JOE -1f- 1939 THE MICHIGAN DILY PAGE mv ......-. Democracies Tighten Policy --Slosson N1 'Ii J LT 17C By HERVIE HAUFLER France and Great Britain believe that the only course open to them since the collapse of appeasement is to scare the dictators into good be- havior, Prof. Preston Slosson of the history department, who has been traveling in Europe since last sum- mer, writes in another of his letters received here. It is very significant, he believes, that Britain has adopted conscrip- tion in time of peace-a measure I DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued on Page 4) Jeges and departments in the Univer- sity. Exceptions will not be made for students who complete their work in advance of the last day of class ex- aminations. All students in the foi- lowing departments will be required to adhere strictly to this schedule. College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: All classes. Tuesday, June 13, at 12 noon. College of Architecture: All classes. Tuesday, June 13, at 12 noon. School of Business Administration: All classes. Tuesday, June 13, at 12 noon. School of Education: All classes: Tuesday, June 13, at 12 noon. School of Engineering: All- classes, Tuesday, .June 13, at 12 noon. School of Forestry: All classes. Tuesday, June 13, at 12 noon. School of Music: All classes. Tues- day, June 13, at 12 noon, College of Pharmacy: All classes. Tuesday, June 13, at 12 noon. School of Dentistry: Freshman class; Wednesday, June 7, at 12 noon. Sophomore class; Saturday, June 3, at 11 a.m. Junior class; Friday, June 2, at 11 a.m Senior class; Friday, June 2, at 10 a.m. Hygienists; Thursday, June 8, at 12 noon. Law School: Freshman class; Tuesday, June 6, at 12 noon. Junior class; Wednesday, June 7, at 11:30 a.m. Senior class; Wednesday, June 7, at 11:30 a.m. Medical School: Freshman class; Thursday, June 8, at 12 noon. Sophomore class; Saturday, June 10, at 12 noon, Junior class; Saturday, June 10, at 12 noon. Senior class; Saturday, June 3, at 12 noon, Graduate School: All classes, Tuesday, June 13, at 12 noon. Candidates for Masters' Degree; Tuesday, June 13, at 12 noon. Candidates for Doctors' Degree; Friday, June 2, at 5 p.m. Office of the Dean of Students. To the Members of the Faculty of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: The eighth regular meeting of the Faculty of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts for the academ- ic session of 1938-1939 will be held in Room 1025 Angell Hall, June 5, 1939, at 4:10 p.m. The reports of the various commit- that she refused to do for two years in the World War; and it is even more significant that opposition to the move has been so perfunctory. "The Liberals and Laborites," he observes, "have uttered grave words of reproach against Chamberlain for so abruptly repudiating his promises not to introduce conscription with- out ample advance notice and a chance for the people to approve the plan; but on the plan itself they say significantly little." The ring of defensive alliances which Chamberlain is building up and his turning to conscription, Pro- fessor Slosson explains, are proofs that he was, during the appeasement era, neither a pro-Fascist seeking to use Germany and Italy against Rus- sia, as some bitter radicals said, nor tees except that of the Senate Ad- visory Committee on University Af- fairs, instead of being read orally at the meeting have been prepared in, advance and are included with this call to the meeting. They should be retained in your files as part of the minutes of the June meeting. The Registrar's Office desires to remind the members of the Faculty that it is quite imperative that the grades of seniors be reported within 48 hours after each examination has been held. This is necessary in or- der that the office may be able to complete its list of seniors for pre- sentation to the Regents prior to Commencement. The office also will greatly appreciate it if the other re- ports of students' grades are made within five days after the examina- tions are conducted. It is further recommended that grades of I and X be used more spar- ingly than in the past. At present a pacifist seeking peace at any price. Professor Slosson believes, instead, that Chamberlain was "merely a busi- ness man striking a bargain with a rival concern, Hitler, Mussolini and Co., to avert an unprofitable struggle. Having failed, he turns to competition again, and makes his bargains in other markets. "Like some other businesa men he is cold-blooded and it apparently oc- casions him little remorse that he has traded away the securities be- longing to the small firms of China, Spain, Ethiopia, Austria, Czechoslo- vakia, Albania." He is not unpopular, Professor Slos- son believes, even among those who have the right to say "I told you so" to him-including the anti-German wing of the Conservatives as well as the Liberals and Laborites. Chamberlain has, however, "noth- ing like the prestige that Roosevelt has over here. Just now Britain and France seem to admire Roosevelt more than any other man living." about 8-10 per cent of prospective graduates and about 600 non-grad- uates generally receive grades of I and X. This relatively large number mkes it difficult for the Administra- tive Board, the various counselors, and the Registrar's Office to evaluate the work of the students concerned. The Registrar's Office has asked me to express to the members of the Faculty its appreciation for the promptness with which grades have been reported in the past, and it is confident that this cooperation will continue during the current exam- ination period. Edward H. Kraus. Agenda 1. Adoption of the minutes of the (Continued on Page 4) I With 1940 presidential hopefuls taking soundings in Washington and elsewhere, former President Herbert Hoover went fishing-for trout,- at Kennebago Lake, Me. He is shown here with one of his ten fish. He said "It was a perfect afternoon." The Michigan Graduate Seeking Professional and Social Contacts in His New Home Joins a University of Miehigan Club Following are the Secretaries of these Clubs. Contact them when you arrive at your new home: Waterloo, Ia. - Frank W. Edwards, '06 1, 601-2 Com- mercial National Bldg., Waterloo, Ia. West Central Ohio District - James H. Backus, '26, 818 W. Spring St., Lima, O. West Palm Beach, Fla. - Lloyd H. Fenno, '20-'21, m'21-'23, Court House, Drawer B2. Wheeling, W. Va. - William P. Welker, p'97-'99, Wheeling Dollar Savings and Trust Co. Wichita, Kan. - Fred Hinkle, '141, Schweiter Bldg. Worcester, Mass. - Irwin T. Bailey, '36, M.B.A. '38, 21 Oread St. Youngstown, O. - Kenneth M. Lloyd, '30, '321, Mahon- ing Valley Industrial Council, 800 Union National Bank Bldg. Jacksonville, Fla. - Charles H. Murchison, '21, 1215 Barnett Bldg. Manistique, Mich. -J. Joseph Herbert, '15, '17 1, Manistique Bank Bldg. Newberry, Mich. - Dr. A. L. Swanson, '25d, Newberry St. Petersburg, Fla. - Merle E. Rudy, '12 1, 209 Central National Bank Bldg. Sioux Falls, S.D. - Howard J. Bauch, '29, 820 South Summit Ave. ALUMXNI AS SOCIATION ALUMNI MEMORIAL HALL SENIORS - Tear out this clipping and save it for next year's use. See our ads in the Saturday, May 27 and Tues., May 30 issues of the Daily for the other names and addresses. In flowing gown, Miss Frances Norfleet Moses of Little Rock, Ark., is shown reviewing midshipmen at the United States Naval Academy, dur- ing rehearsal of the annual ceremony of presentation of the colors. With Miss Moses, chosen as "Color Girl" for this year's June week, is her escort, Midshipman Captain Benjamin Campbell Jarvis, of Ferda, Ark. Max Baer strikes a pose, chews a penholder and gets that faraway look in his eye as he regards Max, Jr., and writes "I'm going to win, kid" from his training camp near New York. Max will meet Lou Nova in New York as he tries the comeback trail. Johnny Weissmuller, of the movies and swimming pools, gave Miss Beryl Scott, San Francisco society girl, this possessive glance in New York as they announced they would be married July 12-the day his divorce from Lupe Velez becomes final. L - .WI or TRADE for When anyone mentions the wog "sneeze" to Patricia Langan, 20, she is helpless to resist a resoundijg a-a-choooo." The girl said she went to Oakland, Calif., from her hoepe in Lincoln, Neb., because everyone she knew tested her. Although practically all hope was abandoned for Thomas H. Smith, young flier who took off from Old Orchard, Me., in a light plane, with Europe as his destination, his parents sat by their radio at Clarksburg, W.Va. hoping for some word. The flier's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Smith. O A Fair Valuation Always II It Will Pay You To Sell Your Books to I :. . _ .... .. . ._ .i rc .:w.