j THE MICHIGAN DAILY WENESDA University Wind Tunnel Benefits Plane Research The eight-foot University wind tunnel has played an important part in recent developments in industrial and military aeronautical research, it was learned yesterday. "Whenever any radical change in design or in the size of an airplane is undertaken," a recent statement by the Department of Engineering Re- search declares, "it is essential that the effect of the changes on the speed, stability and control be studied. Research work in wind tunnels has progressed to a point where studies carried forward on models in modern wind tunnels result in accurate infor- mation on the effects." Models of the airplanes to be test- ed are suspended on wires and placed n the University wind tunnel, which has a maximum throat opening of eight feet and a maximum wind speed of 110 miles per hour. The wind velocity ranges from 15 miles per hour up. The models are generally five to six feet, from wing tip to wing tip. The air which is played on the model is drawn around a miniature plane and then back again, thus attaining a high efficiency. Some of the most important phases of the research deal with measure- ment of lifting and resistance forces1 of the model. In the testing of the Lockheed "Electra" in the accom- panying photograph, wax was used to reproduce the windshield, air resist- ance and glare problems. Chess Expert Will Give Exhibition Tomorrow. I. A. Horowitz, former American Chess Federation champion, will give an exhibition of simultaneous chess 7:30 p.m. tomorrow at the Union. The exhibition, for which no admis- sion is being charged, is sponsored jointly by the Union, the Faculty Club and the Ann Arbor Chess Club. 'Mr. Horowitz will first lecture on simultaneous chess, and playing will begin at 8:30 Resident Regent Race Finishes Tomorrow At G.O.P. Conclave 11"wilock Beer arrives sprng sn't Far Behind More reliable than the shadows (This is the last in a series of articles Manistique, and Mason P. Rumney,. thrown by groundhogs or .the fore- impartiallv presenting information on Detroit industrialist. casts given by weather experts, the the candida-tes and prospective candi- dates for Regent.) Herbert will have complete control roturn of the caramel colored brew By STAN M. SWINTON of the Upper Peninsula delegation. knmwn a5 bock truly heralds tlie re- ! aving received the endorsement ofnw sboktuyhrad h e FLINT. Feb. 21 (Special to The Walter F. Gries of Ishdemin fhn turn of spring. In spite of the snow Daily)-This industrial city, whose he withdrew from the contest. on the gruznd s and the chill ingthe sit-down strikes provided the Repub- Kipke's greatest strength is x- airstudent uzlers know that spring lican partyawith much of the cam- has come at last, for, co-incident lican party with much of the cam- pected in the Wayne County area. with the end of the first semester, paign material used in upsetting the That delegation, by far the largest bock has returned to the local beer Democratic administration last No- at the convention, is headed by Ed- dispensares vember prepared tonight for the ward N. Barnard of Detroit, who is G.O.P. state convention which opens definitely pledged for Kip. Kent The return of bock, moreover, gives tomorrow morning. County is also believed to favor therrse to the perennial stories about it Primary interest centers around former coach.'and its , raison d etre. the battle for the two nominatidns to the Board of Regents. Pre-con- vention gossip has it that Harry G. Kipke, former football coach, is likely to get the nomination unless a number of delegations forget their pledges. Alfred Connable also is re- ceiving considerable mention as a candidate in case a revolt against Kipke breaks out on the floor. Rudolph E. Reichert, president of' the Ann Arbor Savings and Commer- cial Bank, is considered a possible dark-horse and compromise candi- date despite the fact that he still has not declared whether he will run or not. He is known to have considerable backing around the state, early arrivals declare. While the race for the resident regency will be a hot one, much in- terest centers around the out-state ;andidate. Mentioned are James K. Watkins, well-known Detroit attor- ney; R. Spencer Bishop of Flint,, president of the Michigan Alumni Association; Joseph J. Herbert of Prof. Espinosa Will Give Spanish Talk Tomorrow The first in this semester's series of Spanish lectures sponsored by La Sociedad Hispanica will be given by Prof. Jose E. Espinosa, director of the, Department of Romance Languages at the University of Detroit, at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow in Room 103 Romance, Language Building. His subject will+ be "Spanish Realism and Litera- ture." Connable has strength in the southwestern portion\ of the state, the Northern Peninsula and has scat- tered promises of aid from other dis- tricts. In concluding this series it would be well to add a bit of information deleted from yesterday's article be- cause of space limitations. Charles C. Lockwood, the Detroit attorney who is paired with Dr. Dean Myers of Ann Arbor on the Demo- cratic slate, is one of the state's most prominent liberals. A graduate of the University literary college who laterl tookp a law degree in Detroit. Carnegie Award , To Aid Librarians The American Library Association,, under the provisions of a grant from the Carnegie Corporation of New York, has announced- the offer of grants-in-aid to graduates for the further study of library science. The grants which vary from $750 to $1500 may be applied for by writ- ing to Francis L. D. Goodrich, Col- lege of the City of New York Library, chairman of the committee, said Warren W. Bishop, Librarian. Applications for 1939-40 should be filed before Feb. 15,; and should include a report of the applicant's age, record of college work, library experience, knowledge of foreign languages and a proposed plan for study. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from PAge 4) 408 of the Romance Language Bldg. All students irterested may apply. Ann Arbor Independent Women will have their reglar business and social meeting Thursday, Feb. 23, at 4:30, in the Michigan League. Important announcements will be made, so everyone should be there if possible. The room for the meeting will be posted on, the bulletin board. The Michigan Damncs Drama Group will meet Thursday at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Carl V. Weller, 1130 Fair Oaks Parkway. Those desiring transportation should meet at the League at 7:45. The Class in Current Pewish Prob- lems will meet at Hillel Foundation Thursday at 8 p.m. Dr. Rabinowitz will complete the discussion. begun last week on the problem of the syna- gogue as an institution. All welcome. Hillel Cost Supper: The first in the new series of Hillel Cost Suppers will be given this coming Sunday eve- ning, Feb. 26. Under this new plan there will be table service and hot nieals, followed immediately by the regular Sunday night forum. Reser- vations are limited to 40 and must be made by Friday. Enjoy the Post tonight! IS THE U.S. PREVENTING (or provoking) A NEW WORID WAR? } What one country worries Europe most today? Germany? Italy? Russia? Japan? No, the answer is the United States. A brilliant foreign correspondent reaches this conclusion after gathering evidence from behind the European scene, where statesmen fear that Uncle Sam may upset the bomb racks. See Uncle Sam Scares Europe, by Demaree Bess. - - -0 They toy with DEATH UNDER THE RIVER l "Sand hogs"have their choice of three quick, easy ways to die. They can be drowned, trapped by fire, killed by compressed air. No wonder they call river tunneling a man's job-a crazy man's!l Here's the story of the young mechanic who licked a job no old-timer would touch. You Can't Stop a Guy Like That, says Borden Chase. THE SPY they wouldn't believe 00" It was March, 1936 ... and Hitler was moving into the Rhineland. Would he'backdown if France mobilized? Only one Frenchman knew-and the Army wouldn't believe him! A dramatic story of espionage: Crisis by William C. White.- BAGPIPE MUSIC in a swamp? It gave Dr. MisCally the shock of his life. Here's the strange story the Doc learned one night from The Pipe Majorof Little Sorrowful. A short story by Glenn Allan. "IMAGINE THAT HIRED GIRLT making eyes at our son !" said Mrs. Timble. "Why, I think that just shows taste, natural good taste," said her husband. 20 years old, and the itI fHIDU' 15!GAL 1I ALL ARIZONA!" Here's a new kind of heroine-slim young Phoebe Titus, who had reddish- chestnut hair and a ready hand with a Sharps rifle. Fighting her own way through Arizona of the 60's ... a land overrun by Apache raiders, Mexican ban- dits, gamblers, murderers, and riffraff from the States. Fearing ho nian in the Southwest-yet finding there the one man she could love. Start an exciting new novel in this week's Post. First of eight installments. A smashing, action-packed romance of the old Southwest I "Arizona" by CLARENCE BUDINGTON KELLAND WUlED II BOSIDESSIBAD OUTTRIIS POUTICIRUS that's news.! A Businessmen ad- mitted Washington their master at the ? game of words. But one dissented--Wendell L. Willkie. And New: Dealers, after the TVA- a Comm on wealth>:> & Southern deal, ad- mitted they had met their master. TI lhnman Who Talked Back udooa 'ieylukke7 honKdo yoashoota BYPOThETICf. BULLET r ------ osTyou wer '.b Suppse ou were an antiait tgunner. And Wee rordered to beat off a sham attack with "hypothetical" bullets, and no search- lights? What would you do? That's the puzzler Luke Dorgan's regi- ment faced. You'll find their solution in Luke Brings Home the Beacon I