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May 30, 1939 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-05-30

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TUESDAY, MAY 30, 1939


Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Studint Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Sumrn r Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
right of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matte.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier.
$4,00; by mail, $4.50.
National ,Advertising Service, inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938-39

Editorial Staff
Managing Editor . .
City Editor . . .
Editorial Director. .
A ciate Editor . .
Associate Editor .
Associate Editor ,
Associate Editor . .
Associat1e Editor ,
Sports Editor . ..
Women's Editor . .
Business Stafff
Business Manager .
Credits Manager . .
Women's Business Manager
Women's Advertising Manager.
Publication Manager .

. Carl Petersen
Stan M. Swinton
Elliott Maraiss
. Jack Canavan
Dennis Flanagan
Morton Linder
Norman Schorr
. Ethel Norberg
. Mel Fineberg
. Ann Vicary
. Paul R. Park
Ganson Taggart
. Jane Mowers
*Harriet Levy

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the
writers only.
The 48 States
And The Fifth Column.. ..
come through with part of the evi-
dence which we assume has long been resting in
their files, but which for some reason or other,
they have not seen fit to publish or act upon.
In exposing the treasonous ex-Major-General
Moseley, the Dies Committee has unquestionably
proven that he is an agent in this country paid
by fascist bureaus to sow the seeds of discontent
among the American people and to attempt to
overthrow the existing government.
Overthrowing our government is, of course, no
simple matter, but the fact that Moseley has
begun the work that closely parallels the activity
of "Fifth columns" in other countries-to what
extent the Dies Committee has not yet made
known-is proof there is cause for action and
that the Committee has until now been negligent,
failing miserably in carrying out investigations
which it was delegated to do.
What is probably more important in the evi-
dence against Moseley and his associates is the
tie-up which they have with certain important
members of the Republican Party. These Repub-
licans are denying any relations with Moseley,
but the evidence shows that there was corres-
pondence between them in which the Republi-
cans sent lists of their more important members
who could be contacted for assistance.
It was Republican Party men who applauded
Moseley's vicious, anti-Semitic speech in which
he advocated a program similar to that in
Germany. Are we then to assume that the Re-
publican Party has thrown its forces in support
of a group which is attacking the New Deal and
creating discontent among the American people,
at the same time preferring to disregard the
real objective of this group?
Such unscrupulous activities as these are un-
healthy to the best interests of the American
people as well as to the Republican Party and
should be ferreted out as soon as possibly by a
government authorized agency as the Dies Com-
mittee. -Bernard Dober
Social Security
Defies Attacks ...
THERE is at least one New Deal pro-
ject that has squelched much of its
opposition by proving to be a success. The Social
Security Act, now in its third year of operation,
has caused conservatives to swallow many of
their dire prophesies.
Those opposed to the Act made two salient
predictions: the reserve fund would not be large
enough by 1942 to pay all requested benefits,
and the provisions of the act .ould not cover
enough professions to accomplish the desired
ends. The progress of the Act has put both these
predictions on shaky ground.
Tabulations show that the amount taken into
the reserve fund between Jan. 1, 1937, and Dec.
31, 1938, was $966,000,000. Of this accumulated
amount only $11,000,000 was paid out in bene-
fits. These figures indicate that if the proposed
rate of gradual taxation is continued, the re-
serve fund will reach $47,000,000,000 by 1980.
However, government experts think it un-
necessary to amass such a fund. They recom-

the coverage provisions to include large scale
farming operations, domestic service, maritime
employment, service for non-profit organizations
(schools, churches, charities, etc.) and service
for federal and state governments. These
branches of work have been most often used in
illustrating the inefficiency of the Act. Govern-
ment officials estimate that if this recommenda
tion of the Board is accepted, well over 80 per
cent of the workers will be covered.
Defying the best efforts of government ex-
perts, the problems of casual labor and self-em-
ployment remain barriers to the complete effi-
ciency of the Act. The Board has found no way
of covering the man who wanders from job to
job, and the man who hires himself. But these
derelictions of the Act in no way minimize its
achievements. There is little reason to doubt that
If allowed to continue at the present rate of
development, the Social Security Act will soon
be recognized not as a mere New Deal project,
but as a permanent American institution.
-Emile Gele
Our Zoological
Cell Block
T HERE is one section on our campus
that a medieval torture chamber
could not have rivaled. We refer to that section
behind the medical building which the Uni-
versity proudly calls its "zoo."
In this "zoo," a few animals are caged in
cement pill-boxes where they pace back and
forth. There are only four brief walls confining
them, three made of wire, the fourth is part of
the wall of their shelter. One of three grey fox-
like animals, last week appeared ill, dragging its
hind paws; this week there are two in the cage.
The big bear sits there day after day, a pitiful
example of enforced patience.
This contribution to science is not so great
that the University could not afford to go with-
out it. Either send them to a place where they
can live comparatively freely, or let the Humane
Society put an end to this needless suffering.
-Jean Brodie
Kuhn Arrest
And Dewey Boom...
T OM DEWEY'S dramatic action
charging Fritz Kuhn, Nazi bund
leader, with grand larceny and forgery has met
with all kinds of speculation. Many sage political
observers find a possible motive, going deeper
than the criminal indictment.
Kuhn has repeatedly denied the charges. He
showed confidence in his innocence by waiving
extradition proceedings in Pennsylvania and
returning voluntarily to New York. Police detec-
tives questioning him always received the dogged,
insistent reply that he was unaware of the
purpose of those arresting him.
New York papers, however, were just recover-
ing from the huge headlines and reams of paper
devoted to. the Squalus tragedy; metropolitan
news was at a standstill. Ugly rumors of sabotage
were circulating.-
Word of New York's District Attorney's action
circulated rapidly. It was received as anothel
Dewey triumph. Yet, political observers probing
for something deeper than mere larceny and
forgery recall that Thomas E. Dewey's name
has been mehtioned as a possible Republican
presidential candidate in 1940.
The presidential race in 1940 will be a bitter
one; every vote, and significantly, every minority
group's vote, will count. Action against Kuhn-
symbol of Nazidom in the United States-would
do much to enlist the support of those who may
not agree with Dewey but agree less with Nazi
Possibly political strategists are reading too
much into a routine action by the District Attor-
ney's office-an action prompted after a weel's
investigation of the Bund leader's activities.
Suspicion about Dewey's motives, however, still
remains and only the future will tell if arresting
Kuhn marks the beginning of a Dewey boom.
-Patrick Beams
Student Apathy
Toward Culture .. .

ONCENTRATED efforts have been
going on for years in this country to
make the populace more appreciative of the
better things in life. Millions have been spent.
on museums, orchestras have operated at losses,
and many persons have devoted their lives to
the spreading of culture. And yet the results
have always been the same: the few who would
take advantage of the opportunities anyway, are
practically the only ones who visit these museums,
or attend these concerts.
Our campus is very similar to the country as
a whole in this respect. Except that we have here
many more opportunities for acquainting our-
selves with these better things. But apathy is,
evidently more entrenched in us than it is in
the nation at large. In spite of the opportunities,
in spite of our supposed enjoyment of a higher
level of culture, the proportion of students that
take advantage of the opportunities is far less
than in the philistine world.
A free concert was offered by the Band, last
Tuesday, for example, a concert that supposedly
appeals to all; yet the attendance barely filled
the lower foor of Hill Auditorium. And prob-
ably most of those present were either music
students or friends of members of the Band.
We come to a university to obtain a broad,
cultural viewpoint. We are surrounded by oppor-
tunities to realize this aim, and in fact, if there
were anyevidence of interest, we would probably
have even more opportunities.
The University's Little Symphony Orchestra
offers concerts with no admittance charge.
Organ recitals, art and sculpture exhibitions are
announced almost daily in The Daily Official

footloose citizen of Nazi Germany.'
In himself he testifies that stone walls do not
a prison make, and that there can be a kind of
regimentation in which a man surrenders his
soul more completely than in the routine arranged
for those who are locked in.
I do not want to seem melodramatic, but the
fine old phrase of a lost novel which swept this
country in spite of its cheap literary quality
comes back to me. As I remember, Uncle Tom
said to Simon Legree:-"You may own my body,
but my soul belongs to God."
And I can think of nothing more persuasive
and eloquent than Bergdoll's decision to take t
rap in his true homeland rather than continue
as a spiritual vassal under the direction of Der
I have stated my own opinion much too mildly
in suggesting that Bergdoll's sentence should be
halved. It would be even better to confine him in
military prison for a day and a night, and then
set him free as an honored guest at some testi-
monial dinner at which he should receive a sea-
son's pass to the World's Fair and an inexpensive
gold watch.
Somehow I seem to see him as one who has a
right to claim citizenship in the world of tomor-
As a matter of fact, his guilt in the first place
was somewhat technical. Liebowitz could have
gotten him off. Apparently he was not in any
true sense a conscientious objector with a strong
moral inhibition against any kind of warfare
whatsoever. When this state of mind is sincere
it certainly deserves the respect of any country.
Bergdoll, as far as I know, made no assertion
that he belonged in that group. But there is no
evidence, as far as I can see, that he evaded mili-
tary service because of any craven fear cr
cowardice. He was not completely rendered dowflt
in the Melting Pot when the great war came
After You, Mr.Krock
"There is," says the New York Times in a
leading editorial, "an unknown business man
who comes to the White House periodically to
argue with the President, and always loses." And
the editor goes on to kid the Chief Executive,
good humoredly enough, about the device which
is not unfamiliar in the Roosevelt broadcasts.
By a coincidence Mr. Arthur Krock, on the
same page and in the same paper, raises a
familiar spirit who appears to serve him in about
the same capacity as "the unknown business
man" of the Whte House. I refer to that unidenti-
fied insider who seems to furnish the able
Washington commentator with so large a portion
of his material. More and more Mr. Krock be-
comes a mystery man, floating about high above
the mundane newspaper world of tangible fact
and dealing only with those blithe spirits who are
wholly off the record.
I seem to see Krock himself hanging from a
cloud by his toes and releasing at convenient,
intervals some attendant carrier pigeon to carry
the goods news down to earth.
* * *
It would hardly be safe for any one of the
coterie except the bird to touch common clay or
cold corroboration. They have been off the record
so long that an actual name or address might
cause each one of them to shrivel into nothing
like Rider Haggard's "She" once the enchant-
ment of mystery had departed.
In all fairness to Mr. Krock he deals with more
than one disembodied demon. On some occasion
it may be a race track patron who discussed the
economics of WPA on a clubhouse porch with
Harry Hopkins. And again the startling story
may emanate from the unnamed diplomat who
confided to the Times exclusively that President
Roosevelt had invited Hitler and Mussolii ib
confer with him somewhere at sea. This particu-
lar yarn was so exclusive that the plan had
never come to the ears of the President, the
Fuehrer or the Duce.
There is an undoubtedly apocryphal story that
Arthur recently clambered into a cab in the
District of Columbia and gave the waiting drive
the destination. "What address?" said the hack-
man. In high dudgeon his fare replied,"Do you
take me for a reporter? I refuse to give you any
number. I'll have you know I'm a Washington
commentator, and everything I say or do is
strictly off the record."

You Too, Mr. Broun
(Editor's Note: We have received a statement from
Arthur Krock, chief of the New York Times Washing-
ton Bureau, with the request that it will be appreci-
ated if papers whichepublished the Broun column in
question will also publish the Krock statement.)
The Krock statement follows:
"In his most amusing column about me
Wednesday Mr. Broun strongly makes the un-
amusing implication that my sources are myths
and inventions. He bases the column upon one
of mine which related that an intimate friend of


assigned to him, but it should
certainly be cut in half or
made even shorter. By the
strange whirl of events the
man who was 'pictured al-
most as a Judas now becomes
one of the prize exhibits of
our democracy. Here is a per-
son who feels that there is
greater freedom in an
American prison than as a

fte feci1i Me
H lywood Broun
It seems to me that America ought to go very
light on Grover Cleveland Bergdoll. I don't hap-
pen to remember how long a sentence has been

The Editor
Gets Tod .. .
To the Editor:
According to the statement printed
in the box, the Michigan Daily is not
responsible for the "views of its Staff
Writers," however, it seems to me, The
Daily might be responsible for its
own policies. Therefore I rather won-,
der what reasons The Daily may have
in disseminating unfriendly and un-
truthful information about Poland.
There were several instances of it
during the past several months, how-
ever, I shall limit myself to the period
under the new editorial staff.
Right in the "inaugural" issue of
May 10th The Daily graciously con-
ceded Danzig and Pomorze to Hitler
by entitling the little map of these
regions "Hitler's Northeast Terri-
tory," which indicates that The Daily
did not learn anything about head-j
lines from the recent excellent articles
on press propaganda by Joseph Gies.
Or, is it a reflection of wishful think-
ing of Poland's enemies?
In the May 25th editorial, "Poland,
Pawn of Power . . ." the writer dis-
plays such an ignorance of the sub-
ject that it is utterly impossible to
polemize with him; he is so overfed
with anti-Polish propaganda that heĀ°
almost bemoans the "selfish motives"
of France and Great Britain in "tak-
ing pains to insure Poland's con-1
tinued independence."
Well, unfortunately Poland has
plenty of friends among the other
nations, based not only on apprecia-
tion of her merits in the history of1
Europe, but also on community of
vital interests, and only two enemies:
foolish ambitions of Hitler and cer-
tain wholly and international inter-
ests for whom Poland is an "obstacle"t
for Germany and Russia being weld-
ed together.
I wish to assure you that I am not
interested in counteracting any dis-
semination of anti-Polish feelings;t
the Polish government does not both-
er with it; the important chancellories
of the world are well and correctlyI
informed about Poland and after all
the truth will always prevail. How-
ever, H. A. Goldman "deferent" to
Hitler's mendacious claims cuts a1
funny face on an editorial page ofs
The Daily. -F. W. Pawlowski
The Japanese Blockade
If ever a national policy was dictat-
ed simultaneously by strength andt
weakness, it is the newly announcedt
Japanese naval blockade of allI
Chinese ports. Indication of such a
policy came in the molestation ofi
British and French liners on the highi
seas by boarding parties from Japa-
nese warships.hBefore international1
complications had time to developt
from either of these incidents, Japa-
nese navy spokesmen explained theset
actions as part of a virtual blockade
of shipping on the China coast.
"It is not a question of rights, but.
of what Japanese authorities de-
mand," said the spokesman in dis-
cussing the halting of the British
liner Ranpura and thenFrenchliner
Aramis. Thus Japan now takes the
action which she feared to take a
year ago.
It is a safe guess that Japan's tim-
ing of the blockade announcement
coincides with the engagement of
England and France with their case
of "Hitleritis." As long as those two
nations fear the spread of that dis-
ease in Europe. though naturally
they have filed sharp diplomatic pro-
tests with Japan, they are in no con-
dition to move fleet units to the
Orient. The Japanesetare famous for
their ability to put the pressure on
or turn it off in accordance with
the needs of the moment.

But there is probably another and
equally important angle to it and
that is pressure on Japan from the
Chinese situation itself. Japanese
casualties from the conflict to date
are estimated at 750,000 and the
falling yen in relationship to the
Shanghai dollar gives clear indica-
tion that the financial strain on the
island empire is rapidly reaching the
breaking point.
In other words while Japan prob-
ably thinks this is the opportunity
to blockade all China with a mini-
mum risk of British-French involve-
ment, she knows that she is sinking
deeper in the Chinese morass every
month with her chances of getting
out with a whole skin becoming less
every day.
-St. Louis Star-Times
So They Say.. .
REFERENDUM - We regard the
war referendum as impractical and
unwise, and we share the doubt ex-
pressed by Senator Norris that it
would aid materially in keeping the
country out of war. We can barely
imagine a Congress of men like Norris
of Nebraska, brave enough to oppose
war when the people want it. Even
less likely, it seems to us, is a Con-
gress that would vote for war before
evidence of the people's will to fight
had become unmistakable and over-
whelming, as it was in 1917. -New
York World-Telegram.
* * *

(Continued from Page 2)
tion prizes in the Mental Hygiene of
The University of Michigan an-
nounces, through a gift of the George
Davis Bivin Foundation, Inc., the
availability for the year 1938-39 of
several prizes for graduate and un-
dergraduate students for the en-
couragement of research and study
on problems concerned With the men-
tal hygiene of childhood. Similar
awards were made for the year 1936-
37 and 1937-38.
Awards of $35, $20 and $10 are
offered to graduate students for a
Master's thesis or special studies.
Awards of $20, $10 and $5 are offered
for papers submitted by advanced
undergraduate students.
The following conditions govern
the awards:
1. Papers may be submitted by stu-
dents in any division of the Univer-
2. Doctoral dissertations are ex-
cluded from consideration for the
3. In order to be considered for an
award for the current year, papers
must reach the chairman of the com-
mittee, 2509 University Elementary
School, not later than 4 p.m., June
5, 1939.
4. Copies of all prize winning pa-
pers are to be sent to the Secretary
of the Foundation. The Foundation
reserves the right to publish such
papers if it so desires.
5. Awards may be withheld if, in
the judgment of the committee, no
papers of sufficient merit are con-
tributed. The committee also re-
serves the right to adjust the amounts
when papers of equal merit are sub-
mitted, or if such division will better
serve the purposes of the grant.'
6. The following committee has
been designated by the Graduate
School to administer the award:
Professor Martha Guernsey Colby,
Professor Howard Yale McClusky,
and Professor WillArd C. Olson
C. S. Yoakum,
Automobile Regulation:
The following schedule will. mark
the lifting of the Automobile Regula-
tion for students in the various col-
leges and departments in the Unkver-
sity. Exceptions will not be made
for students who complete their work
in advance of the last day of class ex-
aminations: All students in the fol-
lowing departments will be required
to adhere strictly to this schedule.
College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts: All classes. Tuesday, June
13, at 12 noon.
College of Architecture: All classes.
Tuesday, June 13, at 12 noon.
School of Business Administration:
All classes. Tuesday, June 13, at 12

(Bureau of Home Economics, Dept.
of Agriculture).
Complete announcements are on
file at the University Bureau of Ap-
pointments and Occupational Infor-
mation, 201 Mascn Hal; office hours:
9-12 and 2-4.
R.O.T.C. members are reminded of
the Memorial Day formation, regard-
less of the weather, 10:00 a.m. today,
at Waterman Gymnasium.
Teachers: I would like to meet all
students who are receiving a teaching
certificate either in June or August,
in Room 205 Mason Hall, Thursday,
June 1, at 4:15 p.m.
T. Luther Purdom, Director
University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Infor-
Seniors: Official Senior Class
Commencement Booklets and Fold
Announcements are now on sale at
Burr, Patterson and Aud Co., 603
Church Street.
Notice to N.Y.A. Applicants: Stu-
dents who feel they will need finan-
cial assistance through the National
Youth Administration next year
should leave their summer addresses
with Miss Elizabeth A. Smith, Room
2, University Hall, before the close of
this semester.
Men's Judiciary Council Petitions.
All undergraduates of second se-
mester Junior standing, wishing to
petition for a position on the Men's
Judiciary Council, should turn in pe-
titions setting forth their qualifica-
tions for membership on the Council
to the Union Student Offices in care
of Hadley Smith. Deadline Wednes-
day, May 31.
Academic Notices
Final Doctoral Examination of Mr.
Nelson Fuson will be held on Wed-
nesday, May 31 at 3 p.m. in the East
Council Room, Rackham Bldg. Mr.
Fuson's field of specialization is
Physics. The title of his thesis is "The
Far Infrared Absorption Spectrum
and the Rotational Structure of the
Heavy Water Vapor Molecule."
Professor H. M. Randall, as chair-
man of the committee, will conduct
the examination. By direction of the
Executive Board, the chairman has
the privilege of inviting members of
the faculty and advanced doctoral
candidates to attend the examination
and to grant permission to others
who might wish to be present.
C. S. Yoakum.
Final Doctoral Examination ofMr.
Lowell Sinn Selling will be held on
Wednesday, May 31 at 2 p.m. in Room'
2, Waterman Gymnasium. Dr. Sell-
ing's field of specialization is Hy-
giene andsPublic Health. The title
of his, thesis is "An Analysis of the
Causes of Homicidal Mortality: A
Study of Two Hundred Forty-Two
Cases of Murderers Examined in the
Psychopathic Clinic of the Recorder's
Dr. J. Sundwall, as chair-
man of the committee, will conduct
the examination. By direction of the
Executive Board, the chairman has
the privilege of inviting members of
the faculty and advanced doctoral
candidates to attend the examination
and to grant permission to others
who might wish to be present.'
C. S. Yoakum.
Final Doctoral Examination of Mr.
Joseph Edwards Van Riper will be
held on Wednesday, May 31 at 2 p.m.
in 15 Angell Hall. Mr. Van Riper's
field of specialization is Geography.
The title of his thesis is "Some Geo-
graphic Aspects of the Rural Zoning
Problem in Marquette County, Mich-
Prof. K. C. McMurray, as chair-
man of the committee, will conduct
the examination. By direction of the

Executive Board, the chairman has
the privilege of inviting members of
the 'faculty and advanced doctoral
candidates to attend the examination
and to grant permission to others who
might wish to be present.
C. S. Yoakum.
Final Doctoral Examination of Mr.
Carl W. Nelson will be held on Wed-
nesday, May 31. at 3 p.m. in 411A
West Engineering Bldg. Mr. Nelson's
field of specialization is Engineering
Mechanics. The title of his thesis is
"Stresses and Displacements in a
Hollow Circular Cylinder.'"
Prof. J. A. Van den Broek, as chair-
man of the committee, will condidet
the examination. By direction of
the Executive ,Board, the chairman
has the privilege of inviting mem-
bers of the faculty and advanced doc-
toral candidates to attend the ex-
amination and to grant permission to
others who might wish to be present.
C. S. Yoakum.
Mathematics Final Exams, (College

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University)
Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30 P.M.;
11:00 A.M. on Saturday.


of Education: All classes:
June 13, at 12 noon.
of Engineering: All classes.
June 13, at 12 noon.
of Forestry: All classes.
June 13, at 12 noon,

School of Music: All classes. Tues-
day, June 13, at 12 noon.I
College of Pharmacy: All classes.
Tuesday, June 13, at 12 noon.1
School of Dentistry:
Freshman class; Wednesday, June
7, at 12 noon.
Sophomore class; Saturday, June
3, at ,11 a.m.
Junior class; Friday, June 2, at 11
Senior class; Friday, June 2, at 10
Hygienists; Thursday, June 8, at 12
Law School:
Freshman class; Tuesday, June 6,
at 12 noon.
Junior class; Wednesday, June 7, at
11:30 a.m.
Senior class; Wednesday, June 7,
at 11:30 a.m.
Medical School:
Freshman class; Thursday, June
8, at 12 noon.
Sophomore class; Saturday, June
10, at 12 noon.
Junior class; Saturday, June 10, at
12 noon.
Senior class; Saturday, June 3, at
12 noon.
Graduate School: All classes,
Tuesday, June 13, at 12 noon.
Candidates for Masters' Degree;
Tuesday, June 13, at 12 noon.
Candidates for Doctors' Degree;
Friday, June 2, at 5 p.m.
Office of the Dean of Students.
Senior Engineers: Commencement
Announcements will be distributed in
West Engineering Building (above
arch) on Wednesday, Thursday and
Friday, from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Pay-
ments must be completed and receipts
presented in order to secure an-
The University Bureau of Appoint-

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