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October 06, 1938 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-10-06

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.....a ... .


ling Pitches

Dickey Equals
Classic Mark
With Four Hits
Dean Will Oppose Gomez
Today In Bold Attempt
To Upset Yankees
WRIGLEY FIELD, Chicago, Oct. 5.
-(AP)-Everything a championship
team must have to win great games
-power, pitching, superb fielding and
that intangible something called luck
combined to send the mighty New
York Yankees off victorious in their
first quest for a third straight, rec-
ord-breaking sweep of World Series
baseball plunder this chill, blustery
Before a near record crowd of 43.-
642 customers, who packed every nook
and cranny of the remodeled sta-
dium, the Yankees chilled the hot
Chicago Cubs, 3-1, in the opener.
They beat the best Gabby Hartnett
and his gallants had to offer, belting
their pitching pride, General Bill Lee,
for 12 hits, four of them by catcher
Bill Dickey, who equalled a series
Dean Vs. Gomez
The defeat left the Cubs with no
alternative than to take a long gamble
in tomorrow's second game by send-
ing the once great, but now ailing,
Dizzy Dean to the mound against
the long invincible Lefty Gomez.
Dickey and Big Charles (Red) Ruf-
fing, strong-arm men of the Yankee
batting and pitching departments,
were the heroes today for the World
Champions, but pressing them was al-
most the entire lineup of the cham-
pions, who came through not only
at bat but afield.
Chicago fans expected nothing but
power but as they huddled together
they saw one of the greatest infield
combinations of the modern age in
Lou Gehrig, Flash Gordon, Frank
Crosetti, and Red Rolfe. They made
one error-Tommy Henrich made that
trying to make an impossible catch-
but they clicked so superbly behind
Ruffing's nine-hit pitching that three
of the four times the Cubs opened
innings with hits, their hopes were
snuffed out.
Opportunity Knocked
Opportunity, or luck, as you want
it, rapped its knuckles but once for the
World Conquerors and they cashed in.
In the second inning, 'after Lee had
excited his admirers with two strike-
outs in the opening inning, the
champs combined two hits, both
singles, with Lee's only walk and an
error by Billy Herman to manufac-
ture the two runs they needed to win.
The Cubs always seemed to threat-
en, but tight defense and Ruffing's
control,,,so perfect he walked not a
batsman, carried them through.
The Yanks were not alone in field-
ing gems, the Cubs tyings the Yanks
with a pair of lightning double plays.
Great catches were made all after-
noon as the wind howled and the
Ruppert guns boomed. Gordon, Cro-
setti and Gehrig each turned sure
hits into outs.
Ripper Gets Hot
So did Ripper Collins, the big mon-
ey playing man operating on first,
Bill Jurges, who made perhaps the
greatest catch with a bare-hand stop
of Joe DiMaggio's terrific smash in
the fourth inning, and Herman,
though his one error in the second
sent in the first Yankee run and set
up another.
As fortunes go, only DiMaggio,
leading hitter of the champs, and
Ruffing went hitless in the well-
timed consistent attack. Henrich and
Gordon had a pair of hits, the oth-
ers settling on one each-all but one
coming off Lee's delivery before he
was jerked for a pinch hitter in the

eighth and replaced by Jack Russell in
the ninth. Russell yielded but one
hit-4 double by Crosetti-in the
inning he worked.
Gate Receipts Heavy
The large crowd, second largest in
Wrigley Field's history and largest
since the beautiful park was re-
modeled, paid $210,025 to see-and
they saw-one of the best played
games in series history. It was a
good day for the players, too, as their
pool swelled to $107,112.7§.
Odds on the Yankees, naturally,
dropped to almost prohibitive figures
as a result of the defeat.

They Paced Yan

Yankees To 3-1
zkees To 3-1 Victor y I-M To Hold
lr Sports Nigh
Independents To Receiv
Instruction In Games

Victory In Series Opener
Revenge-Hungry Maroons To invade
Michigan Stadium With Upset Hopes






cago. The boys play for the

fun of


1. 11 1- - - d-l" 4

Tonight Congress will hold a Sports
Night for all Independent men at
the Intramural Building rom ':30
to 9:30 p.m.
To all those who enter the I-M and
wish to have an evening of fun, free
lockers and towels will be furnished.'
Anyone can then take part in basket-a
ball, handball, squash, badminton,
codeball, paddleball, mecatos or
Equipment will be furnished for all
sports and in addition each event
will be explained in detail, including
fundamentals, techniques, and how to
score each game.
This program, sponsored by Con-1
gress, independent men's organiza-
tion, seeks to encourage the partici-
pation of independent men in intra-
mural sports. A wide range of year-
round sports will be offered, the first
of which will be touch football start-
ing Oct. 15.

It will De a revenge-hungry h-I the game there, and their studies
cago eleven which invades Ann Ar- come first. That's why Coach Clark
bor this week-end in an attempt to Shaughnessy considers himself lucky
put a halter on Michigan's New Deal each fall, if he can muster up enough
in football, willing lads to hold a scrimmage ses-
In the first place the Maroons are sion. The Maroons claim they lost
out to prove that last week's score- last year's game from sheer exhaus-
less tie with little Bradley Tech was tion. Now with better reserve
a fluke. The boys from the Midway strength, they're counting on a dif-
believe they're a better team than ferent story.
last weeks' score indicates and will be On the Chicago roster there's a
out to prove it at Michigan's expense. I young man named Jack Davenport
Then, fans well remember that No- who'll be doubly anxious for an up-
vember afternoon last season when set victory Saturday. It was Daven-
the lightly regarded Maroons, per- port who committed the two fumbles
renial occupants of the Big Ten cel- in those hectic final minutes, that
lar arose from nowhere to push a led to the two Michigan scores last
heavily favored Wolverine aggrega- fall. Npw a junior and a greatl.
tion all over the Stadium turf for 57 improved halfback with a year's ex-
minutes. perience under his belt, Davenport
It took a suddenly inspired Michi- will strive to redeem himself.
gan team, led by an angered Stark On an all senior backfield, Shaugh-
Ritchie to come through with two nessy is pinning his hopes. The line
touchdowns in the closing moments is big and shows promise, but is very
to pull out a 13-12 victory. green.
Football isn't a business at Chi- [ Leading the Maroon attack, will be

Solly Sherman, a triple threat star
whom experts believe would be a top
notcher with a stronger team. Sher-
man put on a one man show against
Michigan last season, connecting with
two touchdown passes. Shaugh-
nessy's big problem now is to find a
receiver for Shermans' heaves.
Three tried and true veterans,
Mort Goodstein, Capt. Lew Hamity,
and Ed Valorz, complete the regular
backfield. Goodstein, a 215 pounder,
is a fine plunger, Captain Hamity di-
vides the passing and kicking duties
with Sherman, and Valorz is the un-
sung hero, the blocking back. The
afore-mentioned Davenport, who was
Big Ten 100 yard dash title last year,
is used mostly as a spot runner and
may alternate with any of the first
The line? Shaughnessy will send
out on the field a fine guard in big
Ted Fink, and six untested sopho-
mores. What they can do remains
to be seen.

Headliners in the Yankees' 3-1 victory over the Chicago Cubs yester-
day were battery-mates Red Ruffing, left, and Bill Dickey. Ruffing al-
lowed nine hits in setting down the Windy Cijty boys while Dickey
slammed out four hits to tie a World Series record.
Highlights Of The Series Opener


CHICAGO, Oct. 5-()--The Yan-
kees looked as blase as Park Avenue
The Cubs, hot as the Indian sum-
mer sun during their pennant surge,
seemed chilled by the gale-like winds
of a dreary day.
That's a thumbnail sketch of the
proceedings witnessed by 43,642 spec-
tators who sat hunched and cold this
afternoon as the New York World
Champions confidently took the first
step toward realization of a third
straight world title.
That was today's picture. Tomor-
row the eccentric Lefty Gomez hurls
against the unpredictable Dizzy Dean
-and they may light a firecracker
under a series which opened in such
matter-of-fact fashion.
The Cubs played brilliantly afield
but they appeared unable to recapture
the fire and fight with which they
subdued the Pittsburgh Pirates to win
the flag. Old Gabby Hartnett visited
pleasantly through the afternoon with
Umpire Charley Moran; Bill Lee took
a couple of "cat naps" and Carl Rey-
nolds and Bill Herman obligingly hit
'em where they were. It was all very

satisfactory for the McCarthy com-
The Yanks had the llght the Cubs
were supposed to have. Frankie Cro-
setti bellowed loudly when he fanned
in the first and Lou Gehrig made a
lusty beef which nearly had him
tossed out of the game in the eighth.
Lou, thinking he should have drawn
a walk only to be crAlled out as the
ball, caught by Hartnett, ticked his
bat, started as if to push Umpire Mor-
an around.
Mayor La Guardia of New Yok,
who occupied a box with June O'Dea
(Mrs. Lefty Gomez) next to the Yan-
kee dugout, constituted a one-man
cheering section for the Bronx Bom-
bers. He cut loose with a lusty, un-
mayorlike yell when Dickey's single
sent Gehrig to third in the second
inning. Across the field, adjacent to
the Cub dugout, Mayor Edward J.
Kelly of Chicago sat rather quietly
through most of the afternoon. He's
bet Mayor La Guardia a prize hog
against a box of cigars that the Cubs
will win the series and it looks as
though the New York executive won't
have to worry about bacon this win-

COme Out Of Your Rat.
, 7 ~'


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