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October 06, 1938 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-10-06

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I .



and managed by students of the University of
under the authority of the Board in Control of
iea every morning except Monday during the
ryear and Summer Session-.
Viember of the Associated Press
isociated Press is exclusively entitled to the
publication of all news dispatches credited to
;otherwise credited In this newspaper. All
republication of all other matters herein also
at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
ass mail matter.
iptions during regular school year by carrier,
mail, $4.50.
Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
%2O4AAsor AE. NEW YORK. N. Y.
Board of Editors

I Editor


. . . .Robert D. Mitchell
.Albert P. Mayio
. . . . Horace W. Gilmore
. . . . Robert I. Fitzhenry
.S. R. Kleiman
. .. . . Robert Perlman
. . William Elvin
. . .Joseph Freedman
.. Earl Gilman


bor ............."..Joseph Gies
Editor . Dorothea Staebler
itor. . . . . . . Bud Benjamin
Business Department
Manager . Philip W. Buchen
anager . . . Leonard P. Siegelman
SManager . . lliam .L. Newnan
Business Manager .. Helen Jean Dean
Service Manager .. Marian A. Baxter
editorials published in The Michigan
are written by members of the Daily
nd represent the views of the writers



F THERE IS ANY single attitude of
the modern world and especially of the
ed, States which is responsible for the prob-'
which face us today, it is that of indiffer-
ore than any single thing, we believe that to
ay be laid the continued existence of poverty,
ie, disease, crooked and stupid politics, and
. whole regiment of economic, social and pol-
L problems which accompany these more pri-
y ills. Indifference is to be expected in mod-
civilization. It is the hypodermic needle of
hine specialization which has pervaded tissue
r tissue of earthly activity from the factories
hie farmer, to the retailers, to educators and
inistrators. It is inevitable, but the fact that
inevitable does not in itself preclude strenu-
efforts to fight it. They are efforts which
t inevitably be made. Theyrabsolutely must
nade. We can no longer laugh at the pathetic
mipts of the early textile workers all over
world who tried to smash the machines
ch were depriving more and more of them
ork. It was no use then to tell them that the
hine meant more real income for all of them,
that all those who had,been displaced would
newer and better jobs in an infinitely ex-
ding industry. All they could see was that
r immediate means of making a living had
i taken away from them. So they picked up
es and steel and battered, when they could,
monsters which they saw were threatening
r very existence. Ritliculous, we think now!
we are wrong in laughing. The machine is
the monster, and we are not thinking of the
on or so normally technologically unemploy-
very year when we say this. We are thinking
Machine as it stretches out its wheels and
r, and clutches every thing we do, which
multiplied knowledge and activity a thous-
times, which has woven and interwoven the
les of the earth in its infinitely complex net
eel and iron. That Machine is not conquered.
ireatens us more today than it did a hundred
s ago when the workers sabotaged in futile
est. And unless we master indifference, the
to the problem of an increasing domination
he Machine and its progeny, there is no hope.
* * * -
te Real Issue..
IS IS THE ISSUE which underlay our edi-
orial of Sunday on the pep meeting, and it is
ssue, which unfortunately Mr. Heath in his
nn did not see.
e were not "fussing," or in a "dither" as Mr.
h put it, because as he said again, "Czecho-
kia is very near his heart." There are many
gs much closer to our heart-our home, our
ids and family, our life and peace of mind,
they are precisely why we gave up half an
Friday noon to attend the Czechoslovakian
ing. We were not asking that five thousand
iigan students storm theatres and damage
erty. Most emphatically we were not asking
"the rabble rousing type of showmanship
h stirs up pre-game tenthusiasm and brings
;uch monkey business as ripping theaters
- huilding bonfires and giving the gendarmes"

think. We were asking only that it should begin
to think - and intelligently. We were asking that
it at least listen to those who want to tell us
about the problems that affect us and the possible
approaches to their solutions. We were asking
that youth make its wishes known to those im
whose hands its destiny and happiness lie; that
it arise from its lethargy and indifference and
realize its obligations to itself, if not to the rest of
humanity. * *
Looking Backward...
AS WE WROTE that editorial Saturday and
as we write this one today, we think of things
that have happened since we have been at Michi-
gan. We think of the Peace Strike of 1936. That
was fairly successful. Close to two thousand stu-
dents were there. We think of the peace strikes
of 1937, 1,500 students; 1938-900 students. Last
fall's peace poll received 1800 votes, and the figure
is as large as it is because all the students had to
do was check some questions and drop them in
conveniently located boxes. Put them togethei
and they spell Indifference. Where were the
people to fill out those figures to the entire
strength of the student body?
How possibly can the United States keep out
of war when it does break out in Europe, if the
flesh and blood and brains which will be offered
up as fodder do not object to what their govern-
ment does or doesn't do? How is it conceivable
that we can remain at peace when we do not even
condition ourselves to a firm and unflinching
stand against war? Ask your friends today whe-
ther they want war or not, and you will be sur-
prised at how many of them say, "Well, if we
have to fight, we will, but we don't want to," or
at how many of your R..T.C. friends will say,
"We don't want to go to war, but if war comes,
we'll be able to get better jobs." Ask yourselves
if this "yes, but" attitude is- going to keep you
out of war when propaganda from the pro-this
side and pro-that side floods your government
and your representatives.
Must History Repeat? . .
LOOK BACK, please look back, over the Daily
files of 1914-18. It is fantastic how the student
body of Michigan three years before this country
entered the war was so utterly indifferent except
in a vaguely pro-Ally attitude. It is horrible how
calmly the Daily writer of March 22 with a
screaming headline spread all over the top of
the front page saying: "WAR WITHIN 48 HOURS
-BERLIN" wrote an editorial headed "A Mass
Meeting to Arouse Patriotism" which said:
... We don't know where we stand. Some
are arguing for preparedness and immediate en-
trance into the war to defend our rights. Others
are urging that our country remain at peace,
drawing a contrast between the bloody battle
fields of Europe and an idyllic, peaceful world
state. Worst of all, there are a great many who
are iot arguing at all."
Underline the first and third sentences of that
quotation; imprint them upon your memory...
And remember this, too, there was no protest
against the world war before we entered it, no
mass expression of ptudent opinion. When war
broke out it was too late to protest even if the
students had wanted to.
-Albert Mayio
Favorite Son ..
Ipolitics can find real interest in the
career of one of the former University members,
Thomas Dewey, who the other day was selected by
the New York Republicans as their candidate for
gbvernor. Dewey since leaving the University has
made hinms lf one of the best-known Michigan
alumni, and the Daily would like to feel that he
got his start and inspiration from the training
acquired while he was a member of its staff.
Whether or not he obtains the New York gover-
norship, it speaks for his ability that he has
been chosen for the effort.
Dewey's most bitter critics admit that he is
the most efficient prosecuting attorney that
New York City has ever had and that his record
of convictions against the corrupt rackets and
their protectors in political life has been most im-
pressive. That his selection to head the Republi-
can ticket in New York has definitely disturbed

the heads of the New York Democratic party is
evident in the measures that they have taken
to meet his candidacy. First, they have cried out
that Dewey is too young for the governorship,
a statement reiterated mildly by some of the
more conservative old line Republicans. Second,
they have drafted popular Governor Lehman for
another term.
Since for some time Governor Lehman has
declared that he would not permit hs name to
be placed on the ballot as a candidate for gover-
nor, and since he has expressed a wish to run
for the Senatorial position now open in New York,
his choice by the Democrats and more, his capit-
ulation to run again for a position he doesn't
want, is evidence enough that the Democrats
acknowledge that they are faced with a formid-
able opponent.
Opponents of Dewey say that he has had ex-
perience only as a prosecuting attorney and there-
fore is not fitted to handle the more diverse mat-
ters of state which fall to the lot of the governor.
Until such time, however, as political positions
shall become the reward of men who have gradu-
ated from courses for developing governmental
executives, Mr. Dewey's qualifications are com-
parable to those of most of the governors who
have held office in New York. The fact that he
has held important public positions with honor
and ability, the fact that he has a record of bril-
liant achievement in the political arena of the
largest city of the country, and the fact that he
is well acquainted with many forms of govern-
mental abuse and their correction promise well
for his performance as a state executive.
What ever one's personal convictions of party,
Michigan students both old and young must be
proud of the record of accomplishment of this
fellow student. We are confident that he will
hrino ti on nw nRitinn the force anr1 narefu1

1/ fe ems lo )Ale
Heywood Broun
It might be a good idea if liberals in all lands
were belled, for they seem to have a passion for
strange pastures. Consider, for instance, the curi-'
ous case of Captain Patterson, proprietor of the
New York Daily News, who
states that the masses "are
cheering Chamberlain from
the toe of Italy to the tip of
There was a day when
Captain Joe was democratic,
both lower case and in the
upper brackets, but now he
is closer to Cliveden than
Halifax, Nancy Astor or Gene Tunney. How
come this transformation? Possibly the seeming
switch is not surprising. It may be that those
who regarded the publisher as a champion of,
progressive movements are content with too
shallow an examination of Mr. Patterson's posi-
Indeed, he has been candid enough to admit
in some of his editorials that his support for cer-
tain economic reforms was based less on any
passionate desire for the more abundant life than
upon the shrewd conviction that the waves should
temper the wind rather than risk the hurricane.
Many myths have grown up about Manhattan's
Caliph, and the anecdote which I cite may be
wholly apocryphal. But if Captain Patterson,
never said it he should have. According to legend,
he once remarked, "Other newspaper publisher§
are wrong in thinking of me as a radical. I'm not
radical at all. I merely try to shoo the flies off
Bossie, so that she will be content to stand still
and allow herself to be milked as usual."


Enlightened Self Interest
It is difficult to quarrel with the' doctrine of
enlightened self-interest when its objectives serve
to help, even in part, the aspirations of mankind
in general. But there be those who have taken
up with progressive causes out of sheer shrewd
ness who now seem willing to quit them out o
the same motivation.
Many publicists and politicians abroad think
that they have hit upon a sound device for keep
ing the herd tractable. Cows can be made to yiel
cream even if they are not content. The new psy
chology of the industrialists is to induce them
to remain within their stalls by scaring the life
out of them.
The middle classes, in particular, are being
asked to accept Hitler and Chamberlain as publi
benefactors on the allegation that they have save
the world from the dread of Red revolution. Thos
who say that Neville dragged Europe back from
the brink of war seem unwilling to face the charg
that he did as much as anybody to lead his coun
try and the small nations which trusted him t
the edge of the precipice. It is a little as if
theatrical manager were to cast the same acto
for the role of the villain who ties Nellie in th
path of the approaching buzz-saw and then get
him to double as the lone ranger who snatche
her away in just the nick of time.
* * *
What About Bitter Enmity
One of the legends about New Dealer Joe i
so feeble a folk tale that he himself has not bee]
able to resist kidding about it upon occasions.
This is the rumor which holds that there isE
bitter enmity between Captain Patterson, 4wh
runs the New York Daily News, and Colone
McCormick, who is responsible for the editoria
policy of the Chicago Tribune. It has been sai
that though these men are cousins and associate
in the financial responsibility of the two publica
tions, a gulf is fixed between them. And the im"
passable chasm has been explained on the groun4
that the Captain is a passionate liberal and th
Colonel a devout reactionary.
But there isn't any abyss any more. Joe point
with pride to Bertie's cartoons, and Bertie is jus
nuts about Joe's editorials. A profit is not withou
Old Campus,
New Ideas
Something like a million and a quarter of ou
young people (perhaps more, for registration
have been going up rapidly) have been arrivin
on college campuses. The great State univers
ties, the smaller number of city colleges, the aris
tocratic private foundations of the East, the sma
denominational colleges together furnish a
educational picture of remarkable variety. Th
one thing that Yale has in common with the Uni
versity of Iowa, Oberlin with the University o
Chicago, Rollins and Bennington with Minnesota
is the inescapable fact of change. In every highe
institution in the land, with the possible excep
tions of West Point and Annapolis, alterations i
systems of admission and of study are takin
place. In almost every one, even in the great pub
lic universities where mass instruction is almos
enforced by huge enrollments, less emphasis i
being laid on regimentation and proscription
more emphasis on the individuality of the student
At first thought this shift in higher educatio
might seem to provide poor preparation forr
civilization in which mass production of good
seems to be echoed in mass production of idea
and mass action in almost every phase of life
Yet the development is not the result of one'
whim. It has come slowly, in response to a grow
ing demand from practical educators and serious
minded students. The kind of life we live an
plan to live in the United States cannot be serve
by standardized youth shaped on an educationa
assembly line.



By S

Disillusionment Note No. 1555 (Continued from Page 2) Tom Jensen
WALT B. PITKIN, the Columbia t Harold Lusk
W ALTB. PIKIN, he Coumbiainvited. 'their wives are likewise in- oe a
professor who qualified as a first- vited Thend C Robert Mani
Irate optimist with his famous insur- vited attend. Carl Veihe
lance booster, "Life Begins at Forty," Institute of the Aeronautical Sci- Richard By
has done a shameless backdown in ences: The first meeting of the year Howard Lu
his "Whither College Graduate," a will be held tonight at 7:30 p.m., in A d Schwargh
recent treatise ofdeepest pessimistic Room 1042 East Engineering Build- Arnold Whi
hue. He says graduates nowadays l ing. All prospective members are-
indulge an ironic jest indeed with urged to attend. A vice-chairman, Varsity Glee C]
their slogan, "WPA, here we come!" secretary, and treasurer will be elect- Researsal at 4:
In bold strokes, Walt declares, "That's ed to fill recent vacancies. club room in t
where they'll go, and that's where . lowing men are
they'll stay." Those are bitter dregs Sigma Alpha Iota wil nave a busi- Ash
for us young 'uns to swallow-we who ness meeting in the Michigan League Collette
have been reared in the rags-to- this evening a . 1 p.m.Cox
riches tradition, weaned on Horatio pulsory atenance. Chambers
Alger, and inculcated with the finan-C e Transportation Club The Transpor- Fromm
certmiracles Walt didt write thoe tation Club of the University of Mich- Gell
certain yrus aldptihoverigan will sponsor a brief informal get- Gentile
which might have folle d the dis-together this evening at 7:15 p.m. George
whih igt av fllwe. heditsin the Michigan Union, room Goddard
covery that a couple of his students nu te posted on, Uonm Gunsberg
had been napping in class. number to be posted on the Unon H nsen
'ha bennaplg n lasbulletin board. After this meeting, Hagen
the gathering will join with a coim- Hall
Like Time And Tide mittee of the American Railway En- Harding
Sinclair Lewis, the incorrigible gineering Association to attend a Hirsch
satirist who came out of Sauk Center, moving picture entitled "Modern De- Jaslow
Minn., with an earthy disdain for the velopments in the Remote Control of Johnson
nation's Babbitts, has enrolled in Trains." All students in all colleges Kamm
Dale Carnegie's course to gain poise who are interested in any phase of Kahn
and learn the delicate art of acquir- transportation, whether as a profes- Kalajan
ing friends. Whether it's the Dorothy sion or as a hobby, are cordially in- Kenaga
r Thompson (his wife) influence, or vited to attend. LaBelle
the Park Avenue affluence, "Red" Lipow
Lewis now adds his bit to the grow-, Alumnae Movie: Try-outs for the Luessel
ing myth that "It Can Happen Here." acting parts for students will be held Massin
" * * this afternoon at the League. Stu- Mcioley
Encyclopedia Cllegiana dents interested should report to the Mcinl
HELL-s p i r i t u a 1 concentration Garden Room between 4 and 5:30. McLaughli
camp,. Men and women are needed, comic as Pavinich
THE PARROT-Babel swimming well as straight. Quaal
in coke. Reizen
THE LIBRARY (Saturday night) Varsity Glee Club: The following Robinson
-Truth on a straggle. men will please report for rehearsal Schoen
Behari Bey. tonight at 7:30, bringing eligibility Scott
Shop Talk slips from the office of the Dean of Sorenson
His thoughts were oppressed with Students: Steere
a multi-syllabled syntax . . . Bruce Fennell Tieran
f The elaborateness of her hat ef- Kenneth Heininger Tinker
fectively contrasted the simplicity of Jd Linb Vias
its foundation.TWiamury hVi
His unpopularity among athletes William McIntosh Winne
was due to the fact that he couldn't Stanley Richards Wolfe
- cuss his way out of a revival meet- Jack Secrist Zwinck
ing.. Clyde Clark_
His imagination was 1d elastic you William Geisert Dance Club,
e could hear it snap .. Ralph J. Kelley will be a meet
L.L.D.. Kenneth Marshall dents interest
g Why not send us YOUR games of Howard Marschak day at 4:30 p.
c expression? Charles Bowen Women's Ath
d* * * Chandler Pinney the year will
e Competent Authors Hugh Roberts meeting.
External Ballistics by K. Popoff. Harley Spencer Ann Arbor
e Gous. Critique. Henry Tuttle players, a m
- * * Bob Vandenberg can accept a f
o Quizzicuss' Queries Robert Nelson if qualified. M(
a Have you had a sleep in the Rack- George Brooks p.m., city hig
r ham Auditorium yet? Aleck Block
e To the student body: Even if you Robert Brown Comi
s could take Ann Arbor from the police, Yenson
s what would you do with it? Austin Fink Alpha Lamb
Quhtwd itiMerrill Hendershot a meeting of a
Quizzicuss. Harold Levinson members init
THE radio wafted the soothing H
strains of "A Song in C Major,, Vincent O'Toole Wednesday, O
doestans ASoginCMao, Toivo Liimatainia League. Roo
done by a piano. Quietly, gradually, Emmet Anderson League bullet
s the deft pianist reached a crescen- Ralph Clark is requested o
n do, his keyboard genius sharply man- Jack Collns
ifest even through the impersonality Ja CArthurNoticoall
o a loudspeaker. Eyes half-shut n Edwin McCawley notice of the
a seem ing enjoym ent, m y room m ate Harry M orhrisO t , w i h
o lay comfortably on the couch, a bulky Ery Ois etudents
l magazine held aloft his chest. Sud- Erwp Ptes tatin suld
a denly, he threw the magazine aside RalphucPeterson dtration ou
d and grabbed for a cigarette, con- Richard Skalarsky be no meeting
d vinced that a cartoon by Petty was Robert Smith
irreconciliable with the artistry of a Clyde Stitt Chinese St
- master pianist. hi George Karpis meeting welc
d Gilchrist . Paul Kent dents will be
e Paul Kingary at 7:15 at th
James Berger A social hour,
Robert Lamson follow.
t The Ed ifor Hudson Dunks
t Robert Berris Physical E
tTo d Charles M. Brown dents: Individ
s eo. M. Brown given in Arch
Howard Carruthers noeing and R
Calvin Gibson noon, Oct. 7 1
Columnists Are Tender Eric Jacobsonpanning to td
To the Editor:. tion is plainly a condition of myopia Swimming t
Columnists are tender people. On that should be checked now, during I Tuesday and
, the ordinary editorial pages of the adolescence. 8:30 until No.

nation's gazettes and journals, a col- The gesture of a democracy (stu- This announ
s umnist is gingerly dressed up and dents are part of it-it's about time importance f
g allowed to parade. To hurl a mis- they were informed) telling other received an inc
- placed adjective at him would be in democracies that we'll not supply ucation last
the nature of journalistic assault and the blustering gangster's blank ma-
battery. To hurl a vitrolic invective chine-gun with a round of bullets is United Pea
[1 would be journalistic mayhem. I a peaceful gesture, a reasonable one Its first meeti
n propose to do neither to your man on and definitely more than a mere 1938 at 7:30
e the "Flying Trapeze," Roy Heath, "noble" gesture. Nobility these days League. Allc
- who is, from the gurgling tones of his is too much linked with the name of with the U.P.C
f writings, still intellectually wet be- a certain "noble" old gentleman of two delegates
, hind the ears. Mr. Heath, in my 68 years who talked Hitler out of is invited. T
r estimation, is a cross between the ro- war, and nobly slipped the shackles the financial
mantic high school editor and the onto the wrists of Czechoslovakia. fall regarding
- runner on the wrong track. This was simply allowing the gang- forums, etc.,
The horror he chose to express at ster to load up and drive off to the World Youth
the possible actions of students who next holdup. It was allowing the College durin
- care enough about such adult things gangster to ride off in a Lincoln in-
t as peace and democracy and decent stead of his crippled old Ford. The Stude
s dealing between peoples to sacrifice Your fear that Hitler would not Congregationa
, an hour at mealtime is the kind of be stopped by the firm word and the second partyc
t. horror elicited by the oldtime thes- peaceful check is the attitude which night, Oct. 8,
n pian barnstormers. The lights went Hitler and Mussolini hope to per- basement of t
a low in the house and the bloodcurd- petuate so that they may go on in be dancing,a
s ling sneer of thevillain as hemenac- their absolutist fashion of plunder, welcome.
ingly traipsed across the boards to- Fear is what they thrive on. It is ex-
s ward the gaudily painted Sal of the tremely significant that the 'surprise Alpha Phi
farm sent the back rows into a frenzy. move tactics while Britain and France on the campu
I Those down in front tossed the whole and America nap were not employed an all-campus
show off with professional ennui. by Hitler in those tense days when Old Tea Room
- But how the packed gallery held its Czechoslovakia had stirred up some day night from
d breath and grasped its seats! Of courage and resistance in British and
d course it was all overdone. So is French hearts. Stalker Hall
1 Mr. Heath. There may have been a small group New Testame
To get closer to the inside rail, at that rally. There may be small shares from

lub: Resev ye Division:
:30 Thursday in the
he Union. The fol-
Women students. There
ing of all women stu-
ed in Dance .Club to,
m. in the lounge of the
eti Bldg. Plans fo
be announced .at tis
Civic Orchestra of 40
inicipal music project
ew additional musician
eets Thursday at 7:30
h school.
ng Events
da Pelta: There will be
ll Alpha Lambda Delta
iated last spring, on
et. 12, at 5 p.m the
i will be. posted on the
in board. Promptness
f all members.
graduate students: The
Assenbly on Saturday,
was issued to the grad-
at the time of regis-
d have read Wednes-
t 7:4& pi. There wi11
on Oct. 8.
udent Club: The first
oming 'the new stu-
held Saturday evening
e International Center.
musicale, and tea will
ducation, Women Stu-
.ual sports tests will be
ery, Tennis, Golf, Ca-
iding on Friday after-
rom 3 to 5 p.m. Those
'ake one of these.tests
to call 4121, ext. r70.
+ierwr.,rill sUe .ivtrn UU


of M
ec Terry


Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all menbers
Waiverstty. Copy received at the *Me i# othe MAsistaat lo thetbs
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

tests. wiii be given on
Thursday evenings at
v.1 In the Union Pool.
ncement is of particular
or those students who
complete in physical ed-
ce Committee will hold
ing on Monday, Oct. 10,
p.m. at the Michigan
organizations affiliated
C. are expected to send
. The general . public
he agenda will include
report, plans for the
lectures, symposiums,
and a report on the
Congress held at Vassar
g the summer.
ent Fellowship of the
l Church will have its
of the season Saturday
from 9 to 12, in the
the clurch. There will
and games. Everyone
Alpha: All Negro men
us are urged to attend
smoker at Josephine's
n on Fourth Street Fri-
to 9 to 12.
. Class in "Through the
ent" led by Dr. Bra-
7:30-9 o'clock Friday


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