphy, said the
otmmission's work would be four-
fold. He urged that primary attention
- ievoted to reorganization of the
administrative branch of the State
government, but said both the legis-
lative and judiciary arms, as well as
State-county relationships, should re-
ceive attention.-
No Adequate Direction
Murph'y, in introducing the com-
,miion's chairman, described the ex-
isting structure of State government
as a "patchwork" of semi-independ-
nt units "without adequate direc-
tion and headquarters supervision."
Hdrew a contrast between the checks
and balances of government and the
extreme centralization of private in-
dustry and expressed a belief that
greater centralization of adnunis-
trative activities is essential to effi-
ciency in public affairs.
Hayden declared it "evident that
Administrative reform is an urgent
problem in Michigan."
"Despite the determined efforts of
State officials to administer the pub-
li business economically and effici-
ently with the tools now at their
command," he said," "the present
chief executive and his immediate
predecessor in office have declared
ouP administrative system as now or-
ganized to be inadequate for meeting
the great and ever-increasing de-
mands of present-day government.
Reform P'roblem Vital
"For these and other reasons the
problem of administrative reform
would seem to be the most vital and
immediate question before this com-
mission. I believe, therefore, that this
problem should be given priority over
all others in any plan of action that
we may propose.
fHayden also advocated extensive
study of the unicameral legislative
system, without endorsing it, and
pointed out that failure of a re-dis-
tricting compromise in the legislature
of 1932 "still leaves the issue of ap-
portionment before us."
':00 Stevenson News
16"30 The Inside of Sports
'00 vocal Varieties
7 :30 Jak Haley
,;0 First Nghter
8:30 burns and Allen
9:00 Hllywood Hotel
10;0 Mobilization For Human Needs
10.0 Seymour Simons
11,0. News ,
11 30 Chas. Baum's Orchestra
00 Joe Veuti's Orchestra
12:30 Dick Barrie's orchestra
6.00 Tyson's Sports
630 Bradcast
7:00 Amos 'n' Andy
7:30 The Black Ace
8.40 Cities'service Hour
X:00 'Waltz Time

9:30 Death Valley Days
10:00 Lady Concert Serenade
10:30 Violin Concert
11:0O0 Newcast
12:00 Plantation Club orchestra
12:30 Weather, scores.
6:00 Stop and Go
6:30 Exciting Moments
7:00 Answer
7:30 OrganRecital
8:00 Chansonette.
8:30 George Olsen's orchestra
9:00 The Crimson Wizard
9:30 Dick Jurgens' orchestra
10:00 European News
10:30 Curtain Time
11:00 Canadian Club Reporter
11:30 The Nation's Playhouse
12:00 Sammy Kaye's orchestra
12:30 Where, When and What
6:00 Day in Review
6:30 Benny Kyte orchestra
7:00 Dick Todd
7:30 The Lone Ranger
8:00 Maurice Spitalny orchestra;
8:30 Ii I Had A Chance
1:00 MutSical Moments
9:30 March of Time
10:00 Design for Dancing
10:30 Donald Novis Sings
11:00 Chas. G. Givens
11:30 Maurie Baker orchestra
12:00 To he announced
12:30 Frank Novak orchestra
Ge T1he Habit.!
"The Best in Food, Wine & Beer"
17 W. I uron. "Just Belw Main"

Japanese Anti-Aircraft' Guns Repel Theoretical Soviet Raids
r > '
' f a
.. .
Japan shows her concern over the threat of Russian air raids as she constantly drills the populace and
army against such events. Her guns have been proven th oroughly effective in theoretical raids by Soviet bomb-
ing planes.
UniersityNaval Tank Only One OfIts
Th iwsenUied Stst

Faculty Hits
~'1ed' Charges

Today Marks Quarter-Century
Of Health Service Activities.

Dies Group


Chided By Professors
(Continued from Page 1)
with others I signified my interest
in any medical relief-whether for
those whose need came from fire,
flood or earthquake. It is inconceiv-
able that there are political complica-
Professor Allen could not be reached
for a statement. The charge against
the Michigan professors was only one
of dozens Reynolds made during the
day. He called Michigan "one of the
most Communist contaminated states
in the Union" and singled out several
dozen persons for special attack.
Rep. Harold G. Mosier of Ohio was
serving as chairman of the committee
in the absence of Representative Dies.
Earlier he heard allegations that 10
Detroit school-teachers were radicals.
That charge brought a retort from'
Superintendent of Schools Frank Cody
that "if 10 of my teachers are red
and 8,000 are well-read that's a pretty
good average."
However, Mayor Reading ordered an
"immediate investigation."
At Princeton, N. J., a complete de-
nial was issued in answer to the state-
nments. against. Einstein.
Earlier yesterday, Detroit sources
stigmatized the Dies hearings as "poli-
tical" and said that the group had
previously planned to meet in Michi-
gan several months ago. When Gover-
nor Murphy was unopposed in the
primary, however, the hearing was
postponed, they declared.
Previously the Dies Committee has
heard voluminous testimony on fas-
cistic, socialistic, communistic, pro-
German, pro-Italian, pro-Russian,
and other "anti-American" groups.

Series Of Epidemics Was
Cause Of. Petitions ToQ
Board Demanding Aid
Twenty five years of service to the
University are climaxed today in the1
Health Service's celebration of its Sil-I
ver Anniversary.#
What started out in 1913 as a fledg-I
ling unit in a small wooden building
where the. Burton Memorial TowerE
now stands has since sprouted into
its present status of a modern hos-
pital with a staff of over sixty and an
infirmary holding thirty beds. And its<
budget has swelled from its original
$10,000 in 1913 to $141,000 for the
current year...
Today the Health Service cares for
a student population of 14,500 over
whom it watches with almost paternal
care. The extent of its service is par-
tially reflected in the number of visits
made by students last year-125,678'
in all.
The University did not always as-
sume such a paternal role in regards
to student health. Before the Health
Service was established, room-mates
of sick students were prone to dose
:hem with patent medicines, and if
these failed, to ship them home on the
next train. The result was a series of
epidemics, which often meant en-
forced holidays for Michigan stu-
dents. Inspection of restaurants, hous-
ing, and water was.then unknown.
Aroused by such careless measures,
students and faculty petitioned the
Board of Regents in 1912 demanding
positive action to safeguard student
health. The result was the embryo
Health Service with its staff of three
doctors, a nurse and a clerk.
Headed by Dr. Howard H. Cum-
mings, the Health Service made full

use of its scarce resources in caring
for student illness. For a fee of $2
annually, free hospitalization was pro-
vided for sixty days. Approximately
2,946 were handled that first year.
In October, 1917, Dr. Waryen E.
Forsythe, M.D., its present director,
was appointed head. An addition to
the b.uilding was provided, and com-
pulsory smallpox ,vaccination was
adopted. In 1919 a complete medical
examination of all new students and
six health lectures for freshmen be-
came an established requirement.
Modern fireproof buildings were
added in 1922 along with X-ray equip-
ment, laboratory and pharmacy ser-
vice. The staff was also enlarged to
eighteen. About this time the new
Division of Hygiene and Public Health
was established with Dr. John Sund-
wall as director. For the first time,
all physical welfare activities of the
University, including the Health Ser-
vice, were administratively correlated.
Physiothera- -yequipment to provide
radiant heat, nv ^-sage, and ultra-
violet radiation treatment were added
in 1924, but a rapidly swelling stu-
dent enrollment created a 'emand for
improved service, more space, a larger
staff, and extra equipment, Hcnce in
the boom year of 1928 funds wed
granted to provide these enlarge-
Buildings were enlarged, extra phy-
sicians added, and technicians re-
tained in opthalmology, otology, der-
matology, roentgenoiogy, psychiatry,
and sensitization. Class medical ad
visers were appointed, a women's
staff created, and relations with the
physical education and intramural
lepartments correlated.
Today the Health Service boasts a
mental hygiene clinic, and a sensiti-
zation clinic. It inspectg swimming
pools, student eating places, and hous-
ing conditions, and it provides a pre-
ventive system of health education-
all in addition to its original purpose
of providing free care for sick stu-
In the words of Dr. Forsythe,
"Starting with a very general and
generous policy of service to student
health ,the department has developed
a program particularly characterized
by extensive attention to illness. Its
policies and program have been sub-
jected to critical review at intervals
and there are no present suggestions
for radical changes. Indicated modi-
fications would seem to be in, the
Sdireciaon of more health education-
and research."
SHOWS at 2-4-7-9 P.M.

With a half million gallons of
water ready at any time to be, pumped
out through the campus fire fight-
ing system, a long double row of re-
movable plates which may be used
for testing soil erosion, and complete
equipment for testing ship models,
the experimental tank of the naval
architecture department seems rather
a versatile piece of equipment.
However, the soil erosion phase of
its usefulness remains, 20-odd years
after its construction, still unused,
and the tank hasn't even been
pumped half dry since 1923, when it
was necessary to lower the pressure
on the walls which were supported
outside by the earth because the
earth was being removed for the in-
:tallation of the heating system. The
water has been kept clean by adding
copper sulphate to it, and before use
each day the dust is swept off the
surface of the water with a spray
hose attachment.
The tank sees plenty of service
though, having been used for tests
on submarines by the government

during the World War, for testing
every sort of vessel from a yacht to
an ocean liner, and more recently for
testing heavy duty scows for several
large companies. The scow tests have
been conducted by Professors Adams
and Baier, of the naval architecture
A typical experiment runs some-
thing like this: the experimenter'
stands before a machine on which a
revolving drum covered with paper
records the resistance of the model
to various speeds and depths. The
recording machine, together with a
desk, a speed regulator, and the mo-
tor which runs the moving platform
are all grouped on what is called the
bridge. The bridge runs along tracks
at either side. of the tank, powered
by electricity which is carried to the
motor by two small trolleys running
along twin wires at one side. The
speed at which the model below the
bridge is to run is set on a large dial,
and the entire platform is set in
motion. As it moves along, a rod
which pulls the model through the
water rhdVeS an arm attachment

which sets down the resistance waves
on the revolving drum. Another small
arm sets down the time in seconds
parallel to the line marked by the
resistance recorder.
Based on another set of experi-
ments. Professor Adams has prepared
a paper on the rolling of ships which
he will present this December before
the Society of Naval Architects.
Miodels of two old British war ships,
the Sultan and the Inconstant, which
sailed back in 1871, were built here
and tested. The results were com-
pared with the actual results obtained
by experimentation on board the
ships themselves. The models, it was
found, rolled much easier than the
ships themselves, and from the com-
parison thus gained important facts
have been determined concerning
the variation between models and
actual ships.
There is only one.other naval tank
in the country built for ,a college,
located at Stevens Institute. The
Navy owns several, one of them 500
feet long, and one now in construc-
tion which will be 90D feet long.

Warden Has Words With An 4ngel

Sunspots Indication Of Possible
Aurora Borealis Appearance

Students interested in that mystic
phenomena, the Northern Lights, may
have a chance to see them this week.
Because of the numerous sunspots
now occurring it is very probable
that during the next few nights a,
display of the aurora borealis (North-
ern Lights) will take place.
However, according to Prof. W. Carl
Rufus, acting head of the department
of astronomy, the time of the pheno-
mena can not be predicted and may
not even take place, because, in spite
of the fact the aurora is associated
with sunspot activity, it cannot be
predicted by it.
One theory about the Northern
Lights, stated Professor Rufus, is that
the sunspot activity releases special
radiation which effects the earth. At
high altitudes of the earth's atmos-
phere particles are ionized and the
electrons tend to move along the
earth's magnetic lines, causing the
effect of streamers radiating from
the magnetic poles.
Sunspots are definitely known to
cause magnetic storms upon the
earth's surface and will interfere with
instruments such as the radio, tele-
phone, and telegraph.
The discovery of sunspots is not a
recent one, as there are records of
Chinese observing them 1000 years
before Galileo invented the telescope.
Some spots can be observed by the
naked eye with the use of a dark
In telling of one of the most spec-
tacular aurora he had observed, Pro-
fessor Rufus said: "It occurred last
Sept. 27th when I was on night duty
at the Observatory. The disturbance
was vary brilliant and widespread.
The entire north half of the sky was
completely covered in the early eve-
ning and later the phenomena ex-
tended beyond the zenith and became
quite strong half way down to the
southern horizon. The fainter auroral
light could be traced even lower in
the south, blending with the haze
near the southern horizon.

"The aurora streamers were not as
prominent as on some occasions, due
to the brightness of the diffused light
that covered the sky. At some stages
there were broad curtains in the northj
like draperies hanging down from
high altitudes. The aurora took on
that night its characteristic greenish
appearance with very little other in-
dication of color, although a few of
the more active streamers had a touch
of red near the horizon. The pheno-
mena that night was interesting be-
cause of its wide-spread ektent."

Errant Canine Lands
IPledge In Dog House
Ox, the new Theta .Chi house dog,
wandered home this morning a weary
and penitant pup.
It all began when, in the spirit of
good fun and adventure, he strolled
majestically into one of the local
taverns. And immediately strolled
(not quite so majestically) out again,
aided by the business end of a broom
and a solid boost from the pointed
toe of a number nine
Fortunately, a pledge brother hap-
pened by and took the dog with him
to his lodgings.
In the second act we see the irate
landlady sternly slamming the door
as Ox and the pledge brother, clad in
trousers and pajama tops, go slowly
toward the girl's cooperative house.
The kindly ladies put the dog up
for the night-but never again. For
the dog stayed awake all night, and

'On To Yale' Drive Is Expected
To Break Attendance Reco
The tremendous campaign to make the majority of them. Whil
the Union sponsored On To Yale trek home a Daily reporter saw
of the Michigan student body a huge strewn campus with an occe
solitary soul wending his lonely
success has taken to the air. The The dedication of the Illino
new University program featuring dium at Champaign in Odtobe
news of Detroit students at Ann Ar- brought more than 4,000 fro
bor will carry the story of the Yale Michigan campus. Three,
drive and the co-chairmen of the trans left the depot with ea
event, both from the Detroit metro- their 10 cars jammed to capacit
politan area, Max Hodge, '39, and Illinois school paper said "The
William Miller, '39. gan rooters a-maize us."
The trip next week will be the first It wa§ a similar trek to C
general trek of Michigan students to in 1898~ that inspired Louis El
an out of town game in 10 years, and write The Victors after witr
it is rapidly becoming one of the lar- the enthusiasm of the Mi
gest of such trips ever made from this crowd. It may be that the On t
campus. trip will bring forth another+
The largest previous student trip of song.
this sort\was in 1922 to the dedica-g
tion of the Ohio State Stadium. At ENJOY REAL
that time "more than half the stu-
dent body, the largest ever to journey Italian Spaghetti 2
to a foreign field, will go to Colum- DINNERS . . . 40c to $1.:
bus, said The Daily. The estimated 1602 Packard Rd. at Marior
number of students was more than Ypsilanti
6,000, with two special trains carryingY l

Warden Lewis Lawes of Sing Sing Penitentiary smilingly.converses
with Vera Zorina, star of the Broadway hit, "I Married An Angel" at a
bon voyage party for a Spanish relief ship.

e back
a leaf
is sta-
er 1924
m the
ach of
ty. The
biel to
to Yale


Starting Saturday -
"Four Daughters"


Art Cinema League
To Present. Matinees

Duew to the ogreat demnds for tickets~

---1 ----D -- ept the girls awake too.
for the Art Cinema Series which be- e
gins this Sunday, a matinee perfor-
mance will be given at 3:15 p. m. to Dr. Cover To Lecture
supplement the regular 8:15 p.m. .E
showing. Both performances are in 11 0101'*10 Expedition
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. With the aid of colored moving pic-
The series begins with a study of tures, Dr. Elzada U. Clover of the
the Swedish film as represented by botany department will give a free
"The Story of Gosta Berling" and ! public lecture on "The Nevills Colo-
"The Outlaw and His Wife." "Gosta rado River Expedition of 1938" at
Berling," Greta Garbo's second film, 4:15 p.m. next Friday in the Rack-
is based on Selma Langerlof's popu- ham School auditorium. The de-
lar novel. It was produced in 1923 partment of botany and the Botani-
under the direction of Mauritz Stiller cal Gardens Association are sponsor-
who later directed many Hollywood ing the talk.
"The Outlaw and His Wife" is the
story of an ex-thief who is unable to - I
live down his past record. It was pro-.
duced in 1917 by Svenska-Biograf.
Tickets for the series are available' A T " E TR
at the Michigan League, the Union, P Y o
and Wahr's Book Store.,A
Financial Facilities for the Faculty
The law of demand and supply has never been
repealed, and even a college professor may find it
hard to make both ends meet. That is the time to get
a Personal loan-any amount up to $300. No co-
signers. No embarrassing credit inquiries. No
_.cui,. f te kid uual rauird eswer..'Th



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