THE MICHIGAN DAILY UGAN DAILY I The Editor Gets Told V. w1 di and managed by students of the University, of an under the authority of the Board in Control of t Publications. shed every morning except Monday during the ity year and Sumni r Session. Member of the Associated Press Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the republication of all news dispatches credited to not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All of republication 9f all other matters herein also d. ed at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as class mail matter. riptionsw dring regular school year by carrier, y mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AvE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO BOSTON ' LOS ANGELES - SAN FRANCISCO her, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938-39 Sheen's God And Spain To the Editor: A God so real as the one described by Msgr. Sheen would not be insensible to the truths and falsities of the Spanish conflict. Unfortunately nothing was said in the question period on this issue and the speaker had to rush away for a radio engagement. The following open letter of Ernest S. Bates as printed in the New Republic indicates that others have wondered about the consistency of Msgr. Sheen's incessant attacks upon the Government of Spain and his spoken and written championing of "God and Intelli- gence." -H. P. Marley * * * Board g Editor Director or . Editor " Editor :Editor, SEditor Editor Editor , itor Editor ditor., of Editors R obert D. Mitchell . . Albert P. Mayio Horace W. Gilmore Robert I. Fitzhenry 8 . R. Kleiman Robert Perlman * .Earl Gilman William Elvin Joseph Freedman * . .Joseph Gies Dorothea Btaebler Bud Benjamin Business Department Manager. . . Philip W. Buchen [anager . . . . Leonard P. Siegelman ng Manager . . William L. Newnaa sBusiness Manager . Helen Jean Dean Service Manager . . . Marian A. Baxter NIGHT EDITOR: JUNE HARRIS ie editorials published in The Michigan y are written by members of the Daily; and represent the views of the writers Daily As raining Ground 0 0. HE AGE-OLD debate about the T nature of a liberal education seems e swinging toward the sound view that books classes as the path to a general cultural kground are woefully inadequate today. In , both the ends and the means are justly g criticized for their inadequacy. wo things seem essential in the training of h in 1939: an awareness of the problems ; face our topsy-turvy world (including efforts nswer them), and an ability to cooperate with r people in the handling of these problems in ordinary day-to-day work. nvinced of these needs, the Daily issues nnual,invitation to second-semester fresh- and to sophomores to join its editorial, ts, women's and, business staffs. The writing editing of news, the formulation of editorials the management of a going business ieet e needs, for an alertness to what is going n the world, the nation, the state and the ersity is part pf the equipment of a member newspaper staff, as is the ability to work with r people in a common endeavor. ae necessary balance between theory and tice is inherent in the working of The ligan Daily. The Daily has in fact been the Zing ground for some distinguished alumni, have gone not only into newspaper work he staffs of Detroit, Chicago, and New York es will testify), but into other fields, as rney-General Frank Murphy and Thomas ey have done. ie freshmen and sophomores who come out he Daily will become members of an institu- that has year after year won awards anong ge newspapers and at the same time, but ' important, they will have the opportunity upplement their formal instruction with tical experience in dealing with real prob- -an item of equipment that the individual society sorely need today. -Robert Pernman Sir: I address this letter to you for three reas- ons. First, there is no one who has occupied more deservedly than yourself a high place among the leaders of liberal Catholic thought in America. As a graduate of the University of Louvain, win- ner of the Cardinal Mercier prize in philosophy and author of a series of distinguished works in metaphysics and ethics, you have been probably the foremost American upholder of the great Scholastic tradition. Second, some years ago, I had a slight but very pleasant personal contact with you on the occasion of my reviewing your "God and Intelligence"-a work which I thought then and still think a remarkably able defen of the philospohy of St. Thomas Aquinas. Third, and most important, I, like hundreds of other American liberals, have been profoundly shocked by your recent emphatic stand in support of the anti-liberal, anti-democratic and anti-American regime of General Franco in Spain. If these words sound extreme, they are not mine but General Franco's in the interview reported in O'Seculo, May, 1938, when he referred to "the common enemy: Asiatic bolshevism and all its' allies, democracy, liberalism and Freemasonry" -or they are those of Pemartin, Minister of Education, in his official work, "Que Es 'Lo Nue- vo'?" (What Is the Nev?) in? which he refers to the United States as a negligible foe already suffering "under the moral depression of the defeat which Japan will inflict upon them." The authors of those words seem strange bedfellows for an American liberal. Seeks Direct Answer I venture to hope that you will not avoid the issue, as some of your colleagues in the Keep- the-Embargo movement have done, by advancing the cheap evasion that you are merely neutral. You must admit that, at the time the embargo was passed, Italy and Germany were pretending to observe the Non-Intervention Agreement; that that pretense has long since been abandoned; that Americap supplies and munitions have reached and are reaching the Spanish Fascists via Germany and Italy; and that, in the most practical sense, just as lifting the embargo would admittedly benefit the Loyalists, so keeping it benefits the Fascists. All this is too obvious to dis- cuss. I therefore assume that your theories and practice are in harmony at least to the extent that you support the cause of General Franco in theory as you actually support it in practice. Your position has been taken In the name of "religious freedom." No phrase is dearer to the hearts of Americans. We have not forgotten the bloody struggle through several centuries to achieve that ideal nor that the ideal was first fully realized on American soil and was first embodied with full effectiveness in the Connsti- tution of the United States. And we mean by the phrase not only something very dear but some- thing very definite. We mean religious freedom for all, not merely for some particular group, whether Catholic or Protestant. Is that what you, also, mean by it? And we mean further that our conception of religious freedom carries with it as a necessary corollary to make it effective the absolute separation of Church and State. Do you also mean that? The reason for asking these questions will be perfectly clear to you. As you know, in rebel Spain there is religious freedom for Catholics only and Catholicism is the established state religion. You are doubtless familiar with the offi- cial statement by Pemartin which reads: "The Spanish state must be Catholic . . . No public worship of any other religion will be permitted. It is said by some, including well mentioned Catholics, that the opinions of others must be tolerated and respected. We emphatically reject this assertion." Does Pemartin's statement-the official statement of the Franco' government- express your idea of religious freedom? Thorning's Dispatch You are probably also familiar with Father Thorning's jubilant dispatch to the Catholic Tab- let (Brooklyn): "The Nationalist (Franco) gov- ernment has decreed that all State school-teach- ers must be Catholics." Does that, too, express your idea of religious freedom? It is surely not discourteous to point out that these are Catholics. Put very bluntly-but this is a time for plain speaking-what liberal Protest- ants insist upon knowing is whether some of our professedly liberal Catholic friends, including yourself, give more than lip-service to the Ameri- can principle of the separation of. Church and State (which is also an accepted principle in the Loyalist Spain Republic). The unpleasant suspicion will not down that some of them-by no means all-support it only as a strategic meas- use when they are in a minority and that they really mean by "religious liberty" liberty for no one but Catholics. In other words, that their- and your-liberalism is a muatter of policy, not of conviction. How otherwise explain vnur attnknn /1'fecminsloAe Heywood Broun STAMFORD, Conn., Feb. 24-After watching and reading of recent didoes among members of the human race it is refreshing to turn for a day and contemplate the lower animals hereabouts. Our feathered friends, natur- ally enough, lack our intelli- gence, but they haestheir points. I am not 'fdlng those who believe that civili- zation is about to crumble, but if it does a new one might be evolved within the chicken coop. Several million years, or make it billions, might be required for the hen and the rooster to come up to those cultural marks at- tained by men and women. But speaking for my own brood of Rhode Island Reds, it must be ,said that they would not start behind scratch in every respect. The group of fourteen fowls with which I am acquainted is handicapped key gluttony, avariei- ousness and, to a slight extent, by lust. No doubt it would take a fearfully long time for them to scotch these errors and become fit to associate with us. But in some matters of learning they are not laggard. Thus, though they bicker while ambling about by day, they huddle together for protection when the nights turn bitter. The troupe did contain an underdog, although recently she has been promoted. She was the scrawniest of the lot, and the other hens mauled her about. Although the entire consignment Whs purchased from the same farm, one suspected that the lowly one was victim of a clucking cam- paign and that her fellows whispered it about that she was not a genuine product of Rhode Island but an interloper from far-off Connecti- cut or Massachusetts. Yet, even in the case of the outcast, fraternity prevailed as soon as the wind howled. I used to peer through the window, and there was no tendency to bar her out of the cooperative nightly huddle which is the only central heating system the coop affords. The fight was off until up rose the sun and the temperature. Although the chickens are greedy and wholly ignorant of table manners, they never go into open conflict when the corn is served. It is placed in a circular trough, and I have yet to see any one of the Rhode Islanders adopt an "after you" attitude. They rush and jostle in the effort to be the first at the board. The rooster generally wins the award. But when he is set he makes no effort to lash out to the right or left and keep others from feeding at the same container. The fact that there is room enough for all is accepted calmly enough, although never in advance. Chickens are dumb about economic matters, and they have to learn this lesson day after day. At the end of a million years, perhaps, theywill begin to theorize, and one will say :-"Why need we run and jostle? Why can't we walk and share the sustenance without fighting?" Things which you and I unaerstand perfectly are difficult of comprehension to a chicken. The chicken's brain is smaller than that of any col- umnist. After all, aeons and aeons of time went by in that slow march during which some giant lizard from the primeval ooze eventually turned himself into a syndicated writer. But character and the personal touch are present among Rhode Island Reds. I spoke of the promotion of the underdog. It happened when the rooster joined the band. He is at least five pounds heavier than any of the rest and garbed in a magnificence which should have made him dictator from the start. But no sooner was he thrust into the henhouse than the underdog attacked him savagely. He cowered and ran. The other hens' were much surprised. U--__-_-_-_ Research Vs. Teaching It has long been an accepted edu- cational theory that a university has a dual function to discharge-the fostering of experiment and research, and the maintenance of high teach- ing standards Both are vital to the life of a university, but they are mutually destructive and impossible :f fulfillment when it is expected that one man should combine both responsibilities. It is bad enough that such a situa- tion loads a heavy burden on the faculty, but when it results in a dilu- tion of teaching standards, it is in- tolerable. Although it is not openly acknowledged, nevertheless it is tacit- ly recognized that to maintain his faculty position or win further pro- motion a professor must write several books or make some contribution to research lore. Indeed, such activity is more oftei the criterion for pro- motion than classroom ability and excellence in lecturing. Such a situ- ation is deplorable. There are vast differences between the research type of mind and that adapted for teaching. The man chief- ly interested in research, who also has to teach a class, too often lacks the personality and the interest in students indispensable to a good lec- turer. Hence he resorts to the "canned" or dictated lecture, skims through a portion of the required papers, and relies on a corps of read- ers to do the rest. On the other hand, gifted teachers, men with a natural talent for impressing and stimulat- ing the student rnind,'are often, fright- ened away from teaching by a dis- taste, for doing the research work necessary to win promotion. The obvious solution, it seems to us, is to separate the two functions, except in the few instances where a specialized course demands both. Re- search and teaching can be most ef- fective if carried on alone, but with the fruits of the one always avail- able to meet any needs of the other. The three months of Summer vaca- tion could well be utilized for schol- arly investigation, and the practice of granting sabbatical leaves could be extended for the same purpose. In addition, the university should con- sider it a part of its social responsibil- ity to make its libraries and labora- tories available for the use of com- petent private researchers. In some way along these lines, we believe, the University can eliminate the intolerable situation wherein a professor's attention'is so divided be- tween two functions that he finds it impossible to do a good job on either of them. By taking the lead in action of this kind, Yale might well reas- sert her position as a pioneer Ameri- can institution. -Yale News A Minority Of One, When Justice Brandeis retired from the Supreme Court, the country, as with one voice, expressed appreciation for his distinguished services, esteem for his character, proud affection for a career of rare unselfishness. Now, his colleagues, as is their cus- tom, have paid their tribute. One name is missing-that of James Clark McReynolds. In this dissent, Justice McReynolds is a minority of one in the court, a minority of one, let us believe, in the greater court of public opinion. -St. Louis Post-Dispatch flat, Op. 16, Brahms' String *xtett in B flat. 3-4, WGAR, WADC Choral Union Concert, Gregor Pia- tigorsky cellist, Valentin Pavlovsky accompanist. Handel Sonata, Brahms Sonata in E minor, Op. 78, Introduc- tion and Polonaise Brillante (Chopin), pieces by Stravinsky, Karjinsky, Piatigorsky, Debussy, Ravel, Paga- nini. 8:30, Hill Auditorium. TUESDAY School of Music Student Recital, Edward Birdsall violinist, George Cox baritone, Mary Jane Lange pian- ist, Lonna Parker cellist, Kathleen Rinck pianist, John Wolaver pianist. Bach B flat Minor Prelude and Fugue, Beethoven Piano Sonata, Op. 13, Lalo Symphonie Espagnole, pieces by Faure, Goens, Secchi, Rachmanin- off, Chopin. 8:15, S of M Aud. WOR Symphony, Benno Rabinoff violinist, Alfred Wallenstein cond. Mozart A major Concerto, Novacek Perpetual Motion. 9:30-10, WOR. Toronto Symphony, Reginald Stew- art cond. 9:30-10:30, CKLW. WEDNESDAY Indianapolis Symphony, Fabian Sevitzky cond. Overture to La Gazza Ladra (Rossini), Tritons (Guerrini), Spring 'Pastoral (Mary Howe), Blue Danube Waltz (J. Strauss). 3-4, WGAR. Twilight Organ Recital, Palmer Christian, organist. Two Choral Pre- ludes (Hanff), Vivaldi D major Con- certo, Piece Heroique and Cantabile (C. Franck), Guilmant, Karg-Elert, Bonnet. 4:15, Hill Aud. THURSDAY Rochester Philharmonic, Guy Fra- ser Harrison cond. 8:30-9:30, WOWO, WXYZ. SATURDAY Cincinnati Conservatory, Severin *a.r, , 011 r Gf Al r la a , .,r vn (Continued from Page 2)7 Fisheries Research Technician B. Salary range: $105-125. Mar. 7. Vessel Steward B. Salary range: $105-125. Mar. 16. Ordinary Seaman Cl. Salary range:. $95-10. Mar. 16. Vessel Porter Cl. Salary range: $95- 110. Mar. 16. Complete announcements are on file at the University Bureau of Ap- pointments and Occupational Infor- mation, 201 Mason Hall; Office Hours: 9-12 and 2-4. University Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information. The Robert Owen Cooperative douse is accepting applications for member- ship next year and to fill one vacancy this semester. Blanks may be ob- tained from The Robert Owen Coop- erative House, 922 S. State; The Rochdale Cooperative House, 640 Ox- ford Rd., or Congress Cooperative House, 909 E. University. Academic Notices Sociology 51: Final Examination makeup will be given Saturday, March 4, at 2 p.m., Room D, Haven Hall. Students, College of Literature, Sci- ence and the Arts: No course may be elected for credit after the end of the third week. Saturday, March 4, is therefore the last date on which new elections may be appi'oved. The willingness of an individual instruc- tor to admit a student later does not affect the operation of this rule. i:. A. Walter.' 'Concerts Choral Union Concerts: Gregor Piatigorsky, Russian, Violoncellist will give the ninth program in the Choral Union Concert Series Monday night, February 27 at 8:30 in Hill Auditor- ium. Organ Recital: Palmer Christian, University Organist, will give a -re- cital of seven recitals on Frieze Mem- orial Organ in Hill Auditorium on Wednesdays, March 1, 8, 15, 22 and 29 and April 5 and on Sunday after- ,noon, April 23 at 4:15 p.m. The pub- lic is invited. Coming Events German Table for Faculty Members: The regular luncheon meeting will be held Monday at 12:10 p.m. in the Founders' Room of the Michigan Union. All faculty members iiterest- ed in speaking German are cordially invited. There will be a brief infor- mal talk by Prof. Walter A. Reichart on, "Washington Irvings deutsche Beziehungen." Chemistry Colloquium will neet Wednesday, March 1 at 4 p.m., in Room 300 Chemistry Building. Dr. G. H. Ayres will speak on "Effect of Heat Treatment on Some Properties of Colloidal Metal Oxides." Zoology Seminar: Mr. Hugh D. Clark will report on "Embryology of the hemipenis in determining rela- tionships of the Xenodontinae, Colu- brinae and Natricinae (Colubridae)" on Thursday, March 2 at 7:30 p.m. in the Amphitheatre of the Rackham Building. Biological Chemistry Seminar, Feb. 28, 7:30 p.m. Room 319 West Medi- cal Building. "Some Problems of Mineral Metabolism" will be dis- cussed. All interested are invited. MUSIC 4 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication 'in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30 P.M.; 11:00 A.M. on Saturday. tional Hillel Oratory Contest wifl be held at Hillel Foundation in place of the regular Sunday evening forum at 7:30 tonight. This contest is lo- cally known as the Nathan Metzger contest, deriving its name from the prize of $10 which is taken from the Nathan Metger fund. The winner of this contest will be sent to Chi- cago to compete in the National Con- test to be held there on April 30. Speakers tonight will be Betty Stein- hart, Norman T. Kiell, Martin B. Dworkis, Harold Ossepow, Ted Liebo- vitz and Samuel B. Grant. The judges will be Mrs. William Haber, Kenneth Morgan and Dr. Edward Blakeman. All are invited. en In The Dark ard to see how Congress or the American an refuse the plea that Senator Wagner a his proposal to admit 10,000 German- 'igee children to the United States, out- quota limits, within the next two years. d a barbed-wire frontier, as have some nate countries, and could see these chil- ose parents are dead or in prisons and ation camps, we would not hesitate. All is imagination. They cry out to us from -kness. heir admission do harm? To ask the is to answer it. All would be under 14, ould not compete for employment. None come public charges, for the law would that their support be guaranteed by ale individuals or organizations. They "of every race and creed." If heredity nything, they} would grow up to be good for in most instances they are alone )rld because their parents put obedience ence above obedience to tryanny. They >ve liberty, because they know from Calendar TODAY Dr. Charles Courboin, organist. Works by Bacf, Handel, Boellman. 12-12:15, CKLW. Radio City Music Hall, Viola Philo sop., Erno Rapee cond. Overture to Egmont (Beethoven), ,Romeo and Juliet Overture (Tchaikowskyh Dances from Galanta (Kodaly); arias. 12-1, KDKA, WOWO. Viola and Piano Recital, Milton Katims, Milton Kaye. 1-1:30, WOR. New York Philharmonic Symphony, Robert Sanders cond., Eduardo del Pueyo pianist, John. Barbirolli cond. Little Symphony in G (Sanders), Schumann's Piano Concerto, Brahms' Fourth Symphony. 3-5, WJR. New Friends of Music, Fritz Stiedry cond., Frank Sheridan and Arthur Loesser pianists. Bach's C minor Concerto for Two Pianos, Haydn Symphony No. 67. 6-7, WJZ. Bach Cantata Series, Alfred Wallenstein cond. St. John Passion, Part I. 7-7:30, CKLW. MONDAY Rochester Civic Orchestra, Guy Fraser Harri- son cond., Glenn Swann violinist. Variations on a Welsh Air (Gomer), Tchaikowsky Violin Con- certo, Slavonic Rhapsody No. 1 (Dvorak), two Debussy preludes. 3-4, WXYZ. Curtis Institute of Music, students of Dr. Louis Bailly. Beethoven's Piano Quartet in even as in our own Civil War. The Loyalists at the beginning shot certain priests who were hostile to them, and recently Franco has shot eighteen Basque priests hostile to him. But the T1vlit bnvp tn. hns-ma mr.+mia s.a-nA Student Recital: A recital by several students will take place in the School of Music Auditorium on Maynard Street, Tuesday evening, Feb. 28 at 8:15 o'clock at which time the fol- lowing young people will provide a program of musical numbers: Edward Birdsall, violinist; George Cox, bari- tone; Mary Jane Lange, pianist; Lonna Parker, violoncellist; Kathleen Rinck, pianist; and John Wolaver, pianist. The general public is invited. Exhibitions Exhibition of Water Colors by Ar- thur B. Davies and Drawings by Boardman Robinson, shown under the auspices of the Ann Arbor Art Association. North and South Gal- leries of Alumni Memorial Hall; daily from 2 to 5 p.m.; Feb. 15 through March 1. Exhibition, College of Architecture: Photographs and drawings of Mich- igan's historic old houses made dur- ing the recent Historical American Buildings Survey are being shown, through the courtesy of the J. L. Hud- son Company of Detroit. Third Floor Exhibition Room, Architectural Bldg., through March 11. Open daily, 9 to 5. The public is cordially invited. Museum of Classical Archaeology: Special exhibit of terracotta figurines, baskets, harness and rope from the University of Michigan Excavations in Egypt. Lectures Capt. C.W.R. Knight. Motion Pic- ture Lecture "The Leopard of the Air," Tuesday, Feb. 28, 8:15 p.m., Hill Auditorium. A pictorial record of the National Geographic African Expedition with Capt. Knight's crowned hawk eagle as a featured attraction. Tickets at Wahr's. Ora- torical Association Lecture Course. Naval Architecture and Marine En- gineering: Mr. P. W. Clark, Senior Naval Architect with the U.S. Public Health Service at Washington, D.C., will give two lectures on the Rat- proofing of Ships. The first lecture will be given at 4:15 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 28; acid the second on Wednesday, March 1 at 7:30 p.m. Both lectures will be given in Room 348 West Engineering Bldg. The public is invited. French Lecture: The fifth lecture on the Cercle Francais program will take place Thursday, March 2, at 4:15 p.m., Room 103, Romance Lan- guauge Building. Professor Charles A. Knudson will speak on: "Com- ment lire un poeme de Victor Hugo; Oceano Nox." Tickets for the series of lectures may h nrocured from the Seretarv Botanical Journal Club, Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. Room N.S. 1139, Feb. 28. Reports by Robert Ashe, Algal Barrier Reefs in Lower Ozarkian of New York. W. Goldring. Su Tsen Wu, Life History of Ma- rine Diatoms. F. Gross. William Gilbert, Susswasserphaeo- phyceen Schwedens. G. Israelsson. Lichokologie der Bodenalgen. D. Feher. Olivia Embrey, Vegetation Marine de la Mediterranee. J. Feldmann. Chairman, Prof. W. R. Taylor. The Romance Languages Journal Club meeting will be held in Room 408 on Tuesday, Feb. 28 at 4:10 p.m. Program: Professor C. A. Knudson: Recent Publications on Linguistics. Professor A. G. Canfield: Chronology of Balzac's "Comedie Humaine." Graduate Luncheon for Chemical and Metallurgical Engineers: The regular Graduate Luncheon for Chemical and Metallurgical Engineers will be held on Tuesday noon, Feb. 28, in Room 3201 E. Eng. Bldg. Prof. Arthur S. Aiton of the History De- partment will be the speaker. His subject is: Recent Relations with Mexico. Eastern Engineering Trip. All those planning on going on the Eastern engineering trip April 9-16 must make a five dollar deposit with' Miss Ban- nasch in Room 275 West Engineering Bldg., by Monday, Feb. 27. If the trip has to be called off due to an insufficient number signed up the money will of course be refunded. Tau Beta Pi: Important dinner meeting Tuesday, Feb. 28, at 6:15 in the Union. All members should be present, even if unable to remain af- ter the dinner. Graduate Student Council: All members of the Graduate Student Council are urged to be present at the regular meeting in the Rackham Building on Monday evening, Feb. 27, at 7 o'clock. A testimonial dinner in honor of Dr. Bernard Heller will be held at the Michigan Union at 6 p.m. on March 7. Reservations may be made by calling or writing the Hillel Foun- dation office. Radio Broadcasting: Three talking motion pictures "On The Air," "Be- hind The Mike," and "Over The Waves," instructive to those interest- ed in radio speech and dramatics, will be shown in the ampitheatre of the Horace Rackham School of Graduate Studies on Tuesday, Feb. 28, at 5 o'clock. Students who may be intend- ing to enter such courses as are of- fered in broadcasting, or who are in- terested in this field, are invited to attend. Tryouts for the German Play, "Die Gegenkandidaten" will be held in Room 300 South Wing, Tuesday, Wed- nesday, and Thursday from 2-5p.m. 0. G. Graf. I