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June 02, 1939 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1939-06-02

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Se ngagement
DAZE by'Davy
Miss June Bride is having exciting days these last few weeks before her
marriage, while all her friends are in a dither trying to decide just what sort
of gift would be most appropriate for each of the many types of showers an.
parties being given for her. Miss Bride is spending most of her time outside
'of the hours at parties dashing about the town choosing her trousseau while
pappa sits home and pores over piles upon piles of bills.
June's best friend gave one of the most elaborate teas in her honor and
all the guests bfought glass, china or linen, while a few chose to give her
silver to help her complete her set in the youthful pattern she had decided
upon. When the presents were all unwrapped the total effect
of the tables reserved for them was as colorful as any gift
f shop counter.
Of course there was a bright colored tea set of Mexican
pottery and little homespun linen napkins to match the
vivid yellow, green, orange and blue of the pottery. Beside
these little napkins was a colorful box containing six handi-
monogramed guest towels in delicate shades of pastel linen.
One of June's closest friends realized her exquisite taste,
and love for beautiful glass and gave her a dainty relish dish
with separate compartments for pickles, celery and jelly.
The dish itself was etched crystal with a gold deposit around
the edges and in the pattern. One of the nicest things about this sort of ware
is that the new type being shown now will not tarnish in either the gold or
silver nor will the metal wash off.
June received many clear crystal objects, including a set of three cut
crystal salt and pepper shakers for that first night she entertains her hus-
band's boss. Several of her friends went together and bought her a complete
tea service of this lush new glass that has bumpy fruits of delicate shades on
the back. There was a large service plate, a half dozen tea cups and saucers,
sugar and creamers and a dainty little bonbon dish so that
she is now well fortified for her afternoon teas.
Aluminum proved popular for' hammered objects, forx
June got a large tray with matching coasters and a generous
sized pitcher, all with a refreshing sea-fish pattern hammered
into them. Luckily enough someone brought her a cigarette box of the
same material with two separate glass compartments on the inside. The lid'
of this box had a full-sailed schooner hammered into it and was one of
the most useful and decorative presents June received at that shower.

Senior Ball Patrons And Guests Announced

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Mexican Style
Is Pomitnent
For Footwear
Now that old Sol is adding his heat
to complicate the already hectic pre-
exam days, students are seeking to
simplify affairs a bit with the coolest
of air-conditioned clothing. Summer
footwear is an important part of this
program. Although the student's
brains may not be in her feet, warm
fee't on a riistering day would ce,-
tainly slow down mental alertness.
Huaraches Are Popular
Hand-woven sandals of the Mexi-
can type have overrun this country.
Most of these basket-weave shoes
have neither toes nor heels. For those
of you who like more support for the
ankles and shy away from showing
pink toes, there will soon be shoes
to your liking and of this same style
in town. Incidentally, they are called
"huaraches." Many of them have
fancy blocked heels which add to
their novelty. Mexicans originated
the idea, but were unable to make
them fit milady's feet in sophisticated
style, so now the labels read "made
in U.S.A."
Next to huaraches in the popularity
race for coolness are strapped linen
shoes. Cross-straps over the toe keep
these shoes in place. Popular too,
are the spectator pumps in white
with wing-tipped toe and heel in
brown, blue, or black. Smartness and
trimness outrank air-conditioned
comfort here.
$each Sandals Shown
With summer comes the beach and
just as naturally come sea-shore
sandals. Water-wear for this year
shows those fish-net numbers again.
Laces either up the front or "gilly-
wise" tie them on. Many beach strol-
lers, however, will favor the striped
pattern woven in elastic or a new,
toeless, white woolen weave.
For outings and general knocking
around there is a new moccasin shoe
which has been stealing a march on
the traditional saddle shoes.
It was erroneously stated yesterday
that Muriel Haskins, '39, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Earl A. Haskins of'
Canton, 0., was married to Wallace
Wheeler, '39E, son of George B.
Wheeler of Brooklyn, N.Y., and that
Audrey Keone, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Keone, of Chicago, was en-
gaged to Charles Haskins, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Earl A. Haskins. Miss Has-
kins' parents have announced her
engagement to Mr. Wheeler. Mrs.
Haskins, the former Audrey Keone,
was married to Mr. Haskins, May 20..

Governor Heads Checks Are Smart
List Of Names
Pres. And Mrs. Ruthven,
Deans, Professors Are r
Among Those Asked r
Governor and Mrs. Luren Dickin-
son head the list of patrons for Seniorg
Bail, which is to be held from 10 p.m. d
ill 3 a.m. Friday, June 16, Betsy M
Shaffer, '39, chairman of patrons,
announced yesterday.
Others among the patrons are Re-
gent and Mrs. J. E. Beal, Regent andp
Virs. F. M. Cook, Regent and Mrs.
D. H. Crowley, Regent and Mrs. C. F.
Eemans, Regent and Mrs. J. D. Lynch, S;
Regent and Mrs. E. C. Shields, Re- *
gent and Mrs. R. R. Stone and Regentt
Esther Cram and Mr. L. V. Cram..
President To Attend
President and Mrs. Ruthven, Vice- ยง
president and Mrs. S. W. Smith, Vice-
president and Mrs. C. S. Yoakum,'
Vice-president and Mrs. J. D. Bruce,
Dean H. C. Anderson, Dean and Mrs.
H. M. Bates, Dean and Mrs. R. W.
Bunting, Dean and Mrs. J. A. Burs-
ley, Dean and Mrs. S. T. Dana, Dean DOe
and Mrs. J. B. Edmonson, Dean and g T a
Mrs. A. C. Furstenberg, Dean and Victorio s
Mrs. C. E. Griffin and Dean and Mrs. SHK a , r ls o t l tf
E. H. Kraus, are also on the list for
the dance. Telegraphic Meet Ends
Other patrons and patronesses are
Dean Alice Lloyd, Assistant Dean and With Close Scores
Mrs. A. H. Lovell, Assistant Dean
and Mrs. Peter Qkkelberg, Assistant Michigan's women bowlers were
Dean and Mrs. C. T. Olmsted, As- victorious over the Illinois team in a
sistant Dean and Mrs. W. B. Rea, telegraphic meet held recently.
Registrar and Mrs. I. M. Smith, Mrs. The winning score was 28 points,
Byrl Bacher, Miss Jeannette Perry, to the loser's 27. Points were given
Miss Ethel McCormick, Dr. and Mrs. for the highest total score of the
E. V. Moore, Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Sink, group, the highest individual score
Dr. and Mrs. H. B. Lewis, Mr. and and the highest individual game
Mrs. L. V. Cram, and Mr. and Mrs. bowled in each group.
Eugene B. Elliott. Neva Dilley, '41Ed, had the highest
Guests Are Listed score in the advanced group. Miss
Special guests for the occasion will Dilley bowled a score of 458 for three
be Prof. and Mrs. H. F. Adams, Prof. hadstrings.coMary Loughborough,strings
and Mrs. A. S. Aiton, Dr. and Mrs. in the beginners group and Josephine
John Alexander, Prof. and Mrs. S.. Holland, '42, bowled the highest single
Allen, Prof. and Mrs. John Tracy, game of the evening, with a score of
Prof. and Mrs. L. M. Gram, Prof. and 200.
Mrs. William Haber, Prof. and Mrs. The eight women whose scores
K. C. McMurry, Prof. and Mrs. F. were included in the meet were Miss
N. Menefee, Dr. and Mrs. Theophile Dilley, Miss Loughborough, Miss
Raphael, Prof. and Mrs. I. L. Sharf- Holland, Doris Cranmore, '4oEd, Dor-
man, Prof. and Mrs. L. L. Watkins. othy Maul, '39, Norma Curtis, '39,
Prof. and Mrs. John Worley, Prof. Doris Ann Hendricks and Patricia
and Mrs. L. J. Young, Prof. and Mrs. Carpenter, '42. Seven other women
G. a Densmore, Prof. and Mrs. R. bowled in the meet also, but only,
WHam ett, Prof. and Mrs. M. M, the top eight scores were included in
Thomps, Prof. and Mrs. A. BM- the official results.
Valerie, Prof.. and Mrs. Philip Burs-________
ley, Prof. and Mrs. C. M. Davis, Prof.
and Mrs. R. C. Fuller, Prof. and Mrs. Pledging Is Announced
W. W. Gilbert, Prof. and Mrs. Karl
Litzenberg, Prof. and Mrs. D. C. Long, Collegiate Sorosis announces the
Prof. Glen McGeoch, Lt. and Mrs. pledging of Patricia Loughhead, '42,
B. R. Wimer, Dr. William Brace and of Kalamazoo.
Prof. and Mrs. Waldo Abbot. ----
Other guests are Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Ipsen, Mr. and
George Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Mrs. A. E. Jacobson, Dr. and Mrs. L.
Bittinger, Mr. C. T. Devine, Mr. and B. Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Nurn-
Mrs. R. R. Horner, Dr. and Mrs. berger, Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Olds, Dr.
Howard Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. John and Mrs. L. W. Shaffer, Mr. and Mrs.
Trytten, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Wier, A. G. Spangler, Mr. and Mrs. G. H.
Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Bleecker, Mr. and Wilcox and Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Wil-
Mrs. R. W. Chissus, Mrs. J,. A. Grier, kinson.
He'll Ne'er Forget His
Colege Dys..D.a

who keeps in touch with his University by

"If I were to have to choose be-
tween acting before British or Amer-
can audiences, I would take Ameni-
can every time," declared Ethel Mor-
rison, of the Dramatic Season cast,
in an interview yesterday. Miss Mor-
,ison is currently appearing as
"Rosieanne," the Canon's sharp-
tongued housekeeper, in "The White
Steed," third of the Season's plays.
American audiences are warmer
and more responsive, the gracious
New Zealand star continued, and bet-
ter behaved, too. London audiences
have been frequently known to boo
and hiss a first-night performance,
whereas American audiences, even if
disappointed, just sit quietly through
the performance.
Has Toured Extensively
Miss Morrison is one person well-
qualified to make such a distinction,
for she has appeared before audiences
throughout the British Isles, South
Africa, Australia, and New Zealand,
as well as the United States. How-
ever, not all of her parts have been
straight dramatic parts, of the type
she is now playing.
Miss Morrison originally planned
to be an operatic star, and was well
on her way to becoming one, too,
when the "acting bug" bit her. She
was training, at the time, in the
Royal Academy of Music in London,
when she learned that the Gilbert and
Sullivan operettas were to be pro-
duced. In his last season of directing,
Sir William Gilbert chose Miss Morri-
son as principal understudy, and she
has been acting ever since. Event-
ually, Miss Morrison playedFall the
contralto roles in the operettas
throughout the United Kingdom.
Formrerly A Comedienne
Miss Morrison first appeared on
the legitimate stage with Marie Tem-
pest, well-known London comedienne.
Since then, she has occasionally done
musical comedies, but in the main has
New L. C. Smith and
Corona, Royal, Rem--_
ington, Underwood,
Noiseless, portables.
Used typewriters of all makes
bought, sold, rented, exchanged,
cleaned, repaired.

preferred dramatic or straight comedy
parts. When questioned as to her
favorite roles, Miss Morrison said, "I
liked several very well, but the twot
most appealing were my parts in 'The
First Mrs. Fraser,' and 'Criminal At
Miss Morrison appeared last sea-
son with Fredric March in "Your
Obedient Husband," and this season
she played the lead in "Dear Octo-
pus" in New York. After finishing her
present role in "The White Steed,"
Miss Morrison will leave for White
Plains, N. Y., where she will appear
with Philip Merivale and Gladys
Cooper in "Spring Meeting."
Helen Arthur To Speak
Miss Helen Arthur, executive direc-
tor of the 1939 Dramatic Season, will
talk informally to the residents of
Helen Newberry at 7 p.m. tonight.


314 South State "St 6et
Since 1968 Phone 6615



Ethel Morrison Finds America
A Warm, Responsive Audience


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The Nearest Thing To Flying
Only 6.50
You'll vow you have wings on
your feet when you step forth
in these gad-and-go, breeze-
along Red Cross Shoes. Two
smart styles in chalk white
buckskin, perforated for coolth,
with gleaming Sienna Rust calf-
skin. Built-up leather heels.

So yon're going home .
are Good Travelers
f 1
V .*. R





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see you through a summer of
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You'll be cool, unruffled,
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ample of every girl's ambition
. . . "Home Town Girl Makes
Dark and pastel printed and
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Dark and pastel spun rayons
and cottons, $10.95 to $19.95

JUNE is the time to buy White Hats. Selections
are always more complete. You can choose straws,
felts, and wrapped silk turbans.






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