-i - I Weather Weather Fine In The, Upper Peninsula. LI e Sir igmi ~IAiti Editorial Honor System In The Engineering College .. The Flying Club Reexamined.. PRICEFIVECENk VOL. XLIX. No. 179 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, JUNE 4, 1939 PRICE FIVE FCENTS ..... -'4 even Are Chosen Fo Take Positions On New Council New Judiciary Council Will Take Office For First Time ThisComing Fall Is Third Attempt At Student Control Appointments to the newly-organ-t ized Men's Judiciary Council were an-1 nounced yesterday by Paul Brickley,s '39, 0 the special appointing com- mittee. The newly-named members of the Councii, all members of the junior class, will take over several of the, functions of the now-defunct Men's1 Counc J. New Appointees Appointees from the literary col- lege are Jack Hoover, 40; Robert Harrington, '40; Jim Halligan, '40- F&C, from the engineering college,t Carl Wheeler, '41E and Harry How-; ell, '40E and Douglas Tracy, '40E and1 James Hammond from the campus-t at-large. Alternates from the liter-1 ary college are Gus Dannemiller and William Canfield, '40, and from thet engineering college Robert Jeffers, '40E. In the resolution that abolishedl Men's Council, the Judiciary Council was charged with considering all pe- titions for political positions and; with studying the possibilities of estahlishing a newly-fortified system of student government. It was indicated that this new or- gan might work in cooperation with the Student Government Investigat- ing Committee set up by the Spring1 Parley at its plenary session. Committee Named The appointing committee was composed of Brickley, president of tihe Union, Robert A. Reid, retiring president of Interfraternity Council, Robert Mitchell, retiring. editor of The Daily, Robert Hartwell, '39E, r'- tiring president of Congress and Dean of Students Joseph A. Bursley. At least three different schemes of student government have lived through an unhealthy existence dur- ing the last 30 years, and all of them have finally collapsed under the weight of their own ineffectiveness. The situation came to a climax again this year when the Univer- sity Men's Council was abolished on its own motion, and its duties were transferred to the Union staff and to a new projected Men's Judiciary Council. Even back in 1906 the campus fathers were worrying about estab- lishing a governing body for the Ever- increasing number of students who were flocking to Ann Arbor town for their higher education. So in the spring of 1906 a sort of "student council" was established, which gen- erally supervised campus elections, festivals, and other affairs. This agency functioned intermittently un- til 1933, when a drastid shake -up oc- curred. Change In 1933 The change occurred in 1933 only after a bitter struggle between several campus factions, however. Early in March of the year charges were pressed in the Student Council that the body was "unrepresentative of student opinion." Several attempts to open the membership to a more diversified element of students were defeated, and it was not until late in the year that any reorganization was ,-aecomplished. A plan that was proposed in Maich, 1933, provided for the admission of ex-officio members who would repre- sent powerful factions on the cam- pus. Many compromise measures were downed by the students and finally (Continued on Page it Unwed Mother Charged With Poisoning Daughter CINCINNATI, June 3. -(IP)--An unmarried mother, Elsie Sullender, 24, was charged today with fatally poisoning her six-months-old daugh- ter. Police said she also confessed poisoning and beating a son, 3. He was in a critical condition. "I don't want to live any more," a hospital social service head quoted her as sying. My brothers and sis- ters didn't want me because of the baby." Campus Movie Prie mere To Be GivenJune 16 The premiere of a feature length movie of campus life at Michigan will be held Friday, June 16, the Univer- sity Alumnae Council announced last night. The movie, which has been in pro- duction since last June, will be in full color, and will star Marcia Connell, '39, Marietta Killian, '39, Stephanie Parfet, '39, and Betty Jane Swift, '41, with nearly 1,000 other students and faculty members taking part in the production. The Alumnae Council has issued a special invitation for the premiere to all graduating senior women, but the showing will be open to all students. It will be held at 3 p.m., June 16 in the small amphitheatre of the Racr- ham building. The picture, which will run more than 45 minutes, was photographed by Dr. Catherine Chamberlain of Ann Arbor, associate professor of physics at Wayne University and an expert on color photography. The scenario was written by Mrs. Beth- any Wilson, Grad., a Hopwood award winner for the past two years, and Mrs. Nathan Potter, III., has been in general charge of the production. Shooting began with pictures of the 1938 Commencement ceremonies, and followed through the year with foot- ball games, the Junior Girls Play, In- stallation and Panhellenic banquets, and other scenes of general campus activities and events. House Hearing On Tax Change At Standstill Committe Disagreement Causes New Interruption Of Revision Process WASHINGTON, June 3. -(IR)- A sharp disagreement developed in the House Ways and Means Committee today over a decision to limit the cdr- rent tax revision hearings to pro- posals to change corporate taxes. Representative Treadway (Rep.- Mass.) senior minority member of the Committee, asserted the inquiry should be thrown open for the fullest discussion of general tax revision. He protested that the limitation agreed upon yesterday did not have the ap- proval of a quorum. It was imposed, he said, after he had been assured no further important issues would be decided and had left the committee room. Thisbrought a vigorous denial from Chairman Doughton (Dem.- N.C.) coupled with the curt assertion that opening the inquiry to all phases of tax revision would "keep Congress here all summer and we still would not get a bill." Doughton said it was imperative for the committee to restrict the hear- ing in order to insure passage of the tax bill in time to reenact the so- called "nuisance" taxes which expire June 30. Make Attempt To Keep 907 Jews In Cuba President Orders Refugees Returned From Havana; Many Are Penniless Dominican Republic Makes Proposition HAVANA, June 3. --()- Efforts were made today' to keep in the new world 907 refugee German Jews who had been forbidden to land in Hav- ana and were being returned to Ham- burg on the German liner St. Louis. The liner, which had left Hamburg with the refugees May 15, sailed back for Hamburg at 11:30 a.m. E.S.T., Friday under orders of President Fed- erico Laredo Bru. Cuban authorities had held that the refugees did not have proper landing papers. Offer Of Haven Today there came an offer of haven from the Domincan Republic's gov- ernment on condition that each refugee pay a $500 tax to reside per- manently in the country. It was understood that most of the refugees were penniless, and it was reported, although without in- formation, that no final answer was being given to this offer pending. outcome of new negotiations with the Cuban government. Meanwhile, another refugee vessel, the steamer Flandre, carrying 98 of 104 Jews who were denied permission to land in Cuba, sailed from Vera Cruz, Mexico today. Six of those orig- inally on board were allowed ,to dis- embark and the others understood that there might be a possibility of landing at some undetermined United States port. Answer Delayed The Dominican Consul here said he believed' the St. Louis refugees were delaying their answer to the Dominican Government in hopes the Cuban Government would change its decision. Cuban Secretary of State Enrique Alonso Pujol did not deny the possi- bility that President Laredo Bru might change his decision. Pujol pointed out that the President had said he woud not discuss the matter while the St. Louis was in Cuban waters. Naval Airmen Finally Rescued Fliers Cling To Disabled Rubber Raft In Erie DETROIT, June 3.-(P)-Three Naval Reserve airmen who clung to a disabled rubber raft in the cold waters of Lake Erie for nearly three hours after their plane crashed and sank were released today from Marine Hospital. The story of their dramatic fight for life and of the heroism of Cadet Gordon Cady, the pilot, was told to- day by Ensign H. B. Rickard. Lieut. D. O. Coffman, physician at the Grosse Ile Naval Air base, was the other member of thetrio which was sighted by chance and rescued Friday night by the crew of the tug Bark- hamstead, of Cleveland. Efforts to salvage the plane were begun at once but three airplanes sent out to find the wreckage had failed to sight it this afternoon. Friends Of Vice-President Claim He Has Approved Efforts To Get Delegates WASHINGTON, June 3. -(P)- Close friends of Vice-President Gar- ner disclosed today he has decided to seek the presidential nomination at the 1940 Democratic convention even if President Roosevelt should be a candidate. Garner was said to be convinced that his name should go before the convention, regardless of the strength of any opposing aspirants for the nomination, and that consequently he had approved efforts of supporters to line up convention delegates in his behalf. Headed by E. B. Germany, Texas Democratic state chairman, a Gar- ner-for-President organization al- ready has been formed and has mailed about 30,000 letters to Demo- cratic voters urging support of Gar- ner for the presidential nomination. Recently, Garner himself has had, several off-the-record talks with state political leaders. Some of the Vice-President's poli- tical advisers were said to be urging 'him to participate actively in state primaries and conventions which will choose convention delegates next year. His friends feel, Congressional in- siders said, that he would have an excellent chance for the presidential nomination if he exerted his influence to win delegates. Even if it appeared he could not be nominated, they said, Garner-pledged state delegations would give him a strong voice in the convention. Informed persons told reporters that some of Garner's supporters be- lieve he could make political capital by breaking his self-imposed rule of silence and speaking out on na- tional issues during the next few months. Reports were that Garner has lis- Garner Will Seek Presidency Even If Roosevelt Is Candidate JOHN NANCE GARNER 98 Men Are Dead In Sunken Thetis; Rescue Work Fails tf b 1 Local Churches Observe Trinity t SundayToday Varied Commemorationv And Outdoor Programsa To Be Offered Here f Communion services, outdoor wor- ship, and varied sermons to com- memorate Trinity Sunday, will be l offered by the local churches today. Holy Communion services will be held at 8 a.m. at St. Andrew's Epis-t copal Church. At 11 a.m. the Rev. Henry Lewis will deliver his sermon.F Eyre's "Gloria Tibia," "Sursum Cor-t da," and "Gloria In Excelsis" will bet sung by the choir and congregation.i Rev. John Mason Wells will speak1 at 10:45 a.m. at the First Baptistt Church on "The Sons of God." The Choral Choir will present "Build Thee More Stately Mansions," and Donna Beisch will sing "The Lord Is Mind-s ful of His Own." Dr. and Mrs. Chap-j man will hold open house from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Guild House for the students. Dr. Williagi P. Lemon of the First Presbyterian Church will speak at the morning worship service on "God and the Unexpected." At 10:45 a.m. Vesper Communion- services will be held in the main auditorium. The (Continued on Page 7)J Court Martial Asked. For General Moseley WASHINGTON, June 3.-(P)--De- mands are piling up at the War De- partment that outspoken Major Gen- eral George Van Horn Moseley face an Army court martial on charges growing out of his campaign against "enemies from within." Authoritative sources disclosed this today at the same time that the White House acknowledged a letter from RepresentativeCoffee (Dem.- Wash.) suggesting that the retired officer was guilty of "subversive statements" in his testimony before the House Committee on Un-Ameri- can Activities. The number and names of those, aside from Representative Coffee, who have suggested action were not disclosed, and War Department offi- cials indicated they would not be made public. Gets Car On Approval; Returns In Installments ened attentively to that suggestion, but has given no sign as to what course he will take. Figuring also in current political alk on Capitol Hill are reports that some Senators, looking forward to 1940, now are seeking actively to eal differences between Democratic factions. Mediation Fails To Break Auto Strike Deadlock Union And Plant Owners ShiftBlame For Delays In Attempts At Peace DETROIT, June 3.-(P)-Union, and management, in conflicting state- ments today, failed to break a strike deadlock that has kept more than 70,000 automobile workers Adle for two weeks. Each charged the other with in- jecting "new issues" into the dispute. settlement negotiations arranged by federal conciliator James F. Dewey were adjourned yesterday until Mon- day. Seven plants of the Briggs Manu- facturing Co., body makers, were closed by the strike, throwing 15,000 workers out of their jobs. Lack of bodies caused shutdowns of Chrys- ler Corp. and Lincoln units employ- ing more than 55,000 men. The Briggs Company statement to- day said that after settlement of 26 grievances submitted to Dewey for arbitration, "A further obstacle in the way of peace was dragged into the controversy by the union officials in the demand for a closed shop. Later, the settlement was further complicated by a new demand for va-I cations with pay." The company charged the CIO- United Automobile Workers local 212 with having an "evident desire to perpetuate strike between employe and employer." British People V'iew Critically Thetis Affair LIVERPOOL, Eng., June 3.-(A)- Britain's man-in-the-street, stunned by the Thetis disaster, was sharply critical today, along with some news- papers, of the futile rescue efforts.r It was predicted freely there would be repercussions in Parliament and the possibility was mentioned of a civil as well as an Admiralty inquiry. Marine circles, however, generally withheld judgment until all facts were known. They pointed out that the layman has little knowledge of the extent of technical problems in- volved in submarine operation. Typical of the immediate reaction by the man-in-the-street was the comment of one man: "Look what the Yanks did when the Squalus sank. Why should they be any more efficient than we are? Their boat was deeper down than1 ours." Thirty-three of 59 trapped in the Squalus were saved and only four of 102 were rescued from the Thetis; the Squalus was in 240 feet of water, the Thetis in only 130, with 18 feet of her stern above the surface for a time. The wife of one victim said "it cer- tainly looks to me as if they couldt have done something with all the time they had." The Thetis was first located Friday morning at whicht time those those aboard were esti- mated to have had about 18 hours' supply of oxygen left. But soberly balanced against per- plexity and questioning were these1 assertions: 1. R. S. Johnston, managing direc- tor of Cammell Laird, Ltd., the sub- marine's builders, said that. 'what- ever has been done in the rescue work, we were thinking only of the people in the ship and not of the ship it- self." 2. A semi-official explanation issued early this afternoon stating that the possibility of cutting a hole in the stern during the hours it was ex- posed yesterday was considered "but not found practicable." The statement said that there was only a tiny compartment in that section of the stern which was above water and that if a hole had been (Continued on Page 2) Train Derails; Two Are Killed Jumps Track In Texas Near Fort Worth RANGER, Tex., =uie 3.-(P)- The fireman and engineer were killed and at least four persons injured to- day by the derailment and overturn- ing of a Texas and Pacific passenger train No. 3 three miles west of here. The westbound train, en route from Fort Worth to Sweetwater, jumped the track shortly before noon, the engine and four cars overturning. Engineer L. M. Mann and Fire- man E. Preston, both of Fort Worth, were killed. Ranger is in Eastland County, about 80 miles southwest of Fort Worth. With this issue, The Daily sus- pends publication until June 26, when the Summer session issues will begin. BIRKENHEAD, England, June 3. -(A')-Hope vanished tonight for 98 nen at the bottom of the Irish sea in the sunken British submarine Thetis-the greatest number ever to perish in an underseas disaster. The Admiralty gave the men up .or dead nearly 15 hours after the ir supply was calculated torhave >een exhausted behind the Thetis' ilent, thick steel walls. Admiralty )fficials acknowledged that slow eepage of water into the submarine's atteries probably had formed chlor- ne gas and that the fumes had suffo- ated the men. More than thirty-six hours-the leadline for the Thetis' sealed-up air -have passed since the new $1,500,000 submarine dived into Liverpool Bay n a test on a trial run for acceptance y the British Navy. Divers Get Answer? For six hours after the deadline livers tapped urgently at her sides or a signal that life still flickered vithin. They got what they believed night have been their final, faint nswer although some thought they night have heard only a loose gear attling against the swaying sides of he hull. Then, after incessant rescue at- empts spurred by the trapped men's bbing chances had failed, the Admir- ity abandoned hope. It issued a statement saying "there, s now no longer justification for Lope that any further lives can be aved from the Thetis." The Thetis, her nose buried in 65 eet of mud in wreck-littered Liver- ool Bay, carried 102 men below with er in her dive. Four men escaped vith Davis breathing "lungs." Three >thers were said to have died in vain attempts. No Official Explanation The Thetis had had several minor accidents in previous trials but there was still no official explanation of why she suddenly plunged into the mud. Neither was there any explanation of why four men managed to get through the aft escape hatch within an hour Friday morning and then no more escaped. Photographs of attempts to tow the Thetis out of the mud yesterday indicated that a broken cable may have cost the lives of the 98 men. When the Thetis was found early yesterday morning about 18 feet of her stern was sticking out of the water. Officials then considered try- ing to cut the stern off but, apparent- ly, decided first to try to pull the vessel loose. A cable attached to the salvage ship Vigilant was fastened to the Thetis' rudder. Another cable was attached from the Vigilant to a tug. The two ships gradually increased pressure on the cable until the great grey fin of the Thetis rose higher out of the water. When the Thetis had reached an almost vertical position, much of her 265-foot length jutting up above the 130 feet of water, the cable snapped. Attorney Asks Death Sentence U.S. Closes Its Case Against Former Judge Manton NEW YORK, June 3. -(A)- A youthful United States Attorney to- day asked a jury of ten men and two women to send Martin T. Man- ton, 58-year-old former senior judge of the U.S. Circuit Court, to prison, because "justice was bartered and decisions bargained for and sold." Summing up the Government's case at Manton's trial on charges of conspiracy to deprive the Govern- ment of his fair services by accepting bribes, John T. Cahill, '35, a recent appointee of President Roosevelt, crged that "one of the most mon- strous plots to buy and sell justice was born and hatched within the Admiralty Thinks Chlorine Gas Was Cause Of Death Of Crew On Submarine Four Men Escape Using Davis 'Lungs' Roosevelt To Receive Royalty; Cold Better WASHINGTON, June 3.-(IP)-Al- though his temperature was back to normal and his sinus trouble much improved, President Roosevelt re- mained in his White House study to- day to conserve his strength for the strenuous days ahead of him be- ginning next week. He had been kept abed part of this week by a slight fever due to recur- rence of a sinus infection. The Chief Executive will receive the King and Queen of England next Thursday and also be host to the royal couple at Hyde Park, N.Y., June 10 and 11. On June 12 he will ad- dress the West Point graduating class. Vaudeville And Pirates Feature Last Two Drama Festival Plays Vaudeville troupers and a gusty pirate captain receive the emphasis of the fourth and last plays of the 1939 Dramatic Season, continuing through June 17. James Bell, who appeared on "To- bacco Road" during its long New York run, will have the leading role in "Here Come the Clowns," fourth presentation opening Tuesday and running through Saturday. In the role of the pirate captain, central figure of George B. Shaw's "Captain Brassbound's Conversion," final presentation of the Season, run- ning from June 13 through the 17, will be Dennis Hoey, noted English actor who played opposite Katherine European Diplomats Deadlocked After Week Of Futile Negotiating (By Associated Press) -J Europe's opposing camps came to the end of another week of intensive diplomatic maneuvering yesterday but with little to show for their efforts. Soviet Russia wrote "inadequate" across Britain's latest proposals to bring her into the British-French front and sat back awaiting the next move from the western powers. Across the banquet table the Nazi Fuehrer guaranteed the borders of the Balkan state in an exchange of toasts with the Belgrade Regent. Talk was heard in Belgrade, the Yugoslav capital, of a possible non- aggression pact with Germany. Reli- able sources there said at the same time that Yugoslavia would appeal to Britain and France for confi- dence in her neutrality. -_fI .l.Drnn ~m ' rn' ~