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February 28, 1939 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1939-02-28

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Rare Victorian'
Book Collection
First editions of important litera-
ure of the Victorian age have been
>laced on display in the lobby of the
general Library by Miss Ella M.
Iymans, head of the rare book de-
artment. Included in the exhibit are
epresentative works of the more pop-
lar authors of the period except
Jacauley, of whose writings no first
dition is owned by the University.
One of the rarer books is an origi-
al edition of Tennsyson's "Enoch
rden," bearing the title "Idylls of
he Hearth." Copies with this title
age were entirely unknown for ai-
1ost 20 years when five of them a'.-
eared in a London sale. Another rat-
y, is Carlyle's "Sartor Resartus," one
f about 50 copies that were private-
y printed from magazine type for
he author's friends.
The display also includes "Shirley"
nd "Villette," two of Charlotte Bron-
e's first three novels that she wrote
nder the pseudonym, Currer Bell;
ne of George Eliot's few volumes of
oetry, "Brother and Sister," which
the only work to which she signed
he name, Marian Lewes; Anthony
'rollope's "Prime Minister," which
frst appeared as a serial, and re-
ained the colored covers of its vari-
us parts when it was bound; Thack-
ray's "The History of Penedennis"
nd "The "Virginians," both illus-
'ated by the author, and a novel,
Lothair," by Disraeli.
Faculty Group
Attends Parley
Educators Hold Conclave I
This Week In Cleveland
Sixteen members of the University
aculty are attending the meetings
the National Association of School
dministrators which is holding its
9th annual convention Sunday
irough Thursday of this week in
Those present are Dean James B.
dmonson, and Professors Stuart A.
ourtis, Francis D. Curtis, Calvin 0.
'avis, Howard Y. McCiusky, ArthurI
. Moehlman, George E. Myers, Cleo
urtland, Willard Olson, Raleigh
chorling, Thomas- Diamond and
lifford Woody, all of the School
f Education; Mrs. Myrtle Firestone,'
Ipervising principal of University
lementary School; John M. Trytten,a
eting principal of University High
chool; Prof. George E. Carrothers,
rector of the Bureau of Cooperation
'ith Educational Institutes; and
iarren R. Good of the School of
'eterson Will Speak Todayj

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University.
Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30 P.M.;
11:00 A.M. on Saturday.

Labor" will speak on "The Student
and Labor." Jack Weeks, president
of the Detroit Newspaper Guild, will
speak on labor in journalism and the
Hearst strike. Meeting sponsored by
the ASU. All students invited.
All reservations for the Heller Tes-
timonial Dinner to be held at the
Michigan Union at 6 p.m. on Tues-

(Continued from Page 4)
tonight at 7:30 in the League Ball-
Coming Events
International Center:
Tuesday: 2:30 o'clock. Students at
the Center are invited to hear Mr.
Bailey of the University Museum
speak on "Old and New Chinese'Por-
celains, in the Ballroom of the Mich-
igan League. The lecture is illustrat-
ed. The invitation comes to us from
the Ann Arbor Woman's Club. 7
o'clock. Speech Clinic for students
wishing to improve their English.
8 o'clock. Music Hour, Victrola con-
Thursday: Four o'clock. Tea. Dr.
and Mrs. Robert MeCandless, for
many years in China are guests of
honor. Chinese students are espe-
cially urged to be present to meet Dr.
and Mrs. MeCandless.
7 o'clock. Speech Clinic.
Friday: 8 to 12. Recreation Night.
We are especially fortunate in secur-
ing Mr. Conway Magee to conduct our
class for those wishing to learn to
play bridge.
Saturday. 2 to 5 o'clock. Music
Hour. Metropolitan Opera over our
8 to 11 o'clock. Intramural Sports
Night at the Intramural Building.
Students meet at the Center at 7:45
and go down together. This has
proven to be an evening of great fun.
The Psychological Journal Club will
meet in the East Conference Room
of the Graduate School on Thursday,
March 2 at 8 p.m. Recent differen-
tial studies of social adjustment will
be reviewed by Ruth Cunningham,
S. J. Goffard, Lyla E. Bechtel, T.
Xoomsai. Prof. H. F. tAdams will
symmarize the discussion.
Phi Sigma will meet Wednesday
evening, March 1, 1939 at 8 p.m. in
the Graduate Outing Club Room of
the Rackham Building.
There will be an election of new
All members are urged to be pres-
ent. Refreshments will be served.
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church,
Wednesday, March 1, 7:15 a.m. Holy
Communion (church). 12 noon, Silent
Luncheon, Harris Hall.
Alpha Delta Chi will meet Wednes-
day at 7:30 p.m. in the Architecture
The Student Book Exchange will be
open in the rear of the Union Student
Offices from 3 to 5:30 p.m. daily until
Friday, March 3 to return unsold
books. Any unsold books not called
for this week are automatically for-

d7.mday, March 7 should be made im-
day, March 1, at 7:30 p.m. in the mediately at the Hillel Foundation
Union. Mr. Hill has a dynamic per- office. a
sonality and will speak on a subject ice.
of special interest to engineers, "The
Engineers' Place in Management." All members of AKD wishing trans-
portation to the buffet supper on
Fraternity Presidents: The Execu- !Wednesday, March 1, should meet in
tive Committee of the Interfraternity front of Haven Hall at 6 p.m. prompt-
Council will meet on Wednesday, ly, where cars will be furnished.
March 1. All petitions for initiation
must be in before 4 o'clock on this The Congress Student Welfare
date. Committee is working this semester
on several things vtial to the econom-
New York State Students: The sec- ic welfare of independent men. Men
ond meeting of the New York State interestedin trying out for next
club will be held Wednesday, March 1, year's Executive Council and in bet-
at 8 p.m., in the Michigan League. tering living, eating, and working
The club will discuss plans for the conditions on the campus are invited
present semester. to take part in the activities of the
Student Welfare Committee. Meet-
ings this semester will be held Wed-
Labor Journalists will speak at the nesday evenings at 8:15 p.m. in Room
Michigan Union, Room 316, Wednes- 306 of the Union. Men who are in-
day, March 1, at 4:15. Paul Porter, Iterested and yet unable to attend the
editor of the "Kenosha (Wisconsin) 'first meeting may register their in-'

terest by phoning the Congress Co-
operative House, 2-2143.
Graduate Luncheon. There will be
a graduate luncheon Wednesday,
March 1, at 12 noon in the Russian
Tea Room of the League, cafeteria
style. Mr. Kenneth Morgan, director
of the Student Religious Association,
will discuss the question, "What are
the Consequences of a Belief about
God?" All graduate students are
cordially invited.
Interior Decoration Section: Prof..
Estella Bauch, Head of the Home
Economics Department at Michigan
State Normal College, will speak
Thursday afternoon, March 2, on "In-
telligent Buying for the Home." This
lecture will be given at 3 o'clock in
the Michigan League Building for
the members of the Interior Decora-
tion Section of the Faculty Women's
The Michigan Dames Homemaking'
Group will meet in the East Confer-
ence room of the Rackham Building
Wednesday at 8 p.m. Mrs. Palmer
Christian will speak on "Interior Dec-
Meeting of the J.G.P. costume com-
mittee Wednesday afternoon at 4:00
in the League undergraduate office.

The failure of local and state gov-
ernments to provide adequate 'ele-
mentary school education for more
than a million children is revealed in
an article in the February issue of
the American Teacher, official organ
of the American Federation of Teach-
Children in rural areas receive the
least satisfactory education and in
some poorer sections of the United
States, such as the cut-over lands
of the Great Lakes, the drought
regions of the West and the South-'
Students To Give Concert
Six students in the School of Mu-
sic will present a program of varied
selections at 8:15 p.m. today in the
School of Music Auditorium. Partici-
pating in the concert are: Mary Jane
Lange, Spec., poano; Lonna Parker,
'41, violincello; John Wolaver, '42, pi-
ano; George Cox, '40, baritone; Kath-
leen Rinck, '40, piano; Edward Bird-
sall, X'39, violin.

Inadequacies Of Local Primary"
Education Revealed By Report

ern wastelands, there is little or no
instruction, writes Paul T. David,
secretary of the Advisory Committee
on Education set up by the Presi-
On the basis of findings of the
committee, the city schools have
better instruction than country
schools where the average teacher's
salary falls below $600 a year. The
school terms usually close sooner than
city schools. Mr. David denies that
this condition of the rural schools is
due to the people's apathy. For he
says, "Studies for the Committee
show conclusively that the states and
areas that are predominantly rural
are the ones which make the greatest
effort in proportion to their re-
sources to support schools." He cited
Michigan as one of the states which
makes more than an average effort
to educate its inhabitants.
As a solution, the committee sug-
gests Federal grants to increase grad-
ually to 199 million dollars. The larg-
est single item will go to public ele-
mentary and secondary schools who
are most in need of outside aid.


; *




Neatly,- Laundered

. Shorey Peterson of the ec-
es department will speak on
its and the Monopoly Investi-
" at a meeting of Sigma Rho
tonorary engineering society, at
.m. today in Room 319-320 of
iion. New members of the club
e organized into a circle, said
s Probst, '39E, chairnian.

For Only

Attention Engineers: A combined
meeting of the A.S.M.E. and S.A.E.
will present Mr. L. Clayton Hill, man-
ufacturing manager of the Murray
Corporation of America, on Wednes-

s 0 0 0 s

"in theStudent Bundle"

dents Crowd Psychology
Classes, Pillsbury Announces

C RISP, CLEAN SHIRTS are the first requisite of
personal appearance of the well - dressed Univ


Members Continue
perim ents In Score
Research Activities
F {
mnusually heavy student en-
t has swelled the classrooms
University psychology depart-
D near-capacity this semester,
ralter B. Pillsbury, chairman,
ced today.
lete figures for the second se-
enrollment have not yet been
d, Professor Pillsbury said,
mates indicate that the num-
students will be the largest
e organization of the depart-
while a dozen faculty mem-
he department are continuing
a into a score of psychological

winner of a $1,000 prize for a paper
which he delivered at a meeting of
scientists at Richmond, Va., is con-
tinuing his work in the field of neuro-
tic behaviour of white rats. Funds
for his experiments are obtained from
the Horace Rackham fund. His re-
cent studies are concerned with the
problem of psychological fixations.
A poll of student opinion on reli-
gion, ethics, and morals is being tak-
en by Prof. Mary Van Tuyl. A ques-
tionaire was answered by more than
800 men and women and results are
being tabulated with the use of ma-
A means to accurately test human
vision is being perfected by Profes-
sors Carl Brown and Burton D. Thu-.
ma in their research into visual oc-

man. And at this low price, you cannot afford to go the
least unkempt.
Not only is the saving available on shirts, but on ALL
your laundry. We strongly suggest that you use the Student
"ROUGH DRY" Bundle, in which Shirts, Handkerchiefs,
and Socks are completely finished to please the most criti-
cal . . Underwear and Pajamas are washed and folded
ready for wear-all at the modest rate of ten cents per
pound, with charges -for extra finished laundry marked ac-
Why pay for delivery charges alone in express to 'your
home when it costs only a few cents more to make use of


of the most recent publications Reve
thesis prepared by K enn eth L . r d a e s ud n n p y a
afraduate student in psy- B
y from Baton Rouge, La. Sub-I B t
i in partial fulfillment of the
ements for the degree of Doc- Prof. W
f Philosophy, it discussed the of the Un
.g skills in the reading of mu- some of t
t was published in the current guest con
of the "Psychological Mono- can Band
" Prof. Martha G. Colby 'and ference t
sor Pillsbury directed the re- left Ann
Swork. IAmong
ther thesis, dealing with the tors will
iation of form by infants, has the Armc
>repared by Miss Helen Ling, a Edwin G
ate Chinese student. Miss Ling and Herb
des that "appreciation of geo- Calif.
forms such as squares or ci- -
imes very early in childhood,
ly at birth." DeVere
ty-five years of experimenta- O
ith rats to determine processes BA
trning "is being concluded by B. A. de
John F. Shepard. It is expect- of xthe Ori
t a conclusive summary .of his umwi

lli To Conduct
zdmaster's Band
William D. Revelli, director
iversity Band, will be among
the most famous American
ductors to lead the Ameri-
master's Band at their con-
oday in Fort Dodge, Ia. He
Arbor yesterday afternoon.
the noted guest conduc-
be Dr. Frank Simon, of
co Band of Cincinnati, Dr.
oldman of New York City,
ert L. Clarke, of Long Beach,
, Bailey To Talk
Chinese Porcelains
eVere Bailey of the division
rient of the University mu-
11 give~ an illusgtrated lecr'tuire

this highly

satisfactory service.


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3 Shirts
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2 Suits Underwear
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