i THE MICHIGAN DAILY IGAN DAILY -I, "" % ., , The Editor Gets Told 4 f . - T1 bi WtrG ?R(w . OV m am m SO ,,.,. , Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Sumn. -r Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated.. Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republicatign of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00: by, mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED. FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING SY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publisbers Representative 420 MApsoN Ave., NEW YORK, N.-Y. CHICAGO' ROSTON,' L9 ANGELES SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938-39 Board of Managing Editor. . Editorial Director . City Editor . Associate Editor. Associate Editor . Associate Editor . Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor , Book Editor . Women's Editor. Sports Editor. Editors . Robert D. Mitchell Albert P. May1o . Horace W. Gilmore Robert I. Fitzhenry . . 5. R, Kleimnan Robert Perlman . . Earl Gilman * . William, Elvin Joseph Freedman . Joseph Gies Dorothea.Staebler Bud Benjamin Business Department Business Manager. . . , . Philip W. Buphen Credit Manager . . . . Leonard P. Siegetman Advertising Manager . William L. Newnan Women's Business Manager . elen, Jean Dean Women's Service Manager . . . Marian A. Baxter NIGHT EDITOR: STAN M. SWINTON The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent. the views of the writers only. Francisco, i What Now? . OFFICIAL recognition of the Insurgent regime of Generalissimo Franco by the Chamberlain and Daladier governments, a move expected 1y most observers since the recent capitulation of Barcelona, has opened a new series of questions and anxieties for the embattled diplomats of the world. .With only the United States and the Soviet Union left among the major powers that have not yet granted belligerent rights to the Rebel regime, the feeling in most quarters is that the, next move in the European steeplechase will be the exertion of pressure on Franco by the various interested parties for concessions, or guarantees of friendship. In this regard British and French leaders will probably greet Franco's first official state- ment yesterday afternoon with little enthusiasm. Speaking before a gathering at Burgos, his capital, Franco made the following statements: "It would be unfair, in these moments of triumph, when even those who fought against us recognize us,; that we should not remember those who be- lieved in us from the first day . . . To our sister nations, to our sister Portugal, to our beloved Italy, to friendly Germany, to the nations of America who also encouraged us then, we give our friendship and remembrance at this moment." To Che French and British who expect now to win the Generalissimo from his close ties with Italy and Germany, this statement was something in the way of a rebuff. Opinion in France and Britain, of course, is still divided over the wisdom of their respective governments' course of action in regard to Franco. In the House of Commons a resolution was pro- posed by a coalition of Liberals, Laborites and Conservatives which reclared that recognition of. Franco is a "deliberate affront to the legitimate government of a friendly power, is a gross breach of international traditions and marks a further stage in the policy which is steadily destroying in all democratic countries confidence and good faith in Great Britain." Meanwhile talk of a truce in the Spanish war continues. Although everybody outside of Spain is of the opinion that the war is as good as over, nothing definite supporting that conclusion has come out of Loyalist territory, and until some definite action 4is taken by the Republican com- mand, it is futile to try to speculate on the terms of peace that Franco will demand. --Elliott Maraniss The Spanish Church To the Editor: In answer to the inferences contained in Mr. W. A. McLaughlin's letter published in the Daily of Feb. 28, I wish to offer the testimony of a Catholic who, furthermore, has lived in Spain: Mr. Lawrence A. Fernsworth, for many years Barcelona correspondent for The Times of London. In Vol. 15, No. 1 of the quarterly, Foreign Affairs, he says: "When one considers the age-long position of the church in Spain, and that which has now befallen it, there comes to mind an adaptation of a famous line: 'Of all sad words of tongue and pen, the saddest are these: It needn't have been.' " For indeed the fate of the Spanish Church in modern times need never have been if only it had followed another path. This writer some two years ago cautioned a Catholic editor for whose journal (being also a Catholic) he some- times wrote, that Gil Robles was pursuing a course which would merely make matters worse for the church. The caution has proved well- founded. Unpleasant as is the tale of the church's alliance with the Republic's enemies, the facts must be faced; the tale must be told. To do otherwise would be insincere and cowardly. "In such countries as England and the United States, where the high calibre of the inen of the church win them general respect, the question is incessantly asked: 'How is it that in an almost/ purely Catholic country people can turn against the church in such fashion?' Catholics and Pro- testants alike are perplexed to explain how an institution charged with the mission of spreading and defending the doctrine of love for one's neighbor, of the dignity and worth of individual man, of a common justice for a common human- ity, and which was,' moreover, in a privileged position to accomplish its task, should neverthe- less have failed so miserably as only to stir up in the hearts of its children a frenzy of distrust and hate, with all the terrible practical conse- quences which we are now witnessing? . . . The Church A Business "The people had their chief contacts with the church for funerals, masses and dispensations. They arrived at the conclusion that the church was a negocio, a business. Some of the clergy lived scandalous lives. Too many of them were accused of attempting to dominate the house- holds with which they had contact, of setting themselves up as bosses in the villages, and of much more. In consequence the clergy came to lose the respect of great sectors of the popula- tion-if not, indeed, of a majority of Spanish Catholics. Hundreds of thousands were com- pletely driven away from the church. Others, the anti-clericals, drew a sharp line between clericalism and Catholicism. Of such were the many good practising Catholics who favored the Republic and who bitterly resented the attempts of the clergy to make them oppose it. "If . . . the Republic had been convinced that the clergy would not use the church schools as centres of propaganda against a government which the Supreme Pontiff himself had found not incompatible with the church's interests (the Papal Encyclical Diletissima Nobis, 1933), it seems fairly certain that in time it would again have had its schools. Unfortunately the church did not see it that way. It went hand-in-glove with a party and a leader who were known to be the Republic's archenemies. The people felt that to maintain itself in power the church stood ready to wreck the Republic. And so the church drew destruction upon its own head . . The Counter-Measures "Let us now examine briefly the anti-church' measures to which the Republic had recourse. The hierarchy and the clergy were cut off from the public payroll. They were permitted to exercise their sacerdotal functions as they pleased but were forbidden to earn a livelihood as teachers. Cemeteries were laicized: religious burials re- quired that the deceased should have given per- mission before his death; public religious funer- als required the permission of the local authori- ties (but they were rarely prohibited); religious processions such as were held in the streets on great festivals likewise required permission (they were in the main disallowed, although the Seville Holy Week processions went on as usual). Local authorities sometimes harassed the church by prohibiting the ringing of church bells or putting a tax upon them. "A special law dissolved the Jesuit order and confiscated its property. Another special law, known as the religious congregations law, sup- pressed religious schools and limited the activities of the religious orders, placing them under state supervision although not suppressing them. The third of the trilogy of religious laws provided fop the nationalization of church property. The na- tionalization of church property did not mean its confiscation. All such property was left in the possession of the church, down to the last chal- ice and candlestick, with not the slightest restric- tion on its use. The only limitation was that it could not be disposed of by the church as though it were private property. Neither could it be dis- posed of by the state, which was specifically charged with its protection and upkeep. Further- more, as state property it was exempt from taxa- tion, a fact which would seem to constitute the lifting of a great burden from the church . . Church Political Front "Nevertheless the church threw all the weight of its clergy, its press and its amenable followers into the political struggle . . . Heywood Broun The Marxes, all four of them, are up to their necks in international politics. Mussolini recently told his subjects not to laugh at them, and in the Bund meeting at the Garden a speaker cited the Four Marx brothers as ex- emplars of the full flower of Communist culture which must be destroyed. This fills me with remorse or envy, for the whole thing is a mistake, and the respon- sibility is mine. Until the year 1930 not even Zeppo, the intellectual of the family, had ever lifted so much as a pinky in radical affairs. Nine years ago Groucho did en- gage briefly in subversive activity, but only as a slight personal favor. And I was the one who brought Mr. Marx to the revolution. We were not well acquainted. I had enjoyed his dramatic performances on many occasions, and he had allowed me to stand in the wings and pinch the chorus girls as they went by. But that hardly constitutes an introduction. * * * A Slight Return.. . However, I had played poker regularly with Harpo, and it seemed to me that somebody in the family should bind up my wounds. When I found myself running for Congress on the Socialist ticket I went to Groucho and asked him to make a radio speech in my behalf. "You know what Socialism is?" I said. "Sure," answered Groucho, "it's that old gag about the two Irishmen who were going to divide up everything, and it ends with Pat saying, 'Not on your life, Mike, I'vebt two goats.'" "Never mind about Socialism," I suggested, "just pay a personal tribute to my character and record. My opponents are Ruth Baker Pratt, on the Republican ticket, and Magistrate Louis Brodsky, on the Democratic ticket. Brodsky is a nice fellow. I never make any cracks against him. I just say, 'Keep a good judge on the bench.' Do you get it? You see he's running for Congress." "It doesn't matter what ticket you're running on," said Groucho, "it will be the same speech in any case, and it won't cost you many votes." * *I * Groucho Comes Through ... The address delivered by Groucho Marx was probably one of the most remarkable political speeches ever delivered. Bryan's "Cross of Gold" masterpiece is nothing like it. Even the man in the control room, who happened to be a criminal syndicalist, was in stitches. No mention was ever made of the party which I represented or the office for which I was run- ning. The entire fifteen minute period for which I had contracted was devoted to good, clean fun about my foibles and my weaknesses. The story concerning a certain soubrette was made up out of whole cloth of which there was very, little in the current Marx show. However, Groucho was right. The speech didn't cost me many votes, and anyhow I had no chance of being elected. Nevertheless, it was a political mistake. It made me vulnerable to the bitter and punishing attack of the left wing press and pub-. lic. These forces picture me as a bourgeois re- actionary, and the slogan was, "Broun knows no Marx but Groucho." In the years which have followed it has been my endeavor to live down the reproach and try to prove myself much more red than I was paint- ed. But it's slow work. Groucho has made the grade with a single bound almost overnight. To both the Nazis and the Fascists Groucho is a revolutionary menace. No wonder this significant achievement fills me with envy. Speaking of Marx, the radical, I have every right to say that I made him what he is today. particularly that of Cardinal Segua, the Prim- ate, which merited his expulsion from Spain. By the time of the Catalan regional elections of November, 1932, the political intervention of the church was well organized. Voters were de- luged with literature (of which I retain some specimens) informing them that 'their con- sciences did not permit' them to vote for a Left candidate. It is a commentary on the disposition of the extremists not to be provoked to further excesses that no campaign of violence against the church ensued. An occasional attack upon a church occurred, particularly during the 1934 uprising, but there was no widespread or system- atic attack for five years. "Penitents of the church have been compelled to don sackcloth and ashes. They have gone to Canossa. But the Spanish church never does. It does not look into its own heart, it does not make an examination of conscience or a con- fession of error. Its defenders abroad, moreover, represent it as the victim of completely unreason- ing persecution without ,practical cause. The gates of hell are simply presumed to have been opened against it." * * * The true strength of the Church rests in the hearts of its people. The Basque clergy, loyal to the people and the Republic, proved how truly wealthy the church may be in Christian influence and love of the people. The pro-fascist part of the Spanish Church, with the help of many Ameri- can Catholics, has cast its lot with another form of wealth-the wealth of well-filled coffers, guaranteed (unless Hitler should, perhaps, wish the wealth for himself!) by an Italo-German- Moorish knife at the throat of the Spanish people. --Robert Cummins, '37 Come To Da cMa... DESPITE supplement editor Elliott (Ace) Maraniss' strictdwarning that no propaganda (you define it!) should appear in the copy of Sunday morning's travel edition, the article on Germany, written by "Baron von Schleider," contained this cryptic line: "Not to be missed is Dachau, noted cultural and educational centre." It was supposed to suggest to tour- ists some of Germany's wonders. By way of explanation, Dachau is Ger- many's most feared concentration camp, as well as a "noted cultural centre." For it has harbored a Nobel Peace Prize winner and six or seven other great authors, actors and scien- tists. Germans have been known to faint when the name "Dachau" is mentioned. * * City Of Brotherly Love.. .. rHE general impression of most Detroiters that it isn't safe for strangers to win anything in Ham- tramck was given some credence the other night when the Southeastern High school basketball team visited Hamtramck and beat its own noble representatives by an impressive score. The winners were escorted out of the gymnasium, through a vindic- tive mob that was waiting around merely to adulate them, and placed in squad cars for the journey hone. Nothing precautionary about the move, of course; the cops just like to give the boys an occasional lift. , * -Can Y' Spare A Dime? SINCE this campus has lately be- come "subsidization conscious," we think it meet to reprint a jingle that appeared recently in the Chicago Maroon. President Hutchins, you may recall, advocates "ten-cent football." "Prexy Itutchins' football views Are worthy in ambition To many 'twould be better news Should he start 10 cent tuition." *' * * Time Capsule... NEWS item: Ann Arbor will resume twice a week collection of gar- bage from residences under the new garbage contract which was awarded by the city council last night . Ann Arbor News, Feb. 21, 1939. GARBAGE THE BEAUTIFUL or Ode On Futility In A City Dump In Egypt egyptologists And learned archeologists Have found some ancient messy men's Thrown out papyri specimens. With care museums now preserve These relics, and they so deserve:. Will men two, thousands years from now Before our city's garbage bow, And puzzle out a soup tin's label In some learned tower of Babel? Is it pea soup, orange juice, Canned asparagus, or goose? As ponder our investigators On statuettes of alligators Found in the Nile, so future sages With scholarship will cover pages Guessing the use of worn-out tires And calling each other stupid liars. As we've in ignorance discussed The former form of a busted bust, So will our remote descendants Bore their suffering dependents, Friends and college students too, Describing a twentieth. century shoe, So will some future learned man, By a thesis on a battered can, Or Goodyear tire, or cast-off boot, Get a degree from garbage loot. Thus our town incinerators Will help unborn investigators. P.S. I must apologize for putting alligators in the Nile, but I never could remember whether it was croco- diles in Florida or alligators in the Nile or crocodiles i4 the Nile or alli- gators in Florida or alligators in crocodiles or the Nile in alligators or Florida in the Nile or vice versa. After some research, however, I have found that I was wrong and that alligators only live in the Yang-tse-kiang and Florida and crocodiles-. What's the use? I plead poetic license. -tColin D. Gordon Tidbits: 0 FF THE CUFF---Those who wit- nessed the Intra fraternity track meet last Friday may remember the Phi Delt's anchorman, a skinny job on stilts who started out like a can- non shot but who, it is reported (we've got to protect our informers), got around behind the bleachers and began coughing up cigarette butts . . . Although he had a comfortable lead when his leg was launched he was well behind a Phi Gam named Coffman when the boys appeared in view again, and barely managed to stagger across in second place, only a fo'w Daces ahead o f fthe dist~reaing- DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30 P.M.; 11:00 A.M. on Saturday. (Continued from Page 2)1 tor to admit a student later does not affect the operation of this rule. ,'. A. Walter School of Education Students, Changes of Elections: No course may be elected for credit after Saturday, March 4. Students enrolled in this, school must report all changes of elec- tions at the Registrar's Office, Room 4, University Hall. Membership in a class does not cease nor begin until all changes have been thus officially registered. Ar- rangements made with the instruc- tors are not official changes. Exhibitions Exhibition of Water Colors by Ar- thur B. Davies and Drawings by Boardman Robinson, shown under the auspices of the Ann Arbor Art Association. North and South Gal- leries of Alumni Memorial Hall; daily from 2 to 5 p.m.; Feb. 15 through March 1. Exhibition, College of Architecture: Photographs and drawings of Mich- igan's historic old houses made dur- ing the recent Historical American Buildings Survey are being shown, through the courtesy of the J. L. Hud- son Company of Detroit. Third Floor Exhibition Room, Architectural Bldg. through March 11. Open daily, 9 to 5. The public is cordially invited. Naval Architecture and Marine En-r gineering: Mr. P. W. Clark, Senior Naval Architect with the U.S. PublicI Health Service at Washington, D.C., will give two lectures on the Rat- proofing of Ships. The second lecture wlil be given at] 7:30 p.m. Both lectures will be given1 in Room 348. West Engineering Bldg. The public is invited. University Lecture Professor Charles C. Colby, of the University of Chicago, will lecture on "Land as a Basis of National Prosperity" at 4:15 p.m., Wednesday, March 1, in< the Rackham Amphitheatre, under1 the auspices of the Department of Geography. The public is cordially invited. Lecture: Dr. Reinhold Niebuhr wille give the third in the series of lecturest on ''The Existence and Nature, of t God" under the auspices of the Stu- dent Religious Association, Thursday evening, March 2. at 8:15, in the1 Rackham Lecture Hall.- French Lecture: The fifth lecture on the Cercle Francais program will take place Thursday, at 4:15 p.m., Room 103, Romance Language Build- ing. Professor Charles A. Knudson will speak on: "Comment lire un poeme de Victor Hugo: Oceano Nox." Tickets for the series of lectures may be procured from the Secretary of the Romance Language Department (Room 112, Romance Language Bldg.) or at the door at the time of the lecture. Events Today Chemical and Metallurgical En- gineering Seminar: Professor Lars Thomassen will be the speaker at the Seminar for graduate students in Chemical and Metallurgical Engineer- ing today at 4 o'clock in Room 3201 E. Eng. Bldg. His subject is "Elec- tron Microscopes." Chemistry Colloquium will meet today at 4 p.m. in Room 300 Chem- istry Building. Dr. G. H. Ayres will speak on "Effect of Heat Treatment on Some Properties ofColloidal Metal Oxides." Phi Sigma will meet this evening at 8 p.m. in the Graduate Outing Club Room of the Rackham Building. There will be an election of new members. All members are urged to be pres- ent. Refreshments will be served. Graduate Luncheon. There will be a graduate luncheon today at 12 noon in the Russian Tea Room of the League, cafeteria style. Mr. Kenneth- Morgan, director of the Student Religious Association, will discuss the question, "What are the Consequences of a Belief about God?" All graduate students are cordially invited. Students, School of Dentistry: There will be an Assembly at 4:15 in the Upper Amphitheatre. Professor A ard Fairbanks will speak on "An Appreciation of Sculpture." All dental students and hygienists are required to be present. The Hiawatha Club will meet this evening at 8 p.m. in the Union. An excellent program has been arranged. Tryouts for the German Play, "Die _._ I Gegenkandidaten will be held in Roomd300 South Wing, today, and Thursday from 2-5 p.m. Attention Engineers: A combined meeting of the A.S.M.E. and S.A.E will present Mr. L. Clayton Hill, man- ufacturing manager of the Murray Corporation of America tonight at 7:30 p.m. in the Union. Mr. Hill has a dynamic per- sonality and will speak on a subject of special interest to engineers, "The Engineers' Place in Management." All members of AKD wishing trans- portation to the buffet supper should meet in front of Haven Hall at 6 p.m. tonight promptly, where cars will be furnished. The Congress Student Welfare Committee is working this semester on several things vtial to the econom- ic welfare of independent men. Men interested in trying out for next year's Executive Council and in bet- tering living, eating, and working conditions on the campus are invited to take part in the activities of the Student Welfare Committee. Meet- ings this semester will be held Wed- nesday evenings at 8:15 p.m. in Room 306 of the Union. Men who are in- terested and yet unable to attend the first meeting may register their in- terest by phoning the Congress Co- operative House, 2-2143. Labor Journalists will speak at the Michigan Union, Room 316 this afternoon, at 4:15. Paul Porter, editor of the "Kenosha (Wisconsin) Labor" will speak on "The Student and Labor." Jack Weeks, president. of the Detroit Newspaper Guild, will speak on labor in journalism and the Hearst strike. Meeting sponsored by the ASU. All students invited. Freshmen Glee Club: There will be a meeting at 4:15 today in the Michi- gan Union. W.A.A. Board: It is necessary that all eligibility cards be presented to- day at the meeting at five o'clock. If unable to attend, please send eligibil- ity card. The Michigan Dames Homemaking Group will meet in the East Confer- ence room ofthe Rackham Building tonight at 8 p.m. Mrs. Palmer Christian will speak on "Interior Dec- orating." Congress, District Presidents: Im- portant meeting of the Ditrict Coun- cil today at 5 p.m. The Intermediate Class in Social Dancing conducted by the Michigan League will have its first meeting to- night at 7:30 in the League Ballroom. JGP Costume Committee will meet at 4 p.m. today in the League Under- graduate Offices. JGP properties committee will meet at 4:30 p.m. today in the Undergrad- uate Offices of the League. JGP: All women who wish to sing in choruses are'requested to sign up with Betty Stadelman who will be in the League Undergraduate offices from 3 to 5 p.m. today. JGP: All women wishing to par- ticipate in JGP either in cast or as members of a committee must have their eligibility slips signed today or they will be automatically dropped. Pattie Haislip will be in the League Undergraduate Offices from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. today. Coming Events The Psychological Journal Club will meet in the East Conference Room of the Graduate School on Thursday, March 2 at 8 p.m. Recent differen- tial studies of social adjustment will be reviewed by Ruth Cunningham, S. J. Goffard, Lyla E. Bechtel, T. Xoomsai. Prof. H. F. Adams will summarize the discussion. All reservations for the Heller Tes- timonial Dinner to be held at the Michigan Union at 6 p.m. on Tues- 'day, March 7 should be made im- mediately at the Hillel Foundation office. Association Book Group: Professor Reinhold Niebuhr will lead an in- formal discussion of some of his re- cent writings at the Association Book Group.. Thursday afternoon, 4 p.m., Lane Hall. Zeta Phi Eta: Actives and pledges are reminded of the regular meeting tomorrow night at 7:15 in the Portia Room. Pledges are requested to bring writing materials for sorority history and information, Actives please bring all borrowed materials concern- ing pledge lessons. Dr. Reinhold Niebuhr will speak at a luncheon at the Michigan Union, Thursday, 12:15. Reservations should f Testimonial To Dr. Heller Y ESTERDAY Dr. Bernard Heller, director of the Hillel Foundation for nine years, officially terminated his administra- tion. During that time Dr. Heller built up the Found- ation from a handful of Jewish students with headquarters in a dilapidated building down- town, to Ann Arbor's Jewish center, with an enrollment of more than 600 students and a pro- gram of intellectual and social activities, located in the present modern well-equipped quarters. On March 7 townspeople, students, and mem- but the vodvil show at the Mich actua'lly v('ackIlec] whiile rln'i),r it'