r "t.
Hillel Players'
Will Present
'Hospital Hil'
Annual Major Production
Is Due At Mendelssohn
Theatre March 17-18
The annual major production of
the Hillel Players has been cast, and
rehearsals are now in progress, it
was announced yesterday by Mada-
lene Betty Meyers, '39, president of
the players.
The play was written by Har-
old Gast, '39, and S. H. S. Dann,
and is entitled "Hospital Hill." It
will be given March 17 and 18 at the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
This production is in accord with
Hillel Players' precedent of present-
ing only original all student-produced
plays. Gast will direct his own play.
The cast comprises Nathan Gitlin,
'39; Edward Etern, '39; Margery
Soenksen, Grad; Doris Wechsler,
'41; Solomon Schneyer, '41; Natha-
lie Schurnan, '41; Samuel Sheplow,
'41; and Mitchell Mandeberg, '40.
Harold Goldman, '40, is in charge
of publicity for the play; Harry Bloch,
'39, is business manager; Sidney
Steinhart, '41, properties; Betty
Steinhart, '40, playbill; Eleanor Feld-
man, '39, box-office; Lorraine Mant-
ler, '39, costumes; and David Gold-
ring, technical adviser.
Orators Meet '
On March 8i
Actress Carlisle Does Her Bit
Bonds with Brazil strengthened appreciably when handsome Oswaldo
Aranha, Brazil's foreign minister, used both hands to clasp the hand of
Kitty Carlisle, actress-singer who attended a reception for Aranha at the
capital's Brazilian embassy.
Abbot Directs New Radio Quiz
Beinnino Thursday On WMBC
Questions puzzling to radio listen- can Education in the Near East" at
ers will be answered in the new weekly 5:45 p.m. today over WJR.
Columbia Law
School Offers
Needy Applicants Eligible
For Awards Ranging
From $200 To $400
Scholarships for pre-law students
to the Columbia University School of
Law in New York City are available
to students from the University of
Michigan, it was announced yesterday
by Dean Edward H. Kraus of the
literary college.
Ranging from $200 to $400, these
scholarships in exceptional cases
reach $600. The awards are made for
one year, but are usually renewed for
holders who maintain good scholar-
ship records. They cover only a part
of the total expense of approximately
$1000 for a year's residence and re-
quire additional available funds. They
are granted only to students in need
of financial assistance.
Students should communicate with
the Director of Admissions of Colum-
bia University by March 1. Rating
forms will be sent to the college dean
and two professors who have worked
with the student. Applications for
admission will be sent to the student
at the same time.
Last year, three scholarships were
awarded to students in this area.
Further information may be ac-
quired from the Dean of the literary
Club Singers
j Plan Concerts
And Long Tour
Two broadcasts, five concerts and a
long tour are being planned by the
Varsity Glee Club for the next few
On March 5 the Club will sing at
Dearborn Inn before the Dearborn
Alumni Club. The next in the regular
series of radio broadcasts will be
given on March 11.
On Saturday, Mar. 18, the Glee Club
will take part in the world wide
broadcast celebrating "Michigan's
Birthday Party." The party is planned
as the finale of Michigan's jubilee
in honor of the 100th anniversary
of the founding of the University.
A concert for the Music Educators'
National Conference will be given in
Detroit on Mar. 23, followed by an-
other with the Saginaw Symphony
Orchestra in Saginaw on Mar. 28.
Prof. David Mattern, director of the
Glee Club, will also be guest director
of the Orchestra.
Applications Due
Applications for the May Preston
Slosson gift fellowship for 1939-40,
which is open to any woman graduate
student, may be made before April
1 through the graduate office of the
University, the local branch of the
American Association of University
Women, sponsors of the scholarship,
announced yesterday.
The fellowship is a $500 gift which
was originated during the years 1936-
38, when the A.A.U.W. added to
their fellowship fund by the proceeds
of a lecture series on current events
given by Prof. Preston B. Slosson
of the history department. Mrs. May
Preston Slosson, Professor Slosson's
mother, who is keenly interested in
opportunities for graduate study for
women, contributed to the fund.
Students Report
Health Service
A slight decrease in the number of
new cases in the epidemic of an un-
known respiratory tract infection,
gave signs yesterday that it might be
"It seems to be retirir.g with con-
siderable reluctance," Dr. Warren E.
Forsythe. director of the Health Ser-
vice, stated.
The epidemic is now ending its
second week, after a temporary drop
in the number of cases aroused false
hopes for an early abatement last
week. From 10 to 15 students have
been reporting for treatment daily
Cold Epidemic
Wanes Slightly
Prof. Abbot Will Show
Pictures On Broadcasting
technicalities in broadcasting will
be shown by talking pictures at 5
p.m. Tuesday in the amphitheatre
of the Rackhem Building. This is
the first of a series of programs be-
ing arranged by Prof. Waldo M. Ab-
bot, director of the University Broad-
casting Service.
and unofficial estimates place the
number of affected students, includ-
ing those who did not report to the
Health Service, at more than 300.
All beds in both departments at
the Service are still filled, although
fewer students are reporting, and
therefore fewer being turned away.
No serious cases developed from the
mild but widespread sickness.
... _ _ _ t
Winners Will
In National
Winners in the preliminary tryouts
for the University Oratorical Contest
which will take place at 4 p.m. Wed-
nesday, March 8 in Room 4003 Angell
Hall, will compete in the finals to be
held March 15, ,Prof. Louis M. Eich,
coach of orations, announced yester-
Sophomores, juniors and seniors
who are interested are asked to regis-
ter in the speech office, 4211 Angell
Hall and to write a five minute talk
on any supject.
The winner of the contest will be
entered in the National Oratorical
League meet May 5 at the University
of Iowa. Contestants from Michigan,
Wisconsin, Iowa, Northwestern, Min-
nesota, and Western Reserve will
^ompete indthis contest for a first
prize of $100 and a medal and a
second prize of $50. Fred H. Griener,
Jr., '39, took first place in last year's
league contest.
Bridge Tournament
The second in a series of three all-
campus duplicate bridge tournaments
will be held at 7 p.m. Tuesday in the
main ballroom of the Union.
Entries of teams-will be accepted at
either the League or Union main
desks, Smith said. Individual prizes
will be awarded the winners of the
tournament, and the team with the
highest score for any two of the three
contests will be awarded the all-
campus bridge cup in the spring.
radio program which is heard at
3:45 p.m. Tuesdays over radic station
WMBC Detroit.
"Ask Me Another," under the direc-
tion of Prof. Waldo M. Abbot, direc-
tor of the University Broadcasting
Service, will accept questions from
the radio audience at large. All ques-
tions submittp will be taken to pro-
fessors on campus for the correct
answers and both question and answer
will be broadcast.
Fourteen other programs are heard
weekly from the University studios
at Morris Hall this semester, accord-
ing to Professor Abbot. At 9 a.m.
today, "The Golden Touch" by Haw-
thorne adapted for radio by Nancy
Schaeffer, '37, the first of American
short stories in dramatic form will
be heard over WJR. Beginning
Thursday, March 2, this program will
be heard at 3:15 p.m. Replacing the
Saturday morning program will be
the Children's Theatre which will
offer as its initial play, "Cinderella."
Prof. Louis M. Eich of the speech de-
partment will conduct his class in
radio reading and dramatics at 9!15
a.m. today over WJR. Pres. Bayard
Dodge, of the American University
of Beirut, Syria will sneak on "Ameri-
"Join the Choir," under the direc-'
tion of Dr. Joseph E. Maddy, profes-
sor of radio music instruction, will
be presented at 9 a.m. tomorrow over
WJR. At 12:30 p.m. over the same
station Dr. Paul Jordan, of the Neuro-
psychiatric Institute will discuss the
significance of mental hygiene for
adolescents over the Marital Relations
Psychologists Seen,
Important In Courts
Psychology experts may soon take
their place beside lawyers and judgess
in our American courtrooms, William
Stern, prominent North Carolina
psychologist, declared in a lecture re-
He claimed that much of the evi-i
dence heard in our courts is defiveredi
under mental and emotional strain,
and that many unfair convictions are
made possible by faulty testimony.
It would be the duty of the psy-
chologist to examine this evidence and
to make reports to the court before
any verdict is rendered, Stern ex-i
SPECIA L DANCE at the League!
As usual, the incomparable music of
All-Star Added Attractions
* And Special Attractions for Inter-Greek Interests.
9:00 P.M. - 1:00 A.M.
$1,00 per COUPLE
(Oontinue4 from Page 4)
King in His Victory." The first of a
series of Lenten 'Sermons on "The
King of Kings and The Lord of
Wednesday evening Lenten Devo-
tions at 7:30 with sermons "Follow-
ers of Jesus Christ, Their Marks."
Zion Lutheran Church-Worship
services at 10:30 with sermon by the
Rev. Ernest C. Stellhour. German
Lenten Service Wednesday at 7:30
and English Lenten Services on
Thursday at 7:30.
Unitarian Church: 11 a.m. Mr. Mar-
ley will speak on "Probating the Will
of Charles Lounsbury."
7 p.m. Moving Pictures on "Stu-
dent Work Camps" and comments
by students who attended under
supervision of Friends Service Com-
8 p.m. Unity Hall Forum: Leon M.
Birkhead of Kansas City, chairman
of Friends of Democracy will speak
and answer question on "The Nazi
Threat to America."
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interested in the editorial, sports, and women's staffs
should report to rooms 316-320 of the Union at 4 P.M.,