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February 28, 1939 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-02-28

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.-s s-= - 3
Edited and managed by students of the University of
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Published every morning except Monday during the
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Member of the Associated Press
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Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
.00; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
1ember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938-39

office a positive danger for the collective whole."
If the above sounds like an echo of the In-
quisition listen to this: "It is said by some, in-
cluding well-intentioned Catholics, that the
opinions of others must be tolerated and re-
spected. We emphatically reject this assertion,
not as religious men, but because of our scientific
And this: "Catholic religious education will
be obligatory in all grades and in both official
and private Spanish education. There can be
no exceptions to this principle."
If this is not abhorrent to Catholics in Ameri-
ca, they should consider the following statement
by Premartin, which indicates that the Rebel's
devotion to the Catholic Church is based not upon
a religious feeling, but upon the cynical belief
that the Fascist State can use the Church for
its own ends.
"The second very important advantage, which
every Catholic believer must appreciate, is the
magnificent proselytism, as much internal as
external, which will result from the declara-
tion of Catholicism as the religion of the State.
The people believe what they see as the first
step to believing what they do not see. When
they see the authorities worshipping God in the
Catholic faith, when they see the armed forces
presenting arms at the holiest of sacraments,
when they see the splendor of Spanish Catholic
worship, enriched by the public and showy inter-
vention of the civil and military authorities, they
will believe that That, to which external religious
ceremonies are offered, is the Truth."
Need any more be said?
-S. R. Kleiman

;ing Editor .
ial Director. .
ate Editor,
ate Editor
ate Editor
ate Editor
ate Editor
ate Editor
Editor .
n's Editor. .

--by David Lawrence-

,. ,-


. Robert D. Mitchell
S. IAlbert P. May10
Horace W. Gilmore
Robert I. Fitzhenry
S. R. Kleiman
Robert Perlman
.Earl Oilman
William Elvin
Joseph Freedman
. .Joseph Gies
Dorothea Staebler
. . Bud Benjamin

The Editor
Gets Told

Business Department
Business Manager . Philip W. Buchen
Adit Manager . . Leonard P. Siegelnan
Adve6rtising Manager .- . William L. Newnan
Women's Business Manager Helen Jean Dean
Women's Service Manager . Marian A. Baxter
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are writteil by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
The Church
Of The State ...
letter discussing the attitude of the
Spanish Republic from 1931 to 1933 toward the
Catholic Church. The charges implied by the
construction of the letter are many and all de-
serve consideration. Fundamentally, however, the
letter suggests that in the author's mind lies the'
conclusion that from the standpoint of a mem-
ber of the Catholic Church, a victory o the
Franco forces in Spain isdesirable.
It is important to remember that one cannot
remain neutral in the Spanish Civil War. In
regard to American policy one either supports
the maintenance of the embargo against Spain
or opposes it. There is no doubt that the em-
bargo as now operative allows the shipment of
war materials to Franco via Italy and Germany
and cuts off similar supplies from the legitimate
government of Spain. To favor the status quo
means to actively aid Franco-to argue that the
embargo should be dropped is to favor the Loyal-
ists. There is no middle path.
Ernest Sutherland Bates, in the article to
which the letter replies, said: "what liberal
Protestants insist upon knowing is whether some
of our professedly liberal Catholic friends . . .
give more, than lip-service to the American
principle of the separation of Church and State
(which is an accepted principle in the Loyalist
Spain Republic). The unpleasant suspicion will
not down that some of them-by no means all
-support it only as a strategic measure when
they are in a minority and that they really mean
by "religious liberty" liberty for no one but
An official publication of the Rebel govern-
ment, What Is "The New Spirit" . . ., written
by Jose Premartin, a member of the Burgos min-
istry, presents some interesting material on the
intentions of the Franco government. It is perti-
nent to ask Catholics who actively or passively
support the Insurgents in Spain whether they
are suited by this program in regard to religion.
We quote from Premartin:
"We have said before, that we in Spainhad
the right to be more papist than the Pope; in
the same way we can be more Fascist than
Fascism itself . . Fascism is a religious concep-
tion,' Mussolini has written. Spanish Fascism will
be, then, the religion of Religion."
"We must be absolutely intolerant of ideolo-
gies and opinions contrary to the Catholic
religion, and their propaganda must be absolute-
ly and decisively banished in all its forms, be
it political, philosophical or proselytizixig for
false religions."
"If we want to be real Fascists, we must sup-
port ourselves on our fundamental national ideol-
ogy which is Catholic."
"The Catholic religion must be declared the
official religion of the State."
."No proselytism, public or private, will be
allowed in favor of other religions."
"No public worship of any other religion will
be permitted."
"All the laws of the Church and its jurisdiction
as they are expressed in the existing canonical
code, will be recognized as includedorganically
in the juridical statute of the Spanish State."
". ..the Spanish State will include annually

A Reply To Mr. Bates
To the Editor:
In the Feb. 26 issue of, the Daily there ap-
peared Ernest S. Bates' open letter addressed to
Msgr. Sheen. In this letter the statement is mad,
that "the American principle of the Separation
of Church and State" is "an accepted principle of
the Loyalist Spain Republic." To what extent
this may be true will perhaps appear from a con-
sideration of the Spanish Constitution of Dec.
9, 1931.
Section 26. All religious denominations are to
be considered as associations subject to a special
The Society of Jesus (the Jesuits),-although not
specifically mentioned, yet unmistakably indi-
cated, is to be dissolved and its properties nation-
The other religious orders are to be subject
to a special law voted by the Constituent Cortes
and this law is to be based upon certain prin-
ciples. According to these principles the religious
orders permitted to .exist must be inscribed on a
specia register under the control of the Minister'
of Jstice; their property may be nationalized;
religious orders may not engage in industry, com-
merce or teaching; they are to be restricted in
the acquisition and retention of property either
by themselves or through others.
Section 27. Cemeteries are to be subject ex-
clusively to the civil authority and no separations
may be made In them for religious reasons. While
religious denominations may carry on worship
privately, public manifestations of worship must
in each instance be authorized by .the govern-
Section 48. The right of churches to teach
their respective establishments is recognized, but
the state reserves the right of control.
Pursuant to these provisions the Cortes, in
January, 1932, enacted a law disbanding the
Jesuits and confiscated their property.
On March 24, 1933, th Cortes formally ap-
proved the law for the nationalization of all
Catholic church properties including churches,
episcopal palaces, rectories, seminaries, etc., and
all ornaments, pictures, etc.
On May 17, 1933, the Cortes enacted a law of
Confessions and Congregations which places
religious orders in charge of the Minister or
Justice. They are prohibited from buying property
other than that intended for living and the
practice of religion and also from engaging in
industry, commerce, and teaching.
-W. A. McLaughlin
Brotherhood Day
Today is Brotherhood Day, the key day of a
Brotherhood Week which is being observed not
only on this campus, but in more than 2,000 other
communities throughout the United States.
Today in each of these 2,000 centers programs
will be carried out with this end in view. Round
tables on common problems are typical of the
activities arranged for Brotherhood Day. At Cor-
nell observance will be built around a radio
broadcast over WESG, with prominent speakers
representing each of the three general religious
faiths-Jewish, Catholic, and Protestant.
At a time when society is threatened by an
increasing conflict among persons of varying
creeds, the value of Brotherhood Week is un-
mistakable. It gives emphasis to the fundamental
principles of the "American way," that while
maintaining the right to differ in creeds, all per-
sons must be guided by a spirit of cooperation
and friendship in common undertakings and in
the solution of common problems.
-Cornell Daily Sun
A Texan reports the theft of, forty hives of bees.
You are requested to notify the authorities if you
see a man wearing more than seventy-five yards
of bandages.

WASHINGTON, Feb. 21--Sen. Warren Austin
of Vermont is a staunch party man and he is the
ranking Republican on the Senate Military
Affairs Committee. He hasn't any fondness for
the New Deal or any of its works and has said so
publicly and privately on enough occasions to
establish him certainly as far from an Adminis-
tration supporter. In fact, by all the tests that
can be offered at the moment, he is about as
competent a judge of whether President Roose-
velt violated the neutrality of America by order-
ing bombing planes to be sold to France as any-
body in the Government could be under the
present circumstances.
And Senator Austin says frankly that, after
an exhaustive study of the whole episode, he has
come to the conclusion that the sale of the planes
to the French was a good thing, that it did not
involve any secret alliances or entanglements
with a foreign country, and that, on the whole,
the sale was beneficial rather than detrimental
to our own military establishment.
Mr. Austin remarked to reporters that his
patriotism came first and his Republicanism
second, which was only another way of saying
that, when national defense questions arise, he
would not allow partisanship to influence what
he was willing to say publicly, even though it
happened to be a word that vindicated a posi-
tion taken -by a political opponent.
This attitude on the part of Senator Austin
is important, because, for a while, Republicanism
suffered here the charge that it was dragging
partisanship into national defense. The Vermont
Senator's frank declaration will do a great deal
to offset the hasty prejudices which were formed
throughout the country among those who were
beginning to see President Roosevelt as anxious
to "drag America into war."
So far as can be ascertained today, the whole
episode about the sale of the planes to the
French was a sort of tempest in a teapot. It
had its origin unquestionably in fears that arose
among army officers here that France would get
a priority of delivery which would interfere with
production of planes for our own use, or that
the French would have some superior machine
to ours. It is true also that, when there was a
conflict of view inside the Government, the
President had to take full responsibility for mak-
ing a decision, and, after getting data and advice
from all sides, came t the conclusion that the'
war department was unduly apprehensive. With
the passage of time, it is evident also that the
army officers now feel that the objections they
had have been met by further information.
Authentic information has been developed in
the Senate's inquiry to show that fulfillment of
foreign orders is not going to interfere with the,
making of aircraft for the use of the United
States Army, and that nothing has been done
which will impair the quality or superiority of
our aircraft.
Looking over the affair, which was seized upon
for some rather vehement comment here on
Capitol Hill, it may be that the internal friction
relating to airplane sale might have been avoided.
Piatigors ky Recital
Sonata in E minor, Op. 38 ........ Brahms
Introduction and Polonaise Brillante, Chopin
Sonata ......................... Debussy
Oriental ...................... Karjinsky
Scherzo........ ............Piatigorsky
Piece en forme de Habanera........Ravel
La Campanella................Paganini
A modern Paganini of the cello-tall, somber,
head-tossing, and conjuring fantastic sounds
with magical arm and fingers-is Gregor Piati-
gorsky. His return to Hill Auditorium last night
showed a technique that is as matchless as ever.
Rapid scales in double stos, melodies in har-
monics, interminable trills, as well as honeyed
legato phrases, all flow with magical ease and
perfection from the instrument of the Russian

virtuoso. His tone, while on the smallish side and
sometimes unduly covered by the piano, is always
clear and dulcet and never rough. Even the
most rapid staccatto tones are clearly and defin-
itely phrased. All the wide resources of modern
violoncello technique are seen at their highest in
By nature the artist is intensely masculine
and dynamic. and his interpretive style is always
based on qualities of power and strong contrast.
His playing is fiery with what is known as "pas-
sion," but his sentiment is purely and brusquely
masculine. Foremost in his style is an element
of volatility, of caprice, such as is admirably
voiced in the Minuetto of the Brahms. E minor
Sonata. Always there are pressings and surg-
ings, springing from the impulsiveness and boy-
ish good humor of the inner artist.
Such is the Piatigorsky style, and it is one
which dominates everything it touches from
Handel to Chopin. The gorgeous Brahms Sonata
is filled with eloquence and surpassing beauty,
carrying the conviction that thus and only thus
does the music reach its true height. The little-
heard Opus 3 of Chopin it also illuminated with
poetry and melodic glow. The transcribed Handel
Sonata, in itself a work of great, if perhaps un-
even, beauty, had somewhat less in common with

By Roy Heath
Eagle Man . .
It is with keen anticipation that I
look forward to the appearance of
Capt. C.W.R. Knight, "The Eagle
Man," at Hill Auditorium. My reasons
For such anticipation are several andj
bordering on anti-social.t
In the first place, I do not think
that Captain Knight will bring up
the questions of God, marital rela-
tions, or dormitories; questions which
seem to be perplexing everyone ac-
cording to recent campus polls.
In the second place, there is always
the chance that one of the Captafn's
fowls might make a break for the
door. (I was doing very well with this
until Sec Terry appeared to plague1
me. It seems that he doesnt quite
understand from the foregoing mat-l
ter, just what eagles I am talking
about or what Capt. Knight is doing
with them.)
All right, Captain Knight, as almost
everyone but Sec Terry knows, is a
naturalist of some note who goes1
about displaying live eagles to any-
one willing to pay for a ticket. Now,
I believe, with that matter cleared1
up, we can get back to the point.
As I was saying, it would add al
great deal to the life of the party
if one of the captain's truculent
squabs should suddenly make a powerl
dive for the exits. It would not onlyI
make for a certain unrest among
the spectators, it would probably
clear the hall.
There is also another potential situ-I
ation in the prospect of a man with
a live eagle addressing a studentf
audience. Suppose they call upon1
him to "peel off." It would be inter-r
esting to watch a man struggling to5
pull off his pants with one hand while
endeavoring to hold an irritable eagle
in the other. Virtuoso of the aviary
that Capt. Knight is, I doubt if he
will be able to cope with that situa-
tion should it arise.
* * *
Success Stories Shunned..
There are many more interesting
manners in which to spend an eve-
ning than to sit in awed and respect-
ful silence while successful persons I
relate the harrowing details of their
climb to success. A majority of Michi-
gan's freshmen remembered them all
last Thursday night.
Freshmen stayed, away from the1
Union "Activities Smoker" in droves.
Not even the prospect of hearing
Robert Canning recite the epic of his
rise to head cheer leader, secretary
of the Interfraternity Council and
Michigan's number one chewing gum
plugger, could lure the frosh out of
their holes and into the Union. Theyf
just didn't seem to give a damn.
It seems to me that the Union chosei
the wrong audience for their displayY
of strictly All-Star talent. The fresh-r
men are not particularly interested
in how the incumbent headmen got
the way they are. Anyone knows that
the freshmen start out with the idear
that they can do a better job than is
being done. If they didn't feel that
way they would quit in sheer despond.
What the Union should have done
was to throw the lecture open to,
disgruntled seniors. Let each B.M.O.C.t
mount the rostrum and tell exactly the
devious ways he was forced to travel
in reaching his present Olympiane
pinnacle. Make them dispense withe
the old soap they handed the frosht
about hard work and honest applica-i

tion and get down to brass tacks. The .
Union could sell tickets to a public
confessional like that.t
Bogatelles , . .
Despite valiant effort on the part
of their anchorman, Derwood Lasky,
Phi Kappa Sigma's entry in the Pufft
And Blow League relay race was un-
able to whip a staggering but con-1
scientious Phi Delt team Friday night.,
In consequence the Brothers of the3
Skull and Bones were out of pocket
to the tune of $25 which they duly
paid off like gentlemen on Saturday.
In the envelope with the currency
was found the following note from
Phi Kap matchmaker, Bob Archer:
"We also have five dates if you can
afford them. We can't." . . . Speak-7
ing of dates, Marty Dworkis informs
me that he has been appointed
agent for a very acceptable number
on campus. He gave me her specifi-
cations and will furnish her phone
number and further details to in-
terested parties ...It was something
of a surprise- to people who always
thought of Michigan's ace two-miler
Ralph Schwarzkopf as a rather harm--
less individual to see a recent picture
of him in the Detroit News under
the caption "Beast (sic) By Test." I
for one will admit that I always de-
tected a "certain look in his eye" .
This space will shortly carry contri-
butions from a Sec Terry contributor,
one W. Seymour Equator, who quit
Terry in disgust.

Applications will be considered

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University.
Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30 P.M.;
11:00 A.M. on Saturday.

The Bureau of Appointments has
received notice of the fololwing Civil
Service Examinations. Last date for
filing applications is given in each
United States Civil Service:
Associate Aeronautical Inspector,
$3,500, Mar. 20.
Assistant Aeronautical Inspector,
$3,200, Mar. 20.
Air Carrier Inspector (Operation)
$3,800, Mar. 20.
Senior Pharmacologist, $4,600, Mar.
Pharmacologist, $3,800. Mar. 27.
Associate Pharmacologist, $3,200,'
Mar. 27.
Assistant Pharmacologist, $2,600,
Mar. 27.
Michigan Civil Service:
Graduate Nurse A2, salary range:
$115-135 less maint., Mar. 10.rg
Tuberculosis Graduate Nurse A,,
salary range: $130-150 less maint.,
Mar. 10.l
Tuberculosis Graduate Nurse Al,
salary range: $140-160 less maint.,
Mar. 10.
Superintendent of Tuberculosis
Nurses I, salary range: $150-190 less
maint., Mar. 10.
Institution Buildings and Grounds,
Foreman Al, salary range: $140-160,
Mar. 17.
Food Service Helper, salary range:
$75-90 less maint., Mar. 25.
Sanitary Engineer IV., salary
range: $325-385, Mar. 23.
Complete announcements are on
file at the University Bureau of Ap-
pointments and Occupational Infor-
mation, 201 Mason Hall; office hours:1
9-12 and 2-4.1
University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Jnfor-
The Bureau of Appointments has re-
ceived a call for Jewish girls to be1
assistant counselors in a New York
camp. Positions open in the follow-
ing activities:'
Over-night campinge
A persoial interview is required in1
New York during Spring Vacation.
For further information call at the
Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason
Hall; Office Hours: 9-12 and 2-4. ;
University Bureau of Appointmentsx
and Occupational Information.
Academic Notices1
Botany 1 Make-up examination for1
students who were unable to take the;
final examination in February will beT
given Monday, March 6 at 7:30 p.m.
in Room 2033 Natural Science. Per-
mission to take the examination
must be obtained from Prof. Jones.I
Economics 51 and 52: Make-up final
examination will be held Thursday,s
March 2, at 3 p.m. in Room 20 Ec.t
English 150 will not meet today.
K. T. Rowe.t
English 160, Section 1, will not meetI
today. Kenneth T. Rowe.
Students, College of Literature, Sci- I
ence and the Arts: No course may bel
elected for credit after the end of
the third week. Saturday, March 4,l
is therefore the last dat on which
new elections may be approved. The
willingness of an individual instruc-
tor to admit a student later does not
affect the operation of this rule. 1
;d. A. Walter.
Exhibition of Water Colors by Ar-
thur B. Davies and Drawings by
Boardman Robinson, shown under
the auspices of the Ann Arbor Art
Association. North and South Gal-
leries of Alumni Memorial Hall; daily
from 2 to 5 p.m.; Feb. 15 through1
March 1.

Exhibition, College of Architecture:
Photographs and drawings of Mich-
igan's historic old houses made dur-
ing the recent Historical American
Buildings Survey are being shown,
through the courtesy of the J. L. Hud-
son Company of Detroit. Third Floor
Exhibition Room, Architectural Bldg.,
through March 11. Open daily, 9 to 5.
The public is cordially invited.
Museum of Classical Archaeology:
Special exhibit of terracotta figurines,
baskets, harness and rope from the
University of Michigan Excavations
in Egypt.
Capt. C.W.R. Knight. Motion Pic-
ture Lecture "The Leopard of the
Air," Tuesday, Feb. 28, 8:15 p.m.,
Hill Auditorium. A pictorial record
of the National Geographic African
Expedition with Capt. Knight's

(Continued from Page 2)


4:15 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 28; and
the second on Wednesday, Maich 1 at
7:30 p.m. Both lectures will be given
n Room 348 West Engineering Bldg.
The public is invited.
University Lecture: Professor
Charles C. Colby, of the University
of Chicago, will lecture on "Land as
a Basis of National Prosperity" at
4:15 p.m., Wednesday, March 1, in
the Rackham Amphitheatre, under
the auspices of the Department of
Geography. The public is cordially
Lecture: Dr. Reinhold Niebuhr will
give the third in the series of lectures
on "The Existence and Nature of
God" under the auspices of the Stu-
dent Religious Association, Thursday
evening, March 2. at 8:15, in the
Rackham Lecture Hall.
University Lecture: Mr. Louis Un-
termeyer will lecture on "The Poet
vs. the Average Man" on Monday,
March 13, at 8:15 p.m. in the Rack-
ham Auditorium under the auspices
of the Department of English in the
College of Engineering. The public
is cordially invited to attend.
Events Today
Biological Chemistry Seminar, to-
night, 7:30 p.m. Room 319 West Medi-
cal Building. "Some Problems of
Mineral Metabolism" will be dis-
cussed. All interested are invited.
Botanical Journal Club, tonight at
7:30 p.m. Room N.S. 1139, Feb. 28.
Reports by Robert Ashe, Algal
Barrier Reefs in Lower Ozarkian of.
New York. W. Goldring.
Su Tsen Wu, Life History of Ma-
rine Diatoms. F. Gross.
William Gilbert, Susswasserphaeo-
phyceen Schwedens. G. Israelsson.
Lichokologie der Bodenalgen. D.
Olivia Embrey, Vegetation Marine
de la Mediterranee. J. Feldmann.
Chairman, Prof. W. R. Taylor.
The Romance Languages Journal
Club meeting will be held in Room
408 this afternoon at 4:10 p.m.
Program: Professor C. A. Knudson:
Recent Publications on Linguistics.
Professor A. G. Canfield: Chronology
of Balzac's "Comedie Rumaine."
Graduate Luncheon for Chemical
and Metallurgical Engineers: The
regular Graduate_ Luncheon for
Chemical and Metalurgical Engineers
will be held this noon in Room 3201
East Engineering Building. Professor
Arthur S. Aiton of the History De-
partment will be the speaker. His
subject is: Recent Relations with
La Sociedad Hispanica. "Latin.'
American Night will be presented by
La Sociedad Hispanica this evening
at 7:30 p.m. in the Union. The pro-
gram will include a talk on "Brazil
and the Brazilians" by Professor Pres-
ton E. James of the Geography De-
partment, native music by a Latin-
American professional band, exhibi-
tior dancing by a Latin-American
dance team, and a novelty harmonica
band. Admission will be free. All
are invited to attend.
Christian Science Organization:
8:15 p.m. League Chapel. Students,
alumni and faculty are invited to at-
tend the services.



Forum: Father Berry, of St.
Chapel, will lead the Open
discussion of Msgr. Sheen's
eight o'clock tonight, at Lane

Omega Upsilon: All members be
present at the radio movies in the
graduate school at 5:00 today. Busi-
ness meeting at Morris Hall at 7:15.
All members must be present.
League House Presidents will meet
today in the League at 4:15 p.m. Every
League House President must be'pres-
Tau Beta Pi: Important dinner
meeting tonight at 6:15 in the Union.
All members should be present, even
if unable to remain after the dinner.
Tryouts for the German Play, "Die
Gegenkandidaten" will be held in
Room 300 South Wing, today, Wed-
nesday, and Thursday from 2-5 p.m.
Faculty Women's Club: The Play
Reading Section will meet this after-
noon, at 2:15 p.m. in the Mary B.
Henderson Room of the Michigan
Wyvern: Meeting today at 3:30 p.m.
in the League Grill. All members
urged to be present.
The Avukah will meet at the Hillel
Foundation at 7:30 tonight. There
will be a discussion of Anti-Semitism
in America.

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