Thundershowers today
and tomorrow.
it ga
The Watchdog
Of Liberty...
Flying Club
And Armaments ,
Prize Winners
In Hopwoods
To lBe Named
At TalkToday
Van Doren, Pulitzer Prize
Winner, Will Lecture
Before Presentahion
73 Contestants Vie
For Annual Prizes
Hopwood winners for 1939 will be
announced following a lecture by Carl
Van Doren, Pulitzer prize winner, at
4:15 p.m. today in the Graduate
School Auditorium.
Van Doren, whose biography, "Life
of Benjamin Franklin," won a Pulitz-
er prize three weeks ago, will speak
on "The First American Man of Let-
About $10,000 will be awarded to
the best of the 73 entries in the on-
test. Prizes will be given in the fields
of fiction, drama, essay, and poetry,
both in major and minor divisions.
Major awards in the past have run
from $500 to $2,000, the amount be-
ing at the discretion of the judges,
and depending on the merit and value
of the work submitted. Two minor
awards of $250 each are usually made
in each of the literary divisions.
Winners To Be Notified
Students who have won prizes in
any of the divisions will be notified
by special delivery letter before noon
today. Entries in the major divisions
were fiction, seven; drama, six; es-
say, 11 and poetry, 10. In the minor
divisions there were 16 entries in
fiction, seven in drama, three in essay
and 11 in poetry.
The Hopwood awards were made
possible through the gift of Avery
Hopwood, '05, well-known dramatist,
who at his death- in 1928, left one-
fifth of his large fortune to the
University to be used as an en-
couragement for students who pro-
duce the best creative work in the
four fields mentioned.
Open To All Students
N These contests are open to any
student regularly enrolled in the
University, with the provision that
the entrant is carrying at least 12
hours of regular University work,
that his grade in each of his courses
is at least C, and that he is carrying
at least one composition course in
the department of English or jour-
nalism in either semester of the cur-
rent school year. The qualifications
for graduate students differ slight-
ly but are essentially the same.
Sophomores and juniors are only
eligible to enter the minor division
of 'the contest, while seniors and
grauates may enter either the minor
division or the major, in which the
awards have been as high as $2,000.
An additional contest for freshmen
was concluded earlier this spring.
This afternoon's speaker will be
guest of honor at an informal meet-
ing at 8:15 p.m. today in the Grand
Rapids Room of the League to whi
all students who have competed i
the Hopwood contests including those
in the freshman contest have been
Gen. Moseley
Praises Hitler
Ex -Army Man Affirms
'Racial Problems'
WASHINGTON, June 1.-(/P-The
Dies Committee sought to show to-
day that Maj. Gen. George Van Horn
Moseley, retired, "pleaded the cause
of Hitler" in a speech delivered after
Hans Luther, former German Am-
bassador, visited him at his home in
With the impatient General seated
on the witness stand, extracts from
the speech, delivered at Philadelphia,
March 28, 1939, were read to him by
Rhea Whitley, committee counsel.
In the address, Moseley said that
in the course of a 15-minute conver-
sation, Luther told him that Hitler
"desired .peace" but that Germany
must have "elbow room"' and that
"the powers must not interfere."
Hitler Guarantees Borders
Of Yugoslavia With Toast
BERLIN, June 1.-(P)-Adolf Hit-
ler guaranteed Yugoslavia's borders
#rr erl#- . e nn__Yv __ a-*_- _ AiI
New Baseball Captain
* *
Charley Pink
Elected Head
Of 1940 ine
Wolverine Outfielder Was
Team's Leading Batter
With Average Of .377
Charley Pink, recently proclaimed
by Coach Ray Fisher "the best lead-
off man I have ever had," was elected
captain of the 1940 Varsity baseball
team by his 'letter-winning team
mates, it was announced last night
at the annual meeting of the M Club
held at the Michigan Union.
The blond-haired outfielder, whose
speed, keen batting eye and deft
bunting skill enabled him to reach
base 65 times in 131 trips to the plate
and justify his coach's enthusiastic
praise, was the Wolverines' leading
batter this season with an average
of .377.
Pink came to Michigan from
Northwestern High School in De-
troit where he distinguished himself
in three sports. Charley was selected
on the Michigan all-state basket-
ball team for two years and was also
chosen on the all-city baseball and
football teams in his last year in high
Upon entering Michigan, Pink pro-
(continued on Page 3)
End Of Strike
In Detroit Seen
Both Sides Are To Accept
Mediator's Proposals
DETROIT, June 1.-(P)-Federal
Conciliator James F. Dewey made
public tonight his recommendations
on 28 grievances the CIO division of
the United Automobile Workers
Union blamed for causing a strike
that has closed seven plants of the
Briggs Manufacturing Co. here and
thrown more than 70,000 men out
of work.
The recommendations, which the
union and management agreed to ac-
cept, cleared the way for a conference
tomorrow to discuss terms of a new
contract under which the plants could
resume production.
Of the 28 grievances. Dewey's
recommendations settled 15 in favor
of the union and five in favor of
the company. Three were left to the
jurisdiction of the National Labor
Relations Board and five others, in-
volving wage disputes, were left for
settlement in contract negotiations.
Jewish Refugees
RepulsedIn Cuba
HAVANA, Cuba, June 1.-(P)-A
tragic shipload of 917 German Jewish
refugees tonight faced return to the
land from which they fled. President
Federico Laredo Bru coupled an or-
der for their ship to leave with a
threat to use gunboats if necessar
to tow it from Cuban waters.
The presidential decree came dur-
ing a day of uncertainty in whict
the captain of the German liner St
Louis, expressing fear of a "collec-
tive suicide pact" among his refuge
passengers, sought in vain to have the
government rescind its order againsi
1onmvnw +ton
House Defeats
Townsend Bill
By 205 Votes
Pension Plan Parent Sitsf
In Gallery During Vote1
As Party Lines Breaki
97 Give Support
In FirstRoll Call
WASHINGTON, June t.-(P)-The
House booted the Townsend Old Age
Pension Bill out of the window to-
day by a 302 to 97 vote while its par-
ent, Dr. Francis E. Townsend, fidget-
ed in his gallery seat.
The roll call, generally conceded
to be an effort by the Democratic
leadership to put Republicans on the
spot, placed 55 members of the
minority party on record for the bill.
In addition, one Republican was
"paired" for the measure-meaning
that he would have voted for the
legislation had he not been paired off,
with one of its opponents.-
Republicans against the bill totalled
The Democratic majority split 40
and 194 against. Representative Bo-
land of Pennsylvania, the Demo-
cratic whip, had estimated before the
roll call that not more than 50 mem-
bers of his party would vote for the
measure. He also forecast that not
more than 75 Republicans would
favor it.
To the totals for the two principal
parties were, added the votes of two
minor party members for the bill and
one against.
The measure, described in debate
as both a "recovery program" and a
"monstrosity," would have provided
pensions up to $200 a month for per-
sons 60 years old and over. These
pensions would have been financed
by a tax on business transactions
ranging from one half of one to two
per cent.
The leadership's view that a vote
on the pension plan would embarrass
more Republicans than Democrats
was based on contentions that more
members of the minority had flirted
with the Townsend. proposal than
had Democrats.
Ruthven Announces Tea
Exclusively For Seniors
Establishing what may be an an-
nounced yesterday a special tea from
nual event, President Ruthven an-
4 to 6 p.m. next Wednesday for
seniors of all colleges.
In the past, there has always been
a tea during the senior activity week
for seniors and their families, Frank
Wilkinson, '39, activity chairman
stated, but this'is the first time that
a tea has been held exclusively for
the graduating students.
Elmer Gedeon
Signs Contract
With Senators
Elmer Gedeon, after dividing his
attention between track and baseball
for the last two years, definitely cast
his lot with the latter when he an-
nounced yesterday that he had signed
a contract with the Washington Sen-
ators. He will join the team June
8 in Cleveland, stay with them a
short time and then will probably be
farmed out to one of their minor
league affiliates.
Although it is unlikely that the
Michigan seven-letter man will re-
main long in the majors, Washing-
ton is without a regular first base-
man at present. The club released
Jim Wasdell Thursday and now has
Sam West, a converted outfielder,
playing the position. It is .more
likely that Gedeon will be farmed out
to Springfield, Senator farm in the'
class B Eastern League, or to the
Southern Association, Shattanoga
Lookouts, with whom the Nats have
a working agreement.
In making this decision, Gedeon
cut short one of the most promising
of hurdling careers. Big Ten cham-
pion in the high hurdles for the last
two years, he is co-holder of the
American indoor record of 9 sec-
onds flat for the 75-yars highs and
of 8.6 in the 70-yard highs. He has
run 14.2 for the 120-yard highs and
has been called by Charley Hoyt, a
better hurdling prospect than Bob
Osgood, 1937 Wolverine captain who
set an American record of 14 sec-
onds flat in the event.
Parley Panels
F o r Summer
Are Announced
Noted Visiting Professors
Will Address Meetings
SponsoredBy Senate
Panels on education and interna-
tional affairs will be featured at the
Summer Parley was announced Wed-
nesday by the Student Senate.
Outstanding professors visiting
here from other campuses for the
summer will be asked to speak at the
Parley to be held during the first or
second week of school, Martin Dwor-
kis, '40, member of the Senate said
Honorary faculty members who will
be on campus this summer, Dworkis
indicated, will also be invited to
speak at the Parley, which like the
Spring Parley, is to be held with the
cooperation of the office of the coun-
selor of religious education.
A committee has been appointed
to arrange details and to work with
Dr. Blakeman, counselor of religious
education, Dworkis said.
With 79
Aboard In
Dive Off English
Five Advisers
For New Hals
Are Announced
The appointment of five resident
dvisers for the Union group of resi-
lence halls for "1939-40, was an-
Lounced yesterday by Prof. Karl Litz-
nberg, director of residence halls.
Resident advisers who will super-
ise the work of all student proctors
nd act as personal counselors are:
rof. Sumner B. Meyers, of the De-
artment of Mathematics who has re-
eived A.B., M.A., and Ph.D. degrees'
rorm Harvard; Charles H. Peake,
eaching fellow in English who holds
L.B. and M.A. degrees from the
niversity; Arthur R. Kooker, teach-
ng fellow in history who also re-
eived B.A. and M.A. degrees from
he University; Roger H. Gillette,
nstructor in chemistry, with B.A.,
&.A. and Ph.D. degrees from the
niversity of Wisconsin; and John
krthos, instructor in and honors tu-
or in the Department of English who
as received an A.B. degree from
)artmouth College and A.M. and
h.D. degrees from Harvard.
As members of the faculty the
esident advisers will attempt to
chieve a correlation between the
ormal education of the classroom
nd the informal education in group
iving in the residence halls, Profes-
or Litzenberg stated. Although the
esident advisers are in general
harge of discipline in the houses, he
dded, they shall delegate to the stu-
lent government aas much authority
n matters of discipline as the stu-
lent government will accept.
Suit Challenges
Gov. Dickinson
Right To Hold Governor's
DETROIT, June 1.-(P)-A circuit
ourt suit today challenged the con-
stitutionality of the revised civil
ervice act and contended that Luren
D. Dickinson has no right to the of-
fice of governor.
The plaintiff is Wiliam P. Long, a
Detroit attorney who stood at the
head of eligibility lists for legal work
with the State Unemployment Com-
pensation Commission and the Public
Service Commission when the old
ivil service act was signed.
Long contends that Dickinson, as
ieutenant governor, had authority
Dnly to appoint a successor to the
ate Gov. Frank D.Fitzgerald, and
that his signature on the revised civil
service bill is illegal.
He also maintains that the state
egislature is forbiddenhby the state
constitution to change the original
purpose of any measure during its
course through the two houses. This
bill, Long claims, "was so altered and
amended that its purpose became the
destruction of civil service in fact,
though not in name."
Squtalus Lifting
Work Continues
Launching Of Sister Ship
Will Be Private Affair
-As the tedious and dangerous task
preparatory to raising the sunk-
en submarine Squalus progressed
smoothly tonight, Navy officials an-
nounced that the launching of a
sister submarine, the Searaven, or
June 21 would be a private instead
of a public affair.
They said only Navy families, serv,
ice employes and a few guests woul
watch the new $5,000,000 craft slit
down a Portsmouth Navy Yard wal
not far from the dry-dock that await
+1 a1111,_14har 9R fipnrl
Undersea Craft Thetis Disabled
At 130-Foot Depth In Irish Sea
Collision With
Of Latest Submarine Disaster; Air Supply
Estimated Sufficient For 36 Hours.
LONDON, June 2. (Friday)-()-The glistening new submarine Thetis,
proud product of Britain's swift rearmament, lay helpless under about 130
feet of water somewhere at the bottom of the Irish Sea today with 79 men
Reports which lacked confirmation from the British Admiralty, said she
was believed to have been located by means of a checkered marker buoy shot
from the crippled undersea craft-commissioned less than three months ago
and carrying officers, seamen and the builder's technicians on a trial dive
from which she failed to emerge yesterday afternoon.
These reports of her location conflicted, but most of them indicated she
lay some 12 miles out to sea from Mersey Bar Lightship--or about 25 miles
" from Liverpool, the great west Eng-
British Submarine Sinks
Earl L. Griggs
Leaves In Fall T
For New Post
Position Is
By English
Benefactor Of Students Is Given
Farewell Fete By 50 Admirers
Prof. Earl Leslie Griggs, for 11 m
years a member of the English de-t
partment, will leave the University ts
to accept a position at the University o
of Pennsylvania starting in Septem- si
ber, he announced.
A graduate of the University of
Colorado in 1917, Professor Griggs
came here as an assistant professor t
in 1928 after receiving a master's v
degree from Columbia University and wt
a doctor's degree from the University a
of London. He has taught at the Uni-
versity of Oregon, at the University b
of Minnesota, and at summer sessions u
at Duke University and at the Uni- b
versity of Colorado.11
One of the foremost authorities
on Coleridge in this country, Profes- U
sor Griggs is the editor of the newly c
published "Wordsworth and Coler- m
idge," a collection of 13 studies deal- b
ing with recent interpretations and Ii
discoveries of the life and art of Eng- c
land's two great romanticists, which in
was recently published by the 1:
Princeton University Press.
The studies in honor of Prof.
George McLean Harper of Princeton c
were contributed to by distinguished a
scholars of America, England and g
France, among whom are Prof. C. D. c
Thorpe of the English department A
and Prof. O. J. Campbell, a former0
member of the English department
who is now teaching at Columbia i
At the present time, Professorb
Griggs is preparing two manuscriptsc
for publication: "Coleridge Fille: At
Biography of Sara Coleridge," andF
"The Unpublished Poems of Hartley4
Legislature Urged P
To Balance Budgeta
LANSING, June 1.-(P)-Governort
Dickinson said today he hoped the
legislature would return in full force
for the final adjournment sessionk
June 29 and 30 and balance the
budget, to save the state the expenset
of a special session to balance the
The Governor indicated that refu-r
sal might lead to a special session in
the hot days of July.t
He said a conference with Budget
Director Grover C. Dillman and legis-
lative leaders in his office Tuesday
would determine the procedure.
Legislative leaders have predicted
that regardless of the balancing of4
the budget a special session would beI
necessary later in the year to open
some new source of revenue-possibly
by the imposition of a nuisance tax-
to finance welfare.
Rochdale Co-Op Called
d Coeducational By Post
y Great was the surprise, chagrin,
s and amusement of Jim Vicary, presi-
. _ _ , _ -
tnd port.
More than 13 hours after the
1,638,000 submersible made her last
ive-at 1:40 p.m., British Summer
ime (7:40 a.m., E.S.T. Thursday)-
ot a word had been received from
It was feared she had collided with
>me underwater object, possibly the
=mnants of one of the many wrecked
ips which strew the bottom of the
ma in the vicinity, and disabled her
ectrical apparatus.
Naval experts estimated she con-
wined sufficient air to stay sub-
erged 36 hours, but more than a
bird of that time had been used up
hortly before the first grey streaks
f morning split the sky over Mersey-
Life Saving Devices Aboard
Presumably all, or nearly all aboard
he Thetis were equipped with indi-
idual Davis life saving devices which
ould be used as a last resort in an
ttempt to send them to the surface
rom escape hatches, But observers
elieved no attempt would be made to
se this method of self-rescue until
road daylight when the survivors
ould be picked up easily.
Representatives of Cammell Laird,
td., the builders, and other unoffi-
ial sources reported the submarine's
narker buoy had been sighted by
oth planes and surface vessels be-
onging to the vast rescue fleet which
hurned the Irish Sea all night long
n a ghostly light of flares, search-
ights and rockets.
No Official Confirmation
"No news has been received of a
lefinite location of 'the submarine
Lnd any reports indicating or sug-
esting her location are entirely with-
ut official confirmation," said the
Admiralty in a statement at 3:20 a.m.
(9:20 p.m. E.S.T., Thursday).
Previously the Admiralty had said
t lacked verification of a report that
he submarine's buoy had been sighted
by an airplane just before darkness
closed in last night. This report said
the buoy was seen off Great Ormes
Head, a promontory in the Irish Sea
40 miles west of Liverpool. The Ad-
miralty said surface craft searching
that area failed to confirm the re-
The Admiralty's later statement
also apparently applied to an an-
nouncement by S. Woodward, secre-
tary of Cammell Laird, Ltd., to rela-
tives of men aboard the missing ship..-
Marker Buoy Found
Woodward said the submarine had
been,located by a marker buoy but
said he could not describe the loca-
Yet other unconfirmed reports told
of surface craft finding a buoy 25
miles west of Liverpool, and a patch
of oil and a lifebelt in the same loca-
Meanwhile, men-of-war, subma-
rines, anti-submarine vessels equipped
with secret detector devices to locate
submerged ships and Royal Air Force
planes searched the sea off the mouth
of the Mersey River and the rugged
north Welsh coast.
Murphy Criticizes
WASHINGTON, June 1.-(MP)-At-
torney General Murphy criticized the
legal profession today for a tendency
to "become a trade or specialty in
which the object is mainly to provide
1ipdC.rvir ac nid avie_ in large
Horace G Johnson, friend and benefactor of many University students,
was given a farewell party this week as he prepared to close his "little
fraternity" on Olivia street and move to Detroit. Shown above are
University men who have been members of "Johnny's" fraternity this
year. From left to right: Albert Kruger, '39; Herbert Wilson, '39; Werner
Wulf, '40E; James Rogers, '42; Gene Neudeck, '39; and Morris Minton,
'39. Missing is Ralph Heikkenin, '39, who was unable to attend.
* **
They gave a farewell party for
Horace G. Johnson this week.
After more than seven years in
Ann Arbor, the man who has helped
dozens of students through school,
has provided a home for others, and
who has engraved a permanent place
in the hearts of all his friends is go-
ing to make his residence in Detroit.
That is why half a hundred of Mr.
For seven years Mr. Johnson has'
been helping students obtain their
University education. He has loaned
them money; he has offered them
room and board in an excellent home
at a minimum of cost; and he has
given them an opportunity to work
and earn their living expenses here.
Now he is going to live in Detroit,
and students in every class, former