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OW "Mai No. 8 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, Oct. 4, 1938 PRICE, FIVE CE -I rnment upChange ain Sought r Bulkley Requests ress To Reconsider For Reorganization dent Admits dyingNecessity NGTON, Oct. 3.-(P)-Sen. ulkley (Dem., Ohio) raised ty question of Government tion today with a statemnent gress should consider such i again next session. bile, Senator Burke (Dem., rted that if a measure simi- t which the House pigeon- year should be offered it even pass the Senate." cussion recalled a statement 'resident Roosevelt last week ad been canvassing the need nization, in the interest of cient and businesslike gov- with members of the com- hich drew up his original He declined to say what were, however. an Administration support- extent that Mr. Roosevelt m for renomination recent- for the Reorganization Bill after voting also for an nt offered by the bill's crit- ar's battle centered prin- t a proposed broad delega- ithority to the President to nges in the Administrative alkley supported an amend- give Congress a veto power resident's changes. He vot- o send the bill back to Com- Youth Congress, Spanish War Topic Of Talks, Movie Tonight Loyalist Spain's Delegates . To Vassar Parley Speak A At 8 P.M. In The Union The effect of recent developments in European diplomacy on the war in Spain, and the work of the recent World Youth Congress at Vassar Col- lege, will be discussed at a meeting to be held at 8 p. m. today in the ball- room of the Union. Manuel Azcarate and Constance Kyle, Spanish dele- gates to the Youth Congress, will be the speakers. "Return to Life," a motion picture made in Spain showing recent uncen- sored shots of the war which has re- ceived widef acclaim from movie crit- ics, will be shown. The meeting is being sponsored by the Ann Arbor Committee to Aid Spain, the Ameri- can League 'for Peace and Democracy and the Progressive Club, local chap- ter of the American Student Union. Azcarate is the son of the Spbnish ambassador to England and has fought with the Loyalist army on the Madrid and Teruel fronts. He is an executive member of the largest youth grou' in Spain today. Miss Kyle is an American girl, a graduate of Smith College, former- ly connected with the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Illi- nois. She has been directing the work in American homes maintained for child refugees in Spain. Students and faculty are invited to attend the meeting. Admission is free. MANUEL AZCARATE ** * or Riot Damage Nears $200, Several Hur Local High School Student Receives Head Wounds, ReportedlyFrom Police Officers Use $100 Worth Of Tear Gas Damage to city property to the ex- tent of around $200 and injuries to several persons, one of them of serious nature, were counted up yesterday as the toll of Michigan's week-end football riots. Warren Jessop, 16-year-old Ann Arbor high school student, was taken to St. Joseph's Hospital Friday night for treatment of head wounds alleg- edly received from a patrolman's night stick as he was standing as a bystander watching a bonfire on North University Ave. The wounds necessitated three clamps. According to statements substan- tiated by five high school companions, Jessop was returning from a moving picture when he saw the blaze. As the youths were turning away from the fire, following orders by police ar- riving on the scene, one of the patrol- men mistook a remark of Jessop's and hurried the boys, unnecessarily strik- ing Jessop with his stick. The youth did not collapse, but was taken im- mediately to the hospital by the squad car. George Kyer, the only one of the three police commissioners who could be reached last night, said that there will be a meeting of the police com- mission tonight. According to Mr. Kyer, no formal complaint has been received yet, but if such a complaint is made, the case will be thoroughly investigated. Many others, mostly students, came from the riotous evening with minor cuts and bruises, but no other serious injury was reported. City engineers estimate the cost of the pavement damaged at nearly $200, while $100 worth of tear gas was expended. The Michigan Theatre, which had received serious damage in previous football demonstrations, escaped the trouble entirely. 'M ayeing' To Open Thursday Independents To Take Over I.M. Thursday The Intramural building and swim- ming pool will remain open for the first night of the fall season, Thurs- day, Oct. 6, to feature a two-hour Sports Night sponsored by Congress, independent men's organization. Free towels and lockers will be available to all independents who wish to participate in the program of swimming ,squash, handball, code- ball, paddleball, imecatos, badminton, or basketball to be held from 7:30' to 9:30 p. m. Instruction and equip- ment will be furnished for all sports. This program made possible by the cooperation of Mr. Earl Riskey, of the Intramural Sports Department and Jack Hoover, '40, chairman of the sports committee of Congress. It is the initial step of a sports program planned to encourage participation of independent men in Intramural sports. Student Senate Meets Tonight; Public Invited Senators To Choose New Vice-President And Plan ComingFall Elections The first regular meeting of the Student Senate, all-campus repre- sentative body, will be held at 7:30 p.m. today in the League to formulate concrete plans relative to the conduct of the forthcoming fall election Oct. 21, which were announced last week by Edward Magdol, '39, director of elections. Robert Rosa, '39, will act as tem- porary chairman. All students interested in get- ting first-hand experience in the workings of proportional repre- sentation and serve as elections counters have been asked by Mag- dol to contact himthis week at the Student Senate offices in Lane Hall. 500 Czech Soldiers Almost Lost Battalion' Falkenau, Oct. 3 - (R)- More than 500 Czechoslovak soldiers and gendarmes were surprised and sur- rounded by an advance guard of Adolf Hitler's SS men here today and held for three hours while they were threatened with death from machine gun bullets. When finally freed the Czecho- slovaks were deprived of their mo- tor equipment and arms. Excitement in surrounding gar- risons was caused by the incident. The Carlsbad Garrison detailed two squads of machine-gunners to guard the Spa where the German entrance is not expected until to- morrow, and sideroads were barri- caded. Czechoslovaks said the incident occurred when the advance Ger- man guard moved in six hours ahead of the schedule of the Inter- national Military Commission reg- ulating occupation of the western Sudeten Zone. Prof. T. A. Knott To Give Lecture Here Thursday 'Civilization Was Saved, Prime Minister Insists; Duff CooperHits Bach Fuehrer And Henlein Get great Ovation Latest events in the Czechoslo- vakian situation yesterday were enacted at London and in the Sudeten area when Prime Minis- ter Chamberlain told a critical House of Commons that the re- cent Munich meeting had saved civilization; and when Reichs- fuehrer Hitler received the hom- age of the inhabitants of the newly ceded Sudeten areas. Reichsfuehrer Hitler Receives His Ovation With the German Army of Occupa- tion in Sudetenland, Oct. 3-(AP)- Reichsfuehrer Adolf Hitler rode vic- toriously into the Sudetenland today and proclaimed the region part o Germany with the pledge that "never again will this land be torn away from the Reich." He entered the Sudetenland witI his soldiers, airplanes, armored car and artillery. The populace, cheering wildly, strewed his path with flower and shouted "We thank our Fuehrer.' Tonight he went to Hof, not fa west of Eger, to sleep in his specia tri.Tomorrow he will return ti the Sudetenland to visit Graslitz Falkenau and Koenigsberg. About three hours earlier, at 8 :01 a. in., 2,000 'soldiers of the Germar army under Gen. Walther von Reich enau began occupation of Zone three the Asch-Eger region, of the new German acquisitions. The populace raised deafenini cheers for the soldiers, but these were dwarfed as the Fuehrer himself ar- rived in an open car, accompanied b: Konrad Henlein, Sudeten Germal party leader and now Germany' commissioner for Sudetenland. Chamberlain Explains His Deeds To Commons Sudetens See Hitler Chamberlain Telli Of~MnihSuces I CONSTANCE KYLE Inn IP w i i r i'i Health Center Will Mark 25 that in his opinion of, the executive ernment "definitely on. riged my mind," he ir recommittal and of the bill. I- also heeler Amendment he President ought say on questions of neasure ought to s session and we it to see that Con- 1 say on matters of >erative g House red Here iCo Years' Service Pamphlet To Be Issued Depicting The History Of Medical Progress Guest speaker at the silver anniver- sary celebration of the Health Ser- vice to be held Oct. 14 will be Dr. Harold S. Diehl, dean of medical sciences at the University of Minne- sota. His address will be on the "Signi- ficance of the Student Health Move- ment." Dr. Diehl, a graduate of the Medi- cal School of the University of Minne- sota, returned from war service in 1918 with the Minnesota Base Hospi- tal to become director of the Uni- versity of Minnesota Health Service. He succeeded Dr. John Sundwall,.now director of the division of hygiene and public health at the University of Michigan. Dr. Diehl's address will be given in the Rackham Building following a conference on student health work. The quarter century of medical care for students at the University will also be reviewed at the conference and inspection of the University's Health Service facilities will occupy the morning session. In connection with the celebration, a pamphlet with the story of the health service and its progress will be issued. It will contain a directory of the original staff as well as members of the present staff and a list of papers published'by them. A dinner in the League, concluding the anniversary ceremonies, it is hoped, will be the occasion for a formal announcement that the Board of Regents has accepted the PWA grant for a new health service build- ing, Dr. Warren E. Forsythe said. The project has been approved in Wash- ington and now awaits favorable action by. the Regents. Green Assails Lewis As 'Red' At AFL Meeting Labor Will Not Tolerate Federal Supervision, He Informs His Con'vention 19 Men Residing In New Residence; Plan Open House In Two Weeksj A new men's cooperative house, thei fifth cooperative rooming house on; campus, has been established at 922 S. State St. The house has been of- ficially named the .Robert Owen3 House, in honor of the celebrated 19th century exponent of the cooperativej movement.1 At present 19 men are living in the, house, while six others board there. Several other students have applied' as boarders, according to Frank Ride-1 out, '41, house steward, and the num- ber of members will be increased ass soon as organization is completed. An open house will be held in about two' weeks. Other officers of the Owen House; are Owen Rohde, '39, president; John' O'Brien, 39, treasurer; Marvin Arent, '39, purchasing agent; Arnold Polan- sky, '40, secretary-auditor; Jack Ses- sions, '39, education chairman, and Happy Greggs, '40. - The money for the purchase of the new house came from a loan from the Ann Arbor Cooperative Credit Union, while the furniture was purchased from the University, which has agreed to defer payment until February. Cost of living in the Owen House is five dollars a week, in addition to seven hours work. HOUSTON, TeX., Oct. 3-UP)-- William Green shook his fist today and caustically accused John L. Lewis of leading an industrial union move- ment that Lewis labeled 14 years ago as "one of , the objectives of the Communist International." The president of the American Fed- eration of Labor, opening its national convention, couched his keynote speech in bristling terms as he at- tacked the C.I.O. chairman. Green shouted that Lewis in 1924 gave a Senate Committee a state- ment charging Communists were at- tempting to gain control of the Ameri- can Federation of Labor to reach an objective of "one big union." Green produced a newspaper clip- ping describing a speech Lewis de- livered last month at the Latin-Amer- ican Trade Union Congress in Mexico City. Green pictured Lewis address-' ing a throng of "denim clad workers" waving red flags in a bull ring in Mexico City. Green turned to labor legislation and thundered: "American labor will not tolerate governmental control-governmental dictation." He branded the National Labor Re- lations Board "an ally of the C.I.O.," and added "we won't stand for that." He asserted the Federation would ask Congress to amend the Wagner Labor Act and then urged American employers to accept the doctrine of the American Federation of Labor. He asked employers to accord labor collective bargaining rights and urged them to pay wages as high as indus- try can bear. 1 S i 1 French Movie Features Boyer, Darrieux "Mayerling," the French film which will be brought to the Lydia Mendels- sohn Theatre Thursday, Friday and Saturday by the Art Cinema League, presents one theory of the tragic love affair of Archduke Rudolph of Aus- tria and the young Baroness Marie Vetsera. The deaths of the young, debonair Archduke and the 16-year-old Marie Reports will be given by, the hous- ing, continuations, sex education and I Negro education committees. An elec- tion will be held to fill the post of vice-president, vacated by Alfred Lovell, '38, who was graduated last June. . The meeting today is open to the public, and everyone interested isz cordially invited to attend. Nominating petitions for the newly-{ announced election must be submit- ted to the Student Senate offices in (Continued on Page 2)C Varsity Night t Features lKwiz' Proceeds Will Send Band To New Haven A novel feature of this year's Var- sity Night Tuesday, Oct. 18, which is being held to aid the Band's trip to Yale, will be a "Kampus Kwiz." Six campus leaders, three men and three women, will take part in the "Kwiz," which will be modelled after the radio programs of Professor Quiz and Kay Kyser. Ballot boxes tor the questions will be posted at the Engineering Arch, in front of the library, and in the lobbies of the League, the Union and Angell Hall. Prizes will be awarded to those who submit questions that are used. Leonard Smith, considered by mus- ic critics to be America's foremost cornet soloist, will be the featured guest artist at Varsity Night. Smith has for the past three years been trumpet soloist with Edwin Franko Goldman's-band in New York City. Former Webster Editor To Discuss Experiences In EditingDictionary Prof. Thomas A. Knott, editor of the Middle English Dictionary and formerly managing editor of Web- ster's New International Dictionary will lecture at 4:15 p.m. Thursday in the Graduate School Auditorium'on "Behind the Scenes in Building a 20th Century Dictionary." Professor Knott, who came to the University in 1935, following his work with Webster's, will discuss the ex- periences, techniquesand problems with which the editorial staff must deal in compiling a modern diction- ary. He is recognized as one of the fore- most men in his field.. Prof. Harding Craig, head of the English depart- ment at Stanford University last' spring said of ihim in a nationally circulated publication, "He is a great linguist, and a thinker about linguis- tic problems, a, grammarian, a dis- tinguished student of his mother tongue, and an authority in a broad field of English literature.. "No man in my acquaintance ever got the concept and spirit of research more exactly right than Thomas A. Knott has it," Professor Craig wrote.' "Scholarship for him is a search for significant truth. Research is a thing to be believed in, but it is also a game and an adventure to be played. Re- search means to him also method and exactitude. Supreme Black Court Reverses Legion Decision a Daily Reporters Probe Campus On Michigan's New Football Era LANSING, Oct. 3.--)-The State Supreme Court today reversed the conviction of nine reputed members of the Black Legion of plotting to kill Arthur L. Kingsley, Highland Park publisher, but Wayne County Prose- cutor Duncan C. McCrea announced that the case would be re-tried.. Lupp, former head of the Black Legion in Michigan, Hepner and Clark, are serving prison sentences of from two to five years for inciting to riot, a Black. Legion case separate from the Kingsley case. LONDON, Oct. 3 - 0P) -- Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain drove home to the somber House of Com- mons today his blunt belief that four men at Munich-Hitler, Mussolini, Daladier and himself-saved civili- zation as "we have known it." He steadfastly backed all he had done. Voices of dismay, humiliation and rage preceded and followed his 55- minute address explaining and justi- fying the accord at Munich which dismembered Czechoslovakia. Alfred Duff Cooper, the man whc until Saturday was Chamberlain's First Lord of the Admiralty, sobbed as he cried out that the price of peace at Munich "stuck in m3 throat." But Chtnlambain replied: TI havehnothing to be ashamed of Those, who, have may hang their heads." He praised President Roosevelt anc the contributions of Daladier, Mus- solini and Hitler in saying: Of Roosevelt-"the messages o: President Roosevelt so fairly and yet so persuasively made showed how the voice of the most powerful nation it the world could make itself hearc across 3,000 miles of ocean and swa: the minds of men in Europe." Of Daladier-"his courage, hi readiness to take responsibility, hi pertinacity and his unfailing goon humor were unvarying and invalu able." Of Mussolini-his contribution tt the Munich agreement "was perhap decisive." "It was on his suggestio7 that mobilization in Germany wa, postponed for 24 hours to give at opportunity of discussion and durin the conference he and Count Ciane his foreign secretary, were most help ful." Of Hitler-"hard things have bee , said about the German Chancellor te day and in the past but I do feel the the House ought to recognize . . that in consenting, even though i were only at the last minute, to dis cuss with the representatives of othe powers those things which he ha declared he had already decided one and for all, was a real contributio on his part." Chamberlain announced a quic 210,000,000 ($50,000,000) loan fc CI,,anh not nvn ,i a CHARLES BOYER has furnished history with a mystery (Editor's note: Three times a week Morton L. Linder and Harry L. Sonne- born will present this cross section of campus opnion on pertinent, varied topics. The persons questioned are se- lected entirely at random by the writ- ers). Hail THE QUESTION: What do you lwood MayWin think of the statement that Michigan On Starr's Ruling has entered a new fobal era? THE ANSWERS: Ton Haynie, '39: GRAND RAPIDS. Mich., Oct. 3--(P) "Any team must have coordination -The possibility that the nomina- and plenty of spirit to win. The team tion of the Rev. James W. Hailwood that went on the field Saturday had as the Democratic candidate for Con- more coordination and spirit than gress in the fifth Michigan district any team I've seen any place. I've may hinge on a ruling by Attorney a pc General Raymond W. Starr devel- never seen such a fast charging line, oped late today as the recount of -nor such outstanding blocking and the primary ballots cast in 51 Kent tackling than these boys put on Sat- county precincts reached the half- urday. --I." I Ted Harison.'42: "The Michigan change for the better and inaugurate , a new era in Michigan football." Bud Benjamin, '39: "I think it's largely true. While I would hesitate to commit myself as to whether it will be a new era in the won and lost column, I do believe that it will be an era of more interesting, more de- ceptive and more vigorous football. Not only the superb condition of the team but also numerous coaching ini- novations will combine to increase our gridiron prestige. In my opinion, the dr'ab era is gone; increased football interest is apparently inevitable." Cramon "Tex" Stanton, '39: "Michi- gan, from indications last Saturday, will again be on the top in the near future. The fellows have the desire to win and this is the biggest factor in any football game." Julian Kilman, '39: "I think that which has riot yet been definitely solved. This film is based on the most generally accepted theory ad- vanced by Claude Annet in his "Idyll's End." Charles Boyer plays Rudolph in this picture, and Danielle Darrieux, who made her American debut in "The Rage of Paris" portrays the baron- ess. Tickets for "Mayerling" are avail- able at the box office of the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. The price is 35 cents. Court Approves Liquor Permits In 'Dry' Areas LANSING, Oct. ,3.--(P)-The Su- preme Court held today that private Justice Hughes Opens Court' Session With Cardozo Eulogy WASHINGTON, Oct. 3.-(P)-Chief Justice Hughes started a new term of+ the Supreme Court today by eulogiz- ing the late liberal Associate Justice, Benjamin N. Cardozo. Manifesting deep emotion, the Chief{ Justice said the Court had "suffered and irreparable loss" when Cardozo died last July. "His contributions to the develop- ment of our jurisprudence made his judicial career one of the most il- lustrious in American annals," Hughes added. _Tii. c.inn t'n rriewrz wnfP *hsdr rn on of his colleagues had filed into the chamber at noon for the first session since last May 31. Justice McReynolds, who frequently does not attend when there is no business requiring his pres- ence, was absent. The court adjourned after admit- ting attorneys to practice and receiv- ing motions. " Then Solicitor General Robert H Jackson announced that arguments before the tribunal to the constitu- tionality of the Tennessee Valley Au- thority Act had been postponed from Cnt 1'7 t Nnu 14 Li