Fair today, rising temperature.
Sir igrnt
Jabs For
NYA Students
Hungary Smashes
Large Nazi Party;
Joins German Pact
Prime Minister Teleky
Asserts Hungarists Were
Dangerous To Country
PledgeIs Made
BUDAPEST, Feb. 24.--(P)-Hun-.
gary's new government today smashed
the nation's largest party of Nazi
sympathizers and at the same time,
with seeming contradiction, allied
Hungary formally with Nazi Germany
in an anti-Communist pact.
Premier Count Paul Teleky, who
took office Feb. 16, banned the Hun-
gary party as a danger to public safe-
ty. In swift raids carrying out his
order, police arrested more than 500
persons, ousted the party from its
headcfuarters throughout the country
and seized tons of documents and
propaganda material.
While the raids were in progress,
Foreign Minister Count Stephen
Csaky signed the anti-Comintern
agreement whichhpledged Hungary
to aid Germany, Italy and Japan in
fighting Communism throughout the1
world. (Manchoukuo, Japan's protec-
torate also signed the pact Thurs-
Had Attacked Horthy
Police said they had evidence thes
Hungarists aimed at a change in the
state by violence and that by persis-
tent propaganda tried to bring the
nation's head, Regent Admiral Nich-
olas Horthy, into disrepute.
They announced that 60 "leading
personalities" in the Hungarist party
had been sent to a concentration
camp at Kistarcsa. There, ironically,
the anti-Semitic; pro-German Hun-1
garists will be in close contact with,
Jews recently confined on charges of
smuggling and of violating visa regu-
Although the Hungarists' program
was known to be pro-German, author-
ities said they were unable to supply
direct evidence that money to sup-
port the movement was sent from
Berlin. They said an investigation
would be made to determine the
party's sources of funds from abroad.
Hundreds Of Police In Drive
While hundreds of police dashed
through the streets carrying out the1
government ban, Budapest remained
calm though tense under martial,
law, which has been in effect since
Feb. 3 when the Dohany street syna-
gogue was bombed in an anti-Jewish
Authorities said they found scores
of prominent Hungarians listed on
membership rolls seized in the raids.
Party headquarters in Budapest
was termed "a hotbed of seditious
activity" by Interior Minister Franz
Hungarians themselves were con-
fused by the apparent contradictions
of Premier Teleky's policy because he
has acknowledged Hungary's attach-
ment to the Rome-Berlin Axis and
because signature of the anti-Com-
munist pact was accompanied by
every manifestation of good will to-
ward Berlin.1
Natators Win
Easy Contest
Coach Mann's Men Wallop
Iowa State, 60-24
AMES, Ia., Feb. 25 (Special to The
Daily)-Michigan's smoothly polished
swimmers last night brought Big Ten;
tank technique into Big Six territory,
swamping Iowa State's Cyclones,
Iowa State's tanksters made their
best bids in the 60-yard free style
and the 200-yard breast events but
failed to gain a first place in these or
other events as Coach Matt Mann's
crew left them in its wake.
Big Ten and Big Six records fell#
freely, two National Collegiate marks
were shattered and one equaled as
the Wolverine team turned in a
smashing performance.
Capt. Tom Haynie, paced by Iowa
State's John Gibbs, sliced 14.5 seconds
off the 300-yard individual medley
National Collegiate mark in a special
event which opened the meet. Walt
Tomski, pushed hard, shaved a tenth
of a second off the National Collegiate
mark in the 60-yard free style. The
Dodge Praises
Reforms Made
In Near East
The friendly atmosphere in which
the people of all races and nationali-
ties live and study together in the
Near Eastern universities shows that,
present international uprisings are
of political rather than racial origin,
Dr. Bayard Dodge, president of the
American University at Beirut, Leb-
anon, said yesterday at a luncheon
sponsored by the International Cen-
Speaking of the Near Eastern ren-
aissance, Dr. Dodge pointed to Turkey
as an example of the tremendous
strides made in the last few years
toward westernization. Of Turkey's
late dictator, Kemal Attaturk, Dr.
Dodge remarked, "No other dictator
in history put through so many con-
structive reforms in such a short
time. He changed Turkey from a
medieval empire to a modern Euro-
Later in the afternoon, Dr. Dodge
showed moving pictures in techni-J
color of American campuses in the
Near East, commenting on the vari-
ous colleges as they were shown. He
told of Robert College at Istanbul,
Turkey; the American College at
Sofia, Bulgaria; and the American
University at Beirut.
Today Dr. Dodge will devote his:
time to interviews with students in-i
terested in studying at the American
University at Beirut during their
junior year.
Daladier Gets
Approval Vote
Chamber Passes Premier's
Proposal To Recognize
Insurgent Government
PARIS, Feb. 24 -(P)- Premier
Edouard Daladier won a Chamber of
Deputies vote of confidence today for
the government's announced inten-
tion of recognizing the Spanish Na-
tionalist regime.
Announcing he intended to propose
to the cabinet Monday that France
recognize the Franco regime "in the
interests of national defense," Dala-
dier admitted he was following Bri-
tain's lead.
He staked the life of his govern-
ment on the issue and the vote was
323 to 261.
Shortly afterward Sen. Leon Ber-
ard, who has been negotiating for
France with the Nationalists, tele-
graphed the foreign minister's office
from Burgos, the Nationalist capital,
to say he had reached an accord with
the Nationalist Foreign Minister,
Count Francisco Gomez Jordana.
Throughout his speech preceding
the vote Daladier alluded to his belief
that France and Britain must send
ambassadors to Burgos quickly to
work against German and Italian in-
fluence, although he failed to mention
these countries by name.
A note of urgency was injected
into the discussion by an opposition
deputy, Socialist Georges Izard, who
spoke of the possibility of an "in-
ternational crisis in March."
Daladier himself flatly stated he
believed "this very year peace will
have to be vigilantly defended."
z. - Qn- fna ha e" ac --
Bill Approved
For Purchase
Of Materials
Committee AcceptssPlan
To Purchase Goods For
Use In War Emergency
To Amass Goods
Next Four Years
WASHINGTON, Feb. 24 -(')- A
program to buy and store up $100,-
000,000 worth of raw materials neces-
sary in time of war was approved
unanimously by the Senate Military
Committee today.
"World conditions make this bill
very, very timely," said it sponsor,
Senator Thomas (Dem.-Utah).
A government board to be set up
would decide just what materials
would be bought, but the committee1
compiled a long list of things which
might possibly be purchased. These
included aluminum, rubber, silk, tin,
wool, tungsten, ferrograde mangan-
ese, sugar, iron and steel, copper and
chlorine. The purchases would be
made over the next four years. Some
of the materials in the list have to
be imported.
The bill is not part of the Admin-
istration's defense, program, but Sen-
ator Thomas declared it was closely
in line with the program.
While the Committee was acting,
Senator Walsh (Dem.-Mass.) Chair-
man of the Senate Naval Commite,
said he expected the controversy over
the establishment of a naval air base
3,t the island of Guam to be revived
on the Senate side of the capitol.
He and other members of the com-
mittee said the navy could be ex-
pected to ask for the project again,
despite in which opponents declared
that Japan might consider its con-
struction an act of provocation.
Another development was a state-
ment by Senator Clark (Dem.-Mo.),
a member of the Military Committee,
that he would oppose on the Senate
floor an increase from 5,500 to 6,000
in the authorized airplane strength
o~tie ~fl. Te icresewas voted
by the Committee this week at a
meeting which Clark did not attend.
Weeks To Discuss
Labor Problems
The first of a series of talks de-
signed to acquaint the student with
the problems of labor will open here
Wednesday, March 1 when Jack
Weeks, president of the Detroit News-
paper Guild will speak at the Union
at 4 p.m.
Weeks, an employe of the Detroit
Free Press will talk on the general
topic of the student and labor, and
may give an insight into the strike
of editorial and commercial news-
paper workers on the Chicago Hearst
newspaper for the last 10 weeks.
The meeting, and the series of
which it is a part, is sponsored by the
labor committee of the American Stu-
dent Union chapter at the University.
* * *
Track Team
Wins 65 -30
Over Irish
Sets New Record
Schwarzkopf Outdistances
Capt. Rice In Two-Miler
With Lead Of 65 Yards
Michigan's track forces swept to
a 65-30 win over Notre Dame last
night at Yost Field House with Ram-
blin' Ralph Schwarzkopf supplying
the feature performance as he flashed
home in the two-mile run 65-yards
ahead of Capt. Greg Rice of the Irish
in 9:15.6, establishing a new Field
House record.
Co-starring with Schwarzkopf in
the Wolverine victory was Elmer Ged-
eon, Charlie Hoyt's consistent hurd-
ler, who equalled Field House records
in winning both the high and low
stick events.
While Schwarzkopf -ran a magnifi-
cent race it must be said in justice to
the sturdy 5 ft. 6 in. Notre Dame cap-
tain, that he had, only 35 minutes be-
fore, run a 4:19.1 mile in attempting
track's toughest double. Also, Rice
has his eye on the IC4A two-mile in
which he is entered next week, with
the result that he did not extend him-
self when he found Schwarzkopf had
built up an apparently insurmount-
able lead.
Schwarzkopf, who had had exper-
ience with Rice's terrific last lap kick
on three previous occasions, se4 out
at a pace that put him 30-yards ahead
by the time they had finished the
first half-mile. At the mile mark
the Wolverine ace was more than a
quarter of a lap ahead, being timed
at that point in 4:33.
Schwarzkopf's time of 9:15.8 broke
the former Field House Record held
Deity Fulfills
Human Hopes,
'Realization Of Love Truth
And Life Is Found Only
In An Immortal Being'
Overflow Crowd
Hears Priest Talk
Indelibly engraved in the heart and
soul of every living person is a fer-
vent desire for life, truth, and love,
and, since our finite world can not
satisfy these desires, we seek and em-
brace that which offers a solution:
God, according to the Rt. Rev. Msgr.
Fulton J. Sheen, who last night pre-
sented the orthodox and historical
argument for the existence and na-
ture of God to an overflow crowd in
the Rackham Auditorium.
This self-realization comes from
the imperfect nature of the world and
of man himself, he said, and we must
go past the margin of eternity to
find the real life-where all is pure.
This pure life, pure love and pure
truth is God.
Father Sheen approached the ques-
tion of the existence of God from
two viewpoints: moral and meta-
physical. Explaining that the moral
argument appeals to conscience, he
stated that the function of con-
science is to lay down laws of be-
havior, the application of these laws
to action, and to act asa fudge of
right and wrong. Since we as individ-
uals or society as a whole have no
control over these functions, declared
Father Sheen, there must be a
supreme being, God, who directs andl
manipulates them.;
Referring to the anatomical struc-
ture of the human heart, he declared
that it was incomplete and thust
acted as a symbol of man's inability
to ever embrace anything in thisI
world with a whole heart. God kept a
sample, Father Sheen said, and sent
the remainder into the world to await
self-realization. And because we dot
not have a whole heart, he continued,
we must go back to God to recover
the piece he has been keeping forl
Board Approves
Health Plan;,
Gives Contracta
Regents Also Make Grant
To Honor Prof. Strauss,
Late EnglishChairman.
Permission granted the University
Hospital to participate in a state-
wide group medicine plan and letting
of a $647,817 contract in the dormi-
tory expansion program highlighted
the monthly meeting of the Board of
Regents yesterday.
The health plan, which provides a
form of health "insurance" for a low-,
income group, was given public atten-
tion sometime ago but had not been
acted upon previously by the Regents.
The dormitory contract went to
Bryant and Detwiler Co. of Detroit
and will provide for general construc-
tion costs on the southeast unit of
the Union group.
Gifts totaling $1,277 to be used
to create a Louis A. Strauss profes-
sorship in English in honor of the
popular member of the faculty 'who
died recently, were accepted. Profes-
sor Strauss, a member of the Board
in Control of Student Publications,
had served on the faculty for 42
A total of $2,835 was accepted for
the Mary B. Henderson memorial
The Regents also received $1,558
for a F. M. Gaige fund to promote
scholarly publications. A donation
of $3,300 from the Kellogg fund of
Battle Creek to be used in a three-
year program of in-service training
of rural teachers was announced.
The program, operated under the
School of Education, will begin March
31 and provide training in elementary
science and health.
Eight hundred dollars was received
from the Standard Oil Co. of Cali-
fornia for a graduate fellowship in
petroleum products engineering. An
anonymous donation of $350 for an
expedition to Mexico was accepted.
Regents also received $670 from the
U. of M. Club of Detroit plus mis-
cellaneous gifts totaling $172.
Prof. G. M. McConkey of the Archi-
tecture College was appointed to a
vacancy on the executive committee
Childless Couples i
And Bachelors Hit'
By New Nazi Tax.
BERLIN, Feb. 24.--()-Nazi Ger-
many imposed new income tax regu-
lations today on her bachelors, spin-
sters and childless married couples.
The new measures raised the levies
of the unmarried by 12%/2 per cent and
created a new tax group of couples
who are childless after five years of
The new taxes were estimated to(
bring in from $80,000,000 to $160,000,-
000 annually. An announcement said
the new regulations stem from neces-
sities of population and political as- t
pirations of the nation.
The new regulations excited con-
sternation among many of those af-
fected. Especially since no exact1
method was given for determining in-
dividual taxes.
In the case of unmarried men and
women, the regulations provided that
the 12/2 per cent raise could not be
applied if it brought total tax pay-
ments of an individual to more than
55 per cent of his income. That
ceiling was established apparently for
unusual cases where citizenship,
church and other taxes might absorb
more than that amount.
Cellist Plays
Concert Here
Monday Niht
Piatigorsky Will Appear
In Ninth Performance
In Choral Union Series
An attempt to prove that the violin-
cello can be just as sensitive and ton-
ally beautiful as a violin will be wit-
nessed Monday in Hill Auditorium
when Gregor Piatigorsky performs in
the ninth Choral Union concert.
This famous Russian artist is
recognized as the greatest violin-
cellist of the day and has taken the
lead in bringing from the instrument
beauties which were never thought to
have existed there. Piatigorsky has
made two previous appearances here
and each time was received with
much enthusiasm.
Born in 1903, he was first violin-
cellist with the Imperial Opera in
Moscow at 15. After the revolution
he was forced to go to Berlin where
he secured a similar post with the
Berlin Philharmonic under Furt-
waengler. From that time, his rise was
rapid and extensive international
tours followed.
Piatigorsky recently remarked that
he has a special fondness for Ann
Arbor. On his last visit here an inter-
esting romance culminated in his
marriage with the well-known Jacque-
linde Rothchild of Paris.
Daily Tryouts
Tryouts for the editorial, sports
and women's staffs of The Daily
will meet at 4 p.m. Monday in
rooms 316-320 of the Union in-
Appeases Business
Hopkins Promises
U.S. Co-operation
With Big Business
New Cabinet Member Maps
Program To Encourage
Investment Of Capital
Promises No New
Federal Taxation
DES MOINES, Feb. 24.-(iP)-Sec-
retary of Commerce Harry L. Hopkins
tonight mapped a federal program for
business based on "a desire to create
an environment in which private
capital will be encouraged to invest."
In a speech prepared for delivery
before the Economic Club here, Hop-
kins asserted such environment "can
become a reality without compromis-
ing the great reforms which stand as
hall-marks of this administration's
enlightened program."
The Hopkins pronouncements on
business-his first "policy" declara-
tions since leaving the social welfare
field of WPA--recommended:
Hopkins' Program
1. No "general rise" in federal taxes
this year and amendment of levies
which "tend to freeze the necessary
flow of capital."
2. Breaking the "log-jam of private
investment in the field of utilities,
railroads and housing."
3. "Tolerance and fairness" fromt
labor in dealing with employers.
4. An increased national income to
provide jobs for the unemployed and
to balance the budget.
5. Assistance for small business.
6. A larger share of the national in-
come for the farmer.
The former national WPA adminis-
trator, a native Iowan, recognized lack
of business confidence as a "hard
stubborn fact."
"It may be as real a deterrent to re-
stored business health as any we have
to deal with," he said. "I do not
propose to ignore it."
Railroadsr Important
In his brief reference to the tax-
ing structure, the Secretary suggest-
ed that levies which retard business
could be replaced "by increasing oth-
er taxes which do not have the same
deterring effect."
He indicated his concern over con-
dition of the railroads by suggesting
the carrier situation be explored im-
mediately "in the interest of Labor,
the investor, management and the
Until the rail pfoblem is solved, he
said, "it is difficult to hope for any-
thing like a complete recovery in
He reminded Labor that the gov-
ernment has strengthened the work-
ing man's position with new laws on
wages, hours and collective bargain-
ing. He termed a reconciliation of
AFL and CIO differences "as much in
the interest of business as it is to the
workers themselves."
Once the guiding genius in the vast
WPA disbursement program, Hopkins
defended government spending as
necessary for the "proper sustaining"
of business in periods when "self-
nourishment is insufficient."
Knight To Give
Noted Naturalist To Speak
On South African.Trip
Capt. C. W. R. Knight, noted natur-
),list, will give a motion-picture lec-
ture entitled "The Leopard of the
Air," a. pictorial record of the Na-
tional Geographic Society South
African Expedition of 1937-38, as the
next in the Oratorical Association's
series. Captain Knight's talk is sched-
uled for Tuesday at Hill Auditorium.
The primary purpose of the recent
expedition was the filming of the most
ferocious of the African eagles, the
crowned hawk eagle. According to
Captain Knight, the young Crowned
Eagle, "the leopard of the air," is a
bird of personality, one of the showi-
est eagles he has ever possessed.
But Captain Knight is not only
known as the "eagle man." His new
film includes exciting and amusing
shots of a great variety of animals
and birds, including lionesses, giant
sand-moles, the hammer-headed
stork, and a murderous black and
white crow.
Student Criticism Boxes
by Benner of Ohio State, by
(Continuaed on Pagre 3)
Four Speakers Advocate
Lifting Spanish Embargo
Fight For Democracy Can
Still Be Won, Students
Are Told At ASU Rally
The fight for world democracy be
ing fought in Spain can still be won
if the United States Government will
aid in the fight to check fascism by
lifting the arms embargo. This was
the message of a Spanish author, two
veterans of the International Brigade
and a Spanish consul before more
than a hundred persons at a rally
held yesterday afternoon at the Union
under the auspices of the American
Student Union.
Speaking as an ordinary citizen of
Spain, Antonio Villaplana, a former
chief justice in nationalist Spain and
author of "Burgos Justice," corrected
"two common misconceptions held by
many Americans, firstly that Franco
is fighting to check Communism and
secondly that the Loyalist govern-
ment is persecuting the Catholic
The fact that only 16 of more than
500 representatives in Spanish parlia-
ment were Communists and the fact
that before the war the government
had no relation with Soviet Russia
ch.lld a c.-mffiri+nf toi +di+n a h
by Mitchell Webb who spent six;
months in such a camp at San Pedro.
At this prison camp at which 53 na-
tionalities were represented he saw;
seven of his comrades die during thei
first week.I
Spain is the front trench of de-;
mocracy, stated Senor L. Bartolome,
consul for Spain; stopping fascism1
there means stopping it all over the
Feeling we should have the aid that
Belgium for example had in the
World War, he said, we expected that{
the United States would lead the
world in sending food to help us re-
sist in our fight against Franco. In
his reference to Franco, Senor Bar-
tolome used these words: "Franco3
sticks in my throat; it can't be pro-
nounced, it should be spit out."
The fight in Spain is far from lost,
declared John Baker, a member of
the International Brigade. The gov-
ernment, which was supported by 85
per cent of the people, still has half
a million soldiers, still is holding ter-
ritory equivalent to three-fourths of
Michigan, he explained. The war
can be won in less than a year if the
embargo is lifted, he reiterated.
The fascist threat to South America
and therefore to the United States is