Vartly cloudy, cooler in south
today; continued cool.'
a I
Efir igan
To Mr. Heath .
Favorite Son
1,. ... ...
S pain R ejects
Partition Plan!
Suggested At,
Muich Parley
Division Into Two Nationst
Is Proposed By Four
Major Powers In Dealt
Is Needed To Seal
An lo-Italian Pact
Sudetenland Improves Reich's
Military Position,_Says Wolaver
Knott To Talk
On Problems
Of Dictionary
PARIS, Oct. 5.--A plan to par-
tition Spain into two nations-one a
democracy, the other a dictatorship
-has been broached to the Spanish
Government, which rejected it, Gov-
ernment spokesmen here disclosed to-
They asserted the plan, its origins
obscure, would form part of interna-
tional discussions aimed at ending the
Spanish war as part of a general Eu-
ropean settlement.
It was hinted "certain powers"
brought up the Spanish partition
scheme at the Munich parley Sept. 30
which arranged for giving Germany
slices of Czechoslovakia, Europe's
other major trouble zone.
Spain To Fore
At all events it was clear the Span-
ish problem, temporarily displaced by
the Czechoslovak crisis, had come to
the fore again since it figured in all
talk of a four-power agreement for
appeasing Europe. Britain, France,
Germany and Italy would be the
four powers involved.
In Rome British Ambassador, Lord
Perth, and Foreign Minister Count
Galeazzo Ciano have been holding a
series of conferences aimed at putting
the Anglo-Italian Easter friendship.
pact into effect.
A Spanish "settlement" presumably
involving withdrawal of Italian sol-
diers fighting with the Insurgents,
was a prior condition Britain made
to operation of that pact.
Barcelona Objects
Spanish government sources here
said the partition proposal ran into a
stumbling block when it came to the
attention of the Barcelona Govern-
Premier. Juan Negrin speaking in
the Cortes (Parliament) last Friday
, indicated he opposed such a division
of the nation, and the Barcelona
newspaper La Vanguardia, a sup-
porter of the Premier, said yesterday
that Spaniards on both sides would
unite if necessary to resist any outside
attempt to break up Spain.
Government sympathizers looked
with more approval on an idea ad-
vanced by some observers, but with-
out formal suggestion, for creation of
(Continued on Page 2)
UAW To Seek
32-r Week,
G MCheckoff
United Board Plans Drive,
Signs A New Contract
For Year With Packard
WASHINGTON, Oct. 5-(A)--Hom-
er Martin, president of the United
Automobile Workers, said tonight the
union's reunited executive board had
decided to seek a 32-hour week for
its members throughout tbc au .omo-
tive industry.
After the board ended a second
clay's discussion of organizatienal
problems, Martin told newspaper
"The general position qf the inter-
national union is that, during these
days of unemployment, the general
work week in the industry should be
32 hours, thus giving employment to
more people and generally spreading
purchasing power."
Seeks GM Checkoff4
DETROIT, Oct. 5.--(/P)-An at-
tempt to obtain a voluntary checkoff
method of paying union dues in Gen-
eral Motors Corp. plants was opened
today by the United Automobile
Workers Union (CIO).
Elmer Dowell, in charge of UAW
negotiations with General Motors,
said that cards to be signed by mem-
bers who would authorize the cor-
poration to take dues from their pay
checks ,and turn them over to the
union have been sent to members in
20 plants.
Signs New Packard Contract
DETROIT, Oct. 5.--(P)-Officials
of the Packard Motor Car Co. and
the United Automobile Workers
(CIO) union reached an agreement,
Anschluss Has Aggravated
International Situation,
European Visitor Holds
The acquisition of Sudetenland by
the Nazis gives Germany a key mili-
tary position and a near impregnable
fort on her eastern border, according
to Prof. Earl S. Wolaver, of the School
of Business Administration, who has
just returned from a year's visit a-
It is also Professor Wolaver's opin-
ion that the latest "Anschluss" great-
ly aggravated what he terms one of
the world's most pressing problems,
notably the position of the Jew in
these areas. Many of the Jews, who
had found it impossible to live a de-
cent life in Germany and the late'Aus-
tria, migrated to Czechoslovakia. As
soon as Nazi racial decrees are put into
effect in Sudetenland, he said, the
Jews will again be faced with the
problem of finding a new home.
In discussing Germany's economic
gains by the annexation, Professor
Wolaver pointed out that Sudetenland
has valuable coal and oil deposits. In
Silesia and Northern Bohemia, there
are important linen, paper, cloth, and
chemical plants. Professor Wolaver
added that the Czechs, or rather Ger-
mans, in this region, were exception-
ally capable chemists. The mineral
water at Karlsbad and other similar
spas should prove of value through
the large tourist trade they draw.
In Eger and several of the other
districts, he said, mineral deposits
such as zinc, lignite, and lead will
no doubt prove of value as will some
of the textile plants. But, Professor
Wolaver noted the Nazis have also tak-
en over some 3,500,000 people not agri-
culturally independent for whom they
are responsible. And since this region
is largely industrial with little agri-
culture, the question arises as to
whether Germany will actually gain
any economic advantages. Add to this,
he commented, the fact that these
Sudeten industries may offer competi-
tion to the German industries, and it
becomes doubtful whether there has
been a gain.
In commenting on the military ad-
vantages that possession of the Sude-
ten districts will give Germany, Pro-
fessor Wolaver pointed out that the
high western regions command a key
position in reference to the Danubian
Valley. It brings to mind, he added,
despite Hitler's claims that this is
the last chapter of "Anschluss," the
old Berlin-to-Bagdad idea. In addi-
tion, it greatly strengthens Germany's
eastern fortifications and sets upj
another block to any enemy nation
attempting to reach the North Sea.
The territory now known as Czecho-
slovakia, stripped of the Sudeten area,
and the Polish 'and Hungarian "pro-
tectorates," still possesses the most
valuable Czech industries, notably
shoes and autos. In addition, Professor
Wolaver commented, the important
Skod munitions plant remains with-
in the new boundaries of the Czechs.
It is Professor Wolaver's firm be-
lief that the Czechs will endure as a
nation. "They are probably the most
spirited and determined people in the
world," he emphasized, "and, too, they
are thrifty, hard-working, with a
beautiful love for their homes and
country. They will fight to the last
breath to save this land."
English Professo
Of Webster's,
At 4:15 P.M.
or, Editor
When Prof: Thomas A. Knott of
the English department, former man-
aging editor of Webster's New Inter-
national Dictionary, speaks at 4:15
p.m. today in the.Graduate School
Auditorium he will tell the story of
War Would Have Lasted Only
Three Days, Onderdonk Says
Declares That . Germans
Would Have Revolted
Against Hitler Regime
Had a world, war resulted from
the recent Czech crisis it might have
been ended within three days by a
German revolution, Dr. Francis S."
Onderdonk said in an interview last
"That is my personal belief. I real-
ize fully that I can't prove it. That
would be impossible. But if war had
come, Germany would have exploded
like a big balloon," continued Dr. On-
derdonk, student of international af-
fairs, recently returned from a trip
Visiting France, he talked with
many Austrian refugees from the Nazi
regime. He heard from numerous
sources that German soldiers had rep-
rimanded Austrian citizens for offer-
ing no resistance to Nazi occupation,
claiming that this lack of force gave
troops no excuse to revolt and turn
their guns on Hitler, which a great
many wanted to do.
If France and England had sup-.
ported Czechoslovakia in the recent
crisis and Hitler had ordered occupa-
tion of the Sudetenland in spite of
this, there would have been resistance
from Czech troops. This would have
given German troops the excuse they
were looking for. What fighting did
go on at the Czech border was between
Sudeten German troops and Czechs,
German troops having no part in it,a
Dr. Onderdonk pointed out.
To further support his theory, Dr.
Onderdonk cited press articles re-
leased at the Nuremburg Nazi Con-
gress which said that Hitler was told
by his own generals that 80 per cent
Mrs. Griggs Finds
Several Works Of
Hartley Coleridge
Literary estimates of Hartley Col-
eridge, elder son of Samuel Taylor
Coleridge and himself a minor figure
in the world of letters, may have to
be widely revised due to the discov-
ery of over 100 of his unpublished
poems by Mrs. Earl Griggs, wife of
Professor Griggs "of the English de-
partment. Mrs. Griggs has just re-
turned from England.
In addition to. that finding, Mrs.
Griggs uncovered a quantity of let-
ters sent to Sarah, Coleridge's daugh-
ter, by such world-renowned figures
as Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Ac-
cording to present plans they will be
woven into a biography to be pub-
lished by the Oxford University Press.
A large number of heretofore un-
known letters of Coleridge himself
were also brought to light.
The findings, which were made pos-
Benes Quits As President
Churchill Leads Comm ons
"Mayerling," the French film
version of the love story of Arch-
duke Rudolph of Austria and Bar-t
oness Marie Vetsera, will be shown
tonight at the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre under the auspices of the
Art Cinema League.
This picture, starring Charles
Boyer and Danielle Darrieux, re-
ceived favorable comment from
many motion picture critics. Frank
Nugent of the "New York Times"
described it as "one of the most
moving dramas the screen has ever
The theme deals with the recurr-
ing problem of an emperor's right
to love. The affair of the Crown
Prince and Marie is regarded with
disapproval by the court so that
Rudolph plans to renounce his
throne for the woman he loves.-
The story of their tragedy has in-
trigued historians for many Tears.<
"Mayerling" will also be shown
Friday and Saturday nights. Tick-
ets are available at the box office
of the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre,
of the German people did not want a
world war. There is no great love for
Hitler among German soldiers, he3
stated. German troops are not as sol-
idly Nazi as Hitler would have the
powers believe.
"Pure Sadism" was his commentary
on the Austrian occupation. For no
good reason, no possible object, Aus-
trian citizens were subjected to the
most atrocious treatment. Newspaper
reports at the time were by no means
exaggerated. From a competent source
Dr. Onderdonk said that 7,000 were
estimated to have committed suicide
in Vienna alone.
Austrians who were sympatheticI
with the Nazi regime in Ger-
many and welcomed German occupa-
tion changed thir minds when they
saw Naziism in action. The theory
sounded good from the other side of
the border, refugees told Dr. Onder-
donk, but did not look so good experi-
enced at first hand.
The Nazi rule was hard felt in Aus-
tria. With food cut down to the "less
butter for more cannons" rations,
citizens began to realize what Ger-
man occ'upation meant, according to
Dr. Onderdonk. The Austrian stand-
ard of living, previously high, was
suddenly cut down to the level of the
lower German standard.
The Austrian people are now mis-
erable under the Nazi regime, Dr. On-
derdonk asserted.
Dr. Onderdonk, architect, author
and lecturer, was on the staff of the
College of Architecture in the Uni-
versity from 1925-1933.
154 College Presidents
-Photos by Rentschler.l
the problems which confront the edi-
Itorial board of a modern English dic-
tionary, and how' those problems are
How the editors of the New In-
ternational Dictionary had to read
books, magazines and newspapers
published since 1909, when the lastI
complete revision of Webster's was
made in order to judge what new'
words should appear in the 1937 edi-
tion; how the policy in regard to
slang was decidedupon; how quota-
tions illustrating new word uses were
chosen, what problems faced the edi-
tors of the departments of law, astron-
omy, chemistry, engineering, etc.; all
will be explained by Professor Knott.
Pre - Medical
Student Ends
Life With Gun
Married Junior Leaves
No Note; Did Not Seem
To Be In Bad Healthi
Sergeant Price Martin, '40,i1-year-'
old pre-medical student, shot himself
to death at 4:30 p. m. yesterday in an
apartment he occupied with his wife
at 809 McKinley St.
No explanation for the action Was
discovered. Police could uncover no
note or other clue to motivating fac-
In a verbal reconstruction of the
suicide, police pictured Martin as
holding the muzzle of a 30-3 Spring-
field Army rifle to his mouth and
pulling the trigger with a long ram-
Neighbors said last night that Mar-
tin had not seemed unusually de-
pressed. He was reported to have
registered at the regular time and to
have been attending classes in the
past two weeks.
Originally from Buffalo, N. Y.,
Martin prepped at Cranbrook School
in Bloomfield Hills. He graduated
from there in 1932 and dropped out
of school temporarily afterwards.
The widow, Muella, spent last night
with neighbors. The couple had no
No announcement as to the funeral
has been made. The body was trans-
ferred to the Dolph Funeral home, on
order of Coroner Edwin C. Ganzhorn.
Lloyd C. Douglas
To Speak Here
Lloyd C. Douglas, author of "Magni-
ficent Obsession" and "Green Light,"
who was pastor of the First Congre-
gational Church in Ann Arbor from
1915 to 1921, will deliver the feature
address of the Michigan Kiwanis
Convention at 8:30 p. m., Sunday, in
Hill Auditorium. The lecture will be
open to the public.
Dr. Douglas, who was a pastor in
several churches for a number of
years, now devotes his time entirely
to writing and lecturing. He makes
his home in Los Angeles, and his
last three works, "Magnificent Ob-
session" "Green Light." and "White
Resigns To Satisfy Nazi
Demands, As Premier
Promises Equal State
Entire Parliament
To Elect Successor
PRAGUE, Oct. 5.-(P)-Eduard
Benes, who helped found the Czecho-
slovak Republic 20 years ago, stepped
down from the presidency today and
left to a new Government the task
of leading the shrinking nation
through dark hours ahead. , ,
The repeated target of Adolf Hit-
ler's condemnation during the recent
crisis, Benes relinquished his post
with the explanation that "my re-
maining in office might constitute an
obstacle to the new conditions which
now confront the State."
Some sources indicated Benes' res-
ignation came after renewed German
pressure resulting from Hitler's per-
sonal antagonism toward the Czecho-
slovak President. °
Accepted Immediately
The full council of Ministers:m
mediately accepted his letter of res g-
nation which ivas read to the nation
over the radio by General Jan Sy-
rovy, Prague's one-eyed Premier.
Benes' letter said the Governmen,
whose formation he announced only
last night, "will be a government of
calm, of order, of economic efforts
and of social reconstruction-a gov-
ernment which will aim chiefly at
internal development and I am con-
vinced it will succeed in its efforts.
"But I realize that in these new
conditions it is essential for me to
withdraw from office, That does
not mean that \I evade my respon-
sibility in this difficult situation or
that I am leaving a vessel that is in
a storm..
Wishes To Help
"I only wish to facilitate the de-
velopment of tie policy of the gov-
ernment, both in external and inter-
nal affairs,"
Syrovy made a radi6 appeal ask-
ing the nation to remain calm. The
Czechoslovak constitution provides
for no acting president, but both
houses of parliament will be called
within a fortnight to elect a succes-
sor to Benes.
The Premier in his broacast said
"Our policy will aim at friendly re-
lations with everybody. We shall do
everything in our power to give sat-
isfaction to the justified claim of
the Slovaks and Sub-Carpathian
Russians (Ruthenians). Our state
will be based on equality of the three
The new cabinet, at its first meet-
(Continued on Page 2)
Lewis Issues Call
For C.I.O._Meeting
WASHINGTON, Oct. 5.-(-P-John
L. Lewis, chairman, issued a call to-
night for the first general conven-
tion of the CIO in Pittsburgh Nov. 14.
In a notice to all unions, organiz-
ing committees and industrial union
councils, Lewis said Ithe time had
come for the Committee of Industrial
Organization to form a permanent
Director Seeks Cast
For Michigan Movie
The Arboretum, Angell Hall, the
Parrot, a mobbed and victorious
football stadium-all of them will
be part of the silent, colored mov-
ing picture to be shown before
Michigan Alumnae Clubs from
New York to San Francisco as
part of a campaign to raise fundst
for a cooperative women's domi-
But who can imagine any ofr
those places without college men
and coeds? Casting for the storyf
which runs through this Ann Ar-
bor setting will continue from 4
p.m. to 5:30 p.m. today in the
Garden Room of the League, and
all students are invited by Tru-
man Smith, the director, to try outr
for parts. This excepts February.
graduates, freshmen and otherst
who may leave at the middle of
the year.
Reich To Ask
Payment For
Czech Injustice
Hitler Will Try To Force
Prague Into Economict
DependencyOn Berlin
(Copyright, 1938, by the Associated Press)
BERLIN, Oct. 5-The international
Sudetenland commission today ar-
rived at an agreement on additionalt
Sudetenland territory to be occupied
by German troops outside the four
existing zones by Monday, Oct. 10. I
The new delimitations were decideds
upon as Germany prepare to bill
Czechoslovakia for "reparations" dat-f
ing back to the birth of the Republic.t
Observers considered the demand a
powerful lever to force Czechoslovakia
into Germany's economic system.
Based On Injusticesg
Germany's "reparations" claims
were represented as based on "injus-
tices inflicted by the Czechs on the
Sudetens since 1918" but as spokes-1
man.for the German delegation in the
-international Czechoslovak settlement
commission said they would be "mostt
German financial experts were un-
derstood to be drawing up a bill for
such damages and informed ebservers
believed Reichsfuehrer Hitler would
be insistent to the point of driving a
hard economic bargain with the
Prague government.
Karlsbad Recalled
It was recalled that one of Konrad
Henlein's eight points enunciated
April 24 at Karlsbad called for "re-
moval of injustices inflicted since 1918
and reparations for the damages
caused thereby."
The commission bowed to the Ger-
man viewpoint and agreed to accept
population figures as of Oct. 28, 1918
-the day the Czechoslovak statecan
into existence-as the guide as to
where the people will be called on to
vote on union with Germany.
Hitler had demanded this date in
a memorandum to Prime Minister
Chamberlain on Sept. 23.
Asks Vote Of Confidence
After Attacking Prime
Minister, Munich Pact
Revolt May Mean
General Election
LONDON, Oct. 5.-(P)-Winston
Churchill, Great Britain's unpredict-
ible elder statesman, struck out with
all the force of his 'ratorical skill to-
night, leading a revolt of two score
Conservatives against Prime Minis-
ter Neville Chamberlain's Munich
bargain with Adolf Hitler.
Declaring that "disaster of the
first magnitude has befallen Britain
and France" Churchill hit'the hardest
blow of all in the third day of parlia-
mentary debate on the "Peace of Mu-
nich" and Britain's share in the par-
titioning of Czechoslovakia.
The House of Commons also heard
Sir John Simon, Chancellor of the
Exchequer, bid for Soviet cooperation
in guaranteeing Czechoslovakia's di-
minished borders and assert that
Britain "had no intention of trying to
exclude Russia from any future settle-
ment of Europe."
Against Confidence
Churchill said flatly "I cannot sup-
port the government motion" asking
a vote of confidence and predicted
"all countries of Central and Eastern
Europe will make the best terms they
can" with Germany now, warning
that Britain herself was even in dan-
ger of being drawn into the Nazi or-
bit. -
Undertone of the parliamentary
thunder was an unanswered ques-
tion whether the growing revolt with-
in Conservative Party ranks would
force Chamberlain to call a general
election soon. It was understood the
Prime Minister was reluctant todtake
such a step.
He. is pressing forward, with the
four-power Munich accord and a sep-
arate anti-war agreement signed by
Adolf Hitler already at hand, aiming
at a bargain with Premier Mussolini
for eventual peace in a divided Spain
and settlement of thorny Meditcr-
ranean- problems
Vote Is Tomorrow
Commons is to vote tomorrow on
his historic decisions of the Czecho-
slovak crisis. There seemed little
doubt it would approve his peace at
the price of slicing up Czechoslovakia
since there are 416 conservatives and
conservative supporters in the House
as against 194 oppositionists. Some
40 of these conservatives, however,
are considered dissenters against
Chamberlain's policy.
But it was still uncertain whether
Churchill and Conservative revoters,
understood to include former Foreign
Secretary Anthony Eden, would Note
"no" along with the Laborites or
merely abstain from voting.
Churchill, war-time First Lord of
the Admiralty, had his turn in parlia-
ment 'after Sir John Simon had at-
tempted by logic to show Chamber-
(Continued on Page 3)
Beg Reunion
Of F ore steir'
Roving Reporters Quiz Faculty
"n iiomnee x
Three times a week Morton L. Linder
arid Harry L. Sonneborn will present
tilis cross-section of campus opinion on
topics of general interest. Persons ques-
tioned are chosen at random by the
THE QUESTION: Whom would you
suggest as the ninth member of the
Supreme Court?
THE PLACE: The Law School.
THE ANSWERS: Dean Henry M.
Bates, Law School: "It is no use to try
to predict the appointee. I personally
believe that the best man for the job
would be Judge Learned Hand, of the.
United States Circuit Court of Appeals
in the second district. Judge Hand
has the character and the years of ex-
perience on the bench that are requi-
site for the position.
"A Michigan graduate who came
very near getting the appointment
that went to the late Justice Cardozo
would be my second choice. His name
oo ureme uourt
"Senator Burke of Nebraska, whom!
I met recently, is a man of very
high ideals,' but although he is a
Democrat, he has opposed the Presi-
dent on several issues and so would
not be chosen. Felix Frankfurter, an'
old friend of mine, is a good judge,"
not so radical as most people are ledI
to believe. He is not experienced in
this type of work, however, and I
think he is more valuable in his pres-
ent position. I would prefer him to
Senator Wagner, who is just a poli-
tician doing a good job in the Senate.
Ferdinand Pecora is a machine poli-
tician with the wrong temperament
for the Supreme Court."
Prof. Herbert Harley, Law School:
"In my opinion, Judge William Den-
lam of the 9th district Circuit Court of
Appeals in San Francisco would be
the best, wisest choice. He is an out-
standing judge whose judicial reform
Convocation Is, Opened
By President Ruthven
Celebrating 35 years of forestry and
conservation educatioii at the Univer-
sity; the Association of Michigan For-
esters yesterday opened its second
reunion here.
Climax of the three day reunion
which will end Saturday Will be the
convocation of the forestry school to-
morrow morning in the main auditor-
ium of the new Rackham building, at
which President Ruthven will pre-
side. Speakers at the convocation will
be Dr. W. D. Henderson, director-
emeritus of the University Extension
Service, and Walter Mulford, head of
the Division of Forestry at the Uni-
versity of California.
Forestry alumni will be greeted by
officers of the University Alumni As-
sociation at, a luncheon tomorrow at
the Union. Later in the day a round-
table conference on the provision of
special facilities for instruction and
conferences for returning forestry
alumni will be held.
State PWA Head Leaves
ry _ n. nb . ..-' U