TIE MICHIGAN DAILY >mmon National Effort Necessary To Solve Problems Facing The South A GLOOMY PICTURE of desperate Southern whites, stirred into false furies by the inexorable pressure of hunger, rising from their pathetic hills and half-dead towns and striking at every thing in sight until they get something for themselves, is frighteningly prophesized by Jonathan Daniels in the autumn issue of the University of Virginia Quarterly - view. ' In the collision of a collapsing agriculture and aI rising industrial order in the South Mr. Daniels sees the condition of the region and agrees with President Roosevelt that the South is the nation's number one problem. Cotton is still the South's money crop, and the results of this one-crop tyranny have been inscribed on the death scrolls of soil erosion, human degradation and economic submergence. Sixty-one percent of the nation's eroded land is in the South; five million more acres of fertile bottom land have been lost through stream-choking and floods. Cotton far- mers have thus been caught in a deathly vicious circle: they are forced to grow cotton in order to buy fertilizer with which to grow more, cotton. Furthermore the handicap of the tariff is forcing the South to sell its agricultural products in an unprotected world market and buy its manufac- turied goods at prices supported by high duties. Other aspects of the modern South are equally distressing. Under the blighting influence of the one-party system Southern politics have remained provincial and demagogic. In the religious realm the South has been afflicted with a larger per- centage of fundamentalist zealots and anti- Catholic fanatics than any other section. And to this a long list of similar ills can be added: health and housing are at low levels; the South is losing the better members of its own population and mostly on account of its general economic debil- ity; labor organization has made slow progress among the low-paid workers, there has been little collective bargaining, child labor is more common than elsewhere, and children and women work under fewer legal safeguards than in other sec- tions of the United States. But merely to state these facts is not enough. Southerners have been rightly resentful of critics who have attempted to apply short-cut methods of alleviation without any cognizance of the historical and psychological factors involved in the making of the modern South. The Civil War and Reconstruction left the Old South complete- ly broken. All the policies that the ante-bellum South.had steadfastly opposed were written into the national system by 1877-the opening of the Western lands, protective tariffs, federal support of the railroads, and a governmentally-sustained banking system. Granted, however, that the South has had an unfortunate history, that it was the victim of the protectionists and the industrialists, that it is caught in the meshes of a one-crop agriculture, the problem still remains: how is the South going to overcome its tremendous handicaps? 5 It is in .this respect that Mr. Daniels' report gains its significance. He refuses to be over- whelmed by the magnitude of the task of re- making the South. In answer to the Southerners who conceive of the section in terms of a rigid order that must break if it is altered, he advances the intelligent and enlightened observation that economic and social questions are the result of human relationships and as such are subjected not to transcendental forces for resolution but THE MICHIGAN DAILY to the application of intelligence and science in human relations. Previously the Southern mind has too often turned into an escape mechanism-to the past, to the South that never was, to rose-rimmed Dixie. It is true that in the earlier and adventur- ous counterpart of the region there was a hope- ful vision-a dream of security and independence and dignity all together in the land. It flourished in terms of lush Biblical images, of house and vine and fig tree and fat kine and milk and acres and honey. But it is also true that the dream had faded for millions in the South at the very time that the romanticists were reporting the plantation to be the civilized ideal. The Southern problem today is found in worn-out farms, dusty mill towns and idle young men and women, but Southern thinking is still dominated by an eva- siye idealism that isliving in a confused dream of a never-never land. It is not difficult to see the forces that turned the sensitive people in the South to a search for the values and civilization of an older and happier time, and it is difficult not to sympathize with them. The efforts of ruined and defiant peoples to adjust themselves to a changed and changing world has been the most tragic theme of our industrial age. But it is not a private tragedy, nor is it peculiarly Southern. In the final analysis any attempt to understand a region takes one outside its borders; the spec- tacle of the South is a terrifying one to all America, for it is merely a sectional manifesta- tion of a national problem. If the South has given us Gastonia and Harlan, lynching and peonage, it is well to remember that human rights have been in some disrepute lately in California, Jersey City and elsewhere. Sectional lines exist in the country only in the psychology :f persons in both sections who refuse to admit that other issues have replaced the old regional questions that culminated in the Civil War. The problems confronting the nation today are national in scope and content, even if they do appear to be more marked in some sections than in others. The solution of the problems facing the South, then, can be solved only when alf Americans join in a common program of con- struction instead of escape. It is a task in which all future-centered Americans must enter, for so long s any portion of the United States remains in economic distress, cultural stagnation and social backwardness; so long will the advance of civilization in the nation be retarded. -Elliott Maraniss You ofM NOTES and FOOTNOTES By Sec Terry USUALLY AT CONVENTIONS you get a pas- sionate display of patriotism, a cascade of second-hand maxims on the efficacy of demo- cracy, a hackneyed slogan and a drunken heckler. But in Hill Auditorium Sunday night, visiting Kiwanians got Lloyd Douglas, the former Ann Arbor pastor whose cinematic moralities have succored the national sentiment. A striking figure in tailed coat, Douglas kept the Kiwanians, who are generally noisy and im- patient with aphorisms, quiet and attentive throughout his masterful rhetorical display. As one of our contributors put it, "it was a joy to watch the shiny words roll off his production line." In fact, he had such a tremendous effect upon us that we consented Monday night to sit through a quickie-"She Couldn't Say No" was its name, we believe-at the Orpheum so that we might see his "White Banners," powerful screen fare despite the homily. Douglas told of visiting the Warner Brothers studio when "White Banners" was in production, how he walked down a street covered with bleached corn flakes and came upon a house, to which he pointed and cried, "Why, there's Prof. Ward's house." Hollywood-where, as Douglas himself observed, they can do Marie Antoinette over so that even her own dog won't recognize her-had faithfully reproduced the disorganized home of the inventive pedant. Then, when Fay Bainter, who portrayed Hannah the housemaid, complained to the author, "I wish you hadn't given me such large baskets of groceries to carry," it was as though the woman his mind had creat- ed was complaining. The whole thing, Douglas said, was "like walking around in my own head." ** * Jfeemr to Me H-eywood Broun The world is so adroitly ordered that compen- sation is afforded for all things. The songbirds go away, but the ravens reappear. The summer dies and the theater revives again.j One should not grieve if he sees some ancient elm take on the look of rustiness and desolation. He need only comfort himself with the re- assuring words, "If winter comes with its biting blasts can Miss Clare Boothe be far behind?" Some of the critics have said that her present drama, "Kiss the Boys Goodbye," is not up to her usual stan- dard. With this judgment I do not agree. In- deed, it seems to me that the reviewers err in the long Sunday dissertations in which they seek gropingly to find the secret of Miss Boothe's. artistry. Their mistake, I believe, lies in their bland assumption that the facile profiles which the young lassie dashes off are set down in malice. That is far from the fact. Love conquers all, and hate soon goes into the cut rates. Almost alone among the critical fra- ternity I have ferreted out the underlying motiva- tion of the little lady. She is in a sense Shake- spearian, but also heavily influenced by the spell of the late Charles Dickens. Indeed, it is my no- tion that she is none other than Tiny Tim with the reverse jammed tightly on. There may be some substance in the assertion that not every character in "The Woman" was truly precious in the sight of Miss Boothe. That drama suffered not a little from the fact that it was by Dean Swift out of Louisa M. Alcott. And I suspect that even the accomplished author gagged a little as she celebrated the virtues of the lone female in the cast who was identified as "A Good Woman." If ever the embattled mothers of the land had a right to protest, this was their chance. There should have been a picket line with banners bear- ing the strange device "Miss Boothe is .unfair to chastity." But "Kiss the Boys Again" gives no opportunity for any such demonstration. This time the dramatist deals with folk much closer to her own heart. The idea that she seeks to show up the Connecticut intelligentsia as re- pulsive in one of the most preposterous delusions I have even encountered in the columns of the New York Times or the Herald Tribune. The audience is expected to laugh at the sallies of the alley cats, and it does. So does Miss Boothe. She joins in the merriment of her maulers. After all, the biting words and the sharptoothed epi- grams which they utter come from her own fertile mind. Adam and Eve may have made mis- takes in later life, but when Jehovah first set them in the Garden he looked upon his handi- craft and called it good. It seems to mee that Miss Boothe takes a similar pride in her creations. Like Bernard Shaw and other prominent wits of " the theater the young playwright has a tendency to lean toward the autobiographica. It has been said of Shaw that each and every one of his characters is Shavian in point of view, and in the things he utters. This, I believe, is also the case with Clare Boothe. I can easily imagine that she sat at her typewriter and purred as she etched out her little masterpiece with acid. In private life, I am informed, the lady is reserved and almost inhibited. Here then came her release. For more than two hours it becomes her privilege to look at life through her own lorgnette and tell the human race precisely what she thinks of it. But though the actions of the members of the little house party are sometimes less than admirable and their phrases are met with the approval of the author, their words seem rude to some reviewers. But to the playwright I believe the sentiments expressed by one and all are salty grains of wisdom. In fact, I think that the drama- tist should knock the heads of the critics togeth- er, and take a forthright stand by saying, "These dream children of the play are not poor things, and they are my own." And possibly even this friendly commentator might suffer at the hands of Dean Swift's daugh- ter if she ever decides to tell all, for I have, per- haps, minimized her achievement by dragging in the name of Shakespeare. In a very specific sense Miss Bothe goes well beyond the bard. He brought in an asp to end a play. To Clare Boothe the introduction of a stinging serpent would be the inspiration for typing out "The curtain rises on Scene 1, Act I." The Editor Gets Told... Regimentation fr of To the Editor: a Our modern educational systems so profess to be turning toward a great- $ er stress on the development of in- $ dividuality and the exercise of self- b determination; this would truly be a M great step toward the training of our c youth for a truer understanding and y a fuller appreciation of our demo- v cratic ideals of individuality and per- sonal freedom. Yet, let us look at what has been happening. Our educational systems' may be facing toward such an ideal-f w istic goal, but they appear to be trav- t elling crabwise. We have manifesta- f tions of self-government in such or- b ganizations as our student governing A bodies, it is true; but upon closer in- spection, we find that these same f bodies are as powerless as Mr. Roose- E velt's planned Supreme Court. The ti student affairs are, instead, dictated t by the Regents, through the Dean's s office. m An example of the many departures from these idealistic principles is the extensive dormitory building plan s now under way at Michigan. Our pres- f ent fraternity and rooming housesit m is true, have their shortcomings, butM the dormitory plan disregards thec very ideals toward which we should 1d be striving. The dormitory plan is fundamentally an adaptatin of the mass production principles employed in modern industry. Such a system would, undoubtedly, be highly effi- cient, but that is the same argument 0. that the fascist dictators have been using in defense of their own systems. In contemplating the beautiful Pic- ture of efficiency, we are apt to for- e get the all-important human element. e In accomplishing such a regimenta- e tion, we are also completely neglect- t ing the education of the individual in the fundamentally important quali- ties of self-reliance and responsibility. i Let us hope that those men in con- a trot of our educational policies will find a more direct route to their high- er ideals. -Karl Kessler, '41. f d Call For Mr. Proun - R To the Editor: I have been tricked. I demand a a reprisal! I have been sold a Daily T subscription under false pretenses. i1 When I bought my subscription, I was informedt hat Heywood Broun's column would be featured daily- a and today I am unable to find Hey- M wood's column in the paper. To add w ifisult to injury, David Lawrence's a pitiful attempts at something or oth-~ er clutter up the space once honored by a sage and a most subtle wit. If f Mr. Lawrence's column is to alternate 1 with Heywood's, I will only be get- g ting half as much of Heywood as I 5 paid for-and I want half of my money back. Or else, let Mr. Lawrence go back to Herstshia where he be-u longs. H Truly, Mr. Lawrence is a dangerous t agitator. He is jeopardizing our sacred setup whereby public utilities are priv- ately owned, For he points out that t privately owned public utilities can- f not hold their own against competi- t tion from Federally owned public utilities. But a capitalistic economy is regulated in its operations through a competition. Those firms which can n provide the best and cheapest ser-g vice (that is, thetmost efficient firms) should continue to exist while the high cost firms'should die out. Hence,p since our government can provide bet- l ter and cheaper service than the pub-i lic utilities monopoly can, our gov-3 ernment should own the utilities and should put "Government money intod competition to force public utilitiesc out of business." Mr. Lawrence must know these, simple economic facts. Consequently, in informing us that Governmentf competition in public utilities "holdss a gun to the heads of private utili- ties," he is automatically advocatingt the overthrow of private property.. Mr. Lawrence is a little inconsistent t in his stand for government, however. He objects to government denounce- l ment of business men as uncoopera- tive. Unless Mr. Lawrence is unin- formed that U. S. Steel, in the face of 3 falling demand over a period of years, cut their production down 80% and only cut their prices 18%, he is extremely backward in assimilating the definition of the word "coopera- tive." -F. K. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN PubilcatIon in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the Uui~ersty. copy'received at the office of the Assistant to the President uuM 3:30: 11:00 am. on Saturday. I' (Continued from Page 2) om the secretary of the University f Michigan district. The fee for ctive membership is $3.25 for per- ins receiving salaries of more than 1,000. It is $2.25 for those receiving 1,000 or less. An associate mem- ership is open to students at $1. embers receive the Michigan Edu- ation Journal. The membership ear is from November, 1938, to No- ember, 1939. Olga Wright, Secretary, University Elementary School Selected copies of those books which ill concern all students interested in he literary tour of England projected or the coming summer session have . een placed upon the shelves in the t] ngell Hall Study Hall. P Any students wishing for the in- b ormation regarding the tour of a ngland may secure that informa -t on at the office of the Director of V the Summer Session or from Profes- or Bennett Weaver of the Depart- vent of English. o e Football Ticket Exchange: Those t tudents for whom the Exchange sold w ootball tickets should collect their d oney at the Student Offices of the Michigan Union at their earliest onveniences. Hours are 3-5 every ay. ,Ann Arbor Independent Women:T l1 eligibility slips must be in by ° ednesday, Oct. 12. Please take care p f this matter immediately. Academic Notices t Students, College of Literature, Sci- 2 nce, and the Arts: No course may be u lected for credit after the end of he third week. Saturday, Oct. 15, is herefore the last date on which new I lections may be approved. The wil- ngness of an inividual instructor to dmit a student later does not affect F he operation of this rule. Erich A. Walter. a English 102. Make-up examination or past semester will be given Thurs- C ay afternoon, Oct. 13, 3-6 p.m., in o oom 2225 A.H. J. L. Davis. s Geography 2. A make-up examin- a tion in this course will be given onA 1A hursday, Oct. 13, at 1 p.m. in RoomC 9 A.H.A Geography 117. A make-up examin-T tion in this course, for those who missed the final examination in June, vill be given on Thursday, Oct. 13, t 1 p.m. in Room 19, A.H. v Geology 12 Make-up. The make-up a or the final examination in Geology t 2 second semester last year will be t iven this Friday, Oct. 14 from 2 until in 2054 N.S.c E Mathematics Seminar on Lattices, Vednesday, 2 o'clock, in 202 Mason Hall. Dr. Thrall will continue hisa alk. G. Y. Rainich.v Psychology 31 Make-up Examina- ion will be held Tuesday, Oct. 18, rom 7 to 10 p.m. in Room 1121 Na- ural Science Bldg. Notice to Freshmen: Make-up ex- aminations for those students whox missed the tests required of all be- minig freshmen will be given as follows: Psychological examination Thursday, Oct. 13, in Room 110 Rackham Building at 3. o'clock; Eng-f ish examination on Friday, Oct. 14, in Room 110 Rackham Building at 3 o'clock. . These examinations take prece- dence over all other appointments in- cluding classes. Be on time. Music Education Students. A com- prehensive examinatrn inrmethods for both general and instrumental supervisors will be given Wednesday,' Oct. 12, at 7 o'clock, third floor, Bur- ton Tower. Required of all graduate and undergraduate students who wish to obtain advance credit for methods or practice teaching taken at other institutions. Music Education Students. A sight-reading vocal and piano ex- amination for all music education students in general and instrumental supervision, who have not previously passed this requirement, Room 600, Burton Tower, Wednesday, 7 to 10 p.m.: Last names: A to G report 7 to 8 p.m.; H to O report 8 to 9 p.m. 0 to Z report 9 to 10 p.m. Tabulating Machine Practice 103. Students in this course are assigned to the following section numbers for Wednesday, Oct. 12. 2:00 Section: Aris, Earl Maynard Bronson, Donald Gordon Clayton, Gerald Duerksen, Peter A. Enloe, Mary Virginia Glidden, Dean Elwyn Kleiman, Arnold Morgenroth, William Mason Treadway, John Platt Trembly, Edward D. 3:00 Section Zimmer, Mile Edward 4:00 Section Allen, Edmund Asa Anthon, Robert Lewis Broene, Richard George Centner, William Albert Dascola, Joe J. Deutsch, Louis DeVries, George Dzao, Yuan Ling Easterly, Mary Elizabeth Ladd, Oscar Wallin Schmale, Frederick Henry Shaw, William Robert Sidder, Richard Fenton Exhibitions An Exhibition of Early Chinese ottery: Originally held in conjunc- ion with the Summer Institute of ar Eastern Studies, now -re-opened y special request with alterations nd additions. Oct. 12-Nov. 5. At he College of Architecture. Daily excepting Sundays) 9 to 5. Chinese Paintings: The paintings f Ya-Kun Chang which are being exhibited in Rooms 3514 and 3515 of he Horace H. Rackham Building till continue on display through to- ay (Wednesday). Lectures University Lecture: Dr. Harold S. Dthl, Dean of Medical Sciences, Jniversity of Minnesota, will lecture n the subject "Significance of the tudent Health Movement" at 4:15 .m., Friday, Oct. 14, in the Rackham Lecture Hall. The public is cordially nvited. His lecture forms part of he program for the observance of the 5th Anniversary of the Health Serv- ee of this University. American Chemical Society Lecture: 3r. William Krumbhaar, of Reichold ;hemicals, Inc., Detroit, wilL speak on Formation and Destruction of a ?aint Film," at 4:15 p.m., Wednesday, jct. 12, in the Chemistry Amphithe- ,tre. University Lecture: Mr. Roland D. raig, Chief of the Division of Econ- mics, Department of Mines and Re- ources, Lands, Parlis, and Forest 3ranch, Ottawa, Canada, will give n illustrated lecture on "The Use of ir Craft in Forestry" on Thursday, )ct. 20, at 4:15 p.m., in Rackham Auditorium, unler the auspices of the chool of Forestry and Conservation. the public is cordially invited. Events Today Graduate Students: President Ruth- en and Dean Yoakum will speak t an assembly of the Graduate School onight at 8 p.m. in the lecture hall of he Rackham Building. The assembly will be followed by an informal re- :eption given by the President and Executive Board of the Graduate School. Members of the Graduate Student Council will conduct tours about the building, after which there w~ill be informal dancing in the "As- sembly Hall. Wives and husbands of graduate students are cordially in- vited. Cercle Francais: There will be an important meeting of the Cercle Francais today in Room 408 R.L. at 4 p.m. Attendance is compulsory. Seminar for Chemical and Metal- lurgical Engineers. Mr. C. D. D'Amico will be the speaker at the Seminar for graduate students in Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering to- day at 4 o'clock in Room 3201 E. Eng. fluence of Undercooling on the Gra- Bldg. His subject will be "The In- phite Pattern. of Gray Cast Iron." Freshmen Glee Club. Rehear:al and try-outs today, 4:30 to 5:45 p.m. Glee Club Rooms, Michigan Union. All freshmen are welcome. University Girls' Glee Club: There will be a meeting tonight at 7:30 in the Game Room of the Michigan League. Will all women who were members of the Glee Club last year please report at this time. Attention Foresters and Pre-For- esters: The Annual Campfire is to be held at Saginaw Forest tonight. Trucks leave east door of Natural Science building at 5:30 p.m. A late truck will leave at 7:30 p.m. Supper served at 6:15, for.- which 35 cents will be charged. If you have not yet signed for supper, register by noon in Room 2052, Natural Science. Women Orientation Advisers: T:.ere will be a freshmen lecture in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre at 5' o'clock today. Professor Bennett Weaver is the speaker and attendance is compulsory for all freshmen and their advisers. Unexcused absences on the part of advisers will result in the loss of Orientation merit points. Company Order No. 2. F-4, Scab- bard and Blade is ordered to as- semble at 7:30 p.m., tonight, at the Union. Uniforms required. Association Fireside: "The Pencl- ties of Change" will be the subject . ,: r , - .G l2 !mET SAmsGrears1aT a s MARN . .O. Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Conrol of Student Publications. Publishea every morning except Monday during the- University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. -All rights of republication of all other mattehs herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan. £8s second class mal matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail. $4.50. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38 REPRESENTED POR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADisON AVE. NEw YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO BOSTONrLoS ANGELES- SAN FRANCISCO Board of Editors Managing Editor Editorial Director City Editor . Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Book Editor Women's Editor Sports Editor . . . . Robert D. Mitchell . . Albert P. Mayio Horace W. Gilmore Robert I. Fitshenry . . S. R. Kleiman . . . . . Robert Perlman . . . . . . William Elvin Joseph Freedman .. Earl Gilman . . . . . Joseph Gies Dorothea Staebler . . . . Bud Benjamin THE GIST of Douglas discourse was the moral responsibility a man must bear for that which he creates. He drew the title of his lecture, "Pygmalion," from the Greek legend of a young sculptor who fell in love with his magnum opus, a Girl. He called her Galatea and spoke to her as he released her from the marble with his chisel. His love galvanized into such a fixation that he scorned offers and commissions to finish Gala- tea. When the task was done, Galatea parted her lips, threw her arms around the sculptor and kissed him-compensation for his love. "Like Jehovah breathing life into some elementary stuff," the author said, "you can release your own creations from their prison." Aside from this parable, Douglas reported several anecdotes, made several interesting re- flections. Citing the alertness of an author's audience, he told about how the heroine in one of his stories was described as having brown eyes, but toward the end of the tale, when the hero gathered her in his arms, she looked up out of blue eyes. A deluge of letters followed. To placate his sensitive audience, he said he dictated the following letter to his secretary, who mimeo- graphed them for the public: "It is a well-known fact that brown eyes under stress of great emo- tinn ar known in turn blue." last only until lunch, and be expected to provide that." We honestly expected a sermon, but instead, the man who "began writing at a time when men admit in public they drink expurgated coffee for breakfast" was a distinct treat. THE MIGAWD DEPARTMENT A certain tavern announces that it is "haunted by the ghosts of satisfied customers." If you wake up some day and feel that your ghost has been mislaid, call the Haunted Tavern. -Spec Tree A PROFESSOR in Chicago views the craze for dots and dashes as monuments to mental sterility of the writer, and a menace to the per- petuation of the comma, semicolon and colon Our apologies, prof, but have you heard about the Oriental student of political science who takes notes in his native language . . . the Advertising course in which the word "advertising" hasn't yet' been mentioned . . . the German student who appreciates the peace of America; but who is worried because he left his Berlin business in the hands of a Czech . . . the Michigan football player who will bet his team beats Minnesota Saturday by at least two touchdowns . . . and the fellow who has never been Under the Clock, had a 10 o'clock Coke Date at the Parrot, drank 'Deutscher Verein' Elects New Officers The Deutscher Verein, student.Ger- man society, held its first meeting of the year last night at the League. Officers were elected and plans for the coming year were discussed by the 36 persons who attended. Oscar Bixby, graduate student, was elected president; Frances Blumen- thal, '40, was elected vice-president; Gertrude Frey, '41, was elected sec- retary; Geraldine Brown, '41, was elected treasurer; and Bill Elmer, '41, was named publicity manager. Dr. W. F. Striedieck of the German de- Business Department Business Manager . . . . Philip W. Buchen Credit Manager . . . Leonard P. Siegelman Advertising Manager . . William L. Newnan Women's Business Manager . . Helen Jean Dean 'Wnmen's Service Manager .. Marian A. Baxter