THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, JUNE 3. 1939 THE MCHIGA DAL SATURDAY, JUNE 3, 1939 I I CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING FOR SALE-Women's sport saddle oxfords $1.98. Women's bathing sandals 98c and up. Cool vacation house slippers-largest selection in town. Linen sandals 79c. Men's crepe sole oxfords, all combinations $2.98. Men's cool ventilated shoes, LOST-Brown wallet, probably at Field House. Contents valuable to owner only. Reward. Phone 6293. LOST - "Perspectives" containing valuable letters of recommendation 14 Students Are Awarded $9,000 In Annual Hopwood Competition LADY DRIVING to Denver wants GRADUATE couple will take care of in whites and two tones, $4.00. R. & woman passenger to share expenses. home, lawn, pets, in exchange for S. Shoe Store, 108 S. Main. 7006. 710 Miss G. E. Richards, 512 Mack. room this summer. Phone 3492. 717 ________________________FOR SALEs-Medical books, instru- 2-3307. 701 WANTED - TYPING ments and office equipment of the' late Dr. Thomas W. Paton of 122 LOOKING for a paying job? Call TYPING-Experienced. Miss Allen. Normal St., Ypsilanti, Mich. 679 9798. We place good workers. Fuller 408 S. 5th Avenue. Phone 2-2935 LAUNDRIES Brush Co. Anywhere in U.S.A. 702 or 2-1416. 79 _AUNDRIE__ SALESMAN WANTED-40% com- TYPING--Reasonable rates. Miss L. STUDENTS: Have clean, fresh clothes s mission given on fast selling pro- duct. Call Bob Decker, 707 Tappan, 2-2967. 704 WANTED-Pasengers to New York City and vicinity about June 18. Call 1126 Ypsi around 6 p.m. 707 WANTED - Cok for children's private camp in Northern Michi- gan. Application with references required. Box 3. 713 WANTED-Passenger to help with driving to Great Falls, Montana, or points en route. Leaving about June 12. Miss Hogle, University High School, or Phone 9570. 711 M. Heywood, 414 Maynard St., prone 5689. 271 EXPERIENCED typing, stenographic, mimeographing service. Phone 7181 or evening 9609. 678 FOR SALE FOR SALE-Bass drum, snare drum, cases and accessories. Will sell parts or whole. Wheeler 2-1717. 703 WOMEN'S Spectator sport pumps. Black and white, brown and white, $2.98. R. & S. Shoe Store, 108 S. Main. 653 when you arrive home. Student Bundle--minimum 5 lbs. - Shirts 12c-no extra charge for socks and handkerchiefs. Regular prices: Shirts 14c, Socks 4c, Shorts 6c, Towels 4c, Undershirts Sc, Hand- kerchiefs 2c. All mending on fin- ished work free of charge. Ace Laundry, 1114 S. University. 721 LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned. Careful work at low prices. 9 LOST LOST - Tennis racquet, Ellsworth Vines model, white frame. Reward. Call 3590. Don Wirtchafter. and news clippings. Reward. Cali (Continued from Page 1) Franklin" three weeks ago, delivered Bagley 4439. 716 who is connected with the School of the Hopwood lecture on "The First LOST-Nu Phi Epsilon pin. Between Drama at Yale, Rosemond Gilder, as- American Man of Letters." Van Dor- the tower and Music School Fri- sociate editor of Theatre Arts Month- en discussed the less familiar aspects day. Reward. If found please call ly, and Brooks Atkinson, dramatic of Franklin's life in his talk. He Ruth Lahee, 40890. 5718. 719 critic of the New York Times. treated "Poor Richard," Franklin's In the essay field, judges were letters, his early days of poetry writ- LOST-Gray reversible coat in East Odell Shepard, Pulitzer prize essay ing, his delight in creating hoaxes Hall, 10 o'clock Friday morning, winner last year, Burges Johnson, to liven up the news of the day, as Room 13. Finder please call R. S. essayist and George Stevens, editor of well as his historical writings. Buritz, 4056. 720 the Saturday Review of Literature. In the last eight years, the Univer- MISCELLANEOUS Judges for fiction were Marjorie sity has given more than $75,000, Rawlings, winner of the Pulitzer prize nearly $10,000 per year, to students WASHED SAND and Gravel, Drive- for fiction this year, John P. Mar- who do the best creative writing. way gravel, washed pebbles. Killins quand, Pulitzer prize winner in fic- These gifts resulted from the benefic- Gravel Company. Phone 7112. 17 tion last year and Roger Burlingame, tion of Avery Hopwood, '05, a prom- author of "Three Boys Fell." inent American dramatist who on CASH PAID for your discarded Poetry judges were David McCord, his death in 1928, left one-fifth of clothing. Claude Brown, 512 S poet, Louise Bogan, poet and critic his large estate to his Alma Mater Main. 311 and Horace Gregory, who has writ- to be used for the encouragement of HOME DECORATORS-Decorating, ten several volumes of poetry. students who produce the best crea- painting. Budget plan if desired. Carl Van Doren, who won the Pulit- tive work in the major literary fields Dial 7209. 181 zer prize for his biography "Benjamin of fiction, drama, essay and poetry. 3 t I ALL YOUR to FOLLETT'S for