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October 09, 1938 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1938-10-09

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. . .2 Duke .
. . . . . Colgate

.. . ......7 Cornell .
......... . Harvard

20 Michigan State .. 18 Northwestern .
. 0 Illinois Wesleyan 0. Drake......

.. 3
... 0

Santa Clara
Texas A&M

..... 7 Stanford.........8 UC.L.A.. .... 13,
...0. Washington State . 0 Washington .. . . . 0

- o .. ..


Trample Chicago,

45 To

7, In Big



. - _ _

Speedy Backs
Run Rampant
Over Maroons,

Started It

Southern Cal's
Trojans Upset
0.S.U., 14-7

Christy And Kiski Boys Flash Power Against Maroons

Seven Players Carry
Across Chicago's
Behind ASturdy


Siegel's Play Shines
(Continued from Page 1)
tackles and was the keyman at all
T h r e e backfield combinations
scored touchdowns for Michigan in
the first half. The first-Jack Meyer,
Harmon, Purucker, and Ed Phillips-
mar hed 56 yards in two plays for the
first score.
Chicago received the kickoff, failed
to gain, and Davenport punted out
of bounds on the Michigan 44.
After Marmon cracked left tackle
for 12 yards on the first play Puruck-
er came through with the initial coup
Purucker took the ball, moved past
the line of scrimmage when Harmon
neatly dumped Willis Littleford, Ma-
roon end, and veered into the secon-
dary. His blockers moved to the right,
and he cut straight down the middle
to elude Sollie Sherman, the safety
man, and complete his 44 yard touch-
down dash.

'Norm Purucker, senior halfback,
carried the ball on Michigan's see-
.ond play of the game and ran 44
yards for his team's first score in
the 45-7 victory over Chicago.
Now For Minnesota I


Hamity (c);



Kraemer Scores
Forest Evashevski, Paul Kromer
Fred Trosko, and Ed Christy took f
over in the second quarter with the
ball on the Chicago 25 yard line,. and
Kromer made it another score on the]
first play by circling right end and
cutting back to the left for a touch-
down. Blockers Valek, Evashevski,
and Jordan cleared the way. Valek's]
place kick for the point was low. f
A third backfield of Lou Levine, ]
Strong, Mehaffey, and Herc Renda
provided the impetus for the next
score. With a minute and 45 seconds
of the half remaining, Strong faded
and threw a pass to Ed Czak who
was standing on the goal line with
Levine. He almost lost the ball as the,
two men leaped simultaneously.
After Chicago had punted early in
the second half to the Michigan 41,
Hamon pounded over right tackle,
shot in the clear and escaped five
tacklers, all of whon had their hands
on him, for a 59 yard jaunt.
Three More
Michigan scored three times in the
final period. After a typically poor
Maroon punt from the end zone hacf
given Michigan the ball on the Chica-
go 30, Trosko, Kromer, and Christy
pounded away to the Maroon five,
and Trosko circled left end, escaping
the clutches of a diving Valorz for
the score.
Still Michigan marched-down the
field this time to the Chicago 31. Me-
haffey took the ball, slammed through
a tremendous hole in the center of
the line and drove straight down the
middle of the field for the 39th point.
Chicago's entire secondary was cut
down on this play.
"More, more, more," yelled the vic-
tory-starved crowd, and the break
came. With a minute and 20 seconds
remaining, Ralph Fritz recovered a
Chicago fumble on their 19 yard line.
Line plays moved the ball to the 14,

Score by periods:
Chicago,.'............0 7
Michigan............6 12

0 0- 7
7 20-45

Chicago scoring: Touchdown: Da-
venport. Point after touchdown Va'-
lorz (placekick)..
Michigan scoring: Touchdowns:
Purucker, Kromer (sub for Purucker),
Czak (sub for Nicholson), Harmon,
Trosko (sub for Harmon), Mehaf-
fey (sub for Phillips); Strong (sub for
Point after touchdowns ; Smick
(place kick); Brennan (place kick).
Jack Meyer (place kick).
Chicago substitutions: Ends, How-
ard, Harlan. Tackles, Stearns, Flack,
Bex. Guards; Howe, Sass, Wichman.
Centers; Plunkett, Cassels. Backs,
Bob Meyer, Ottomeyer, Crawford,
Michigan substitutions: Ends, Va-
lek, Czak, Gedeon, Nielson, Zielinski.
Tackles, Jordan, Kuhn. Guards:
Fritz, Sukup, Olds. Center, Tinker.
Backs: Trosko, Evashevski, Christy,
Kromer, Mehaffey, Levine, Strong,
Renda, Laskey, Luther, Kitti.
Referee: Lyle Clarno (Bradley?
Tech); Umpire: H. E. Hedges, (Dart-
mouth); Field Judge; Fred Young
(Illinois Wesleyan); Head Linesman:
Perry Graves (Illinois).
and with 18 seconds of play left,
Strong cut inside of left end and
dove across the last line.
Chicago had the ball at the end, but
all the Maroons had strength to do
was to go through the motions.
Fatigued and sore, Bob Meyer threw
one last desperate pass, but it sailed
askew into the stands as the gun
barked. It aptly typified Chicago's fu-

Lansdell, U.S.C. Quarter,
Returns Punt 83 Yards
For Score At Ohio
COLUMBUS, O. Oct. 8-(P)-Tradi-
tion and an alert Southern California
team wrecked Ohio State's hopes of
football glory here today before a
crowd of 62,578, the Trojans winning
14 to 7 although outgained in every
departmentof play.
Fumbles and intercepted passes
spelled Ohio's doom. The- alert Tro-
jans snagged three Buckeye bobbles
and added six pass interceptions. Ohio
gobbled up but one Trojan fumble
and did not get a hand on any of 14
aerials tossed by the westerners.
Score At Outset.
Grenville Lansdell, Trojan quarter-
back opened the scoring in the first
minute of play. He snagged a punt
from Co-Captain Mike Kabealo of
Ohio and threaded 83 yards through
a broken field for a touchdown. Phil'
Gaspar donned his magic kicking toe
to boot the extra point.
Ohio counted in the second period
when end Keith Bliss blocked Lans-
dell's punt on the 18 and recovered on
the one-yard line. Fullback Jimmy
Langhurst plunged over for the touch-
down a minute later and center
Charles Maag kicked the point that
tied the count.
Day To Krueger
The Trojans made the thrust that
won the game in the third period.
Oliver Day, who replaced Lansdell at
quarter, passed 18 yards to Stone-
braker, sophomore end, then fired a
touchdown pass from the 25-yard
line to Alvin Krueger in the end
Ohio had marched 79 yards in the
second period, but a place kick failed
with 16 seconds to play. In the last
period, the Trojans moved to the Buck
two-inch line after a pass intercep-
tion, but were checked by a stonewall
Statistics, outside of the all-im-
portant score, were all in favor of the
Bucks. Ohio made 14 first downs to
the Trojans' five and in all depart-
ments of play outgained the visitors,
318 yards to 234, but was impotent in
scoring range.
Wisconsin Routs
Hawkeyes 31-13
IOWA CITY, Oct. 8.-(P)-Wiscon-
sin's swashbuckling Badgers today'
issued a sharp ultimatum to future
Western Conferences foes that they
definitely must be counted in on the
championship race.
The Badgers crushed Iowa, 31 to
13, before 35,000 homecoming specta-
tors under a hot October sun. Iowa
rooters haven't seen an Iowa team
win a Big Ten game at home since
The Badgers scored first in the
opening quarter, added another in the
second and turned the game into a
rout with three sparkling touchdowns
before five minutes had elapsed in
the third period.

Paul Kromer, Ed Christy, and Howard 'Jeep' Mehaffey, were instrumental in Michigan's overwhelming
45-7 victory over Chicago. Kromer and Mehaffey, both Kiski boys scored touchdowns, Kromer accounting
for two. Ed Christy failed to do any scoring, but paved the way for several touchdown plays, with his
gains through the line.

Wolverines Of 40 Years Ago See
A New Edition Of Victory March

The famous Wolverine football
team of 1898, which won Michigan's
first Big Ten title by beating Chicago
to the tune of 12-11 in a hard-fought
battle, returner: yesterday and saw'
Michigan, 1938 edition, romp to a
45-7 decision over the Maroons.
The former Wolverine heroes had
nothing but praise for Fritz Crisler's
team which simply had too much
power for the beleaguered Chicago
Bennett Is Thrilled
J. W. F. Bennett, who captained the
team of '98, was all smiles as the last
Wolverine touchdown went up on the
scoreboard just before the final gun
sounded. Mr. Bennett, who now lives
in New York, makes an annual trip to
Ann Arbor every fall but for him the
combination of the. great Michigan
victory and "1898 Day" made this
year'strip the "best ever".
"My greatest thrill today came
when the band played The Victors
for our team," said Mr. Bennett. "It
reminded me of the day Chicago gave
us such a battle back in 1898. The
game was so much different then. No
passes, a minimum of long spectacular
runs, with mostly a lot of bruising line
play, that was the way we played the
game. But this game is much more
interesting to watch."
Substitutes Impress
"Crisler really has a fine team," Mr.
Bennett continued," and especially
interesting to me was theularge num-
ber of substitutes he could and did
send into the game. In our day we
were in worse shape when it came to
substitutes than Chicago wasctoday.



Then, however, we didn't have any
more injuries than they do today.
Asked who in his opinion showed
best for Michigan today Mr. Bennett
observed that "the all look good to
me" but added that Paul Kromer,
Tom Harmon, and Norm Purucker
were especially impressive.
Mr. Bennett refused to state
whether he would rather play the
game as it was played in his time or.
in the modern manner on the grounds'
that he doesn't know how it feels to,
be playing the game of today.
He would, however, like to try the
modern game because of its more,
wide-open type of play.
Kansas City Routs
Newark For TitleI
KANSAS CITY, Saturday, Oct. 8.1
-(P)-The Kansas City Blues, today,
took the deciding game of the Little
World Series from Newark, 8-4, when
they overcame a four-run deficit to
depose the 1937 minor league champs
from their throne.
Kansas City took the series, four
games to three, after being down three
games tb two in the series between
two clubs which are both the property
of Col. Jacob Ruppert, owner of the
New York Yankees.
In their series with Indianapolis,
and St. Paul the Blues were also
forced to come from behind to win
their playoff berth.
Sixteen hits were collected by Kan-
sas off three Newark pitchers, while
the Blues also used three pitchers
who yielded ten hits.

Michigan State
Hard Pressed
To Win, 18-0.
Defeat Illinois Wesleyan
When Reserves Click
During Second Half

Gophers Beat
Purdue, 7-0;
Moore St ar s
Minnesota Gets Seventeen
First Downs And Checks
Boilermakers' Attack
MINNEAPOLIS, Oct. 8.- (A) -
Minnesota opened its 1938 Big Ten
title bid by defeating Purdue, 7 to 0,
before 52,000 persons today, but the
gallant Boilermakers fought so stub-
bornly that the Golden Gophers'
famed power attack needed almost
three complete periods to produce the
winning score.
So unyielding were Purdue's stal-
warts that Minnesota got 17 first
downs and vast stretches of yardage
before Fullback Christiansen blasted
over from the one-yard line with sec-
onds to play in the third quarter.
Purdue Folds
After that the Boilermakers with-
ered and the Western Conference
champions smashed to a first down
on the Purdue five. But Coach Mal
Elwards' squad braced and took the
ball on its own one-yard line.
The Indiana huskies asserted their
defensive strength in the opening pe-
riod, turning back a Minnesota drive
on the Purdue 15 from where Quarter-
back George Faust missed a field goal.
It was another big day for Minne-
sota's brilliant halfback, Wilbur
Moore, and it was no fault of Moore
that the Golden ,Gophers didn't get
some toudhdowns earlier in the game.
The rugged Minnesota senior was just
as hard to stop as he was in the Wash-
ington and Nebraska contests.
Gophers Stop Attack
Purdue's attack was thoroughly
checked both by land and by air. The
Boilermakers made only one first
down-in the last period-and got no
closer to Minnesota's goal than the
45 yard line where they quickly yield-
ed the ball. Purdue's fast backs were
stopped cold. They were in position
to pass so seldom that only two for-
wards were attempted, both unsuc-
Halfback Louis Brock's great punt-
ing was a major factor in nullifying
Minnesota's tremendous yardage. He
kicked one 75 yards over the safety
man's head to the Minnesota two yard


EAST LANSING, Oct. 8.-(0)-The
Spartans of Michigan State College
stumbled back onto the victory trail
here today, grasping an unimpressive
18 to 0 win over an under-rated Il-
linois Wesleyan team.
State's line failed to -show much
improvement over its performance in
the Michigan game while the Titan
line checked the Spartan running at-
tack and held the favorites scoreless
in the first half.
Coach Charley Bachman's second
string starters were stalled completely
in the first period and it was not until
the varsity took over in the second
period that the State attack began
to click. The varsity hung up no
tallies but paved the way for what
followed: By 'wearying the eleven
from Bloomington, Ind.
The Spartan second team went intc
the fray in the third :quarter anc
opened a passing attack. Forwards
from Ciolek to Diebold and to Pearce,
together with off-tackles slashes by
the same Ciolek and Peace, brought
the ball to the Titan nine, from which
point Ciolek rounded his own right
end for the first touchdown. Pearce',
attempted place kick was low.
Later a short Wesleyan punt gavE
the Spartans the ball on the Titan 40
Jerry Drake, third string substitute
passed to Dave Diehl for 13 yards


left wall to the 22. On the next play
Drake went over. Pearce again failed
to convert.
The final marker came in the last
quarter. Budinski, another third-
stringer, took the ball after a series
of passes and line plunges had ad-
vanced State to the Wesleyan 22, and
knifed off tackle for 12 yards to the
Titan 10. The old State end-around
play enabled third stringer Black-
burn, an end, to score. Drake's kick
was blocked by Hoswell.
The spectators got only a glimpse
of State's ace, halfback Johnny Pin-
gel. After he and Steve Szasz picked
up 26 yards on three plays, Pingel
broke away and raced 50 yards before
he was downed. The Mt. Clemens
veteran was yanked with the rest of
the regulars and saw little action.

then sneaked through a hole in his

... the shortest thing in
the world is not a






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