Sir qan
The Church
Of The State.
Dr. Pino Lauds Group Health
Insurance Plan For Rosital
Sees Plan As Experiment
To Give Medical Care
To Low Income Bracket
Supreme Court Reverses
NLRB Decree And Hits
Sit-Down Strike Activities
Group health insurance, approved
by the Board of Regents for the Uni-
versity Hospital, was hailed last night
by Dr. Ralph H. Pino of Detroit,
chairman of the Michigan State
Medical Society's Committee for the
Distribution of Medical Costs, as "an
experiment necessary for social pro-
"There is a definite need for ade-
quate medical care at a cost within
the reach of low income brackets," he
declared. "Where such a need exists,
attempts must be made to fulfili it."
The action of the Regents gives
the University Hospital permission to
participate in a group medical plan
for Washtenaw County.
The plan itself is still in the forma-
tive stage, Dean Albert C. Fursten-
berg of the Medical School, empha-
sized. The several plans already in
existence are being investigated un-
der the direction of Dr. James D.
Bruce of the University Hospital. The
best features of these plans will be
incorporated into a system for use
here, Dr. Furstenberg explained-
"The object of the investigation
will be to formulate a plan that will
give all University faculty and resi-
'dents of Washtenaw County medical
care at reasonable cost," Dr. Furst-
enberg declared. '
The details of the plan are expect-
ed to be ready for release in about a
O.S.U. Hands
Varsity Cagers
42-28 Setback
Buckeyes Gain First Place
Tie With Indiana Team,
Upset ByBoilermakers
Ohio State's battling Buckeyes, who
would shoot at a market oasket rath-
er than hold the ball, charged to the
front rank in the Big Ten cage race
last night at the Field House by
handing a down-trodden Michigan
quintet its fifth straight Conference
defeat 42 to 28.
By virtue of Purdue's upset victory
over Indiana 45 to 34, the Ohioians
moved into a first place tie with the
Hoosiers, each team now having nine
wins and two defeats.
Paced by Capt. Jim Hull and guard
Bob Lynch, the title-hungry Buck-
eyes out-shot a discouraged Michigan
team in the traditional slam-bang
fracas peculiar to the Michigan-Ohio
Although the Wolvernes held even
for the first 16 minutes of the ball
game, Ohio State soon oiled the ma-
chinery of their two ace combinations
and from then on it was Henry call
the undertaker.
Center Johnny Schick and reserve
forward Bill Sattler, who tower six
four and six six respectively, teamed
to effectively control the backboards
and get the rebounds whereupon for-
ward Jim Hull and guard Bob Lynch
took care of the sharpshooting.
Hull, who is the Big Ten's leading
scorer partly because he shoots at the
slightest provocation, scored 27 points
last Saturday but his eye was off
(Continued on Page 3)
1 1 (8>
Senators Request Clarification
Of Roosevelt Armament Policy
Time Not Ripe
(Chamberlain said that he was
eager to call an international confer-
ence for "removal of economic and
political grievances" whenever such
a discussion could be assured of "any
chance of success." He said, however,
that this time had not yet come and
that "a considerable amount of pre-
liminary preparation 'would be neces-
sary." He declared such a conference'
would work for "a settlement which,
includes limitation of armaments and
removal of all barriers to internationt
al trade.)
An end of the 31-months-old Span-
ish War, which has taken more than
1,000,000 lives, was heralded Satur-
i day when the Madrid Government
spokesman in Paris disclosed that
armistice arrangements were being
made. This was to allow evacuation
of military and political leaders from
the Madrid-Valencia zone..
,Unless there is a change in leader-
ship in the Government territory, it
was said, the armistice will be followed
by a mass surrender which would al-
low the Rebel army to march into
Madrid and other cities still in Gov-
ernment hands.
Government territory now com-
prises about one-fourth of continen-
tal Spain, with Madrid, Valencia and
Alicante the principal cities.
Bridge Students
Union And League To Take
Entries Throughout Day
Students wishing to enter the Union
all-campus duplicate bridge tourna-
ment tonight may still register at
either the League or Union main
desks today, it was announced yes-
terday by Hadley Smith, '40E, Union
committeeman. The tournament,
which is the second of a series of
three during the current school year,
will be held from 7 to 10 p.m. in the
main ballroom of the Union.
The team having the highest av-
erage in any two of the three tour-
naments willbe awardedthe all-
campus bridge cup in the spring,
Smith said. Winners in the first tour-
nament, which drew over 100 con-
testants, were Frank Wilkinson, '40,
and Jack Heil, '40, and the team of
Glenn Robinson, '40, and Jack Wil-°
kie, '41.
Prof. Christian To Give
Weekly Organ Recitals
Prof. Palmer Christian, University,
organist, who recently returned
from a successful three-weeks tour
of the Southwest, will give the first
in a series of seven recitals at 4:15
p.m. tomorrow in Hill Auditorium.
The remaining concerts will be given
on successive Wednesdays through
April 5. The public is invited to at-
tend free of charge.
Professor Christian has long been
regarded as one of the world's premier
organists and is in continual demand
throughout the nation for personal
appearances. A few years ago, he
completed an extended tour through-
out Europe that brought him acclaim
from major continental music centers.
It was also announced yesterday
that, following this series, on Sun-
day, April 23, Professor Christian
will present a special recital. All of
the programs will be played on the
Frieze Memorial Organ in the Audi-
German Jews
Get.Pa ssports
To Aid Exodus
BERLIN, Feb. 27-0e)-Germany
began handing out "J" passports to
Berlin Jews today as fast as formali-
ties could be completed.
This reversed a previous policy
which required that passports would
be granted only to those likely to
receive permission to enter foreign
The reason for the change appar-
ently was to provide Jews with pass-
ports as swiftly as possible and tell
them to leave Germany soon under
an order effective today that requires
the emigration of 100 Berlin Jews
Police previously had demanded
proof that a visa for a foreign coun-
try was in prospect before a pass-
port-marked with a large "J" for
Jew-could be granted. Now, however,
no questions are asked about visas
or how a passport recipient intends
to leave.
As a result, a new wave of Jews
descended on foreign consulates be-
seeching them to speed up promised
visas or asking to be placed on wait-
ing lists.
Logan And Borah Debate
Assistance To Countries
As Measure Of Defense
WASHINGTON, Feb. 27.-(IP)-The
Administration's major rearmament
battle came up in the Senate today to
precipitate an immediate oratorical
outburst on the nation's foreign policy
and a searching discussion of the
course to which the Monroe Doctrine
commits the United States in the face
of disturbed world conditions.
Senator Logan (Dem., Wyo.), an
administration supporter, argued that
the United States' own self-interest
demands that it render assistance to
England and France if those two na-
tipns are threatened with destruc-
tion. He also contended that success-
ful defense of South America "from
the aggressions of nations of Asia
and Europe" necessarily involves
some degree of entanglement abroad.
"I cannot agree with the Senator,"
replied Senator Borah (Rep., Idaho),
veteran of many a Senate fight on be-
half of isolation. "In defending our
rights in South America, in protect-
ing our interests by reason of invasion
of South America, we enter into no
entangling alliances with any nation.
We simply say that the invasion of
that territory endangers the United
States, and we defend it upon the
same theory as though the Port of
New York were invaded."
The bill which brought the discus-
sion about would authorize an expen-
diture of $358,000,000 to strengthen
the Army Air Corps both in planes7
and personnel, bulwark the defensesr
of the Panama Canal and educate
American industry in the production
of war supplies. It constitutes the
bulk of the rearmament program
proposed by thePresident.
The debate elicited an assertion by
ASU Sponsors
Labor Forum
Chairman Sheppard (Dem., Tex.) of
the Military Aff airs Committee that
"the hostile attitudes of certain dic-
tator-controlled and imperialist na-
tins" necessitate an "immediate ex-
pansion" of the nation's defenses.
Senator Vandenberg (Rep., Mich.)
criticized the sale of planes to France,
for its secrecy, and urged that the
United States be "wholly neutral,"
and "resolute, confident and calm."
Vandenberg, contending that the Ad-
ministration's aims were obscure, said
he was against any attempt to "quar-
antine aggressor nations or police the
An elaborately sarcastic reply to
Vandenberg came from Senator Con-
nally (Dem., Texas). Challenging the
Michigan Senator to differ with the
foreign policy recently laid down by
President Roosevelt, he vigorously.
supported the bill.
Natators Whip
Squad, 53-31
Welsh Paces Wolverines
To Victory With Wins,
In 220 And 440 Events
EVANSTON, Ill. (Special to The
Daily)-Michigan's National Colle-
giate swimming champions coasted
to a 53-31 victory over Northwestern
last night to annex their third win in
four days but this victory was unique
in that it was the first time in four
meets that the mighty men of Matt
Mann failed to better any record.
It was the Wolverines third Con-
ference victory as against two ties
(both with Ohio State) and no de-
The Wildcats were outclassed but
had enough strength to win two first
places, something no other team ex-
cept Ohio State has been. able to doj
this year. Sophomore Tommy Powell
upset Hal Benham in the dive and
Mel Sutker won the 200-yard breast
stroke as Johnny Haigh remained
on the sidelines in this event.,
Jimmy Welsh was the only Wol-
verine to swim in two individual
events and as a result was the high
scorer for the night. The durable
sophomore was an easy winner in
both distance events, winning the
220 in 2:15.3 and the 440 in 4:54.
Welsh had little opposition in either
race. In the furlong, the dual was
(Continued on Page 3)
Spring Parley
Meeting Called
Judges Are Non-Committal
In Picketing Case; Hague
Versus CIO Trial Begun
5-2 Vote Condemns
Factory Seizures
WASHINGTON, Feb. 27-M)-The
Nation's highest Court ruled today
that workers who seize their employ-
er's factory have placed themselves
outside the protection of the Wagner
Labor Relations Act.
Chief Justice Charles Evans Hughes,
reading a majority opinion, declared
that a sit-down in the Fansteel Metal-
lurgical Corporation of North Chica-
go, Ill., two years ago was a "high-
handed proceeding without a show
of legal right."
Declaring that the employer could
discharge the "wrongdoers" without
violating the Wagner Act, his opinion
invalidated an order by the National
Labor Relations Board requiring the
company to reinstate employees who
were dismissed when they seized key
buildings of the corporation.
The Labor Board had contended
that the strike resulted from viola-
tions of the Wagner Act by the em-
ployer, including refusal to bargain
The Court supported a Board order
that the Fansteel Company withdraw,
recognition from the Rare Metal
Workers of America, Local No. 1.
The tribunal agreed with the NLRB
.that Fansteel had violated the Labor
Act in refusing to bargain collective-
The Court took the following
other actions yesterday:
Heard Justice Frankfurter de-
liver his first opinion, invalidat-
ing a Florida law imposing an in-
spection fee on imported cement.
Set aside a murder conviction
against a Louisiana Negro because
Negroes were excluded from the
Grand Jury which indicted him.
Started hearing arguments on
issues raised in Jersey City struggle
between Mayor Frank Hague and
Hel4 constitutional a 1935
Pennsylvania law regulating the
Milk Industry.
Declined to hear an appeal from
an NLRB order directing reinstate-
ment of 17 discharged employes of
American Potash and Chemical
Corporation of Trona, Calif.
Refused to pass on a Federal
Circuit Court's Decision that it had
no power to halt picketing of a
chain of stores in St. Louis.
Prof. Niebuhr
To ]End Series
Of Lectures
Noted Writer 'To Present
View Of Protestant Faith
On Existence Of God
Prof. Reinhold Niebuhr, of Union
Theological Seminary will deliver the
concluding lecture in the series on
"The Existence and Nature 'of God"
at 8:15,p.m. Thursday, March 2 in the
Graduate School Auditorium.
Capacity audiences have heard Ber-
trand Russell present the agnostic
view with its plea to "try to reach the
basic conclusions on the evidence" and
have heard Monsignor Sheen's ortho-
dox and historical approach on the
moral and metaphysical side of the
question of the existence of God.
Professor Niebuhr, whose writings'
and lectures have gained him a prom-
inent place in contempgrary Protes-
tant thought, will present the Protes-
tant view in this final lecture.
"Questions Raised by Monsignor
Sheen" will be the topic of the open
forum discussion to be held at 8 p.m.
today at Lane Hall. Father Berry of
St. Mary's Chapel will review Mon-
signor Sheen's speech and lead the
discussion of any points those attend-
ing may care to raise.
Elections Tryouts
Called For Friday
Students interested in gaining ex-
perience in the practical workings
of proportional representation are in-
vited to tryout for the Student Senate
elections board at a meeting at 4
p.m. Friday in the Union, Edward
Magdol, '39, announced yesterday.
Petitions of prospective candidates
for the 16 vacant seats on the Senate
will be received March 24 to 24 in
Lane Hall, the elections head remind-
Jack We
eks To Dis
In Chicago
Because of the widespread interest
shown by students in labor problems,
the American Student Union is hold-
ing a forum on the Student and
Labor 4:15 p.m. tomorrow at the
Paul Porter who is vice-chairman
of the Farmer Labor Progressive Fed-
eration in Wisconsin will discuss the
labor movement and its relation to
the student on campus. He helped
organize workers in the radio factory
at Camden, N. J., and is at present
editor of Kenosha Labor, a prominent
liberal journal in Wisconsin.
Jack Weeks, president of the De-
troit Newspaper Guild will speak on
the 10 week old strike of editorial and
commercial newspaper workers on
the Chicago Hearst newspaper. He is
an employee of the Detroit Free
This is the first of a series of dis-
cussions sponsored by the American
Student Union designed to acquaint
the student with the problems of
labor and to help relate these prob-
lems with those of the student.
Baker To Speak
In Press Series
To Consider
Threat Of Nazi Agents
Seen By -ev. ,Birkhead
Propaganda Crusader Says
Jews Being Substituted
For Catholic Scapegoat
Since the advent of Hitler in 1933,
American history is being rewritten
by anti-Semitic propagandists who
are substituting the Jew for the Cath-
olic scapegoat, the Rev. L. M. Birk-
head, nationally known for his work
in uncovering propaganda-spreading
organizations, told a crowd of 200
people at the Unity Hall Open For-
um last night.
"Father Coughlin is a Nazi agent,"
Reverend Birkhead declared. He
said that Coughlin boasted he met
Sir Oswald Moseley, leader of English
fascists and borrowed his plane to
fly to Germany, where he had an
interview with Hitler.
thetic, it-can't-happen-here attitude
of the American people to the men-
ace of fascism." It can happen here,
he predicted. All the raw materials of
fascism are present, including the
tradition of strong violence and the
labor and economic crises.
Democracy, he warned, must set
its economic house in order. As long
as we have an economic crisis people
will be more susceptible to propa-
ganda. Sales resistance, Reverend
Birkhead said, is lowered consider-
ably during depression times.
Hitler's $100,000,000 propaganda
machine, Reverend Birkhead said, is
reaching into every phase of our
civilization. We are bombarded by
propaganda in the class room, in the
church, by radio, press and the mo-
vies. Twenty years ago we fought
to make democracy safe for the
world; yet today our faith in de-
mocracy is being undermined by,
R. Ray Baker of the Ann Arbor
News speaking on "Specialized Re-I
porting" will deliver the second in a
series of weekly lectures being spon-
sored by the Journalism department
at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow in Haven Hall.
The series is being conducted to
give students interested in journal-
ism an opportunity to hear and talk
informally with working newspaper
men. Discussion periods will follow
the lectures.
Other lecturers will be Stuart
Perry of the Adrian Telegram who
will talk on "The Newspapers and
the Courts," Arthur W. Stace of the
Ann Arbor News. who will discuss
The first meeting of the 1939 Spring
Parley executive committee will be
held at 4 p.m. today in the League,
it was announced yesterday.
Spring Parley is the annual faculty-
student conference which considers.
problems of the students at the Uni-
versity. Last year's Parley called
"Our University: Milestone or Mill-
stone", was divided into five panel
groups dealing with Security, Leisure
Time, Opinions, Education and
Housing and presented specific reso-
lutions which have been since treated
by the Student Senate.
Students who have been called to
the meeting are Barbara Bradfield,
Grad., chairman last year, Frank
Rideout, '41, Tom Adams, '40, Jane
Cawley, James Hammond, '40, Ralph
Erlewine, '39 Ralph Roseman, "39,
Alberta Wood, '40, Bernard Weiss-
man. '39L, S. R. Kleiman, '39, Charles
Dolph, 39, Ronald Freedman, '39,
Albert Mayio, '39, Robert Perlman,
'39 and Earl Luby, '39.
Research Fund Is Named
T.TV, of IMS ..f rsar®
ly with the Amalgamated Associa-
tion of Iron, Steel and Tin Workers
of North America.
Justices Reed and Black dissented
in each of the three decisions against
the Labor Board. Justice Frankfurter
a new member of the court, did not
participate in these decisions.
Justice Roberts, in his majority
opinion in the Sands Case, upheld the
Company's contention that violation
of a contractual provision not to
strike severed the employe relation.
He said that when negotiations
between the Company and the
Mechanics Educational Society of
America (MESA) broke up and the
factory was closed, the "respondent,
rightly understood that the men were
irrevocably committed not to work in
accordance with their contracts."
"It was at liberty," Roberts con-
tinued, "to treat them as having
severed their relations with the com-
pany because of their breach and
to consummate their separation from
the company's employe by hiring oth-
ers to take their places."
The Court also set aside two other
Board orders for reinstatement. One
involved the Sands Manufacturing
Company of Cleveland, and in this
case the Supreme Court .held that
employes who strike in violation of a
contract sever their relations with
their employer.
Kennedy Voices Protest
Against British Plan
LONDON, Feb. 27.-(P)-United
States Ambassador Joseph P. Ken-
nedy told Foreign Minister Viscount
Halifax, today that United States
nhli' nnirinn nnnn ed the rela-tinn