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October 09, 1938 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-10-09

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SUNDAY, OCT. 9, 1938





msg.== '

Edited and managed by students of the Universit of
chigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
udent Publications,
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iversity year and Summer Session-
Member of the Associated Press
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ember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38
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Board of Editors

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City Editor.
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Associate Editor
Associate Editor
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Sports Editor

. . . . Robert D. Mitchell
.Albert P. Mayio
Horace W, Gilmore
. . . . Robert I. Fitzheni'y
. . . . . S. R. Kleiman
.Robert Perlman
. . . . William Elvin
. . . . Joseph Freedman
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The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
lonorahk Peace-
n Quotations ..
orable peace". Still not disillusioned
by the way he was treated in Germany, disre-
garding Hitler's perfect record of repudiated
promises, he told the empire that war had been
averted. The wisdom of the Conservative Party's
foreign policy had been verified by later events,
he declared.
What are these later events?
1. "By constant German pressure (the Munich
accord) has now been converted to almost exact-
ly the terms of Hitler's Godesberg ultimatum,"
the Associated Press reports from Berlin.
Germany informed the international Sudeten
commission that "They could grant Germany
the new territories or Nazi armies would take
them-even at the risk of war." So, without a
plebescite, the Reich has been granted a. fifth
zone of territory far larger than any of the
others and reaching within 30 miles of Prague.
2. Berlin announced she would not consider
the Sudeten question settled until the Czech gov-
ernment made reparations for treatment of
Sudeten-Germans since 1918.
3. Patriotic President Benes was forced to re-
sin so that a new government, with a philo-
fascist as foreign minister, could make peace
with Germany-peace which will, undoubtedly
put her within the German sphere of influence.
4. A plan to partition Spain between the Franco
forces and the Republican Goverament had been
broache'd only to meet with indignant refusal
from Barcelona and the Spanish people.
5. Poland seized the rich Teschen district, leav-
ing her with 30 times the coal resources of
Czechoslovakia. Not satisfied with this, she an-
nounced that unless Prague ceded the Carpath-
ian-Ruthenian district to Hungary, relations
with Warsaw would be "unfriendly."
6. Russia broke her alliance with France,
leaving that nation stripped of central European
allies, surrounded by fascistic powers on three
sides and, according to reports from Europe,
now considered by Berlin as a second rate power.
7. In Palestine, German and Italian agents
fomented another serious rebellion against Brit-
ish rule, London announced she would be forced
to take "urgent military and diplomatic action"
to ease the situation.
8. A Conservative member of Parliament, liar-
old McMillan, bolted the party, declaring that
Cpmmons was being treated "more and more as
a kind of Reichstag just meeting to hear orations
and register decrees."
9. Edgar Ansel Mowrer, former Michigan stu-
dent who is now one of the most authoritative
of foreign correspondents, radioed his paper:
"The first concentration camp has been estab-
lished by the Germans on former Czech territory.
German Social-Democrats and their families are
fleeing for their lives before Nazi bands. Jews
are being brutalized and tortured and all the
other attributes of Nazidom are being realized
in the name of what certain British Conservatives
.Calledintice di('t'FrIhn p.11 tn.all Pn~ lf of1,~i

Light On Labor
IxdistriaI Peace .. .
O N THURSDAY, after a talk with the
President, Heywood 'Broun and Morris
Watson, representing the American Newspaper
Guild, reported that the President was consid-
ering setting up a special non-partisan commis-
sion to study the industrial battle front with a
view toward pacifying domestic labor relations.
A variety of problems should be encompassed by
this proposed investigation; it should include a
discussion of the differences that maintain strife
between labor factions as well as between labor
and industry in general and certain unions and
manufacturing concerns in particular.
However, while these plans are mulled over and
before we speculate about "a common basis" fy
the achievement of industrial "peace for our
time" it may be wise to consider the recent re-
port of the President's Committee of Nine, headed
by Gerard Swope of General Electric, on labor
conditions in Sweden and a previous report of
the same cqmmittee concerning the settled na-
ture of labor relations in Great Britain. The re-
sults of the investigations indicated, and upon
this the commit~tee unanimously agreed, that
labor disturbances in Sweden and Great Britain
have been reduced to a minium because both
employers and employees there unquestioningly
accept collective bargaining.
The President, hiiself, in an accompanying
note to the Committee's report, calls attention to
the fact that in spite of the entirely different
nature of the two countries surveyed, the "simi-
larity of approach" and the voluntary acceptance
of collective bargaining existing there are prac-
tically identical, and that these things are pri-
marily responsible for their settled labor condi-
The Swope Committee pointed out further that
the success of labor relations in Sweden is also
due to the fact that collective bargaining is not
conducted in terms of single plants and individual
corporations, but in nation-wide industries be-
tween employers' organizations, formerly used
to combat unionism, but which soon realized
that it was to their own advantage to accept
unionism, and strongly organized unions.
The Swope Committee report also states that
the closed shop is unknown in Sweden, it being
unnecessary when ninety per cent of the workers
are union members. Strikebreaking and the call-
ing out of the militia also have not existed since
1931 when public indignation against the use of
these weapons and the resulting violence in the
widespread lumber strike forced the discontinu-
ance of these means. The Committee also listed
social legislation such as old-age pensions and
unemployment and health insurance as great aids
in the reduction of inudstrial discontent.
conditions in Britain and Sweden and industrial
Froe the contrast between the settled labor
strife in this country, it seems the point can be
drawn and not stressed too much that peaceful
labor relations depend upon the wholehearted ac-
cept'ance by employers of unonism and collective
bargaining, not on the modification of the prin-
ciples underlying the present laws or establish-
ment of new ones. -Laurie Mascott
it t
American Society of Ancient Instruments, Ben
Stad director. 10:30-11:00 a. in., WWJ, WMAQ,
Madrigal Singers, Yella Pessl director. Madri-
gals and ancient harpsichord music. 11:30-12,
Charles Courboin, organist. Sonata for Organ
No. 2 of Mendelssohn, Cantabile (Cesar Franck),
Allegretto (de Boeck), Marche Religieuse (Guil-
mant). 12-12:30, CKLW.
Radio City- Music Hall Chamber Music Series.
12:30-1:30 KDKA WLW WOWO.
"Everybody's Music," Howard Barlow director.
3-4, WJR.
Bach Cantata Series, soloists, chorus, and or-
chestra, Alfred Wallenstein conductor. Cantata
114, "Ach, leber Christe, seid getrost." 8-8:30,

Ford Sunday Evening Hour, Bidou Sayao
soprano. Jose Iturbi conductor. Overture to The
Italians in Algiers (Rossini). Rosenkavalier
Waltzes (R. Strauss), New World Symphony
Finale (Dvorak); songs and the aria "Regnava
nel silenzia" from Lucia di Lammermoor (Doni-
zetti). 9-10, WJR.
Curtis Institute of Music, Frederick Vogelge-
sang violinist, Sol Kaplan pianist. Chromatic Fan-
tasy and Fugue (Bach), Chaconne n G minor
(Vitali), Nocturne in E major, (Polonaise in A
flat (Chopin), Magaguena, Introduction, and Tar-
antelle (Sarasate). 3-3:45, WBBM.
WOR Symphony Orchestra, Eric Delamarter
conductor. Overture to Russian and Ludmilla
(Glinka), Polonaise (Liapounow), "On the
Steppes" (Borodin), Scherzo in B flat (Moussorg-
sky), Danse de l'Amazone (Liadow). 9:30-10,
WOR Symphony. Orchestra, Joseph Coleman
violinist, Alfred Wallenstein conductor. Paganini
Concerto in D major, Beethoven Romance in F
major, Opus 50. 9:15-9:45 p. m. WOR.
WOR Sinfonietta, Alfred Wallenstein conduc-
tor. Concerto Grosso No. 1 of Handel, Sibelius'
Pelleas and Melisande. 8:30-9, WGN.
Toronto Promenade Symphony Orchestra,
Eileen Law soprono, Nicholas Massue baritone,
Sarah Barkin soprano, Reginald Stewart conduc-
tor. Operatic excerpts from Thomas, Gluck. Mas-
senet, Meyerbeer. Brizet, and Wagner. 9-10 p. n.,

ft feni o Me
H-eywood Broun
HYDE PARK, N. Y., Oct. 7-I am for the unity
of American labor. But before peace can be,
reached it will be necessary for us all to know
just what the shooting is about. And by "all" I
mean many who are members
neither of the American Fed-
eration of Labor nor the
It is my impression that
the average American is in-
clined to believe that the
quarrel between trades un-
ionists is wholly a personal
issue between the leaders of
two groups. This has no basis in fact.
I can hardly be accused of being a violent par-
tisan of William Green's, and I disagree violently
with many things which he has said and done.
And yet I am quite ready to admit that he repre-
sents, adequately; the economic and politicalj
philosophy of those who believe in the craft setup.
There is no great point in quarreling back,and
forth in headlines without getting a fuller picture
than can be obtained in such brief compass.
Recently we had excellent factual reports of
labor conditions in Great Britain and in Sweden.
Indeed, the average newspaper reader in this
country may very well know more about trade
union problems in those nations that he does
about the questions which disturb us here.
- ~* *
Fundamentals Different There
Out of these reports good may come. It is also
possible that the net result could be harmful. It
will be quite useless to make any attempt by legis-
lation, or otherwise, to solve American problems
wholly by the light of practices which obtain
where the fundamental conditions are very dif-
For instance, Sweden has no share-croppers.
The picture must be rounded out. And so I think
the time has come for President Roosevelt to ap-
point a fact-finding committee to report to
America on labor conditions here. I think that
this committee should make its report without
embodying any recommendations.
It may be said that this will be no more than
shadow boxing and that such information is al-
ready available to those who will take the trouble
to go to the nearest public library. As a matter
of fact, I think that the literature on current
labor problems is skimp. But if there were numer-
ous books which told the whole story it would not
be enough.
The average American still lives and dies by
his own daily paper. Naturally, newspapers deal
more with end results than with causation. A
strike may make the front page. And so will a
lockout. But the factors which brought about
this situation go largely unreported.
* *e *
An Indirect Approach
I speak for an indirect approach to labor unity,
because there is no indication yet that the Presi-
dent's message to the A. F. of L. has taken much
root in that organization, or in the C. I. O., either.
It seems to me that a good fact-finding com-
mission would not need to make specific recom-
mendations. The facts would tell the story. And I
do not see how any labor leader could possibly
stand out and say, "I want to continue without
the benefit of an informed public opinion."
Already I am on record as believing that the
proper growth of trades unionism ought to be
along vertical and industrial lines. Certain excep-
tions may be noted. But that is the trend which
will deliver the underprivileged from their pre-
I am wholly willing to stand by the facts which
may be brought out by any competent and im-
partial group of research men. If I am wrong I
will recant. But not without proof.
We need an educational campaign. We most
certainly need further demonstration of the fact,
which President Roosevelt has touched upon,
that there is a mutuality of interest between the
farmers and the industrial workers in large cities.
We must have peace. Let us have peace. But it

must be a peace based upon information and not
on prejudice and self-interest. I think that Mr.
Roosevelt will receive universal support if he
undertakes to bring out the truth. Let's have
that, and then we can go ahead.
The Editor
Gets Told .
Broun Fwo ir eakf st
To The Editor:
There are probably going to be a lot of com-
plaints about David Lawrence popping up in the
Daily and I want to be among the first to get my,
licks in.
Lawrence comes from Buffalo and I come from
Buffalo and one of my purposes in coming out
here was to get away from Lawrence and his in-
fluence. David has a very pernicious effect on
growing boys and girls. Now some very strange
people have come from Buffalo. Of course there
was Rex Tugwell, and there was a guy namedr
Wild Bill Something-or-other who ran on the
Republican ticket for Governor of New York a
few years back, his main recommendation being
that he had killed more Germans than any other

Last Week
European Turmoil
No. 1 topic on the tongue of the
world continues to be the Czech crisis
despite the hatchet a quadrumvirate
of international big-wigs is alleged to
have buried-some say in Czechoslo-
vakia's back. Europe doffed its gas
mask last week following the Accord
of Sept. 30 and reflected on the agree-
tion and acerbity of Alfred Duff Coop.-
ment concluded at Munich with the
following results: (1) Britain's 69-
year-old premier returned to a cha-
otic Commons; but triumphed hand-
somely in the vote of confidence on
his foreign policy despite the resigna-
tion and acerbity of Alfred Duff Coop-
er, First Lord of the Admiralty; (2)
Russia picked up its marbles and re-
tired to Moscow disgusted with Paris'
capitulation. The Paris-Moscow axis,.
Russian spokesmen announced, is a
thing of the past. (3) France, suf-
fering from the virtual collapse of her
popular front (73 Communist deputies
voted against the Daladier govern-
ment in its demands for plenary pow-
ers and 150 Socialists abstained from
voting after threatening to join the
Communist insurgency) desperately
thrust the olive branch in the face of
iussolini and Italy in a- 12th hour
attempt to form a new line against
Berlin's extraordinary ground gaining
plays. (4) President Benes, perhaps
the most popular man in Czechoslo-
vakia, resigned "inder foreign pres-
sure." Prague could make no com-
ment. Berlin would make no com-
ment. Germany, like a vast ocean,
continues to wash up on the Czech
island,diminishing the little country's



Room 408 R.L. at 4 o'clock. Atten- First Presbytcrian Church: 1432
dance is compulsory. Washtenaw Ave.
9:45 a.m., a class for sudents on the
Student Senate will hold its next ible will be led by Dr. V. P. Lemon.
meeting Tuesday, Oct. 11, at 7:30 10:45 a.m., "The World Within" is
p.m. at the Michigan League. The the subject of Dr. Lemon's sermon at
room number will be posted on the tudemorchir wrshipservice P he
bulletin board The ieetig is open Christian will take part in the service.
The musical numbers will include:

Puhlication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
URnierstty. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:,30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.
(Continued from Page 7) Golden Text: Jeremiah 30':17.
Sunday School at 11:45.
teresting research and exploration
during the summer. First Congregational Church: Cor-
ner of State and E. William. Minister,
Mathematics Club: Will hold its first Rev. Leonard A. Parr, D.D.
meeting of the year on Tuesday, Oct. 10:45 Morning Worship. The sub-
11, at 8 p.m., in the West Conference ject of Dr. Parr's sermon will be "The
Room of the Rackham Building (3rd Oe F Word s e. Miss Mary
floor). Program: Election of officers. Porter ,organist, will play Impres-
Also, Professor W. L. Ayres will speakSion No. III by Karg-Elert, and "Chor-
"nTransformations of PeriodicsinN.IIbKagEetand"hr
Popriessrd al-Varie" by Garbet. The chorus choir,
under the direction of Mr. Donn
Chown will sing "Bless the Lord, Oh
Deutscher Verein: The first meeting My Soul" by Ippolitoff-Ivanoff, and
of the Verein will be held Tuesday Mr. Chown will sing, "The Lord's
evening, Oct. 11, at 8 p.m. in the Prayer" by Mallot.
Michigan League. The program for :
the year will be discussed and elec- 1 6:00 There will be a meeting: of
the Student Fellowship at six o'clock
tion of officers will take place at this th t
time. Everybody interested is invited at which time supper will be served,
to attend. and after a short meeting the group
will proceed to Hill Auditorium to

Cercle Francais: There will be an
important meeting of the Cercle
Francais on Wednesday, Oct. 12 in

Graduate Students: President Ruth-
ven and Dean Yoakum will speak
at an assembly of the Graduate School
on Wednesday evening, Oct. 12, at
eight o'clock in the lecture hall of
the Rackham Building. The assembly
will be followed by an informal re-
ception given by the President and
Executive Board of the Graduate
School. Members of the Graduate
Student Council will conduct tours
about the building, after which there

hear the lecture to be given by Lloyd
C. Douglas.

area with an irresistible rythm of will be informal dancing in the As-
power. sembly Hall. Wives and husbands of
National Scene graduate students are cordially in-
As 9 loomsC~YC largeon he politicail

horizon, advancing conjectures and
guesses as to possible White House
occupants, New York State's Fall elec-
tions command the national spotlight.
With both parties in the Empire State
preparing to launch their campaigns,
observers agree the outcome will have
a great bearing on the 1940 situation.
New York has long been a key figure
in national affairs, and it is felt that
regardless whether or not an actual
presidential candidate emerges, the
results will be important as an oracle
of political prestige at the polls two
years hence.
Incumbent Gov. Herbert Lehman,
who has repeatedly said he would not
consider a fourth term, succumbed to
the unanimous wishes of the Demo-
cratic convention and Mrs. Lehman
at Rochester and agreed to head the
slate. At Saratoga Springs, the Re-
publican convention chose racket-
buster Tom Dewey to lead the party's
As both campaigns get under way,
the Democrats claim Dewey has for-
saken the trust of the people of New
York City by leaving his crime-pur-
ging drive unfinished; they maintain
that he is politically immature for the
job. The Republicans base their op-
position on the argument that Leh-
man has been in office long enough.
Politics And Labor
To William Green and AFL's con-
vention in Houston, President Roose-
velt dispatched a conciliatory note
calling for unity of labor and cessa-
tion of the AFL-CIO strife. Observers
saw in the Washington "Peace feel-
er" an offer to act as coordinator in
the three-year old schism. President
Green "appreciated the interest" of
Mr. Roosevelt, but thought nothing
could be done without an about face
from CIO's John L. Lewis. Heywood
Broun, Daily columnist and president
of the American Newspaper Guild, in
a talk with the President, suggests a
fact-finding board be appointed to
seek a peace between AFL and CIO..
Dr. Eduard Benes, resigned presi-
dent of Czechoslovakia, was offered
a visiting professorship at Brown
University. Dr. Henry M. Wriston,
head of the school, said that Benes
had been offered the position of visit-
ing Professor of International Rela-
In 1931, Arthur Toscanni, sym-
phony orchestra conductor, refused to
lead an orchestra in the playing of the
Fascist hymn, "Giovanezza." This
week, it remained a mystery as to
whether Toscanini has been refused
permission to leave Italy. Police re-
fused to confirm or deny reports, and
the maestro himself could not be
On Monday, Chief Justice Hughes
1opened a new term of the Supreme
Court witha stirring eulogy of the
late Associate Justice Benjamin N.
Cardozo. Said Justice Hughes: "Jus-
tice Cardozo's contributions to the de-
velopment of our jurisprudence made
his judicial career one of the most il-

t Phi Delta Kappa Members: A busi-
ness meeting at which all members
should be present will be held Monday,
Oct. 10, at 7:30 p.m. in the West Con-
ference Room on the third floor of
the Rackham Building. This meeting
is for the election of several officers
and the consideration of important1
amendments to the constitution.
. Tau Beta Pi: Dinner meeting Tues-
day, Oct. 11, at 6:15 p.m. in the
Union. Professor McClusky will speak.
League House Presidents Meeting,
Tuesday, Oct. 11 at 4:30 p.m. in the
League. If unable to attend, please
send a representative.
Senior Society Members: There will
be a regular meeting Tuesday at 7:15
in the League.
United Peace Committee will hold
its first meeting on Monday, Oct. 10,
E1938 at 7:30 p.m. at the Michigan
League. All organizations affiliated
with the U.P.C. are expected to send
two delegates. The general public
is invited. The agenda will include
the financial report, plans for the
fall regarding lectures, symposiums,
forums, etc., and a report on the
World Youth Congress held at Vassar
College during the summer.
University Girls' Glee Club: Tryouts'
will be held on Monday, Oct. 10 and
Tuesday, Oct. 11, from 3:30 to 5:30,
in the Michigan League for all per-
sons interested in joining the Glee'
Club. Old members please re-register
during these hours. The first regular
meeting will be held Wednesday,
Oct. 12, at 7:30 p.m. in the League.
Attendance is compulsory.
Perspectives: There will be a meet-
ing of the Book Review Committee on
Monday at 4 p.m.
The Michigan Chapter of the Avu-
kah, national student Zionist Or-
ganization will hold an open meet-
ing at the Hillel Foundation on Tues-
day, Oct. 11 at 7:30 p.m. Dr. Isaac
Rabinowitz will lead a roundtable
discussion on "Zionism-Pro and Con."
Disciples Guild (Church of Christ)
10:45 a.m., Morning worship, Rev.
Fred Cowin, minister.
12 noon, Students' Bible Class.
Leader, H. L. Pickerill.
5:30 p.m., Social Hour and Tea.
6:30 p.m.,"Miss Helen Topping will
address the Guild on "The Coopera-
tive Movement in Japan." The public
is invited.
First Baptist Church and Roger
Williams Guild, 9:45 Sunday. All
students of this group are invited to
a special class at the Guild House,
503 E. Huron. Mr. Chapman is the
teacher. The course will be a survey
of the origin and growth of the Bible.
It will be a factual study.
10:45 a.m. Morning worship at
church. Rev. Hugh W. Stewart, of
Stratford, Ont., will be the preacher.

Organ Prelude, "Mediation" by Bu-
beck; Anthem, "God is my Guide" by
Schubert; Anthem, "The Woods and
every sweet-smelling Tree" by West;
Organ Postlude, "Fantasia" by Bu-
5:30 p.m., the Westminster Guild
supper and fellowship hour to be fol-
lowed by the meetinghat 6:30. Rabbi
Bernard Heller of the Hillel Foun-
dation will speak on the topic "The
Contribution of the Old Testament
to Religion." All Presbyterian stu-
dents and their friends are invitedl.
First Methodist Church. Morning
worship service at 10:40 o'clock. Dr.
C. W. Brashares will preach on "The
Way of the Christ."
Stalker Hall. Student Class at 9:45
a.m. Prof. Carl Rufus will lead the
discussion on "Shintoism and Pa-
triotism in Japan.
Wesleyan Guild meeting at 6 p.m.
Prof. George E. Carrothers will speak
on "Training the Mind for Today's
Problems." Fellowship Hour and
supper will follow the meeting.
St. Aidrew's Episcopal Church:
Services of worship Sunday are: 8
a.m. Holy Communion, 9:30 a.m. Ju-
nior Church; 11 a.m. Kindergarten,
11 am. Morning Prayer and Sermon
by the Rev. Henry Lewis.
Episcopal Student Group: The stu-
dent meeting Sunday night in Harris
Hall will be addressed by the Rev.
Thomas L. Harris of Christ Church,
Cranbrook. The subject of his ad-
dress is "Values That Last." The
meeting is open to thepublic as well
as to all students. Mr. Harris will
speak at seven o'clock.
St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Liberty
at Third, Carl A. Brauer, minister.
Mission Sunday will be observed at
this church and guest speakers will
give the sermons and addresses. The
Rev. Walter E. Kutch of Holy Cross
Church, Detroit, will speak at 9:30
a.m. in German and at 10:45 a.m. in
the morning service on the Missionary
Prayer: "Thy Kingdom Come."
The Rev. Isadore Schwartz, Mis-
sionary Pastor of Emmanuel Hebrew
Lutheran Mission in the city of Chi-
cago will speak before the Student
Club at 6 p.m. and deliver the sermon
at the special evening service at 7
o'clock. His sermon topic is "God
Guided Men." A group of ladies
will serve a supper to the students at
5:30, All Lutheran students and their
friends are cordially welcome to take
t part in the day's program.
Unitarian Church: 11 a.m. Mr. Mar-
ley will speak on "Evolution or De-
9 p.m. Coffee Hour, Rev. W. P.
Lemon will lead a discussion, follow-
ing the address of Lloyd Douglas in
Hill Auditorium, on the question of
"The Clergy and Literature."
Trinity Lutheran Church: Church
worship services will be held at 10:30.
The pastor, Rev. Henry O. Yoder,
will deliver the sermon on "Privilege
enjoins Duty."
Zion Lutheran Church Worship
Services will be held at 10:30 with the
Rev. Ernest C. Stellhorn, pastor, de-
livering the sermon.
Lutheran Student Association spon-
sored by these two churches will meet
at 5:30 in Zion Lutheran Parish Hall.
Supper will be served at 6:00.
Am Arbor Friends (Quakers) will
hold their regular meeting for wor-
ship today at 5 p.m. at the Michigan
League. It will be followed by an im-
portant business meeting. All who
are interested are cordially invited to


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