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March 01, 1939 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-03-01

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W eathier
Generally fair today and



Sir h


'What NOW?
To Dr. Heller .


VOL. XLIX. N%. 106




r * -

I - -

New Proposal
To Force Vote
In War Crises
Before Senate
Amendment Plan Offered
By 10 Senators In Debate
On Armament Program
Resolution Follows
. Ludlow Bill Form
proposed Constitutional amendment
under which the Government of the
United States would be prevented
from waging war on foreign soil un-
less the people approved in a refer-
endum, bobbed up in the Senate to-
day with the announced support of
12 Senators from four political
The amendment, highly objection-
able to the State Department, was
introduced by the 12 while the Sen-
ate proceeded with a bitter debate on
the Administration's armament pro-
gram-a discussion in which Senator
Nye (Rep.-N.D.) said there would be
no war in Europe "until the United
States gives the word,"
With the exception of a few
changes, the War Referendum reso-
lution was word for word the measure
introduced in the House last year by
Representative Ludlow (Rep.-Ind.).
The. Ludlow Measure was defeated
after an extraordinary battle in
which the Administration brought
heavy pressure to bear for its rejec-
The State Department made clear
its attitude as being that such a sys-
tem would bind the hands of the
Government in the condut of its
The Senate's debate on the Rearm-
ament Bill-calling for an expendi-
ture of $358,000,000, principally to
increase the men and planes of the
Army Air Corps-produced, mean-
A vigorous criticism of Administra-
tion foreign policy by Nye, who said
that the recent sale of planes to
France violated every condition un-
der which such transactions should
be conducted.
A defense of the bill from Senator
Lee (Dem.-Okla.), who said that it
contained the "only language the
dictators can understand."
A War Defeat
Migt Unseat
"There will be revolution in
Germany only 4 Hitler meets defeat
in war, Prof. Robert C. Angell of the
sociology department, recently re-
turned from a three-month stay in
Heidelberg, declared yesterday. "Such
a war," he said, "may arise from an
attempt by Hitler this year to secure
an independent Ukraine."
Although there are many causes
for an anti-Hitler attitude among the
German people, there is no general
focus of this feeling, Professor Angell
explained, and an unsuccessful war
with Russia arising from an attempt
to dominate the rich Ukraine would
afford such a focus.
if,'dhowever, Germany should be
successful in dominating the Ukraine,
he stated, then there is reason to be-
lieve Hitler might abandon his mili-

tarism. With the Ukraine under Ger-
man influence, Professor Angell said,
Hitler might be willing to cease his
aggression and consolidate his gains
externally and internally. In that
case we will have a permanent Ger-
man fascism on our hands, he de-
The extremely low standard of liv-
ing was described by Professor Angell
as an important point of discontent
among the German people. Food, he
declared, as the worst aspect of this
problem. Butter and citrus fruit were
almost unobtainable, eggs were scarce,
and bread was black, Professor An-
gell reported. r
In regard to the new German de-
crees that 100 Jews must leave Berlin
daily, Professor Angell declared that
Hitler might readily throw into con-
centration camps those who could
find no place to go.
Rep. Albert J. Engel
Honored By Ruthven
United States Representative Albert

Supreme Court's Sit-Down Ruling
Seen A Benefit In Labor Relation

NLRB Sit-Down Protection
Killed Under Ruling;
Is Branded Detrimental
The attitude taken by the Supreme
Court Monday in upholding a lower
court's reversal of a National Labor
Relations Board ruling that an em-
ployer who had violated the Wagner
Act could not discharge employes who
had engaged in a "sit-down" strike
is one which will probaby have a
beneficial effect in the field of labor
relations, according to Prof. Russell
A. Smith of the Law School.
Under the National Labor Relations
Act, he. said, an employe is defined to
include "any employe whose work
has ceased as a consequence of, or
in connection with, any current labor
dispute or because of any unfair la-
bor practice . . ." It was this lan-
guage, he declared, upon which the
Hockey Team
Seeks Upset
Favored Toronto Sextet
Invades Coliseum; Ross
Takes Back Line Post
Although facing a collegi.te hockey
team that ranks above the powerful
Minnesota squad, Coach Eddie Low-
rey along with his bed-ridden and
much-battered sextet will be seeking
to upset Ace Bailey and a very potent
University of Toronto hockey team
tonight in the Coliseum.
Bringing a squad of 14 experienced
puck-chasers, the visiting team will
be a top-heavy favorite over the
weakened Michigan organization.
Chances for a Wolverine victory rest
on the drive of Capt. Les Hillberg
and the speed of George Cooke.
Completing the first string forward
line will be Al Chadwick, who, b-
cause of a recent attack of the flu,
may not be able to turn 'in the usual
aggressive game for which he has won
recognition during the current sea-
In spite of the heavy odds against
them in the second Minnesota battle,'
Hillberg along with Cooke, who
showed the same drive he possessed
last year, was able to connect for
three hard-earned tallies.
With a good deal of flashy passing
and quick breaking of their defense
pair, the Toronto squad was able to
hand McGill University a 3 to 2 de-
feat earlier this year. This victory
was the first time in seven years that
the University of Toronto has de-
feated the Redmen fron McGill.
Leading the strong Toronto team
will be Capt. "Bing" Caswell, who
(Continued on Page 3)
Zealous Engineers
Are Willing To Pay
For More Studying
In response to engineers' demands
for additional library hours over the
weekend, an appropriation by the
Engineering Council, student govern-
ing body of the engineering college,
will keep libraries in the East and
West Engineering Buildings open
from 1 to 5 p.m. each Saturday be-
ginning this week, Robert Hartwell,
'39E, senior class delegate, announced
yesterday. The practice will be con-
tinued until the end of the semester.

It is hoped that this move by the
Council will prompt the University to
provide funds for increased weekend
library hours for engineers next year,
Hartwell explained, and Library offi-
cials have intimated that this is very

NLRB relied in deciding in the Fan-
steel Metallurgical Corporation case
-the decision reversed by the courts
-that employes who had engaged in
a sit-down strike in protest against
the- Corporation's violations of the
Act still retained a right to petition
the Board for relief, and that a re-
instatement order could be issued re-
quiring the employer to take back
such strikers even though he had
ostensibly discharged them.
Employer Unauthorized
The Board thus held that unlawful
acts on the part of employes did not
authorize an employer who had vio-
lated the Act to exercise his normal
right of discharge. The Seventh Cir-
cuit Court of Appeals, in setting aside
the Board's order, disagreed, holding
that the employer could discharge the
strikers because of their unlawful
acts, and, he said, the Supreme Court
in its decision Monday, has agreed.
The Court is of the view that, de-
spite the unqualified nature of the
Act's definition of "employe," Con-
gress did not intend to restrict the
employer's right of discharge to the
extent the Board thought it did.
Ramifications Unknown
Professor Smith emphasized that
it is impossible to say just how broad
are the ramifications of the Supreme
Court's decision. However, he said,
when the means to peaceful attain-
ment of particular labor objectives is
available--by recourse to the ma-
chinery set up under the 14ational
Labor Relations Act-it seems obvi-
ous that resort to the more primitive
implements of force should be dis-
couraged. The Court, he declared,
has now said that any such resort, at
least where it takes a form as serious
(Continued on Page 2)
Fr. Hubbard
Will Present
Movie Here
In these days of diet-for-health
fads, an occasional menu of raw
whale filet, frozen fish and walrus
meat, not to mention Eskimo ice
cream, the main ingredient of which
is seal oil, should not be overlooked,
according to Father Bernard R.Hub-
bard, Alaskan explorer, geologist and
Jesuit missionary, who will show his
latest Alaskan motion picture, "Cliff
Dwellers of the Far North" at 8:15
p.m. Wednesday, Mar. 22, in Hill
Auditorium under the auspices of
the Newman Club, Catholic, student
Familiary known as the "Glacier
Priest," Father Hubbard has just re-
turned from his eleventh Alaskan
expedition, during -which he spent 18
months among the Eskimos of King
Island and explored 2,000 miles of
the Bering Sea and Arctic Ocean
north of Alaska in a native walrus
skin 'open boat. He is head of the
geology department at Santa Clara
University in California and he re-
turns there between exploration and
lecture trips.
Frank Schmedley, '40F&C, is chair-
man of arrangements for the lecture.
John Simons, Grad., is ticket com-
mittee chairman, Mary , Katharine
Burns, '39Ed., 'chairman of publicity,
and Burns Huttlinger, '41, is adver-
tising committee chairman.
Baker To Address
Journalism Group
R. Ray Baker, associate editor of
the Ann Arbor News and special
writer for the Booth papers, will
address University journalism stu-
dents on "Specialized Reporting" at
3 p.m. today in Room E, Haven Hall.

Second in a series of talks by Michi-
gan newspaper men, the lecture will
be followed by a coffee hour for stu-
dents concentrating in journalism.
The public has been invited to at-
tend the series.

Heart Attack
Causes Death
Of W. H. Wait
Late Professor - Emeritus
Was Faculty Man Since
1895; Succumbs At 84
Taught Sanskrit,
Greek And German
Dr. William Henry Wait, profes-
sor-emeritus of modern languages, a
member of the faculty since 1895, died
yesterday of a heart attack. He was
84 years old.
Dr. Wait came here as a professor
of Greek after receiving his bachelor
and master degrees at Northwestern
University in 1879 and 1882. When
in 1901 the University abolished the.
requirement of Greek for a bachelor's
degree, Dr. Wait shifted to the Ger-
man department of the engineering
school. He retired and became profes-
sor-emeritus in 1925.
Old Type Professor
"Dr. Wait was one of the older type
of professor who was known and liked
as an especially fine teacher rather
than a research scholar," Prof. A. H.
White of the chemical engineering,
department said last night, when in-
formed of Ipr. Wait's death. "The
impression he left on the University
is due to the character of his teach-
ing," he said.
Dr. Wait was the oldest living pro-;
fessor-emeritus of the University.
Born at Mt. Connel, Ill., Dec. 30,
1854, Dr. Wait is survived only by a
brother-in-law, Col. Edwin Hadley,
of Chicago, and Col. Hadley's sons,
James, Edwin Jr., and Raymond.
Taught Latin, Sanskrit
Dr. Wait also taught Latin and
Sanskrit, until his transfer to the
German department, when he became
noted for his course in scientific
German. He received his doctor of'
philosophy degree at Allegheny Col-
lege in 1888, and studied philology
at the Universities, of Berlin and
"He was much liked by engineering
students," Dr. White said of him.
He married Clara W. Hadley, a
modern language instructor in Peoria,
Ill., in 1888. Dr. Wait was a member
of the Ann Arbor Federation of Art,
the American Philological Association,
the Modern Language Association,
Beta Theta Pi, and Phi Beta Kappa.
He was editor of "The German
Science Reader," and "Select Ora-a
tions of Lysias."
Liberals To Talk
On Labor Today
Journalists Will Discuss
Student Relationships
The student and labor will be the
general topic discussed by Jack
Weeks, president of the Detroit
Newspaper Guild and Paul Porter,
editor of "Kenosha Labor," a promi-
nent liberal journal in Wisconsin,
who will speak at 4:15 p.m. today in
the Union.
Mr. Porter, who is vice-chairman
of the Farmer Labor Progressive Fed-
eration in Wisconsin, will explain the
relationship of the student and labor.
He has been active in the labor move-
ment for several years.
The silence of the press concerning
the 10-week old strike of editorial
and commercial newspaper workers
on the Chicago Hearst newspaper will

form the basis for discussion by
Weeks, an employe of the Detroit
Free Press and an active member in
the Newspaper Guild.
Kelly Is Victorious
In Chicago Voting
CHICAGO, Feb. 28.-(IP)-Mayor
Edward J. Kelly, maintaining a lead
of almost two to one, won renomina-
tion tonight.
His opponent in the Democratic
mayoral primary race, state's attor-
ney Thomas J. Courtney, who had
urged the electorate to "smash the
Kelly-Nash machine, trailed from the
start and failed to close the gap after
more than one-third of the heavy
vote had been counted.
At the same time, Dwight H. Green,
former "Gang Busting" district attor-
ney, headed for a smashing victory
over William Hale "Big Bill" Thomp-
son in the contest for the Republica
nomination. Green, entry of the
regular Republican organization, held

CIO Accepts
Labor Peace
Bid Of FDR
Green Is Followed By Lewis
In Agreeing To Work
To Terminate Civil Strife
Believe Roosevelt
May CallMeeting
WASHINGTON, Feb. 28 -(p)-
John L. Lewis opened the way to
new labor peace conferences today
with a brief, very formal letter to
President Roosevelt announcing that
he had named a committee of three
-including himself-to enter negoti-
ations with the American Federa-
tion of Labor.
The letter was an acceptance of
Mr. Roosevelt's urgent invitation to
the CIO and AFL last Saturday to
reopen peace talks in an effort to
terminate the three-year-old split in
the labor movement.
Besides himself, the CIO president
named his two chief aides, Philip
Murray and Sidney Hillman, CIO vice
presidents, to join him in whatever
conferences are arranged with a simi-
lar three-man committee already
named by the AFL president, William
In contrast with the lengthy state-
ment issued by Green last Saturday,
definitely eliminating from prospec-
tive peace negotiations the AFL
structure and policies on political and
economic matters, Lewis merely
"Complying with the request con-
tained in your letter of Feb. 23,, I
advise that the committee to repre-
sent the Congress of Industrial Or-
ganizations will consist of Mr. Philip
Murray, Mr. Sidney Hillman and the
Labor men speculated on the possi-
bility that the Chief Executive might
call the committees to the White
House when he returns from the fleet
Film On Gorky
To Be Shown
Art Cinema Presentation
Will OpenThursday
The famous autobiography, "My
Childhood" of Maxim Gorky forms the
basis of the Soviet film, "Childhood of
Maxim Gorky," to be shown at the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre tomor-
row, Friday and Saturday under the
auspices of the Art Cinema League.
This picture which has won the
enthusiastic praise of New York film
critics such as Howard Barnes of the
New York Herald Tribune, Frank
Nugent of the New York Times and
William Boehnel of the World Tele-
gram, portrays with realism the
drama of Russian life in the days of
the Tsar. The atmosphere of hatred
and poverty in which Gorky was
raised is faithfully reproduced by
Director Mark Donskoi.I
The cast includes V. O. Massaliti-
nova, who studied the part of the
grandmother for ten years and was
recommended by Gorky for the role
and Alyosha Lyarsky.

Panhellenic Head

* * *
N a me Shipman
Of Panhellenic
Jean Thompson, Frances
Kahrs And Beth O'Roke
Given Other Positions
Dorothy Shipman, '40, chairman of
the Junior Girls Play and a member
of Pi Beta Phi, was named presi-
dent-elect of the Panhellenic Associa-
tion yesterday. She succeeds Steph-
anie Parfet, '39, Alpha Phi.
Other positions will be filled by
Frances Kahrs, '40, Alpha Gamma
Delta, recording secretary; Jean
Thomoson, '40, Alpha Xi Delta, treas-
urer, and Beth O'Roke, '40, Kappa
Kappa Gamma, rushing chairman.
Outgoing officers are: Phyllis ,Scrog-
gie, '39, Alpha Omicron Pi, record-
ing secretary; Harriet Pomeroy, '39,
Kappa Alpha Theta, treasurer; and
Alys Pierce, '39, Kappa Kappa Gam-
ma, rushing secretary.
In addition to being chairman of
Junior Girls Play, Miss Shipman was
a member of the finance committees
of Freshman Project and Sophomore
Cabaret, and has been a Panhellenic
delegate for two years. She was a
member of the 'Epsian staff and
social committee of the League for.
two years and is now on the ballroom
committee of the League. She was ini-
tiated into Wyvern, junior women's
honorary society, last spring.#"
Miss Kahrs was costume chairman
of Freshman Project and has worked
on the costume committees of both
Sophomore Cabaret and Junior Girls
Play. She has been a Panhellenic.
delegate for two years and is now a
member of the theatre arts and social
committees of the League, and of
As a sophomore, Miss Thompson
was on the dance committee of
Sophomore Cabaret and also ap-
peared in the chorus. A Panhellenic
delegate for two years, she was chosen
(Continued on Page 5)
Congress Tryouts
Independent men interested in
trying out for Congress, indepen-
dent mens' organization, are to
report at 5 p.m. tomorrow in Room
306 of the Union, Robert May, '39,
executive secretary announced

Leads Britain
To Recognize
Franco's Rule
President Azana Quits Post
From French Retreat
And Asks For Peace
Loyalists Confer
But No Surrender
MADRID, March 1.-- (Wed-
nesday)-(AP)-The Cabinet of
Premier Juan Negrin, meeting at
a secret rendezvous somewhere In
Alicante Province, adjourned at
2:30 a.m. today without an an-
nouncement whether it had de-
cided to surrender.
LONDON, Feb. 28.-(P)-The House
of Commons tonight approved, by a
vote of 344 to 137, Britain's recogni-
tion of the Nationalist Spanish Gov-
ernment following a -stormy debate
over labor's motion of cens re.
Told by Prime Minister Chamber-.
lain that Generalissimo Franco had
telegraphed assurances his regime
would maintain Spanish "sovereignty"
against foreign intervention, com-
mons overwhelmingly rejected a La-
bor motion which in effect called for
the Government's resignation for ten+
dering recognition to the Nationalists
as the legal power in Spain.
The caustic debate centered about
opposition charges that the Prime
Minister had "misled" Commons by
not informing it in advance that for-
mal recognition would be accorded
the Burgos Govern'ment.
Even before the British Prime Mini-
ister had rolled up his usual over-
whelming majority against his op-
ponents, the Natiotalist flag was fly-
ing over the Spanish Embassy in Lon-
don-hoisted there after the Duke
of Alba had entered the building as
General Franco's representative.
PARIS, Feb. 28.--W)-The future of
the Spanish Republic -surrender
through an armistice or apparently
useless renewal of warfare-hung in
the balance tonight with the Repubh-
can Cabinet summoned for an emer-
gency meeting to make the choice.
The scales were weighted in favor
of surrender to Generalissimo Franco
and an end to the long civil war by
Manuel Azana in a letter announcing
his resignation as President of the
eight-year-old ,Republic.
He urged peace in a document writ-
ten with a shaking hand made pblic
at the tiny provincial French town
of Collognes-Sous-Saleve, his home in
Colby Ta Speak
On Land To day ....

Economic Staff Opinion Splits,
On Value Of Hopkins' Speech

Franco Following Fascist Plan
In Prejudice Drive, Consul Says

Whether Secretasry of Commerce+
Elarry L. Hopkins speech admitting7
that "lack of business confidence
may be as real a deterrent to restored
business health as any" will foster+
its avowed object of restoring pros-
perity is an extremely controversial
point, a sampling of "off-the-record"
opinion among members of the eco-
nomics department indicates.
All agreed, however, that business
confidence must be restored if the
stagnant pools of private investment
are to be converted into an increased
flow of national income.
The more "conservative" members
of the department were inclined to
dismiss the speech as a mere political
gesture-a "swing to the right in a
somewhat belated attempt to concili-
ate business" as one member put it.
Hopkins' political ambitions and
the admiNstration's recognition of
changing sentiments largely motivat-
ed the swing, he declared. The vague-
ness of terms, the avoidance of refer-
ence to specific means, particularly
"pump-priming," tend to discount
the effectiveness of the speech in
reassuring business, he pointed out.

purposes which he set up, he pointed
out. Specific proposals for accom-
plishing these reforms, he said, were
conspiciously vague.
The more "liberal" members of the
staff, however, hailed the speech as
an important step in itself in increas-
ing the business man's propensity to
The chief spokesman for the "lib-
eral" wing declared that even though
Hopkins is a radical member of the
New Deal, his appointment replacing
the weak Roper was a move to reas-
sure business of the administration's
willingness to cooperate.
The speech, by eliminating busi-
ness's fears of radical measures, con-
stitutes a guarantee of future stabil-
ity and hence a stimulus to private
investment, he declared.
Also significant, he pointed out, was
Hopkins' recognition that "mere gov-
ernment spending in itself" and stim-
ulation of consumption will not re-
store the profitability of private in-
The phrase defending government
spending as necessary for "the proper
sustaining" of business in periods
when "self nourishment is insuffi-

TVA Advisor Will Stress
Commercial Aspects
Prof. Charles C. Colby of the
University of Chicago geography de-
partment will lecture on "TheLad
as a Basis of National Prosperity" at
4:15 p.m. today in the Rackhan
Amphitheatre under the geography
department's auspices.
Professor Colby is the geographica
adviser to the TVA, and at present
a member of the new federal com-
mittee on land classification anc
planning. He has worked chiefly it
the applied and practical aspects o:
geography and is considered Ameri-
ca's leading expert in this field.
In his talk, Professor Colby wil
discuss the opportunities for young
men in practical geography and the
plans that geographers are develop-
ing for participation in the applica-
tion of scientific control to the usagi
of our national land.
Seniors Will Begin
Class Dues Drive
Posts for the collection of unpaid
senior class dues will be set up to
morrow and Friday in Angell Hal
lobby, University Hall, the main li
brary and the League and Union lob
bies, it was announced yesterday b
Leon A. Kupeck, class treasurer
Establishment of these posts, Ku
peck said, will be a part of a two
day drive for the collection of due:
The dues will be used principall
to provide funds for various clas
functions this semester, Kupeck said
and to maintain the organization c

Franco, following the Nazi-Fascist
pattern in Spain, is usng concen-
tration-camp labor at 25 cents a day
to rebuild roads and railways, and
has already begun an anti-Jewish
and anti-Mason campaign, L. Barto-
lome-Queralta, Spanish Consul in De-
troit, told The Daily in an interview
last night.
The Insurgents' conscription of la-

of what the Loyalists are forced to
do, continued resistence and guerilla
warfare 'against the Insurgents is in-
The Loyalists are "profoundly dis-
gusted" with the French Govern-
ment's treatment of Spanish refugees
in France, Senor Bartolome declared.
Despite arrangements to pay for
proper care of the refugees, the Da-
ladier government has kept the refu-

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