1 Weather Fair, not so cool in north today; tomorrow cloudy, unsettled Yt e 5k igait .*. VOL. XLIX. No. 13 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, OCT. 9, 1938 ___ _ i Duce's Assent To LeaveSpain Is Held Lead To New Truces Chamberlain's Success Is Said To Be Far Greater' Then Non-Interventions Over 10,000 Italians Will Leave Spain LONDON, Oct. 8-1P)-Ita y's move toward abandoning the Spanish civil war to the Spaniards today gave Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain prelim- Wary grounds for sealing the long- dormant Anglo-Italian Pact and for reaching out for a wider general ap- peasement.' A communique from the Salamanca headquarters of Insurgent Generalis- simio Francisco Franco, published in Rome, announced release of Italian troops having more than 18 months' service with the Insurgents and called the withdrawal "substantial." Whatever the number-estimated at 10,000-the withdrawal may meet the terms which Chamberlain is un- FOREIGN NEWS AT A GLANCE (By Associated Press) ROM--Italy clears way for" friendship with Britain and France" by arranging to withdraw part of Italian troops from Insurgent7 Spain; estimated 10,000 soldiers to be recalled. LONDON-Anglo-Italian accordl and Prime Minister Chamberlain'sf hopes of general European ap- peasement move nearer realiza- tion through. Premier Mussolini's troopwithdrawal. PARIS-Premier Daladier con- fers with former Socialist Premier Blum and Labor Leader Leon Jou- haux in effor to block Communisti plan to, wreck government by resurrecting People's Front. BERLIN--Adolf Hitler leaves Sudetenland for Saar valley for Sunday spee h; -expected to voice another gesture of friendship to- ward France; government revokes all German passports held by Jews. VIENNA--Nazi crowd smashes windows in Theodore, Cardinal In- nitzer's palace, invade his offices In revenge for Catholic demonstra- tion Friday night; Cardinal slight-f ly injured by splintered glass. PRAGUE-Gloom' and resent-7 ment mount as German and Polish1 troops push farther into republic; negotiations on Hungary's territor- ial and minority demands start today (Sunday) . MEJICO CITY-Supreme Court dismisses appeal of British and American oil companies against March 18 expropriation.j LONDON-King George VI and Queen Elizabeth to visit Canada next summer; official quarters silent on prospects of United States visit by royal pair. HANKOW-Chinese acknowl- edge Japanese- cut Peiping-Han- kow railway; Japanese report new gains on other fronts. HENDAYE - Fourteen Ameri- cans freed after long imprisonment by Spanish insurgents; exchanged for similar number prisoners cap- tured by government forces. derstood to have held necessary for the "Spanishhsettlement" upon which hinges operation of the Easter Anglo- Italian pact. If the withdrawal was arranged for at Munich between Chamberlain and Premier Befiito Mussolini, as many here believe, the Prime Minister ac- complished a task there which the International Non-Intervention Com- mittee has been working on vainly for two years. The Rome move today did not, how- ever, touch the more important prob- lem of Italian technicians and avia- tors fighting in Spain and the ques- tion of Italian munitions, all of which Britain wants taken out of Spain and Italy wants kept there. The Italian decision was welcomed in London but the Earl of Perth, the British Ambassador to Rome, is ex- pected to continue pressing Foreign Minister Count Galeazzo Ciano to promise to cease all aid to Spanish in- surgents before Parliament re- assembles Nov.1. It was expected Chamberlain then might ask Parliament to approve ap- plication of theEAnglo-Italian agree- ment. In return for Italy's withdrawal of troops, Britain already is prepared, to- afi, n wiI h 'a np fn rr.n ~t farm ci Choir Singing To Open 14th Radio Season The University Broadcasting Ser- vice under the direction of Prof. Wal- do M. Abbot will inaugurate its 14th season on the air today with two broadcasts. The first of these is "Join the Choir" under the direction of Dr. Joseph E. Maddy, Profesor of Radio Music Instruction, which will be presented from 9 to 9:30 a. m. over radio station WJR from the Morris Hall studios. . At 12 noon, Prof. Felix G. Gus- tafson of the botany department will deliver a talk on "The Forcing of Flower Bulbs in the Home" over WJR on the Indoor Garden program. This program will be replaced by a marital relations clinic beginning Sunday, Oct. 23. Professor Maddy's "Let's Sing" pro- gram will be from 3 to 3:30 p. m. Mondays over WJR. These consist of classes in elementary singing designed for schools and for adult listeners. A student chorus will 'sing familiar songs, phrase by phrase, from the "Golden Book of Songs" whic is used rather generally by schools through- out the state. Book reviews of fiction, travel and biography .which are listed in dollar editions will be presented on the "Books to Fit Your Pocketbook and Mood" over WMBC from 3:45 to 4 p. m. Mondays. At 6:45 every Mon- day, Wednesday and Friday over the same station, Clinton Conger, '38, Step} en Filipiak, '39, and Burton Benjamin, '39, will give resumes of sports. The nation from coast to coast will hear Professor Maddy's "Music Mak- ers" from 12:45 to 1 p. m. Tuesdays over the Red Network of the National Broadcasting Program. This is the first time that a University has been allowed to originate continual pro- grams over a big hookup. At this time (Continued on Page 2) Technic Opens Sale Tuesday Interview Of Prominent Engineer Is Feature The October issue of the Michigan Technic will go'on sale at 8 a.m. Tues- day, the first issue of the 57th year! of continuous publication, Walton Rodger, '39E, editor, announced yes- terday. Headlining this month's issue will be an article "Research" by C. G. Kirkbride, '29E, Assistant Director of Research of the Pan-American Oil Co., the first of a series designed to acquaint engineering students with the various branches of industry. An- other series devoted to interviewing prominent engineers will also have its inception in the October issue, Rodger said. The first will be with Mr. Wil- liam B Stout of "Stout Scarab" fame. The Technic which was named "Number One" engineering magazine in the country last year, has ap- peared continuously since 1882, is the oldest engineering college magazine in the country and is the oldest publi- cation on the Michigan campus, Rodger said. Government's Spendm Peak Seen In Spring Most Of Work-Producing Projects To Be Started By The First Of January Maximum Payroll Will Come In April WASHINGTON, Oct. 8.-44)-Fed- eral statisticians charted a spring peak today for the business stimula- tion efforts of the current spending program., By Jan. 1, they said, most of the work-producing projects should be under way and by April 1 the maxi- mum payrolls on Federal andFed- erally-financed projects should be at- tained. Not counting themulti-million dol- lar lending activities of the Recon- struction Finance Corp., the Govern- ment proposes to spend $9,000,000,000 this fiscal year-the largest peace- time budget in history ge Actual disbursements so far since July 1, the beginning of the fiscal year, amounted to $2,398,511,000, which was $906,926,000 in excess of income. From July 1 to Oct. 6 last year, expenditures were $2,100,553,000 and the deficit only $359,198,000. By next June 30, the deficit for this year is scheduled to reach $4,000,000,000. Aside from the ordinary activities of the Government the bulk of the huge budget this year is going into WPA payrolls, PWA projects and Naval construction. WPA, by spending $598,495,000 in three months, has built its rolls from 2,806,000 to a record high of 3,120,036. At this time last year, the relief rolls were under 2,000,000 and the cost had been only $354,703,000. The WPA roll is expected by some authorities to rise gradually to about 3,200,000 during the winter and slack- en off in the spring when, they say, the combined influence of better busi- ness and seasonal jobs should provide private employment for many now on work relief. Before WPA spending starts taper- ing off, however, Public Works Pro- jects should be picking up momentum. Student Senate Petitions Due; Ticket Sales Hold Over 'Mayerling' Showing "Mayerling," the French film version of the love story of Arch- duke Rudolph of Austria and Ma- rie Vetsera will be held i over at he Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre for a final presentation at 8:15 p.m. tomorrow, it was announced last night by Mitchell Raskin, '39BAd, of the Art Cinema League. The picture starring Charles Boyer and Dannielle Darrieux has already drawn a larger audience than any other brought here in the history of the Art Cinema League, according to Raskin. He said that more than 500 prospective ticket-buyers were turned away at the box-office Friday and Satur- day as a result of a sell-out both those nights. "Mayerling" received the New York Critics' Award as the best foreign film of the year. All-Time High In Enrollment Is Registered 11,366 Tops 1937 Total; 4.7 Per Cent Decrease In LiteraryCollege An all-time high in University en- rollment was assured yesterday when figures released by Miss Marian Wil- liams, University statistician, showed a total of 11,366 students enrolled to date. The final first semester en- rollment in 1937 was 10,964, a Univer- sity record. Men retain their traditional plural- ity over women, 8,075 being registered as against 3,291 women. The most striking changes in figures from last year occured in the literary college where 217, less students than last year, a 4.7 per cent decrease, enrolled, and in the engineering college which showed a 10.3 per cent gain over last year with 192 more students regis- tered. 2,117 Graduate Students The figures showed 2,117 enrolled in the Graduate School, an increase of 17 per cent over last year's figure of 1,- 809. The rost marked gain occured in the School of Nursing where 254 enrolled to chalk up a .30.9 per cent gain over last year's total of 194. In comparative figures for men's and women's enrollment, this year l 382 more men were registered for an increase of five per cent, while 139t more women than last year were reg- istered for an increase of 4.4 per cent. Total Figures Given Other school and college figures are: Medicine, 473 as against 484 last year; Law, 606 as against 539; Phar- macy, 75 as against 71; Dentistry, 168 as against 159; Architecture, 314 as against 320; Education, 389 as against 339; Business Administration, 159 as against 138; Forestry a'nd Con- servation; 176 as against 164; and Music, 246 as against 234. The total figure for this year is 521 more than for last year, an increase of 4.8 per cent. Freshmen Will Continue Talks On Personality The acquisition of desirable person-, ality traits will be discussed by H. Y. McClusky of the education school at a second in a series of freshman roundtables to be held at 4 p.m. to- day at Lane Hall. After his talk the group will be divided into small discussion groups to be led by upper classmen. This method of discussion is followed in order to permit every member of the audience to present his point of view and to facilitate informal conversa- tion. In his talk last week Mr. McClusky named three undesirable personality types; the cynical, unsmiling pseudo- sophisticate, the bossy domineering dictator and the non-sensitive egotist. The sympathetic listener and the posi- tive, appreciative types ,he stated, are generally very well liked. Good personality traits in them- selves are not sufficient to insure pop- ularity, according to Mr. McClusky, but the manner in which they are mingled 'is an important factor. In his speech tomorrow, he will explain the techniques for developing a pleas- sing personality. Sneech Fraternity Powerful MVichigan Attac CuhsHpes Crushes Hapless MarooE Wit Seen oulehdowE Friday For Is Entry Deadline Future Members Nominating' petitions for the 16 vacant positions in the Student Sen- ate will be accepted 4 to 6 p.m. all this week, Monday through Friday, in Lane Hall, Edward Magdol, '39, di- rector of elections, announced yester- day. Petitions must contain the signa- tures of at least six students, must be accompanied by a 50-cent regis- tration fee and University certificates of eligibility, Magdol said. Nominees' names will be printed on the ballots in the order in which the applications are received, and they may include designations not to exceed three words, the election's head explained. Anyone But FDR Is Consensus Of Opinion, Reporters Discover Editor's Note: Three times a week, Morton L. Linder and Harry L. Sonne- born will present thi~s cross-section of campus opinion on topics of general interest. Persons questioned are chosen at random by the reporters. THE QUESTION: Whom would you suggest as the best possible candidate for President in, 1940, regardless of party? THE PLACE: Angell Hall steps. THE ANSWERS: Prof. Paul Cun- cannon, political science department: "From the men who probably will be available in 1940, probably the best fitted man will be Sen. Arthur A.. Vandenberg. Vandenberg's 10 years' experience on the two most important committees in the U. S. Senate- Foreign Affairs and Finance-have given him a real grasp of public prob- lems. He is an exceptionally well-bal- anced individual and has his feet on the ground. "In the event that he wins in Nov- ember, in Pennsylvania, and he prob- ably will, Judge Arthur H. James will loom up as a strong contender. Of n th¢ T]Prnratc_ Rp (Ca'rfMif ssnri that business men in general would be able to have some confidence and dependence upon future governmental activity. Clarence Klopsic, '41:. "Thomas Dewey--aggressive, fearless, ambi- tious. The remarkable job this Michi- gan man has done in cleaning up crime and rackets in New Yo'k proves, I think, his ability. I have no doubt that he would bring this same fear- less driving force to the White House." Rhoma Heal, '41: "I would suggest 'Pretty Boy' Paul V. McNutt. He has a lot of experience along the line of politics and I believe he would be sincere in trying to do his best for the good of the people. Incidentally, he is from Indiana." Jeanne Abraham, '42: "Anyone but Roosevelt. Why not give Hoever a chance? He did his best when he was in office and I'm sure he could do even better now." Maurice Hoffman, '39: "I favor the re-election of President Roosevelt. My conviction may best be ex- I