THE~ MICHIGAN DAILY, I .. _ w - ,, GAN DAILY " I: ,--( w t#A~IH/IOT 1 Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Publisheaevery morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. , Member of the Associated Press The ssocatedPress is exclusively entitled to the usefor republication of all news dispatches credited to tornot otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved.. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as Second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38 REPRESENTED POR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO 'BOSTON LOS ANGELES SAN FRANCISCO Board of Editors Managing Editor Editorial Director City Editor . . Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Book Editor . Women's Editor Sports Editor- . . . .Robert D. Mitchell . . Albert P. Mayio . . . . Horace W. Gilmore . . . .Robert I. Fitzhenry . . . . . . .S. R. Kleiman . . . . . Robert Perlman . . . William Elvin . . . . Joseph Freedman .. . . . Earl Gilman .. . . . . Joseph Gies . . . . Dorothea Staebler . . ,.. - . BudBenjamin Is Hague Seeing Red? ..- JERSEY CITY Prefers Communists" would seem to be the adequate cap- tion for a pair of news dispatches that come to us from that hot-bed of democracy, Jersey City. One dispatch tells that the first permits for open-air gatherings granted to any group openly frowned upon by Herr Hague, were issued Wednesday to the Hudson County Committee of the Communist party for meetings Oct. 14, 21 and 28. We wonder if this is not an undemocratic display of favoritism, since word also comes to us that Socialist Norman Thomas' latest appeal for a permit to speak publicly in Haguetown has been denied. This inconsistency may be traced to the eJrsey City patriots' need for rotten tomato target prac- tice, but at any rate such open partiality can not be tolerated.x What is Jersey City coming to? It looks like Anarchism., --Norman A. Schorr The Editor Gets Tod Hitler Must Go On Sunday, September 26, Thomas Mann, famous German novelist and refugee from Nazi Germany, made a short speech in Madison Square Garden of New York before some 20,000 people. In what follows, I offer a translation of Dr. Mann's speech: "I have always loved peace and abhorred war. I still abhorr war. But I con- sider it a shame and disgrace that Europe and the world should submit meekly to the conquest by force of a small and honorable country-a' country that wants to defend civilization and freedom and which is to be dismembered and en- slaved. Does such a condition deserve to be called "peace"-a condition which is enough to make us sick and drive us to despair so much so that we would rather die than to live any longer in an ill-advised and dishonorable world? The fight for peace is the business and task of the people. We noted with deep satisfaction that the English people were passionately opposed to the fatal mistakesof their government. And it is above all the task of the German people to work for peace. The Germans would justify their destiny if they would free themselves at last from a political regime which spells complete ruin and desolation for Germany and the whole continent. Hitler must fall. That and nothing else will preserve peace."e -M. Levi He "Couldn't Get In To The Editor: -Arecent Daily carried a letter from a self- confessed "alumnus and 'M' man" who appar- ently thinks:the pep meetings are for the students and that only students should be allowed to at- tend-at least on the main floor. I amjust a student who couldn't get in because of the crowd last week. The previous writer claims he has attended pep rallies "for many years"- whydidn't he stay out of a seat so I could have had one. If he thinks other than students should be barred, that surely satisfies me. He should also let it apply to himself. Then I'll squeeze in. Dan T. Smith, '41. TODAY in WASHINGTON -by David Lawrence- hA' ". , ... ... L. .... ;m- Business Department Business Manager . . . . Philip W. Buchen Credit Manager . . . Leonard P. Siegelman Advertising Manager . . William L. Newnan Women's Business Manager . . Helen Jean Dean Women's Service Manager . . Marian A. Baxter NIGHT EDITOR: NORMAN A. SCHORR The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. In Lieu Of Medals . N A LETTER to the London Times, H./G. Wells has made a suggestion wbicli deserves universal support. It is that for- mer President Benes of Czechoslovakia be award- ed the Nobel Peace Prize. Co-founder with Thomas Masaryk of the mid- European democracy, Benes gave unsparingly of his time and energy to the cause of peace. As foreign minister, as premier, and, finally, as president, he followed a policy of collective secur- ity and of co-operation with other powers. Now, the betrayed leader of a plundered power, he has sacrificed the ambitions of a life-time in order that the difficulties of Czech reorganiza- tion may be lessened. No other man has given so greatly to the cause of peace in these past months. And no other man is so completely deserving of the Nobel Peace Prize. -Stan M. Swinton WASHINGTON, Oct. 10-Whatever else the recent European war crisis may have done to shape policies of governments throughout the world, it may be taken for granted that, at the next session of Congress, there will come the biggest debate on national defense which the United States has experienced in twenty years. For, little by little, the military and naval as- pects of the Czechoslovakian episode are begin- ning to be discussed here in terms of what are the real dangers of a powerful offense of airplanes against a countr'y with far-flung boundaries. In high quarters here, the view is advanced that the principal reason why Prime Minister Cham- berlain avoided war was that England was un- prepared for air attack to the extent that would have been necessary against the German air force. All sorts of reasons have been advanced for Mr. Chamberlain's conciliatory attitude toward Hitler, and one may believe whatever one pleases about that sort of diplomacy, but what is signi- ficant now is the argument being made here that England and France were both more vulnerable than their own peoples realized and that the Germans knew it all the time. Rule By Force If one believes that physical force rules the world today and that the Munich agreement does not represent an exercise of self-restraint by heads of governments or a will to peace, but merely a truce, then the problemof national de- fense enters conspicuously into the situation for discussion by the experts. One man who ought to be familiar with our own national defense situation and who has had quite a background of experience with the sub- ject told this correspondent that his own in- quiries in England last summer confirmed his present belief that the Munich accord was the direct result of British and French unprepared- ness. Transferring the problem to America, this same expert, who, by the way, has no connection with the army or navy or the manufacture or sale of war supplies or airplanes, pointed out that, from a strategic point of view, the United States has many lessons to learn from Britain's ex- perience. Thus, he declared, an aircraft carrier can approach the shores of Nova Scotia, let loose a few bombing planes, which could destroy our factories in Detroit, and return to the mother ship the same day. More and more, the question of locating muni- tion plants and airplane factories in interior points is being given consideration by military experts. The queston of anti-aircraft defense is likely to be discussed more widelynow than ever before. Certainly, the theory that anti-aircraft guns constitute a sufficient defense depends on the quantity of such weapons and the ability to locate them at all important points where air attack might possibly occur. The best defense against an enemy air force would Fem to be a powerful air force of defense with sufficient pursuit planes to scout and locate planes of the slower and heavier sort which are used for bombing. But, nowadays, it is not enough merely to have a set number of planes of all types-the factories themselves which can assure a steady supply of planes must be available and well-protected against air attack. Airplane Challenges Defense My informant, for instance, mentioned that England had long been urged to give attention to the building of airplane factories in Dominion areas, such as Canada, with the expectation that planes could be shipped in parts and as- sembled in England. More aircraft carriers for the navies of the world are undoubtedly going, to be needed as convoys to battleships or merchant ships. Indeed, the whole plan of national defense is undergoing rapid changes nowadays because of the intensive development of aircraft warfare on the European continent. Under such circumstances, America even with two oceans can no longer place reliance on a navy as the first line of defense. Not only is there as much need, but more need for naval power, because the new element-air attack- introduces different problems even for the United States as the non-stop cruising radius of air- planes is constantly being increased. With the development of a powerful combination of air- craft' carriers and supporting naval craft, no country, not even the United States, can be absolutely sure of its defenses unless it has more of the same thing than a potential enemy. Any- way, the Senate and House will have plenty to talk about when new armament is up for appro- priation next January. i t a I i The FLYING TRAPEZE - By Roy Heath - WILD FOWL NOTE To start this piece out "Al Dubbs caught a bird in the Engineer Arch" would do Mr. Dubbs an injustice. It might lead readers to believe that Al is an individual whom everybody dislikes and whenever opportunity. offers, they jump out and give him a "bird." It might even go farther than that for all I know. People might falli under the delusion that it is the thing to do to give Dubbs the "bird" and whenever they didn't have anything else to do, they could get together in groups of two or three and say "C'mon, let's go down and give Dubbs a 'bird'." You can't be too careful. Anyway, as I started to say, Delt Al Dubbs did catch a bird in the Engineer Arch. To be more exact about it, and forestall any possibility that Dubbs will be getting more than his quota of Bronx Banzais, he caught i perfectly live and healthy hen phea- sant. It was.Jast Friday morning and Dubbs was peddling his bicycle across the diagonal, minding his own busi- ness and thinking about lunch. Sud- denly a large fowl landed squarely in front of a pedestrian just emerg-. ing from the gloom of the archway. Dubbs slapped the brake on his bike, a dog in the vicinity began to bark, and the pedestrian, probably a pro- fessor convinced that it was some sort of student plot to do him in, took to his heels in search of a better route to wherever he was bound. Dubbs kept his head in the ensuipg clamor involving the yapping dog, which by then was in full pursuit of the fright- ened bird, the cheers of passersby, and the flapping of the pheasant which was putting on a nice exhibi- tion of broken field running. Al took off his raincoat and began to com- pete with the dog, without barking, however. With the betting 2 to 1 on the dog and the onlookers about evenly split in their sentiments, Dubbs pulled a quickie on both the dog and the preas- ant by throwing his coat over the be- draggled bird and, at the same time, shooting a sharp left foot to .the hound's ribs, taking him out of the play very neatly and allowing Dubbs to make fast his catch. The dog looked disappointed and hung around, just in case Dubbs decided to be sporting about the whole matter and make it two out of three. The first thing that came to Al's mind, was to take the hen home with him and have it with mashed pota- toes. At that the point, the shadow of the law stopped him. He didn't have a hunting license, he bagged the bird on state property and besides it wasn't pheasant season. After all that troubl he could never enjoy a pheasant din- ner without visions of stern game war- dens taking him away to "talk to th( judge" and people pointing to him anc saying "there goes that guy Dubbs He kills game out of season." Al turne( the pheasant loose. Yesterday it oc curred to him that he should have kept the hen until she laid an egg After all, he reasons, he had some thing coming. (Continued from Page 2) Ph.D. in English will be offered on the ~followingdas American Literature with Contin- ental Backgrounds, Wed., Oct. 19,1 7-10 p.m. English Literature, 1700-1900, Sat., Oct. 22, 9-12 a.m. English Literature, 1550-1700, Wed., 1Sat., Oct. 29, 9-12 a.m. English Literature Beginning, 1550 Oct. 26, 7-10 p.m. Those who expect to take the exam- ination should notify me. If there are any who expect to take the examina- tion under the old plan they should consult with me by Oct. 10. N. E.- Nelson. . Music Education Students. A com- prehensive examination in methods for both general and instrumental supervisors will be given Wednesday, Oct. 12, at 7 o'clock, third floor, Bur- ton Tower. Required of all graduate and undergraduate students who wish to obtain advance credit for methods or practice teaching taken at other institutions. Music Educaion Students. A sight-reading vocal and piano ex- amination for all music education students in general and instrumental supervision, who have not previously passed this reuirement, Room 600, Burton Tower, Wednesday, 7 to 10 p.m.: Last names: A to. G report 7 to 8 p.m.; H to O report 8 to 9 p.m. O to Z report 9 to 10 p.m. Reading Examinations in French: Candidates for the degree of Ph.D. in the department listed below who wish to satisfy the requirement of a " reading knowledge during the current academic year, 1938-39, are informed that examinations will be offered in Room 108, Romance Language Build- ing, from 2 to 5, on Saturday, Oct. "22, Jan. 14, May 20, and Aug. 12. It will be necessary to register at the office of the Department of Romance Languages (112 R.L.) at least one week in advance. Lists of books rec- ommended by the various departments are obtainable at this office. It is desirable that candidates for the doctorate prepare to satisfy this requirement at the earliest possible date. A brief statement of the na- ture of the requirement, which will be found helpful, may be obtained at the office of the Department, and further inquiries may be addressed to Mr. L. F. Dow (100 R.L., Tuesdays and Thursday at 9 and by appointment). This announcement applies only to candidates in the following depart- ments: Ancient and Modern Lan- guages and Literatures, History, Ec- onomics, Sociology, Political Science, I Philosophy, Educatidn, Speech, Jour- t nalism, Fine Arts, Business Adminis- e tration. Lectures University Lecture: Dr. Harold S . Diehl, Dean of Medical Sciences d University of Minnesota, will lecture - on the subject "Significance of th e Student Health Movement" at 4:1 - p.m., Friday, Oct. 14, in the Rackhan - Lecture Hall. The public is cordially invited. His lecture forms part o the program for the observance of th 25th Anniversary of the Health Serv u ice of this University. n e American Chemical Society Lecture - Dr. William Krumbhaar, of Reichol t Chemicals, Inc., Detroit, will speak 0] n "Formation and Destruction of : s, Paint Film," at 4:15 p.m., Wednesda3 Oct. 12, in the Chemistry Amphithe e atre. r- d Events Today s Varsity Glee Club: Report at 7:3 d p.m. today, Glee Club rooms. Fu S dress for Kiwanis banquet. n _ ie Mathematics Club: Will hold its fir to meeting of the year this evening a 8 p.m., in the West Conferenc s- Room of the Rackham Building (31 floor). Program: Election of officer ld Also, Professor W. L. Ayres will spea on "Transformations of Periodi ti Properties." .g n- Deutscher Verein: The first meetin ee of the Verein will be held tL or evening at 8 p.m. in the Michiga gr League. The program for the yeE will be discussed and election of of ficers will take place at this tin Everybody interested is invited1 - attend. All freshmen interested in singing are cordially invited tend a social meeting of the man Glee Club in Room 305 Michigan Union at 4:30 p.m. Rover Crew Meeting in Student Offices of Union tonight at 8 p.m. The Michigan Chapter of the Avu- kah, national student Zionist Or- ganization will hold an open meet- ing at the Hillel Foundation to- night at 7:30 p.m. Dr. Isaac Rabinowitz will lead a roundtable discussion on "Zionism-Pro and Con." Coming Events Graduate Students: President Ruth- ven and Dean Yoakum will speak at an assembly of the Graduate School on Wednesday evening, Oct. 12, at eight o'clock in the lecture hall of the Rackham Building. The assembly will be followed by an informal re- ception given by the President and Executive Board of the Graduate School. Members of the Graduate Student Council will conduct tours about the building, after which there will be informal dancing in the As- sembly Hall. Wives and husbands of graduate students are cordially in- vited. Cercle Francais: There will be an important meeting of the- Cercle Francais on Wednesday, Oct. 12 in Room 408 R.L. at 4 o'clock. Atten- dance is compulsory. choral to at- Fresh- of the today. .. _: I DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice touall members of the VWversity. Copy received at the ofice of the Assistant to the President -t113:30: 11:00 am. on Saturday. If unable to attend, please ,end a representative. La Sociedad Hispanica: The first meeting of the year will be held at the League on Thursday, Oct. 13, at 7:30 p.m. Plans for the coming year will be discussed, and a musical pro- gram will be presented% Members Ere urged to attend; all others interested are cordially invited. Alpha Lambda Delta: There will be a meeting of all Alpha Lambda Delta members initiated last spring, on Wednesday, Oct. 12, at 5 p.m. In the League. Room will be posted on the League bulletin board. International Center: Thursd ty, Oct 13. Four o'clock. Weekly tea. Friday, Oct. 14. Eight to eleven o'clock Recreation night Both the bridge and ping pong tournaments will continue. Saturday, Oct. 15. The first edu- cational tour for this semester. To Greenfield Village, Mr. Ford's out-of- door museum of American History. A special bus will leave the Center at 1 o'clock returning at 5:30. The trip will cost $1.00. Students wishing to join the tour should sign up on the bulletin board at the Center at once. Sunday, Oct. 16. Six o'clock sup- per sponsored by the International Council. Seven o'clock. Talk by Prof. Waldo Abbott, Director of the University Broadcasting Service on "The Use rf Radio in Education in Various Coun- tries." Union Tryouts: Sophomores inter- ested in trying out for Union Council positions, and who were unable to be at the last meeting, are asked to re- port at the Student Offices of the Union at 4:30 p.m., Wednesday, Oct. 12. Inter-Guild Morning Watch: All Protestant Students are welcome at the Inter-Guild Devotion Service which is held at the League Chapel each Wednesday morning from 7:30 to 8:00. 1 University of Michigan Flying Club: There will be a meeting of the Univer- sity of Michigan Flying Club, Thurs- ; day, Oct. 13, at 7:30 in the Michigan t Union. Election of officers for the e following year will be held, and I movies of the 1938 National Air Races will be shown. All pilots and . thosesinterested are invited to attend. Attention: Naval Architects and Marine Engineers-All Classes-You g are cordially invited to attend an s open meeting of the Quarterdeck so- a ciety which will be held Thursday r night, Oct. 13 at 8 p.m. in Room 348 - W. Engineering Bldg. Refreshments e. will be served and short talks will o be given by the professors of the Naval Architecture and Marine En- gineering departments. Come and Kawaga -- Japanese Lover Of Peace..- W HEN ONE READS of some new bar- barity of the Japanese imperialists in their collection of China, it is reassuring to re- member that at least one Japanese leader or- ganizes his forces not for war, but for peace. That leader is Dr. Toyohiko Kagawa, world-re- nowned exponent of the cooperative movement. Kagawa has devoted himself to the cause of peaceful cooperation between nations-a Chris- tian Internationale-while his country has turned more and more to methods of war. No Japanese hates war in general, and the present war in China in particular, more passionately than' Kagawa. He has said repeatedly, "I myself love China as I love Japan." To "work for peace in a warlike way" is against Kagawa's principles. His pacifist program is that, of non-resistant, non-violent conversion to peace. And a symbol of the success of his pro- gram is the fact that his name has long been on the militarists' assassination list. His work has been so well received by the Japanese populace the war lords dare not kill him, for his martyr- dom would be even more powerful for the Pause of peace than his vigorous efforts now Illegitimate son of a high-ranking Japanese official. Kagawa proved his sincerity to the poor when, as an adolescent, he renounced entirely his claims to higher society and went into the Shin- kawa of Kobe, probably the worst slums in the world. His experiences in that waterfront hovel made firm his resolution to seek an end to war and poverty. Although he studied at Princeton to become a minister, Kagawa soon discovered that, his prob- lem was not one to be solved by exhortation alone, but by an economic approach. His travels through England, Sweden and Denmark convinced him that international cooperation was the answer he had sought. Taking to Japan the idea of cooperatives, Kag- Tension In Europe Reports of the great European State banks, covering their operations of the last few weeks, give some idea of the commotion in the credit market when war over Czechoslovakia was still thought imminent. The reason for most of the changes is plain enough. During September the Bank of =England's notes in circulation, which, usually rise three or four millions sterling in that month, increased £25,670,000. Since no addition was made to the Bank's gold holdings and since deposits change little, the Bank's ratio of reserve to liabilities, which had been 30/ per cent at the beginning of September, fell to 13%/8 per cent -the lowest since 1925. The Bank of England can always restore equili- brium by purchasing gold for its reserve, as it did when Continental markets were absorbing its notes for hoarding purposes. It thus increased its gold holdings £127,000,000 in 1936 and 1937. But pressure on the Bank of France has been more troublesome. In the three last weeks of September its advances to the State, which had been station- ary=during five months, were suddenly increased 10,000,000,000 francs, or nearly $280,000,000. For this and other causes the bank's note circulation rose 21500,000,000 francs and, as ordinary dis- counts also heavily increased, its ratio of reserve to liabilities, whose minimum is fixed by law at 35 per cent, fell from 45% to 38%. Evidently the Government's expenditure for precautionary mobilization had a hand in this. The bank's posi- tion was the basis for recent reports of another franc devaluation. The German Reichsbank's showing for the period was not dissimilar. During September its note circulation expanded 1,155,000,000 marks; the outstanding total was 2,767;000,000 marks greater than a year ago. With its reserve little changed, the ratio of reserve to liability declined to the unprecedentedly low level of 1 per cent, rt should be remarked, however, that the Reichs- bank has apparently replaced with its own note: the circulation of the captured Austrian nationa: bank, while the gold holdings of $46,000,000 n thereabouts previously held by the Vienna insti- 1 t r S e s. * THAT MAN AGAIN , This is one -of those things you hear about every so often but seldom witness. However, I have it on th solemn word of my ace correspond ent in the Smith League house that i has turned up again. By "it" I mea that hardy perennial of funny stories "the man in the wrong house." According to the contributor,ph( was waiting in the League house par- lor a few nights ago when anothe person blew in the front door an bounded up the stairs just like it wa Old Home Week. Now there woul have been nothing unusual about th if the other person hadn't been a ma and a man going upstairs in a leagu house isn't quite cricket, according b the Dean's office. Before long screams and shouts is sued from the second story. My cor respondent prepared for action, ful convinced that all was not as it shou be. His preparations wre needless. Th visiting fireman hit the first landin on the bounce, negotiated the remain ing stairs like a man who just re membered where he could get a fr beer, and as he passed the front do he bawled out "Imustagotinthewron place." THE EXPERT Listening to snatches of convers tion dropped by people passing y on the street is an innocent and hig ly intriguing pastime. Being witho beginning or ending as the brok bits are, it is interesting to try a fit them into some intelligible line thought. Sometimes I catch a pie, which is so interesting that I a tempted to string along a few bloc just to see what the answer is. Su a course of action will sometimesg one into difficulty especially if t person happens to be walking alo and talking to himself, good look and feminine, or mistakes you for international spy. I remember o in San Francisco ... but that is other story. More Than A Joke Next to Mr. Ford's automobiles, WPA ,has probably been the source of more jokes than any other work of this generation. Yet in spite of all the jokes, there are millions who drive the descendants of the old flivvers, and fondly re- member them for the service they gave. And is it not possible that untold millions may a decade hence think fondly of what the WPA did for them? Is it not possible to take an impersonal, analy- tical view of WPA? Isn't it possible to rate it in values which can be secured rather than as waste of labor? And mainly, isn't it possible with widespread cooperation with WPA officials to make it prove a permanent benefit instead of a i t ou ,h_- )ut en nd of ace cks ch get the one ing _ an ace an- Student Senate will meet tonight at get acquainted 7:30 p.m. at the Michigan League. - The room number will be posted on Girl's Outdoo the bulletin board. The meeting is wienie roast on open to the general public, at 5:30 on Palm and any other The A.I.E.E. will hold its first regu- cordially invite lar meeting tonight at 7:30 in Room 305 at the Michigan Union. Professor Attention U Holland of the Electrical Engineer- Women: Ther ing Dept. Wvill speak on "Television."tat the Michiga All Electrical Engineers are invited. day afternoon, p.m. The eve Christian Science Organization: by Congress an 8:15 p.m. League Chapel Students will be admitte alumni and faculty are invited to at- ferred Everyo: tend the services.- *r Club is holding a Wednesday, Oct. 19 ner Field. All freshmen s girls interested are ,d. University Men and e will be a tea dance an League on Thurs- Oct. 13, from 4 to 6 ent will be sponsored nd' Assembly. Couples ed but stags are pre- me welcome. temporary headache? It seems to us that whether WPA is to be your pet peeve or a power house for good lies right in the lap of every individual in every locality. WPA is inevitable for some time to come. The I I I The Progressive Club, local Chap-