THE MICHlIGAN DAILY ocal Cooperative Group Began By Buying Coal; Pays Dividends cdale Societ Is Now lism and such economic theories as Sail Chinese Junk Across Pacific Ra w t .*S iiuaati .., ., a t'. . L . . " V. Organization Of 670 Ann Arbor Families By JUNE HARRIS The growth of the Ann Arbor Co- operative Society from a small coalI buying club, to an incorporated co- operative and finally to an organiza- tion with a membership of 670 fam- ilies has required only five years, according to A. K. Stevens of the English department, publicity direc- tor for the Society.f The Society, run on the Rochdale principles of cooperation, supplies its members with coal, gasoline, dry cleaning service, groceries, meats, vegetables, a milk route, men's cloth- ing, hardware, cosmetics and maga- zine subscriptions. The prices on these articles are not lower than the prevailing scale, but surplus savings are returned to members as dividends. Membership Open To All The cooperative is a non-profit or- ganization run for the benefit of its consumers. Membership is open to anyone regardless of race, religion or politics. The organization is com- pletely controlled by its "nembership. All matters of policy are referred to a general meeting at which every' member has one vote regardless of the amount of his purchases. Divi- dends, however, are issued in propor- tion to the money spent by each mem-' ber. The Cooperative Society feels that it is now securely established, said Mr. Stevens, since the membership has recently been increased by 40 and a four per cent dividend was de- clared for the period of January to June. The cooperative has no longer any indebtedness and is planning tof expand its store in larger quarters. Education Plans Educational activities are stressed by the Society since members feel that such an organization can not succeed if its basic principles are not understood, Mr. Stevens explained. In this connection a weekly series of talks will be given by leaders of the organization on the internal prob- lems of a cooperative. Another se- ries which will contrast the coopera- tive plan with Socialism, Commun- the Townsend plan will also be spon-! sored by the Society. A Credit Union, a form of co- operative banking, is also maintained by this organization. Run also on the Rochdale principle, the Union is able to make loans to its members at one third of the prevailing rate and to pay dividends of from four to six per cent. Museums Prepare Exhibition Of Ducks To Guide Hunters By JEAN C. MAXTED The open season for duck hunting began Saturday, and the weekend will see the roads lined with hunters bound for their favorite duck haunts., But all ducks are not legitimate prey. Certain species which are rap- idly vanishing are protected. So, as a boon to prospective hunters, the University Museums have prepared an exhibit on the third floor of the Museums Building, showing which duck's are wholly protected, which partially protected, and which not at all. Year-Round Exhibit Although the realistically mounted ducks are a year round exhibit, red labels indicating which species are wholly or partially protected have been added. The wood duck, which is easily identifiablein flight by the length of its tail, and the swan are the only ones completely protected. Males And Females Shown Last year, several other varieties of ducks, such as the buffle-head were completely protected, but because it, is so difficult to tell the difference while the birds are in flight, many were shot anyway, and then discard- ed by the hunter for fear of being fined. To avoid this waste, the laws have been amended this year so that the. hunter can shoot three birds in the four protected species. The exhibit in the museums show both the male and female of the va- rious species. Expect Election As Churchill Leads Revolt Asks Vote Of Confidence After Attacking Prime Minister, Munich Pact (Continued from Page 1) lain faced only one choice when he made peace, virtually at Hitler's terms. Here were some of Churchill's points: "The utmost the Prime Minister (Chamberlain) was able to gain for Czechoslovakia has been that the German Dictator, instead of snatch- ing his victuals from the table, has been content to have them served to i him course by course. "We have sustained a total un- mitigated defeat and France has suffered even more than we have. "One pound sterling was demanded at pistol-point. When it was given, two pounds were asked and then finally the Dictator agreed to take one pound, 17 shillings and the rest in promises of good will for the future. "Czechoslovakia, left to herself, would (last summer) have been able to get better terms than we have given her. They could hardly have been worse." Prior to Churchill's bitter attack, Simon made a formal appeal for a vote of confidence in Chamberlain's program of European appeasement and the Munich accord. Sir John, one of the "inner cab- inet" members who served as Cham- berlain's constant advisers in the Czechoslovak crisis, pointed to the "very great majority of approval" which the French Chamber of Depu- Controersial Textbook I R Of Chicago's Fight For L Big Bill Thompson's War On English Invaders Is RecalledBy Volume By LEONARD SCHLEIDER Collectors of Modern American Anglophobia, a hobby which has be- come tremendously popular since the advent of Neville Chamberlain to His Majesty's Cabinet, can discover in the General Library a battle-scarred relic of a little known incident in history, the Second American Revo- lution. It is a textbook of American his- tory written by the late Prof. Claude H. Van Tyne of the history depart- ment. Its part in the second struggle to free the colonies from England was recalled recently in a lecture by John T. Daling of the philosophy de- partment. Historians record that the metrop- olis of Chicago was both Concord and Lexington in 1927 and that the second shot heard round the world was fired in Chicago's City Hall. For chronological reasons, they also men- tion that there was a mayoralty cam- paign in progress at the time. William "Big Bill" Thompson had been mayor years before and wanted another ride on the merry-go-round But strong opposition was coming from incumbent Mayor Dever and a reform group which disagreed strong- ly with Big Bill, his pro-German ac- tions during the War and the Chi- cago Herald-Examiner. Those were stormy days in Old Chicago and many a ward leader's ci- gar remained unlighted, until some South Side minute man hit upon the ideal campaign slogan for the Thomp- son machine. It was simply, "Keep King George-Out Of Chicago." It seems that the high schools were teaching America's future voters the history of their nation in very un- complimentary terms. Dangerous ele- ments were telling little Chicagoans that the first Americans were not demigods and that maybe the British did have some business in North America. In short, proclaimed Big Bill, Brittania was subsidizing text. books in order to rule the waves o Lake Michigan. Thus armed with slogan an sample textbook and ignoring rum ors that the City Treasury was low Big Bill Thompson marched int heat of battle. Yes, the textbook in his hanc the volume written by Professor Tyne, who, according to his leagues, was as much of a to: George Washington. Big Bill r athe British lion and threal to punch King George in the while his henchmen counted the twice. So that's the story of how a Ur sity of Michigan professor serv the Second American Revolutior - Bill was elected, the tin box was safe for democracy and red coat not yet worn in the stockyards. $55,000 SOugi *By Local Futi Conmunity Drive St With Dinner Oct. 2 The 1938 Ann Arbor Comm - Fund will open its drive to o - more than $55,000 with a dinner 127 at the League, according to announced yesterday by Prof. A W. Bromage -of . the political sc . department, chairman of the versity division of the Fund. The money raised in the cam - will be used throughout the yea - support of the ten private socia - vice agencies in Ann Arbor. The Community Fund was o 1 ized 18 years ago to avoid duplic - in soliciting contributions for w( e work and during this time it ha tributed $949,224 for the welfa -Ann Arbor. Assisting Professor Bromage the University division is Prof. e P. Dawson of the Law School, e chairman. s Transporation Club 'C t . For New Members T< a The University of Michigan 'T g portation Club will hold its firs - meeting at 7:15 p. m. today i' f Union for a brief discussion c club's projects for the coming yE d picture, "Modern Developments i - mote Control Trains," will al w. shoWn. Sailing a frail fishing junk into San Pedro harbor after crossing the Pacific in 85 days are Dr. Allen Petersen, osteopathic physician, his Japanese wife and two members of the crew. MBS To Give Preview Of Chicago Game Todayj A "Michigan - Chicago Football Game" will be broadcast at 9:30 p. m. today from the stage of the New Am- sterdam Theatre, New York, through the network of the Mutual Broadcast- ing System. George Trevor, N. Y. Sun sports writer, will discuss Big-Ten football, past and present, over the air with former Michigan and Chicago play- ers. A large group of Michigan alum- ni will be present to hear him fore- cast the outcome of Saturday's game. Sailing Club Announces New Dinghies, Schedule. Toni De Palma, commodore of the Sailing Club, told members at the first meeting in the Union yesterday that he expected to see two or three new dinghies added to the present fleet of three dinghies and one sloop. Further plans announced at the meeting include construction of a boat house and an enlarged intra-club racing schedule. Read The Daily Classifieds , . j .ll _) J ljjj " 1 , ties gave Premier Daladier last night. The embattled Prime Minister pre-' viously had told Commons that Brit- ain was seeking the release of "certain Czech officials in the frontier dis- tricts" and Czech residents of Ger- many who have been imprisoned as hostages in the Reich. The International commission su- pervising cession of Sudetenland has been instructed "to press for the re- lease of any such hostages as soon as possible," he said. He was unable, he added, to estimate the number in- I volved. II- A ur I JT 1 L ,I as you'll like it! You will" like it because its cheaper than any other way- because its neat, quick, and best of all, its really clean. We don't mean it just looks white, its clean all the way through. For just a few cents more than it would cost to send your laun- dry home you can obtain this service. Also, its going to save yourself and mother a lot of trouble, Have your laundry done the LAUNDRY way. Price per lb. .. ioc 9 9 0f Minimum Bundle 50c Shirts, Extra . . (Full Dress Shirts not included in this Speci Sox Extra, per pair Handkerchiefs, Extra . 12c al Price) .. 2c I 1 KYER LAUNDRY VARSITY LAUNDRY Phone 4185 Phone 23-1-23