THE MICUIGAN DAILY P DB 1 tJ his church and guest speakers will ley will speak on "Evolution or De- P races R Hl lt "TCu Ave the sermons anti addresses. The volution.'} Srev. Walter E. Kutch of Holy Cross 9 p.m. Coffee Hour. Rev. W. P. U ponCongress Are Po t e n Lia 1 Church, Detroit, will speak at 9:30 Lemon will lead a discussion, follow- a,m. in German and at 10:45 a.m. in ing the address of Lloyd Douglas'in the morning service on the Missionary Hill Auditorium, on the question of Rail Head Says Wage Cut O m j etter Prayer: "Thy Kingdom Come." "The Clergy and Literature." The Rev. Isadore Schwartz, Mis- Forced By Inaction With three and one half miles of sionary Pastor of Emmanuel Hebrew Trinity Lutheran Church: Church bomb-proof shelter nestling beneath Lutheran Mission in the city of Chi- worship services will be held at 10:30. WASHINGTON, Oct. 7.- ()--A bm-rjfsetr etigseet ago will speak before the Student The hpastor, Uiest aps tdnsne lbat6pmRn eie h emnwl ei e v. eron r ivYleg, the University campus, students need wilillpakbfreteStdn Thepastr, Rhev enry n"rvg blunt-spoken railroad executive who have no fear of foreign invaders, if Club at 6 p.m. and deliver the sermon wdeiv Dt s" rose from the ranks said today rail- , ver such a fear should become prev- . sal eei service d ein DutC h r road imanagements decided upon a alent. o'clock. His sermon topic is "God Zion Lutheran Church Worship 15d cntagemesduci on a fail The potential bomb-proof shelters Guided Men." A group of ladies Services will be held at 10:30 with the 15 per cent wage reduction after fail- consist of a system of tunnels, large will serve a supper to the students at Rev. Ernest C. Stellhorr. pastor, de- ii; teo obtain relief at the last session cough for a man to walk through, 5:30. All Lutheran students and their livering the sermon. of Congress. containing 15 to 20 miles of pipes friends are cordially welcome to take Lutheran Student Association spon- H. A. Enochs, chairman of the com- which bring heat and hot water to part in the day's program. sored ,b these two chturches will meet mittee representing the major rail- University buildings and dormitories, at 5:30 in Zion Lutheran Parish Hall. roads in negotiations with Labor, re- Th ntrlheting system located Unitarian Church: 11 a.m. Mr. Mar- Supper will be served at 6:00. ted this in picturesque language to on Washington and Huron Streets, resident Roosevelt's emergency fact- furnishes heat to approximately 100 riding board. buildings, according to Irving W. The husky,dred-faced executive, who nmettner, maintenance inspector for gan railroading as a baggage man, the Buildings and Grounds depart- Id his story under questioning by ment. ean James M. Landis of Harvard Before the boiler plants were used, aw School, one of the three board each campus building contained wood embers. burning stoves and it was the job of "I want to know who were the men the janitor to get these heated upI ho decid'ed this," Landis said. early in the morning, before the stu- "There's no secret or myster# about dents arrived. The present power " Enochs replied, adding that a house with its intricate tunnel sys- oup of sub-executives met last tem was built,23 years ago. The build- arch and decided wages should come ing was located in a hollow so that wn 15 per cent. water returning from the steam radi- i -ators would have a natural flow. About 38,000 tons of coal are used evr year for heating purposes, Mr. do-op Adopts ~ a r be seddy b wt __40-p Ado ts Tuettner said. At present, about 90 Personnel Plan the advent of cold weather, the rate will go up to about 260 tons. The tunnels range from about six to ew System Will Offer ten feet in height and from five and Stiidents Exerience onehalf to eight feet in width. Sev- U[ S pereral pipes are suspended from. the walls. Entrances are located in every A new plan for choosing the pur- building but are barred by steel doors asing agent, personnel manager, to prevent inquisitive students from id treasurer of the Michigan Wol- getting into trouble. Several years rine, students' cooperative cafeteria, ago, Mr. Truettner recalled, groups of is been adopted by the executive high school students managed to get ard to displace the comparatively into the tunnels. They were dis- iphazard method by which these covered about eight hours later wan- sitions have been filled in the past. dering around aimlessly in the maze The system provides for a training of passageways searching for the en-l urse by which candidates for posi- trance through which they had come. I Classified Directoryif FOR RENT FOR RENT-Attractive well-furn- ish room for faculty member or upperclassman. No other roomers. Garage. Phone X808. 117 ,FOR RENT-First class single and double, price reasonable. New beds] and desks. 1117 S. Forest. 36 FOR RENT-Garage for rent. Vicin- ity South University. Washtenaw. Forest Ave. Phone 5929.W hn113 FOR RENT910 Packard. Nice single room. Very reasonable. Phone 7551. 111 FOR RENT-DeLuxe house trailer, 21 feet, sleeps four, owned by faculty man. Attractive rates for winter or semester. Phone 4567. 108 FOR RENT-Rooms for boys, 2 blocks from campus, stores. One block from movies. Single at $4 per week, suite at $3.50 per week. Roomy. Call 2-1767. 110 FOR RENT-,Suite of two rooms for men students, comfortably furn- ished, warm; continuous hot water; garage available. 309 N. University. Phone 8876. 92 FOR RENT-Very attractive double' Sigma Rho Tau Debating ing, Interior Decorating, Aviation, Cocking, Salesmanship and Mer- chandising. Registration Fee. Ann Arbor High School. For further in- formation call 5797. 81 LAUNDRIES LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned. Careful work at low prices. 9 LAUNDRY-Students' laundry. Shirt 12c. We call for and deliver. Phone 4863 for other prices. Mrs. Richards. 72 SILVER LAUNDRY 607 Hoover . Phone 5594 Free pickups and deliveries Price List All articles washed and ironed. Shirts..... 12 Undershirts:. ............ . .04 Shorts..... , ........... .04 Pajama Suits ............... .10 Socks, pair .......... . ....... .03 Handkerchiefs,......... .....02 Bath Towels................03 All Work Guaranteed klso special prices on Coed's laun- dries. All bundles done separately. No markings. Silks, wools our specialty. FOR SALE FOR SALE - Underwood portable typewriter. Excellent condition; reasonably priced. Call 4920 between 6 and 7 p.m. 100 FURNITURE FOR SALE - Chairs and tables suitable for fraternity or rooming house purposes. Sturdy and in good condition. Priced to sell at once. Call 8590, 1811 Wash- tenaw. FOR SALE Latest Dance Records Victor and Brunswick 40c Decca and Blue Bird 20c MURRAY, 736 S. State Ph. 2-1777 WANTED .. TYPING VIOLA STEIN-Experienced typist. Reasonable rates, 706 Oakland. Phone 6327. 10 TYPING-Experienced. Miss Allen, 408 S. 5th Ave. Phone 2-2935. 79 MISCELLANEOUS WASHED SAND and Gravel, Drive- way gravel, washed pebbles. Killins Gravel Company, Phone 7112. 17 MEN-Hair cutting and scalp' treat- ment by Don Rogers. For appoint- ment 4818. Groomwell, 1205 South University. 115 Schedule Is Announced or single room in private home forj graduate or working girl, or teach-E The schedule of debates for Sigma er. Phone 8321, 839 Tappan. 1031 Rho Tau, engineering speech society, LOST and FOUND was announced yesterday by Profgs-. sor Robert D. Brackett, adviser. Argu- LOST-A Delta Kappa Epsilon fra-1 ing on the question, "Resolved, That ternity pin Saturday in vicinity of government policy of developing na- Pretzel Bell. Call 2-2547. Reward. tional water power sites is sound," 101 the society will meet Wayne Univers- -- .ty on Oct. 20, the University of De- LOST-Sigma Phi Epsilon pin at troit on Nov. 15, University 'of Toledo League Saturday. Reward. Call on Dec. 6, and The Detroit Technol- 2-3189 immediately. 114 ogy School on Jan. 13. LOST-Will the person who picked up slide rule, marked W. M. K., at D Ferry Field Ad. Building on Oct. 7 DAILY OFIC IALcall Kendall. Tel. 6980. Reward of- JI fered.A 116 BULLETIN - .- LOST-Hamilton rist watch in' (Continued from Page 4) Union washroom Friday. Reward. Call Irl Brent, 2-3297. 1181 NOTICES ENROLLMENT in Public Evening School classes Monday evening, Oct. 10th. Classes ir. Shorthand, Typing, Bookkeeping, English, Mathematics, French, German, Spanish, Citizen- ship, English for Foreigners, Art, Public Speaking, Sports, Piano, Sewing, First Aid, Home Nursing, Photography, Woodwei"K, Drama- tics, Lip' Reading, Mechanical Draw- 1II' Read and Use The Michigan Daily Classified Ads. UNION CONCERT of REMAINING TICKETS will begin TICKETS Sale" I MONDAY MORNING, OCTI 10lt h at 8:30 at the Office of the School of Music, Maynard Street + f- Rmenn Tirlc g (with -$2 O Mrv Pn#iv4 Cni innr I I