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October 12, 1938 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-10-12

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posibly showers
as warm today.



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on The South .



Independ ents
To Choose 10
District Heads
In VoteToday
Election Booths Are Open
All Day; All Unaffiliated
May Cast Congress Vote
Hartwell Urges
Support of all independent men in
today's campus-wide election to
choose 10 district presidents for Con-
gress, men's independent organiza-
tion, was urged yesterday by Robert
Hartwell, '39E, president.
Polls mill open for voting at 7:30
a. m. and will remain open until 7:30
p. m., according to Robert May, '39E,
Congress executive secretary. Elec-
tion officials will be stationed I the
Union lobby, West Engineering Build-
ing and Angell 'Mall lobby to receive
ballots. Freshmen, as well as sopho-
mores and upperclassmen, are eligible
to vote, Hartwell emphasized.
Daily Has Map
To enable voters to determine which
districts they represent, today's Daily
on page six carries a map showing the
location and number of the ten dis-
tricts into which Congress has divided
the campus. Each voter is limited to
voting for one of the candidates from
the district in which he resides.
Candidates for presidents of the ten
districts follow:
District 1: John O'Hara, '39; Frank
Jankowski, '39E.
District 2: Abe Goodman, '41; Sid-'
ney Friedman, '40.
District 3: Pete Ipsen, '39E; Al
Standish, '39. ,
District 4: Stuart Low, '39; William
Strasser, '39E.,,
District 5: Jay Rockwell, '40; Ste-
phen Page, '41.t
Rhea A Candidatet
District 6: Roland Rhead, '40; Ted
Leibovtz, '40.
District. 7: Redfield Zittle, '40;t
Murray Silverman, '40; Bernard
Goldman, '40.
District 8: Martin Dworkis, '40;t
Norman Ohandler, '40A.
District 9: James Kuhns, '41; Tom1
Nurnberger, '3I&d; Dan Hurley, '40.]
ADltrot 10: Walter McCoy, Jr:, '41E
Armond Rhodehamel, 39E; Maurice
Relzen, '40.
Presidents elected to head the ten
zones will form the lower or District
Council of Congress. Froi these three
will be later selected by the judiciaryt
committee to fill in the upper or Ex-
ecutive Council, governing body ofl
Congress. ,
t t
LOyalists Gain t
Strategic Hills
From Rebels
Three League Members
To Witness Withdrawal
Of foreign Volunteers
HENDAYE, France, Oct. 1l-P)__
Government armies were reported to
be driving quickly down the slopes of
the Pandols mountains tonight push-
ing Insurgent battle lines back toward
Gandesa in heavy fighting.
A surprise attack started the suc-
cessful offensive, Government dispat-

ches said, carrying their troops into
control of two hilltops.
One hill dominates the terrain slop-
ing toward Gandesa, important com-
munication center in Eastern Spain
and the objective of three months of
For two weeks Government lines
had given stiff resistance to repeatedP
attacks which reports assert cost
Generalissimo Francisco F r a n c o
thousands of casualties before the
Czechoslovak crisis and inclement
weather brought a lull in fightihg.
The Government's offensive, start-t
ing late yesterday, sent waves of mili-
tiamen under the protection of heavy
artillery fire across the Santa Mada-
lena ravine for successful hand-to-
hand fighting.
In Geneva, the Spanish Govern-
ment advised the League of Nations
it was ready for an International
Commission to witness the withdrawal
of all foreign soldiers fighting with
Government forces in Spain.
(Three members of the League
. Secretariat left for Perpignan, France,
to join representatives of 20 nations
who will watch the foreigners de-


Night Star

Initial Rackham Open House
Will Receive Graduates Toni ght
Program To Include Assembly, Reception And Tour;
President Ruthven, Dean Yoakum To Speak
The firstnannualrGraduate open hibits from 9 to 11 p.m. are sponsored
House, erroneously reported in yes- and under the direc~tion of the Grad-
terday's Daily as scheduled for Tues- uate Student Council. Those on the
day night, will be held tonight in the Council participating are Harvey
Rackham Building. The program, Parke, Herbert Weisinger, Robert
designed to bring the graduate stu- (Schick, Leroy Harvey, Aileen Travor,
dent body into closer unity, includes Don Gootch, Alfred Boerner, Ken-
a general assembly, an informal re- neth Leisenring, Lloyd Smith, Harold
ception, a tour of the building, ex- Barnes, Clair Magoon, Margaret
hibits and dancing. . Hayes. Beatrice Tarnoff, Charles
President Ruthven, Dean Clarence Peake, and DuBey.
Yoakum of the Graduate School, and A scientific demonstration, ar-
Robert E. DuBey, Grad., executive ranged by Wayne Whitaker, Grad.,
secretary of the Graduate Student will be presented by T. C. Kramer,
Council, will address the assembly Grad., in the amphitheatre. An out-
starting at 8 p.m. in Lecture Hall. door sports exhibit hasbeen arranged
At 9 p.m., President and Mrs. Ruth- by the Graduate Outing Club and
ven and the Graduate Executive will be on display in their clubdrooms.
Board will receive the graduates stu- Chinese graduate students, dressed
dent inan nfomalrecptin. hos intheir native costumes, will assist
dents in an informal reception. Those Y K. Chang, Grad., in a presentation
on the Executive Board participat- of a group of his paintings. Prof.
ing are Prof. and Mrs. Peter Field, Lewis G. VanderVelde and his staff,
Prof. and Mrs. Carl Guthe, Prof. including Mrs. Donald E. Adams and
and Mrs. Floyd Bartell, Prof. and Henry O. Brown, Grad., will exhibit
Mrs. W. C. Hoad, Prof. and Mrs. the Michigan Historical Collections.
Arthur E. R. Boak. The staff of the Graduate School
Prof. and Mrs. Charles W. Ed- will assist in the reception. Also par-
munds, Prof. Dow V. Baxter, Prof. ticipating in the open house program
and Mrs. William C. Trow, Prof. and will be Dean Alice Lloyd, Mrs. Byrd
Mrs. E. F. Barker, Prof. and Mrs. Barker, Miss Jeanette Perry, and
Clark Hopkins, and Dr. Frank E. Miss Ethel McCormick.
Robbins. There will be dancing from 9:30 to
The tour of the building and ex- 11 p.m. in Assembly Hall.

May Speak Here

Lewis Would Quit
If Green Resigned;
SFord, Martin Meel

'Varsity Nighit
Bill Features
Cornet Soloist
Featured cornet soloist and assist-
ant conductor of the Goldman Band
at the age of 21, Leonard B. Smith,
who will play on the annual Varsity
Night program Oct. 18, has been called
"not a mere trumpeter; he is an ac-
complished artist of the highest type
a commanding musical figure of
our time."
Now 23, Smith plays first trumpet
with the Detroit Symphony Orchestra.
In 1936 he was a member of the
Barrere Little Symphony, touring the
eastern United States. He is the
youngest person ever to have held a
position with the Goldman Band.-
Smith began his study of the cor-
net at the age of eight under Robert
A. Coon. Since that time he has
studied under Ernest S. Williams,
Pierre Henrotte, and M. L. Lake. He
played his first solo on the radio at
the age of twelve.
The Varsity Night program' wily in-
clude a "Kampus Kwiz," modeled af-
ter the radio programs of Kay Kyser
and Professor Quiz. Questions to be
used -in the quiz may be placed in
boxes on the campus.
Progressive Club
Holds First Meeting
Activities for the coming year will
be planned at the :first meeting-of the
Progressive Club, Michigan chapter
of the American Student Union, to
be held at 7:30 p. m. today at the
Reports on student working condi-
tions, housing, cooperatives, interna-
tional affairs, membership, elections
and social and cultural activities will
b.e made. Studies of the subjects have
been carried on by commissions set
up by a temporary executive board.
The reports will form a basis for
discussion of the part the Progressive
Club is to play in solving the problems
which are raised.
The Progressive Club has a five
point program in which they pledge
themselves to work for peace, social
and racial equality, security, academ-
ic freedom and civil liberties.

" **
Gov. Murphy
May Address
Student Body

Student Senate
Fitzgerald And
Invitations To


Of Auto Rules
Will Be Rigid
Dean Rea Warns Students
Of Added Regulations ;
Permit Tags Available
A warning that requirements of the
automobile ban regulations are being
rigidly interpreted was issued yester-
day by Assistant Dean Walter B. Rea.
A new rule has been added this year
to the effect that graduate students
holding teaching positions in the Uni-
versity must possess at least the rank-
ing of instructor to qualify for ex-
emption from the ban, he said.
Emphasis is to be laid upon thesec-
tion requiring the registration of'
stored cars at the Dean's office, Dean
Rea declared. Permit tags for stu-
dents whose applications have been
accepted are now available.
Dean Rea pointed out that viola-
tibns are not excused on the basis of
The code of rules as formulated by
the University follows:
No student in attendance at the Uni
versity from and after the beginning
of the first semester of the University
year 1927-28 shall operate any motor
vehicle. In exceptional and extraordi-
nary cases at the discretion of the
Dean of Students this rule may be
relaxed. The Automobile Regulation
became effective at 8:00 a. m. Mon-
day, September 26, and all regularly
enrolled students are requested to
avoid any driving or use of their cars
until permits have been obtained at
(Continued on Page 21

President Ruthven Gets,
Decoration From China
President Ruthven was one of ten
Americans who received decorations
Monday from the Chinese Govern-
ment, according to an Associated
Press dispatch from Hankow.
The decorations, the government
announced yesterday, were awarded
in connection with Monday's celebra-
tion of the 27th anniversary of the
revolution which ended the Manchu
lynasty in China. Other Americans
decorated included Mayor Fiorello H.-
LaGuardia of New York City.
Football eam.
To Get Sendoff
For Minnesota
Motorcycles, Varsity Band
To Form Escort; Expect
Much Student Support
Led by a motorcycle escort and
Michigan's Varsity Band, students
will march tomorrow to give the foot-
ball team, on its way to Minneapolis
to meet the Golden Gophers of
Minnesota, the biggest sendoff a
Michigan team has had in recent
Students will meet in front of the1
Union at 4:45 p.m. Promptly at1
4:50 they will swing into line behind;
the band and march north on State1
Street to the Michigan Central sta-I
B. W. Holden, agent for the Michi-
gan Central, has arranged to have
the two cars in which the Varsity
will entrain spotted immediately in
front of the hillside just east of the
station, from which everyone will be
able to see and hear.
A program has been arranged by
Band Director William D. Revelli for
presentation at the station. Cheer-
leaders, led by Bob Canning, '39, will
lead the cheering during the march
and after arrival at the station.
Lindy Silent On
Appeared At Aerial Meet
In Berlin Yesterday
BERLIN, Oct. 11-(1)--Col. Charles
A. Lindbergh, silent on bitter charges
made against him by a group of
prominent Soviet Russian aviators,
arrived today by plane to attend the
annual meeting of the Lilienthal So-
ciety for Aerial Research.
The American Airman declined to
comment on the Soviet fliers' accusa-
tion that he belittled the Russian air-
force and thus encouraged Anglo-
French capitulation to Adolf Hitler's
demands for Czechoslovak territory.
The 11 Russian airmen charged
that Lindbergh stated before guests
of Lady Astor, member of the British
House of Commons, that the Soviet

Gov. Frank Murphy will addressI
the University student body Monday,f
Oct. 24, in the Union in the first of a
group of political meetings, it was
tentatively announced at the Student,
Senate meeting last night in the
League. Invitations to appear at this
same time have also been tendered to
Frank Fitzgerald and Nahum Bur-
nett, Republican and Socialist can-
didates for Governor, respectively.
The Senate has received a letter
from Mr. Norman Hill, the Gover-j
nor's Executive Secretary, in which
the latter states that he believes that
Governor Murphy would be glad t6
speak at the proposed meeting. The
campus body moved last night that
Vontinued efforts be exerted to pres-
ent the other two speakers on the.
same platform, and if this were not
possible, three separate meetings
should be arranged..
The 'official Board of Elections for
the forthcoming Student Senate elec-
tions Friday, Oct. 21, as announced
yesterday by Edward Magdol, '39,di-
rector, will include Robert Perl~an,
'39, Robert Mitchell, '39, and Magdol.
Petitions for the election are being
accepted all this week in the Student
Senate offices in Lane Hall.
Sophomore Aspirants
For Union Meet Today
All sophomores interested in trying
out for the Union should meet at 4:30
p.m. today in Room 302 of the Union,
Paul Brickley, '39, Union president,
announced yesterday. This will be
the last opportunity sophomores will.
have to try out.

Methodists To Get
$300,000 Church
Plans for a new $300,000 First
Methodist Church have been approved
by the official church board on
recommendation of the trustees, it
was announced yesterday. Ground
breaking ceremonies will be held on
the afternoon of Nov. 20.
The new building will be located in
approximately the same place as the
present structure.
It was made possible by a gift of
$100,000 from the Harry B. Earhart
family of Ann Arbor and another of
the same amount from the Kresge
Foundation of Detroit. The remain-
der is being raised through local sub-
Local architects for the building
are Fry and Kasurin. Consulting
architects are the Bureau of Church
Architecture of New York City, and
Smith, Hinchman and Grylls, De-
troit, designers of the Rackham
Czech Border
Is Violated By'
Magyar Force
Sudetenland Problems Are
Wrestled By Prague's
Governmental Staff
PRAGUE, Oct. 11-(A)-Hungarianj
troops today completed symbolic oc-
cupations of two former Czechoslo-
vak border towns-Ipolysag and Sa-
toralja Uphely-pending settlement
of Hungary's territorial and minority
The Prague government, mean-
while, wrestled with problems arising
for German occupation of Sudeten-
land, particularly the presence in.
Czechoslovakia of 10,000 refugees
from Sudetenland.
The Bohemian Provincial Govern-
ment appointed a committee of 10
former residents of Sudetenland to
investigate registration lists and de-
termine which refugees could be sent
back home without personal danger.
The registration of refugees pro-'
ceeded under the orders of Bohemian
Provincial President Karl Sabotka
while the National Government's.
plans for return of many refugees
were held in abeyance.
More than 4,000 residents of Ipoly-
sag, near the border 50 miles north
of Budapest, sang and danced to
fiery Hungarian music as the Hun-
garian tropps took over at 1:20 p.m.

Offer By CIO Chieftain
Rouses Anger Of AFL
President And Leaders
UAW Head Speaks
With Harry Bennett
(By Associated Press)
John L. Lewis dramatically offered
yesterday to step down from the
chairmanship of the CIO-provided
his arch enemy, William Green, would
resign from the AFL presidency. But
hopes for peace between labor's
struggling factions disappeared when
Green angrily answered "It is obvious
that even if Lewis resigned as CIO
chairman he would still remain its
Meanwhile, beliefs that another
chapter in the battle between indus-
try and labor would reach a happier
end were aroused when Henry Ford
briefly conferred with UAW-Pres-
dent Homer Martin.
The Lewis offer, made today at a
press conference, seemed to have in-
creased the bitterness which A. F. of
L. leaders feel toward him.
"I doubt his sincerity," was the
terse comment of Arthur 0. Whar-
ton, an A. F. L. vice president.
Whitney Sees Peace
However, A. F. Whitney, who, as
president of the Independent Broth-
erhood of Railroad Trainmen, i* a
non-combatant in labor's civil war,
predicted the war would end within
a year because the "interest of labor
and the public" demand it.
In connection with Lewis' state-
ment, it was recalled here that he is
President of the United Mine Workers,
a powerful union in the CIO. Even if
he resigned from the Chairmanship
of the CIO, he might still have great
influence in it through his miners
If there was anything of a "tongue-
in-cheek" nature about his offer, I
was not apparent, however, in hIs
manner when he made it to news-
men he had called to his office.
Green, whose future as ead of the
Federation rests with the organiza-
tion's 5,000,000 members when as an
unopposed candidate, he goes up for
re-election Friday, termed Lewis' of-
fer "an attempted fraud on the pub-
lic." "The Chairman of the C.I.O. as
everyone knows, is the dictator of
the C.I.O. He has not once even con-
sulted the membership of the C.I.O.
during his regime.
Offers To Resign
"Now he offers to resign if I will.
"Well, the World Series is over, but
the chairman of the C.I.O. is still
making grandstand plays. To anyone
familiar with the labor situation, it
is obvious that even if he resigned
as Chairman of the C.I.O. he would
still remain its dictator behind the
scenes. Because he would remain as
President and dictator of the United
Mine Workers of America, the union
which is the financial angel of the
C.LO. and whose funds are being wan-
tonly wasted in a vain effort to keep
the C.O. alive."
Labor problems were not discussed,
when Ford and Martin met, but af-
terwards Martin lunched and talked
with Harry Bennett, Ford personnel
director, about the Union's attempt to
obtain a 32-hour work week in the
automotive industry during periods of
At the same time other leaders of
the United Automobile Workers were
discussing the shortened week with
officials of the industry's "big three."
No conclusions were reached in any
of the conversations.

Controversy Over Pulchritude
Rages On Main Library Steps

Three times a week Morton L. Linder
and Harry L. Sonneborn will present
this cross-section of campus opinion on
topics of general interest. Persons ques-
tioned are chosen at random by the
What is your comment on the
egend, "Four out of five women are
beautiful, and the fifth one comes to
Steps of the Main Library.
The Answers:
Dorothy Primeau, '40: "I don't
think it's true. There are lots of good-
looking girls on this
campus, just gobs of
them. The main
reason people say
things like t h a t
about the girls is
probably that every
one has a different
opinion of what
good looks are. The
main thing that
makes a few of the
girls so popular here is the clothes
they wear. There are a lot of others
just as good-looking who don't have
the clothes."

An Unidentified Canine: "Woof?!"
(Ed. Note. The dog, obviously soured
on all females, was
not pressed for an
additional s t a t e-
ment. It was felt
by the reporters
that because of his
bias, whatever else ,
he might have to,
say on the subject
would be prejudiced
and thus not suit-
able for this col- ,
umn. Then, too, we were not sure
that he was a student. Besides, we
were not sure he was a he.)
W. R. Willis, '39:
"The statement, I
believe, is probably
true in four out of
five cases. I have
been here quite
some time and have
managed to find
only a few beautiful
women. Of course,
the Summer Ses-
sion is excepted."
James T. Morgan, '39: "The
legend is not true,
I believe that there

Ford -Labor Board Dispute
Seen As QuestionOf Procedure
By JACK C. SULLIVAN Circuit Court of Appeals, that Court
Another in the series of skirmishes is without power to remand the case
between the Ford Motor Company to the Board, and that the Court may
and the National Labor Relations now only decide the case on its mer-
Board came to a climax Monday when its.
the Supreme Court granted a petition The Supreme Court will thus have
of the Company to review an order before it on the forthcoming review,
of the Circuit Court of Appeals for Professor Smith believes, only the
the Sixth District remanding the Ford question of whether the lower Court
"River Rouge" case to the Board. properly remanded the case to the
The question to be decided by the Labor Board. The question of the con-
Supreme court, according to Profes- stitutionality of the Wagner Act does
sor Russell A. Smith of the Law not enter into the picture.
School, is whether the lower court If the Supreme Court decides that
may remand the case to the Labor the Circuit Court improperly remand-
Board for amendment of the Board's ed the case to the Labor Board, ac-
challenged procedure after the record cording to Professor Smith, the Cir-
in the case has been filed with the cuit Court will be called upon to decide
Court and the company has petitioned the Ford case on its merits and con-
for a review of the Board's order. sider the Company's contentions that,
The Board had found that the Ford among other things, the Board did
Company had committed certain "un- not accord to the Company a fair
fair labor practices" and had peti- hearing and in othe respects did not
tioned the Court to enforce its "cease fulfill the requirements of "due pro-
and desist" order. The Company had cess of law" and that the Board's find-
countered with a petition to the Court ings are not supported by the evi-
to set aside the Board's order. dence.
The Labor Board subsequently re- The Board order, which was issued
quested leave of the Court to with- on Dec. 22, 1937, ordered the Ford
draw its petition and expressed its in- Company to cease and desist from
tention, in the event of a remand made certain "unfair labor practices" and
to it of the case, to set aside its Ford required the Company to offer rein-
order and to reconsider the case and statement to certain employees who,
issue proposed findings to which ex- the Board found, had been.discharged
ceptions might be filed and oral ob- on account of labor activties.
jections made. The case arose out of comnlaints


Minnesota Deani
To TalkFriday
Diehl To Speak At Health
Service Celebration
Dean H. S. Diehl of the University
of Minnesota Medical School will
speak at 4:15 p. m. Friday in the
Gradate School Auditorium in con-
junction with the 25th anniversary
of the Health Service. His subject
will be "The Significance of the Stu-
dent Health Movement."
Dean Diehl has been director of
the Minnesota Student Health Ser-
vice since 1921. He was director of
the northern division of the American
Red Cross in Poland from 1919 to
1920, and was chairman orf +.hp ha4..

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