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February 24, 1939 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-02-24

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Snow flurries and slightly cold-
er today; fair tomorrow.


sir igan


In Medicine ,



Student Senate
Spring Voting
Is Announced
Petitions Will Be Received
March 20 To 24, Magdol,
Election Head, Declares
16 Will Be Chosen
At Polls March 31
The Student Senate will conduct its
semi-annual election of 16 Senators
Friday, March 31, Edward Magdol,
'39, director of elections, announced
Petitions for candidacy in the bal-
lotting to this all-campus represen-
tative body will be accepted the week
of March 20, in Lane Hall, Magdol
explained. Applications should con-
tain signatures of five students, a
party name not to exceed three words,
and should be accompaned by a 50-
cent filing fee plus a University cer-
tificate of eligibility.
Founded Last Year
The Student Senate, founded last
spring to serve as a sounding board
of campus opinion on all matters af-
fecting Michigan students, drew 2,106
voters to the polls in its fall election
and Magdol predicted that the March
turnout would be larger yet.
In the election, the Hare system of
proportional representation with the
single transferable vote will be em-
ployed in an effort to obtain a true
cross section of student thought.
The 16 Student Senators, who were
elected last spring, and whose terms
expire March 30 are: President Tom
Adams, '40; Allen Braun, '40; Charles
Buck, '40; Louis Grossman, '40; Mar-
van Reider, '39; Seymour Spelman,
'39; Horace Gilmore, '39; Harold
Ossepow, '39; Charles Quarles, '39;
Vice-President Joseph Gies, '39;
Charles Kistler, '39; Norman Kewley,
'40E; Eliot Robinson, '39; bharles
Erwin, '40E; Philip Westbrook, '40
and Don Treadwell, '40.
Reelection Posts Open
These students may run for re-
election, Magdol said. He urged all
campus groups and organized units
of expression to nominate candidates
so that a more adequate picture of
the campus may be represented at
the Senate meetings.
The Student Senate has initiated
a program of educational investiga-
tion and study in an attempt to pro-
mote constructive changes in the
University curriculum by student
evaluation and criticism, as its prin-
cipal project for the new semester.
Two Men Paint
Jewish Houses
With Swastias
Unidentified Visitors Seen
Here Early Wednesday
By Men In Fraternity
Two unidentified men, believed to
be pranksters, painted three-foot
swastikas on the doors of three Jew-
sli fraternity houses at 3:30 a.m.
Wednesday, The Daily learned yes-
The men, dressed in solid-color
mackinaws, were seen walking from
one house by two of the fraternity

members. Hearing noises on the front
porch, they had gone to investigate
and saw the men from a front win-
Drops of paint were traced a short
distance down the street, where they
ended suddenly. This was taken as
indication that the men had a car
waiting. It could not be determined
whether they were students. The
swastika was not discovered until
The three houses called the police
and asked that the vandals be sought.
No evidence as to their identity had
been found last night.
One fraternity ventured the belief
that this manifestation of anti-
Semitism was more than a prank,
(Continued On Page 2)
Daily Tryouts
Contrary to previous announce-
ments, tryouts for the Daily edi-
torial, sports and women's staffs
will not meet in the Student Publi-
cations Building at 4 p.m. Monday.
Tryouts will meet at the same time

Sheen To Give
Catholic View
Of Deity Today

Author, Scholar, Orator
Speaks In Second
Of SRA Series
The Rt. Rev. Msgr. Fulton J. Sheen,
aoted Catholic lecturer and author,
will deliver the second in a series of
lectures on "The Existence and Nature
of God" at 8 :15 p.m. today in the
Graduate School Auditorium.
Continuing the series begun last
Saturday by Bertrand Russell, Mon-
signor Sheen will present the ortho-
dox and historical position of religion
concerning the existence of God.
Father Sheen is heard Sunday eve-
nings regularly on the Catholic Hour.
He has studied in Louvain, Belgium,
where he won the Cardinal Mercier
prize of Philosophy, in Rome, and
England. Father Sheen returned to
the United States in 1926 to become
Professor of Philosophy at the Catho-
lic University of America.
In addition to his scholastic and
oratorical achievements, Monsignor
Sheen has written several well-
known books on the philosophy of
religion. His book entitled, "God and
Intelligence" is concerned with the
problem of the use of reason in deal-
ing with the existence of God, and
is closely connected with the topic
of his speech today.
Annual Frosh
Activities Meet
Attracts 400
Nearly 400 activities-minded stu-
dents attended the Union activities
smoker held from 8 to 10 p.m. yester-
day in the main ballroom of the
Union. The smoker was primarily for
the purpose of acquainting students,
interested in entering the various ex-
tra-curricular activities offered on the
campus, with the nature of these or-
The smoker was highlighted by a
series of short talks given by lead-
ers in various campus organizations
and societies briefly outlining the
charcteristics and problems of their
respective fields. Among the speak-
ers were, Robert Hartwell, '39, presi-
dent of the independent men's Con-
gress, Robert Mitchell, '39, managing
editor of The Daily, Phil Buchen, '39,
business manager of The Daily, and
numerous representatives of other
campus publications and organiza-
tions. Robert Canning, '39, head
cheer leader and secretary of the In-
terfraternity Council, acted as mas-
ter of ceremonies.
Following the series of talks a pe-
riod was allotted to permit discus-
sions between the-students and the
activities representatives.
Dr. Heller To Give
Last Talk Today
Dr. Bernard Heller will deliver his
last sermon before retiring into pri-
vate life at 7:15 p.m. today following
the weekly Sabbath Service in the
Hillel Foundation. His subject will
be "The True and Alleged Meaning
of the Chosen People Doctrine."
In his talk, Dr. Heller, who recent-
ly resigned as director of the Hillel
Foundation after serving nine years,
will take up false interpretations
given to the "chosen people doctrine"
by H. G. Wells, George Bernard
Shaw and Father Coughlin.

Job Experts
Will Counsel
Students Here
Business Leaders To Sift
Current Job Problems
CommencingMarch 20
Appointment Bureau
Business leaders and personnel ex-
.perts from all parts of the nation will
travel here next month to tell stu-
dents what they may expect of the
business world and what the business
world expects from them in the way
of jobs.
The occasion will be the Univers-
ity's annual Guidance and Occupa-
tional Information Conference to be
held from March 20 to March 25.
Sponsored by the University Bureau
of Appointments and Occupational
Information in conjunction with a
student committee composed of
Marcia Connell, '39, League repre-
sentative, and Don Treadwell, '40,
Union representative, the conference
sprang from student demand for
first-hand information on the per-
sonal qualifications and technical
training required for success in vari-
ous vocations.
Counsels Many Students
Through the Bureau, the Univers-
Lty each year counsels several hun-
dred students concerning job require-
ments and opportunities, places grad-
uates and alumni through nation-
wide employer contacts and gives
students vocational advice on the basis
of personality, intelligence, aptitude
and interest patterns determined by
"During the conference, the Uni-
versity attempts to furnish students
a realistic picture of various occupa-
tions in government, business and
industry through a series of discus-
sions by leaders in these fields," Dr.
Purdom declared.
Need Information
"We feel that students particular-
ly need first hand information about
the beginning jobs they will be re-
quired to fill, and what avenues of
promotion there may be through
these jobs to ultimate positions of
responsibility. The importance of per-
sonal qualifications and attitudes,
the training required and the com-
mon mistakes of workers in the field
are also vital," he emphasized.
Scheduled in the order of student
interest as determined by a recent
poll conducted by the Bureau of Stu-
dent Opion, the vocations will be
discussed a follows:
Monday, March 20: Government
and Politics, 7:30 p.m.
Tuesday, March 21: Social Service,
4:15 p.m.; Research, 4:15 p.m.; Home
Management and Related Occupa-
tions, 7:30 p.m.; Plant Management,
7:30 p.m.
Wednesday, March 22: Fashion,
(Continued on Page 2)
Find NYA Aid
State Official And Local
Director HitApathy
Student apathy toward the ques-
tion of NYA jobs, their importance
and the necessity for their continu-
ance, will be to blame in a large de-
gree if student aid appropriations are
cut, A. H. Robertson, state adminis-

trator of NYA and Harold S. Ander-
son, director of NYA for the Uni-
versity, both emphasized last night at
a forum in the Michigan League held
under the auspices of the American
Student Union.
Educators throughout the state
unanimously favor the student relief
program, Mr, Robertson said, regard-
less of what political views they may
hold. It is up to the students, how-
ever, to indicate to their individual
senators and congressmen how im-
portant the NYA is to them, he added.
The cut appropriations in the Em-
ergency Relief Bill will not have any
effect on Michigan NYA since the
allotment has already been made
through July, Mr. Robertson ex-
plained, but it iscertain that expres-
sions of opinion particularly from
students will have an effect in deter-
mining the amount of the appropria-
tion in subsequent bills.
There are about 1,100 students
with NYA jobs at the University, Mr.
Anderson pointed out and it is prob-
able that all those desiring jobs will


President Of Beirut, Syria,
University, Will Present
Illustrated Talk At Union
Bayard Dodge, president of the
American University in Beirut, Syria,
will talk on the "Near East Renais-
sance" at a luncheon at 12:15 p.m.
today in the small ballroom of the
Union. Dr. Dodge is here for a two-
day visit as guest of the Interna-
tional Center.
Movies in technicolor that Dr.
Dodge has taken of the American
University will be shown by him at
4:15 p.m. in the main ballroom of the
Union. Pictures of some other col-
leges that are members of the Near
Eastern College Association will also
be shown, especially Robert College,
which has sent students to the Uni-
versity for many years.There will be
no admission charge for the movies
and students, faculty and residents
of Ann Arbor are invited to attend.
Dr. Dodge will devote Saturday to
interviewing students interested in
spending their junior year at Beirut
as exchange students. At 5:45 p.m.
Saturday he will speak over' radio

station WJR on "American Educa-
tion in the Near East."
In his talk today on the Near East
Renaissance, Dr. Dodge will discuss
the cultural awakening in that part
of the world. He will tell how, as the
Washington Post recently put it,
"The Near East is going Western
lickety-split." Not only the material
changes that industry is making, but
also the widespread social adjust-
ments will be considered.
Dr. Dodge first visited Beirut in
the course of a year's trip around the
world after graduating from Prince-
ton in 1909. Later, becoming inter-
ested in social work in the Near East,
he planned to teach at Beirut to learn
the land and the language, and then
go into the interior to work among
the natives. The war changed this,
however, keeping Dodge working hard
in Beirut. Then came the death of
the president of the college, Dr.
Howard S.. Bliss, and in 1923, Dr.
Dodge, then only 35 years old, was
made president.
Dr. Dodge accepts no salary for his
position. His trips to America every
few years are made at his own ex-
pense. He lives on the campus in the
sort of house that may be rented
for $50 a month in Beirut.

Bayard Dodge To Speak Today
On The Near East Renaissance

Regent Candidate

Former Michigan Football
Mentor Gets Candidacy
After Hot Floor Fight
Heikkineni Stumps
For Kipke Rival


Harry Kipke Gets
GOP Nomination
For Regents Post

Twenty Pass
Physical Test
For Air Class
Janke Among Select Few
Picked By Army Men
For Flight Instruction
Fred Janke, captain of last year's
football team, headed the list of 20
students who were assured of a place
in the new flight training program
when they passed final physical ex-
aminations by army flight surgeons,
the University areonautical engineer-
ing department announced.
The students, who will receive a
minimum of 35 hours of flight in-
structon in addition to ground school
work, are to begin training Monday
at both the Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti1
Thirteen of the students are en-
gineers, while only three are in the
literary college. Two are architects,j
one is a forester, and one a lawyer. A
large majority of them are seniors.
The engineers are Robert C. Hoag,;
'39E; James E. Crawford, '39E; Daniel1
Grudin, '39E; Donald R. Knapp, '39E;l
Fredrick A. Maxam, '39E; Donald H.
Shiley, '39E; Samuel Taubman, '39E;1
Karl J. Wein, '39E; Leo A. Weiss,
'39E; Harry C. Matteson, 41E;
Broughton L. Van Veen, '41E; and1
John P. Vivian, jr., '42E.c
Others named were William K. Ze-1
wadski, '39; John Ohrt, '40; John
H. Overton, '40; Clifford W. James;
Byrl F. Schaubert, '40F&C; G. Henry
Van Veen, '41A and George H. Ca-
ruthers, '42.
If the test plan, which is beingt
sponsored by the' Civil Aeronautics
Authority, proves successful on the 13
college campuses where it is being
tried this semester, it will be extended
to train 20,000 students as pilots for
a huge military air reserve. The
training program was a part of the
President's message to Congress on
the nation's defense and is in line
with the national rearmaments pro-
gram. a
Murphy Appoints
Judicial Committee'
WASHINGTON, Feb. 23-A)-At-
torney General Frank Murphy, at the
direction of President Roosevelt, ap-
pointed a committee today to study
practices of quasi-judicial federal
agencies and recommend improve-
ments in their procedure.
Murphy had informed the Chief
Executive that the Justice Depart-
ment's experience in attempting to
uphold the validity of decisions by
such agencies had shown there was
"need for procedural reform in the
field of administrative law."
No specific case was mentioned in
today's announcement, but it was.
recalled that the Supreme Court
sharply criticized last April the pro-
cedure Secretary Wallace followed in
the Kansas City Stockyards Case.
Dr. Wessel, Personnel
Director, Goes To Tufts
Dr. Nils Y. Wessell, Director of the

Gophers Blank
Hockey Team
To Clinch Series
Absence Of Stodden Slowsj
Michigan Six; Minnesota
Speed Is Decisive Factor
Bert Stodden, varsity defense-1
man, was operated on yesterday;
in Minneapolis, and as a result1
did not participate in last night's
hockey game between Minnesota
and Michigan,. Stodden was
struck by a sudden attack of ap-
pendicitis and was immediately
rushed to the hospital.
MNNEAPOLIS, Minn., Feb. 23
(Special to The Daily)-Minnesota's
powerful sextet tonight defeated a
hard skating, game, but tired Michi-
gan hockey team 7-0. This victory
marked their third win over Michi-
gan and clinches the conference title
for the Gophers.
The Gopher hockey combination of
St. Vincent, Paulsen, Kenny Ander-
son, and Mariucci, dominated the
play throughout the game. Michigan,
however, playing without Stodden,
star defense man who is in the hos-
pital, kept fighting to the finish.
The first scoring of the game came,
about half way through the first
period with St. Vincent hitting pay
dirt unassisted. Michigan's scoring
threats were all stopped at the blue
line as the Gopier defense tightened.-
Although Minnesota scored three
goals in the second period, Michigan,
led by the flashy skating of George
Cooke, right wing, started to break
through the Gopher defense and1
made its first serious scoring threat.
Minnesota's score came shortly af-
(Continued on Page 3)
Schedule Drive
For Senior Dues
Collections To Be Made
ThursdayAnd Friday
A drive to collect unpaid senior
dues will be undertaken next Thurs-
day and Friday, it was announced
yesterday by Robert O. Morgan, alum-
ni secretary. Collection booths will
be placed in the lobby of Angell Hall,
University Hall, the League and Union
lobbies and in the main library.
The major portion of these class
dues, Morgan said, will be expended
to perpetuate the class organization
in tli "alumni university." Among
the uses of the fund established will
be to organize reunions and to main-
tain contact between graduates and
the University.
A "senior night" will be held in the
near future in the League ballroom,
it was announced yesterday by class
officials. The affair will be held in
conjunction with the regular League
weekend dance, with emphasis on
honoring the graduating senior class.
Robert Canning, '39, secretary of the
Interfraternity Council and head
cheer leader, will act as master of
Pharmacists Elect Phillips
aTn"a7i- sn C 9 1'4 s

Capitalist Ball Officials
Seek Lloyds' Backing
Lloyds of London, international
insurance house, is being contacted
by members of the central commit-
tee of the Capitalist Ball to insure
the social function against possible
financial loss, it was learned yester-
The philanthropic nature of the
undertaking, according to Gilbert
Phares, '40BAd, was responsible for
this move. "Our sole objective," he
said, "is to give the students a fine
time at a reasonable price."
"Social Security for Everyone on
Campus" is the theme of the promo-
tional campaign, with tickets being
numbered in the style of social secur-
ity cards..
Cin der Squad
Has Advantage
In Irish Meet
Michigan And Notre Dame
To Resume Hostilities
After Lapse Of 20 Years
Michigan's powerful track team,
shorn of some of its power by illness,
but still a strong favorite to win, will
meet Notre Dame at 7:30 p.m. today
at Yost Field House in the resump-
tion of a track rivalry that has lain
dormant for a score of years.
Michigan last met Notre Dame in
a dual meet in 1919. Tonight's meet-
ing will be the eleventh in a series
that stands at a 9-1 margin for the
Michigan, on the basis of a 77-18
rout of a Michigan State track team
that Notre Dame defeated 65-30, and
because of its impressive showing at
the Illinois Relays last Saturday,
should win handily. Coach John Nich-
olson of the Irish says Charlie Hoyt's
men "should win by 20 points" as he
believes Michigan could beat the com-
bined forces of Notre Dame and any
other two teams in the middle west.
Coach Hoyt, however, while con-
fident his team will come through
with a victory, is bothered somewhat
by the "mystery" flu disease which
has affected several of his Wolverine
mainstays. The squad list which he
has posted for tonight's meet will, as
a result, be somewhat tentative as
Hoyt doesn't know who will turn up
in condition to compete.
The feature event on the program
is the two-mile race between Ramblin'
Ralph Schwarzkopf of the Wolverines
and Notre Dame's captain, Greg Rice.
Rice, only five fot six and the short-
est major distance star in the coun-
try, bias beaten the Michigan ace
three times, over the one-mile, two-
(Continued on Page 3)
Technic Announces
Cover Photo Contest
In search of new cover ideas, the
Technic has announced a Cover Pho-
to Contest, with prizes ranging from
$1 to $10 for winning entries.
There are no restrictions as to sub-
ject matter, and all entries should be
approximately 8x102 in size,_J. An-

FLINT, Feb. 23.- (Special to The
Daily)--Squat, sun-tanned Harry G.
Kipke today seemed certain of a tri-
umphal return to the University
which in 1937 discharged him as head
football coach, after a floor rebellion
against machine control of the Re-
publican convention gave him over
1,000 votes to the 400 polled by Al-
fred Connable, opposition candidate.
Political observers here concede a
GOP victory in the April election.
It was the expected conclusion to a
battle which party leaders had at-
tempted to keep off the floor with
requests that Connable withdraw. The
Ann Arbor man's refusal led to a roll
call that provided the main interest
in an otherwise cut-and-dried con-
Vote Attempt Backfires
The dramatic climax to back-stage
jockeying was high-lighted when an
attempt to vote the large Genesee
delegation, supposedly McKeighan-
controlled, as a unit, backfired. A
challenger with credentials in per-
feet order survived inspection and
put through a delegate-by-delegate
vote which ended with McKeighan
one of the best known Republican
figures in the state, controlling only
33 of more than 60 delegates.
Kipke was assured of the election
when a revolt against Edward Bar-
nard's Wayne County delegation of
407 fell through after no leader could
be found. Barnard's power added to
Frank McKay's large Kent County
delegation, what power McKeighan
had in the show-down and Upper
Peninsula support which was solid
with the exception of a single vote-
that of Ralph Heikkinen, '39, anti-
Kipke leader--gave the former head
football coach an easy victory.
Kipke Sure To Win
Newspapermen reported early Wed-
nesday morning that Kipke was sure
to win. Connable, after consultation
with his supporters late Wednesday
night, decided against withdrawal de-
spite the certainty that he would lose.
Immediately after, it was learned un-
officially, that supporters of Joseph
J. Herbert of Manistique, who had
solid Upper Peninsula support, were
aiding Kipke in return for assurance
that Herbert would have Wayne and
Kent voting strength.
An abortive conference working to
break up the Wayne block failed to
provide the necessary spark-plug, and
as Clark MacKenzie, Kalamazoo
(Continued on Page 2)
Webb To Tall'
A tUnon Today
Former Franco Prisoner
To Address ASU


Mitchell Webb, an American who
spent, six months in a Franco con-
centration camp and who is now sec-
retary of the Committee for Medical
Aid to Spain in Detroit, will be the
main speaker at the "Lift the Em-
bargo" meetng to be held under the
auspices of the American Student
Union at 4 p.m. today in the north
lounge of the Union.
As a feature of this meeting, which
is part of a nation-wide demonstra-
tion protesting the arms embargo on.
Loyalist Spain, a parchment scroll
setting forth the protest will be signed
by faculty members and students. The
scroll which will be on exhibit for a
short time at the Library, to enable
others to sign, is to be sent to Wash-
Arthur Klein, '39, a member of
Play Production, will read a three-
minute tribute to the Americans who
died fighting for Spain, written by
Ernest Hemingway.
Elman Service, '39, who recently re-
turned from Spain where he fought
with the Abraham Lincoln Brigade,
will be honorary chairman of the

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