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October 05, 1938 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-10-05

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Edited and managed by 'students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Pubisea every morning axcept Monday during the
University year and Summer Session
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
It or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters hgrein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Rpresentative
Board of Editors
Managing Editor . Robert D. Mitchell
Editorial Director . . . Albert P. Mayio
City Editor.... . . Horace W. Gilmore
Associate Editor . Robert I. Fitzhenry
Associate Editor. . . . . . S. R. Kleiman
Associate Editor. . ... Robert Perlman
Associate Editor. . .. William Elvin
Associate Editor . . . . Joseph Freedman
Associate Editor.. . . . . Earl Gilman
Book Editor ......... . . Joseph Gies
Women's Editor . . . Dorothea Staebler
Sports Editor . . . . Bud.Benjamin
Business Department
Business Manager . . . . Philip W. Buchen
Credit Manager . Leonard P. Siegelman
Advertising Manager. William L. Newnan
Women's Business Manager .. Helen Jean Dean
Women's Service Manager . . Marian A. Baxter
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Pulling An End Run
Around Dewey?
these United States. Michigan foot-
ball teams have stopped moving in reverse and
the Grand Old Party has clapped its hands on a
candidate who looks to be the Fritz Crisler of a
Republican political renaissance. "Presidential
timber" is the popular description of handsome,
brainy, fiery-tongued Tom Dewey, Owosso Michi-
gan's righter of Gotham wrongs and "presiden-
tial timber" is no misnomer for this 36-year-old
apostle of righteousness, according to the Repub-
lican front office, which is now in the process
of kicking its lately-discovered favorite son up
the stairs at a prodigal and desperate rate.
Tom Dewey, no one can truthfully deny, is
the racket-bustingest, prosecutingest prosecutor
ever to address a jury on-the banks of the Hudson.
Sihce his incumbency New York's big bad boys
have been moving into Ossining in carload lots.
The youthful district attorney's battle against
the cancerous growth of racketeering in the em-
pire city has been superbly successful. His crime-
busting batting average, even if we chalk up the
Hines case as a fielder's choice, looks like the price
tag on a Ford Convertible. Tom Dewey is, in sum-
mary, the most efficient prosecuting attorney
New York has ever had the good fortune to place
in public office. But what has this to do with
the requisite qualifications for the key guber-
natorial chair in the union? Frankly we don't
know. The two posts come approximately as close
to being similar as Evashevski and, Renda came
to being twins. When a man shows superlative
prowess in the guard position on a ball team we
seldom expect the coach to reward him with the
quarterback's slot (Mr. Evashevski notwithstand-
ing). Dewey is an All-America guard of public
integrity, but he's pulled out of his position just
three years too early on this play and left a gap-
ing hole in New York's line of defense against

For seven years now the Republican aspirant
has been pulling a Calvin Coolidge on all politi-
cal issues. Asked, for instance, the day following
his election as district attorney for his opinion
of capital punishment, the youthful incumbent
planted himself squarely athwart the fence with
a nifty piece of Coolidgesque. "After all," said
he, "I'm still young. You can't expect me to
solve all the problems of the world." Though
modesty doubtless prevents his addressing "all
the problems of the world" it inhibits him not a
whit from glibly explaining the ills of govern-
ment. "Abolish patronage and racketeering," he
reveals, "and break up the alliance between
crime and the politicians and the problems of
government will be solved." A district attorney
because of the nature of his job can peddle such
naivete with little loss of prestige, but in a can-
didate for governor it's appalling.
In his acceptance speech Mr. Dewey started
the ball of political vituperation rolling with a
well-phrased rabble-rousing shot at Lehman.
"Without meaning to be so," he said, "any Demo-
cratic governor is perforce, the good-will adver-

Deal coterie of old liners who have stooped to
employing big ready-made names irrespectige of
qualifications in lieu of ideas and platforms?
We regret watching a brilliant prosecuting at-
torney made the dupe for political chicanery, the
ramifications of which he has not the least com-
-Robert L Fitzhenry
Four Saints
In One Act . .
'four-power accord" in Europe is to
be found more easily by looking outside the new
grouping than inside it. Europe's peace today, as
in Bismarck's time, is ruled by "the precarious
balance of power among five great nations."
During the past five years, the control of affairs
has pursued a steady trend away from the wart
time Allies and their League of Nations ,toward
the two fascist states, Germany and Italy;, this
despite the fact that the fifth great power,
Russia, is a determined and avowed enemy of
the fascist axis.
Part of the explanation for the apparent ano-
maly can doubtless be found in the daring meth-
ods of the fascist diplomacy, the substitution of
bluff and thunder for actual numerical and ma-
terial force. But of far more decisive importance
in the course of recent European history has been
the policy followed by the government of Great
Britain, most marked in the last year, but dis-
cernible ever since the rise of Hitler. It is a gen-
erally accepted thesis that the government of
Great Britain is opposed in its ideals and prin-
ciples to fascism, ald that its policy has bee
dictated by contingency. This policy has been
called by its defenders conciliation, pacifism a
even realism; and yet it appears tp consist of the
conscious strengthening of the two nations which
are recognized even in England as the war-mak-
ers and troublemakers of Europe. In short, there
appears sufficient evidence to question the in-
tegrity as well as the wisdom of the government.
The history of the past four centuries demon-
strates, among other things, that British policy
is never so subtle and meaningful as when it
appears incomprehensible. The key to that policy
in the present instance lies in the existence of the
Russian Socialist state, which the British ruling
class fears and hates, as almost any edition of
any of the upper class newspapers will eloquently
testify. Under the guise of national interest the
ruling class of Britain pushed its imperialistic
self-interest sin every corner of the globe
throughout the eighteenth and nineteenth cen-
turies. It made the Imperial crown the ideological
symbol for its own conquests. The sons of the
people of England left their blood on the sordid
battlefields of Asia and Africa to provide markets
for their masters to exploit, and they did it in the
name of the British nation and the British crown.
TODAY THE BRITISH ruling class is faced
with the embarrassing fact of two belligerent
nations quite obviously bulldozing Britain and
her ally France into a series of the most humili-
ating diplomatic capitulations. But, the British
ruling class is no longer actively imperialistic;
that is, it is no longer engaged in the struggle for
new markets and new sources of raw materials.
Its only concern at present is the preservation of
its existence as a ruling class, which consists in
the preservation of its property. The ideology of
communism is a threat to that property. The
Communist and Socialist wings of the Britishn
Labor Party are not strong; the Labor Party
itself is in a moribund state. But as long as a
great nation exists on the other side of Europe
which by example or force could conceivably
assist in a social revolution in Britain, the British
ruling class feels itself menaced.
The growth of the military power of Germany
and Italy,.and especially of the former, affords a
possible barrier behind which, for the time at
least, the titled and propertied families of Britain
can feel safe. A four power alignment with
Britain bridging the gap between reluctant but
irresolute France on the one hand and militar-
istic Germany and Italy on the other would ac-
complish the isolation of Russia and the prepar-
ation of a crusade against communism in which

the two fascist nations, with their ally Japan,
would do the fighting.
* * *
THIS THESIS MAY sound somewhat fantastic;
and yet any other scarcely answers the ques-
tions raised by the incontrovertible facts. Senti-
ment in Great Britain, as in they United States, is
overwhelmingly in opposition to the creeds and
actions of the fascist nations; and yet the British
government has-steadfastly pursued a policy of
surrender to those nations, a policy so servile that
nineteenth century British historians would have
blanched to record it. Is it credible that Neville
Chamberlain is returning the facist salute to
Hitler simply because of the threat of general
war? Or even more pointedly, is it credible that
Mr. Chamberlain believes that European peace
can be established on a firm basis by negotiations
with Hitler and Mussolini which in every instance
consist simply of giving in to the fascist demands?
The four power accord, if really placed in ef-
fect, will accomplish a diplomatic revolution in
Europe comparable only to that occasioned by the
fall of the Weimar Republic and the seizure of
power by Hitler.-It will mean the final abandon-
ment of Spain and Czechoslovakia, and the pre-
paration for the onslaught on Russia, for which
the German general staff has planned so long.
The British ruling class is neither solidly united
in supporting the government's policy nor thor-
oughly conscious of the portent of its acts. Lloyd
George, the Duchess of Atholl and other Parlia-
mentary conservatives have denounced that gov-
ernment; Anthony Eden and now Lord Duff
Cooper have resigned from it. An undoubtedly
large portion of the government's support in
Parliament is the result of blind party discipline

H-eywood Broun
"Aren't we going to the game?" she asked.
"Yes, Dear," I replied mildly. "When is it?" "Why
it's today, Oct. 1. Have you forgotten?" And, as a
matter of fact, I had. During
the last couple of weeks it
had completely slipped my
mind that Oct. 1 would be the
date made notable by the
football battle between Yale
and Columbia. It was a fine
day and a thrilling game. You
see I was rooting for Colum-
bia. I have no academic at-
tachment to Yale, and my only connection with
Dr. Butler's university resides in the fact that I
was an inept member of his faculty for about
three months a good many years ago. However,
the friend who drove me un to the game is a
brother-in-law once removed to the man who
coaches the Columbia freshman team. And be-
sides, my friend had a large wager on the chances
of the Light Blue and White. That was enough
for me, and so before I entered the Bowl I identi-
fied myself as a partisan by buying a cerulean
feather. I waited for change, but the young man
said, "That's right. The price is just one dollar."
The young man will go far in business unless the
New Deal mows him down.
However, I was pleased rather than otherwise,
as I am about to raise chickens beginning one
week come Wednesday. In all my calculations on
the probable profits I had only figured on the
returns from eggs and dressed poultry. But here
under my nose was the feather racket. Even con-
sidering the cost of the dye it seemed a gold
But presently the young man was back our way
again, and encountered in the same party a some-
what shrewder trader.
"How much?" she asked. To ny intense surprise
the little merchant replied, "A quarter." "I'll give
you a nickel," answered the coming Hetty Green.
"Done and done," announced the future Wolf of
Wall Street. And so I think I'll base my chicken
computations on the eggs alone. The feather mar-
ket seems to be too fluctuating.
Columbia proceeded to knock the daylights out
of the Elis, a proceeding which is always pleasur-
able to watch, and when the final whistle blew my
friend, the big bettor, was in sixth heaven and
rising rapidly. There was no hurry about getting
home, and since there was some coffee and a
couple of sardine sandwiches still, I suggested to
my friend that he tear down the goal posts. He
writes fiction for the popular magazines, but
physically he is very powerful. Indeed, he once
played a stalwart albeit a sluggish game as tackle
for one of the smaller New England colleges. He
was nothing loath to accept the suggestion.
"I'll bring you. half of the crossbar for your
living room," he promised as he ambled down to
the field with surprising agility. As I was working
on the second sandwich I looked down and noticed
that my friend seemed to be having trouble with
the goal posts. Even when he threw his whole
weight against an upright nothing happened ex-
cept that he bounced back again. And so I joined
him and asked, "Do you need any help?" He re-
fused this timid proffer of a friendly shoulder and
explained, "The Yale line may not be so hot, but
this seems to be part of the Maginot fortifications.
They've got the blame things embedded in con-
Accordingly, he quit tugging and whipped out a
pencil, wrote something on one of the white posts.
"At your age," I remonstrated, "I think you should
be mature enough to refrain from defacing walls
with your initials."
"But I didn't write Q. R.," he said. "I wrote, 'To
Hell with Hitler.' And I signed it 'Sid Luckman,'
because all through the game I had a feeling that
whenever he clicked with one of those long passes
he must have been saying in his heart, 'If there's
a Nazi in the house I want him to see the way a
non-Aryan can fling a football'."

The Editor
Gets Told.
Bigger And Better Pep Rallies
To The Editor:
I have been attending Michigan pep meetings
for many years and I am convinced that they
are getting progressively worse. Instead of being
a student meeting it has become a mixture of
students, grade school and high school kids, re-
tired people who want to "be young again" and
a sprinkling of townspeople.
There seems to be no organization at all.
Everyone wants to get there, occupy the down-
stairs seats, and make the place a.bedlam instead
of a "pep" meeting. The program is taken over
by school kids and hoodlums who have no con-
nection with the University. Speakers, cheer
leaders and even the great Michigan Band are
insulted, jeered and interrupted until one goes
away in disgust, thinking of the day when a
"pep" meeting meant real support to the football
team and coaches. No one who attended the
meeting last week can believe that our great
coach, "Fritz" Crisler,'went away inspired by th%
"support" he was receiving from Michigan stu-
I would recommend that only students of the
University be allowed on the main floor; that
monitors from the student organization in charge
be placed at the doors and given supervision of
the meeting; that the program be started as

By Roy Heath
Just what Daily policy is with re-
gard to a columnist bandying word
with an editorial writer I don't know
However, I have an idea that I will b
finding out pretty shortly since I now
essay to do just that.
There appeared in the editoria
columns of this sheet last Sunda
morning a littie acid-dipped nift
from the typewriter of editorial chie
Al Mayio fussing at the Michigan
student body for brawling in the
streets over nothing more important
than a football game while earlier in
the day a "Save Czechoslovakia" rally
had gone by the boards, causing hard-
ly a stir in this placid puddle.
You can't blame Al for feeling that
way. Czechoslovakia is very near to
his heart. Imagine how Fritz Crisler
would have felt if a mere corporal's
guard had shown up at his pep get-
together, But, on the other hand,
you can't blame thetstudents either.
As far as most of therm were con-
cerned, any scheme which would be
concocted to save our Czech friends
at this late date is about as smartas
knocking out pop flys after the ball
game is over. Besides, the rally was
held at high noon and with things like
they are damn few people are letting
Checks (did you ever try to spell
Czechs on a typewriter?) or anyone
else come between them and a good
But to disregard for a moment the
angle of personal disappointment and
chagrin over what Michigan students
choose to get excited about, I feel that
there is a more important aspect in
comparing the two situations which
Al, in his enthusiasm, overlooked.
Had he not, he would not be in such
a dither over the comparative flop of
his "Save Czechoslovakia" rally.
Let us suppose that like rallies had
been staged all over the country ac-
companied by the rabble rousing type
of showmanship which stirs up pre-
game enthusiasm and brings on such
monkey business as ripping theatres
apart, building bonfires and gives the
gendarmes a chance to shoot off their
tear gas guns. Supposing, due to the
efforts of student orators, the whole
nation had taken off in high gear to
get something done about the Czechs.
I say the whole nation because mobs
draw people like flies regardless of the
purpose of the original gathering. The
mobs wouldn't have been comprised
solely of students for long.
After the people were worked up to
the proper pitch then what would you
do with them? Well, supposedly the
weight of aroused public opinion
would force Washington to put some
sort of screws on Hitler and his thugs.
But what kinds of screws? A nasty
letter? Adolph doesn't pay much at-
tention to his fan mail. Apply the
Kellog-Briand Pact, the treaty of
1921; which allows no American mu-
nitions to be sent to Germany, in short
those same potent sanctions which
were so successful in stopping Mus-
solini in Ethiopia and Japan in Man-
churia? No, they wouldn't be enough
to stop Hitler but, worse yet, they
wouldn't be enough to appease a mob
aroused to the same pitch Michigan
students were Saturday night. They
wouldn't piddle around with half-
measures, once hipped up to a fight-
ing pitch.
No Al, it is better that things went
the way they did. The average Amer-
ican feels just as bad about the Czechs
as you do. But they realize, as you

must, that the resolutions proposed at
that meeting Friday noon are dead
horses, so to speak, and after you
work us up we would have to do
something or else bust. And I am
practicallyhsure that Army shoes
would pinch my bunions.
Now that I have had my yearly say
on a topic of real import, which al-
ways makes me feel smart, like an ape
who has just opened a coconut, here's
a word of warning to freshman wom-
en. "Beware of Greeks Bearing
Gifts." Two characters of ill repute
may approach you and demand your
phone number,eaddressaand so on
under the, pretense that they wish
to photograph you for one of Gar-
goyle's "Most Beautiful Freshmen.''
Gargoyle is allegedly a very comical
magazine which litters up the campus
This precious pair have obtained
several good phone numbers already
and once they have your number they
are with you like taxes. For your
protection their names and descrip-
tions follow: MAX HODGE. Short,
extremely stupid, little beady eyes,
has theatrical aspirations, once played
the part of the balcony in Romeo and
Juliet. May be disguised with a pair
of stilts. Undo him by kicking his
shins. JACK THOMPSON. A rascal
from way back, he is, like his partner,
a Theta Chi, therefore a bounder.
Sometimes known as Adonis, you can
find pictures of him in almost any
sorority house on campus. Watch for
this pair. Their most daring attempt

wt n330;1100a m o Sauray


(Continued from Page 2)
been thus officially registered. Ar-
rangements made with the instruc-
tors are not official changes-.

American Society of Mechanical En-
gineers will hold its opening rally at
the Michigan Union tonight at 7:30
p.m. All mechanical engineers are in-
vited to attend.'

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
Waiverstty. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the Presidert
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

. All Candidates for the Teacher's
e Certificate to be granted on recom-
mendation of the Faculty of the
School of Education by June 1939 are
requested to call immediately at the
office of the Recorder of the School
Y1 of Education, 1437 U.E.S., to fill out
Y j application blanks for the Certificate
fI if they have not already done so. (This
notice does not include School of
Music students).
t English 153. Section II meets Thurs-
day, 7:30 p.m. in Room 3217 AH The
V following students have been assigned
to this section:
Fischman, Herbert
Friers, Robert
a Green, James E.
Horland, Ruth L.
Newnan, Willam L.
, Monaweck, Harriet
Mutnick, .George
Ossepow, Harold
Owen, Mary E.
Platt, Robert
Robinson, Frances, M.
Rank, D. B.
Sims, Flora
Slade, Marjorie
English 211f will meet this week on
Thursday at 7:15 p.m. in Room 3231
A.H. E. L. Griggs.
Far Eastern Art: Correction in
Graduate School Announcement.
Pp.- 171-2. For: "Fine Arts 191.
The Art of China and Japan; etc.,"
read "Fine Arts 191. The Art of In-
dia . .. First semester."
For: "Fine Arts 192. The Art of
India; etc.," read "Fine Arts 192.
The Art of China and Japan .
Second semester."
Note: Although Fine Arts 191 and
192 may be taken separately, it is
recommended that they be taken in
sequence as they appear above. In
special cases Course 191 may be tak-
en after the completion of course 192.
History Make-up Examinations: The
make-up examinations in all History
courses will be held at 3 p.m. in Room
B, Haven, Thursday, Oct. 13. No
student will be permitted to take this
examination without presenting writ-
ten permission from his instructor.
Please do not wait until the day of the
make-up examination to see your in-
Mathematics 1, Section 2 (M.W.F.S.
at 9) will meet in J01 Mason Hall be-
ginning Wednesday, Oct. 5.
J. D. Elder.
I Mathematics 370. Seminar on Lat-
tices. Will have its first meeting on
Wednesday, Oct. 5, at 2 o'clock, in
3001 A.H. Dr. Thrall will speak.
G. Y. Rainich
Notice to Freshmen: Make-up ex-
aminations for those students who
missed the tests required of a 11 be-
ginning freshmen will be given as
follows: Psychological examination on
Thursday, Oct. 6, in Room 205 Mason
Hall at 3 o'clock; English esamina-
tion on Friday, Oct. 7, in Room 205
Mason Hall at 3 o'clock.
These examinations take prece-'
dence over all other appointments in-
cluding classes. Be on time.
Exhibition of Contemporary Chinese
Paintings: The water-color paintings
of Ya-Kun Chang, e a contemporary
Chinese painter of recognized stand-
ing, will be exhibited from Saturday,
Oct. 1, through Sunday, Oct. 11, in
exhibition rooms 3514 and 3515 at
the Horace H. Rackham Building. The
exhibition, which is sponsored by the ,
International Center, includes both
brush paintings and "finger-tip",
paintings. Mr. Chang, who is at pres-
ent enrolled in the Graduate School,
of the University, will be at the ex-,
hibition rooms afternoons to explain
his work. Admission is free

University Lecture: Thomas A.
Knott, Professor of English in the
University of Michigan, formerly
Managing Editor of Webster's New
International Dictionary, will lecture
on the subject "Behind the Scenes
in Building a Twentieth-Century Dic-.
tionary" at 4:15 p.m., Thursday, Oct.
6, in the Lecture Hall of the Rackham
Building. The public is cordially in-
Events Today
Chemical and Metallurgical En-
gineering Seminar for graduate stu-
dents. Mr. Ward L. Paine will be the
speaker at this seminar at 4 o'clock in
Room 3201 E. Eng. Bldg. His subject
will be "The Combustion of Carbon."
Seminar in Physical Chemistry will
meet in Room 122 Chemistry Building
at 4:15 p.m. today. Dr. M. A. Bredig
will speak on "Chemical Analysis by

s Freshmen Glee Club: Tryouts and
tdhearsal.Varsity Glee Club Rooms,
third floor. Michigan Union. today a
1 Mathematics Journal Club. Prelim-
inary meeting today at 4 o'clock in
3201 A.H.
Association Fireside: The first Fire-
side Session of the year will be held
at Lane Hall, Wednesday, from 8 to
9 o'clock. Mr. Kenneth Morgan, di-
rector of the Association, will be the
Company Order No. 1: F4 Scabbard
I and Blade is ordered to assemble at
7:30 p.m. tonight at the Michigan
Union. Full uniform required.
per order
William E. Cobey Jr. Captain
John M. Stevens 1st Sgt.
Men's Physical Education Dept.
Phi Epsilon Kappa and the Physical
Education Club will hold a oint
Freshman Mixer tonight. The meet
ing is scheduled for 8 p.m. in the
Glee Club Room at the Union, All
undergraduate and graduate mem-
bers of the physical education school
are invited. Varsity coaches and fac-
ulty are invited. Entertainment and
a general get-together are planned
along with refreshments:
Stalker Hall. Open House and Tea
for all Methodist Students and their
friends from 4-5:30.
Women' Orientation Advisers:
Freshmen Lecture Wednesday af-
ternoon at five o'clock in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre. Please arrange
to meet your groups and be seated in
the theatre on time. Attendance mut
be taken and reports handed in to
the Undergraduate Office.
Women Students: The first meeting
of the Archery Club will be held on
Wednesday, Oct. 5 at 4:30 at the
Women's Athletic Building. Anyone
interested in archery is invited to at-
tend, beginners as well as advanced
archers. Call Irene Sabo (telephone
2-3225) for fui'ther information.
Orthodox Services will be held at
8:30 this morning at the Bet Israel
congregation at 538 N. Division. Mem-
orial services will take place there
this afternoon at 3 p.m. Dr. Bernard
Hellerswill speak at the afternoon
The Hillel Foundation will hold Yoin
Kippur services at 10 a.m. this morn-
ing at the Unitarian Church (corner
State and Hron). Sermon, "The
meaning of Suffering" by Dr. Bernard
Coming Events
Glee Club: Full rehearsal at 7:30
on hursday. Watch D.O.B. for mem-
bership list.
Sigma Alpha Iota will have a busi-
ness meeting in the Michigan League
Thursday, Oct. 6 at 7:15 p.m. Com-
pulsory attendance.
Transportation Club: The Transpor-
tation Club of the University of Mich-
igan will sponsor a brief informal get-
together on Thursday, Oct. 6, 7:15
p.m. in the Michigan Union, room
number to be posted on the Union
bulletin board. After this meeting,
the gathering will join with a com-
mittee of the American Railway En-
gineering Association to attend a
moving picture entitled "Modern De-
velopments in the Remote Control of
Trains." All students in all colleges
who are interested in any phase of
transportation, whether as a profes-
sion or as a hobby, are cordially in-
vited to attend.
Physical Education, Women 'Stu-

dents: Individual sports tests will be
given in Archery, Tennis, Golf, Ca-
noeing and Riding on Friday after-
noon, Oct. 7 from 3 to 5 p.m. Those
planning to take one of thse tests
are requested to call 4121, ext. 702.
Swimming tests will be given on
Tuesday and Thursday evenings at
8:30 uritil Nov. 1 in the Union Pool.
This announcement is of particular
importance for those students who
received an incomplete in physical ed-
ucation last semester.
Dance Club, Women Students. There
wifl be a meeting of all women stu-
dents interested in Dance Club on
Thursday, Oct. 6 at 4:30 p.m. in the
'lounge of the Women's Athletic Bldg.
Plans for the year will be announced
at this meeting.
Stalker Hall. Hayride party leav-
ing Stalker Hall at 9 p.m. Friday.
Cost-50 cents per person. Reserva-
tions are necessary before Thursday
noon. Call 6881. All Methodist stu-


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