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March 02, 1939 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-03-02

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President Roosevelt Relaxes On Inspection Tour Of Navy Epidemic Abating
4 4 rx >f s\ yForsythe Claims
:. f °'we4of ,o fumber \ ...d i 0
Foirk LVhe Claii'n_ "WILT THY
The umber of new daily cases in COLLAR W T?"E
the current cold epidemic that has I N ER
[ in 19 days affected more than 1,200
°'.ay.'. > ."^students, has dropped definitely, Dr. TrS A'DUROTE
; ,P!\ ' a . \ Warren E. Forsythe, director of the
.:.....N j .Health Service, announced yesterday.
5 But it has done that several times
before, Dr. Forsythe pointed out, and
this cannot be taken as indication
that the epidemic is about over.
j The epidemic is a respiratory tract
.f.,,.,; ;.y,!............ainfection of an undetermined nature
that is prevalent in five mid-western
states, and has kept thousands of
Michigan children out of school.,
Engel Alumnus Story
< r " oTold Two Years Late
From all parts of the world news is
flashed to The Daily only a moment
after the event happens-take that AND TAKE IT FROM THOUSANDS
story in yesterday's paper on Rep.
Albert J. Engel's being named an OF EMANCIPATED THROATS, YOU'RE
honorary alumnus, for example.
Engel, it turned out, received the GETTING THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH I
-honor not Monday, but in 1937. The
degree was conferred not by Dr. Ruth-
. .en but by the Board of Regents You wouldn't be interested in the technical
after a committee had reported fav- details of the DUROTEX process-but every man
This picture, released by the United States Navy in New York, is the first photogaph showing President orably on it.
Reosevelt at sea during his current inspection of maneuvers. The Chief Executive is shown aboard the How the story ever got into the will be grateful for the results! None of the dis-
cruiser Houston as the ship anchored off the Virgin Islands. At left is Admiral William Leahy and in center copy basket remains a mystery. The
Is Gov Lawrence W. Cramer of theVirgin Islands, who conferred with the President. , shame-faced reporter is still too un- comforts of stiff collars. Never the embarrass-
happy for explanations. ing wilt-about-midday of ordinary soft collars.
Ideal House Planned By ArchitectsH. W. CLARK The DUROTEX delivers the advantages-and
English Boot and Shoe Maker banishes the bothers-of both l Expect perma
. ___Ournew repair department, the vent fit and a farewell to starch among the
By HERVIE HAUFLER children and adults and to permit a with nature, not shut away from it, best in the city. Prices are right.
dt438 South State and Factory on other improvements. DUROTEX Collars, on
An ideal house planned by the mutual respect for each other's be- Professor Brigham said, and there- South Forest Avenue
architecture college to provide a full longings. fore the house planned here, with famous Ritz Shirts at our low price -this is
and adequate home life for a family The house should be, as far as pos- glass-constructed walls, seems merely more than an achievement - it approaches
of five is accessible to only the higher sible, an extension of the out-of- an extension of the garden. r
three and a half per cent of the doors, with rooms that are open, light Work spaces in the home would be a minor miracle I Why not see them today?
American people, Prof. George B. and large. Modern architects be- centrally located for supervision of
Brigham of the architectural college lieve that life should be integrated the children at play as well as for the
announced yesterday. __ .-..connection to adult quarters. The
Present housing projects, Profs- plaundry as well as the kitchen would wERV1CE -
sor Brigham said, aim only to give the Rev. Boon Speaks be in this central location, since base- D U R O T E X COLLAR. .
masses minimum housing, a roof over ment laundries do not permit the
their heads. The houses are built Today At League mother to direct the children's play.
for adults, not children. The recrea- - Technical progress may greatly
tion room, if there is one, is merely The Rev. Harold O. Boon, specialist lower the cost of this adequate house,
the left-over space of the basement, in the narmonization of theosophic Professor Brigham ptedicted. TheD3694 S tad elI & Walker
and there is constant friction be- development of pre-fabrication pro-
tween adult and child life, preclud- teachings with Christian thought and ceses,mass production of housing
ing the maximum amount of free- western philosophy, will speak on, units and recent discoveries in plas- * FIRST NATIONAL BUILDING
dom for both parent and child. "The Central Teaching of Jesus" at tic materials will cut building costs.
An adequate home is defined by 4:15 p.m. today at the League in the The architect can achieve this tech-
Professor Brigham as being an en- second in a series of three talks spon- ...
losure of space designed to permit the sored by the Theosophical Society of am belives, but until mnyofesso ur e- ED E RS
carrying on of the many and varied America. onomic and social problems are solved,
activities of a family, with equal em- Reverend Boon holds degrees from housing plans for the masses will pro- 221 E. Liberty Read and Use The Michigan Daily Classified Ads
phasis upon the needs of both adults both the General and the Union The- vide only for minimum shelter.
and children. The house is integrat- ological Seminaries and Columbia
ed for homogeneous family life, but University. He has been an active
separated enough to avoid friction member of the Theosophical Society
because of conflicting activities of since he was 17. Reverend Boon will
speak on, "Freedom," at 8:15 'p.m.
tomorrow at the League.
Bowler To Give Exhibition
Andy Varipapa, noted bowling ex- Correction
pert, will give an exhibition of trick
bowling at 7 p.m. tomorrow in the The lecture to be given by the Rev.
Union alleys, it was announced yes- Harold A. Boon, erroneously reported
terday by the Union student offices. in yesterday's Daily as 8:15 p.m. to-
Varipapa will also give instruction on day, will be given instead at 4:15 p.m.
Friday, Saturday and Sunday after- today, it was announced yesterday by
noons. sponsors.
Bounce into style on
Ya e ast Call Hurry,

TOMORROW NIGHT-Friday, March 3
{l 75THE 'ENSIAN - 1 FREE 1939 Yearbook.
THE GARGOYLE -4 FREE Subscriptions thru rest of year
THE DAILY- 1 FREE Local Subscription of the Daily.
" You're bound to bounce! Double-decker,
cushiony crepe soles in the newest two-tone,
tapped-on effect. Springy and tough! Our

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