I' Weather Mostly cloudy and cooler. possibly light local showers. L fra t t Pulling An End Rbn Around Dewey? . Four Saints In One Act . I I VOL. XLIX. No. 9 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, OCT. 5, 1938 PRICE, FIVE CENTS U.S.S. R. Breaks Alliance With France; Great Britain Guarantees Czech Border] F.D.R. Urges Co-operation III Industry P.W.A. Grants $630,000 To University; Dormitory For 410 Men Will Be Built Would Take Have Conferences Place Of Name Calling An:ong Group Situation Compared : Far East Soviet General Is Reported Missing; Officials Say Nothing London Officials Still Unperturbed (By The Associated Press)E Soviet Russia yesterday decreed that the price of France's capitulation to Hitler was isolation, with Britain her sole ally. The semi-official Soviet newspaper Le Journal de Moscou served notice that the U.S.S.R. no longer regarded herself as an ally of France. British government circles who one week ago hastily took advantage of the Franco-Soviet mutual assistance pact to align the Red Army in a "Stop ,Hitler" front in the event of war, re-r Iained unperturbed. Meanwhile, foreign circles in Mos- cow pondered the whereabouts of Marshal Vassily K. Blueclier, coin- mander-in-chief of the Far Eastern Army, who has been variously re- ported as being traisferred, demoted, and even arrested. MOSCOW, Oct. 4-(P)--The semi- official Le Journal de Moscu said to- day that France no longer has an ally in Europe except Britain, and that the value of that alliance is very doubtful. Discussing the four-power Munich settlement of Sept. 30, the paper says, "International public opinion now says what is the value of France's work-the value of her pledges to the U.S.S.R. and of the Franco-Soviet pact? "The fact is that France, on her own initiative and without consulting the Union of Socialist Soviet Repub- lics, has already annulled the Czecho- slovakia-Soviet pact which was a, corollary of the Franco-Soviet pact. "What now is the value of the lat- ter pact since France has just torn up her treaty with Czechoslovakia-- a treaty which bound her much more strongly? "It has done that at the very mo-F (Continued on Page 6) Petitoiis. Due I Italy Is Prepared For Transatlantic Czech . Premier Makes Cabmiewt At RequestOf Syrovy Changes Slovaks c-I j -f T To European Crisis Senate INames Air Service In '391 NEW YORK, Oct. 4-(A')-Italy gave notice today it would be ready next spring to start its airliners shutt- ling across the North Atlantic. In a Wall Street building high above the turbid East River, Dr. James H. Kimball, the man who gave Charles 4A. Lindbergh the signal to take off for Paris in 1927, drew a weather map to indicate a future route of trans- port planes to Europe. The route will be used jointly by Ala Littoria, the Italian airline, and American Export Airlines. subject to the approval of the new Civil Aero- nautics Authority. The significance of the weather map, said W. H. Coverdale, president of the American company, lay in its having been drawn from information supplied by nine Amercan steam- ships and five Italian liners. Kimball called it the most nearly perfect Atlantic weather forecast ever made. Colonel Pezzasi said that the four- motored, 65,000 pound 'eaplanes which Italy proposed to use would b capable of carrying passengers but that only a mail service was contem- plated at first. For Congress Presidelitial Candidates To StartCampaigns Candidates for the presidencies of the 10 zones comprising the District Council of Congress, independent men's organization, are urged by Robert Hartwell, '39. to hand in pe- titions and start campaigning for the campus-wide elections Wednes- day, Oct. 12. Petitions must bear the candidates name, address, telephone, school, class, age, and scholastic average for last semester. In addition the can- didate must present a brief platform of about 50 words. After at least 25 independent resi- dents of the - Candidate's own zone have signed the petition, it must be turned in to Congress' offices in Room 306 of the Union. Tuesday, Oct. 11, has been set as the deadline, and Hart- well urged that petitions be turned in as soon as possible to avoid a last- minute rush. All scholastically eligible unaffiliat- ed undergraduates on campus with. the exception of freshmen are eligible to petition for office. All undergrad- uates, including freshmen, will be al- lowed to vote, however. To aid campaigning, a list of names and telephone numbers of the resi- dents of each zone will be kept on file in Room 306 of the Union. Homecoming Day To Be October 29 Homecoming Day for 1938 will be celebrated on Oct. 29, the day of the Michigan-Illinois game, Frederick W. Luebke, '39E, president of the Men's Council, announced yesterday.; As usual the Council will award Hungary Sets. Date For Talk On Czech Land' Four Guarantees Asked Before Conference At Komaro*r On Thursday BUDAPEST, Oct. 4--(P)-Little' Hungary, eager to regain territories of which she was stripped by World War treaties, tonight pressed the Czechoslovak government for immedi- ate occupation of some Hungarian zones of Czechoslovakia. In a note to the Prague government proposing a conference to discuss the minority claims be held Thursday, Hungary demanded that before the talks begin Czechoslovakia first must give these guarantees: 1. Hungary must be allowed to oc- cupy, as a symbol of the return of territories in which 800,000 Hungari- ans live, two border towns andncom- munes. 2. All Hungarian political prison- ers in Czechoslovakia must be re- leased. 3. All'Hungarian-speaking soldiers in the Czechoslovak army must be sent home on leave immediately. 4. Local police and troops must be created in the Hungarian zones under a mixed command.' Hungary proposed that the claims be discussed at a conference at 4:00 p. m. Thursday at Komarom, a town on the Danube 80 miles west of Buda- pest, part of it in Hungary, part in j Czechoslovakia. There were unconfirmed reports tonight thatrthe Czechoslovak auth- orities were evacuating the Hungar- ian-populated border regions along the 450-mile frontier. Daladier Granted Sweeping Power PARIS, Oct. 5.- (Wednesday ) -A) -Premier Daladier was voted full fi- nancial powers to rule by dictatorial decree today by the Chamber of Dep- uties. The vote was 331 to 78 with 204 abstaining. (By Associated Press) Sir Thomas Inskip, Britain's De- fense Coordinating Minister, said in the House of Commons yesterday that Britain would feel morally bound to aid Czechoslovakia in event of unpro- voked aggression, although technical- ly Britain's guarantee of her integ- rity was not yet in operation. Britain's Chamberlain and France's Daladier each won strong approval for his part in the Munich peace con- ference, and yesterday each was seek- ing to renew friendly relations with Italy's "Mussolini. In Prague, harried Jan Syrovy shook his cabinet as Slovak autonom- ists agitated for more speed in con. sideration of their demands. LONDON, Oct. 4--UP)-Sir Thomas Inskip, Defense Coordinating Minister told the House of, Commons tonight Britain would feel morally bound to aid Czechoslovakia in event of un- provoked aggression although techni- cally Britain's guarantee of her in- tegrity was not yet in operation. Explaining the annex to the Mun- ich Accord in which Britain and France guaranteed Czechoslovakia's shorn frontiers, Sir Thomas said if the Czechs were attacked "His Majes- ty's Government would certainly feel bound to take all steps in their power to see that the integrity of Czecho- slovakia is preserved." Questioners have insisted upon knowing whether Britain's guarantee was effective immediately or after the frontier revision was completed. Britain and France launched simul- taneous diplomatic moves aimed at permanent European appeasement as Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain won powerful support for his bitterly attacked Munich Accord which carved Ap Czechoslovakia. Earl Baldwin, the Prime Minister's predecessor, told the House of Lords "there was nothing else he could have done" when Chamberlain decided to see Adolf Hitler at Berchtesgaden. "I thank God he was able to do it," declared the man who as Prime Minis- (Continued on Page 2) HYDE PARK, N. Y.. Oct. 4-(A)- President Roosevelt was said on high authority today to believe that busi- ness would have a clear track toward better times if industry and labor substituted friendly' conferences for name-calling and recrimination. Whether the disclosure of his opin- ion meant that the President was preparing to act toward industrial peace was not announced. The mere statement of his sentiments was con- veyed without comment to newspaper- men at the temporary .White House here. At his press conference the Presi- dent himself had no statement to make regarding business. Those who spoke authoritatively regarding Mr. Roosevelt's attitude suggested that the bitterness in th6 domestic economic scene parallels the recent European crisis. The war-like gestures of European nations, they said, find their analogy in what they described as frightening statements, misrepresentation of gov- ernment policy for partisan politcali purposes, too-gloomy predictions of the future and the raising of bogies to scare the people., Friends of Mr. Roosevelt said that the sooner labor and industry sat around the conference table and stopped hurling names at each other, the sooner the nation would see busi- ness make real progress. At his regular Tuesday press con- ference, the President had no com- ment on the recent European settle- ment. Responding to a question as to whe- ther the United States would initiate a program to bring about world dis- armament, Mr. Roosevelt suggested that reporters read the record of the Administration's foreign policy for the last five years. . During that period, there have been indications the Government was ready and willing to talk over inter- national problems with other nations. Mr. Roosevelt said the record of things the Government has done and of statements he and Secretary Hull have made was perfectly clear. He urged newsmen not to try to elabor- ate on the English language contained in the record. Ousted UAW Officers Back Lewis Patches Up Union Split, Asks For Unity Committee On Race Question Motion MadeBy Graduate Prompts Investigation Of Negro Treatment A proposal to appoint a commit- tee to investigate racial discrimina- tion in Ann Arbor against Negroes was last night unanimously adopted at a meeting of the Student Senate at the Michigan League. The motion was brought up hy' Robert Gill, Grad., who cited several cases of discrimination in well-known restaurants in town. This, he said,s led him to suspect that Negro dis- crimination is more widespread -han has been imagined. Albert Mayio,1 '39, Ted Grace, '39, and Joseph Gies, '39, were appointed to the committee.1 Gies Is Elected1 Gies was also unanimously elected vice-president of the Senate, replac- ing, Alfred Lpvell who has not re-1 turned to school this year.] The Committee on Housing re- ported that it was probably the in- terest aroused by the Senate's in-1 vestigation of housing conditions last year that indirectly caused the Board of Regents to consider the prcblem which in turn led to the recent fed- eral appropriations for new dormi- tories. Appoint Committee A committee was appointed, upon the motion of Harold Ossepow, '40, to try to obtain the gubernatorial candidates in the coming election for a forum or separate speeches to be sponsored by the Senate, sin&e the Michigan election will be of national importance as a barometer for the federal elections in 1940. Waldo M. Abbot, '39, who will go to Lansing to see Governor Murphy, Harold Osse-1 pow, '39, and Jack Sessions, '40, con- stitute the committee. 'Kampus Kiu Krisis; Kan't Kollect Kuestions Questions for the "Kampus Kwiz," 1938 edition of Varsity Night, have been coming in slowly and many more will be needed, Gilbert Phares, '38E, announced yesterday. 1The program, which will be given at 8 p.m. on ct. 18, in Hill Auditorium, is modeled after 'those of Professor Quiz and Kay Kyser. The campus ha been asked to submit questions on college athletics, dance or band mu- sic, and common sense questions or brain teasers. Boxes for them are located in the Engineering Arch, Angell Hall lobby, in front of the Main Library, in the Union lobby, the League lobby, and the Wolverine restaurant. Civil Service Commission Broadens Exam System LANSING, Oct. 4-P)-The Civil Service Commission broadened its rules today to permit state employees to take promotional examinations during their six-months probationary periods. Cost Set At $1, J.50,000 Plant'Rer al Bringing Year's Building Of Vaudeville Total Near$6,000,000 On Local StageHeating Equipnent Will BeImproved Big-time vaudeville will return to the Michigan Theatre stage this fall For the second time within a week after an absence of several years, University dormitory expansion plans Jerry Hoag, manager, revealed yes- came nearer to fulfillment yesterday terday. with announcement of a $630,000 Undergraduates who have heard PWA grant to be used in construction legends of how students treated stage of a $1,150,000 men's dormitory and folk in the "old days" will have an for improvement of the central heat- opportunity to show themselves as ing system. critics for, according to Hoag, a heavy Public Works Administration allot- schedule of stage entertainment in- ments to the University within a peri- cluding dance bands, a Hawaiian' od of three months now reach a total show, a possible "Jitterbug" contest of $2,522,250 while a campus building and just plain vaudeville will be offer- program of at least $6,000,000 for the }d students until they show preference. next year was assured. Then the theatre will attempt to con- Capacity Will Be 410 centrate in the preferred type of en- Capacity of the new dormitory, tertainment, which will be intended primarily for Early bookings will include Rita engineering, dental and medical stu- Rio and her all-girl band and, if it is dents, is to be 410. possible, such "name" bands as he can The University's share of $770,000 afford will be booked, Hoag said. wlqidating an to be paiusual self- At the same time he would comment profits from the dorm's operation. little upon the new theatre announced Instead of serving as a develop- last year except to reiterate his pre- ment in the Union quadrangle, the vious declaration that the class of '41 new building will probably be located will have an opportunity to visit it in g wlpobabl e Uoced in the area opposite the University before graduation. Elementary School running from E. U University Ave. to Church St. along the south side of Willard St. Such a H itler En erslocation, it is thought, will be more - e convenient for professional school Sudniand's students expected to comprise the majority of its occupants. Td' Four-Story Building Third S'ectIon Planned as a four story building with reinforced construction, brick ,rexterior and stone trim, the new dorm Triumphant Entry Is Made will be modeled after Mosher-Jordan By Fuehrer; Henlein-and the Union developments. No date for the initiation of con- Is Member Of Party struction wIs revealed. Of the $1,400,000 to be spent, about KARLSBAD, Sudeten Germany, $250,000 will be used in improving the Oct. 4.-(P)-Adolf Hitler, in exul- University heating system. A 1,100 tant military procession, today added horsepower boiler with all necessary another slice of Czechoslovakia to an operating accessories, a new turbo- expanding Germany which, he de- generator and an auxiliary air com- clared, "nobody will ever be able to pressor will be installed at the E. destroy again." Huron power plant. Accompanied by Konrad Henlein, Qnly last Wednesday announcement Sudeten leader, Der Fuehrer rode had been made of a $450,000 PWA behind his troops into this famed grant to be used in the construction resort town where the Sudeten of a $1,000,000 women's dormitory, movement received great impetus April 16 through promulgation of Henlein's autonomy demands. Knott To Speak "I don't know how I would some-ti g e" ro a e tme get here,"0 itler told ahyse On Dictionar'ies ical, heiling crowd, "but I did know ito a i t that I would come." Hitler, Henlein and their party arrived early this afternoon on the Editor's Work Is Subject heels of troops occupying this third Of Talk Tomorrow zone of Sudetenland to be taken over under the Munich four-power ac- Prof. Thomas A. Knott of the Eng- cord. l1: Exeerpts From T Message To Col HOUSTON, Tex., Oct. 4.-(/P)-Im- portant excerpts froln the text of , President Roosevelt's message to the 58th annual convention of the Ameri- can Federation of Labor, to which William Green, AFL president, plan- . ned to reply, follow. It was the a second time during the day FDR had! explained his views on labor. "During your lifetime, and mine a vast improvement in the conditions of tabor and the pay of labor in many occupations in most parts of the country has been brought about. This has come about largely through the efforts of organized labor. But much still remains to be done. "Collective bargaining is one of the most useful devices for fair and con- structive human relations and col-' Unio Extnds cr'vcesWASHINGTON, Oct. 4-lP)-The Union Extends Services, CIO reunited opposing factions in the Facilitates Registration United Automobile Workers' high command today by obtaining immedi- To enable those students who have ate reinstatement of four expelled of- afternoon laboratory courses which ficers who had been at odds with the prevent their registering and obtain- Union's president, Homer Martin. ing their Union membership cards and John L. Lewis, C.T.O. chairman, pre- buttons during the regular hours from dicted that "complete elimination of 3 to 5. p. m., the registration service all internal controversies in the will also be open from 7 to 9 p. m. U.A.W." would follow. today and Thursday, it was an- Martin, convening the union's full nounced yesterday. executive board for the first time Students who wish to get their 1938- since charges and counter charges of 39 Union membership cards should Communistic and disruptive tactics bring their treasurer's receipts stamp- split it in two and resulted in the ex- d to show that their fees have been pulsions, declined to comment. paid. 'iPhilip Murray and Sidney Hillman, C.I.O. vice-chairmen, who had served as arbiters, opened the board meet- he President's ing today by reading their recommen- dations for settling the union's prob- uvention Of AFL iens. The rival factions had agreed iadvance to accept the proposals. Hillman and Murray suggested im- onomic plan for his life, but for the mediate reinstatement of'vice-presi- economic life of the nation. In many dentsRichard T.Frankensteen, sectonmc ifaontedaon n many cuaion Wyndham Mortimer and Ed Hall and sections and in many occupations Isecretary-treasurer George Addes. which fall under the general classfi- Te ygteda-sure haGe tebAd catonof abr, hee re ilion o IThey suggested also that the board cation of labor, there are millions of immediately adopt rules providing for Americans who suffer from inade- assignment of responsibility and of quate pay or over-long hours, or both. duties. "I hope the convention will leave I open every possible door of access to et peace and progress in the affairs of WolverineElection organized labor in the United States. "If leaders of organized labor canI P1a Is Approved make and keep the peace between various opinions and factions within The final draft of a plan for the the labor group itself, it will vastly selection of future student executives increase the prestige of labor with was approved at a meeting of the the country and prevent the reaction Board of Directors of the Michigan which otherwise is bound to injure Wolverine, student cooperative cafe- the workers themselves. teria. "I commend to all representatives The new plan makes it possible for Humphreys Will Speak To Sphinx At Luncheon Sphinx, junior men's honorary so- ciety, will hold an important luncheon today in the Founder's Room of tn Union, it was announced yesterday. Richard Humphreys, '40, will speak on "Dennis Flanagan and Other Great Men I Have Known." Following the address, Humphreys will lead a dis- cussion on "How to Write for the Man in the Street." Eye- Witnesses See Neutrality I , zk i In Spanish War As 'Murderois' ish departrnent, last managing edi- tor of "Webster's New International Dictionary" will lecture at 4:15 p. m. tomorrow in the Graduate School Auditorium on "Behind the Scenes In Building a 20th Century Diction- ary." Professor Knott is recognized as an authority in his field. Under his edi- torship "Webster's" was completed in record-time. He has had wide experi- ence in lexicography and is at pres- ent working with Prof. C. C. Fries on the Middle English Dictionary. .He cameto the University in 1935 following his work with Webster's before which he was connected with the English department at the Uni- versity of Iowa. As Prof. Hardin Craig, head of the English department at Stanford Uni- versity has Written, "his colleagues at Iowa knew Knott wanted to edit a dictionary. He was the only man they had ever known who did want to edit one and they did not know why, but they wanted him to do what he wished to do. He had learned and talked and taught lexicography, had as- sembled a collection of old diction- aries, and had equipped himself gem- arally and specially for the task of making a dictionary .. OK Reorganization Of CurbExciaiig-e NEW YORK, Oct. 4.---P)-The Board of Governors of the New York Curb Exchange approved today a By ROBERT PERLMAN l i The Spanish people, united in their fight against the invading legions of Hitler and Mussolini, are relentlessly determined to protect their freedom and democracy, while the United States maintains a murderous "neu- trality" by prohibiting the shipment of ev~n defensive weapons to Spain -that was the picture drawn by two eye-witnesses of the war before 300 students and townspeople in the Union last night. The story of the defense of Spain and of the horrors of fascist bomb- ings was told by Constance Kyle, American social worker who cared for Spanish refugee children, and Manuel Azcarate, son of the Am- emphasized, in behalf of democracy. The meeting, at which more than $30 was collected for food and medi- cal supplies to be shipped to Spain, was sponsored by the Ann Arbor com- mittee for Medical Aid to Spain, the Progressive Club and the local Ameri- can League for Peace and Democracy. Miss Kyle, pointing out that 22 out of Spain's 28 million people are in Loyalist territory, told of the peasant women who left their homes and towns rather than submit to fascist rule. She will leave for Spain Oct. 28. in time, she said, to see an American ship bring $250,000 worth of badly needed supplies to Spain. The following resolution, passed at the meeting, was sent last night to